Which Bottled Water Is The Best For Your Health? (TESTING EVERY WATER BRAND)

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alright guys idiots dear hydrated ADHD very hydrating ADHD back with another video I hope you guys are having an amazing day camera flips daily we're getting right into it today we're going inside because cuz I didn't know your boy like to drink that water you like to drink that water yeah you're gonna smile like that less you are very very hydrated man he loves that water yeah doing its today we got a lot of water prison so we're gonna ride it as if a lot of these water brands and I'm sure it's someone your wife you've seen one of these water brands and if you haven't you're a liar and this is weird but its water do you drink are you okay oh yeah I love this sunny man right here it is sunny okay so me we're probably wondering that's the big question here right you're probably wonder I know you're very curious or you don't get the help but what water brand do I drink I actually love to drink this one right here whichever water has the lowest amount of money I do spend to get it the water I drink we're gonna be testing out all of these brands which water bread is the best to drink so we're gonna be testing it we're gonna be using this right here is testing the purification per square inch of water and this right here will judge the pH balance of water so we can find without a shadow of a doubt which water is the best for me so I'm gonna find out if my water really is disgusting as Parker says it is or if Dasani is just wrong what is the body see that water you're poisoning is so every day you're poisoning yourself right now we're gonna test these all out guys so before we get into a go guys we have them separated these are like the top ten brand you know man yes P for everybody but for us we see everywhere we go as these brands right here in this row yeah and this front row right here this back row is a lot of different specialty water and are like cheap waters if these don't see all the time that we have this pH water which on top says bring you know 8.88 p.m. that's a good one from CVS you know people don't even know what that means it's just like they're confused you with science man that's what they do these water brands they know everybody on my cell walking around which water should I get well this is pH on it yeah smart water that's not for me we're double water so then they walk around and they see what's in ship it's gonna help symbol on it it says overachieving h2o that's for me often three times of money no more today we're finding out which one the best of it says the man Parker are gonna be taking all this branding away the branding is gone no more branding all this market yeah all this marketing so me and Parker are gonna do a taste test on the 10 base water so hi Lydia Parker taste test of all the waters and he's got telling me give me a blindfold us we can't see oh aquafina put the light blue thing it makes it look cleaner dark blue we're gonna be blindfolding him and he's that tests all the waters out he's gonna tell me which water tasted the best so that way we know what Parker's opinion is just terrible or good I'm gonna do the same thing and he's gonna know which water I think you guys are gonna know which one we're both big but I'm not even know which water I pick until it gets tested so anyway let's get started all right guys so I'm gonna get Parker the test right now easy to be drinking all these different waters I'm not gonna dumb a spare you guys time you just be a lot of videos of a man drinking water so we're gonna go ahead and cut him out but I'm gonna help him determine which one he says is the best and we'll see where that falls on the line here so I'll get started testing and we'll find out what Parker's favorite water is right now alright guys so I just got done finished testing Parker and this is the guy that always talks about water quality Oh water this water that so this result the ones in the middle are the ones he said we're like neutral they were like somewhere between a rating he gave it kind of 4 and a 7 so these are his ratings the one in the back here is the one he claimed the worst he gave it a two out of three and the ones in the front are the ones he gave the best grade which are these two right here he gave an 8 so what I'm gonna do now you're gonna go and reveal your love I belong show you which one you gave the best grade yeah the one you gave the best grade was Arrowhead water one of the cheapest waters you can get Arrowhead water he chose as a a his second one isn't even a water really it's black you gave Fiji was the most expensive one here of freakin six that was the last one he did you like really special about it and the one he said was the worst was just what I did just from the diver tizen ten you know what just what I just I still it was just bad so this is why I'm saying guy this is why I drink this water because he is the water guy he's always talking about water quality judging me of my water choices and he's at airway to the bed so that's why I'm saying guys water is just water we're gonna find out today we're gonna find out the test right now I'm gonna go up net okay see that's what God cannonball and pull this and water my mouth that's just three things like full water all right guys so Justin my water test partners going to show you why I said was the best water which ones I said was a medium water which myself wasn't the worst water here they are now alright so in the front rows you got your 10 June is your eights these are the best waters and this is from left to right the first water the tea drank all the way to the 10th so here's the front or the front row here's all the sixes this fours and here's the worst waters he said the worst waters he tasted and this is a little graph of how it goes so we're ready when you are so this was like you're the highest grade you gave that at that was good dude so was not bad whatsoever you know I just gotta say I think this is weird what else oh this is great that was disgusting alright guys so here's what we're gonna do guys I have a whole list right here I'm just doing Dasani first what we're gonna do is the lighter the colors right here this is best for this the color you want it's like the best possible and then the wider you get us the more acidic water actually isn't the worst that is for you so this area right here is the best for your health we're also gonna be using this to test how pure the water is at tents how many particles are than a square inch of the waters how many particles right just cuz they're particles doesn't mean it's bad but we're still gonna add that into the equation so let's go ahead and see what just hot water all right party nervous is the water angry I am very nervous actually this is the water Parker drinks every single day he comes here any brother you start bragging oh I start graphic routine I have our keys your broke ass just got some 7-eleven water let's see what he has right here so purity below is zero zero six is what is good purely clean water oh we're out of 30 okay we're out of 30 which isn't too bad you're better than your coke yeah so there we go now let's see the acidity you ready for this oh that's real here really yellow that's a 5 5 that's not a good color though and we're gonna add all these things together and decide which one's the best let's keep it going here so right here this awning alright next one up is Crystal Geyser this is the water you get the 99-cent store let's see if Parker's high quality Dasani is better if the purity test here first oh dang okay no 101 that's really pretty bad let's see them but what if the balance is better than the Basanti though that's a seven so that means Crystal Geyser is better than Dasani as far as the pH goes the saw me is more City alright so Crystal Geyser is ahead alright next one is aqua hydrate which partners does he's a bias towards you love this water I love it I've never even tried this water you drink all this would be interesting cuz this advertises a pH 9 plus oh damn again just because the minerals are high doesn't necessarily mean it's bad it could be positive Mason yeah sometimes really yeah they're particles to be good particle Oh nothing is a solid blue the residents drop that is a solid color that isn't eight and what is it advertised at nine no 8.5 that's so far it's the best pH balance and the most balanced the water but again you're paying for that that's expensive paying for all of this so here's what I think is probably gonna be the best one is Fiji here we go yeah 139 again that's not a bad thing but it is still not just the water that's a seven that's another seven and it is like yeah this is advertised the pH water this is just water it does seven but hey we both agree that that tastes great yeah and it tastes great all right seven for Fiji next up the terminal water first up I've never heard of this this is the most expensive one we bought in some place this is $5 a bottle okay that's close to this water we're seven yeah forty-seven okay that's not bad at all that's like yeah it's about the same I think we put more could you put more drops in that one it's more of a defined color yeah so I would give that it's sadder than two yes so they're both like seven to an eight this is the one I'm curious about this man will submit on Instagram be posting his water just water always talking about this me bar both give it don't work I swear it tastes like laundry water sounds like someone like it tastes like water that's been sitting there for three weeks doesn't bad water let's see what the grid is though so we're testing the purity right now again not necessarily everything but 64 now this is what I'm curious about is the acidity level let's get it yeah that's not too bad for just water that's not too bad how does it taste that's actually better than Fiji that is yes it's wow that's the solid blue which means pH is eight I gotta give it to Wilson its water it may taste like absolute but you know what I still ain't drinking it is not bad for you so smart water is known for being or smoke reverse osmosis so I'm expecting nothing less than a zero zero zero as far as purity goes if there's no zero zero zero that makes me question they're distilled vapors oh dude that any Bonnie five that is way too high for a distilled water distilled is supposed to be like nothing in it no good no bad does to water it must be zero zero zero we're at 25 that's not looking good smart what were smart of you home that wasn't very smart or design next one let's get this acidity oh damn looks like yeah dude bad yeah that's why it was sick so you're basically if you look at our stoop scores here that's the same as crystal geysers you're basically paying and bar water is not cheap it's not no you want a cheap water it's like a two to three dollar water dollar they're very close to comparison that's scary that is not a good brand come on not buy I'm not nuts not not reverse sponsoring but I wouldn't buy smart water I messed up those tests next thing right here is Arrowhead water as weird as nozzle I'm expecting nothing less for this to describe good so let's see what Parker's opinion looks like on paper what what no way no way that stuff is good it's actually eight that I can't believe that that's almost that's the same grade as it just water which is expensive Wow for price value just walk or IRA add water in your highest pH water well you guys partners taste isn't too bad we got our pH right here I could taste the P that is our highest right now but this is the one I am serious I am very curious about ascension this one gives it higher than this one is a nine it says we are 9.5 p.m. higher purified water see how true this is and I actually love this water too I never have you tried this water because I'm too cheap let's see that's good water yep that's solid water so our current winner I'm gonna put right over here for a dollar I mean yeah this is gonna higher score but I'm talking about dollar value per quality arrowheads in the lead Kirti level let's did it okay 44 48 it's not too bad alright now for the main thing this should be the closest thing we have to that dark deep purple which is a 10 oh that's straight purple oh that's a sorry Myrtle I don't know if it's a ten no I don't think it's a ten oh yeah that's way they c95 let's step up the aquahydrate was a little darker oh this one's pretty sure that one's definitely darker yeah okay yeah they are with the advertise how much is essentia bottle unfortunately it's expensive dude there you go so here's our number one as far as scores next one is Avion that's a water very very popular around here I don't know very else but this waters been around for a long time let's see what they can do oh damn aside to eight we await help 285 to me that's all for 300 that can be good that's not bad I'm going to go run tell mom about that speech level and it's cheaper next up is why was it just in its core this is the funnest looking bottle this looks like a fun thing to drink and this is very popular in our area yeah a lot of people drinking this alright let's test the purity oh man we're at a hundred and ten acidity looks good if they advertise a 7-point for one city point for that I mean that looks kind of about that so poor is not lying is the best dog value no no because that's a you can get you can get those on deals but I'm pretty sure like if you got aqua hydrate or Sencha it's probably better for your value yeah this is one curious support this is a cheaper version a because of the plastic bottle but in a glass ball these can run you anywhere from three to five bucks a bottle okay okay okay for twenty four thousand one of our lowest one this bar is the particles go oh dude that is super low for a pricey it as it is that's a six that is a six all day that is bad that is the second lowest we've had next one up is my waters water I drink the 7-eleven purified water I think really surprised oh good this is okay well no is that that's like somewhere in between the two we're gonna green that that's a seven hey hey man I'm drinking better you're paying for Dasani and I'm getting the better water with this 7-eleven why just drink what's in the fridge so between burgers water is designing my water it's better it is cheaper a mess one time you water next up aquafina classic everybody's had an Aquafina you have an auto Aquafina before you're just lying you had to head off the pinna before everyone's had it you had to you have to yeah you had that oh dang no one leaves water so far had a one I was expecting smart water to be the one that had less than a five Wow a one now that's the only one here that states to drink by this thing standards yeah okay that's the worst one that is a five that is the worst thing we have tested so far aquafina had a five next one is body armors got a pH of 8 it's got electrolytes supposed to be the best water for a sports player let's see what is I'm a sports player let's see what comes out of it it's 50 ok see the 32 I'm gonna go guess this one's on part so far the advertiser is gonna create credit that works that's an 8 that's a solid eight all day that was expensive that bottle was three 43-foot no no it was not buying it water yeah this one was the most expensive water we got alongside this one and now next up was how much your house is gonna work but black waters so advertised a pH of 8 and higher will fund up high makes burgers don't have the most amount of particles Wow Oh 148 yes that is if there are ones on here that are colored more particles than that that is sad actually haha now the test the pH in my shirt will be able to see it or anything I'll have to just try our best to that's just in blue too I mean you can't really see it too well guys wat water was that's what was worrying me about this black water is whether or not it really is what it says how could you test it exactly yeah I mean but that looked nice awesome blue so I'm gonna go give it a meet alright guys so yeah boys ADHD science team right here we're gonna go ahead and crunch some numbers and define what is the highest quality one our worst quality one and also what's the best one to buy with the outfit first let's get it alright guys so we've covered our numbers here the best water for you is essential this is the best water for you it is pH balanced cuz good quality a good amount of minerals that is advertised just as advertised this is the best water for you but not everybody wants to be spending you know upper to two three four four a bottle so that's not a winner though so the winner is arrow and it has the worst purity but it's also mountain spring water those could be good minerals but hey that's solid of a colors when the best ones we have on the board here clear this one of the best on the board and they're only a dollar true it's cheap a dollar you can't beat that the only one competing with it is Aquafina which is the worst this one right here yeah that yellow one yeah so go to the Nansen store you're on a road trip you need to get a water you're on a budget arrow it's a winner
Channel: ADHD's Life
Views: 168,357
Rating: 4.6750698 out of 5
Keywords: ADHD’s life, ADHD, Life, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon, ADHDs World, ADHDs life pokemon, nerf, guava juice, guava juice youtube, youtube guava juice, roi, challenges, tutorials, funny, comedy, comedian, guava, juice, roi wassabi, kid friendly, family friendly, ph test, water test, water bottle test, water, ph, acidic, alkaline, neutral, dasani, fiji, voss, aquafina, evian, guavajuice, secret
Id: 8GqYiniRc2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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