Springfield 03 A3 Range 2

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Hickok 45 here you have seen my new quote-unquote 1903 a3 in action Remington yes headed out did a video recently and had the old 1918 version out - that is not an a3 did a little comparison and we shot this baby I didn't shoot it all that well I think I told you in that video we're going to do a chapter to pretty soon redeem myself a little bit so I want to try to do I did discover it wasn't all me it was partly me of course missing but the sights really were off and I thought I was going low low left was it yeah a low left a lot and I had to move the rear sight a good bit it's way over okay I cited it on paper I mean it's not perfect but it was it was definitely off it was shooting low and it was shooting to the left so I did some work on it and I did discover and I also discovered online too that the the elevation is a little bit of an issue with these things because it will creep back down I got the site where it needs to be I think and I took some more shots and I looked at it whoa that site has moving it had moved so I understand that is for my reading an issue with these guns that I need a new whatever that is a spring or something there to hold it more tightly on there but I'll keep an eye on it I think I know kind of where it should be and anyway so I have fewer and fewer excuses you know as you get the sights on that's the problem you have then you don't have as many excuses for missing so I'll try over here on the rifle range I don't want to lose those those clips they're nice nice ones okay all right let's see we can hit something here in the waning light of the day I really like this rifle I think you can tell that all right Oh stiffing hit the place I remember where I should hold right up high on it nothing good sound let's try something smaller what the heck let's start with that first one that the middle smallest one I guess sounds like it hit it makes it didn't doing get a little more stable hold here alright all right I paid the front sight white I think I shall let the black for this kind of lighting no try the left one to get all right I pour this right boys night it is night let's pop that one in the middle there all right more ammo gives me a chance to rest my arm you know a lot of times I don't load with clips but I actually like the clips these are Swedish Mauser clips work great and the gun works great we'll try that one again boy and Wendy has to be perfect I think I do have the windage on let's make sure we run safe don't the might have started to move a little bit started to creep forward just a hair yeah I can tell by that little hole there okay so keep an eye on that now I'll get that remedied all right let's try the one on the right and I'm liking this this rifle just amazing how much easier they are to like when the sights are on let's try that little one right you know I don't know if this is a appropriate military hold I've always done that just take my arm through there I mean at times usually I don't you know if I have a sling that does feel pretty rock-solid you guys that have military experience of that II wear clothes I really don't know I've not had a formal shooting training or anything or riflemen ship brewing whatever you might call it no military experience but that just feels really solid okay let's try the tall one around for the cinderblock down there man I should quit while I'm ahead all right let's fish out some more ammo in my military mag pouch otherwise known as a denim back pocket okay this could end up to be almost my favorite rifle really of any rifle I own it could really buy for that that honor that position all right front sight still looks okay move it better be we're going to try a two liter over there thirty on six by the way if you're a new person to shooting and are not familiar with the a3 World War two hat and points beyond check out the first video I'll link it in the description if I not too dumb to forget let's try to read fleet little shaky how to wrap up with one on the plate again right now I have earned the honor see what do I do ever round left and I want to load some more just pop one out and just go put four in the tactical reload right because we have a couple of safety right there a couple of 2-liter is close by I'll bet I can hit those guys without any stress all right let's just bring him up here and pop 130 out six that is it nice oh man let's just well we got a couple rounds I've got shooting with something oh we got three well I'm going to shoot some more at the cinder area there one more round I got the shooting in the dirt but I hate to leave a gun loaded or to unload it when the easiest way to unload a firearm I've discovered over the years is by using guess what that thing right there I thought loads somehow hurry now I man this is a nice rifle I hope that if you like bolt guns that you get an opportunity to shoot one of these sometime I love the earlier models you know the go all the way back you know 1903 and everything but or once you put this sight on there which they did in the early 40s it turns it into quite a rifle this would be excellent for so many for anything a competition well for this type of bolt-action competition of a deer hunting or just just whatever or steel hunting two-litre hiding so great old rifle if it's real it's authentic and it was used that's what's so cool about it on top of it being just an excellent excellent rifle and I know there's some of you the old Marines out there and military guys that are that have actually used these loafers in many of you left the train with them probably but you know what I'm talking about these things they're just wonderful they have so much character and they're great shooters so you know it's just a wonderful combination and they fire chamber the 30.6 that rounds been around quite a while think around 1900 1906 rank 4.6 get it life is good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 157,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWII, Springfield, 1903, 03 A3, Bolt gun, bolt action, milsurp, military surplus, sniper rifle, .30-06, US military, Korean War, US Marines, M1, mauser, M1903 Springfield, Firearm (Sports Equipment), Steel targets, range
Id: xi68YMW9Y-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 24 2014
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