Sr. Pastor Daniel Davy - God's Program

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that he desires for us to be what he's called us to be and that's what he's striving to do amen so we're going to discuss rejoicing in difficult times our focus thought this morning is this because god has a plan for our future we must not grow impatient or lose faith during temporary difficulties our sufferings and temporary sometimes can be subjective one person could be going through for a few weeks another could be going through for several years but nevertheless our time on this earth is temporary so nonetheless whatever we go through it will be temporary if we hold on if we hold fast to the face of faith and we continue to believe in the god that has saved us and delivered us that he does have a way out for us and that he's going to bless us paul had the mindset this mindset was in paul and a couple of places of scripture he demonstrates this but his mindset was that this whole time frame that he was living on earth was really a time of that he considered to be much lower than where he was going so he never really considered him having a great time here on earth at least at the time in which he was an apostle at one point in time he said the sentence of death he had the sentence of death within himself in the book of romans he mentions that indicating that he had already made up in his mind he was going to die for the gospel sake so he said it didn't really matter what happened to him on the earth here he was his mind was always on glory his mind was always on the better so when timothy uh seemed to be in a state of uh perhaps mourning for him at least it's implied in one of the letters that paul wrote to timothy i believe in second timothy he says to him don't worry about it and i'm paraphrasing he says don't worry about it you know what i've run my course i finished my i finished my course i run the race and god has a crown for me so he's like i'm focused on heaven man so timothy don't don't stress about that right here this is what this has been my goal and my focus so sometimes we need to change our goals in life and say well my goal is heaven bound um it's eternal you see and so we won't get so distracted and discouraged when hardships come and that will allow us to rejoice in spite of and so we're going to talk about rejoicing in difficult times our focus verses found in habakkuk and our particular uh lesson this morning is going to be uh habakkuk based or based on uh the scriptures here in habakkuk but we're going to talk about habakkuk chapter 3 verse 18 as our focus verse habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 18 the word of lord reads yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation our lesson text is found in habakkuk chapter 1 beginning in verse 1 we'll read verses one through four and then we'll come back again to habakkuk three and read a few verses there but we'll again for our lesson text begin in habit chapter one which gives us context to habit 13 actually i'm sorry habakkuk 3 but havoc 1 beginning in verse 1 the word of the lord reads the burden which havoc that the prophet did see o lord how long shall i cry and thou wilt not hear even cry unto thee thee of violence and i will not save why dost thou shoot me iniquity and cause me to behold grievance for spoiling and violence are before me and there are that raise up strife in contention therefore the law is slacked and the judgment does never go forth for the wicked compass about the righteous therefore wrong judgment proceedeth and then we'll go down down to habakkuk chapter 3 verses 1 through 2 and then we'll read 17-19 habakkuk chapter 3 verse 1 and 2 reads a prayer of habakkuk the prophet upon suganath o lord i have heard thy speech and was afraid o lord revive thy work in the midst of the years in the midst of the years make known in wrath remember mercy and verse 17 through 19 reads this although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vines labor of the olive shall fall and the fields shall yield no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation the lord god is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds feet and he will make me to walk upon mine high places amen and so it's a powerful lesson i believe in this and i believe very encouraging and it's a mindset that we all need to adopt so that we continue living for god i emphasize the last time i spoke regarding two things one in particular god's desire to build character in his people god does desires to make us more like him and he's a man a man of great character of integrity and of strength amen he's reliable and so we need to be more like him we also want to understand that not only is character that god is developing us he's building us and shaping us uh to be more like him we need to understand that god loves us in spite of what we go through and what it feels like god does love us and he has a plan it is a plan in which god has in mind for us and so and it's a good plan we just don't like the process amen we want the end result i heard a bodybuilder say one time and he was he's considered the the greatest of all time they call him the goat his name is ronnie coleman a humongous guy at least at one point in time he was anyway during his heyday in bodybuilding and uh he he was something to to to look at i mean you know he was a big guy and uh and he was considered also among those that were in the bodybuilding atmosphere there as the strongest of them all which is saying something cause those guys are big and strong but ronnie coleman was was the guy they said man he lives heavyweight and that's you know you got the biggest guys in the world looking at you saying man you live a lot of weight you know he's lifting something and ronnie goldman said is everybody want to get big but nobody want to lift no heavy weight it kind of says some to that effect and he says in essence a lot of people want to get to that big that size and be able to be as big and strong as but nobody wants to put themselves through the process that's what he's getting at because you know lifting heavy weight is actually very dangerous when you lift a lot of heavy weight i mean he actually paid for it later on in his life he had to have several surgeries the body isn't built sometimes to lift a certain weight after a period of time i mean it's not only your muscles that's bearing the weight it's also your uh tendons and your joints and and spine that type of stuff is bearing those hundreds of pounds sometimes thousands of pounds so you have to be considerate of that but the point he was making is that nobody really wants to put forth the effort and all of us want to be like the lord but oftentimes we don't necessarily enjoy the process or the effort that it takes to get there but it is worth it the difference between ronnie coleman's experience and the experience that we'll have is the healing that god will give us so whatever we endure on the earth and whatever we go through here in our striving to be more like god god not only will allow us to be like him but he'll heal us of all of the hurt and the pain and the suffering that we had to go through god will have a way of bringing us to completion so that we're not saying well i accomplished it but yet i'm suffering something because of my accomplishment we won't suffer anything amen we're going to have joy and joy unspeakable even because we have accomplished that particular goal so there's nothing but good at the end of this is what i'm saying there's nothing but good and so we're going to discuss how we ought to approach some of the things that we go through in life and sometimes the things that we go through in life really are because we have to go through them uh three things we're going to discuss as it relates to habakkuk in this particular lesson in which i'm describing number one we're going to talk about habakkuk's cry to the lord secondly we'll discuss habakkuk's prayer for revival and mercy and there's only two points that we're discussing but we have several sub points or a few sub points under each one firstly habakkuk's cry to the lord and i'm going to refer the scriptures i'm treating it somewhat like a message uh so i'll refer back the scriptures um as we go through but uh it is it's in line uh with our our lesson book here uh first let's consider the chaldeans the countians who are the chaldeans i got sometimes i gotta engage you so you remember you're in class you expect me to yell and preach and huh let me let me get your buy-in you had your hand up i saw it move i when i teach the youth i see you move and i'm assuming you have a revelation anybody everybody's sitting on their hands now it's all right okay fine chaldeans so the chaldeans were um also another name for them were the who babb babylonians babylonians these babylonians were at some point a world power we've discussed them before and we've talked about the cruelty of the babylonians and the description that the some of the jews had written regarding how fierce they were and how cruel and ungodly they were remember they were led by a man by the name of nebuchadnezzar's one of the more popular individuals that we uh discussed when we were talking about them interestingly uh god used this group of cruel and ungodly people to correct and we'll talk about that later but to correct his people but the chaldeans were a very strong and ferocious group of individuals in habit chapter 1 verses 2 through 4 reads this oh lord this is the prayer here of habakkuk he says o lord how long shall i cry and thou wilt not hear even cry out unto thee of violence and thou would not save you see what what what habit is doing right here is he's interceding for israel he's starting out this his this writing here and you'll see uh the prophetic flow uh throughout the book of habakkuk when you read through these three chapters but he begins and he's talking to the lord and uh this is almost like his journal he begins jesus praying he's like lord i'm praying for israel i'm praying for these people uh because i'm seeing all of this that's going on among us one i'm seeing that i'm i'm experiencing it uh and i'm praying but it doesn't seem like you're doing anything about it you know sometimes we don't like to say that type of stuff out loud well i'm praying but it ain't seem like god is saying anything we're saying it up here but the prophet said look i'm just going to keep it real sometimes we just go ahead and keep it real with the lord i pray these prayers and some sometimes i have to remind myself that well he is god let me just stay humble because i as much as i feel frustrations and uh disappointment and it feels as if god isn't listening to me uh i have said lord now when you when are you gonna answer me here i am i'm yelling i'm crying out to you and this is what habakkuk is saying i'm crying but it doesn't seem like you're hearing me regarding these people god's not really moving on them sometimes we're praying for folk and it doesn't seem like god is dealing with them at all uh sometimes we're praying for situations doesn't seem like god is intervening at all but in this particular case he's praying for israel because they're they're they're living in the backslidden state again okay this is that that southern kingdom that we've we've talked about remember uh this is primarily uh mainly three tribes it is often said it's two tribes of the twelve but it's really uh three of them um and that has to do with judah uh benjamites and then also the levites had come back so technically it's really three of the tribes for the most part but these tribes have been living up and down good for god down depending on who was ruling at some point they would live right and then when there's an ungodly ruler or king that will come then they'll be living below what god wants them to live and so they were always vacillating between good and evil and here they are probably 12 years after their last time that they were living right there now they're living in the backery and they're living in sin they're unjust the king is an ungodly king and so the people are living ungodly so they got the ability to live ungodly so they go ahead and live ungodly well just because the government says you can live on god it doesn't mean you should right that's because the king said well yeah you can live unholy and and make sacrifices of false gods and so forth you need to have something inside of you that says well no i'm not doing this because of the king or who's ever in charge or who's ever in government i'm doing this because i'm serving god the people of god always need to remember we serve god not not society nor the nor the government none of that well do we have reverence and respect for individuals to to a large extent well yeah god put them in place and so we we we make sure that we we do that we respect laws and so forth as much as we can but the bottom line is is that god's law and god's rule supersedes all of that and so we don't just say well we can live whatever because the government says so well absolutely not we're still going to be living for god in spite of what everybody else does and that unfortunately is not something that they had in their heart it was it was just based on external circumstances they whether they live for god or not we don't live for god based on external circumstances and so they found themselves in sin yet again this is why god had to speak through jeremiah in jeremiah i believe 31 verse 31 he says i'm going to put my laws in your hearts and then your inward parts because they were trying to serve god based on here's what the law says i should do not based on what's in my heart and we serve god based on what's in our hearts so everything around us can change but my heart shouldn't does that make sense so this was their flaw and the word of the lord then reads in verse three why dost thou shew me iniquity and cause me to behold grievance this his prayer continued for spoiling and violence are before me and there are that raise of strife and contention therefore the law is slacked and judgment doth never go forth for the wicked doth compass about the righteous therefore wrong judgment proceedeth so what he's saying here not only am i seeing the uh the the the lifestyle and how we're living and our fall from grace i'm also you're allowing me to see our judgment because of it this is the burden as it were of the prophet being able to foresee somebody a lot of people talking about wanting to be prophets not everybody want to be a prophet because you don't always see good stuff you know i mean some a lot of times these prophets you know not they're not saying anything good i'm looking through all of the prophetic books and i'm like lord woe on to all of them and here he is he said i have to all and if you if you're a prophet that cares about people when you're seeing their uh ungodly state and the judgment to come well it's going to weigh you down you're going to feel bad all the time you know you're not going to say hi i see what's going to happen to you hahaha no that's not how it was he said so this is my burden i have to deal with the reality that people aren't living right and i see judgment to come and all of us we don't have to be prophets uh to do this but we can understand the reality that our world is in is a good place and we uh see them and we know that they are not headed to our good place hell will be their portion we know the judgment to come and it should cause us to have a burden on us it should make us it should drive us as it's doing with habakkuk to prayer lord listen i need you to do something in the hearts of these people i'm coming to you and this isn't his first time this writing obviously because he says i'm crying out to you obviously over and over but you i don't see any results so this is just an example of one of probably his many uh intercessory prayers regarding his people and we need to see the world as our people color doesn't matter neighborhood doesn't matter economic or social status is irrelevant we're all human beings and when we see other human beings in this horrible state and where they're going we need to all feel some burden and say god help them lord hell but daniel looked around at his situation day 9 and said lord help us help us so we are part of what's happening so he's interceding for them and he has this foresight and then god answers him this is all right well i'll give you an answer all right hallelujah i feel god speaking he's think thinking here's what he says in verse five and six the lord spoke to him he says behold ye among the heathen and regard and wonder marvelously for i will work a work in your days we which ye will not believe though it be told you for lo i raise up the chaldeans that bitter and hasty nation which shall march through the breath of the land to possess it the dwelling places that are not theirs i said well wait a minute now it's not really what i wanted to hear how many you ever prayed to pray god told you something you probably didn't necessarily wanna hear you thinking of not i couldn't have been god i hear people say they say the devil isn't like the devil one talking we blame anything we don't like to hear is the devil that no no that devil uh i got enough faith sometimes god let me tell you something sometimes god will tell you no because he's god let me tell you every prayer you pray pray isn't the right prayer to pray sometimes we're praying something out of our heart lord i want you to do it this way he's saying no that's not my plan so some huh i'm gonna be like pastor collins i ain't scared of none of y'all it it's true anyway because sometimes we pray a prayer and we're praying some specifics god i want you to do this or that and it's coming out of our heart it is our desire but it's not god's will and sometimes because of his uh his unfailing um wisdom he is saying no i will not do that and it's watch this for your own good because because our our our foresight is so short uh we can only see so far in advance and sometimes that's only we can only see as far as the end of our sentence you see you know and god said no that's gonna fail by tomorrow that that won't work or that's gonna turn you off course of where you're really trying to go and where i'm trying to take you you see so we don't know that and so sometimes god has to tell us no so sometimes god will give us answers that we don't necessarily want the answer but it's the right answer so here's my thinking that god is helping helping me what see that ing helping me to really adopt at this point is that you know what i'm simply going to trust you and what that means is when you tell me no it has to be the right answer i'm not asking god to answer me in the positive every single time i'm saying lord just answer me what's right in your eyes does that make sense whatever you think is right you do here's my i might give a suggestion here's what i desire but if you don't think it's right then i'm going with that because i can't be right and you're wrong you understand i can't maybe i'm just wrong maybe i just and sometimes we feel like my prayer i'm feeling this is the holy ghost but sometimes it's our only emotions and passions that's driving us to pray that particular way and we're giving god the the seemingly solution to our issues and problems and we're saying god do it this way and god's saying no i will not do it that way and it's not because i don't love you it's not because i'm not hearing you i hear you loud and clear but i can just see a lot farther than you can see and i will not do it that way because that's not going to work when i do it it will work and it's not going to be messed up later on down the line when i do so look if you want to do it go ahead but just know i'm not in that because it's not going to work but everything that i do it works therefore i can't do it your way and so we say god i trust you you see sometimes our faith is i have faith god's going to do whatever i ask him to do because that's what i used to think god you say in your scripture that you know whatever we ask you'll do say yeah but i'm not going to do it like that i bout to mess it up because you about to mess it up that's why i do when you don't so now i'm saying you know what lord let me have faith in you let me have confidence in you let me trust you and whatever you say is the conclusion i may pray but whatever you say is the it's the final word and i trust that you see and that's what it means to trust god and we need to trust him in our prayers and so he's praying and and the lord says to have a cook he says well here's what i'm going to do i'm going to i'm going to send the chaldeans and they're going to come this isn't what what habakkuk really wanted to hear he's probably reflecting he's probably old enough to remember the days of josiah which i referred to early when things were going well god had given them an opportunity to change during the days of josiah prior to josiah they were ungodly kings also his father actually was an ungodly king and the people were living ungodly and god had already made up in his mind then that he was going to chastise israel but josiah was raised up from a young boy and he became king and during his time he went and found the word of god in the house of god as he began to repair the house of god and god dealt with his heart and he caused all of the people to repent therefore god gave them almost as it were one more time to to change they could have maintained maintained that they could have sustained that lifestyle but they did not that lets me know something when god uh before he corrects us god will give us another opportunity you hear me yeah oh god before because god look if you don't get it together here's what's going to happen i'm i'm upset with you and god is is is a real verse the bible says we read in i believe uh micah the last time he says he loves mercy so it's almost like i'm oh i want to spank you but i love you so much i don't want to so let me talk to you one more time let's have another conversation let's come let us let us reason together though your sin be a scarlet you see he said he's like oh whoo let me bring it down look i love you i don't want to spank you but i will is that right yes i got that in my notes she says he also chastises those he loves that's true that's right but at this point he says you know what i'm going to have to chastise you and it's because of the love that he has for them and so then judgment was sent for the purpose of correction not destruction but for correction and so god uh in his desire to make us more like him will correct us right i know we don't like correction i said that the last time and it's still true this time nothing changed in the week still don't like it uh we don't like what it feels like i'll say it like that however correction is always good when you're wrong don't you want to be corrected yeah if something's wrong with your car don't you want to be corrected oh yeah if something's wrong with your body it's best that it gets corrected so correction is good we wanted to want that to happen in habit chapter 1 verse 12 the bible says art thou not from everlasting o lord my god my holy one we shall not die o lord thou has ordained them for judgment and almighty god thou has established them for correction it says and david says something similar to this david says in the psalm he says i have been chastened sore but not unto death god isn't desires to kill you off he wouldn't waste his time correcting you just to kill you hello so when the devil comes in your mind say you see god is leaving you god is doing this that now you can say the devil is a liar you're lying god is not trying to destroy me as i prayed earlier thank god that he's demonstrated this abundance of love that he has for us in that he died for us on calvary he's not going to do all of that just to kill you what a waste of time and pain and suffering that he endures on the cross just to destroy you later come on sometimes you need to just kind of be sensible and think about it a little bit and i know during hard times and during correction and i understand when the devil is really bombarding your mind it's hard to think of things in a rational sense but sometimes we need to just gather ourselves together and say wait a minute remember calvary if i'm being corrected it's because he loves me because he loved me then if he's doing if something's happening right now it has to be for my good because he loves me and he has all power in control right sometimes we just it's rational living for god sometimes we just got to get it together that's why we don't live for god based on how we feel but on what we know i know he loves me i know he died for me i know he suffered and bled for me it makes absolutely no sense to endure all of that just to torture me and kill me later on that is not the will of god the devil is a liar and so what we need to do is we need to hold on to this truth and this reality and say well god i know it has purpose and it indeed has purpose sometimes we're not doing things the right way and god has to divert us he has to change the direction in which we're going and and we may not realize it but sometimes he has to use some things that really shake us up or else we won't change sometimes we think we're more uh malleable or we're more supple uh uh uh uh we're we're we're able to we're more docile than than we think we are sometimes we're more hard than we really are uh than we think we are we're we're more rigid than we think we are sure god you can tell me anything and i'll do it and he's like well no because for the last 50 years i've been telling you this and that you still haven't changed hello and yeah sometimes we're not as real with ourselves or we just can't see ourselves as clearly right that's why we have mirrors because there's some parts i never know without mirror and sometimes without multiple mirrors like i just didn't even know that was there right or somebody else said hey you know really had no clue because we can't see ourselves i said can you see yourself you say well no well a little bit here and there what's your forehead look like you have no idea but you need something else to show you and tell you and that's how god works he's our mirror he will let us know what's in our spirit and what's in our soul and oftentimes we just can't see it that's why the bible says that regarding our heart who can know it man doesn't know his own heart we can't see it but god can see your heart he's there to let us know this is what's in your heart and i'm going to change that because it's the heart that matters does that make sense yeah and then he's going to correct it and he's going to bring some things about to correct it but here's the beauty of it he will not put more on you than you can bear it is not there to destroy you it is there to correct you uh i'm going to give this as an example real quick and we're going to move on uh there's a guy i forget his name but there's uh some some years ago an inventor created something called the geek reactor geek reactor g-e-t reacted g-e-t uh stands for something i don't know at this point anyway but this geet reactor uh was a alternative to um using gasoline uh for energy although you use a little bit of gas in there but it was supposed to help transform uh the uh the energy uh sector in such a way that you can use clean energy and then the energy used would be plasma so what what what the in essence and i'm no scientist or anything like that but uh in essence what it was was a a device wherein you pour it in any type of liquid any liquid and that liquid could be turned into plasma ultimately because when you break down any substance it when you break it down to its basics most basic substance and you just just pretty much separate all of the uh the particles in such a way and all of the um electrons and whatever and all of that you break down all of that stuff to its most basic substance all of it will eventually become plasma so it doesn't matter what it is there are some however uh that some some liquids obviously are more viscous like oil it's thicker uh kool-aid because it's it's more complicated than water there's going to be thicker than water in the scents are um it just has more things to break down in it but the point is whatever you pour it in there eventually it can be turned into plasma but there is a process that when you pour it in whatever it was it would it would go through this process where there was heat involved there's this particular rod and the length of the rod uh was important i'll get to that in a minute but basically it goes through this process the heat would would break down the particles it will cause it to beat against the rod the rod breaks it down some more eventually it produced plasma at the end okay the length of the rod was was actually of some uh importance because uh if it was a light water the rod could be a can be a lot shorter because water could be broken down more easily than something else but if it was another type of liquid that had that was more complex the the makeup the molecular make makeup of it was more complex the rod had to be longer because they had to go through a beating process longer to break it down does that make sense so the more complex the the liquid was the longer the beating process was inside and so the breaking down process was longer what why am i saying all of this stuff well ultimately all of these things though they were broken down no matter what it was going in it came out as plasma this pure thing that could be used that's how god deals with us god says it doesn't matter who you are or what you are there's a process we're all going to have to go through to become what he wants us to be this pure clean product but some of us sometimes are more complex than others therefore our rod is a little bit longer my rod may be longer than yours you may have grown up in a particular situation that you just got this little short rod and your beating is a little bit shorter than mine well my mod may be like several feet long you just got to make the process a little bit longer to break me down but ultimately i'm going to be clean plasma just like you i'm going to be like him just like you are going to be like him but the process is a little bit different all of us have to endure some heat all of us has to endure some type of disappointment or something that we all go through at some point in time but when it comes out at the end we're all gonna look exactly the same we're gonna look like him so don't be discouraged don't look around at other people say man it doesn't seem like they're going through like i'm going through your rod just has to be a little bit longer but don't fret you'll be plasma at the end of the day you'll be going to be clean at the end of the day you're going to be like jesus at the end of the day so everybody's just a little different well what they have to go through is they have to go through a process here and god said you got 70 years that's how long your rod is going to be and you're going to have to go through and you're going to have to endure some heat you're going to have to endure some beating for a period of time but don't fret because it is ultimately for your good because god will correct those he loves the scripture that you referred to and um is we we tend to go to hebrews chapter 12 and verse 6 but hebrews 12 and 6 is written um based on proverbs 3 and 12 which says for whom the lord loveth he correcteth even as the father the son in whom he delighteth look at that not whom he's he's mad at isn't that something he says he correcteth them that he loves and delights in them you see that he said man he hates me so no no he says i love you and i'm delighted in you therefore i got to correct you right well yeah another different way of thinking how the devil tries to make you think he hates you he doesn't hate you he loves you and he's delighting in you he doesn't delight in the correction of himself because god it's his desire to to see us uh to be in good health and to all of those things he says yeah you know i i don't like that just like we don't like the spank our children i mean you know there's times i've had to spank my own son and i'll be honest with you it hurt my feelings you know maybe some parents may be different than me but maybe i'm a little soft you know but you know i've corrected him and i've i've had them hit him and i'll be honest i sit back say man that kind of hurt my own feelings you know but it's for his own good yeah those times i've had the fuss and you know how his response to it oftentimes is really what make you kind of feel kind of bad and thankfully i haven't had to have the spanking much but um i mean i i kind of you know i've had to yell though you know and i don't mind spanking now i'm not scared of spanking the kid you know i love him but i want him to not have to get one if possible and so the lord will look at us and it's not that he's delighting in correcting us or are chastening us but he says because i delight in you it's you that i delight in it's you that i love it's you that i want to see better so i take my time to do that i always mention this this isn't very important at least in my mind god doesn't need any of us i know the world we live in today speaks of being so uh so self-reliant and and think so highly of yourselves and all of that stuff it's a big deal it's a big thing i understand all of that you know so we say you're not really needed like well what i'm nobody no no no i'm saying god doesn't need anything or anybody and that's the honest truth he's the ancient of days he's been here long before us and he'll be here long here after us whether we make it in or not he's going to still be god nothing's going to change that so the only reason he's dealing with us at all is because of his love and grace simply because he loves us he has a desire to do so it's his passion for whatever reason this is desire and passion and i'm grateful for it i appreciate that so the energy and time that's spent on trying to correct you and to build you up is simply driven by the love of god i keep emphasizing the love of god because sometimes we don't realize that even when we were children we forget our parents do love us we forget that they just fed us that we forget that they just uh they bought us those new shoes and all of that stuff and as soon as we do something stupid like break the neighbor's window and we get in trouble for it we're like man you don't love me well no you you did something stupid and i'm using myself as an example there whether you know it or not i was reminiscing and talking either to my wife or to my i think i was talking to my wife and told her how many times i broke the neighbor's window and yeah i'm not gonna get into that we're gonna move on but lord i said man i still feel but i repented the other night again i probably probably 30 years ago and i still feel like oh god i'm sorry if i met them people again today i would pay for their windows all over again well my mom paid for them back then but i would pay now anyway so anyway i still feel bad but god will correct us because he loves us then the second portion of this is habakkuk's prayer for revival and mercy as much as uh the correction was going to come there was no getting away from it many times you know children when they about to get that spanking they oh no no no they're crying okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i know you are but you go get this bacon right yeah that's how that's supposed to be i mean you're still going to get a spanking i understand you're sorry but you're going to remember being sorry too you know because sometimes they just need that spanking it is what it is i used to i used to run for my mom boy i'm like you're going to earn this bank in the day mom you're going to spank me today you're going to have to put some work in for this one and i remember i ran around the corner one time and i was like she i got i got more wind than you do so so at least when you do catch me boy it's gonna be a lackluster spanking cause you're gonna be too tired to really get it in and she did eventually because i had to come home eventually but she was pretty winded you know so i was like well maybe i should do that every time make her work a little bit she'd get tired and then i can say that around y'all no kids are in the room so i don't want them doing that but you know you you're grown enough not to get spankings like that but you can't outrun god god is you run he's like standing there when you're gonna run into him because he's everywhere so you're not outrunning god we gotta run our parents for a little bit but we can't outrun god as i said i had to come back home because eventually i had to eat so or it may rain eventually so i had to get there but we're not going to outrun god we have to have to say lord okay uh i but here's the thing i want to learn uh whatever lesson it is as quickly as possible you see that i do which means then i have to respond the right way i talked about response to last time i have to respond the right way if i'm going to just push against it the whole time guess what it's not going anywhere what are you doing just sometimes we just need to say you know what let me just say yes sir lord what is it that you're trying to show me here yeah sometimes we can shorten our our punishment our our time of correction we can shorten it depending on our heart and sometimes that's the thing about it god says see that right there you refuse to humble yourself and submit that i'm trying to break and then i'm going to correct the thing that also needs to be corrected yeah so sometimes it's the ability to submit and humble ourselves under the mighty hand of god and he'll bless us at that point but sometimes we say no i refuse i'm just going this is who i am and i'm not going to break okay lord bless you lord help you but it's our right to be broken hello sometimes you know again i don't want to get all psychological alone but sometimes we don't allow ourselves to be broken before god because of the individuals that we've dealt with in life we say well i'm going to be strong i'm not letting anything break me that's not good it may have helped you survive this long but when you're dealing with god you're going to have to allow him to break you're going to have to trust him hear me talking you're going to have to allow that to happen sometimes you know when i injured my knee uh you know i had the scar tissue build around the area and scar tissue was actually good because it protects the injured area but scar tissue other than that isn't good it restricts movement i couldn't walk my leg was stiff i could hold it up like this and it wouldn't bend i couldn't do what i should do i couldn't use my knee the way i could i needed to so i had to go through the process of breaking the scar tissue and i had to bend it and force it to bend and bend it and let me tell you something it that that hurt somebody they told me to say well you know it's the uh the process after you get the surgery that's gonna be the most painful because you're trying to be in rehab and so forth and that's going to hurt most i'm thinking man you guys are soft i'm not going to be like that and then i went through the process oh this pain oh cause i'm thinking i could take some pain you know it is what it is man that was some different kind of pain but i i mean i endured it but the point is that uh breaking that scar tissue is important and sometimes god has to break the scar tissue of our heart because he still has to get to that heart and you you may have been scarred you may have been hurt in times past but you can't live with that scar tissue living for god it can't happen it must be broken and sometimes it hurts when god is breaking the scar tissue around that heart breaking the scar tissue around your spirit breaking the scar tissue around your mind but it must be broken and it will not feel good but god will have to break through that to deal with your heart to deal with your spirit and to deal with your mind it must be broken and you can't keep god all out trying to keep everybody else out it's not going to work so you need to say lord just go ahead and break me and you're going to cry and it's going to not feel good but eventually you're going to be all right as bishop says better days are coming so habakkuk prayed this prayer and he recognized that god was in control so he says this in chapter two verses one through three i will stand upon my watch and set my me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what i shall answer when i am reproved and so he said sometimes we need to wait and listen what are you going to say to me lord and then the bible says in verse 2 and the lord answered me and he said write the vision and make it plain upon tables that they may run that readeth it for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though it tarry wait for it because i will surely come it will not tear and oftentimes we use this for like our spiritual vision boards but this was really uh saying look here's what i'm going to do to the chaldeans it was a word of encouragement um ultimately here in chapter 2 that god was giving to uh to to to habakkuk and overall israel he says look here's what what i'm going to do and he talks about the chastisement and the breaking of the chaldeans because of all the the sin that they had sometimes god will um in scripture we see where god is correcting israel but also he's going to chastise the heathen at the same time you say why would he use the heathen to uh to correct his people well god would say one the heathens are gonna do it because they're nasty enough to do it but two i'm gonna correct them at the same time i'm gonna show them my power i'm gonna show them my might i'm gonna show them that i'm god so when they mess with my people then i'm going to come against them and then both of you all know that i'm god isn't god smart he said he killed two birds with one stone and so that's kind of what he's doing here but he says that there there is going to be correction for them so it's a word of encouragement that god is going to fight for them at some point in time uh in a sense and so god is saying that i'm going to i'm going to deal with them it's going to take some time but it's not going gonna it's not gonna be something that's gonna fall to the ground it will happen and so then habakkuk says this in chapter three and this is part of our original text verse 17 through 19 reads although the fig tree shall not blossom it says i recognize i'm going to have to go through so you see he's he's accepting chapter one and chapter two watch he says i recognize we're gonna go through something sometimes we just need to realize i'm gonna go through something i get it he says although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vines the labor of the olive shall fail and the field shall yield no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls i recognize i'm going to go through but in this and watch this all of this habakkuk is written before they go into captivity this is prior to he's he's seeing it prophetically they're not in captivity the babylonians the chaldeans have not come and taken over the land at this point in time god is just giving him a warning and letting him know here's what you're going to go through so he says i'm going to go through okay lord i get you so here's i'm going to make up my mind before i go through of what i'm going to do when i go through sometimes we need to make up in our mind before we go through the mindset we're going to have when we're going to go through you need a game plan you don't need to get into the game and then trigger try to figure out the strategy when you get there you need to have practice it watch this when i used to play basketball in high school and we practiced our plays all the time before the game so when uh my buddy come down and say wolverine everybody know what to do because if he says that in the middle of the game we never practice wolverine we looking at each other stupid but we did it over and over again before we got into the game and so what happens is he's saying in his mind here's what i'm going to do before i get into the game before i have to go through before i have to i have to fight with whatever i'm going to have to fight he says this in verse 18 yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation the lord god is my strength here's what my focus is going to be when i go through i'm not going to focus on the hardships i'm not going to focus on how bad it is i'm not going to focus on all the things i just mentioned in verse 17. i will however focus on this reality the lord god is my strength and he will make my feet like hein's feet and he will make me to walk upon mine high places to the chief singer of my string instrument so he says this and i'm closing he says you know what i'm going to do i'm going to rejoice that's why sometimes before you get into your mess you need to learn how to really rejoice in church you need to know how to praise god you need to know how to lift up your hands it's easier before you go through so you need to practice you need to practice your strategy before you get into the fight and so you need to learn to do that when we're in church that's why we rejoice the way we rejoice and we praise the way we praise whether you're going through or whether you're not going through whether the message is is is to you directly that day or not to you that day i'm going to lift up my hands and i'm going to give god honor and i'm going to praise i'm going to learn to rejoice because when i can if i can do it now i can do it later on so i'm going to practice that so he says i'm going to rejoice and he says now when i don't see any of this stuff that i'm looking for or come to pass i'ma look around but i will see my god and so sometimes when we look around we don't see anything else but god is there okay i got a reason to rejoice because you're here my blessing isn't here my financial miracle isn't here my healing isn't here but if you're here then i can rejoice i know everything will be all right and you're going to make my feet like hein's feet that means i'm not going to slip i'm not going to slide all over the place i'm going to keep my feet and i'm going to stand and i'm going to make it through all of this because god is here there's a mindset that we need to have when we go through therefore we can rejoice in difficult times because we have the mindset to do so amen and so that is the lesson for today amen we need to learn to rejoice and the only way we're going to learn to rejoice in all of this stuff is the having the right mindset and right way of thinking and god will bless us and god will keep us remember that he does love you remember calvary amen he died on calvary not so that you can suffer but so that you could be more like him and so that is our goal that's our passion that's our desire and we need to learn to rejoice in difficult situations so lord bless you all i'm going to go ahead and close with prayer after i pray we're going to ask the ushers to come and they're going to pass around the buckets and we appreciate that you give to the offering it does help in various areas related to sunday school we also bring in preachers sometimes that helps with that we also purchase the books in advance and various things that we do within the sunday school department you're supporting that so we greatly appreciate it let's go ahead and pray lord thank you again for all that you've done for us of god you are god when during the good times and you're still the same god during the hard times and the difficult times and we're grateful that you are never changing oh god you're all the same always the same and oh god you're able to bring us out you're able to bless us you're able to strengthen us so god despite oh god of what we go through oh god we can trust in you knowing that you will always be there you said you'll never leave us and you'll never forsake us and so we're grateful oh god we pray now oh god that our hearts and minds always oh god be on you to love you and to follow you with all the days of our life we love and bless you in jesus name we pray amen lord bless you all right you so so praise the lord everybody let's stand to our feet and why don't we continue to worship jesus in this house god we bless your name jesus you are worthy of praise god we honor you jesus god you are king of kings and lord of lords you are god almighty lord god we worship you in this place man we enter into your gates with thanksgiving god and into your courts with praise lord we bless your name jesus god your name is a strong tower lord jesus your name all brings life lord jesus god we ask that you would fill this room god we invite your presence here lord jesus god we need you in this house this morning god do what only you can do jesus we magnify you god you are great and greatly to be praised there's not another god like you jesus oh you are holy and righteous lord jesus we glorify you come on let's bless him let's put him where he deserves where he belongs oh god you are king of kings god from the rising of the sun god to the going down of the save god praise waited for thee zion lord we worship you god in spirit and in truth this morning god we're not ashamed to worship you jesus oh we will lift up clean hands unto you jesus and if your heart lord god we glorify you jesus thank you jesus we bless your name come on let's bless him let's exalt him he's worthy of the praise worthy of glory worthy of honor hallelujah thank you tell me is is tell me me is is is is thank you jesus to the water this morning cause god is is come on let's bless him there's no fear in the presence of the almighty you have given us we bless you this morning jesus we will not succumb to fear hallelujah we bless you jesus we bless you jesus we will trust you at all let's focus on jesus this morning he's worthy of it all he's glorious there's no reason to fear there's no reason to fear there is no reason to fear god is walking with you oh in the cool of the day hallelujah bless you we bless you bear witness in this place god bear witness in this place jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus so i have this confidence because i've seen the faithfulness of god still inside the storm the promise of beyond ocean waves this morning hallelujah oh for the behind me behind me is oh i oh is always beside me this morning me is is you won't be overcome when you go through the rivers you will not be drowned your gun will make way so you don't have to fear come on victory thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus why don't we give him praise for not having fear our god is not defeated he's never lost the patient with everything that's going on in his world we're still reminded we are not afraid because our god is still on the throne he can still be reached he can still hear your prayers and for that very reason we tell him thank you this is why we as the body of god as a church of the living god we give him praise because we have nothing to fear we can go before our lord in prayer and he will hear our prayers his ears are always inclined to the temple of his people and this is why we tell him thank you this is why we tell him thank you for how he kept us up until this very present time thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus in this atmosphere of worship we're going to go before the lord in prayer at this time there are names that are on the monitors there are those that have a special need those that need healing those that are in need of salvation and we know that god answers the prayers of his people so with uplifted hearts and boundaries we're going to go before the lord in prayer at this time dear jesus here we are one more time in your holy presence we take nothing for granted but in everything we tell you thank you lord god we may be facing times of uncertainty we may be in situations lord god that we can do nothing lord god but do we thank you right now that you're still a very present help in the time of need lord god there are those under the sun in my voice who may have received the report and their backs are against the wall but lord we know that you stepping right in on time lord god there may be those that are in need of salvation those that need healing and that have a special need lord jesus we call upon your name right now lord god we know that you regard that don't make mistakes lord god we know that you regard that you can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities lord there are names on the knowledge there are people under the sun my breath right now lord god whoever in being afflicted by infirmity lord god we stand on your word of faith right now in the name of jesus we call upon heaven's authority we call upon your blood or god in the name of jesus there are those right now lord god that have been affected by catastrophical occurrences lord god with those that have been affected by the earthquake in haiti lord god the name that we know lord god we pray right now lord god for the knowles family for the joseph family for the dade family for the jedi on family lord god and all those that have been affected by the earthquake lord jesus we pray that you will be the comfort we pray that you will be the strength even right now lord god continue to meet every need of your people oh god lord jesus we know that your time is soon to return lord i pray that you would help us lord god to stay connected to your word to stay in the faith even right now lord god and not be distracted or god by the things of this world lord jesus we please your blood over every home over the families right now by the name of jesus lord god we ask you that you will do it and perform it we pray in jesus mighty holy name we pray amen amen thank you jesus thank you jesus amen if you believe that god has answered your prayer why don't you begin to clap your hands in the presence of the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord this morning truly we thank god for another opportunity to be in his presence we take nothing for granted i know we say that a lot but if you really look back over your life and you begin to see how god has kept you over the years while other people may have been in the same situation that you were in they didn't make it but look how god has blessed you look how god has spared your life he showed his faithfulness this is why a lot of time like the singer was singing you know eve sometimes we just need to learn how to give god praise and all that we go through it's easy to look at what's not being happening but what about what god has already done for you what about how he healed you when you didn't think that you were going to make it how he provided a job for you when you weren't qualified for it some of you are homeowners and you shouldn't be home on it but it was only by the goodness of god you may not have the type of food that you want in your house but somebody wish that they had the food that you were throwing away look how good god has been to us it's so easy to murmur and to complain but look at the goodness of god look how he's blessed you look how he spared your life amen so this is why we say we never take it for granted to be in the presence of god amen so on behalf of our pastor and his family and our bishop and his family and all the new life saints we like to take the time to welcome all of our guests and friends who've joined us here this morning so saints why don't we put our hands together and show our guests and friends just how much we appreciate them being here with us this morning amen and truly you are an answer to our prayers so at this time we're going to pay close attention to the monitors as our worthy news announcements are played at this time welcome to new life tabernacle it brings us great joy that you have graced us with your presence today now that you have visited we consider you family so let's take a look at all that's in store and how you can remain connected with us thank you for worshiping with us here at new life tabernacle please be mindful of all safety guidelines our nurses are here to provide added support and ensure all of our safety if you are sick or have a fever we are asking that you worship with us online please follow the instructions of our ushers as they are here to keep you safe there are red markers throughout the sanctuary to assist you with practicing social distancing thank you for doing your part attention all young men ages five to twelve join the young apostolic men in training enrichment session on the fourth saturday of this month they will enjoy our monthly devotional focus strategic fitness regimen that's geared for their age drills games food and much more drop off will be at the family life center starting at 8 45 a.m and pick up is at noon be sure to bring a friend for more questions contact anthony williams or andre brown or email christian education at your the young apostolic troops are calling all boys ages three to four to join our mentorship enrichment sessions held every fourth saturday at 9 00 am in the family life center parents your son will get a chance to learn during his formative years his rightful position in god's kingdom drop-off starts at 8 45 a.m and pick-up is at noon for more information contact rock or darius newman or email christianeducation at mom and dad are you looking for something for your little princess to get involved in well look no further girls ages three to four are invited to shine bright in our sunbeams mentorship sessions every fourth saturday at 9 00 am in the education wing let us teach your little lady the importance of using her manners being polite and developing a servant's heart in god's kingdom contact anisha newman or email christianeducation for more information calling all men young men and boys time has come for us to give god some serious worship no more sitting on the sidelines watching it's time to get in the game of praise to the almighty god we need you and want you to be in attendance on sunday august 29 for an explosive men's service come and join us and participate in a mighty move of god see anthony williams for more information we are excited to take a look back in our history during our 29th church anniversary weekend september 10th through the 12th we will host guest speaker reverend jerry jones on friday at 7 30 pm and sunday at 11 a.m our florida district superintendent steve boyd will help us close out the weekend on sunday at 6 pm this year we're going back to pentecost with a celebration you won't forget purchase your 29th anniversary keepsake keychain to commemorate the milestones of the nlt family these heavy nickel engraved keychains are available for only five dollars until august 29th order yours on the nlt app or the anniversary webpage at students and young adults join driven student ministry on friday august 27 first surge this student-led service kicks off at 7 pm in the family life center followed by a powerful preach word and more can't wait to see you there for more information please see minister lim paris can't wait to get started let's see what's happening this week there are many ways to remain connected with us we invite you to visit our facebook instagram twitter page download our nlt app or visit our website at we thank you for listening to these announcements now let us worship together amen we thank your attention for the announcements that there's something you're interested in do see one of our ushers are greeters and they can gladly give you the information that you need so at this time as we prepare for this morning's offering if everyone will please stand as our ushers will come forward also just by way of reminder please note that an usher will be coming around to collect your offering please ensure your offering envelope is completed prior to the usher approaching your road the electronic giving stations on the north and the south side of the sanctuary are also available for your convenience you can also give online at your forward slash give or you can text to give at 888-364-4483 and that information is also listed on the monitors as well amen so let's go before the lord in prayer over this morning's offering dear jesus here we are one more time in your holy presence lord god we thank you for how you provided for us lord jesus you've made a way out of nowhere and here we are lord jesus as we bring back our tithe and offering lord jesus as we're obedient to your word lord we pray that we will continue to be in the position so that the winners of heaven may always be open towards us lord god continue to bless those who faithfully give into your kingdom look make ways make provisions for those o god who continue to give sacrificially lord god and consistently in your kingdom we thank you for all that you do lord god in jesus name we pray amen now the hands of the ushers and we'll also be blessed with another selection by our praise team they say this mountain can't be here there is power in your they there is can we can we believe god so much yes hallelujah oh we foreign oh it is is our god is great and our god is is yes is is is is is lift your voice to him our god is great would you lift your voices as loud as you can come on lift your voices as loud as you can somebody shout out the name jesus somebody shout out hallelujah somebody tell him lord we know you're for us if our god is for us no one can be against us today he's worthy to be praised hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god chains are being broken right now i wish you would wave your hands like you know chains are being broken somebody needs to shout out the name of your god if you know your family is about to be delivered if you know your finances are about to turn around if you know that god's about to make a way for you out of no way hallelujah don't let anything block you today don't let anything stop your worship don't let anything shut your mouth but open your mouth loud give god the glory give god the praise magnify him lift him up hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus tell me who can stand against us what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve somebody's worship is changing the atmosphere right now i said somebody's worship is changing the atmosphere right now somebody's in a spiritual battle and god's giving you the victory because you're giving god the glory if you lift up jesus something has got to shift something has got to transform something has got to change because you're lifting up the king of kings oh the presence of god is in this place the presence of god is in this place just tell him how much you love him as we get ready to sit for a moment but lift your hands and just tell him how much you love him hallelujah hallelujah somebody's coming out of addiction because of your praise right now somebody was contemplating suicide but your praise is about to reverse that curse in the name of jesus amen they're not going to commit suicide they're going to live and not die come on somebody somebody's coming out of abuse because of your worship right now somebody's going to get the holy ghost somebody's going to be baptized in jesus name thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus the lord bless you in the house today god bless you oh hallelujah you can be seated if you can somebody has to know that the spirit of god has entered into this building in a mighty way i mean if you lift your hands you're touching the shekinah glory of god hey la basha if you lift your hands today you're touching the tangible presence of almighty god angels are in this building with sword outdrawn fighting on your behalf and others are lifting up the incense of your worship right now thank you jesus jesus jesus jesus thank you lord for your goodness thank you lord for your grace thank you lord for your mercy david said i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth i don't want you to feel like you're weak and defeated today there is power in your praise did somebody receive that in your spirit i said you're not weak you're not defeated today there is power in your that's why the devil tries to shut you up all the time you need to disappoint the enemy and open your mouth and just shout hallelujah somebody needs to disappoint hell and just say lord i'm going to give you the glory i'm going to give you the praise doesn't matter what it looks like doesn't matter what it feels like is there anybody here that say i'm not praising him based on my feeling i'm giving him the glory because of who he is he is the king of kings he is the lord of lords he is the conquering lion of the tribe of judah somebody bless it oh thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah song we were singing just now say if our god is for us then who can stand against us hallelujah our god is greater how many believe your god is greater today amen the lord bless you may be seated in the presence of almighty god grateful for all of you that have pressed your way out this sunday morning to be with us we believe that you're in the place of miracles healing is here deliverance is here salvation is here and whatever you need from god we have a promise god said he will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory in christ jesus so we're so grateful for all of you that are in the house of the lord and if you're visiting for the first second or third time we're so glad that you're here i want you to clap your hands again amen for those that are our guests today amen i see sister easington's brother with us and so many other visiting with us and we thank god for all of you and of course when you come here after the third time we're already claiming you as family so at the third time you can't escape again praise god we're just keeping you amen as a matter of fact we want to keep you on the first time to be perfectly honest and so we're so grateful amen wave at your neighbor to your left and your right tell them i'm glad to see you in the house of the lord amen i know we're social distancing but we're still glad to see somebody come to the house of god i can't wait for the time where you can run up and hug somebody without having to think because right now before people hug anybody they check to see if they're coughing are you coughing isn't that right somebody sneezed everybody kind of turned to the right say what is that amen the day will come when you can just hug somebody and tell them that you're glad to see them in the house of the lord amen how many know that miracles are happening right now how many expecting a miracle you know on third sundays amen we always do something special because i don't know about you i need a financial miracle i only got five of y'all right there i said i need a financial miracle to take place and said we're gonna we're gonna give you an opportunity to have that miracle i want this man of god to come share with us amen about what god is about to do amen praise the lord everyone amen so you know on third sundays it is our time to give towards our mortgage reduction and that's the title explains then we are trying to reduce the mortgage amen we are more than trying to reduce it we're trying to eliminate the mortgage we need a mortgage elimination sunday amen how many believe in eliminating the mortgage how many love your mortgages how many love your rent no me neither so let's eliminate the mortgage and the rent i know that god can work a miracle and bless all of us wherein he can eliminate all of that and we begin here with the house of god so we come excited to give i've already given my mortgage reduction i do it actually through the app uh you can give this mortgage reduction i'll go give towards it rather uh via the various uh ways you see on the screen here i tend to use personally the app the new life tabernacle app and i did that earlier it's just more convenient for me you can give it any time during the week we ask that individuals will give at least 25 dollars but give whatever you can you want to give 25 000 work we'll take it i don't know if we can accept that over the app but we'll take a check in the bucket amen so you can try and let me know if that works so when i'm able to give my 25 grand i know it will work amen are you 250 grand so however the lord has blessed you give to the house of the lord i'm reminded of this and i'm going to give a quick testimony to explain that god really is good he is a good god now when we give to this mortgage reduction we're giving towards uh the city i don't know if we always see it like that but these churches are built not just here at new life here at in seffner but the various places in which god has sent us we give so that we can reach out to those that don't know the lord that are poor in spirit and that's the will of god and the bible uh says this and the lord reminded me of this one sunday of this scripture here in proverbs proverbs chapter 19 verse 17. one sunday i was on my way to church and i was going to pick up a gentleman for church the lord said you need to buy him some clothes and get him something so that he'll feel comfortable coming to church so i got some clothes out my closet but i didn't have some other things so i had to go to the store before church and uh buy him some clothes and i i probably came out of my pocket maybe a total of maybe up to 100 or so or something like that to ensure that this guy had shoes and clothes and so forth so i i brought that to him but the lord brought this scripture to me as he was telling me what i needed to do for this guy he says here in here in proverbs 19 verse 17 he that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the lord and that which he hath given him will he pay him that is pay him again so here it is the lord says look whatever you give this guy i'll pay you back in other words lord said i got you so when you give to the poor and you have pity on the poor he says listen if you give to them i got you this is what we're doing and we're building all these churches we're lending to the poor the poor in spirit the poor financially we're trying to reach out to them and you're helping with that so the lord said i'll pay you back so i brought the guy to church i gave him all of that stuff he didn't know exactly where it came from i gave it to him i brought him to church let me tell you two things happened that was amazing number one i'll tell you the last thing that happened first number one the guy got the holy ghost and baptized in jesus name so that was the biggest thing i was excited about that but but watch this now the lord showed me that scripture that morning i did that and i told you i told it was about the hundred dollars maybe less actually somebody came to me in church i speak to them every once in a while and they just came they did that that that good handshake i don't know some of you brothers know i'm talking you know we do with each other because you know i know we think pride you can give me something like this and i'll take it but we do that good handshake i know we social discipline so y'all know what i'm talking about but he came he was like hey bro how you doing i said hey how you doing and he he shook my hand and i felt something a paper-like product in his hand and that always you know you feel some huh and uh i ain't so i pulled my hand back and the paper like product transfer from his hand to my hand but then you kind of know what it is but you don't want to act like you really wanted it or needed it so you put it in your pocket without looking at it you know how we do so i did that and then as he walked on i went back into my pocket because i'm not that spiritual i looked at it and it was a hundred dollars god said i told you i'll repay you i told that he said look god told me to give you this i don't even know because god said look as you're planning to do what i'm asking you to do i'm planning to give it right back to you before you can he said i told you i'll repay you i'm telling you god will repay you go ahead and give to god this morning and he's already planning in his mind how he's going to bless you back lord bless you i don't know about you but somebody should have been shouting just a little bit louder on that somebody lift your hand and say i receive that in the name of jesus amen and i speak that financial blessing on everyone that has a mind and a heart to give in the house of the lord god is going to multiply we have so much work to do six churches that we want to see planted this year amen not the least of which we're launching a haitian ministry we're so excited about that amen that god's going to give us great revival of course we have to keep haiti right now in prayer 7.2 magnitude earthquake yesterday rocking that country and uh they're already reeling from so much and we just need god to help them and we have saints there in haiti that are praying we want god to cover them and to keep them amen uh we are we also have plans to build a new sanctuary now the sanctuary bishop started out he said we're going to build a 3500 seat sanctuary and then some months passed by and i heard bishop said we're going to build that 4 000 seat sanctuary then i heard you know he said well you know that century would probably be about 4 500 seats and this last wednesday i heard he said when we built that 5 000 seat sanctuary so god is moving how many thank god for vision amen how many thank god that there's expansion and increase i want you to stand to your feet at this time amen i want you to welcome the man of god that is coming to preach the word of the lord is our bishop our pastor and we love him very much i want you to clap your hands for him as he comes amen tells us what thus saith the lord you may be seated it's so exciting to be in the house of the lord again today the psalmist said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and it's always a great thing to be in the house of the lord you never know what is going to happen there is so many things that i could tell you that has taken place during my lifetime in the house of the lord how god knows how to bless he knows how to operate he knows how to really get us excited and he's a good god and i know that he has been so kind to me there's many times i need to recognize i still have a long way to go but i'm keeping keep in keeping on knowing that the great god of abraham is able to help me and to give the strength that is needed necessary to continue i mean when i look as to what's happening in our world and i see how it affects the church and sometimes i'm really wanting the lord to come quickly get tired of it but you know the lord is not really going to change the time for me because if he was he would have changed it already so i just have to be of good courage and say better days are coming and i know as pastor colin mentioned about the earthquake in haiti i think some some of the news says over 300 people have been killed during that time and i trust that if you have any kind of connection to haiti and you've maybe lost relative and so forth we would extend our deepest condolences to you and let you know that we're praying that god would have his way there's many things that happened to the world that is here and there are times that we need to know that people need to get a hold of god because when you are with god and god is with you then there is many times you can ask god some things and god will do it for you hallelujah and i trust that the people there will turn to jesus and start to search after god and trust god because there are times that sometimes we try to turn to mankind and that's always ending in failure because man just is limited in what he can do and so we need to get a hold of god because god can do a lot of things beloved he can do a lot of things i've seen him work over the years that i've been alive and i just know that god is always capable of doing anything that we ask him to and so we need to pray for that nation and keep them in in prayer and we ask that a great revival will start there because revival will bring change because sometimes people might want to do various things but what they need is an apostolic revival there sometimes they get plugged into something else what they need is god to step in because when god steps in he can do a lot of things and you know new life is is really aiming to do many things in in this world particularly in florida before the lord comes and um i'm trusting that the things that we will continue to do we will see some progress we're looking at our anniversary that's coming up 29 years and i think that should be excellent amen and over the 29 years god has blessed us we've accomplished a lot we still want to do much more and then of course we're looking at work down in south florida eventually and i don't know exactly the outcome but i'm going to try and do my best and i want this church to continue to do our best and then god can do what we are not able to do and i know that at the end of the day we want to hear well done well done our good and faithful servant the apostle is our father good fight and i finished my course and he said henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all those who love his appearing and i'm loving god's appearing and beloved i've got to tell you this if the lord would come today i'm good i know it almost sounds always like somebody turned off the microphone ah no but i wouldn't mind if he came today oh yeah i'd be excited if he came today beloved amen one songwriter say heaven holds all to me brighter his glory will be joy without measure be my treasure we're looking for heaven beloved i i mean people love down this earth hey i'm about 72 years old i've had my i had enough even the food don't even entice me anymore get some of that food i said what kind of food is this i'm just saying so this whole world here heaven sounding sweeter that i mean if you want you if you love this world you can stay here but i'll be just saying tata see you later i'm going up glory hallelujah i'm going to go to a scripture if you stand with me i go into a scripture in first that's the first thessalonians chapter number four i'm going to begin verse 16 and then i'm going to go to revelation chapter 22 and read just a short portion there first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words and then in revelation chapter 22 verse number 12 behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last blessed are they that do his commandment that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city i'm just going to talk a little bit today about god's program god's program let's pray dear jesus we thank you one more time for your love and kindness and you tend to mercy we thank you for calvary lord you brought us out of sin paid the price great god of abraham isaac and jacob a god who never changes lord you ride on the cloud as a chariot you walk on the water as if it was dry land you speak and it was done you commanded stands forth o god lord a great god hallelujah the great god that we serve we love you and we certainly appreciate all that you do how you kept us brought us out of bondage brought us out of sin brought us out of despair and god you laid your nail-scarred hand upon us and you change our lives amen many of us lord was in despair but jesus you got a hold of us and we thank you that you've given us hope and purpose and direction and life and we thank you for your loving kindness and we thank you that you brought us into the church of the living god you smile upon us lord we weren't worthy oh god but you loved us hallelujah we came out of glory lord you saw us you gave your life for us brother john said he stood right there with the soldier and she destroyed plunged it into your side and out of your side came blood and water water and blood was for cleansing for healing for deliverance and we thank you that you was willing to pay the price so that we can be saving your broadest lord to your kingdom for such a time as this use us as instruments oh lay your hand upon your people and oh god use us lord to touch a world that is dying lord oh god i know you're able order amen you're strong in the deliverer lord god you know upon us and i pray that you smile upon us lord as we continue to work in your kingdom o god i pray that you may increase our desire increase our effort increase our strength increase our stability increase everything that we have that we can do a kingdom work we can say at the end we have fought a good fight we finish our course el emotion kept the faith we know you've got something laid up for us would you touch us lord there may be many in this building that do not know you pray that you'll touch them lord let them know that you love them concern about them oh god this time is winding down oh god do you want them to be safe bless your people today that when we have left this place we will say what's good for us to have been here here lord i pray do i pray perform i pray accomplish i pray and we'll be careful to praise you to honor and to give you all of the glory that is due to your precious and your wonderful name and all the people said amen god bless you beloved you may be seated hallelujah so we're going to talk just a little bit about god's program and as we view the world in which we live today we see some time we may think that there is no order or plan that is really in place we look at this pandemic that has brought a lot of fear sufferings broads brought death a lot of consternation among people but we should always remember that god is always in control it is said for instance that this virus was actually invented by mankind to fulfill some of their thinking but i want you to remember that god knows everything and ultimately the lord will do whatever will please him mankind can do a lot of things but there's many times god can overrule them god has a program that is designed and is outlined in the scripture for us this is why we don't have to become frightened and worried about what is going on in our world today i'm no more worried what is happening today than i was when i was born i didn't know that when i was born and now i don't care us apostolic we repented of our sins we're baptized in water in the name of jesus christ receive the holy ghost speaking in terms according to the scripture and what peter preached and what paul preached we have obeyed this this is why we have no fear regardless of what is happening because i mean the worst that could do happen is we die well i'm better off when i'm dead than being here come on let's tell the truth and shame the devil when you're here you have to be worried about this you have to be working you have making money you got to be going this you get crash all of this kind of foolishness and so we should have no fear regardless of what is happening and so today i'm just going to briefly outline some other thing that is in front of us because there are some things that we're going to have to deal with we're not here just by some kind of accident we're here and god has a plan for this earth and so i'm going to mention four things firstly we are living in what we call the church age we're in the church age the time we're living now is in the church age and the church age is winding down time is winding down this this time started of course at pentecost in peter preached and it started then and it is continuing on to this day and we should know then that that god has a plan and sometimes you know people don't don't realize it but god is in control god god is not scared he's not frightened he's not he's not scratching his head he's not asking michael what to do this time started at pentecost now when they heard this verse 37 of chapter 2 acts chapter 2 37 when they heard this this is peter preaching they were pricked or convicted in their heart and sent unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then peter said unto them number one repent number two and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as men as the lord our god shall call and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they that gladder receive his word were baptized and the same there they were added onto them about 3 000. souls and so that is what started the church of the living god and since that time people have been added this is what we preach we're preaching what peter preached and we know that what peter preached was right so what we're preaching is right there's a lot of people out there in church world not preaching what peter preached they think they know more than people peter and they are just stupid because peter is going to judge them and he is going to ask them did you preach what i preach and when they said no he says stand over there nothing good is coming out of that and we need to know that god is continuing to work among the people in this world until the time ends there is an ending to the church age if you pull up from romans chapter 11 and verse 25 there is a there is a time when this gospel is going to come to an end if i would not brethren that you should be ignorant this mystery unless he should be wise in your own conceit that blindness and part is happened to israel until the fullness that the gentiles become in so the jews right now are kind of outside the church and god is dealing with the gentiles he's dealing with people that don't really know god gentiles the jewish people from abraham had been taught about jehovah but god is dealing with the gentiles and we need to know that beloved that is what we we preach we're preaching what peter preached we're preaching what paul preached peter and paul came here they said you know what you're all doing good because you're preaching what we preach and beloved we've been doing this for 29 years this church started 29 years ago we're planting church everywhere and we plan if god be our helper that we'll plant almost 80 churches in florida and elsewhere we're preaching because people need to hear this message what the catholic has is nothing it's garbage they've got to preach what peter preached they must preach it and if you don't have what peter preached you need to do it today and the thing about it is god is able god is able to help people because if they don't get what peter preached they are going to go to the lake of fire it is guaranteed they don't get baptized in the war in the name of jesus christ get the holy ghost speaking in tongues and live right they must go to the lake of fire and we love people and so we want them to be saved this is why we preach this is why years preaching teaching laboring there are some time i've worked for 75 hours of week 75 hours during the course of one week why i'm trying to reach people because hell is a large place and the bible says hell has increased why because more people are born into this world and if they don't obey what peter preached it they will be in the lake of fire this is why we do all that we can and we need to know that god is serious about people being safe this is why he went to calvary and i want to know that we do the best we can and based on the tabernacle model right now i believe the church has about 10 years left and then that's it that's all she wrote and it could even be less than 10 years but the lord is going to come and take the church away and if you've been baptized and warned in the name of jesus christ and have the holy ghost and living right i mean you can't you you got to live right now you can't be a drug addict amen you can't be a a liquor consumption you can't be a fornicator an adult you've got to live right when you live right then you'll hear well done but if you're not living right friend you're going to be in trouble and time is winding down the apostolic church amen is winding down if you look with me in first corinthians chapter 15. verse 51 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptable and we shall be changed this corruptable shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the same that is written death is swallowed up in victory so when we hear that beloved we are going home amen and if you're not saved well you'll be here you'll be still here but i plan to be in the church of the living god and if you are apostolic then you will hear well done and i'm looking forward to that beloved and and the thing about it this is why we're doing all we can this is why we're working so hard this is why you know we've done so much and we have so much in front of us to do and when the church is taken away then we will be with the lord for about seven years before things will change we'll be with him for seven years and so i'm looking forward to this time when the church will be taken away secondly god will start to deal with israel then once the church has left the earth then god will deal with ill he will almost turn and then deal with israel because israel is his people you know the church is just something that god implemented and put in place and he left off dealing with israel but that was only for roughly 2 000 years the church 2000 here but once that's done he's going to turn back again and deal with israel because israel is really his people i mean us being church people we we just been adapted god just been kind to us we weren't really deserving it you know sometimes we can boast and so forth but we just need to be think thankful that god including us that god worked with us because we were we were we were a dog the bible said we were dogs and sorcerers you you may feel like you're good and all of that but the bible say we were just dogs and saucers but god was kind brought us in secondly god will start to deal with israel then during this 2000 years this church is roughly 2 000 years you notice very few jews are safe most jews are not safe if you notice a lot of jews they've come back since 1945 they start coming back to around jerusalem and so forth and that that nation has been builded up but they they've never gotten to a place where they became apostolic but for the next seven years once god once the church is gone god start dealing with church about seven years god is going to deal with israel as a nation and this seven year that god will deal with them sometimes it is called jacob's trouble he's going to deal with them it's not it's going to be pretty rough it's not going to be easy but thank god we will we won't be here we'll be up in glory pull up for me jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 7. jacob's trouble alas for that day's great said that none is like unto it even the time of jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it so this seven years of jacob's trouble god is going to be dealing with israel and it is not going to be pretty he'll be dealing with israel as a nation pull up for me in romans chapter 11 verse 26 and so all israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of zion deliver and shall turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant unto them when when i shall take away their sins so god is going to god is going to deal with israel that's his people that's that's the people that that god really knew and so he's going to be dealing with him you know there's some people just feel like the jews are going to be trust aside and forgotten well no during that seven year god is going to deal with israel they are the elect according to promise and during this time of jacob's trouble this is also when the beast or the antichrist will be ruling most of the earth you know it's it's quite interesting you know someone was asking me about what what what what about america well it would appear that during this time that america is kind and not mentioned too much but the rest of the world europe and so forth they're going to be dealing with this antichrist this beast during that time and that seven year period is not going to be pretty pull up from his second thessalonian chapter 2 and verses 3 and 4. let no man deceive you by any means for the day of the lord shall shall not come except there come a fallen away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition that is very interesting there's a falling away first this is why jesus even asked when the son of man come will he find faith on the earth because a lot of times people just feel like they're not coming to church anymore things that have they fallen away people need to know that god is not just gonna come in and cause you to do what's right you have to know what's right you have to know that stealing is not good you have to know that being in the house of god is right don't stay home you you gotta you don't want to fall away from god at least man i want to stay with god who oppose and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he is as he as god sits in a temple of god showing himself that he is god so the beast or the antichrist is going to show himself like he is god but you got to know who god is and don't fall for something that is false and so that beast is going to have a lot of things it's going to be ruling most of the earth and if you notice again if you pull up second thessalonian chapter 2 verse 3 and 4 and it's not going to be pretty friend god you got to be out of here let no man deceive you by any means but that day shall not come except there come a fall away for us and that man still be revealed son of petition verse 4 who oppose it and exalts himself above all that is called god and or that is worse so that he is as god sits in the temple of god now we need to know that what god has done for us it's a wonderful thing so we should know what is right we should know if somebody is is doing something that's wrong if they're twisting scripture if they're telling us something that is not scriptural we should know that you shouldn't just fall for something because it's easier than being apostolic i understand apostolic is a challenge but that's the only thing that's right and so the thing during this time people is going to be dealing with the mark of the beast you know it's quite interesting that um that they have during this pandemic that they have some kind of a mark or some kind of a notation or some kind of a record to show that you've had the antidote so you got to show that you have it well during the time of the beast you're going to have to receive a mark so this is why you have to be very skeptic sometimes about what man is doing but it's a precursor to what is going to happen then we need to know that even if we were here i don't think we will be here as people of god but during that time the beast is going to tell you to take a mark but you have to just say well no i'm good not taking that mark because when you once you take the mark you kiss heaven goodbye so we have to know what god has we can't just do what the devil wants us to do because it sounds good and i understand during this mark of the bees when you take it in your hand or you have it here well when you go to publix well you don't have to have cash when you go to publix you don't have to have you just slide your hand across there it's i understand it's very simple it's good and so forth and people will take the mark of the beast but don't people cannot take that mark of the beast and still eventually have any connection with god and so time that is coming that is in front of us is some trying time it's some dangerous time and during that time of course during the time when when the beast is here people going to get into trouble pull up for me in revelation 13. and if you bring up verse 16 and for this cause and and he calls it all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive the mark in their right hand or in their farts that no man might by ourselves if he that has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the of the the beast for it is the number of men and his number is 603 score and six six six six so you you've got you can't just do what men say we have to always remember what god has said and abide with god's word because we don't want to miss out and you know this beast of course we will know that he also will try to rule israel try to look after israel but after a while israel will know that's the beast they're not gonna they're not gonna come under his rule and so the people of god have to always keep their mind and their eyes on jesus christ because the devil will deceive people but god is not changing his word isn't going to change what he is telling people today is still right what peter preached at pentecost is still right you know some people say it was the old church well no what peter preach everybody must obey it whether you're pope or archbishop or candybar or whatever you you have to obey it thirdly we will have the battle of armageddon so after dealing with israel that seven years for seven years after dealing with that that seven-year period would end with what is called the battle of armageddon the angel of god is going to fight the lord and his angel fighting the beast or what we call the antichrist and his army you know we're gonna see the devil always think he can win but you can't you you're not gonna win a battle fighting god i mean you could think you could win you could think you're gonna them but it's not happening pull up from in matthew 24 verse 29 matthew 24 verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days as after the 70 years shall the sun be darkened the moon shall not give her light and the star shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angel with great sound of the trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four wings from one end of heaven to the other so god is going to come and he is going to gather his people beloved and the jews they are going to be with the lord pull up also revelation chapter 14 for me and verse 19 19 and 20 i think would probably help there you know because god is going to god is going to be in charge and it doesn't matter what mankind will say god is still going to be in charge in revelation chapter 14 and maybe maybe also do revelation chapter 16 verse 16 i think that's also very interesting and he gathered them together into a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon so god is going to gather all of these folks in this battle this part and it's in in palestine it's going to gather them and go now to the um chapter number number 14 and verse 19. and the angel thrusting his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast cast into the great winepress of the wrath of god and the winepress was trodden without the city and blood came out of the winepress even under the horse's bridle by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs see what's going to happen is that god is going to really start killing he's going to start really handing out judgment because of that beast who as it were tried to introduce all kind of mess to israel and act like they he was god and this is going to mark then the end of that mankind trying to destroy israel and the lord will then after he sends this judgment the lord will then set up a literal kingdom on earth he will set up a literal kingdom after god judged that beast and and and really put destruction on them god is then going to set up this is part of the church of the living god this is what we teach this is what we believe this is what is in scripture so god is going to set up a literal kingdom on earth he's going to set it up for a thousand years and he'll be reigning from jerusalem and then the people of god the saints of god the people who have been transformed born again and so forth we are going to be part of that kingdom we're going to rule you in that time we're going to be part of the ruling party in that kingdom god is going to use us until lord will reign from jerusalem and it is designed to show what righteousness does righteousness is what god is all about and so that kingdom will set up for a thousand years and people that are there gonna have to live right even if they're gonna tell a lie probably going to try and hide it because they can't come up and start fighting god nothing good is coming out of that so they all going to just be kind and nice and just obey because you can't do anything wrong during that time because god will be there and the saints of god that came out of tribulation and that were said we're going to be reigning too we're going to rule and if i see anybody that's kind of acting funny nothing good is coming out of that so everybody going to they're going to obey and the lord will reign on this planet for 1 000 a year now i'll be glad about it he's going to be reigning from jerusalem and it is designed to show what righteousness is all about and the saints will reign with him and the thing about it to me i'll enjoy it i will i will enjoy it pull up for me if you will revelation 20 and verse 4. revelation 20 verse 4 and i saw thrones and they that sat upon them and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus and for the word of god and that which had not worshipped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their forwards or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years if you live right if you were apostolic you're going to be reigning with jesus for one thousand years upon this earth so god has you know people may think that god is not in control all of this virus everybody getting all upset and all of that god is in control he is just sitting at his desk and just writing everything this is what if he is not if he is not concerned if he is not word if he is not then i i'm not either because i take it from him he is doing everything that he's supposed to do i'm just doing everything i'm supposed to do i'm not worried at all because god is in control hallelujah pull up if you will isaiah chapter 4 isaiah chapter 11 and we're going to read from verse 4. isaiah chapter 11 verse 4 4-7 and so this is that you're in the thousand-year reign but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked and the righteousness shall be the girl if his loin and faithfulness the girdle of his reigns the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb so now everything has changed now so the wolf is dwelling with the lamb the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and the little child shall lead him so everything is changed now the devil is out of control never not controlling during this thousand year god is controlling all of this and the cow and the bear shall feed their young ones shall lie down together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox so his the the lions his his the vegetation his his eating habit will have changed and now he's eating straw i mean if you try to feed a lion straw now you may you may you may end up with something which is not good well during the time when the lord set up his kingdom everything goes back to where it was initially so that is the time beloved we want to be on the earth we want to be with the lord during that time the saints reigned with him did you pull up revelation 20 for me and verse four the saints is going to work i mean rain and i'll i'll enjoy it and and and all of us will enjoy and this will continue for 1 000 years 1 000 years god is reigning and people of god living together and i saw thrones did we read this already all right so we can forget this let me let me mention this did you remember that methuselah lived for 969 years so he almost lived for a thousand years during this time there will be people that were born day one they will live for the whole thousand years why god is in control god is showing us what it should have been like what the world should have been like he is showing us that if righteousness was being reigned if righteousness was being taught if righteousness was being lived then people could live further right now most people die before they're 80 years old jesus is saying if you live right and if righteousness is there you can live a thousand years when sin is not pervasive when sin is not ruling your life beloved you can live and i don't i mean of course in this world i mean i'm i'm not living a thousand year down here no sir 80 years is probably too much thousand years i said oh no i'm not no i'm gonna go down i mean i mean even the food down here in in less than 80 years is kind of off can you imagine you were down here for a thousand years you probably end up eating dirt so i'm good but during this time when the lord is his righteousness is is is holiness is people living right as people and you can live for a thousand years serving god under god and i'm excited about that and beloved we want to be there we want to we want to be part of what god is doing so we need to whatever it taught whatever it takes whatever it's going to cause us to live for god it is worth it amen and fourthly and lastly after the end of the thousand year reign we shall have the second resurrection the first resurrection was only the righteous people that served god but after this after that thousand year reign then the lord will come back again and we will have what we call the second resurrection and so the the dead that are raised during this second resurrection they will go to what is called the white throne judgment they're going to this is all of the sin from from adam there they're going to go and they'll be judged at this white throne judgment so let us go now to revelation chapter 20. and let's consider verse 7. we'll read several verses there revelation chapter 20. let us consider verse 7 and then we're going to go to verse 11. and when the thousand years are expired satan shall be loosed out of his prisons so during the thousand years satan is bound this is why everything was so nice during the thousand years when the thousand years over satan is going to be loosed go to 11. and i saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and i saw the dead small and great stand before god so this is the dead from adam all of those people who were not part of the church who was not raised was not part of what god had done everyone now stand before god so these are millions and millions of people and the books were opened because all of our life all of what we do is written down so if you tell a lie all of that is written if you make some misrepresentation all of that is written if you drink if you're drunk all of that is written so when your name come up and the lord open it all of that is there everything is kept on record books were opened and another book was open which is the book of life which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the dead which were in it the death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works so the thing about it then people are going to be judged and if you not right god is going to judge you and you are going to be rewarded this will include all of the wicked dead from the time that adam was alive and then we have the punishment of the wicked wicked is gone you know people just feel that god is good and he's not going to punish them they're going to they're going to be punished did we read verse 15 revelation 2015 people are gonna they're gonna receive that and whosoever was not found written in the book of life cast into the lake of fire and the word the lake of fire is a fire that nothing is going to put out so as long as god is alive people be gone in the lake of fire and it's very it's it's it's it's it's really very very sad that people have an opportunity now to get saved when they come to church they have an opportunity to get saved you know it's not drinking all kind of whiskey and living all kind of wicked life that is good because people are going to be judged and how would how do you think you p you're going to feel if you are in the lake of fire the worm don't die that's the punishment that's the torment and the fire is not quenched and they be as long as god is alive they'll be in that fire i'm not going there i don't plan to be there and whatever it takes for me to miss that kind of punishment beloved i i'm going to miss it the righteous have something that god has for them and i'm gonna i'm i'm telling you everything that god has prepared for me i want to be there peter's there paul is there mary's there i'm gonna be right in there because i'm not going to the lake of fire i am not missing out and whatever it costs me to make heaven my home i'm going to do it there's nothing down this world here is going to attract me i'm going to live for god and god is going to bless us when we decide the lord whatever come this way i'm going to live for you it doesn't matter what people do i'm going to live for you doesn't matter what you know this world has attraction this is why some folk come and they come here and they hear what's being preached and they know what is right but they like whiskey they like marijuana they like drugs they like fornication they like adultery they like all kind of mess but they're going to miss heaven beloved whatever it takes for me to make heaven i'm going to pay for it i'm going to do it because i don't want to spend all of my time in the lake of fire now i'm closing i know it's a short message today but i'm just telling you beloved i plan to be in heaven and whatever it costs whatever it takes i must hear well done in that day we can stand i'm gonna close and i want your beloved if you're here today i want you to plan to be in glory whatever it one song writer said whatever it takes for my will to break that's what i'm willing to be and there's the church of the living god we're looking at great future our job is really to reach a dying world this is why we we spend so much time and energy and effort trying to reach people because we don't want them to end up in the lake of fire and i want you that they hear god has touched your heart and you know you need to get right with god you can come if you haven't been baptized in water in the name of jesus christ don't have the holy ghost i want you to come because whatever it costs i must make it it's must over 56 years i'm living for god because i must make it doesn't matter what no matter what folk do heaven is my home thank you jesus heaven is my home beloved if you're here don't have the holy ghost god is here you're hearing everybody in jesus name god is here if you say yes i want to be baptized you're going to go down in water in the name of jesus christ and wash all your sins away songwriter said above all else i must be saved i'm not going to let heaven miss me friend i'll be there hallelujah my my home is in heaven no rent to pay i'll be there not beloved i want to see all of you there because the thing about him when you get to have all of the limited knowledge that we have now goes away and we know everything so i'll know peter don't have to show me who peter is i'll know peter i'll know that's mary i'll know that's james i know that's peter and so if you are there i'll remember you hallelujah i'll know you i want you to know that to get to heaven it costs i mean i'm telling you it goes you have to give up all of that drinking that used to get you drunk and all of that you have to kiss all of that goodbye no lying no stealing no deception no hatred all of that's got to go and you fall in love with jesus oh glory fall in love with jesus love him god will anoint you god will touch you he will lift you he will resurrect you he will heal you he will set you free i want to live for jesus if you're here and want that beloved i want you to come paul said i fought a good fight finished my course kept kept the faith henceforth there's lay it up for me oh i want to see you there beloved oh i want to see all of you there and i'll remember that you came to new life go ahead singers i'm just about done you don't have one i'll start one hallelujah you need to come i'll pray for you and god will touch your heart god will god will change your mind god will anoint you oh i feel the holy ghost if you're here beloved i would not leave here unless god touch your life come by this altar sweeter all the time oh thank you lord keep your hand on us or oh them know you love oh them we love you jesus we love you lord all these that are at this altar lord i pray you touch them and god i pray that you'll bring them to a place lord of repentance where they can be baptized they can be filled with the holy ghost and be ready o lord as time is winding down become part of the church of the living god oh touch them lord touch their faith raise their faith let them see heaven oh god let heaven become real to them i pray that you may touch their lives touch them with god in such a way that they'll never be the same again and give them a desire lord to love you and oh god i pray that you may touch their lives that they'll never be the same again fill them with your spirit and let them oh god change how they have lived oh lord and put you in control with their life oh god be their strength be their purpose be the reason for their living god they've had so many failures in their life but you're a god that never failed i pray you'll hear from him and perform i do as we ask it in your name hallelujah hallelujah i must be saved i must be saved god bless you tonight as you go remember the service starts at six o'clock tonight for above all else
Channel: YourNLT
Views: 630
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: 8zos1CgBGKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 30sec (10590 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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