Light Teaches How to Play Fox

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foreign welcome to Foxy constructed episode three this episode is gonna be Combos and routes things that do work with Fox things that don't work with Fox when they're going to work and most importantly the really extreme stuff if it's even worth going for if you sh when you should go for it everything you need to know all right as everyone knows Fox obviously has a lot of combos he has a lot of things at low mid and high percents that will help him combo very easily he doesn't really struggle to get the damage so this is going to be the fun part for combo starters we have Nair Dash attack up till down so F tilt side b sometimes bear falling up air and dare there is a lot to work with but you need to know how to work with them first before going into this I do want to add that I do think smash stick is the better preference for Fox players it is what you're most comfortable with at the end of the day but smash stick helps Fox get those kill confirms with up smash it's going to be your main killing route and you're going to get the damn no matter was a fox player you don't need to do special combos with tilt stick [Music] foreign [Music] combo range we're going to be starting off with an air first so first up on the near list we have narrative jab at zero percent this is a strong zero percent combo it's very safe on most characters because you're landing on them with strong Nair and it does a good amount of damage it could do anywhere from like 20 to 27 that is a very good move that's a very good combo that lets you get off to a range where you can start getting the better and heavier combos okay so here we're gonna have strong narrow into grab this one's good for a multitude of reasons one of them being that if you don't react to actually hitting them with strong Nair or softener for that matter you could still do a grab mix-up on their Shield because it's a really good option versus most of the cast another thing is if you do hit them and not only are you going to get good damage still over 20 percent you're going to get better positioning than you would have if you were to do near jab because you could choose where you want to throw them so next we're going to have strong mirror into Dash attack this one is probably the one I recommend the least just for the fact that you could get strong narrative dashtag upsell afterwards but you have to blur in so low to the ground the timing is very tight it's going to be very hard to hit on a bunch of different models of characters and you can end up putting yourself in a very punctual position for that all right at a slightly higher percent we have landing near into upsilt Strings which is really good you get a lot out of it and if you decide to end your up tilts when you realize that you can't do them anymore instead of going for like a true common error or you can instead go for a mix up where you could catch their Landing you could wait for them you could try to Parry see how they expend their next option it's really good for doing a lot of damage and it's really good for burning their options in some scenarios you can even end your up till early and you can do F2 and put them in a tech Chase scenario it's a very good combo and one that you're going to want to be using a lot as a fox man here at a slightly higher percent is probably one of my personal favorite combos which is going to be landing near into down toe this is a very good one because it leads into a lot of mix up if they die in you can get up air strings if they di out you could still do a rare bear in some scenarios if they di like either in or like slightly out you can do a fair drag down and allows you to get a tech Chase scenario or whatever mix-up you want this string should always lead to high percent and very good positioning it's your imagination and it's whatever you want once you hit this string just do what is best for you and what is worse for your character that you're going against like I said landing near into down so is one of my favorite combo starters at higher percents probably around 30. you can use it at softener and softener will still combo into the down tilt and you can still get a lot of damage there it's something you're really gonna learn how to use as a foxman all right next we're going to be going into Dash tag all right starting off with Dash attack we're gonna have Dash attack up till at zero percent it works at slightly higher percents as well this is a very weird one because this setup could put you negative versus some characters you want to be careful versus who you use it against and versus characters that it doesn't put you negative like verses it will put you in a scramble scenario a Scrabble scenario where you do have the advantage because you are the one creating the scenario but it does put you in a scramble if you are not good at scrambles I would recommend staying away from this mix-up but if you are good at scrambles and you like creating that scenario where you have like when your backs are faced to each other and you have like the last hit then I would 100 go for this it is something that I go for and it is something that can be very useful you know I think the scramble will usually work out in Box means favors because you're the one creating it it's worth noting that dashtag upsell is technically negative on the entire cast but most of the castles I have the frame to actually punish it or deal with it so they end up having to do an air Dodge a jump or something like that after the up till which creates a mix-up scenario that benefits you some characters do have the tools to do which with it which is why it is negative on him versus others but most of the Cavs does not have the Frame data too next up we're going to have Dash tag into F till you were a God if you hit this combo it is a very hard one to hit because it's a very specific hit of Dash attack you have to hit the front hit but if you do you get a nice combo string that you could either lead into more stack F tilts or you can lead into Dash check into up till and they're at a higher percent so it will just chain better it is a very hard but very useful combo string other than that there are not many other things that dashtag leads to at a lower percent range so the best thing you can do after hitting a dash tag and you feel like it's not going to combo is you could either try to Parry an option you could flick your Shield to Parry if they don't attack or you can go for an air Dodge read or a jump read it's very easy to go for these reads when you have the badge because they're in the air so feel confident in doing them and you'll get a lot of mileage through it all right next we're going to be going into up tilts up till does a really good job of just comboing into itself if you don't combo into itself your other options combing it into a Nair or an F till and it also has the same effect as a dash attack where you can create a mix-up where you could flicker your shield for a Parry or just go for a jump air Dodge read it as well foreign next we have detail a really good move not Fox's main combo starter but one that he wishes was his main combo starter because it just always leads to a lot of damage Danto can lead into fair that leads into up errors or another fair if need be that same fare can be led into a drag down stat that leads into a jab Lock And if not a jab lock a tech Chase scenario it could also lead into down so bear who leads into Dash attack up till end to a mix-up scenario and finally could also lead into up air if you haven't been able to tell by now this move leads into pretty much anything and you can get very creative with it here you're going to be seeing a down so into Fair drag down letting the last it hit so you can hit a rising fare into op air this combo does 56 percent it's very strong and it's very technical you can do a lot with down tilt another example of a wacky combo would be down till into bear bear Dash attack on floating on floating your characters you could definitely hit down till into bear bear up smash or even get more creative than that but this is a very good idea of how this move gets very technical and does a lot of damage next up we're going to have F2 and as you can imagine there's not going to be too much here and between nine and twenty percent character dependent you can do F2 into Dash tag it's really all you have for F2 at the lower percent though next up we're going to be having side B this is something that really should never be used at lower percent but my job here is to give you everything so here we go depending on the hit of side B you get at lower percents you are pretty much going to be hitting nothing uh which is why I strongly don't recommend it it's really just not a safe option but if you do manage it at a lower percent you can create a jump read a pair read or an air Dodge read it just depends on what you want to go for if you measure at the right of side B at lower percents then you could combo into a bear which should lead into a dash tag you already have the other Mix-Ups but this is a true combo and if you're a psychopath you could actually do side B at zero percent which combos into F2 which combos into dashtag into imagination again it's something that is very rarely ever going to happen and it's something I really do not recommend but it is something that is possible as Fox and next up we're going to be talking about the move bear starting off we're going to be having Landing bear into Dash tag a very quick easy bread and butter for all my till 6 lovers we have Landing bear into turnaround downtill we can do it as well if we use smash stick but it's obviously much easier if you use tilt stick for you who like to use it it's up to you next up we're going to have bear into Dash attack into F till a very strong option that can lead into another Dash stack but it's really important to use because it can get your opponent off stage and it's very good positioning for Fox next up we're going to have Landing Baron's a jab a strong combo but it's not one that I would recommend it is good damage but it doesn't put them in a position where you could really like capitalize on it I would highly recommend only doing this if they are at the edge of the stage so you could jab them off stage next we have letting bear into Dash grab this is a very strong one as well because again it's not the most damage that you can get as a fox main but it also leads to Great positioning and it does moderate damage and next up we have a bear starting off we have sure how a bear that leads into another up air if you fall hop it if done correctly you actually can fastball this which should lead into more up airs up airing is more about how you position yourself when you do them which allows you to just get more up airs here we have a falling up air into opt out this could create a scramble scenario or it can also make your opponent burn their jump depending on what they do it could either be a kind of good scenario for you or a really good scenario for you more Cobble starters that you can do at lower percents or pretty much at any percent with up air is falling on somebody with up air it does lead into a lot of things but I personally do not recommend it because falling up there is a very small hitbox and it takes a good amount of time to set up you can get swat out while trying to set it up or you just might not even land it at all so I really don't recommend going for it if you do understand how to use it then go ahead and do it it does lead into a lot and have fun doing it something a little bit more useful than falling up air we're going to be leading on into there now there has really strong combo routes and when you hit Auto cancel there it pretty much leads into guaranteed like 40 to 50 percent per hit so starting off with the landing there we have Landing there into jab a weak but doable conversion next we're gonna be having Landing Darren to dashtag a good conversion that can create another mix of scenario another Scramble for you to win Auto cancel there is a move this move leads into Fair leads into up air it leads into a lot of stuff and you can get a lot of damage for it especially if you catch someone's jump in midair you can do a lot with this move again this move can lead into a lot of things leads into imagination you can get a lot of damage in good positioning for it so you need to learn how to use a Spoke okay so now we're gonna be talking about combos at Mid percents 40 to 60 range let's get right into it first off we're gonna be starting off with an air Dash tag a combo that puts them in a pretty bad position depending on where they're at at the stage next we're gonna have Nair s bash antonere up smash narrow up smash is not one that I really recommend but near s smash is one that I will just for positions where you want to get your opponent off stage that bad there are other ways to do it but if you're not too confident in your routes this is a beginner way to get your opponent off stage and do a good amount of damage at the top of it percent we have strong narrow into a tech Chase scenario this is a really good one because Fox is one of the best if not the best tech Chasers in the game you get so much out of it so this is a really good scenario that you want to create a lot of the time if you imagine hit a soft to the narrative a strong hit you can still comment to grab and get very good damage and positioning off of it another thing you could do with softener is to softener into down smash again something I wouldn't really recommend unless you're at a lower level and you were just trying to get your opponential stage with a good amount of damage it is something that you can do but there are better options as well you could also combo softener into hardener wow go figure and doing this creates a very good taxation scenario remember we want to create those as a fox main while the stronger options for Fox in this percentage range is softener into up tilt strings it can lead into a lot of damage and very good mix-up slash scramble scenarios again Nara is one of your strongest moves as a fox man it's very good for using at pretty much any percent and it's really strong to land on your opponents especially when they don't have an option to deal with being landed on moving on for 4 to 60 combos we have to hashtag starting off with Dash attack we have dashtag into up till a rather weak conversion because it barely connects it's not one I would personally recommend you can also do the sync conversion if you get a late hit hashtag but it's pretty much the same end result where you just don't really want to go for dash tag into up tilt next we have late hit hashtag into F tilt this can create a mix-up sometimes combo into Dash tag or make people burn their resources not a bad option at all it's definitely one I'd say you want to go for sometimes another way to convert off is also just waiting for your opponent to expand one of their options which can be attack air Dodge or jump either way waiting for one can still be a very strong option I think it's very important to express that if you don't have a combo that you can do as Fox it's the worst thing to do in the world if you try to force it the best thing you can do in those scenarios are wait and understand that your combo is not in fact combo it flickering your Shield is a very strong option in these scenarios because not only does it cost like just a few frames to do it you don't move anywhere and you don't position yourself in a weird way so if your opponent does jump or air Dodge you should still be in position to punish them and if they do draw an attack since you flickered your Shield your Perry should cover that as well this is a very strong option as Fox and one you will find yourself doing all the time if you were playing bucks correctly next up we're going to be having Dash attack into fast Fall Fair this conversion really only works on people with frame 4 air Dodges worse but it could also work in scenarios where people choose to not go out of air Dodge if they throw out an attack that's not that fast or try to jump and they have a bigger body you can just catch them and drag them down as well okay moving on into upto as everyone knows where up till it has up till loot 7 leads into really good Mix-Ups scramble scenarios and sometimes can lead into jump quads air Dodge calls or Perry callouts okay next up we're gonna have upsil into F2 which if you do not angle this move it will not put them in a tech case scenario at this position range but if you do angle it it will put them into a scenario which obviously is what you're going to want to go for here Tech Chase equals good here we have up tilt into surehob dare something I don't particularly go for but it is something that is a doable option if you do it correctly you can leave this into a dash grab or a dash attack and get good mileage off it the problem with doing this option is that there is not a very big move and if you try to do this and you don't move your deer in the correct spot they could fall out of your dare because you did it improperly still possible to do but I'd be careful doing it next up we have up till into Fair it's a move that if they die in it we'll put them directly above Fox and if they di out it will probably put them off stage or just slightly away from Fox either way is a very good position okay so in the 40 to 60 range downtill doesn't really have as many use as it does at lower percent that's really when you're going to want to use it but I'm still going to show you what you can and can't do with down to okay for downside we're gonna have down so bear and down to Fair both short and simple combos that do good positioning and do good damage as well next we're gonna have downtown I'll smash this mainly works if they die in it can be character dependent but otherwise it's a din mix-up down so into up error works as well again on Dien a very strong conversion if you can catch some lacking the strongest option that you could do on di out is down till into Fair drag down Tech Chase creating this scenario again is very strong and this is the best thing you could do with down toe at this percent foreign next up on the list is F2 and the only thing it really does in this percent range is create Tech J scenarios obviously that is very good and very strong for Fox it just doesn't do much other than that next we're going to be talking about side Beyond this list and this move just gets better and better the higher percent you go it's still not a very safe move but it does get better because it just gets less dependent on where you hit it you don't have to hit it full range or very close up you can basically hit this for anywhere that's not immediately in their face and get damage for it starting off with the things you could do with sideway at this percent is side B into Fair a very simple thing you can do but it's very strong and good positioning as well next up you have side being to up air inside being to Bear side B into up air is obviously the stronger one but side means the bear is something you can do as well if you're not quite in position as you get higher percent bear becomes more of a laundry move more than a combo move and it's something you're going to be using just for putting on pressure and getting your opponent off stage in a really uncomfortable position the things you can do with it though is I have no percents versus heavier characters who can combo back air into a combo string but not really on anyone else and then of course the same thing you could do on the characters that are not super heavy is create a tech Chase scenario as we talked about very strong moving on into up air up air is very self-explanatory it combos into itself and does really good damage another thing you can do with up air at low percentage do a falling up area into Rising dare into bear a combo you will never see me hit but if you do hit this combo you are rather sick for that and finally we have falling up air into drag down fare again falling up air isn't super viable but as you do manage ahead at doing a drag down into fair is a very good option because it creates Fox's favorite tech Chase they're a move that's always going to be viable no matter the percent it doesn't get any stronger the higher percent it goes like the combos just get simpler like probably one hit after dare the reason it's still so strong though at combo percent is because it's still like a very safe option to go for going for auto cancel there or deer mix up on people's Shield so though the combos are not strong you will find yourself doing these Mix-Ups very often if you're playing Fox right starting off we have a simple dare into Dash tag this leads into another mix up where you can create Perry air Lodge or jump scenarios next we have Auto cancel Darren to a fair drag down Tech chase a very good scenario for Fox and I've said it so many times why so I'm sure you guys can guess if you're not lined up for a fair drag down Tech chase another thing you can do is do a simple up smash if you want to end your combo early something I recommend for the lower level or you can do a bear if that's how you react or just a normal fare you can even do upbears if you are ready it all depends on your positioning when you land this Auto cancel there and with your opponent's positioning is as well next is going to be my favorite on the list is the auto cancel their loops on Heavies this is a very funny thing to do and it works very well on them you can keep them in there for a good while if you mix it if you read their Di and you can finish it off with an upper or back here okay that's it for Mid presents now we're gonna be moving on to higher percents anything like Combos and percent range of 70 to 120 is what we're going to be talking about let's go all right we're going to be starting off with the bread and butter killer we have soft Nair into up smash softener into up smash is probably going out to be how you get most of your kills as a fox Mane it is very strong and it is your most reliable kill option another thing we're gonna have for narrow is near Dash tag I know you're going to be asking yourself why would I do Nair Dash tag when I can narrow up Smash and the answer to that is actually very simple if you know your character and you know the character you're going against you should be able to tell when jerk up smash is not going to kill and you don't want to stale it so you'll just go for a near Dash attack to not steal that option next we're going to have softener into down smash this is going to be very good for people who have poor recoveries and are trying to di for up smash they naturally di out and that's putting them further towards a blast zone not to mention the down smash sounds at a very crazy angle that puts them downwards and very hard for them to get back from next we're going to be having softener into grab obviously the same thing as software Dash attack you're going to want to use this if you don't want to burn your up Smash and stale it when it's not going to kill the only difference here is that it's going to be very good for positioning now this is where things are going to be a little harder you have soft Nair leaning in with into forward smash this is harder because you have to lean in and make sure your opponent's slightly into you when you hit this but is a very good di mix up on people when they are again diying for up smash people will mostly will be dying for up smash because that is fox's primary kill option okay so this column is something that I would never recommend going for I've hit this just off pure reaction and it is Labs it is something that you can do and that is landing a soft Nair into a dash back dash forth Dash attack late hit it into a bear or an up Smash It is a true combo a very hard combo to hit but it is doable I put this in here because it's gold it's pretty freaking cool and here this is the standard at two high percents you were going to be in positions where up smash is just not a true combo from Nair anymore so you're gonna have to learn how to react or read your opponent well and get a up smash tag gets a little funky when we hit these percents mainly the ones that you're gonna be converting off for late hits because if you were able to lay the head Dash attack at higher percent it will often lead to a Kill starting off we're gonna have late hit dashtag into bear this kills especially if they're dying away because they just got hit by Dash tag is a very strong option at ledge and it's one of the things that makes Vlogs blood strapping Berry deadly at a lower percent you could actually hit Dash tag lay it into F Smash and it props up just high enough to get kicked in the face it kills very early if you hit this at later percents you can go for late hit hashtag at the ledge and top smash it to the F smash this only works if they're dying in however if they are dying out that's when you would go for the standard backer instead of smash or rap smash moving on to upto if you hit the front hit up tilt you can hit a bear at ledge it's gonna be pretty deadly and if people are dying away it will surely kill if the positioning ends up different you can go for up till up there instead if they die in then up to up there or up till backer might not even convert but if they don't die in and you just get the raw hit up up till you have to react to whether it's going to be a bear hit or an up air hitch depends on where they end up going how close they are to you rather similar to up air and back air hitting up tilt front into up smash is a combo and it can kill very early because you were hitting the top hit of up smash now for the back of the episode we could actually hit up till into Fair drag down hitting this obviously leads into a tech Chase scenario which can lead it to a Kill if you are good enough blending detail this person won't get you much unless your opponent diss in in which case you can go for a rising fare a rising bear or even a rising up air the media's conversion you can get on down till window di or din is down so into down air rising down air into Rising back air it is a hard conversion to Gap but you are clean as hell if you get it felt makes similar appearance in this high percent range except it's not nearly as good if they don't Dey properly it could lead to a tech Chase scenario which could lead to a Kill but otherwise if they do die properly and Di up it will not lead to any Tech Chase whatsoever side of me being its most lenient a high percent leads into a friendly kill of up air not really having to worry about where you space this move you should have enough time to run and hit the up air no matter where you do it backer follows the common trend of not doing much other than setting up Tech Chase scenarios at higher percent at this point it is used for a poking tool or a tool to just gets your opponent off stage and pressure the hell out of them upper gets a little trickier at these percents this is starting to be where up air can actually kill off of single hit you can do a falling up air single hit into up Smash and get the kill versus most of the cast there are some people who could avoid it but not everyone if you do hit both hits of falling up there or even just a second hit you could convert it into another up air or sometimes even a bear if the DI is different if you hit it falling up there on a platform and you could lead them into another platform on Battlefield it is very strong to force them into a fair drag down Tech Chase scenario you can't really do this all the time on the raw stage like FD because uh the stage will be too low and your opponent will be too high to drag them all the way down without them just getting out of tumble so you need a platform to do this conversion the most important thing to know about comboing with Fox isn't to just force every combo you really need to understand when your combos are not going to chain together and when that happens you really just need to play patient you need to wait to see what your opponent's going to do next flick your Shield to drop a pair if it's on attack do stuff like that if they go for jump they go to air Notch you capitalize off that don't just move around and put yourself somewhere don't just throw out hitboxes that aren't going to work and don't try to force anything because you're just gonna get yourself killed in all scenarios even with some other characters but mainly for Fox if you hit someone and you can't link the next hit see how they're going to react see what they're going to do because you'll most likely be able to punish that next that is it and that concludes our episode 3 of Fox's Combos and routes [Music]
Channel: Metafy
Views: 53,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xV3PldcKKM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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