SSC 2023 - Onin (Steve) Vs. Marss (Zero Suit Samus) Smash Ultimate Tournament

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getting into our next game here Mars versus Onan zss versus Steve let's see how it plays out this is interesting I have seen this matchup played out before by Onan it was Onan versus doorstop number two on Ohio at a regional doorstop did take a set off of Onan with his Joe Suit Samus so there is a blueprint out there just interested to see if Mars can kind of follow the same ideas or maybe own him playing a little bit better today than it was on that day yeah I mean the CSS is in a weird spot because a lot of people go like oh this character sucks but then you see a character this character absolutely dominate yeah like a good player who's playing a good character and you're like oh this character's not bad and then there's just something else it doesn't work you're like oh this character sucks oh love the Boost kick attempt there too on that left side Owen and smart to go up and over though realizing Mars had committed to offstage too early I do want to know if the tag that Mars is running is a reference to fafo by Zach Fox the acronym in general but either way back air great Ford air coming out of block there too not going to catch a pop out on Minecart from own and Mars still pressing quite heavily I feel like they're just trading like really hard stage Advantage back and forth but not too much damage yep and a great side view right there catching the aggressive option from Onan and up smash yep we'll close that one out but 126 on the board here that's not even a bad spot here for Mars but I do like the idea not gonna get scooped by the minecart very odd I think that's because he threw the up till now and it kind of disrupted the movement that was definitely a very strange interaction like he did get punished for it took 31 in the process yeah I've never seen anything like that yep nice this air into the up smash I feel like we don't see that too often but I do like that Mars as being a little bit creative and how he's actually finding a way in oh got the last hit on the one let it hang out if you do that there on the ground you can get like the the whip back the curl back hit yep here's the thing like I know a lot of people like to say that CSS sucks Japan apparently is a big fan of that yeah I do believe aquala says this is a losing matchup for Steve so yeah I mean you know the character's still very good I actually just saw it where Mars like safely threw out of Forward Air and like just got around uh Steve I think it was Steve back here if I'm not mistake it might have been four there but still I'm just kind of like wow that's kind of insane tries to go for the flip kick unfortunately we had Onan stalling out off stage just a little bit to not get caught up just trying to get materials online here too diamond in the pocket as well so we need to recreate these materials on another stock or if we break the pickaxe for the ax or the sword we can get that on once again oh no Tech on the platform Mars really wanted that not gonna go high of their own it's back on stage with majority all right weird trade puts Mars off stage allows Onan to get some resources back but not much and that's just due to CSS he's like probably the most mobile character yeah if you're just looking at like move speed and jump speed raw stats yeah raw stats like he's so quick oh the downer but the tech belt that head came off the ground Mars with a better situation but taking that stage advantage that was given after the down air onen finds a stop for it but perfectly placed back here you recoiling your seat there after that one uh because like the first time we threw the downer out I'm like all right cool nice mix up you probably won't get that again and when he got it again I was like okay you got it yeah you know that's it's a brave option because that's a super punishable move especially for a character like Steve they just they get so much out of a punish so again yeah all right the tech being developed in real time up till scoop here too though still a really close game tether back looking for The Nair not gonna happen mistimed on the neutral Tech from Onan it was there yep all right okay puts the wall behind him okay so he doesn't get caught up in a weird scenario off stage gives him a little bit of protection oh my goodness the call out raw F smash that's the thing zero Sue Samus loves to jump in place fade forward fade back to the initials the initial placement so rolling out that F smash right there to call that out really really strong can I do we have a replay of just that last socket no okay no all good I just wanted to see exactly what Mars threw out that causes to be punished because he pressed something I think I thought it was yeah I thought it was Jump fair maybe all right because like that definitely was not gonna reach unless Mars pressed a button that's all I'm saying but either way as we get into game two here pretty solid game and uh yeah like the more I think about it I guess throwing out that down air for the high uh Minecart recovery is actually not bad because Steve usually jumping out throws out of order or back here yeah I don't even see an up there come out of that it is quick it's kind of hard to react to that we'll go for the day one down smash on top of the TNT Mart is avoiding it entirely double near set up but we have Boost kick oh okay two counts of the blast zone but Onan still has to get back to Stage paralyzer not going to work out but we will rinse and repeat yep yeah Mars definitely playing really solid here okay I like that couple of hits into that forward smash trying to put some pressure on that shield and tries to get a big punish again with that boost kick you gotta dial that back a little bit yeah super punishable trying to throw out Bears here too and Phil just letting it hang out there finally going to despawn oh that's big and turning it around too to close out the stock I feel like that barely killed yeah I know the turnaround is crucial the turnaround was crucial for that one to take it yeah they're on Shield here too great Perry looking for up tilts to start wooden tools only too so you know there is a game state that Mars wants to be in it is here yeah but I mean it also depends on how practical Steve is like all right what can I do when I have one materials against CSS and maybe there's something we've just never seen before well still not gonna lead into the up smash too that would have been a really good percent if not a stock hesitating not gonna be able to get a block down to refresh yeah chilling looking for the mining oh Off the Wall no Tech yeah that's a tough yeah oh you know what would have been sick if he actually went for the down air and I know like that probably crossed his mind but he's just like no I'm gonna play us a little bit safer till I have a better lead Fair one gonna try to catch the landing will not but these fares had a shield catching on and approaching very unsafely this is a much better play right now from Mars oh that's gonna be a huge punish here okay 13 into what else 35 going yeah falling out but still a three-stock to one lead this is insane down throw more materials online not really anything to craft with either can't get gold can't get diamond don't want to waste the iron we want to be able to use carts with it but this is very tough up smash finally yep I mean that's not I don't even blame that one that's like an attempt at a grab and CSS grabs already kind of wonky as it is so yeah I'm trying to catch these platforms allowing the Mars to just get away from that mine cart we're throwing a lot of Aerials here too mars takes advantage of that yep the reset no boost kick but we still have so much pressure [Music] there we go yeah dude honestly he's been doing a really good job with his mobility and the faints too has been doing a fantastic job yep wow that's a big that's a big game too that is actually very huge for Mars definitely goes to show some great adaptation however the platforms definitely allowed for some great juggling some additional combos we'll see if Morris can kind of maintained that going into this next stage here not even just breaking the owner juggling the platform resets for jumps from Mars yes to get like not just two but like three four or five up airs on a single juggle just led to so much damage put Onan in a terrible position but PS2 for this break set game winner of this one will have counterpick advantage on game five and I do see this one going to five it could very well do that um what to say to me I'm going to I look PS2 PS2 I I don't mind it um again it's like it's a wider stage Mark said to have like some good movement I think there was a lot of adaptation in that game too even with like with or without those platforms of just how he wants to approach Onan um however PS2 is very good for Steve to put up a few blocks for a wall and then hide underneath that platform oh that down there again we didn't see a lot of that down there in game two that was more of a game one thing but seems to be coming out once again here yep and it seems like onan's definitely a lot more prepared for that so I expect Mars to dial that back just a little bit right and then really pull it out when he needs to Up and Under with the elytra great Harry there too down smash terrible angle but flip kick will be nice for it oh so much iron there too and we will get the hit we are stacking materials heavily here oh Dash attack on top of the Anvil gets you put in a terrible situation oh that's huge that's a big back here as well that almost had me scared that he would hit the bottom of the block and not actually be ready for it yeah very scary situation that can't happen another ledge haha good one on it stop laughing it's not funny it's a little funny but normally when he does that he actually talks so serious it's still a serious game we gotta get our materials online when you see him taunt after he does that that's when you know it was definitely on purpose and not a defensive option but either way great stuff from Mars here again a battle on that first stock forward throw but yeah Mars is doing a great job of maintaining this lead here and rack up some damage however I'd like to see some extra credit see if it can happen oh my god wow weird stuff there's no hip there's no knockback after that Minecart was all knocked out from Ford air coming down the coffee approaches up throw yeah yep and that's tough man because like when you are trying to just get some additional credit and Onan really just kind of needs a hit or two it Steve's like weirdly scary when he's chasing you down instead of you trying to chase him yeah got a Juggle going here and not be able to SDI out of all these combos Onan is ready for it looking for maybe a jump away Sports match just barely missing that was actually a really nice setup there too I mean getting all that additional damage there as well changing up exactly how you're finishing up the combo definitely caught Mars off guard a little bit I'm a big fan of that oh and building a solid leader too refreshing those diamond tools but no iron really to speak up finally gonna get a couple back into the Arsenal yeah baiting these jumps over you see a lot of Steves want you to jump over that wall and Mars is ready for invading it I feel like we never see CSS forward smash not at all not at all maybe it was like a misinpoint you just want the forward tilt the blocks which honestly zss boruto on the blocks is not a bad move a lot of range on it you can get through pretty quickly oh fair over trading sides yep the Berlin Wall tear down this wall oh my car through catching the landing lag very close in the blast zone but Mars still lives to tell the tale whiffing a grab here Mars trying to approach for it caught for the down smash yeah middle of the stage I feel like he briefly forgot about the burst option mine cart uh when you're in midair because a lot of other characters you know they get stuck in that scenario they get caught up by the down smash yeah it kind of works out but Steve does have some different tools oh caught the platform Tech off the stage once again but again just playing very passively wants to get more materials online all this iron we could happily take more yep there we go back here putting him off the stage a little bit and now in between a rock and a hard place Diamond online again potentially for this next stock but it does not seem like it will even be the case Onan in response to Mars's two stock puts on a two stock of their own honestly yeah great adaptation for that that was a solid adaptation through and through yeah Onan was doing a lot more against Mars is like fading forward airs on whiff I think he was starting to bait that a little more like yeah no dash back we got the Crab stock was coming off of a dash back from a Ford air off Mars well you're not gaming oh Onan just made a lot of great adaptations there right for like on you know how Mars was approaching how he was going for certain Fates right yeah trying to switch things up as much as possible Onan made adaptations but some people would have you believe it's only because he plays Steve the guy's actually good he's actually good at smash Picasso was only so weird that's what they'll tell you yeah Kalos is definitely an interesting choice because I don't think it's bad for for Steve obviously you can get a lot more iron which isn't always the best thing uh from some of the Steve's I talked to right um however the amount of combo potential here in the movement options that CSS has at her disposal is actually insane like Mars has a lot of potential here to stuff out and smother on him in a lot of scenarios yeah getting on the corner would be a lot easier too and that blank slate in the middle can lead a lot of things up and as you're saying skip use all of that movement potential to get around right try to spot that back here try to catch him slipping a little bit and there we go I think you actually tried looking for the footstool down there the Acme Corporation if you will stuck in the corner here too these Rising Forward Air out we're looking for Aerials that Onan is starting to get these Ford airs now we're not just throwing them on reaction yep and now that boost kick probably would have killed elsewhere but keep in mind yes we are on Callos so we got those bigger blasters with the side beat we'll clean it up getting rid of the crafting table as well that could be huge a start up with the up smash just 13 and another big punish we got Onan kind of pushing the buttons here a little too excitedly you gotta dial that back homeboy trying to get around here though my the crafting tables being have very heavily defended by Mars yep doesn't want to get any extra you know new tools online Mars want to make the stocks last I like that okay so we already kind of recognized that zss getting rid of the bottom block can run right through right and at that time he fainted like he was gonna run through dashes back expecting the first option with the cart and got a nice little punish off that that was scary you saw Mars lining up that down smash there and then Onan trying to get an anvil out both players barely whiffing Ford air across once again yeah this open area in the middle is playing so well for how Mars wants to go about things but once the corner situation gets going Onan has been setting up great traps oh big damage coming in here missing back here so taking 40 into the 60. all right and again Mars taking this time not pushing anything further than he really needs to slowing down here a little bit both players just trying to get a burst option approach Mars not giving its own in though all right oh powered up the card on Landing there too just to avoid the Forward Air yeah and actually it was just a decent mix up as well because a lot of people expect Steve to jump out of the car almost immediately he said no no no no I paid for this ride I got my tickets I'm taking the whole thing we see the back here sending Onan off State still struggling to close out the stock and look at the resources on lack thereof oh great jump away there too that neutral beat can be terrifying here trying to get through looking for Mars to maybe roll under but Mars seems to be taking the jump away from the minecart every single time nice yeah I like that too because like yeah he could sit there and just get all his materials back which some people think is like the most terrible thing ever but he's gonna get his materials one way or another right so just wait let him get aggressive he did Mars was ready for it with that back here closing out that second stop and he's got a solid lead here however oh we're off waiting for it there too mars smart flipkick timing to get up and over those block placements oh yeah good adaptation there so knowing that knowing that Nair would not send anywhere and up to it would be a better fine and I think it's because also that block was in the way so you wouldn't be able to convert to the Ford airs like he would really want to so that was just smart recognition actually I just realized that too having that flip kick available being able to put all this pressure in the center and then if something is a little bit shaky you're not sure how exactly is going to work out you just flip kick in one of the platforms he's not gonna be able to get to you right away the way he could if you were just on a flat stage right we're trying to drop an anvil there too mars beats on into the punch though trying to approach with it back here once again this keep out game has been so good putting the walls up there too flip kick up and over get out of jail free card for most of the time hey reminding all of us that flip kick is still one of the best moves in the game but foreign diamond in hand here to own and definitely realizing he has to get something started here too so put all the resources on the line so good on the wall jump but again coming across the stage with Minecart yep now he could very well find a way to get in there be aggressive find a way to close out the stock but he's not pushing anything more than he needs to he's got two minutes on the clock and one thing I think we don't talk about enough is that CSS has the potential to be one of the best timeout characters in this entire game she's got all the mobility flip kick as well and Kalos is these stage the timeout because of these platforms on the side Steve has some pretty decent First Option some pretty decent movement but to go from platform the platform that's a tough spot for him off the block no not gonna go straight over it we have a game five here between Mars and nonan Mars need another water there for sure seems to be sweating over this one yep honestly solid solid gameplay for Mars too very impressed but Mars has always been a guy who's got no problem putting the metal to the metal however when it he needs to be patient he's usually pretty good at that too doesn't seem like that today though oh today's feels like he's he's keeping patient letting Onan like not get into the Flow State but also not just throwing yourself directly at him right very very interesting Onan will have stage counter pick Advantage here seems like they're deliberating over it a little bit that guy who just walked behind them he called me Mr skiff earlier he said hey Mr skiff and I I stared at him and he was just asking me a question I said hold on did you call me Mr skiff he's like should I call you sir skip I'm like no like you just caught me off guard what was nobody does that nobody does that what was that it was really weird it was a really I didn't hate it because Mr skipped you know hey Mr skip makes me sound like a teacher own and taking some time here too I did read Mars's lips she said small Battlefield was banned I'm not too sure about the other stages but okay probably PS2 probably small Battlefield looks like smashville will be our choice for this one obviously a lot better do not want to give Mars the opportunity to just run in that middle 80 of the stage as we did on Gallows yep all right Mars looking locked in we're ready to rock we'll see how it plays out again to game five here Onan does like to pull up the Enderman when it gets these game five sets too so see if this skin change can lead to an outcome change something different than game four Onan is hoping ah we are an hour away from seeing from some KK Slider goodness now I know we got KK slatter singing in the background that's the background music but he's not in the background I do love what KK Slider pulls up he's so raw rock star through and through dude he just comes up and says how you doing man I'm gonna play you a quick Jam play a quick few songs you might know these that's right that's right KK little kick not going to connect the minecart coming out after the jump from the missed conversion oh okay plasma of going straight through and Bill coming on the right side of that block Mars forcing the corner because of it so much crazy movement wow Mars does not want to get on stage there as Onin was setting up everything I feel like any other player like that was like some really crisp movement and really keeping Onan on his toes Mars if he seems to be getting the better end of Onan here in these last you know 10 20 seconds but the gold pickaxe will come out and take that stock but whoa immediate answer trying to get a kill here too that four there came in I thought we'd see a conversion off of it but Mars still hot on the trail Plaza with two kinds all right gets rid of the crafting table real quick trying to put that pressure on him he's gonna go get some materials and I just realized that too he actually uses ax uh yeah I'm Smash Bro here to actually get his material so that could be a bit of an issue especially when you're trying to get these up tilt combos down throw off the stage two yeah no ax in hand here skip great observation gonna have to get some time maybe waste the resource but we don't want to put the diamond in our hands now at this highest percent too so this is a pretty good situation for Marshall get the stock and not take extra credit oh my gosh that Block tech actually saved him it's insane how that worked out Mars struggling here a little bit taking quite a bit of extra credit and just really kind of needs to sneeze on Steve to close him out there we go the Forward Air evening things up here two socks apiece and if you notice Onan took the diamond and cracked with it just before dying we had another one in the Arsenal to be able to build some more tools going into the second stock yep that's still another Diamond gone yeah for real small victories versus Steve hell yeah oh my goodness good caught on the minecart here too just three up airs not gonna go for the push off of stage yet diamonds in hand that's the thing man Mars is really good at Landing these stairs and confirming off of them so you have to be very careful okay I like the platform reset just to see what Onan was gonna do decided to retreat reset neutral here we'll cross up on the back there looking for the shield drop twos Mars smart to just Retreat to that corner you give up the stage you will not lose your life and again that CSS Mobility that roll was so crucial not gonna get a scoop for the up air too mars is dancing around Onan Shield not able to find any sort of strong hits all right you know I'll take that I'll take that trade 100 times out of 100. double jump use here too Great Fairy just a standing jab though oh that's big wow off the backboard with the forward smash there too mars got caught reaching boost kick not going to take it you know he taught Tim Duncan a thing or two the big fundamental the big fundamental I know someone right now Steve in fundamentals shut up Squidward oh drop down there not going to connect on and going high here no ax once again obviously using it so much in the up air is that using it so much to mine what was that weird all right I like that neutral air dots he's getting back to the stage Mars is doing really good at resetting neutral yeah and a lot of crucial scenarios that Steve would otherwise capitalize in but again the mobility that zss has at her disposal is so huge and man we have we got a crowd out there now man a huge Bop off and a Last Action scenario game five oh stop the minecart here too I was thinking drop down there again or four there I should say not going to be the choice all right I like that that's going for the one two threes actually some easy damage right not super committal that was a crazy trade do you see the damage differential after that trade oh big here though short hop jab coming up trying to get back here for it slip kick off and over more stage to work with your own has been working from the corners a lot Mars is getting free movement he tried a falling for uh up there there and that was just not a good play Mars has been doing a lot of great things but he's starting to make some mistakes that could be very costly oh yeah Ona takes that three to do the week though both players are definitely shaking at this point another diamond in hand re-crafting the materials edge of our seats here what do we have off the shield ah the roll away too for that back here dude it's so terrifying when Steve's chasing you down though oh my god oh that was huge wait okay no dial it back a lot of people golf but you would have missed [Applause] oh my God I did not know who was going to win that trade was Mars going to get staged Spike but the back hair perfectly spaced perfectly timed takes the stock moving on in winners wow and you can see onan's reeling but what a well well-deserved victory for Mars in that situation played again there were some key mistakes at the very end there and I'm like he's losing it right we've all seen this story before everything starts slowly adding up and it's just one Steve back there forward there forward smash closes it all out but Mars even though small mistakes was able to regroup and just keep playing his game until he got into a scenario to close it out like that and yes that trade was a little bit concerning super scary like I sit there and I'm like okay after watching it I'm like there's no way that like anyway that Odin would have won that trade yeah you'd still get scared yeah okay you never know man and like Mars is like ruthless aggression and go for that backer in that situation John very few players do that John Cena Yeah
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 148,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, melee, mkleo, riddles, slingshot, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament, zackray
Id: KuPzbw6u16Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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