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Yey been visiting their page the past few days for this

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/LoveMinaMyoi 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

I loved hearing about how YJS really helped HaHa a lot. I enjoy their funny moments but I also really appreciate when they talk about the serious and emotional stuff as well.

I understand why YJS would feel pressured about him appearing with Kang Ho-Dong again (and just in general with the whole YouTube thing). I'd feel pressured too if people had high expectations for something since I wouldn't want to disappoint them. I'd rather they just be surprised when they least expect it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hxrry00 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2023 🗫︎ replies

The buildup to the deserted island episode of Pinggyego is strangely one of the things I'm most looking forward to from variety. Jae Seok just seems so excited about it after randomly mentioning it once.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/areyousrs111 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2023 🗫︎ replies


Edit: Serious talk between our RM members really just hits diff.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/glassesinglamour 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

FINALLY. That took a while 😭

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lamkafeira 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies

I don't even speak Korean but I was able to understand 95% of the dialogs I guess years of watching K-drama and listening to kpop and being a huge running man fan helps + I was bored and didn't have anything new to watch ans saw the video uploaded but I was afraid that I wouldn't understand them but in the end I said f*ck it I'm gonna watch the whole video without subtitles and the video was really funny it was 1 hour video but still I laughed a lot and didn't feel bored while watching it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jypim 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Preview of chit chat] Don't you all have times like this? Of course I do. There are moments when you miss the past. They say that your life memories are what keep you going. Don't be like that! Stop being so serious! Stop it already! Haha, it's you and Jae-suk? Yes, it's Jae-suk. Buzz off you little rascal! Talk about the distant past.. We were here to make a fresh new start to the year! It's not like that at all. We're unable to escape our past. Just live in the past! [On a warm Spring day, with flowers in bloom...] [We have new guests for a nice chat] [A joyful new start] [A hopeful new beginning] We've had Se-ho and Chang-hee often come for a breakfast meeting. But today we'll have new guests to have a breakfast chit chat. [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] [This video contains paid advertising from Quiznos] Oh, I should sit over here. [Hired new Sound Engineer] We'll have a professional sound engineer now. We have one now? Yes. We keep getting comments about the audio quality. Yes, I've also read the comments about the audio quality. Our staff keep adjusting the volume levels while editing. It's been very difficult to get the right audio volume level that's balanced for every person's voice. It'll be much clearer to listen to now. As I mentioned earlier, we're going to enjoy breakfast today with food from Quiznos as I enjoy a nice chit chat with my friends. [Introduction of guests] To introduce today's guests... especially one of them.. when I mentioned that we'll meet in the morning... he was quite upset about that. He couldn't understand why this had to be early in the morning. But I just shrugged off the complaint. "Okay, got it." "Okay, come 9AM" And so he's here at 9AM today. Let me have some coffee first. [Fueling up for some morning talk] By coincidence, there's also a Quiznos near my house too. So I'm a regular here. I have this often. And it's our sponsor today. This is really good to dip bread in. [Having some soup as he waits] Mmm. Oh, they're here. [Already happy] Here they come. Hey! Hurry up guys! It's still before 8! You dragged us out of bed. Hey! Is this morning prayer or what? Filming a YouTube video this early? I'm here to eat this! [Laughs] I'm up because I wanted to have Quiznos! Hey! Are you off to Disneyland? [Follow me back to dreamland] You told me to come dressed up this morning. Hey, put some more effort into your outfit! [Outfit to match Spring] See this bright yellow! [Like a warm family reunion] The whole family is together. A perfect start to the day... Get your mics on first. You know this place right? They have warm bread. No greetings? Just straight into eating? Let us say hello first. You said hello. You just said "Oh, hey Se-chan, hey Haha..." You need formal greetings? Between the 3 of us? [Let's eat first] Have this, it's cheese and ham. Oh hey, it's warm. [Crammed with meat] Of course, it's Quiznos Quiznos is warm. [Finally taking a bite] This bread is toasted. Mmmm. [Story of visiting Quiznos in Samcheok] I told you before, there's one in Samcheok. There's a branch at Samcheok? You know how all the popular brands are opening in Samcheok, right? It's super trendy right now. The logo already seems trendy. It does seem trendy! [Recommendation from regular customer] I always have chicken. Chicken Carbonara. [Likes menus with chicken] I like chicken too. But hey, Se-chan... I told you to come looking nice and bright. Come on, check out the yellow right here. Yellow is a bright colour! There's some yellow there. We had a phone call yesterday. We talked about what we were going to wear. We're all think alike. I was split between wearing yellow and this today. Me too! I was split between blue and yellow. It was green or yellow for me. I think it's like... the men think about colours... the bright tones in clothes... It's either yellow, or sky blue... [Primary colours] or green too. This is like a "boyfriend look". Totally. What's "boyfriend" about that... It's a "boyfriend" style! [Realistic boyfriend style] This is a boyfriend style! It's Gong Yoo, right there! Gong Yoo's friend? It's Gong Yoo! I know him well. [Checking next outfit] For you.. I like Mickey Mouse too. [Searching in pocket] [Wanted to show off phone case] See? I like Mickey. Come on! Chris Brown wore this outfit. It's totally different from that Mickey Mouse! That's like Disneyland for kids! I like Disneyland! What I mean is... How do I say this? This was worn overseas? That's not what I mean. Then who wore it? All he needed to say was... "Oh hey, you have Mickey Mouse there too!" But mentioning Chris Brown? Chris Brown doesn't even care whether you wear what he wore! He's younger than I am. What does that matter to Chris Brown! I follow his profile. Hey but... Mmm. I've already seen Haha 4 times this week. Huh? Why? You see him on 'Running Man'. I see him on 'Hangout with Yoo' and dance practice yesterday. You two must be sick of each other. Not at all. Oh really? You two are that... Don't you see each other more than family? I saw your brother yesterday. Se-hyung? Oh, for the dance practice? You don't see your brother often, right? I see him every other week. I see him for the filming of "Where is My Home". He used to live with Se-hyung, but they live separately now. So the two are a bit awkward now. We're a bit awkward around each other. There's a very strange energy around us when we meet. I know what you mean. I think that's what brothers are supposed to be like. I only realised that now. Really? Usually, we just see each other too often and we didn't really think much about seeing each other. It must be because you're older now. There's that too. In the past, you'd smack each other on the head, - but that's not okay when you're older. - I can't anymore. Se-hyung lives.. he lives around Dogok-dong. You haven't been there? - You haven't been to his house? - Haven't visited? That's pretty harsh... But he hasn't been to my new place either. Did something happen between you two? Did you like the same girl? Oh, what are you on about?! [Today's Fake News] I'm 100% sure of it! Hey, my Mom watches this channel too! I'm so sure of it. What else could it be? What could have happened? No way! Like this.. the false rumour keeps growing. Yeah! People start speaking out like "Oh, I actually know something..." and it spreads! No way we'd like the same girl. Why haven't you visited? Aren't you curious how his place looks? I'm not that super curious about it. But it could be that... since they lived together for so long, they are just like that apart. When I visited their home when they lived together. You could see their close relationship. You divided the housework, one person cooking, the other washing dishes. That's right. One person would clean, while the other would do the laundry. You lived like that before getting married. Yeah, of course. Since I lived with friends. We liked the same girl, and that's why I lived separately. Oh, that was why! There's always a reason for a split. - Hey! - Yeah? You... I'm sacrificing myself to create their rumour. [Making up a story for fake news] Trying to make it sound true. But between real friends.. - It can happen. - Sometimes it can. A friend of mine liking a girl I like. But he mentions it before I say anything. [The excited storyteller] Then you keep it a secret... But despite me being the first to like her... Hey! But as a married guy, why are you talking about things like "girl friends" Do you miss it? [Instant response] That's not what I mean. [Laughs] [LOL] That's not it... [Laughs] Does it sound that way? I miss my youth! He said that yesterday during dance practice. [Fierce Roar] "Gosh!" "Oh, how I envy youth!" My frail old body! I used to be able to follow dances right away. [True feelings in old age] His dance skills had hit rock bottom! I couldn't move my body like I used to. - I couldn't do it... - I don't know why he's this way. [Next topic: Haha, the enigma] He'd sometimes call me. - "Jae-suk..." - "What?" [Laughs] I beat Lee Mal-nyeon. [Haha recently started live broadcasts on Twitch] I don't care whether he beat someone like Lee Mal-nyeon or not... I couldn't care less! I thought he'd be mad too but he didn't care either! He doesn't even care about you. But why are you competing against him? To be totally honest... I admire him a lot. But Haha has built a good fanbase on that platform. - Oh have you? - He has. I'm a big player now. Oh really? A lot of people watch him. A lot of people watch me now. And they enjoy it. Yeah.. so.. They call me "Mr. Mainstream" there. The younger viewers are like, "Oh look, it's Mr. Mainstream." And if I'm a bit unfunny there, they'll say things like, "Gosh Mr. Mainstream is so lame" Then that will infuriate me. So I've suddenly become like the "Mainstream TV" representative. become like the "Mainstream TV" representative. On that platform.. He's fighting with the viewers there. I'm fighting with them. As the mainstream TV representative, I mean... no one even made him the representative! There wasn't even an election, but he'll fight the viewers And tell me, "You don't know what it's like..." "I'm going head to head with them as the mainstream media representative." You came on! I did. - You liked it, right? - I did! Oh really? They would diss us by saying we're too mainstream and a bunch of them would tease us. On that different platform, they could think that. That's right. That's part of the entertainment. What would you be doing if it wasn't for this video? When do you get up? Me? In the morning? I get up earlier than you think. - When would that be? - About... About 9AM? And I sleep earlier than you might think. - When do you go to bed? - 11PM to 12AM How many hours is that asleep? You should be much taller, at about 3 metres! Wow, you sleep around 10 hours? I have to sleep around 10 hours, or at least a minimum of 8 hours. I get woken up a lot during the night. Then I'll be on my phone a bit. I do that often. You shouldn't be like that. You have to have uninterrupted sleep. I can't sleep a whole 8 hours without waking up. Oh, you don't get a good sleep. I sleep around 6 - 8 hours. - 8 hours? - Around that much. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6. Are you an old man? He's like my kid. My kid is like this. This is the sleep pattern of a 3rd grader. [Quite an amazing sleep pattern] Waking up at the same time as my son. I usually sleep like that. If I sleep at 11, I'll get up at 6:30-7. How do you see TV shows that air late at night? I'll see a rerun the next day. What about you? You get up quite early too. I do get up quite early. Around 7? When do you fall asleep? Sometimes going to bed at 2 in the morning. You sleep 5 hours then? You don't get much sleep at all. You can't once you get married. He has a lot of concerns. He's called me up for the last... 10.. 20 years? "Hey, I need some advice with something..." "Okay, what is it?" "You'll probably cry if I tell you." "Alright, so what is it?" "I'll tell you in person, when we meet." "Okay, got it." He'll call me at 1 in the morning? "Jae-suk..." "I need some advice..." "What is your concern?" "I'll tell you in person at your house." [Suppressing Frustration] - "Okay, come and tell me." - "You'd cry if I told you." Then he'd arrive at my house. "Okay, what is it then?" "Wow, you have a river view from your house." [Laughs] The person who was so full of worries. [Haha visiting for house viewing] "Wow, your place is amazing." "What was your concern?" "Jae-suk..." "You'd break down in tears if I told you." "Okay, just spit it out." "I'll just leave without telling you today..." Seriously! Really? I'm serious! And then he just left! What's wrong with you? What did you want? Why wouldn't you tell me? I want to say it... But it's difficult to muster the courage to say it? Uh... how should I put it, I'm feel sorry... Why wouldn't you just tell me after saying you are troubled with concerns? Yeah, I want to say it. But I'm not sure why. I think it's because I don't want to be a disappointment to you. And also, another question.. Why do you introduce me to people you are close with and then cut ties with them? [All Haha can do is laugh..] [Laughs] I can't understand why you'd introduce me to them and then cut ties with them. I really don't understand myself either. I don't understand him either. Do you know why he told us to come in bright clothing? They just set put up this background image! - You think this is a joke! - What's this! LOL All you do is put up this image! And tell us to come in a Spring theme! This is meant to be Spring? What's this here, "Joyful new start" Is this a new school year? The photo was taken by one of the writers. Oh, is that so? Sorry, it's quite beautiful. It's so pretty. Your mother took an excellent photo. She must be a writer too! We're all sucking up to her. But it's honestly amazing. We dissed her mother by mistake. Hey, this is... we need to take a photo of this ourselves. I'm going to show this to my Mother too. It's so amazing. [Keeping a photo record] Sorry.. Hey stand right there! [Spring arrived thanks to writer's Mom] 1.. 2! It's so pretty! But it's really pretty... [Touched by its beauty] I can almost smell the flowers. Oh the scent! Have you subscribed and seen all the videos? Of course I subscribed. But I don't even watch my videos. - Why not! You have to monitor them. - I'm too busy! Watch your own first! Is that okay to say? I don't even watch mine. It's okay you didn't see ours, because you didn't see your own? But I'm really telling the truth! I'm so busy! I saw you videos. He gets very jealous easily. No no I'm not like that. I praise your success! What praise? I always check Jae-suk's channel to see the subscribers. Stop lying! I just check the number of subscribers. He was really jealous of Jong-kook's channel! That's not jealousy! It is! I was cursing it! I curse failure upon your channel! Have you reached 1 million subs? Yeah. It kept lingering around 900,000. For around 10 months. Why are you so obsessed with 1 million? I've achieved everything in my life. But because you're human, now I want to reach 2 million. [A person's endless envy] It'll take you forever! 1 million seems so small. You have to build up to it slowly. Are you on YouTube? [Dormant for 3 years] I'm not active at all. I have no time with my brother, after he moved out... You did videos where you have noodles with Se-hyung. We got caught up with that strange thing. We're not even a Mukbang channel. And we don't even eat much. You do stuff like this. I'm full with 1 pack of noodles. But on those videos I have to eat like 2 and a half packs. So I couldn't keep making the videos. Other types of videos don't get views. We had to keep eating. It's quite stressful too. It wasn't the direction that we wanted to go with. So you gave up on it? Yeah, we pretty much gave up. I'm active as a game streamer, right? I got caught up in the world of LoL. [A game that Haha isn't good at] The game that your viewers like? But I couldn't improve... - You have to do what you love. - That's the problem. You lured Jun-ha into shaving his hair off! Why did you two do that? [The game that shaved their hair] Why did you shave Jun-ha's hair? But I got closer to the MZ generation. What do you mean? But now I started a new game... But hey, hold on! Why are you so obsessed with the gen MZ? They don't even care about you, but you try to attract their attention. I envy them that's why... - I envy their youth. - Their youth! And how confident they are. I want to challenge them, face to face. [Laughs] - So.. on the street.. - They're so young. when you see a young person. [Envious gaze] [I envy your youth] [Laughing in acknowledgement] It's like the old people that stare at us when we have fun. Hands behind their backs. "How happy those young ones much be." "Go on little ones." "Enjoy your golden years young ones!" It's exactly what they say. He's like that. I look on at young people like that around Hong-dae. Greeting people they pass by. Looking at them from head to toe. "The rising stars of our neighbourhood!" Heya! Let's do it! [A toast with Quiznos] Quiznos! Cheers! [A short break for our ears] There's also that on the otherhand. When we think about Haha amongst the celebrities that we know, he was the first with a Twitter account and what we called UCC before. Yeah, that's right. He was a pioneer in trendy stuff. Being on social media first. Back in the day.. I had number 1 influence on Twitter. He had the most influence on Twitter. I worked really hard, it was fun. I really enjoyed putting in the effort. Whenever there was product placement for social media, Haha would get it. He was that trendy back then. His reputation has deteriorated? There's that new rule these days. If Haha follows a trendy, the trend is almost dead. It's almost over. This trend is over! I'm the trend killer! I'll end all trends you young people are enjoying! You think it's fun? What's so damn funny about it!! [Haha, where trends come to die] We had good teamwork. On Running man we formally killed that trend. If you send us any hip trends we'll kill them all. [Send us your trends, we'll end them] Send them in before you get sick of them. We'll completely crush them. You know that, right? We laughed before about "boyfriend" style. [Next topic: Se-chan's popularity] Se-chan is actually quite popular. Yeah, he is. He's popular with the TV production staff. Oh, see them talking right now. [Staff really talking amongst themslves] Hahahaha. Hey you! You agreed immediately. [Caught that moment] You didn't deny that at all! What are you talking about! The staff really like you. Among the writers and the casting staff. I think there's this too... If you think about it, there aren't many single comedians on TV. I'm quite old but I haven't married yet, right? [Analysing origin of his popularity] I'm already 38. I think you misunderstood.. we're not jealous of you at all. We're just finding it unexpected. You just can't believe it? We're not saying we envy your popularity. [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] Hey but... thanks again for coming so early this morning. Not at all. We'll be there for you in a heartbeat. Hey, will Chang-hee keep appearing in your videos? He'll be on again. This channel is one of his major appearances. [LOL] He even agrees. I talked to Dong Wook on the phone. And his work hasn't been released yet, so this is his major work. It is. For Dong Wook. His video almost has 6 million views. Oh, it has the most views? Yeah, yeah. How do you think Jae-suk feels? Huh? He has like the midas touch. Hey, don't say that. If we had high expectations for this channel we might not have succeeded like this. Suk-jin's channel has gradually grown like that. What were you planning to do today? Today is a weekend, so I made plans to play golf with some people. Usually, I either go golfing, or stay home and cook a meal. You cook your own meals? I have food delivered more often, but if I'm not too bothered, then I'd go grocery shopping at a supermarket, and cook myself a big feast. Oh really? He's a better cook than you'd expect. Yeah, honestly, I cook quite often. What's your best dish? I can cook most Korean food. If the Kimchi is ripe, then I'll make Kimchi stew. Wow. I cook bean sprout soup often. - Why? - Oh? Bean sprout soup is simpler than noodles. It's very simple. Bean sprout soup is a signal.. Yeah. What signal do you mean? A heart signal. What the heck are you talking about? Bean sprout soup is? So.. he buys groceries, If I'm honest, you could think that. ... ad making Kimchi stew is.. you could suspect something to it.. but I'm just not interested... Oh, take an interest! Look at the boyfriend style that he is wearing! I don't even want to dig in that deep. I don't want to bother revealing anything. Wondering who he would have made the bean sprout soup for... I'm not even curious enough to ask the question. - But I'm sure he doesn't have a girl friend. - I hope it goes well for you. It's not true. You don't, right? - I don't. - I hope you find someone soon. Why? The time that he has now, when he's young, it's great. I'm living perfectly well on my own. I'm not pressuring you to get married or something like that. I'm just telling you to experience love, you get lonely, don't you? He's not! He doesn't get lonely. You're lonely! Loneliness is... Are you lonely..? I'm so lonely... I'm so lonely in the hustle and bustle. [Solitude in Hustle and Bustle] But you know... Trying to understand "why".. you don't know until you get married. Everyone has their own way of feeling lonely. It's not that you don't love them, you love your family. It's not that your unhappy, You're happy. But despite that, every now and then... as a human being... Is it different to emptiness? It's different to emptiness. It'll be the same for Byul as well. Everyone feels the same. For the husband and wife. Not as a husband, but as Ha Dong Hoon.. You feel lonely as the person you really are. It's kind of like this. That's interesting, I never imagined. When you're single, you only think of yourself. What you would like to do, what I'd buy, where I'd live. But when you become one member of a family unit, there are many things you need to take care of. You can't just focus on yourself. That's right. So within that busy life, you sometimes question who you are. During a peaceful period, if your child calls for you, "Dad, dad" That's just a given, right? You think your child is really cute. You sometimes feel thankful when your child calls you Dad. [So Thankful] You just can't believe that they are your son and daughter. But somedays, when they call you "Dad" you feel this heavy weight. Really? "I'm a Dad?" "When did I become a Dad?" "Can I stay responsible for my kids forever?" Sometimes you have these thoughts. - Wow... - There are these strange days like that. It's not easy. But if we say this to someone who isn't married.. it doesn't resonate with them. When people older than me used to talk to me about how marriage is like.. I'd listen to them but I wasn't that interested in it. Since I'm not interested, I couldn't really understand. I don't really understand what you mean. It feel like something that doesn't affect me, - happening in the distant future. - That's for me too. Should I get married? or not? Get married! Please say a word for the Generation MZ. You guys just enjoy life. Don't concern yourselves with things like that. He's like an old man. It's supposed to be the best time of you lives for you guys. Just look in front of you and charge forward! Listen carefully! - With a Lion heart! - Enjoy life! - Listen carefully Gen MZ! - Enjoy Enjoy! Like a Horned Dino! Charge forward! Not a Dino, you mean a Rhino. There's this too, even if I'm out enjoying myself, There's an emptiness, right? A void that you can't fill. You'll be out with others, having a totally great time, Then you arrive back home! The emptiness.. There's emptiness, loneliness, lack of purpose.. It's all there. When I was young before I got married. Boom, cha, boom, cha. I'd be having a great time at a nightclub. And then in the dawn, when everyone is heading to school and work, [Yes, we all know that feeling] [The excitement vanished] Like a sinner in this world. [A feeling everyone knows] And when you get home, there's the morning newspaper. You pick it up, and walk in carefully, and my Father says, "Son, late night shooting a TV show?" [Heartbreak...] I didn't have work, and I was out all night. I'd go into my room... [Filled with regret] "What am I doing.." - "I shouldn't live this way.." - Yeah. You make a promise to yourself to turn your life around. You promised yourself! But that day at 5PM.. Suk-jin would call.. "Hey! What's up!" "Let's get together!" Then you go out again? [Enjoying the night] [Repeating Last Night] Come right in! People are all the same. There can be that emptiness. That emptiness was so overwhelming for me, so I wanted to quickly have a family of my own. I was shocked by how quickly he got married. You married at 29? No! 34! You at 37! I was 37. Wow... - How old are you? - 38. You're that old? But this year when our age reduces.. It's from June! The Korean age being gone. Let me ask you this, imagine there's a friend, who's the same age as you. That friend had their birthday before June. A person with a birthday before June is 37 And I'm 36 because my birthday is in October? You're asking if you're still the same age? But if you were born on the same year, you're just friends. That's so complex. I think you're just overthinking it. You can just be 2 years younger then. Everyone seems like they are going to do that anyway. There are people who keep saying they are already younger. I can just be friends with them then. There are people who commented how they are sensitive about that. It's not easy to enter your forties. You're 38 right? Then I'd be 2 years younger in June. Can you feel yourself getting older? I do, it's more serious these days. Yeah. You talked about bruises, and how bruises don't heal as fast and another time when it'd suddenly hit me is when you get ready to go out Getting ready to go out LOL As you get ready. Sometimes you can see a white nose hair showing through. You have that? You'll be shocked. You can see it then. It hits you right then. As you pull out the white nose hair. There are times like this too, As you are grooming yourself, "Why's there hair here?" - Why's there hair growing here? - You're so right. It doesn't fall off. I know what you mean! From about mid 30s, there are strange symptoms that only you know. "Hey, what's this?" [Unfamiliar hair growth] There are times like that. You guys will know soon. I think there's a long hair here. [Looking for members to experience aging with] It's not stuck on there. Ho-dong told me once. Ho-dong was about 36 when we were on X-man. I was around 34 years old. Ho-dong is 2 years older than me. You have the vote at the end to find the X-man at the end. But I saw this strange hair on his chin. [Spotted strange body hair] So I said to Ho-dong, "Hey, what's this?" "What?" "There's like a long hair here." "Hey, is this what it feels like to grow old?" [Unavoidable Strange Hair Growth] "Don't talk about that out loud!" "What the heck is this!" And that was when Ho-dong was in his mid 30s. - It's that age when those hairs come out. - Those hairs appear. A hair might suddenly grow really long. - Or see a white nose hair. - Hair growing in strange places. Or white hairs on your head. Your hair starts to grow white and bruises don't disappear quickly. I thought these were just a few grey hair until I was 40. Hey, is our writer Subin in her 20s? Yes, still in my 20s. All this will seem like the distant future. [Sinister Smile] But it'll come very soon. I can see the passing time chasing me. Whispering "Come with me." The things that I thought wouldn't affect me are hitting me directly. So Haha is going insane. Just yesterday he was like.. "AAAGH I'm so jealous!" [Just yesterday] "The youth..." It was during dance practice, with all the cameras on. The trainer teaching us how to dance was so awesome. He wouldn't even try that hard, but he'd look so cool. But next to him there's this skinny anchovy here and a chubby piggy here. [Wiggling to the beat] Suddenly as he was dancing... "AARGH" [Fury towards the passing time] He asked a question to the dance teacher. "How old are you?" "AARGH, I'm so jealous of that youth!!" [Cry of jealousy] I was so jealous. Haha is quite expressive about his inner feelings. It makes him healthy too. Because he doesn't keep it bottled up inside. "AARGH, so jealous!" "I beat Mal-nyeon!" [An open book] I beat him just once. He always calls to say things like that. I'm sorry for swearing, but I'll re-enact it accurately. "That bastard is a bloody bastard" "That bastard is a nasty bastard!" That's so like you. - That's what Haha is like. - I very open with Jae-suk. He doesn't keep secrets. As we continue our relationship, we've been on many shows together, and he's one of the long remaining friends that I have. I felt that when you went on "Dolsing Fourmen" and talked about calling Jae-suk when you were very upset with something. And when you got up the next morning - Jae-suk was at your house. - I was surprised! I just knew then that you two will be close friends forever. Jae-suk took good care of my friends as well. He's like a lifesaver to me. In my early 20s I lived life recklessly. After being on "Nonstop" series, and "War of roses".. that's so long ago... But I was drunk with my friends, walking down the street, and a car would park up beside us. It was at a bar that Jae-suk and Ho-dong would visit often. Jae-suk must have been sad when he saw me so drunk. We didn't know each other at all at the time. "Hey Haha! You were great on TV! Let's be on a show together sometime!" I suddenly became confident in front of my friends. That's what he said. - You didn't know? - I was filled with pride. I was so thankful for what he did. I thought I was so pathetic. The fact he called your name. I was so thankful for the fact that he just knew who I was. So I promised myself that I'd be on TV with those two. That's how he became a member on "Xman" I called the head of my agency and asked them to put me on that show. That was in your early 20s? And I kept the relationship going with Jae-suk. Without any interruption. For 20 years... It's almost been.. 20 years. I had challenging moments in between too - And he was there for me. - Yeah, you're right.. You were really always on TV with me. On "Xman", "Infinite Challenge", "Running Man", "Hangout with Yoo". It brings a tear to my eye. Time has gone by so quickly. It's already been that long. It passes by so quickly. It's been 17 years since I debuted for me too. You too? I debuted in 2005. And so it's been 17 years already. It's been almost 20 years forSe-hyung. It's already like that. How long have you been on "Running Man"? It's already been 5-6 years for me on "Running Man". When Se-chan first came on the show... Variety TV shows always take some time to settle into for every celebrity. There are people like So-min that hit the ground running. But on the other hand, comedians take a bit longer to settle in. I think it's because we overthink things. That's right. You're constantly eyeing your chance to make your mark, but don't want to interfere. You are too hesitant in situations, so you fall into a slump... Variety TV is so fast paced right? So in the early days, there were many viewers who wanted Se-chan gone. "How can he get paid for that!" I'll come for you! Yes I took the money! I get that cut of my face! But from the viewer's perspective they are frustrated because they are expecting more entertainment. That's why they say that. They have expectations. That's right. But you need time to settle in. Everyone has that initial period. Me too, after returning from military service. We had "Cheer Up Haha" campaigns too. The whole nation participated... The "Cheer Up Haha" project. A star entertainer returns from military service - and he was totally unfunny. - Being hesitant.. [The confused newbie entertainer] I was like that too, when I was doing comedy back in the day. I spent 9 years outside the spotlight. If you have talent, and someone sees that, you get your chance to shine later. That's why I always remember.. when I received that criticism.. When Jae-suk and I went to a Pyeongyang Naengmyeon restaurant, He was using Chinese idioms... I don't remember what it was... You have to remember that idiom! I know! Today we are having Quiznos. - That's why it's like a Quiz.. - Today is Quiznos.. [Laughs] [Rambling Nonsense] He said "True talent always shines through." I like that idiom I didn't know what it meant in Chinese, but I just nodded my head. And I searched the meaning later. The meaning comes from how a hidden sharp needle will always find a way to come through a pocket. I remember when you said that to me. It's a Chinese idiom that I like. It applied to me too. I like that Chinese idiom because there are many people around us like that. [Morale Booster] FIGHTING!! Makes me want to cry! "True talent always shines through!!" [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] Wow, it's already been an hour. - Time flies by fast when you chat. - It goes so fast. It flew by. What do you enjoy doing most? Just like this, when I'm chatting with friends. For me.. the thing I like most is when I had brainstorming sessions for comedy skits. Spitballing ideas! But I don't do skits now, so I can't do that anymore. But these days, when I'm at home watching "Comedy Big League" I'll give feedback out loud, saying how a skit should have been done better at the TV. I keep criticizing them on TV. I shouldn't.. but I call the comedians. That's quite judgemental of you. "Hey, I saw the show.. what if you took that in this direction?" - Like the dialogue. - Yeah! I'll blurt it out, and then apologize to them. That happened quite often. That's not nice to call them. I give them ideas though on how they can improve the skit for next time. - I'll tell them that. - Just keep it to yourself until later. Hey, Seung-jin, Bae-cha.. I'm sorry. You told Seung-jin and Bae-cha? They are the funniest these days, those two and Gyung-ho. They are the funniest right now. I'm sorry guys. Why do you keep trying to control the funniest people right now? Yeah, they are more popular than you are. I'm so sorry guys! Yeah, they are so funny. To be a true adult and a true senior you have to give - people below you some freedom. - That's true. Se-hyung and I can't just stand by we actively give advice to others. Especially for people we like we'll take them out for drinks too. Stop calling them out for drinks for your sake. That's right! Amazing right? Write that down. Seung-jin, I'm sorry. Seung-jin, Gyung-ho, Jung-soo. I'm sorry. People don't like work dinners. Yeah, they don't seem to like it. They aren't comfortable around you guys. For us too, we'll film early in the morning, Asking "Wanna go together for a meal?" is okay once or twice. But they are all busy. Inside, they will think, "Just pay us more." Just let us eat on our own. I was like that. But I really gave him money. That was really nice, he'd buy me meals and give me money too. Even if I became a senior I'll keep thinking about what I liked most as a junior and do things that younger people prefer. People might like a nice meal, but need financial help more. So just help them out? They worry about the taxi fare after a night out with seniors. Without money, they have to wait until late for a bus or try to share a ride with someone. Just giving them money to catch a taxi is better. Either that or letting them go home early before it gets too late. Older people might have good intentions, but sometimes money is better than a meal. It's not like you get to say much on a night out with them. [Completely Agrees] That's so true! I hit it on the nose, right? - I'm sorry guys! - Do you all agree? Senior colleagues say "Hey join us! Come! It'll be nice for you to join." And then you get there, "Yeah, this is so and so." And they talk amongst themselves. "Just eat comfortably, don't mind us." It's so uncomfortable. You're so right. And I have to get home but they say, "Leaving so early? Stay a little longer." The person talking keeps checking to see whether I'm listening or not. You can't yawn, right? You can't pick your nose. That's so accurate. Of course there are seniors who try not to be like that. But you have to be mindful not to be that way to juniors. Work dinners have changed a lot these days. Some places buy a chicken each at a meal. - Buy them coupons. - For each person? Broadcasting industry's work dinners have changed too. Usually they wouldn't stop at one place, - and go for a second round at another place. - "Let's go somewhere else." The work dinner culture change is being driven by Gen MZ. Talking about the Gen MZ again? People who aren't Gen MZ will leave the dinner after the first round. The culture is changing.... I remember that time! We went to a work dinner, in the early days. There was me, So-min and Gwang-su. Haha had his mind set on going to the 2nd round. Everyone was leaving the restaurant, Jae-suk, Suk-jin left. Jong-kook was leaving too. And you guys were leaving. But he wanted to stay behind. "Hey! Leave with us! Stop trying to join them!" That's right! Haha had a sad look on his face as the elevator doors closed. It was sad how Haha wanted to stay and have more fun. But you dragged him away. "You guys enjoy the night!" "Why are you hesitant! Just leave with us!" "You don't fit with them, just come here." "You guys enjoy!" I remember being in the elevator. You remember right? You know where it was, right? I realised I was between Suk-jin and Jae-suk. "I'm not that old yet!!" - "Come with us." - "I'm not old yet!" I still remember Haha's sad eyes. Haha used to be the life of the party. I was. He was the life of the party. There was a game he would always play at those dinners. - Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ - What the heck is that! This is Santa Maria! How do you play? Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ This is Santa Maria! What is that? You keep adding a dance move. You memorise and keep going? Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ This is Santa Maria! Gary would be like.. This is Santa Maria! That's a very old-school game. In 2010, he would always play this game at dinners. [Always at the Staff dinners] Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ Always drunk. "It's nice of you to come!" "I had a few drinks! Come join us!" "Guys! Jae-suk is here!!" [Embarrassing Past] Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ It's so accurate. It's just like when Haha is drunk. He imitates me drunk really well too. He clenches his teeth when he's drunk. "Take that to your grave!" He teases me so much. Your so fun to tease. There was him and Hong-chul on "Infinite Challenge" together. If you tease Hong-chul, he'd be like.. "That's right sir. Can you tease me some more?" He doesn't get mad. "I'll take all the teasing you dish out." But for him, you just tease him about his clothes a bit. "Hey!" "How dare you..." [Instant Hulk Mode] "You don't know fashion at all!" He'll be like that. That's why it's fun for me to tease So-min and Mi-joo. They have a short fuse. They get mad easily. They don't just take it. If So-min sees this video with the 3 of us talking.. "Hey, why didn't you invite me!" I'm sure of it! We're going to invite So-min with Mi-joo. We're going to invite the girls over separately. - That should be fun. - The girls that I know. Talking with the girls too. [Next topic: Group Chat Room] The reason I don't join the group chatrooms. There are reasons why I haven't got Kakaotalk. One of the reasons is... people like him would make group chat rooms and send photos of him out for drinks. That's how the young people have fun these days. [Young Generation: ???] They aren't like that! Live updates of what you're up to. You.. I told you, didn't I? In the past, he used to wear these glasses without lenses as fashion items. But he started putting in lenses. It's for your eyesight? [Answers with laughter] Why would you keep that a secret? I can't see any words! Oh really? But, I really wish Haha would keep this up until he's even 70 years old. Always staying young! Fervently chasing his youth. I still have fire in my heart. - He's the youngest.. at 38. Amazing. - Yeah How time passes by.. I think about my age too.. [Laughs] How long have we.. talked about our age? This flower is so pretty, isn't it? [Old people like taking scenery photos] Let go of me! Let me take a photo. Just take a photo of this behind you! [Old people suddenly sing aloud] "As I sit in the field of flowers..." We stuck on the words, "A new start" there. The theme today is "a hopeful beginning." But there's no hope. We're too tied to the past. Just re-live the past! "New start is just an excuse." [A new start is just an excuse for a chat...] A new start today. That's quite funny. Doesn't everyone have times like this? We do. There are times when you miss your past. They say that your life memories are what keep you going. Oh stop it! [Endless talk about age] Oh cut it out! - You don't know when to stop! - Stop it! "Gosh! Oh in my golden years!" I'd put on the jet black sunglasses. Cross my legs as I sit in a cafe. How cool I was back then. Talk about age is so funny. This is what you'd talk about at a convenience store sitting outside under a parasol. Sitting outside with a can of beer. I'm surprised how simple the production is to film this. - This person was at CJ. - Oh, haven't I seen you before? - We've never met before? - Oh really? Sorry about that. Were you flirting just now? It wasn't!! That's what you call flirting? No way. I thought I've met you. You keep saying you look like DEX. No way! Stop saying strange things! That's so ridiculous! - You do look like DEX! - He's so ridiculous. He doesn't look like DEX at all! He does a little bit! I look nothing like DEX but he keeps saying that I do. - I don't look like him! - You do, your eyes a little. I just thought we've met before. That's a strange flirting tactic. You know writer Song-hwa, right? Oh, I knew I'd seen you before. You were a writer with us before. Song-hwa was the youngest writer back then. But she's the main writer here. Wow, congratulations. How old is the youngest writer here? I'm 26... 26 years old. What a lovely age to be... Again talking about age! Again!! 12 year difference with me. Born in the year of the tiger? - Yes. - 12 years difference with me. Today's title should be "Age is just an excuse" or "Youth is just an excuse. What is your dream then? [Old Man Mode] No trouble with your parents through puberty? Yes. No conflicts with your Dad? - That worries me that most. - Why? As my son reaches puberty, we'd just fight and make up easily. But a father can't do much for a daughter during puberty. Then Mom can do it.. But I heard that the Dad needs to endure those emotions too. You need to be patient with them. But you can't just stay out of their sight. You have to stay close to them. - Really? - Yeah! - Who told you that? - It was... So-min told me. Not everyone's the same! - It's not the same. - Some people skip that phase. But some relationships can sour at that phase. I don't think you son would be like that. For my daughter! I think it'd be so sad. If I imagine that she would grow apart from me... It would be heartbreaking... Then you be awkward first. [First to be awkward] Wow... Gosh! It'd make you less sad. If you are like that, it might make her upset a bit. But I love her too much. Are you ever going to get married? Married? Of course. But.. I don't think I'll think about marriage once I pass 40. But I'm not against the idea of marriage. But once I hit that threshhold, I think I'll be turned off the idea of marriage. Friends from high school have all married. But other people I know who aren't the same age from work and daily life who are older. Most of them are still single. Like Na-rae, Do-yeon, Se-hyung Guk-joo all haven't married. Se-ho and Chang-hee haven't either. What if you guys married each other? Couples among those people? That's so crazy! You.. if it doesn't concern you... This is the problem with this guy. If it doesn't concern you! You just.. You just blurt out rubbish! Just for a laugh! It'd be funny, right? - If Na-rae and I were together.. - Yeah. Haha would be so excited at the sight. You like it too! Then he'd say "You guys look so perfect for each other. It's so good that you got married. Seriously!" [Insincere compliments] "Respect brother! Real respect!" Just so he can get a laugh. I'd be holding Na-rae's hand, "Thanks bro!" [Wedding guests happier than couple] You know what I mean? Just for a laugh. [Pinggyego (Just an excuse)] [Next topic: Se-chan's flirting skill] I have my own skill. For example, tell us about a skill you use on a person you like. At the start I'll give my full effort. I'll use witty responses, giving everything I have at the start. But when she contacts me, I take a step back a bit. That's when the real game starts. So the girl becomes crazy about you? They die to be by me. The key point at that moment. At that key point, that person completely falls head of heels for me. See all of them talking among themselves. Don't laugh at him! Not a single person here agrees with Se-chan at all, they don't believe you. If you do that, at the end.. she'll open up to you. Then naturally I make her mine... Usually, females will even know your game plan but they still fall for it. This kind of classic method works. I think you'd fall for your own trap. Let's say that I take a step back, but she doesn't contact me at all.. Then I die inside! [Falling on his own sword] "What went wrong?" "No I can't contact her first.." Then we just drift apart naturally. By then, it's too late to start again. You can approach her again with a new method, can't you? Like a new person. "Hello!" - She'll think you're crazy. - I used to do that. You are... stop being like that. Stop acting so cool. "Hi!" "I like you." "My heart pounds when I see you, right here." That's so despicable. I really hate it when you try to act cool. But really, spending the morning with you guys. But this is quite meaningful, it brings a tear to my eye. [Haha is such a cry baby] Why are you like that these days? Do you feel sad? Because this becomes a good memory too? Do you think you'll treasure this morning for another decade? Haha has always been quite sentimental. He cries a lot. He's very emotional and he goes through highs and lows on his own. There he goes again. "I'll always be by your side! Even when everyone leaves you!" "Take a look behind you, I'm always following your footsteps." - But it's really true. - I'm very loyal. Haha is a very loyal person. He's a really cool guy, he's my role model. His role model is Suk-jin. My role model is you, so I guess it goes all the way up. Suk-jin is a role model for all of us. Suk-jin is really.. a cool guy. It's the golden years for Suk-jin right now. He's so cool. He's really busy. He helped out Pinggyego a lot too. When Pinggyego was starting out, and it isn't well known. We are supplying the entertainment industry with new talent. That's right. Even with talented people, they come on this channel.. and they break through. Nam Chang-hee is a good example, his popularity has soared. He told me he's going to the UK and busy with a lot of stuff. He's gone with Jin-kyung? Jin-kyung is quite famous in our circles, She's seriously funny. I laugh just hearing her name. [Automatic Laughs] She's her own genre. She's her own genre? She's her own genre that no one else can copy. She's built up her own genre for the last 30 years. We have to pay attention to that. She's a person to really admire. She's not a trend that comes and goes. She's carved out her own path without others helping. Her strength comes from there. That's her lasting strength. She doesn't stumble easily. People like Suk-jin are like that... People like Jin-kyung are like that. In the TV business like us... Suk-jin is the best. What kind of person am I to you? You? You're like a big blank canvas. So pure. So whoever meets you, they can do whatever they want, you'll accept it. That's nice. People younger than me are comfortable around me. Who am I to Haha? For me... You're like... my parent. Call him Dad. I'm serious. It doesn't mean he listens to me well, because I'm like his father. [Rebellious Son] Seriously. He's a person you can't control. [The rebel son] He seeks your advice, but he has never followed my advice. - He's just listening? - Yeah. He just wants a second opinion. Parents are like that too. But... But you love them more than anyone else. - I know. - I really love you. That's true. - That's right. - I know. Of course, it was just to be funny on TV, he used to worship me a lot. He did. I remember. "Haha.." I remember. Ho-dong used to adore Haha too. "Haha..." Come here, my baby. "My cute little child" "My adorable baby." "Haha.. do you choose me or Jae-suk?" I choose Jae-suk. Get lost you bastard. Get lost! You were the same back then? "You'll never make it!" "Sang-ryeol.." We used to joke around like that all the time. He'd call Sang-ryeol like that. "Come over here Sang-ryeol, I won't bite." "You give me strength." "Come here, you are enough for me." I wish you two would be on a show together. But why don't you do that? Even if it's not a grand program.. what's the reason that you guys don't appear together? The whole nation wants it, and they are curious. I'd really like to see that. He could appear on this channel can't he? But I don't want to burden him. Oh, that's how it feels. You don't want to burden him? [If Ho-dong called] "Oh, hey Jae-suk" "Pinggyego?" "What's that?" [It was like he really called..] "I don't know that well." "What do I do?" "Just an Excuse?" People would love to see you two together. - There are so many legend scenes. - Ho-dong and I... The chemistry that the two have on TV.. the fact that I was able to be on a show with the two of them. On "Xman", I was blessed. I want to see that. I really want to see that. It'd be really fun. With Ho-dong around, I could just joke around a lot. Right now, I have to be an MC and focus on the harmony between the other members on a show. But with Ho-dong on, he can be in charge of that. You can just enjoy yourself. I could. A time will come. It'll come. We'll see it someday. Ho-dong sincerely... loves variety shows a lot. He really does. We are the same.. but he really cares for us. But saying this can be a burden to Ho-dong to hear. That's why it's like that. I really want to see him. He's a person who is.. funny just hearing his voice. That's right. "What is this?" "Oh, have we started?" [Big laughter] He used to call me all the time. "What are you up to Jae-suk?" He'll call me in the morning and we'd have breakfast together. We'd have king crab, and pork belly. You spent a lot of time with him, right? Of course. He lived really close by and spent a lot of time with me. That's amazing. - It would have been fun, right? - Yeah. It was really fun. The two of them were big stars to me. I wanted to be on TV with them but I wanted to be close with them personally too. I saw Jae-suk's close friends meeting together. Just hearing them talking together.. but they'd repeat the same stories again and again, it'd be on loop every 2 hours. - They talk about the same thing? - But the amazing thing is.. They react as if they heard it the first time. "But they said that before.." It wasn't strange? But they were so funny. I'd leave and come back, they'd still talk about it. My goal was to fit in that social circle. But what I'm certain of is.. the conversations that we have after filming a show, when we gather to just talk openly.. It's fun, much more fun. It's so fun. I'll die from laughter. Just faint of enjoyment. So you used to go to cafes with Ho-dong? Of course we did. We went water skiing for a while. He was really into that. I told a story on the radio about what happened once. He thought he was so athletic and dexterous, usually it takes a while before going on one ski but he wanted to show himself on one ski after 2 tries. "Sir... Hey just watch me." "Please give me one ski." "One ski?" And the manager was stunned. "Give it to me" "Just watch me Jae-suk" "I used to wrestle so I'm athletic" He wanted to show off to me. "GO!" He shouted so loud. And the boat took off. You have to lift up, right? But he didn't have much experience after a few tries so he sank slightly in the water... That's amazing too, you'd just sink down. He just held on with pure strength. That's so cute. The young Ho-dong and Jae-suk. [Memories of the past] That's right. But he got married and so did I. And we both had different TV shows. So it was hard to meet up. Xman was the last time? It was. [16 years have past] It was the last time. As we talk about Ho-dong.. I want to see him. I miss him. I think it might happen. Everyone is waiting. People around me wish the two of us appear together on TV. But that can add pressure. That burden will keep us apart. We have to just meet by chance. We talked about Ho-dong just now but I hope it doesn't put pressure on him. What if you guys meet on my channel? So you gain subscribers? Yeah... [Failed attempt] To gain subscribers. But wait.. hold on. Why are you so busy with work? What are you busy with? Me? I can't keep track of how the week passes by. He doesn't have a day off. I can't believe I've lived several years like this. He uses up his free time to have dinner with people at night too. Then he goes home to take care of his kids too. The reason I'm busy these days... My wife is working on her career again. Without the title of a "Mother" and "Wife" she's working on a musical as the singer she is. I have to keep the promise to support her dreams, right? When a caretaker has a day off, I'm like a single parent. From start to finish? All of it. What I feel, as I raise a child is.. there are times when I feel proud of myself, but I see my flaws more, I have no patience, I get angry. I get mad so easily. Oh really? Even after going on the TV show with Dr. Oh. I can't do what she told me. ["Oh that's okay" Dr. Oh's solution] You just can't? ["Oh that's okay" Dr. Oh's solution] I just can't let it slide. That's not easy to say. The Dad that my son remembers is an angry Dad. At the start.. But that's sad. I just call him nicely. But he doesn't look at me if I call him like that. "Hey!" Then he'll look at me. Then all he remembers is "Hey!" about me. I'm serious. It's really like that. You know right? I don't want to be remembered like that. Me too. I want to be a good parent like the ones on TV. "That's okay, my son." "Don't do that okay?" "Please don't do it." "You can't do this, okay?" "That's not very nice, okay?" I want to. But words don't come out nicely? He just won't look at me, he's busy picking his nose. Hey, son! [Not interested] Hey Son? [Look at Daddy...] It won't work. Hey son... Hey come here.. [Not responding either..] "HEY!!" "What?" I'm always the mad Dad. Gosh.... I don't want to be remembered as an angry Dad. But.. this could just be an excuse, but it's so hard to control them. If a person who doesn't know, watches as a third person, They see a "bad" Dad? Imagine my son wants to take this. "Leave it at home" "No, I want to take it." "Leave it here, okay?" "No.. later.." But when other people see that.. "Why's Haha making a big deal about a cookie?" But it's not like that. This small thing can start a chain reaction. "It's on my pants!" "It's gone!" "It's in the room!" "I took it!" "I ate it!" [Please don't cry Haha..] Haha.. relax... [Sudden Relaxing Treatment] Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ This is Santa Maria! [Whew..] That's what can happen.. Other people just see that one scene, but we deal with this everyday. This kind of thing builds up over many years. We have our own bad memories about parenting. I feel so inadequate. I blame my flaws And self-esteem falls. After I put all the kids to sleep, sitting alone exhausted like this... You get burnt out. You do.. But I also feel sorry for getting mad. You keep blaming yourself. And we mentioned this before, you start thinking.. "Who am I?" And I look at my phone. Not a single call... That's the annoying part. Isolation. Marginalised from society. That's why he obsesses about trends. That's why I make the group chats. Oh, I see now. Because I'm also married and raise kids, I can understand what Haha must be going through. I'm very thankful for that. It's really like that. As you watch dramas or movies that you like tears stream down.. - That's right. - Those who like drinking will drink a beer. "I'm going to change my ways." Then you kiss your sleeping child. "I'm sorry..." And the morning comes.. You try to start with a warm loving heart, But then he starts running around. "Stop please.." - "AAAAH" - "Stop.." "Come here.. Don't do that.. okay?' "Let go of me!!" "I told you nicely, okay?" Turning the ignition already.. "Daddy's not going to get mad anymore.." "Then don't eat it!" "I'm not mad." [Understands so well, Just funny] You know what I mean? I'm not mad. - Promise to myself. - You just can't help it. Yeah, that's right. Both of our sons, will one day understand how we must have felt when they grow up. They'll understand later. Is that why they say that? When you become a parent, you understand your own parents? Yes, that's right. You understand them. When I was talking to my child, it was like I was talking to a younger me. That's so right. You are so surprised. The words that I heard my parents say to me Exactly? I'm saying that to my children. I'm saying it to myself. From me to myself. And the behaviour that I hate, it's how I was like. - My child just resembles me. - Shocking. "Why do you keep leaving your glasses around!" But when I think about it, I never once brought the umbrella back home from school. It's like that. My wife is like "Who are you to scold him like that?" [All in the genes] It's embarrassing.. That gives me goosebumps Obviously the child is just doing what you did too but you have a hope that they don't copy your flaws. This kind of thing makes me want to have a child, I'm curious. You are, right? Will my own child be like how I used to be? You'll be surprised how similar they are. That's scary. It's quite scary. Gen MZ will never understand.. Gen MZ again? They don't know. You never let up.. If we keep a record of this.. this is like the Bible. The manual for life. With the background... Don't be like that with the background like that. Should I stop? The work of our writer's mother. Does your Mother like flowers? I think so.. Where is this? Jeju Island? She doesn't care... Her Mother sent it to her, but she doesn't really care. You didn't ask, right? Yeah... [The saddened Fathers] Are you supposed to ask? Of course.. "Mom, it's so pretty." That's how you reply? Hey, I saw Jong-kook takes flower photos too. He does that too. [Flower + Jong-kook = ???] Jong-kook did that? He just can't pass by flowers. [Tying to resist urge] AARGH! He starts hulking out. [No... I must resist...] "No!!! I must take a photo!!" He takes a photo of it. He likes flower photos? He likes flowers. If he sees rays of sun through the trees. A pretty scenery.. [Trying to resist urge] My heart feels weak too when I see flowers. Jong-kook didn't used to be like that. That's how you change.. He goes crazy at the sight of nature. He notices the beauty of nature. I'll just say "Wow, nice weather today." I'll say something brief, but he'll say.. "Wow, isn't this great?" [Busy capturing the pretty nature on his phone] With the same expression. He takes so many photos like that. He's getting old too. But none of those flower photos are on his social media.. You can never post it there. That's purely for business! Other than all his posts, it's all flower pictures. Pink shirts like this? He totally loves it. Loves flower patterns. He'll wear that. He absolutely loves pink. [Empty coffee cup] You want more? No, I'm fine. Have some more. I should get more. I'm going soon. As we continue talking... Just talking of this and that, this is true happiness. Once you start, it keeps going conversations are like that. It's good for your mental health. Have you made plans for that? The deserted island! Are you planning it? You are? We're going it on a nice day. Wouldn't they just loan you an island? Don't you own an island? Doesn't he own an island? You can't just go to any island. - Just buy one! - Where would I buy one? Buy an island.. LOL Just for filming. I think it'd be really fun to do. YouTube videos give you that freedom. You can try new things, outside the box. Do you upload every week? [Irregular upload schedule] Not every week. Always different? We are a bit.. Irregular uploads. I think that's great. It's a nice surprise to see a video uploaded. I have a strict schedule. Yeah. Just loosen up a little bit. As a streamer.. As a live streamer.. Oh, stop it! Calling yourself a "Streamer" in front of this flower background. You're being so ridiculous. So sick of it. Do "Santa Maria" game on Twitch. "Mainstream representative" Have a flower background it's so hard fighting against gen MZ Why are you picking fights! They talk back so well! Just be friends with them. I'm a professional, but I still take it personally. They are professional trolls. Yeah. And it's always funny. The wording they use in comments. It's so witty. Do you know why? They have been trained at a young age. Specialised in comments. With their witty language rather than oral communication, it's so natural for them to use text. The way they add to each other's comments. They are geniuses at naming stuff. They are. - Titles and names. - They are so funny. In the past, there were trendy catchphrases on TV which were all said orally. But now, language on the internet is used on TV. The live streams that I do is at the core of that. It's hard going toe-to-toe with them. Don't try so hard. It wears you out. I wanted to try take the lead. But that doesn't work. It won't work at all. So, do you know what I say? If there's a lame comment. "That's such a 'mainstream' comment" [Trying to beat gen MZ] I get revenge. "Wow, that's so lame!" "Such a 'mainstream' comment." Then the viewers just get mad. So I regret saying it. As the "mainstream representative".. you're the one from mainstream TV, you're teasing them for being "mainstream"? I was like that. I always think like this, everyone has their own sense of humour but when you mix with others it has a synergy effect. We have to take the lead on that. It's not an easy task. But we have to communicate with them. Like flowing water. Stagnant water rots. They could have misconceptions, but I have a sincere interest and want to get to know them. I'm trying my best to break from those prejudices. Their perceptions have changed. Yeah do that.. as the "mainstream representative". We have to go to dance practice soon. Let's just talk 5 more minutes. - Time passes so quickly. - It flies by. Are you giving us something? They give gifts here. You bought it? Hold up. Something this precious? [Unboxing Right Away] This is quite trendy. This is so nice of you. Haha really likes this. Oh, I like it. It's a couple hat. Oh, so he gets a girl friend? That's meaningful.. This is for my whole family?! That's so thoughtful! They are so thoughtful. I'll give this to my children, put it on for them. - And show them on your broadcast. - I promise. That's pretty. This is Jae-suk's colour. [Disbelief] Why? Grasshopper colour. - Thank you. - Thank you so much. It's the style that you like. You're a star! It's a hit! So damn thoughtful! Absolute legends. You'll succeed. As we end this Haha, please say a word to the Gen MZ. As you uphold communication with Gen MZ as being the most important thing. He's the "Mainstream Representative" on the internet. To all the Gen MZ. You guys flaunt your "MZ"-ness and have lost your manners. [Picking a fight instead] Why do you pick fights with the younger generation? They are so witty. Your bubbly lovely golden years right now, I hope you make the most of it. [Not finished] - What we talked about... - A great ending.. It's the absolutely truth! [LMAO] Dream big! Stride forward with confidence! - That's what I mean. - You can too! Why are you picking your nose! [True feelings] Let's not fall behind. We'll do our best, so give your honest feedback and cheer for us with passion. I'll see you guys on Twitch! - Twitch.... LOL - Ask them to subscribe to you. No no. Tell them! Say it! Tell them Haha PD! My views.. are stagnating. Where have the viewers gone? I want to turn my back again to face you [Come back to me] I ask for your support. And for the last time.. let's end with the Santa Maria Dance. And pass it to that camera. It'll come back after all the viewers do it. Start! Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ This is Santa Maria! Okay! Pass it on.. and please complete the Santa Maria chain. Thank you! Wow, the "Santa Maria" dance. Santa Maria Dance~ Santa Maria Dance~ Thank you so much. Thank you, my family will love these. Good work guys. Thank you! How'd the time pass so quickly. It flies by, right? It's so quick. [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] It's so nice here It's nice, right? It's nice and cosy. [Directed by Cho Eunjin, Cho Soo Bin, Lee Eunsol] [Writers Kim Song Hwa, Kim Lee Jin, Jung Chae Hyu] [Interns Sung Minji, Jeon Sangha]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 3,950,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UXrlLtBhrTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 56sec (4196 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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