1873 Winchester by Uberti

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igw 45 here finally doing an 1873 exclusive video yes this is it this is the gun that the Cowboys should have been carrying and all those westerns you've been watching where they're carrying an 1892 Winchester the 1873 uh every time I oh about every few months someone will write me [ __ ] when you're going to do a video on that beautiful 1873 rifle I said we've done a bunch of them haven't we and I'll look it up and I like you know I guess we haven't done a single video on it in individual video on and I'll put that on my list and then I'll forget about it maybe and about 6 months later I'll get another note from someone the same thing you know and so anyway we've had it on the list to get this baby out when it's not on the table with 14 other beautiful lever guns and you know going through all the history of all of them the the universe of lever actions and all that sort of thing so you've seen it but you it just has not gotten the attention it deserves all by its little Lonesome okay the 1873 Winchester this is uberty reproduction of it uh I've had this a long time shot it a lot and uh you can just tell I mean it it it looks old almost from the wear uh well it is uh when was it in the 18 18 the 199s so uh but anyway that's not long ago necessarily but let's take a couple of shots with it it's a great gun my voice is a little under the weather today so you'll have to listen closer and get closer to your computer how's that all right got my Tang L and marbles tank side on it I to shoot that ow he looks evil let's try a 2 L A yeah let's go over there and hit a red plate oh man is that a gorgeous sound I'm going to hit a a ram and another one and another one and a Gong Bo and a clay pot right here got a Target oh man right in the bullseye imagine that this long range yeah let's go there and see what else I can find combat move I one round left that was pretty funny wasn't it and I missed the cowboy so you can as I've said before you can miss with anything cancer yeah this is the 1873 Winchester and I was shooting some 250 grain 45 Colt rounds all right those were not burnished by federal we have some from federal we appreciate their support of course with our ammo they supplied all these black powder rounds you didn't know Federal loaded black powder 45 CT did you just kidding actually they didn't they didn't do that but they've got some of these got left and got a new shipment on the way of 45 CT so we appreciate their help appreciate the budsgunshop.com for their support sponsorship check the links uh check them out online because we get a lot of help from a lot of people and uh I hope I get some help from the health guide so I can keep my voice going for the entire video cuz I have taken a few days off just to get my voice back I'm tired of not shooting I really am and anxious to get a firearm in my hands and shoot so it feels good yeah the 1873 we've just not done something uh on it individually and wanted to do that of all of all rifles you know this is uh this one does carry the title as many Firearms do I guess uh the gun that won the West because for a lot of reasons hype and everything else marketing but also 1873 goes backs you know uh now I wasn't well actually I was but I don't like to admit it uh there during the days of the wild west but you know the West was still pretty wild in 1873 and uh and that's not a joke you know what I mean that wasn't long uh after the Civil War actually and uh you know you still have people the Buffalo hunters and uh a lot of stuff going on in the West uh you know in the 1870s and it became more tame in the 1880s 1890s I guess depending on where you were but this baby came out in 73 it was the the first center fire you know uh rifle like this of its kind and it used a a cartridge that looked a little bit like this but it was a 44 uh the 4440 it was chambered in Center fire you know the primer the center of the case up to that point you know the 1866 Winchester you know the yellow boy with the brass frame you've seen right here on this table the Henry rifle uh those fired a Rimfire 44 cartridge in fact the same cartridge but when uh the center fires came out that was big time and you've seen our video I hope called 1873 and that's when uh this baby came about uh introduced by Winchester and the center fire cartridge the 4440 big events in 187 3 and uh so this rifle deserves uh um you know some hoopla and some Acclaim it really does it was manufactured in big numbers and a lot of people that could afford it bought them so they were out there and and again if you got a RI rifle like this that holds 10 13 Rounds of Center fire 44 caliber you you've got quite a weapon I'll call it a weapon if you need it right you got quite quite a an instrument here uh for 1873 because you've seen and we'll do a little that today maybe fire quickly and maybe even accurately right uh it's it's quite a rifle because it hadn't been all that long ago uh you'd have been if if if uh if I was sitting around the living room with my father and I was cleaning my 1873 he would have been telling me how lucky I am to have this thing because just 20 years ago all he had was a single shot you know or more recently than that even you or a muzzle loader so uh think about it what they were using in the Civil War and this is just what 7 eight years later after the end of the Civil War you've got a rifle like this firing a center fire cartridge holding 10 15 rounds so pretty amazing pretty amazing uh this was the first one the 1866 had a brass bronze frame and then this was the first one with the iron frame okay you know steel and that was one of the differences right there and it uh a lot like the 1866 though right just not quite as pretty some people would think because of the iron frame and uh very very widely I think they they made these up until about uh 1923 24 before they ceased production I'll load on yaking I'm going to go to black powder now okay but uh they uh they sold a lot of these it was really popular and uh I think it was the most popular Winchester lever gun until the 1894 came out that was the only one that really surpassed it in popularity but and of course it was designed by John Browning right now this is still the old toggle link system and I talk about that in some of the other lever gun videos it it's not really designed to handle really high-powered rounds like the 4570 John Browning had come up with the 1886 for that right and uh let's see what it'll do with black powder all right there was a movie made about this gun too if you're not familiar with it uh Jimmy Stewart's the star and it's called like Winchester 1873 so if you like westerns you've probably already seen it if you're just learning to like wests look it up okay all right we're going to get a little more smoke now [Music] all right I think point of impact's not too different let me try that red plate over there been under it yeah gone [Applause] time can't see it excuse me all right smoke some pot click oh boy do those get it dirty look at that this gun I used in uh cowboy action shooting and I shot black powder most of my years doing that through this rifle so this rifle uh has seen a lot of action a lot of cowboy action I lug this around a lot of ranges and uh you know just kept it going what I would do I shot black powder and in those matches you might shoot a stage and then you know you don't actually pick up your Firearms again and fire them for another well it could be an hour it could be even longer depending on the match and I would keep a little can of ballast I would you know stand them up somewhere wherever was they were supposed to be then I would just spray a little uh squirt of ballast like this down the barrel just to keep the black powder soft I don't think I have to do it today cuz we'll be shooting so much be able to keep that from hardening and it will do it that crud will develop in the in the barrel and it's like cement uh if you don't keep it uh wet lubed and and all that I don't when I load my black powder I cheat basically I started out doing it the right way uh lubing these with a uh black powder lube and going through all that the wads and everything and you know taking all that extra time to do it but then I got to thinking realize that maybe that wasn't all that necessary for way I was using it I wasn't going into the mountains and and needing to rely on it I was just shoting in a match and keeping it clean and I was right there with it so I just started loading regular bullets they were easier to get anyway and easier to find and uh and load then I would just use the old B dollar between stages and it took care of that both my handguns and my rifle so if you're a a frontier cartridge shooter in the cowboy action shooting just a little tip there you you can really uh you can just eliminate a lot of that stuff you're doing probably is this worked fine for me for years this regular bullets regular modern Lube as long as you keep some solv in handy all right these are uh these are gorgeous rifles and uh they're so easy to load if you've ever had a uh maybe a 3030 or something the loading gate would want to pinch you badly but these things are like loading butter almost they're really simple to load they get dirty filthy that's okay who has not been we need another shot or two on that Target think there'll be black powder residue on it nice oh boy I love that smell if you've never smelled black powder real black powder you've missed out on one of life's Simple Pleasures you know what there's a center block over there or a piece of one that needs to be dealt with yeah consider yourself dealt with let's try the little red plate well let's just sheo low there we go got him up high enough propen oh speaking of that let's hit that big tank over there black powder is a little muffled sounding isn't it you know just uh so I feel armed I had to you know just have this stuck in my belt the old uh black powder 1884 I just you know thought would make me feel better about doing a video with this rifle yeah by the way also you might have heard and and you will see in the movie cuz all of you I know will run out and buy Winchester 1873 with Jimmy Stewart you'll see they talk about this one of a thousand business in there uh kind of the subject of the video uh the 1873 Winchester they did uh they they would test every barrel of course and uh the barrels that were more accurate than the others whenever they' run across a barrel that seemed a little more accurate than the others it grouped particularly well they would uh put that one aside and they would they called it one out of a thousand and they would put that on a stock and a gun they made get a a little dress here that put it on a gun I think with a set trigger and uh just make it a little bit special and sell it for I think around 100 bucks I'd sell it for more and it was uh considered highly desirable cuz that Barrel was so I think it was probably dramatized and and more uh uh more well more dramatized than it really should have been probably but but that's what they did and so when you hear that one of a thousand that's what they're talking about okay and then that movie deals with that that's why everybody's fighting for that that rifle for one reason I didn't have to fight for mine like that let's load it up again okay we Old 45 slugs nothing like it now like I say uh the authenticity on this one I admit is is not 100% for sure of course it's a reproduction but it's a 45 Colt this rifle was not chambered for 45 Colt back in the day for various reasons but uh uh I choose not to load 4440 it's a neck cartridge tapered and I've just never wanted to mess with it fool with it so I wanted to uh just carry the same rifle cartridge that I competed with as my pistol all my western style revolvers are 45 Colt I just like that caliber do I need to tell you I just have always liked that caliber 45 Colt and so uh I just compromised and um my rifle is 45 Colt as well kept things simple and by the same token that's one reason the 4440 uh CT Peacemaker was fairly popular too not as popular as a 45 CT but when this came out and a highly desirable rifle you see the black powder all over my hands already uh then you know Colt chambered the Colt Single Action in 4440 and that way you could have the same you know chamberings and everything so keep one set of ammo for both right both rifle and uh revolver just like most of you probably do you probably are carrying say a 9 mm in your waist right now and you've got a 9mm subgun you know submachine gun in your car probably right is that just 10 Outdoors 9 all right gong time I want to wake up the gong some more come on get it up [Music] there I love that love that sound oh it'll crank them out click doesn't take long to empty them doesn't it I was going to do that let's do that now uh as I tend to try to demonstrate every time we bring out a lever gun these little babies will uh be pretty effective if you can just hold them on Target and kind of get the Knack of it even with a fairly powerful cartridge a lot of the cowboy action Shooters they shoot a 38 or something that uh you talk about a wimp load I mean you don't even know you fired anything uh but then some don't uh and I prefer not to shoot the little wimp lo I just wanted to shoot 45 real cartridges and and uh you know have fun with it didn't really care how I how I came out I wasn't looking to Wi in the the World Championships or anything but even with full power ammo like this you can crank these babies out and you going to really smoke up the place too can't you oh man I love that let's go over there and get a turkey yeah oh he want to fall there we go get that top turkey let's get higher now there we go there's a pig over there these hit too click oh man that no it didn't I got to shoot a couple more cuz I missed that last shot didn't I okay good old black powder you love it I wish y'all could smell it maybe that's what we need to offer some of those uh little strips that you can uh impregnated with odor can mail out to you and uh then let you know when we're going to do a black powder video to be sure and get it out you know and then just sniff it you know scratch and sniff black powder but uh neat stuff no doubt about it what did I not tell you about this thing that uh you're dying not to hear uh very very popular right on up through and you do realize you know this thing was manufactured on up through like 1920 23 along in there and think about all the other really nice lever guns that you could say replaced it you know when you if you're not careful that's what you tend to think like the uh we talked about you've seen the 1876 here you've seen the 1886 beautiful rifle more modern uh Stronger a very sturdy gun will handle really powerful cartridges like the 4570 uh after that you had the 1892 you know what's more popular than that hardly the 1894 and just you know right on through but yet through all of those they didn't replace this you know they kept making this uh so there was those were I guess complements or supplements you know to to the lever action world this thing still was manufactured and still a popular rifle and again this is the one that you should be seeing in so many of The Westerns really cuz most of the westerns you I would say most the time period generally is like after the Civil War up through about the 1880s and that's kind of your time frame usually isn't it and there were no 1892s and 1894ss here let's get this too later before we forget it yeah let's move around little let's share the [Applause] lead I can't see the targets I lost the Target and that would have been an issue you know back in the day wouldn't it uh you touch off a few of these in the average bar room CU I know that's happened to me lots of times and uh with a dimly lit uh bar room at night uh Saloon in Dodge City it's already not very well you know lit in there and then you touch off a bunch of these things and it gets all Smoky and uh and the bad guys are shooting at you and all that kind of thing it it' get pretty interesting wouldn't it so uh anyway little fun with the 1873 and I apologize to it and to you for not uh bringing it out sooner uh over the years I mean it's been out but we've just not given it the love it deserves because the 1873 is a great year uh for Innovation and uh and this rifle just a a masterpiece and really sweet action they're they're fun to shoot and I've never had trouble with this thing the some people find him a little finicky but uh I know people in the cowboy action matches sometimes were always adjusting their their levers and everything never did have any trouble with this baby it's just cranked right on uh anyway I was [Music] good [Music]
Channel: hickok45
Views: 897,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Stewart, Winchester, Uberti, .45 Colt, .44-40, levergun, lever action, Repeating Rifle, black powder, Old West, 250 grain slugs, hard cast bullets, bullet lube, Ballistol, cleaning blackpowder, SASS, CAS, cowboy action match
Id: 2SPl9FvSrck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 07 2014
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