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hey guys and welcome back to another quarantine airline so today will be returning to our really quick tutorials I've got a really good trick for you so we will be playing around with cloth and we'll be sending our cloth to behave like soft bodies will do a quick like very quick squeezing animation I'll show you how to do it it's going to be really quick really simple and hopefully you'll learn something from it so let's get into it I'm going to delete everything in the scene and I'm gonna add a cube okay control tools to subdivide it twice and after that I'm going to add a cast modifier I set the factor to 1 I'm just going to apply both of them I'm just gonna scale up this sphere just a bit to about 125 control a to reset the scale now we have a sphere looking cube after that I'm gonna add the cool a cloth and the collision so I'm just preparing the objects right now and then after this we're going to fine tune them a bit more add a sphere a UV sphere and scale it up to about 3.5 let's say press Z to endure wireframe those who were seeing what's happening and I'm going to enter edit mode by pressing tab so I have this sphere over here e to extrude s and then just drag it out so I'm holding shift and just dragging out the sphere just a bit the yellow line has to be outside of the black one otherwise there will be a couple of problems with the collisions select everything control and recalculate the normals okay I wanna exit edit mode gotta set up a collision this collision is going to be set to thickness outer - 0.001 and I'm gonna set the thickness inner to zero zero yeah zero points as well when I check off the single-sided so it works something like this so now we have our bigger sphere in a smaller sphere one less thing that we need just gonna put a force field so I'm gonna set the strength to about five something like that and I'm going to move this sphere just slightly outside let's say about here so I'm just going to move the sphere outside of force now what do we have to do let's just test it so yeah this the everything is not working as we would want it but we have a smaller sphere trapped in a larger sphere now what I want to do is have a bunch of spheres that get squeezed and blend and mesh together how we can do that very quickly is first of all we're going to turn off the gravity so we go to field weights in our condition sphere over here the smaller sphere turn off the gravity so now when I press play the sphere actually gets pushed by our force and gets pushed to the larger sphere now we can play around with the tension of the spheres basically also we can just say shorten the loop to about a hundred thirty something like that we can increase the power of our strength let's say to about ten something like that and then observe what's happening with our sphere if we just turn off the compression it's going to get completely compressed against sphere don't want that we want to keep a bit of compression so I think if we leave the compression at five maybe leave the tension at five let's just use the default settings for now now what we are going to do next is basically let's just check the collisions I'm going to set them the quality to three and the object collisions I'm going to set to 0.001 so it's it as close as possible now that I have everything set up old a to stop the animation I'm going to return to the first frame and if I get back into solid you I still have this huge sphere over here I'm going to turn the invisibility in the viewport but there's another way we can do this basically we just go under the object properties viewport display and change it from texture to wire and now we have this this is going to help us see a bit better what's happening with these spheres inside of the bigger sphere next thing I'm just going to duplicate a couple of these spheres so I'm just going to select the sphere shift D and then drag the spheres around this and gonna make yeah that's a before I'm just going to randomly resize them and every time I resize I just press ctrl-a and reset the scale and I do the same for the next one maybe I'm going to make this any bigger long and just move it over here and I'm going to drag this one over here I'm leaving one of them like the size that they were when they were originally created if I press play I can say that they all go away from the center that is just check that we have everything that we need so basically we need cloth with collisions in higher quality and more in low margin and we need the actual collision so they can collide with themselves and what we are going to do next is just press the auto key symbol over here select the larger sphere press S on the first frame so we have our first frame recorded then moved to frame 90 don't worry if your animation freaks out that's completely normal when the clothes is not baked and I'm going to resize it down to zero point that's in 0.06 we'll just try it and see if we get any creatures we adapt everything now let's press 8 now let's see what happens so they are getting squished squished squished and they squish together so you can see we have a bit of a problem over here again we are working with low mesh numbers I think the whole project here has a thousand and four hardwood faces so you can actually increase the number of that we can we can also make that with our larger sphere for example we can put a subdivision before the actual collision increase that and see how how it moves but again we lose a lot of our viewport we get a lot of lag especially if it's a weaker systems so before you attempt something like that I would recommend you get just the collisions right at the lower levels and then increase it to larger ones so you know that everything is going well for you so you can see it glitched out at that very exact moment so we can just roll back our subdivision on the huge sphere so we can just think it off and we know that this sphere is just a bit too tight so I'm gonna scale it back up by let's say point to return and let's control see what happens with our spheres basically that are squishing together they are also moving and reacting to each other because there is a force field between them the last thing to do is Janice equip them for example it's a couple of subdivision modifiers let's say we put all of these on all the spheres I usually do this I don't really care a lot when I'm doing like this type of more graph stuff because it's again it's not gaming related so you don't have to carry that much about faces anyway just shade smooth and let's try it out now yeah and it's like and that exact point for they're just barely just denting each other in now if you want to see the result without the main sphere you can see it right here you can also then add different stuff inside this is like an added bonus let's say for example a vortex I'm going to add a force field vortex and this is basically going to turn the spheres inside of the bulb I can increase the strength so that they start to see they start to move around the whole thing you can also for example let's say rotate the actual sphere let's press R twice and then just turning randomly and it also should in fact yeah it also it also influences but again we are getting some strange results we're going to do that especially if there's high velocities inside maybe we can try it with a lower just a 45 degree turn and let's see what happens so you can see that they're getting displaced they're getting moved around and for longer scenes you can also choose and turn the actual sphere around so this is basically it for this video now there's plenty of more options here to explore we did this with very low subdivision rates with very low faces you can go with more faces but then you have to manipulate more the settings of the cloth because it's again it's not a typical usage of clothes I didn't I didn't see at a lot of the times with blender in any case if you'd like me to explore this a bit more or show you more advanced settings or some different settings for the motion graphics aspect just let me know in the comments or leave a like and that really helps me out and see you in the next one
Channel: bla tadej
Views: 28,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender cloth, cloth blender, cloth blender 2.82, cloth tutorial, cloth tutorial simple, cloth tutorial quick, squishy mograph, squishy animation, blender animation tutorial, bl
Id: M07e83NU-ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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