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alright guys he eats me here alright guys so Parker's not here yet and I have a big giant box sitting in my living room and I could fit that box so doesn't just no not not take opportunity to just care to shoot them so what we're gonna do he knows are the basic got a roof rack our roof for cargo container and salt on top of super smooth air show my car right here super super the huge all sorry kid yeah super smooth it real cool Clark right there I got one installed the box is still here so you're probably thinking how was he knocking it was his big-ass box in middle the room well because he already knows this box is here but he doesn't know how I'm gonna be in it so we're gonna see if we could scare him the day with a back for everybody all right down alright he just got here here we gonna put you is right there I'm gonna send the text to saying hey come on I got the river why so beat up back happy harmony with another video today is gonna be a lot of fun because the day we're is gonna be doing is testing out spy from me as you guys saw cue cooked my regular everyday pig alright so this is a normal pin normally well let's see the range on ready I'm ready [Music] boy as you saw my regular everyday Pig do you guys like that videos I want to do some more spices Oh today we'll be testing out a bunch of spy equipment let's see how well that stuff worked it was good if it's bad if it's learned from from it if we can get a better version of it somewhere I don't know if we're gonna be telling us about the day though right now you guys in the drill right now on your screen are three different options this is a photo of me apart we're debating before we even started this video right now you get the power like Aquaman control fish who control this animal or this insect on this being with your mind you can like if you want to send us a the pigeons you guys I know army of pigeons to attack somebody maybe three options right now I want you guys to hit the like but if it ends an even number of odd number or 0 this is the one you get and then I want you to argue down below which why you think the one you get even if you don't want even if you think the one you got sucks give me an argument to was to want it could be good down below we're gonna do this right now in three two one zero so your options are spiders wolves and we'll say earthling earthworms you know do you could maybe like uproot someone's house I don't know you could this is the vehicle for you like what have you had a whole ruin the foundation of someone now I'm in the argument of wolves he said spiders are better I'm saying wolves are better fighters are more they're more accessible for everywhere there's everywhere spider you okay look let's just say hi back there's a spider right here I summon to dude thank you I so di okay over all right let me wait for the nearest wall okay but when nothing gets here you're done I'm not gonna be a teacher of God how are shoot leave your sins I'll get my wolf to go attack you better the spider you're not quite sure you know overlooking crevices a wolf may take longer than the Wolves around here but if when it gets there you get to get done so again guys in the comments down below are you and you cannot argue the one you like argue with the one you got whatever one you got let me know down below why would that be the best one if you're on Teen Wolf let me know grunty your spider just uh keep it up so as you guys can see you bye Parker's outfit right I told you Patrick Barker's outfit right here we got Patrick Starr that is a very very cool outfit but he has a reason why you got this outfit yeah I had a reason I had something I was doing to him I got to climb for being too savage so I can't do my buddy got his right here we're outside and sure that's exactly why he's dressed like that a second either all right so the reason we're coming outside is we're doing a little bit of car so as you guys know my car my mom I love that one of my car's my favorite guard though to be honest my favorite but to be honest this is my favorite Luther this is my car yeah this is the box that we had inside that is the box I was a little sport I got a roof thing installed now that if you think a roof thing a roof cargo container okay me this car I would pick over Ferrari any day this car super smoother my baby you can't replace super smooth air guys this car looks so much better at this so reason we're out here is because Parker got a license plate a custom license plate and we're gonna go chew at you guys right now I'm sure you could probably figure out what it might be what I was gonna get one doing it was gonna say 21 stat because maybe this is the most savage looking car what yeah whatever I get all sappy but the DMV told me I couldn't do it because apparently it invokes violence you know super smooth it doesn't walk so I got but if I couldn't get mine unfortunately but I'm still get another one we're gonna show you partners right now alright so we're at Parker's car right now and here is Parker's license plate so I don't know cheap disinformation but if you can't be something here whose license plate patrick Star that is a sweet license plate I'm very happy you got yours I'm sorry maybe I would but I already have my Reptar once I'm pretty content with that but hopefully I get one okay you know it's got to be seven letters you guys let me know what you don't like somebody super smoothie like Shia spell super smoother somehow change my license plate just super smoother let me know down below but also let me know how should I spell it cuz it's got to be within seven letters let me know down below how should i spell super smoother I will change the license plate on that car to super smoother yeah I don't know okay so we're going there to check out back tests off they have is the brand spy gear they're the ones that make the regular pins these are regular items that don't you would never guess so choice rusty I know it's tough spy gear go over there and check this up out then we're gonna head there and we're you back okay that's where the rest Tommy I'm getting his crocodile do you ever want to see a crocodile did his part too and this is a lot for the last crocodile Ben just we're really doing that very very students before bat and it's also finally finally did not do to perfection there's a longer 10 prisoners 20 but Wow soo guys and this gets down to where the prices are like 50 60 % / - come here basket I where's the problem wait a bit with all time already left bunch of stuff here but right now sit on that price range right now that would have been oh no I have the biggest hand I know so okay so I should ran when I first for white I kind of holding everything a little Brougham fish your partner's hand compared to said Burke me Bert always you guys can find out but it's not really debate it's more of like you're into the matter here I'm gonna put it right in my hands bigger than Shaq no it's not look at much room Shaq's got here the whole finger nails over you all right how am I tried the little hands oh they're bigger than Shaquille O'Neal wow he's super slammed jamming can you dunk like me no nobody can all right now it's all still going down that's 20% off but we're waiting so it's still $159 if we get to under 100 then all mod it so we're gonna keep going back and secretly left any left wing it's under 100 I'll model and I promise all right guys so tour the rest unfortunately did not have any of the spire so I wanted but they do have something on Amazon so I got this and a whole bag of toys and spy stuff we're gonna check all the stuff out to see how well the stuff holds up and if it actually does what his purpose is and find out right now here we go the first item actually from my background I really like that half that much and I did you definitely don't do it I Spy you don't look suspicious slightly fashionable so this disappearing ink thing about this as though I don't really know how well it works we're gonna find out if it really disappear that doesn't fit we're gonna find out right now everything is disappearing ink we're gonna try outside and the shirt let's even work on a shirt huh yeah we have a shirt to try it out all right it's got a wrinkly right now this is one of my favorite shirts this is my ref tar Japanese sure a very light color pink to show up on that doesn't say reps are so something Japanese and it's probably pretty cool no but it's weird though because it says right here it's a super smoother all right so right here is invisible ain't my favorite shirt oh oh dude as almost ruin my dude wow it is appearing it's disappearing this would be so perfect really a prank dude it's leaving the watermarks but it just like waters not all evaporate with the sunnite merit well because these are practically gun practically gone all right oh god no your arm is disappearing there isn't a lot of this on there dude that's insane wow what what Mike Mike is disappearing yeah it's already almost gone it's washable too well that's good you know yet a splash that I'll just like shake your shirt it's almost gone I hope I didn't ruin burger shirt I think it was a save his life so if you buy this you could prank your friends wait they're wearing their favorite outfit and then dislodge them he's gone you see parker was lowkey on the inside worried a little bit either turn your body towards the Sun though oh that's right yeah I'm gonna do that now all that's left is watermark so that's just an evaporate like water would normally and then it sure will have nothing on it so you could use this for like a prank I don't really know what does it do the spy this is like more like a prank kit but it's still kind of cool bring you a little bit scared about the shirt I was a little scared all right this pin right here gives me the ability apparently the spotter pin I can leave a message for somebody and no one can see except for the other person well I'm giving this light so we're gonna see right now I'm gonna write in this no but you guys the guys to guess what I wrote already alright so right now here's the conversation let me know what is it you wanna guess knowing you that means probably super smoother but comment down below super slim the safety guy oh yeah that's very sweet though dude is really smooth air you could write whatever you want here hear anything what are you doing art art what that's an explosion okay you see that I see that it's narrow and this will forever live on my door and everybody that walks in will see the poop oh well does everyone have a complementary you don't mean looking at the poop but they won't see the poop everyone that walks out what to walk by poop oh my god that was a regular sunglass oh they are either not really come on son come on son throw that ball throw that ball you know you that's pretty accurate filling with the backwards hat and like these oakley ray-ban s they're sunglasses on his son Bernard was a sunburned neck no keep your gonna give back that participation trophy yeah miss not a third-place winners there's only winners in this family boy all right all right let's go all right let's load up and go to my rapture wing go get us some cactus cooler this kids out here playing around this it thinks is a joke you're not gonna get the majors like that that's for sure Wow I have a feeling some somebody just related to you really hard oh is it Archer bring snacks to this game okay yeah yeah I got a raptor out there I got a rabbit or a brown paper bag got all works at the Apple capri-sun we got oranges you know orders are boys soccer players throw that thing see there are whole bunch of fingers as amazing as you want you're holding up - no not totally up three now four one two five all right well you're probably thinking wow I didn't see that coming girl you did I didn't see him being able to see everything well I can't can you can you see forward I can see four count them one two three I think there's a mirror on the inside here it allowed me to see behind me so I could be facing forward thank you everything going on behind me right behind me there's some candles right am i right I can see my younger son I've been a disappointment back there I guess see my kids being bad right in the back I bought these masks for my boy in the back Tucker but I told him to throw them out because in this family we only look forward that's what we do we never look back we're never looking back but I got these on this lock you see the losers behind me all right Parker right now I'm gonna nerf or I'm running down the street I'm Rhonda Austria taking out people who Fred Fred Fred you're trying to pick me out Frenchie we go for it oh I don't know I don't know who thanked that like oh I'd be like wow he got really lucky and you're like no I did it you can do business like that one person that can't keep it a cool moment under together no I saw you with these glasses I saw this ad hd's life video said apparently they're spy glasses or some guy with a Ford Raptor I saw it so it protects your eyes and therefore and also you see the opponent behind you yeah on front of you so you see the vision but you also see where you came from and these ain't no prescription oh my god what is going on here look into that green spot green spot I see it here I yes again it makes me supersonic vision in this white she's super far super far and then his left I can't seen a vision so I can see in the dark but I also see super far want to test me okay I'm gonna test you go over there hold a piece of paper says something okay all right I'm trying to the first one with no glass all right super smooth the middle one yep nope I got one no because of this thing alright we switch positions I get some better lighting here we go so you own earth is it sure let's keep going I don't work alright these won't work super smooth a super slab job this one I like a second I thought I saw a super slab job I know where I was preparing from these voices my head super slam but really you know what like this piece right here it doesn't make it a little better but it's not why maybe she's your vision yeah I have 20/20 vision 2022 assigned me to think so I mean I don't trust your vision now the thing is this right here like this makes things bigger but the fact that it distorts whatever you're looking at really makes the work whatever you're seeing is kind of pointless yeah I mean oh okay you can see farther but not clear yeah you can see it bigger but it's blurry oh I say so I'm gonna give these a fail but see the night vision works alright guys so right now you I can't see anything but I can see this right now you can see it yep well we know we can see that you your protruding blue light Oh lots of engine works well technically this is that vision okay alright so as you can see we have a regular ordinary camera drivers everyday camera a candy dispenser as a camera now I'll be believing me wow that's pretty cool actually yeah so this is an actual spy camera from 1990 1992 got an eyelash on it you can put this on anything and you can film so I decided to do was last night I've been hearing some noises out here I decided to check and see what I can see out here and this is the footage which I could put a job right now I haven't put it on my phone Bri checks footage out and see what happened oh she's me going to sleep alright everything looks normal so far but I'm telling you always weird noises going on out there what are we doing the box I don't oh well last night I got kind of cold so you're going and sleeping in the box well yeah kind of I mean it's just a little warmer in there than it was outside so more like some suffocation straight suffocation it's not that weird you're just making it weird but well so you have that box for the purpose of you sleeping there no I had the bags or something else but that I really Wow I'm cold this is an option is the second layer to keep me a little warmer anyway this on the point we're trying to find out there's a ghost here was anything else going on robbers is still in something overnight I'm not sure let's give a head okay finally Oh what the hell dude where did you is this video edited no this is just I heard something I thought I heard the noise I want to make sure the camera was so on not gonna talk about the giant dinosaur head this was good bad we asked him here this is remember having some bad nightmares that night though but that doesn't mean I would have met yourself see look at that me doing in there I was the toy having a nightmare you're probably know that's the night I think my shoulder won't go my shoulder hurt kind of bad but the box wasn't tipped over when I woke up I don't know oh there goes managed to do that okay okay well everything okay so doesn't there's another point it's good bad again they finally know dinosaurhead you're getting out like normal I think I'm useless sleep I think I'm sleepwalking you're a sleepwalker I don't even know that well my mom said I play a nasty risk when I was sleeping it's oh my god I'm playing a nasty rip [Music] what is going on I always that's the noise that's the noise you sling November rain no that's the noise I'm playing a tasty lick and then I go to sleep usually right for tasty like next morning and nothing happened Wow that was you happened I coulda I'm telling you I hear noises out there well you are the noise alright but anything any noise here super super smooth air that's pretty cool never with anything so well that's actually in the video I mean I wouldn't say that hey I found nothing ok ok boom yeah there's nothing does another thing footage to show you guys we didn't find anything so that's the footage and that's in the video so if you guys are new here like the video is aren't new here so like the video a lot of you guys watch the video some guys welcome to use every single day but aren't subscribe what's this where's the sense of that subscribe ok if you're new here you haven't subscribe and subscribe ok it subscribe for the channel hit the bell icon so you guys do miss new video I post it as always I'll see you people people tomorrow adios we're watching you we're always watching you super smooth calm [Music]
Channel: ADHD's Life
Views: 608,999
Rating: 4.9428229 out of 5
Keywords: spy gadgets, spy, kingsman, james bond, gadgets, spy gear, gadget, spy gadget, spy hack, spy pen, spy toys, secret agent, kingsman two, hidden spy gadget, kingsman the golden circle, the kingsman, spy movies, the golden circle, unboxing, review, youtube, case opening, superhero, ninja, toys, in real life, fruit ninja, superheroes in real life, ninja weapons, chad wild clay, chadwildclay, ADHD’s life, ADHD, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon, ADHDs World, ADHDs life pokemon, nerf
Id: 2Wj3ubDo8PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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