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How many times JSJ will be on DdeunDdeun. Lol.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Pyeonsae 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

JSJ: I got a PPL offer. It has to do with the prostate

YJS & KJK: You can take it if you're healthy! Isn't your prostate weak?

JSJ: No, I'm healthy. It's a heating bathtub that's good for your lower body

KJK: Why didn't you take it?

JSJ: I 'd need a bath scene...

\YJS and KJK getting bewildered**

And it's funny that they attempted to end the show twice and leave, but they get back to their seats, wear their mics again and continue chatting lol.


👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/EpikMint 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

omg it will be v noisy again 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/RightTomato27 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

I watched the whole 40 minutes it was fun I didn't even notice it was 40 minutes until the end I hoped it will be longer than that, I really love when this 3 talk together they just jump from a topic to another really fast, they were talking for 2 hours and the editid version is 40 minutes I want the full version I never get bored from this 3 talking I rate it 10/10 the only problem about it was the length I want more.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jypim 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2023 🗫︎ replies
[A 36-second preview of our chat] The moment I dress up and get mic'd up it feels like I'm going on a show No, don't think that you're doing a show But think of it as a show Do whatever you want It's not like you listen to other people How long have you worn the Balenciaga? How many years? You know the ones that are like socks? I wore them for like 2 years in the summer 2 years? How is that a long time? I'm going to keep wearing them Until when? You say you're going to wear them a long time He's a ghost Once he gets you, he doesn't let go He doesn't let go once he gets you -I'm going to take a break -What I mean You said it yourself [It's a Happy Day] [We came to a party room to celebrate something] [Let's have a pleasant talk] [Pinggyego] This video contains a paid advertisement of 'bibigo' There's all kinds of places now a days [looking around] There's nothing that doesn't exist! [There's also something we need to celebrate] [First PPL Bibigo Grilled Mackerel] [Time to fill up before the guests arrive] You can heat it in the microwave or even use an air fryer 8 minutes in an air fryer Like this for 8 minutes! It's very simple [See you in 8 minutes!] [Refreshments prepared for the guests] [Financier] Sukjin doesn't really eat these kinds of things Why does he say he likes Financier? I mean, he'll probably eat a couple but... I've never seen him looking for Financier because he got withdrawal symptoms from not eating them... [While wondering about his love of Financier...] Why does he say he likes Financier? [The grilled mackerel is done] [Wow] [A well-roasted mackerel] Amazing [completes a full meal] Looks good Bibigo! Something I often enjoy I actually worked out in the morning before coming here I worked out and in a timely manner! Protein! Together with fried eggs, it's incredible [Going in for a bite] Yum Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside It's crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside When I don't have time in the morning, I often eat this [Ha] But...! Knowing it's an AD, I feel a bit of pressure while eating A bit of a compulsion to make it look a little more delicious? I just need to eat it naturally It's something I eat, something I actually eat I ate this Bibigo mackerel for breakfast yesterday I eat it but my kids also have it often too And this [Skills of someone who has boned a fish before] rip it out like this Tastes so good Hm! They're here! Hey bro! [Loud] Aha! [Entrance of our regular witty talker] What is this? My bro! Come in [Little bro nagging as soon as he comes in] What is this? -Come here, come in -I was surprised because Jongkook brought his camera [Surprising infiltration power of Kim Jongkook] -You... -What is this Why would you bring GYM JONG KOOK [Fighting as soon as they meet] I mean -Why would you bring this? -Why did you bring this? Hey, I'm just trying to show people how you make YouTube videos Why would you bring this? You two keep talking -Why would you bring this? -You calling my subscribers 'this?' -Ah...! -Jaesuk -It's been a while -What do you mean 'this' [Inviting him to sit first] Come here Hey! I'm in the middle of an ad, so be quiet [PPL time isn't over yet] [Bam] Hey, move your hammer Oh this is an ad? It's an ad -That's not it...For a YouTube video... -Jongkook, sit down, just sit down I don't even dress up for TV shows [Most said sentence: Sit down] Just sit down I was excited because you said we were going to an amazing cafe Because the concept! I said... I haven't explained why we're dressed like this yet I'm finish the ad first I'm sorry but is this meal the ad? -Bibigo! The Bibigo mackerel -Really? -Protein -Mackerel is great But I have gout, so I can't eat it Don't eat it! Hey, this, this! Put this on [The vibes of the experienced] How've you been The staff here Oh? You have more cameras Why? How many was it? It used to be 2 phones and 2 cameras But now they have 3 cameras [Celebrity amazed at the 3 cameras] It's the day of YouTube I was surprised when you brought in the GYM JONG KOOK camera And after this, I'm going to take you home [Will be filming Jeeseokjin World right after] I'm so tired -Jaesuk! -Jongkook is doing this right now YouTube is Hyangyak and Dure! [Everyone is exchanging YouTube labor] He's taking me home after this... Even though my manager has his car Please look forward to it My house and Jongkook's house isn't that far from here I bet he's going to take the long way around... That's why I mean by fake! -It's too made up -That's what Jongkook hates the most Are you going to the gym? I have to go home first to get my gym bag Jongkook works out in the afternoon and I work out in the morning I worked out in the morning yesterday because I couldn't fall back asleep but if you do it early in the morning, the day feels so long -It's good -It felt really long Isn't that a good thing? It's a good thing [The reaction of someone who says it's good] I'm saying it's a good thing And you may wonder why we're dressed up like this but before we greet you in earnest This is what's so fake Hold still [HAHA] [Day of filming] It's Saturday today That's right On the weekends, we usually go to weddings and usually meet at celebration events wearing outfits like this In the winter, Jongkook always wears [A black turtleneck] one turtleneck [A black coat] and this He takes this off, sings, then goes I wear this and host it -Right -As the host Sukjin comes like this as a guest -He goes after dancing his 'Oswa dance' -His 'Oswa dance' I'll officially say it here on DdeunDdeun You! -Don't make me do that ever again! -What? -Do you know how embarrassed I was? -Oh, we... When people to do with SBS get married, he usually hosts it That's right Then as the last event he always makes me do it 'Come luck, come happiness' So between the groom and bride, Sukjin goes 'Oswa' Oswa! Come luck! Come happiness! Come child! Come happiness! Come everything! [For someone who doesn't want to do it, he's too good] I do something like this You say don't make you do it but why do you work so hard? I can do it to show people Right [Host] I'm the host [Wedding Singer] Jongkook is the singer [Finale] And Sukjin is the finale That's right We're usually a set [Completion of the Wedding Trio] We move as a group This is what happens often But the moment I dress up and get mic'd up it feels like I'm going on a show No, don't think that you're doing a show But think of it as a show Do whatever you want It's not like you listen to other people -You came to help out today! But...! -Yes Do you know how many people want to come here? -Where? -Global... Here [Here...?] Why here? Here, between me and him Here where Kwangsoo was Have you officially come in as the co-host? No, no But Jongkook, to be honest it's already his 3rd appearance So our company has decided to give you pay Hey, hey -You should get it -He complains a lot behind your back -He complains a lot when you're not here -He says it, right? -No, don't believe him -That he should get paid -Yeah -He's lying! At first, since we're all close -we do it as a favor to each other -That's right but we do prepare small gifts When we appeared on GYM JONG KOOK he gave us ribs Honestly, I can pay for your appearance but the moment I pay, it turns into something official That's why you can also... Re...Refuse... Me... Oh and! When we appeared on GYM JONG KOOK last Chuseok -Yeah -It was fun Tell me the truth On GYM JONG KOOK when I said You should start YouTube, just do it comfortably like this Did this actually affect you or not on starting YouTube, honestly? But... If I say I didn't you're going to nag me... [The answer is already set] Say there was! Say that to the GYM JONG KOOK camera Hey but isn't this also being fake! [Everything is fine when filming YouTube] Look here then over there while saying it? Say it while looking over there Say it while looking over there? Like Camera 1 and Camera 2 [To. GYM JONG KOOK Subscribers] There was some kind of affect due to Kim Jongkook That got a lot of views It did [9.54 million views as of the edit date] 9 million now... Right? It'll probably hit 10 million -You seem to be keeping an eye -Of course Since it's Jongkook's I need to watch it Talking comfortably now, as was the case on GYM JONG KOOK Yes, yes We've talked about it before, but... I thought you said you hated contrived things But you say Yes Yes? [Instinctively brought out broadcast reaction] Jaesuk... -What's wrong with you! -The atmosphere here makes me a bit like that -Your posture is too stiff! -Why are you doing that? Just do it like this [Experienced person's flexible attitude] -That's weird -That's too weird That's way too weird Why are you wearing glasses that are like an owl today? [Owl is here to celebrate too] Don't you usually wear more fancy glasses? Why are you wearing something so like an owl? [Flustered] My glasses... The glasses... I wanted round glasses, but this was the only one I had [Who's curious? / Who asked...?] I liked your recent ones, why'd you change it? [Easily persuaded, changing the owl glasses] Is this better? -Now you look like a baby owl? -This is better! It's a lot better? Okay [Jongkook has a lot of schedules wearing plain clothes] I have a lot of work, but I rarely have the chance I wear everyday clothes on My Little Old Boy And you take off your shirt a lot That's not the reason! I only use a stylist for Running Man or shoots in a studio [Clothes specially borrowed for today] Today! I asked for this today Just buy something like this -This is pretty -If your stylist brings it for you, buy it -I don't have it -Buy one of these At home... The most important thing is You know pants that have belt loops -Oh, this? -Elastic pants! All my pants at home are elastic But this is nice, buy one [They just want him to buy] Buy something like this Why would I buy something like this? (Bragging) Look at mine! With cashmere How is this cashmere? Isn't it cashmere? This is that, cotton flannel Who makes coats from cotton flannel? Is this yours or from your stylist? This is mine [My money My purchase jacket] I didn't call my stylist today This is also my suit I came in my own clothes Every time I go to a wedding! I ask my stylist for clothes to wear That's when they work They don't work while you're shooting -They work when you go to a wedding -Yeah! So we go pick up clothes! But hey When Kwangsoo came out -We met a gentleman at the park -Yes, yes! He's the father of our producer's friend's friend Really? It's such a small world -You didn't know at the time? -The friend between us let me know Wow, that's interesting Isn't that interesting? [There's no end to the blessing of meeting] Amazing Didn't he say that he wanted to live a new life if he was born again? [Fixing] But that's how everyone feels... [Reason for bringing up this topic] So as soon as I heard this the thought I had was that the world is really small It really is a small world! The neighbors who live in front of us They're really great so we would say hi to each other and we all ended up having dinner together -But you know our previous Running Man producer? -Yeah The wife was that producer's elementary school best friend -Oh... -Ah... -That's complicated. The relationship is a bit... -But this is a bit too... What's complicated about that? That's pretty much a stranger -Isn't that too far? -That's just a stranger... Then how about this? [Getting ready for another story] I'll tell you a few You... [Re-challenge story for a small world] When I lived in Ilsan The person who lived below! Do you remember what you said? What? They were your mother's friend [Blink] [Broken reaction from not a small world] The friend of your mother lived in the house below us This doesn't work either? [Even though he's desperate, not going to work] You have to assume that this is someone you don't know If this doesn't work, then what does? Isn't the world pretty small if this is the case? Everyone of the MZ generation [Looking for MZ whenever he has a chance] At least... And people of the older generation At least his mother or Jaesuk's relative My mother's friend is a bit... Then I'll tell you another one [Sukjin who doesn’t give up] I’ll give you another one I've been close with Sooyong for 20-30 years! -Wow, I was surprised -Why? Sooyong's mother and my mother were highschool classmates [Oh, this is a bit close...] But were they close? No, they weren't close [Classmates, but didn't know each other well] So they don't know remember each other's names But Gangneung Girls' High School! Their were from the same high school! I was surprised! This doesn't work either? Then what does? [Burst of laughter from Sukjin's sudden annoyance] -If this also doesn't work, everyone -We didn't say it doesn't work [Appealing to subscribers of the unfairness] If this doesn't work But why are you suddenly talking to the subscribers What works? What's the limit? [Pinggyego] [Talk Topic: DdeunDdeun's Channel Pinggyego] Pinggyego is on DdeunDdeun's channel If it works out, make it separate at the right time Pinggyego is Jaesuk's [Sudden advice from a senior YouTuber] It's a business thing [Opposition] It's in my personality but it's kind of hard for me to feel bound and restricted I know I know -You know what I mean, right -So make it you don't feel restricted If I run the channel, I have to take all the responsibility! That's hard What are you responsible for? What's there to be responsible for? Are you a detective? You come here and... Did you come to arrest me? That's not... Did you come to shake down my channel? [Fighting] Just make it comfortably -Detective Kim -You can do it comfortably Are we shooting GYM JONG KOOK or Pinggyego? Oh, but he... -He what? -He... His channel is really Why do people watch it so much? [Attack with a fastball] I was really surprised His true feelings are coming out, hold on What do you mean why do they watch? There are probably many reasons but Jongkook keeps taking his shirt off What do you mean I keep taking my shirt off... You always take your shirt off -In the old days! When you were shooting with me -It has nothing to do with taking off my top and I told you to take your top off you would always be like 'oh no I can't' Personally, just because I have a good body I don’t like to show off too much You always work out with your shirt off But my channel's direction is in that direction And many people... You're working out not taking your top off! To see how effective it was after working out! [Gradation Rage Explosion] They want to see it! -I mean in the old days... -My subscribers say they want to see it! [Gives no time to speak] To see! Since I worked out with this routine today If I take it off! Where it's bulging out! Where it goes in! To see what happened! People want to check visually! Why are you talking with your strength! [The right to speak with strength] Why do you do it with such force, this talk [Anyway, the story is that he undresses to match the direction of the channel...] It's in that direction People who watch probably already know but with Jongkook and Sukjin this is our chemistry Nobody would think we're actually fighting There are people who do There are? It's not like that at all There can be [Just the chemistry of real friends] It's not like that at all And as I always say, on TV too, the way I am with them, it's because it's TV -Really... If I was like that in real life... -He He's a respectful guy If you see the way he sends text messages He's a little girl [Okay! Sukjin, see you then♥ -Jongkook-] With emoticons... He also catches colds easily Teasing each other, going back and forth is fun What I said earlier, subscribers of GYM JONG KOOK -may take it to heart -Because of what? I think I should explain the 'Why do people watch you so much?' [Sudden explanation time] Why are you making an explanation about GYM JONG KOOK here? Do you separately later I mean since he gets like 10 million views Everyone who watches mine are just weird people [Slowly turning on the Tiki Taka car] No, no Views of 1-2 million I mean 1-2 million views are also a lot but since he gets like 10 million -That was a special case -It's a number beyond the human world It's like this [Combination of the 3+comfortable atmosphere=Good] Since he came on my channel and we showed a variety of things and comfort -But that was pretty unusual -What? -You put out 2 different episodes -Yes, yes This is how TV is -If the 1st episode gets a good response -That's right the later episode usually gets higher viewership It always falls YouTube always gets less views It's interesting Expectations get a bit lower The episode with Kwangsoo Seeing my wife, I think that's also a cause -What is it? -She didn't watch the 2nd episode [Episode 2 is there on YouTube] She watches other things and it's always there -And when I ask did you not watch this? -She thinks she did She goes I watched it This is the 2nd episode Oh? There's a 2nd episode? There are a lot of people like that [Objection to Dr. Ji's analysis] But rather than thinking they saw it For YouTube, there needs to be something that causes curiosity for every video But since some of the curiosity was solved in the first half Oh look at him, since he's been a YouTuber for longer I thought you were from Google Korea [Teasing the YouTuber friend] Hear me out Since he's such a good YouTuber I do my own analysis -I edit together -Are you some kind of critic? I also make thumbnails, I do everything Considering subscribers, you're the youngest As a YouTuber, not with subscribers [Pat Pat] HAHAHAHA As a YouTuber -If we consider subscribers -Oh if we consider subscribers But you also have to do ads well [Advice from senior YouTuber on PPL] It can make many people uncomfortable So I'm not good at advertising health products... Why? I got an ad to do with the prostate But it'd be a lie I'm so healthy You can take it even if you're healthy Isn't your prostate kind of weak? [No way] Nope It is slightly weak though... Not at all [The product that came in] It's a bathtub that always heats up to 40 degrees There was something like that, too. People who like lower-body bathing may like it Why didn't you take it? But for him to do it would be hard I'd need a bath scene [Bathing scene is a bit much...] You could just do a bath scene For those who just came in and heard that Sukjin needs to do a bath scene may think he got cast for a drama or movie Without PPL, normal channel operation is difficult That's right To put out one content every week and put out quality content we get help from a lot of people Because content creation costs money! Please understand with an open heart Of course, we need PPL so that the market for advertisers continues to expand [Suddenly in the middle of a breakfast meeting talk] We keep talking about this PPL goes all the way here, but let's go for it If it gets too long, we'll use the later parts Slap me! [Determination not to lose the part] We'll put it out in our video Just slap me Okay [Agree to slap me if it's too long] Alright? You can slap me on the cheek Alright In a way, from a company's point of view, if PPL has an advertising effect and they sell a lot of that product then that money goes into that company and it can get passed down to the workers that work there So these things, it should be a virtuous circle! The economy needs to go around [Cheers for a virtuous cycle of the economy] Let's say cheers Where is this from? Ediya? You It's that! You now from tasting the coffee? [Can't remember] Where is it? What is it? Hey, you're starting to forget too It's not Starbucks, what is it? -Coffee Bean! -Coffee Bean! Right? -Coffee Bean! That's right Because this is Coffee Bean ice, the pellet ice You don't know it, huh? It's Coffee Bean Coffee Bean ice is like this -Really -Yeah This is just a private cafe... Oh really? It's a private cafe? -Did you want to embarrass Jongkook like that? -He says it's Coffee Bean ice [It's not Coffee Bean...] Did Coffee Bean put their name on this ice?! Did you really need to embarrass Jongkook like that? That's where they bench-marked the ice [Introducing the main writer] You know Songhwa, right? -She did Running Man, right? I know, I know -Yeah You knew right away! Oh Jongkook Jongkook is a warm person I know, I know if I see There are times when his eyes are warm and there are times when these eyes are as cold as ice [Eyes that freely control the temperature] That's right -These eyes are like that -Of course They're kind of like robot eyes That's right There are times when they shoot lasers But I am one of the most humane celebrities That's right So being humane can have many meanings! What does it mean to be humane? -To be true to his feelings and mood! -Of course It can be that kind of meaning You don't really like that, right? You could have interpreted it in a good way too? Why so... These eyes, it's these eyes [Shows cold eyes right away] You saw it, right? These eyes? I am at least not pretentious! [Talking about Jongkook] But Jongkook does have that -He's someone who dies for loyalty -That's true He goes a long time with his staff [He's that loyal] I always, of course -His loyalty is truly... -Unless they can't stand it and run away! Yeah The people I work with have mostly been with me more than 20 years Yeah, they go with you until the end Most of them have been with me for 20 years If they really couldn't stand me, they would have left It's not like I'm a gangster or the mob Jongkook isn't a gangster or the mob Why are you pointing that out? If he was a gangster or the mob how would he... How would he be a celebrity if he were a gangster or the mob? -Actually! Because in the past! -Jongkook! I said you weren't! There were people who were celebrities while they were also half gangsters There were! He means half gangsters In the old days [Everyone suddenly excited about the half gangsters] There really were They would be gangsters at night and celebrities by day But that's not possible anymore There was a time like that That can't happen anymore [Pinggyego] Oh but really [Chatter you can't get out of] Once we fall into chatter, we can't get out True talkers don't think about what to talk about -We don't think about anything -We really don't We don't What would we think about [Quite a lot of Talk Lovers] There are actually quite a lot of people who go 'I also like talking' [A talker speaks. The way of a true talker] To become a true talker the level you need to reach is to not even think about 'what should we talk about today' The moment you think about that you get caught in a prison called 'I have to talk about this' [Twitch] You're not a cameraman but why are you going like this? [Continuing what he said] If I prepared the topic A Are you getting an order? [Receiving /teasing / laughing] Are you getting an order? Where are you getting it from? [Bzzt] Okay, I'll get into that topic Are you an avatar? Everyone, you understand? A free talk MZ generation and subscribers Free talk! If you want to lead the flow of any conversation Don't think about what to say! -Why are you talking about MZ so much -Why are you talking like this There are many people from the MZ generation [The youngest writer who is MZ generation] In fact, writer Hyu Chaehyu is the youngest Youngest writer [Thought of something to say] Our writer Hyu is the youngest [Ready to say] In her mid-twenties -Mid 20's -Uh uh uh... [Trying to intercept the talk] The similar age as my nephew It feels so good because [Pause button] Let them finish this talk and move on [Listen to me] The talk about her [Chaos after interrupting at a bad time] I was wondering if there was anything to ask This isn't another story Why are you like that? -It's a story that connects -It connects? [Talk received] Please tell me The thing I'm really proud about [The flow of the talk that makes you laugh] I really [Recollection of walking in Hakdong Park] I came here to Pinggyego when it had nothing It was so small that I wondered if this really was content that Yoo Jaesuk was making At that time, there were only a few people, but they got more and more No we started with 5 people Isn't this your first time? We got one more person, Choi Hue ...That's getting more people [5 and 6 sure is different] You got more people Songi... -Songi? -Songhwa Songi? Who's Songi? Solhee? [Songi-Solhee-Sorim Sudden Family Entertainment] Sorim, were you at a Sorim Temple? [Tap tap] So? [After checking properly] Solhee? Songhwa (Resume talk) Wasn't Songhwa the only one? -Everyone was here -Oh the second writer, she was here We got you Financier because you said you liked them I like things like Financier We prepared it for you but you aren't eating them I finished the Financier -I ate it all -Is this Financier? This is Financier? [Confused] [Pinggyego official question: daily routine] People are curious about our daily routines -How does Jongkook spend the day -You may be curious about my routine Even if I don't sleep much, I work tightly [Runs without rest and hits the bed] If I have a day off or if I have work late, I put in some sleep What time do you wake up in the morning? In the morning... It varies When I open my eyes, I'm always like this I swear I won't go work out today [An unusual resolution] Really You have thoughts like that? [Jong Kook sometimes wants a break from working out] There are times when you are too tired When I open my eyes after not being able to sleep I go 'I'm really going to take a break today' 'Jongkook take a break' 'You're going to rest after work today' ...When it's over, I tend to just go He goes to work out after work Strangely enough, after work I always have enough energy to work out It's not like I'm going to sleep right away if I go home But at least now, how should I say this This is him after secularization I've become a lot more open I even had ramen before I came today [Jongkook when he was on X-man] When he was really in the prime of his life he didn't eat anything other than protein [How to eat protein the right way] This is very useful information There may be people who don't know In a whole day, consume protein about 1.5-2 times your weight and split it up like homework [Tap] How do you consume double the amount of your weight [Tap Tap] Isn't it 10-15%? [Both sides going nuts] How do you eat that? Isn't it 1%~1.5%? To put it simply [Flood of inquiries] What I mean by double your weight [Look at me] How do you consume that? If you weight 70kg -Yeah -Yeah [How to calculate daily protein intake: weightX1g] Then double, 140g -140g! Oh -Like that You should have said that from the start I thought you had to take 140kg That's how it's usually said You should have said to multiply 0.1 There is a saying to listen to the end of Korean, right? Speaking Korean, wouldn't I have been doing it longer than you? [Members, calm down] You get excited too quickly, so It's good to eat at least 100g But it is not easy to eat 100g of protein 100g People think you just need to eat 100g of chicken breast That's not it -Even if it's 100g, it's not all protein -It's 20-30% So what should you do? -How many chicken breasts do you need to it? 10? -You need to eat 5 meals a day You need to eat 5 meals -How do you eat that? -5 chicken breasts -But you separate it out -This is important information I thought it was good to eat a lot of protein [Past Jongkook ate it at once] I should have separated it out but I would take it all at once after working out Even if you eat all that, your body can't absorb it all It doesn't get absorbed by the body But finish this talk off on GYM JONG KOOK We can use it for ours [Such lovely speech] Why are you angry There can be subscribers on your channel who want to start working out [Convinced] It's the new year There are many people who have decided to exercise now -Everyone I... -This is actually... [Grab] Among New Year's resolutions New Year's resolutions Why are you grabbing this... Listen to me Why are you grabbing this? -The number one New Year's resolution is exercise! -Exercising! That's true but Every year! That's what I think! [Suddenly a balance game] Is it healthy to exercise like Jong Kook? [Exercising Kim Jong Kook vs Weak Sukjin] I never recommend working out like me -Is it healthy to do it like me? -I don't recommend doing it like me I don't take any medicine at my age! You do! What do I take? -You take hair loss medicine -Vitamin C... Oh Propecia... [Got caught telling a small lie once again] Because of this side That's management -For management -Yes, for management [Health care is important] Anyway, I think this is very important Sukjin is also taking good care of his health I blend shakes and have them What do you blend? The products that are on the market Yeah I mix them in and have it That's just mixing it in, actually blending it means to actually blend it [Detective Kim dispatch] You have to say it right He got caught again I made a mistake He caught got by Jongkook again [Person who just wants to let it slide] Yes, I made a mistake [Person who bites and doesn't let go] I made a mistake I see a minute and a half, it'll take 1.5 minutes to get out [Vividly relayed scene] He has him in the choke-hold The one that's blended -I mixed it and had it -The one that's been blended -You put in the product that's already ground up -The product -in water -is put in water or milk Good? [Very good!] Okay, perfect Honestly, this is a different story but when we think Jongkook we ask [This topic) Jongkook's love and marriage] When do you date? When are you going to get married? I feel Jongkook is losing interest in getting married -It's not like that -You still have thoughts? Yes, I need to Even until last week, you said you wouldn't [Unpredictable heart of Jongkook] Why do you keep going back and forth on yourself? What does that make me if you do that? -Didn't you say no? -It seems like I'm not close with you! [No, listen to me (3/3)] No, no! -Say something -He said it like this [Sukjin's fact check] He said that he got the thought 'I don't need to' [Dating is essential, marriage is optional] In today's society, you don't have to do it Actually, I have to get married! Take it slow How old are you now, Jongkook? [Line 4 Exit 8] I am now 48 Eight, now with Korean age You are 6 with American age [Age unification applies from June 23] That's June We can start from today on our own You guys can do it from today too Reduce your age The law goes into effect from June We're doing it by ourselves today And it's your birthday soon [Birthday soon] It is Isn't it February 10th? Yeah it's February 10th Then you only get a year younger in June Did you have to bring that up? -I was keeping it a secret -It's not like I said anything that's not true [Having fun spectating] I just stated the facts Oh I didn't say this! [Another topic that's been passed over] Jongkook is a filial son He's a true filial son [Compared to my blunt brother] My brother only studies a lot and is blunt so since we were young, I would act more as the daughter I'd joke around with my mother [Right] A daughter-like son We'd go to a lot of places [Friendly son style] The two of you are like that They're sweet and affectionate [What an affectionate son does] Call more than once a day Try to visit at least once a week [Style who can't express that] I'm quite embarrassed to express it Do you hold hands or not? I can't Do you say I love you? I can't If I call my mom and say 'I love you mom' she goes 'I love you' I only started a few years ago too [I was going to watch a movie with my mom today] You know the movie 'Hero'? I thought about going to see it But on the other hand... It's good to spend time with your mother but a bit of time with a girlfriend would be... [Naturally recommending dating again] Jongkook, so I'm actively trying to... How about introducing someone to him this year Now I'm! -Is he... -As a celebrity Is he Ja.Na.Gue? What is it? Ja.Man.Chu (Meeting naturally) Ja.Man.Chu What's Ja.Na.Gue? I meant Ja.Man.Chu [A monster created by capitalism in the cold] Ja.Na.Gue is a monster born by capitalism [HAHAHAHAHA] [HAHAHA] [What I was trying to say: Jongkook is Ja.Man.Chu] He's Ja.Man.Chu (wants to meet naturally) I'm Ja.Man.Chu I hate contrived things Isn't a blind date one of the most artificial things? [Jongkook, listen carefully] Jongkook, now if you really wanted to meet someone, you could easily naturally... You'd have to out to meet someone naturally! I need to have that will [Jongkook's Dating Advice 1st Period] You don't have the route to meet someone [Add a route for a chance to meet] It has to be there, so something in your route If you look up Daum Cafe, they have a knitting club [Recommendation of a true man's route] Sign up there and knit once a week On the route you're taking right now There's no one for you to meet You need to join a club What are you going to do? Cross-stitch club! [The involved party who finally spoke up] Yes, if I get married [Intercept again] So if not, you're just... [An intercept of an intercept again] What else you have is You need to have a go [Jongkook's Dating Advice 2nd Period] You need to be more active You never have a go It's a bit like this Because if a celebrity kind of has a go -It's like you're hitting on them? -It looks a bit like that [This man is so frustrating] You can still do it First of all, my looks are strange! [Upset because of their soft-hearted younger brother] Where do you go looking like this? -Isn't it strange? -Then how... -He has no skills -How are you going to meet someone! It's weird [Come on man] No, just hey, Jongkook Do I have to teach him? [Lecture has already started here] Just throw something out there Look [Starts right away not to lose] We're not saying to hit on them The nuance Hi! You can say hi [Practical example] You went to a department store and liked a worker [I want to change to another class...] Give her a warm gaze [Example rejected] I don't go to department stores So, go You like this product You keep going and buying it But if you keep going... That's the old fashioned way There's no old fashioned way to love! [The old way is not a sin!] I say I like them! Why are you getting angry? I'm expressing my feelings to someone I like [I want to go home...] You have to be more classy It's also good to say the opposite While saying hello Or just drop something That's truly the old fashioned way [What is that] Dropping something Is that what you call classy? That's classy?! Is it not classy? Try dropping your phone! [Roughly talking about a method from 20 years ago] Is it the old going on a bike ride with sheet music? What's that? [Pinggyego] [About the changed roles of couples] About the role of couples, it's really -There's nothing like that these days -I thought there was such a thing in the old days But as I grew older, I totally broke away from that So personally, I'm not going to ask my wife to cook for me even if I get married But Jongkook, let me tell you something You say you're not going to ask but they just won't Right -It's simple! Yeah! -If I prepare it, I'll prepare it -I can just do it -Because our wives are busy too Yeah, I'll prepare it myself But thankfully, Kyungeun -She prepares it for you? -Yeah -And you just take it and eat it? -Even if I say not... Say thank you! and eat it I go Thank you! I'll enjoy it! Yes, ma'am! and eat That's how you eat, right? With a grateful heart Giving me things to eat And complaining about the dishes is also... Do you complain? I used to do it but not anymore... [LOL] Because I'm scared of the aftermath I don't do it anymore although I used to Really? -And you -You used to? His fake life You need to meet with Jinkyung I also... -Please meet with Jinkyung -Does Jinkyung also live a fake life? [Want a Sukjin & Jinkyung meeting of fake lives] Jinkyung also lives a fake life -She's kind of like that -They have something in common They don't tell big lies but they tell small lies Big lies... I can't tell them because my heart races My faces gets all red [Sukjin who can't tell big lies] and my ears get all red too I can't lie But hey... Have you ever prepared a meal for your wife? I do sometimes I mean I can't make anything complex but something like a sandwich What do you put in the sandwich? You punk What do you put in? [Chef got angry at the sudden recipe request] What do you put in? [LOL] The way his lips twitch upward... That's so... What did you put in? What do you put in? Why are you cursing? I said sandwich but I didn't say the right thing I meant french toast -French toast -It's the easiest Why did you change it? I didn't mean sandwich, I was confused You have to put many things in a sandwich but french toast is simple You just slice some bread and do this with eggs then sprinkle some sugar and have it with milk Yeah You have to do it, we have to do it for each other Do you make something for your wife? I made kalguksu a while back It was good Did you not put in ramen powder? [Made without using the cheat key] I didn't put it in there But if you put in ramen powder in anything, it tastes good [One heart and one mind] It's delicious if you put a little bit I eat as if I'm just filling myself up with food [He eats to survive] What's the matter with you? -Don't you think about the taste? -I have no standard for eating deliciously [Witness statement] Jongkook... said he blends chicken breasts with honey and banana That came as a real shock to me I often ate like that [The only goal is to supplement protein] To really just supplement protein So I was really surprised [It has been commercialized a lot these days] But later it was made into an actual product It came out [Relevant episode came to mind] He's not really someone to brag, right But when he bought his blender, he bragged about it in front of us [Jongkook's first brag: Blender] Oh this blender It's great I changed it 6 times because they broke so often But that one doesn't break? That one is okay It's for business use Business use... [It's big so no worries about it breaking] Buy one this big -You know the ones that grind even ice, those ones -Yeah, the ones that grind everything What do you use your money on? [Became curious about his consumption] He barely uses it... I really don't spend a lot [Jongkook saves where he can] I don't even wash my car once a year You know when you can to his house In this weather, he lives with the boiler turned off That's right I have it on right now because my mother is here [Filial son to his mother] In the living room because I have to sleep there When we went to your house on that cold day... You turn on heating only when your mother is there We had to keep our feet like this [Shake] Because it was so cold [Listen carefully] Hear me out It's the winter I don't really spend time in the living room That means there's nobody there in that big living room Then is there really a reason to turn on heating in that living room? -But still... -To a certain extent, in the house... There needs to be at least some warmth for... My room is warm You only turn heating on in your room? Of course, the living room [Sigh...] is a place where I go briefly to get something You're going to catch a cold I don't spend time in the living room You catch a cold from going back and forth between the warmth and the cold That's right, you catch a cold [Reenactment] You stay somewhere warm then you go somewhere cold, back and forth My house isn't as cold as you think Okay Since that's your personal lifestyle we won't touch upon it But... When Sukjin and I go over, we're your elders Yeah Then -My feet were cold -At least a just a bit You could turn the temperature up and say It's a bit cold but hold on the temperature will rise soon [Jongkook has his reasons] But you see, when the two of you come You guys came from working outside and so you're dressed for the outside -Yeah -Yeah Since you're not dressed for the inside, there's some warming effect We want to take it off We want to take it off! [People who want to talk 3/3] We want to take our jackets off We want to take it off! It's not like we're filming outside! You want to take it off but you don't have to [True but spiteful] Right? It's not like you come to my house to lie down It's like talking to a wall It's not like you're going to lie down and sleep Everyone, everyone You may think just how cold our feet may have been, right? -But seriously... -My feet was in pain [LOL] Really [Our toes remember the past winter...] I put my feet up like this I sat like this [The right temperature for winter is 18-20 degrees] It's not fatal for my health or anything like that [You can increase the apparent temperature by reducing the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures] [Continuing to talk about consumption] I also don't really... tend to use money for myself -Me too, me too -That's right Like buying clothes There are times like that I work hard but at times when I think I haven't given myself a gift in a while [A gift to myself who worked hard] then as a compensation... But don't you buy a lot of designer brands? [As it turns out, a frequent self-gifter] You have a lot of designer goods Like bags That's when I buy them If you have the ability to buy it then you can buy it -That's right -Of course It's about your ability I don't think it's excessive For things like shoes, I buy expensive ones Why shoes? They last a long time So with shoes... How long do you wear them? -What? -How long do you wear them? Detective Kim! -Stop it -I'm curious Hey, hey, turn this way -He says he wears them a long time -Are you interrogating him? [Getting to know each other] Are you interrogating me? Stop it, Detective Kim [No, listen] A few years ago [There were these shoes that were in style] the shoes that people wore as the latest fad It only stayed in style for 2 years It's weird -It starts to look weird after a year -You need to buy shoes that don't go out of fashion My Vans I recently took out shoes I bought and put away 10 years ago -Is it the same? -It's the same [Steady seller preferring group] Yeah, me too But it's really like that Ones I bought from Prada I still wear ones I bought 8 years ago [I'm glad you brought it up] This I bought this tie more than 10 years ago What is it? Is it yours? It's mine It's Prada -It's Prada? -It's Prada It's Prada but why doesn't it seem like Prada? [Checking himself] Let me see [Check] It says Prada [It's not the product's problem...] Hey... [Then... what's the problem...?] It says Prada... Did you know? I never imagined it was a luxury brand Did you buy it? I bought it Why did you buy it? I thought it looked pretty so I bought it! Why must it be Prada? [This guy is suspicious! - Detective Kim] Hold on Why must this be Prada? Let go Since Prada came out, so I hit it with a Prada rhyme but you... So why did you go to Prada? I'm asking [Detective, can't I go to Prada?] Am I not allowed to go to Prada? Why did you go? How did you feel? [Answer me] [I've had enough of this...] You punk...! Do you have any other designer brand items? I do, I also have Gucci It really doesn't suit you It really doesn't suit you, for you... You also wear Balenciaga I do How long did you wear the Balenciaga? How many years? You know the ones that look like socks? He moved on to over there [Vice squad, movement of area] I wore it for 2 years How is 2 years a long time? I'm going to keep wearing it -How long are you going to wear them? -What are you...! He's a ghost Once he catches you, he doesn't let go He doesn't let go once he gets you [A ghost with a lot of questions] Once he gets you, he doesn't let go I'm going to take a break [Unfastening his button and taking a break] Are you a ghost who catches designer brands? You said it yourself, you wear it for a long time [Detective, listen to me] I have shoes from Louis Vuitton I wear those everyday Everyday? Do you really wear them everyday? [Going crazy] Did you wear them today? -I didn't wear them today -You didn't wear them today Then why'd you say you wear them everyday -The phrase everyday -You shouldn't say everyday [Detective Kim wants an accurate statement] Saying everyday... doesn't literally mean every single day, often How many years did you wear them? I wore those like 2 years... Why do I have to report this to you? -Detective Kim -Yes? Are you cracking down on luxury goods? Are you part of the vice squad? Are you the vice squad? I'm just curious about the psychology of those who buy luxury items At home, the 6-7 gifts that still have their wrappers are all designer brands Really? [Can't wear the ones that are too luxury brand] The moment I see a luxury name on it I also have ones I was gifted, I can't wear them Then give them to me -Yeah -They'd be too big for you [A small lie caught right away] That's weird HAHAHA! The life of a fake! Sukjin! Just say you don't want to give it away I wear it inside Why say it'd be too big for you Then let's wrap up here today! [Familiar] -How many hours have we been talking? -It's been like 2 hours It's 4 o'clock? I thank the two of you for coming out today but the luxury goods vice squad came barging in today... [Subtitle: Detective Kim appeared] I was just curious Detective Kim from the luxury goods vice squad Right before we were almost arrested! [He's just curious, don't misunderstand :)] I'm just curious We'll wrap it up here [Time to give first visitor's first appearance fee] The writer prepared just a small little something You're giving me a gift? You didn't need to [Exciting unboxing time] I'm really... [Sports socks to wear for soccer] Sports socks You don't seem to like it that much I have a lot of soccer socks at home But... I only wear one until they rip [Confiscate] Take it away, give it here Hold on! Wow, it's cute I like these, you knew -You looked into the brand he likes -It's the brand he likes [Continuing to farm] There's also a white Champion, good Pack it in [Pinggyego] (Irregular Upload Pinggyego) I don't know when the next time will be but together with our talkers Oh but next time... -I should tell you beforehand -What is it? We are very thankful but we get calls from time to time saying that they want to come on We're nothing really but... [We're sorry every time...] We're doing it with people I'm close with I'm very thankful to the people who want to come on But anyhow, you're of a role to deliver new things and new stories But if the situation is right and if there is anyone who needs to promote something we'll try and make it work Of course, it's good if a lot of various people see it but even if that's not the case [The chatter won't change] We'll keep chatting as that was the intended purpose and my good friends will keep making an appearance Then we'll say goodbye now -Good bye -That was fun -Thank you -Stay healthy everyone! [Sukjin] Take the mic off [Jaesuk] Don't take it [Sukjin] They're really obsessive about it [Crew] [LOL] [Sukjin] Here at Pinggyego, I was going to take it last time [Jaesuk] We'll find out more about mics and change it to something a little more sophisticated [Sukjin] Why? This one's nice [Jongkook] The wired ones are more uncomfortable [Jaesuk] Because they... [Took their mics off but didn't leave] are doing their first shoot for a different content Oh really? It'll do well, I'll be rooting for you What are you doing? [Crew] Drinking games Woojae is a part of it Woojae is... [Woojae's representative show 'Running Man' Nam Changhee's representative show 'Pinggyego'] We raised Woojae But we're really the ones who raised Woojae -We really are the ones -We raised Woojae for real [Woojae's parents' meeting] You know, right? We raised Woojae -We raised Woojae, that's a fact -We really raised Woojae Woojae is going in there He knows But if you're going to be like this, put the mic back on [Let's go for real] Let's go now Oh, and I don't know when it'll be but later on we'll be going to a deserted island for a talk That's not going to work! Why do you keep bringing up a deserted island? [3rd Invitation to the deserted island] It's the same here or on a deserted island -Why do you keep insisting on going -It's a new idea It's funny having a talk on a deserted island Why would you go to a deserted island and make it hard on yourself I trying things that haven't been tried If you keep saying things like this, your subscribers will get their hopes up And if we don't go, they'll be disappointed So everyone, there's a high chance that we won't go [LOL] There would be no purpose to go to a deserted island to do nothing but talk It'd be a waste -That'd be making the scale of things bigger -But I... Hold on, sit down [Picking up their mics] We always do that when we go to a deserted island [Deserted island Cliché: Self-sufficient] On a deserted island, you look for something to eat That's right I'm saying I won't be looking for things to eat on a deserted island Let's break that cliché ourselves! Just talk? Just talk Then why go to a deserted island? That's what I'm saying Nobody has done it before! [Lonely promotion of deserted island talk] It's frustrating Why go to a deserted island then... Okay fine! Let's go to the deserted island and have a talk for 'Pinggyego' then film separately for GYM JONG KOOK -Just do a talk -It's a waste - Why would you go to a deserted island to work out - It's a waste to go to a deserted island and just talk -Just work out since you're on a deserted island -Just do a talk on the deserted island! You! Just don't come to the deserted island! [Taking back the invitation for the first time] We're not going to work out! -Go to a deserted island and on the beach... -Why would you work out if you're there?! [Another try at going home] Jeeseokjin World's will be released in 1-2 weeks Oh yeah! M.O.M is releasing an album, when is this video going out? I'd like to promote it just a little It goes out February 7th M.O.M's new song comes out on the 11th Then let's give him some time to talk Really? [Chatty ghosts hovering around the mic] Although I don't know if it will help -Then as a teaser, I'll sing just a little bit -Yeah, let us hear just a bit The mastering hasn't been completed yet... If you're going to keep grumbling about it, just don't do it No, no, no [Exclusive pre-release] [Starts with KCM's sweet voice] It's good [Twitch] -It's good -Great -It's beautiful -It's good -It's beautiful -You guys are being sincere, right [Of course] Yeah, it's beautiful You guys made this song thinking of the wedding season [Perfect wedding song] That's what you guys were aiming for -I did the intro -It's good It has that SG Wannabe vibe [Listening closely together] This is Sukjin [Joking] It brings down the vibe compared to KCM (Received) It's like the officiant is singing...? [Song will be released at 6 PM on Feb 11th (Sat)] That's enough now If you hear more, you may... I don't know how much will go out but that was a little teaser More than anything This project was done on 'Hangout with Yoo' but personally, this is what the crew and I wanted Rather than ending it there, for you to keep being active and although there are so many wonderful songs now together with songs that we want to hear like this one That's right That's why I feel so good [Please listen to the complete song too] It comes out in 4 days Hey...! [Crew who came to pick them up for the next shoot] I was wondering who came but Jeeseokjin World is already here in the back When'd you come? Then let's go get in the car M.O.M fighting! -Fighting! -Bye! [Real end slate] Let's go, we're finally taking this off 1, 2, 3 This video contains a paid advertisement of 'bibigo' Thank you for the sock I'll enjoy wearing it Kim Jongkook also fighting! [Director Cho Eunjin, Jo Subin, Lee Eunsol Writer Kim Songhwa, Kim Yijin, Jung Chaehyu] [Intern Seong Minji, Jeon Sangha]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 3,278,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 뜬뜬, 핑계고, 김종국, 짐종국, 지석진, 유재석, 토크, 축하파티, 유료광고포함
Id: XW3lAxx4AL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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