Squishy Makeovers: Spin The Wheel | Fixing Your Squishies #28

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[Music] hey it's me i'm doing another squishy makeover video and we're gonna do it the spin the wheel way today where the squishies that i paint in this episode get randomly selected by a wheel i like the challenge of this you guys like watching me be challenged normally i use a wheel app but instead of using the app today oh it doesn't fit in the frame oh no so we're gonna spin the wheel put it back here that's fine good boom i just thought that this would be a little bit more fun than using the app minus the fact that you have to look at my terrible handwriting i'm sorry about that these are all labels for bins that i have of squishies whichever one it lands on is the bin that i have to choose the squishy from this wheel does have two extra spaces i added my choice and spin again they're kind of throwaway spaces but what can you do let's spin it ah okay it lands on my beauties let me get that bin move over these are the ones that i've set aside they're precious set apart and special in other words my favorites i'm just gonna reach in [Music] and grab oh no freaking human squishy this squishy is actually one that i bought myself a long long time ago i had high hopes for her now looking at this it kind of makes me want to throw up i've had some bad experiences in the past trying to make humans not look terrifying but um i can't change the one that i pulled from the bin this is the one that we must do so let's do that starting with squishy roasting okay so i actually bought this at target a few years ago because i thought she was just so stink and adorable she's a princess complete with a poofy dress and a crown got this little regal pose it's starting to rip in several different places that's proof i did use it but i was basically just waiting for it to wear out so that i could give it a makeover because that's all i really bought it for not that i would ever let this get into the kind of condition that i've seen some of the poor creatures y'all have sent to me i don't even know how that happens i know i have no right to say this after the atrocities that i'm responsible for but her face is a little lacking okay there's zero color to it even her lips are just white but for a human squishy she's really not that bad let's begin with the sanding i mean the uh the the skin treatment spa day princess let's do it girl it's a very gentle exfoliation oh your skin is peeling off yeah don't worry that's normal i want to give this princess a theme she's going to be donut princess no no no donut queen queen of donuts so i'm going to use krusty donut number one and krusty donut number two to help me with this let me just pull off that nasty drizzle oh that feels good pluck out this thing and i'm gonna try to make it look like she's holding a massive donut well it's a mini donut but proportionately massive proportionately or proportionally proportionately proportionally they both sound kind of right and kind of wrong at the same time okay anyway i'm gonna cut it in half like a bagel and that way it'll lay down flat against her and i'm gonna hot glue this on goody and now for the other donut i'm gonna create a type of head dress yeah it's ridiculous but i mean hey she's a donut queen okay this is not the time to be settled so i'm gluing that on her head just like that it's beautiful now for the slick paint to do its job time to seal the pieces together fill up all those little cracks and gaps repairing the damage that i did from my constant squishing of this and also helping to smooth out any rough and lumpy spots there and she's ready to paint starting with a white base coat right now the donuts look pretty um what's the word it what i mean is it's ugly especially the one on her head but you know what i i think she belongs in some kind of fantasy candyland type of place she doesn't belong in our world and that's why she looks so dumb in her world this is perfectly normal so don't make fun of her native headdress now the base coat is done time for paint paint popping this open now since she is donut queen the queen of donuts that's her full formal title please use it i wanted to use the same color for her skin and the donuts to kind of tie them together they are one so i went with this kind of orangey tan color that i use for vanilla cake and donuts a lot but it's not a very flattering skin tone so i scooped a bunch of it out i'm not sure why i did that actually what did i do with that paint what did i eat it i'm thinking something a little softer and more neutral will probably work better oh yes that is much nicer except oh boy we've got something else now she's having a bit of acne trouble this might be a reaction to the gentle exfoliating scrub let's just take on some makeup right there cover it up lay it on thick that'll do the trick that sounds like a horrible tagline oh right over the mouth perfect moving ahead and i'm gonna start on the face i've kind of already started off camera because i needed to focus of course i'm going to start with some blush on her cheeks after messing with that for a while i'm going in for the lips oh no it looks like she's having some trouble applying her makeup it's okay dear we've all been there that's not gonna work i wanted to go for a similar eye shape as the original [Music] gosh she looks like a raccoon oh geez okay i went in to very slowly and patiently try to fix it and clean everything up eyelashes and eyebrows that'll help right well i tried okay so at this point it's clear i really need to focus so off camera i worked on her and this is what i ended up with you know what i don't hate it you know she's not perfect but i've learned my lesson and i know this is the time to stop let's move on to the rest of her of course i'm gonna give her colorful hair because that's fun and it'll add to that kind of fantasy magical thing that i'm going for so her hair starts with pink at the top and then blends into purple and then ends with the green which was actually quite difficult to blend with the purple but after a lot of fussing and fighting i finally got it looking decent enough i'm particularly proud of this purple streak through that curl that's a moment and i love it next i need to address the dress i'm giving it a white background to start kind of looks like a wedding dress do we need a donut royal couple wedding um no yeah probably not i'm gonna go in and start adding a bunch of details to the dress and a pink ombre look to the bottom of the dress which of course took forever to blend you got to choose a point to stop and i chose this point right here that's where i'm going to stop for her crown and the little beaded accents on her sleeves i put down a layer of white because i want a nice solid base coat here for when i add the metallic gold on top oh yeah that's nice this is really gonna help with her credibility as a queen i mean what color was the crown originally blue yeah no nobody trusts that girl she definitely needed some glitz and gold now to emphasize the donut theme a little more i decided to add sprinkles all over her dress which means [Music] there we are currently she looks more like queen of flesh-colored bagels what so i'm going to add frosting to the donuts to make them look more like donuts i went with white for the one on her head and purple for the one that she's holding yes that is looking so much better and of course i'm adding sprinkles to the donuts themselves i've already used sprinkle song once so let's just sit for a moment of silence and respect okay and the other donut gets a nice drizzle and here is the final before and after oh she looks so adorable so much more detail and color oh my voice just did some weird things i'm actually really happy with this makeover and i'm pleasantly surprised because i didn't think it was gonna go well but i really like the design and the colors and all the decoration that she's got going on it's so much more fitting for a queen even though her face is slightly awkward looking i kind of like it i don't know and you know who would be the perfect pet for her nila except for the fact that the dog is like you know twice her size they are perfect together anyway okay we are back to the wheel for the second spin are you ready [Music] oh please the hopeless bin last time i chose something from this bin it took me an entire video to give it a makeover because it was pretty darn awful i think we're gonna be capped out at two squishies for this episode sometimes one squishy is enough sometimes three is enough sometimes two is enough sometimes three feels like too much two feels like too little three feels like too much sometimes one feels like too little sometimes one feels like too much we don't have a set number of squishies that we do anymore okay that's all i'm trying to say oh okay here is the hopeless been the hopeless been the hopeless bin it makes me very sad this wheel has been very unkind to me so far if you're new the hopeless bin is exactly what it sounds like people send me squishies and occasionally they um send me stuff that's in such bad condition borderline unrepairable i put ones like that in this bin taking the lid off and i'm not looking and i'm choosing at random oh no this thing the hollowed-out watermelon cube it's been scraped empty whoever sent this was a blonde so much hair what in the world can i do with this we're just gonna have to do it let's do it now so someone sent me this squishy and i've been hanging on to it even though it's pretty much wrecked for some reason the squishy has been ripped open and the insides have been ripped out it's barely even a squishy anymore until i really started looking at this i thought that it was just a cube shaped watermelon but i'm noticing the texture of it and i think it might actually be a watermelon themed bread loaf that's kind of cool maybe we'll stick with that first i need to replace the guts of this squishy so i've got a giant hunk of memory foam it's so soft and pure and i'm gonna try to rip off a piece and keep ripping hunks off until i've got a chunk that fits nicely inside i'm gonna use small amounts of hot glue to repair all the rips that are all over the place on this thing definitely trying to go minimal with the amount of hot glue i'm using if you use too much you will get little creepy hard spots in the squishy which is just gross feeling luckily this started looking much better very quickly there was just one little hole over here that i just have to bloop i'm plugging that up and trimming off the excess fortunately there's so much of that bread texture all over this which is going to help camouflage the hot mess that's really going on here puffy paint you've got a lot of work to do i'm using my puffy paint for the repairs usually i just use this on the ripped areas where needed but i'm basically just going to apply this over the entire squishy there's just so much damage and chaos all over this thing it's just bad it's all bad so this is going to need lots and lots of puffy paint which means lots and lots of drying time although to be honest this really wasn't as much work as i thought it was going to be i mean the damage was extensive but since it's such a simple shape it really wasn't all that difficult to repair i guess i was worried for nothing oh no eventually all those rips and cracks did get sealed up and jumping into the paint now most of the time with my squishy makeovers i turn the squishies into something completely new and different i remove things i add things or minimum i just completely changed the look of it but for this one i thought it might be kind of fun to actually kind of stick with the original design so i'm keeping the watermelon bread thing i have switched it to a pastel green watermelon to make it a little cute and doesn't it feel good to cover up that tragedy it took many coats of that green paint to completely hide the neon pink since i didn't bother to do a base coat for some reason alright i've got the green background so now of course i'm painting on the watermelon stripes you know it's been a while since i've done something watermelon i used to do it all the time to the point where people would get mad at me how does watermelon make somebody so angry that's probably why i stopped doing it so much honestly they killed my watermelon spirit those two tones of green the waviness of those stripes it's good to be back things did get a little wonky in that area where all the stripes converge it became a little bit of a traffic jam over there but i think i did clean it up enough in the end so now for the actual flesh of the watermelon i like to do it in pink because once again cute the color combination is just so delish i love it this was really such a chill and enjoyable paint job i mean it was just so easy just a simple design on a simple shape i'm chilling and this is where the watermelon really pops adding that white line all the way around to look like the rind it kind of looks more like candy than bread but i guess that's not a bad thing and last i'm going to add some brown seeds in there i thought about making the seeds into the shape of little hearts for more cute that might be overdoing it just a little bit so let's just stick with normal seeds adding my signature on the little butt and here it is the before and after this isn't as dramatic of a transformation as many of my makeovers are but i think it's pretty satisfying to see the new and fresh version of that terribly busted squishy this was so much more simple and easier than expected but i do like it i suppose i could have added more to it but there wasn't anything that i thought it really needed so i got off kind of easy with this one i love how the colors of the two squishies go together so perfectly they look adorable together anyway i hope you enjoyed these makeovers thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 19,673,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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