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isway theen CL the do please okay good sorry I gave you hey man can I get a pack of Marvel golds give me a second holy [ __ ] I'm sorry I feel like seeing the guns right now what's up man I thought you moved away yeah I'm just back in for the day good to see you like you look better like full out in the face uh I can just give you a Luc if you want uh no just the pack please and uh going take one of these [Music] are hey hey Jack hey sorry I didn't mean to sneak up on you do you need to use the shower or something um no nothing like that I just um I just wanted to talk if that's all right is Mom home is she at work uh uh she's not going to be back for a while uh so I I guess you could come in okay thanks [Music] so you coming from soccer practice uh yeah you still playing forward uh sweeper now since the summer you like it yeah I mean I'm I'm good at it so look I know it's kind of weird that I'm showing up here cuz it's kind of been a while I've been clean for 7 months 7 and 1 half months now actually and I got in this program and I have a counselor and I even have a sponsor it's this dude named Ry and a big part of the program is making amends and what's that all about a big part of it is acknowledging some of the ways that I've [ __ ] up or sorry messed up you're allowed to curse right yeah okay and so yeah that's a big part of it and I wanted to say I'm sorry and there's this one time I think about a lot mom and dad were away for some big hearing or lawyer meeting or something and the plan was for me to pick you up and take you to the Rockway and get you away from all of that [ __ ] we were going to go fishing and swimming and all the gear was packed in the car the night before and all of that and I just mess upop I didn't come get you and I don't even know where I was that morning but I wasn't here and I didn't get you away from all of that [ __ ] and I think about that a lot so yeah I was wondering if that was something you wanted to do now like I mean I could take you to go fishing look I don't know what you're talking about to be completely honest you're saying apologies are a part of this program but you have already done this like a apologized uh I mean do what you got to do but I don't know what you want me to do with that thank you for your apology I guess I don't know um hey I don't know when Mom's going to be home um so yeah okay no but I could borrow one do you know like how long it's going to be like low tide for yeah I mean I could be there in like an hour if you if you wanted Ray thank you so much dude I really appreciate this listen man I'm glad I can help man I'm not going to [ __ ] this up no you're not going to [ __ ] this up man hey you're not you're not you're not man you got time to get this right man you're young he's young got life is long oh and you're not going to [ __ ] up my car either all right no I trust you I think all right is there anything um is there anything we need to talk about before you go no no I'm just nervous I guess for sure yep thanks you're not going to ask me how my day was I know how your day was listen the heat is busted keep your jacket on [Music] [Music] [Music] for for for oh
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 8,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qOUjsIDnivw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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