I Bought A $500 Spy Gadgets DARK WEB Mystery Box!! *DOOMSDAY PREPPERS*

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would it work let's find out somebody I'll plug it in there what a rep back your boy here King wrapped are back with another video I hope you guys are having an amazing day together I know the drill camera it's about to get a whole lot brighter because your boy is your rep back in today over here I have another mystery box I have a lot of connections for different mystery boxes will there be weapons Naruto stuff and this time it's five steps so the reason why we're doing this video guys these guys haven't been around for a while I have a series called Doomsday Preppers the entire series for me a part we're going a journey to see how well we can survive and different situations we tapped camping we didn't tap survival bags I even got bosses build a budget for survival weapons but this box in particular this one's based on cyber security okay so technology if a doomsday situation were to happen unless it was an EMP they went off people would still have electricity for the most part and still be using the laptops bones all the different type stuff so people who used to sabotage you and then not only that there's stuff in this box that contains to you being able to maybe sabotage the sabotages sabotage each step touch I I will warn you guys before we get into this box everything that is in here I don't know everything's in here but I was briefed on it everything in here could be used for ill intent okay I'm not gonna lie not gonna go ahead and like beat around the bush about it it's true but we're going to tell you the practical positive reasons because no one likes being a prank okay so when you're watching this remember don't be a Frank okay we're gonna go ahead and get into this I just can't wait to see we're gonna find out how we can apply into survival all right so we're open it up right now the first down I gotta get my spine nice dose finite book oh yeah my brand-new spine eyes what the hell is that the same knife you just put tape on it you just you coming or did you okay I hate words explanation to it I want to be surprised though so we're ready to go to that until the app doing is that okay so let's go ahead take a look let's grab the first bag of fine alright see we got here okay silent pod you can do - I ex girlfriend that's good this is all about first offices enhance privacy is your privacy just not enough right now the nutrients enhance security and enhance health inside here is everything you need to know about the keto diet ok so let's do this is all about I have no clue yet let me read the information I really don't know all right you're not gonna believe this dude I opened the letter try and guess what this is for hold your screen when you're angry you're gonna doomsday situation every single day when you guys walk around when I walk around we are walking around with losing the inside of the body right now because that's where Daisy's that there's this mark so every single day we walk around with the object to where we can be tracked by the governor I'm not gonna say a name they did any time tap into your phone and find where you're at you put your phone inside this it actually blocks out Wi-Fi so basically we sue this little thin thing somehow when you put your phone in it blocks out Wi-Fi bucks up cellular so no one can call you no one can try and track you with Find My iPhone okay fine my first and I want to kill if you have it inside this bag you're practically a ghost wow that's pretty sweet he also carry every single day on us a radiation device a this blocks out radiation so you put your phone there and it blocks the radiation from mitting out of your phone what yes this is literally cyber security so that's why I said enhances privacy you don't get call you threaten hands of security knowing no radiation can get on you and no one can find you kill you enhances health again radiation I'm sure you can put the food strawberries berries anything in there call me and it will actually pick up the caller not along with a few other tests all right so first off this thing is about $100 so it's not good doesn't enhance privacy security at health doesn't come at a cheap price okay as expensive but if it works I will definitely say before if it doesn't this is a hunter dollar Thatcher bag this nice leather though man this is not better than high quality has leather okay so my phone's volume is all the way up nice background right oh yeah that's roughly double it but it's my phone volume is all the way what I'm gonna do is first off call me is to make sure everything's working other people could see it okay grandma hey Siri go ahead and call Marcus alright so Parker is currently calling my phone so we can hear the volume clearly does work so now what I'm gonna do guys I'm gonna go ahead and put it inside your partner's and try and call again and see if it actually picks up all right so now I'm dropping my phone inside the silent pocket let's see if it works alright give me a call I'm feeling nothing nothing no vibrations nothing okay alright I'm gonna phone out now let's see and yeah my phone literally is like trying to connect a cellular so call it again right now okay so when you put your phone inside of here guys there is no cellular connection so basically that means no one can call you no one can try and trace you cell phone towers won't even know where your phone is at what is inside of here so that is cellular that work it definitely blocks out cellular now it says Wi-Fi let's check out a Wi-Fi alright guys so to test Wi-Fi how we're gonna do is replace YouTube video then drop it inside of this thing and see if the video stops playing so first we're do is make sure you see I am on a Wi-Fi currently or closed down real quick pick on anybody a big nose the really good ones oppas a legendary sword you have seen that one bang or take it out oh I don't know what happened we're gonna do I'm gonna play the video we're to drop it in there and we're gonna listen to see if it stops playing cuz as you guys know it will play for a little bit after I drop it in there because YouTube buffers a little bit of it but eventually it should stop playing the Wi-Fi is right there nothing's been changed let's go ahead and play it oh this has to [Laughter] at buffer oh we were discussing late is it gonna stop because we don't know go on YouTube it buffers a little bit of the video and then if you turn off Wi-Fi you can still watch about 30 seconds to a minute before it stops working so that's what happened literally I hope that like we didn't interrupt it by talking but you really literally hear it go off so let's go ahead and pull this piece off right here let's see the video plays again it's not another video with that and look it's loading you guys saw me pull it out and it literally loading that is pencil doomsday breathless so this right here guys is called the smilin pocket I don't do this a lot but I endorse Dutton the first of a non weapons Gandhi but you know the goddamn King wrote don't build approval on screen he has written this I'll have a link down below to check this thing out that is freaking amazing that is definitely going my doomsday prepper bad oh yeah okay guys so this doesn't stop here it keeps going so this thing also goes for more research on Amazon right here ymp EMF and solar flare protection do we should test it you have your view oh yeah just call Russia real quick on problem you'll have your own EMP no all right let's see what else in this box guys I missed a grumbly bigness I put a lot of big stock grab some I wasn't starting to small okay we turn alike listen like conversations in the football field oh god oh I see what say something say something oh my god you're loud I can only assume maybe amplify sound I can I've already assumed that there's battery organics I didn't expect that okay so this right here is a sound enhancing sonic receiver okay good so what this does because apparently it's all you have to do is point in a direction of something and it increases the sound and thing in the confines of this little area where I'm yelling I believe it come on side and see if this thing actually works okay so how we're gonna test this guys is we're gonna increase our distance from each other and see if I could still hear Parker when you guys are with him I'm gonna have another camera so you guys can hear what I hear and normal volume and then I'll be able to see if I can pick up a partner's actually saying first of all ways here we'll just think sound like oh my gosh I hear birds chirping whistles writing keyboards typing in car starting and he's just gonna I'm gonna go way back I'm gonna try and guess what he said from that distance let's go ahead and try it out I'm saying something I'm trying to be at a normal volume I don't know if you can hear me I'm saying something I'm speaking at normal volume I don't know if you can hear me yeah do you got it nice guys I cannot believe this the killer max look at you alright Parker is great Parker is great Parker is not great Parker's not great well so you didn't hear me you didn't hear me I heard it's crazy alright try again I'm trying again I'm trying I'm trying again I'm trying again yeah oh my god dude holy crap rap back he's way down there I can hear me just talking in normal volume alright it's pretty silent and I'm talking in normal volume alright pretty silent I'm talking at normal volume Wow Wow I can't believe that guys you guys realize how far he is I know I'm gonna see if I can hear him I can pick this one up I'm literally gonna freaking lose it alright go for it the camera is zoomed in all the way and I'm trying to remain at a normal volume the camera is zoomed in all the way I'm trying to remain a normal volume dude this is insane here we go did you see the dogs pass by us they were precious did you see the dogs pass by us yeah okay guys from this far I was barely barely able to hear him okay guys so the camera went out towards the in there but I was all the way down there with a stop sign and I can easily hear please towards the end I was kind of hard it was a style is like a quieter area dooms the situation where there get a lot less people would definitely be able to hear apart but the fact that he still were able to decipher what I said exactly that's the amazing part how long would you say that's a way I would say that's like a football field yeah it's about a football fields length like easily and that is basically this is what it could be used for dude I don't know but you hear him too but I was thinking as per the situation what this could be used for a doomsday prepper situation why I'm sure it was in the bag as if you were kind of bunker down our camping you could use this to kind of detect any enemies that are coming in near and if you see them you can even use it to hear and see what kind of plans they might have and you know some kind of a attack on you if you were doing to be doing that as like that but god that'd be a good advantage be able to hear them before they actually show us I was able to hear cars before they even turned on the street so that is definitely gonna be useful for dooms or situations okay so now we're gonna go in there and get back into the box but so far I get sick something where my favorite box is down a bit oh holy crap dear diary man across the street is pointing something at me today hope you keep talking about the sort of camera alright guy so we're going back into this box there is a lot of stuff left in here I don't think we'd be able to get to all of it in this video if you guys want to see a part to make sure I smash that like button a reminder guys just like the wallet thing the sound thing I'll also have a link down below because I've been asking me to actually put links down below I haven't been doing that so sorry links are down below to everything in this video let's get back in this thing and find out what else can possibly even say I'm assuming these are night-vision goggles which I feel like is impossible there's no way there was neither vision goggles nose I mean look at his paper and we'll find out okay that's makes more sense okay so these are night-vision goggles but they're by Jack's specific they make toys oh this is a toy from what my man's telling me he said only reason he put up in there is because they actually work about and they are considered actually usable and some people actually use them in the doomsday prepper community because there are formal option for night-vision goggles I don't know if they're gonna work but we'll keep it kind of brief if we could find out but the only problem is it's daytime so yeah wake up one dark place we can go actually bathroom when there's no windows there there's gotta be another place there's no place no I feel like you want to go to the bathroom that do all right come on in I'm gonna try and just like I guess you can guess how many fingers you're holding up or something and we'll see Fred closed that door I know do you see that it looks red in person but in here looks like a fireman like okay guys I'm gonna turn the light off right now so you guys can see that they actually do work okay guys so this is what it looks like it actually works these things are $30 they're a toy and they actually work guys so this is what I'll be able to see really testing them out right now and seeing if I can actually see what Parker's hand signing them and different stuff it all looks super clear it's just the best shot that we can get for you guys okay come on I'm gonna turn around before words of lights using a hold up a certain number of fingers I'm gonna turn around let's try and see if I can actually see them and see if these things actually work for that much clarity all right yeah turn around so there's that turn off the lights wow this is incredible you're holding up four fingers I am I'm holding up this many it's really blinding lights are on them to 300 it's off to the fingers are cut off right here no I'm right with you these are $30 that's what a lot of people make the different private communities use them because for $30 you have some sorts of night vision oh yeah and then with that sound radar yeah this mix will sound right oh you're oh because I can't wait all this stuff out Dre music alright so now we're gonna try one more thing you guys may have heard of it it's just like regular darkness stuff for at even worse what would you call this advanced darkness someone yeah I can see you still go ahead and do it in a couple seconds here three seconds turn on into dance darkness and prepare yourself three two [Music] okay night-vision goggles pretty sick I wish there was more ways to test it and it wasn't daytime but let's go back in here and see what else oh you're fine okay USB killer Pro standard edition okay we got you know sticker it says snap crackle doc and it says don't test me bro so we should just pretty interesting I definitely gonna have to go to the reference note for this cuz I have no clue any of this is holed up to five terabytes this right here is gonna flash drive you're heard of dude this is bad bad you know this USB drive is called a USB killer for a reason apparently all you do is plug this into a computer and it completely destroys it what it sends an electric charge into the computer that destroys the entire computer like it fries it it fries the computer dude what no way and what it also works on lightning so you can destroy phones so literally all you do is this and you plug it into a phone it destroys the phone oh my god okay but before we get into that remember I said earlier about being ranked don't do that okay well no in the information that guy even gave me he said please make sure know what the audience know this is not a joke this type of thing is not to be used for anything for ill intent like I says not to use it in any certainty yes the per doomsday prepper situation let's say you have somebody breaking into your house and they have you have stuff on your computer that is stuff that you want to keep and you don't want them taking him every credit card information whatever maybe I don't know whatever it for me that you might be trying to protect you can literally plug this in your computer rise the entire system I was like a kill switch yeah kill self-destruct button it's like literally your self-destruct button for the cyber world so we're gonna test this out I was also informed so this was with it as well this is a older iPhone and it's got no information except for my OS update you know it's always range of empties there's a fresh clean phone doesn't belong to anybody doesn't belong to me literally okay to break it so we're gonna be testing out on this thing and seeing if it actually can fry the phone there may not be a lot of like vegetable stuff that's gonna happen it just won't be able to work anymore so let's find out if it works again I cannot stress this enough guys don't use or take anything that is from this video for the bad intentions there is multiple positive reasons for it be a good person you're part of the Rat Pack I know you're a good person remember that ok the game guys this is kind of hard I wish me to test not a computer but you know computers are don't have a computer it does the dog we're gonna test on the iPhone and see if that works ok guys so the phone works I have this towel because I'm honestly a little nervous I don't always expect but we have this everything works let's see if this was you know doomsday prep situation I wanted to get rid of everything in my phone so that way the enemy doesn't get it would it work let's find out Thomas do I'll plug it in there oh the screen is off it says leave it in there for 15 seconds dude do you hear that I heard that okay I'm gonna unplug it okay so essentially this phone should be done this phone should be dead out okay oh my god dude it's done okay I want to see I want to it's done I'm holding every button down it's already done that quick oh my god that that's scary so it can be plugged into an android it can be plugged into a PC can be plugged into a phone unlike every other item in this video the link for this will not be in the description but that is amazing Purdue's a situation I mean we live in an age now where everything we had is on a phone like our lives are on our phones and our computers you know till your family's address is like you know your secondary bug-out location if your doomsday prepping all that stuff could be on there patient services exactly so that could all be a race with this device so again guys don't use any of this stuff for anything man if you talk about this video guys right here with the last episode of doomsday preppers where we actually made doomsday prep tents where we tried to figure out how much we have fed to our kids on what kind of items will be useful and it do the situation while we're a kid and we had a tell a lot of fun so make sure you guys check that video out right there but I'll see you guys over there and as always I'll see you people people in the next video red pack adios
Channel: ADHD's World
Views: 677,365
Rating: 4.8854899 out of 5
Keywords: Kids, Family, ADHDs World, Funny Challenge, DIY Challenge, ADHD’s World, ADHD world, adhd, ADHD life, ADHD world most dangerous toys, nerf, nerf guns, dangerous toys, secret hidden, punishments, challenge, cam and jeff, funny, family friendly, vs fruit, survival challenge, 24 hour survival, zombies, we built, backyard, diy, do it yourself, cheater, hacker, game master, fruit ninja, Best Rated, Worst Rated, Mystery Box, Wish, Free Wish, Survival, Camping
Id: peZm6SMoj3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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