[EN] 가짜의 삶은 핑계고 ㅣ EP.11

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[A 31-second preview of our chat] You said it was a fake life. But why am I going there? I was embarrassed and my manager said, "There must be a reason for casting you." Okay, now... It doesn't matter because she and I are the younger ones. I'm older than him. You know, it makes no difference. What do you mean? Your nose used to be this big! Am I a hippo or what? What are you talking about? I saw it! "You can use me to make them laugh!" Hey, you... What should I do... Please tell me. I'll do whatever you tell me. [The special episode that viewers have been waiting for] [Fake Life] [We're going to chat in harmony] [Pinggyego!] [This video is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz] [A special(?) opening outside] I'm wearing a microphone... Is this okay? Right? Well, today... Today's Pinggyego is A Fake Life! We said it was a liar's life, But it's a fake life, not a liar's life! There's a difference in them. [When everyone's here, I'll redefine them] When they come, [Woof-woof!] I'll talk about them later. [The reason why we started outside freely] I have some friends here, so... Before we sit down and start talking, Thankfully, we got a sponsorship today. Ta-da! [This video is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz] EQS 580! This is a new one, right? [The first pick-up service on Pinggyego] [1st destination: Seok Jin's house] I can use a GPS, right? Okay. Now, let's go! Actually, I can tell him to come. But I'm on my way to pick him up. [The pick-up service is already fake...] Yeah... As I always tell you... It's so smooth! It's like a road view, I can see it all here. What? [It's being applied in real time] I can see the person passing by in real time. They come into view. I think it's really good to see traffic situations. There's a screen in front of me, too. [What Jae Suk is watching] So I can see the arrows getting smaller and bigger. [For safety, we filmed it later in the back seat] They are moving sideways. The car is so comfortable to drive in. [Seok Jin was thinking about the car] He was talking about this car, too. Yes, recently. I said, "EQS 580 4M SUV, I liked it." Then he said, "I was going to..." "I was going to try it, too," so today, he gets to ride this. He had no choice but... This is so funny. I think this is funny. Don't you think so? We could've just gathered, but because of the sponsorship... everyone is far away, so we have to go to them on purpose! I think this is funny. [He can't ignore this] I had to point it out... Today, this is sponsored by Mercedes-Benz! [This is a perfect situation for a fake life] It's perfect for today's fake life. [In front of his house] [Seok Jin's house is almost there] Should we go inside? [Seok Jin who lives a fake life has appeared] There he is, a fake life man. [Already smiling] Hey, a fake life man! [Looking at the car as soon as he got in] I like the car. It's nice, right? [Showing off the new technology] This is augmented reality. Yes, the augmented reality, I know. The augmented one. The actual road is on the screen, right? That's right! [He already knows] It's filming the actual road, and it says left and right. - It's on the screen, right? - Yeah. - You already knew about this? - I was considering this, so... It's perfect for today's fake life. Oh, today is about a fake life? [Laughing] It's a fake life, then why... Why did you ask me to come here? I'm living a real life. - I have a real life, so why, fake life... - You... You're the boss of a fake life. [Jee Seok Jin / Boss] [Characteristic: Often tells small lies] [He can't tell big lies because he gets nervous] [Filmography: "Taking a Walk is an Excuse", "A Picnic is an Excuse", "A Celebratory Party is an Excuse" etc.] You're the boss of a fake life. What do you mean? So there are others, too? [Boss, I'm going to pick up 2 more people] You're the boss of a fake life. At least your house is here, right? The 2 people in today's fake life episode... Even though they don't live here, - they're standing on the street. - Aren't you going to their house? [The more he thinks about it, the funnier it is] They're standing on the street. They're hanging around here... It's really a fake life! According to the GPS, we're at the destination now. This is just a street! It's really a street. It's a road, in front of the road, right? They're in front of the road. It's so fake! Sae Ho! I usually go around like this! [They're doing this on the street] She shouldn't do that, right? I'm usually like this. When I have a little free time, [I read a book...] Like this... This is who I am! [For the first time in 15 years] I saw her doing this doing this for the first time. - Turn right! Right-bari! - Okay! [Seok Jin's habit : Right-bari, Left-bari] See, you say "Right-bari" right away. When we did this a long time ago, Right-bari, Left-bari, Straight-bari! - Go-bari, Straight-bari, Go-bari! Keep going! - Go-bari, Straight-bari, okay, come on! Bari-bari Seoksam-bari! Eoriya Eoriya! [An episode about Bari] When I was on a date with my wife. I used to tell her, "Turn left-bari! Turn right-bari!" But one day, my wife took a taxi and she told the taxi driver, "Turn left-bari, please!" [She said "Left-bari" like a habit] So she nagged at me when she got home. She told me not to say that. [In his prime, he did it outside, too] He was saying "Bari" all day. Yes, "Bari." Jae-bari! (= Jae Suk + Bari) (Response) Okay! Coffee-bari! Okay-bari! - (Ping) What time-bari? - (Pong) What time-bari? I'm going to be late-bari! Okay-bari! Hey, this is my house again. [Circling over the same place-bari] Why didn't you tell them to stand in front of Seok Jin's house? Yeah, this is my house! [A pick-up is just an excuse] Where are they standing? [Found 2 celebrities standing on the street] Here, they're here. Fake... I think those sunglasses are fake. [Laughing] Are they filming a movie or what? [First time to see Jin Kyung with a guitar] She's wearing a guitar. [They finally joined] Hello! Welcome! It's too nice! First, This car is so comfortable! Wow, the screen! Jin Kyung, speak it from the heart! I mean, this car is... [Let's go to the office-bari] Let's go-bari! Seok Jin) Jin Kyung Jin Kyung) I really liked this car. Jae Suk) Wow, this car is full of people now. [Starts a monologue as soon as they gathered] I was actually considering this car. I can't believe I'm in this car... [Saying hello] How have you been? I've been good. [Saying hello 2] How have you been? - It's been a while - Yeah, since I met you on YouTube... [Saying thank you] Thank you so much, Jin Kyung. Finally, a fake life episode has come true! [I have something to say] Today, I... I'm here to confess. - Confess what? - Actually, I... I really want to show my true self! - (Really) So do I. - I made up my mind to do that today. We're saving our words now [We're going to chat a lot in the office] because we have so much to talk about later. Because when we meet on the weekend... [Laughing] [His laughter Trigger in the rearview mirror] Yes? Now, you look like... a late-year sergeant. Jin Kyung, is your hair for fashion or are you let it grow long? - I'll reveal everything today! - So funny. [The story behind her hair is coming soon] I'm going to tell you why I got this hair. While working these days, I'm sure a lot of viewers are the same, I'm so happy, too. Why? These days, I... Every day is like my birthday. [They are like birthday gifts to him] Today is like my birthday, too. I like... - It's like a gift set, right? - I stopped talking about this earlier... Jin Kyung, you must be curious about it. Do you know why it's so comfortable here? Why? I didn't get any information about the sponsorship, but! There's a big HEPA filter! Yeah, right! - The air is different. - There's a HEPA filter. [We didn't tell him, but he knows everything] Mercedes-Benz didn't tell us this. He knows this because he's a car expert. It's because I'm an expert on cars. I was really surprised by that. - I'm a doctor(?) on cars. - Actually, I... I'm riding this brand's car. What's this brand? Mercedes-Benz... Is this a Mercedes Benz? - You're pointing it out one more time, right? - Really... - You're such a master of sponsorship! - What a fake life! [A sponsorship master appears following the sponsorship demon] So this is the power of Mercedes Benz! I like this. [Arrived at the office] Let's go inside and talk. [Obsessed with Americano] I can't wait to drink Americano. I see. Thank you, Mercedes-Benz! Good bye, Mercedes-Benz! - It's pretty, isn't it? - Yes. And the car is so cute. [Going up in the elevator] Jae Suk) We go up and get off on the 2nd floor right away. Jae Suk) It's like a one-stop service for talking. Jin Kyung) It's like a talk factory! Jae Suk) It's a talk factory, right? Hey, here in the back, "A fake life." [A fake life] [We decorated it] [Let's talk now] First, this fake life episode is, [With Sae Ho, Jin Kyung, and Seok Jin] Jo Sae Ho, Hong Jin Kyung and Seok Jin. You guys give me a big laugh. And I always like you a lot! It looks like a press conference of you two. Our faces are like... [Muted laughter] Hello, everyone, good morning... There has been a misunderstanding... - On the occasion of today's fake life(?) - We'll explain everything... [Nothing wrong, nothing to explain] I'll explain everything. [Even her clothes look polite] Why are you wearing black today? [Let's define the meaning of fake life] Let me explain again what a fake life is. [Ready to cut the pork cutlet] For example, [A naughty guy who can't leave him alone] I'm talking now... It's your one shot time, right? (Teasing him) Please be decent. It's not decent for me to eat this? [Defining the meaning of fake life_re] I'll explain this we'll start talking. Fake life does not mean that they're living liar's lives [Now he tries to drink an iced Americano] or pretentious lives! [No way] Listen to me first... I can drink this, can't I? (Agreed) Stop it. It's not decent for me to drink Americano? I'm just curious, Jin Kyung... [Why can't I eat it when it's in front of me?] Americano... It's dry here... It's because of the sound of ice. - Drink it after I explain this. - Ice sound... [Defining the meaning of fake life_re_re] It doesn't mean they're lying or living pretentious lives! For the show! [Pushing him to do it quickly] saying things that you don't mean... [Ex) Are you tired? - No] So I called it a fake life. Let's eat now! Help yourselves. We... Can we eat only when he tells us to? I feel bad. Honestly, Jin Kyung! - We can eat... - Jin Kyung and I [Younger ones are okay] It doesn't matter because we are the younger ones. [He got a big damage] But you're older than him, so it's a bit tough. I'm 10 years younger than him, so it doesn't matter at all. Hey, we're not dogs! Stop! Not now! Eat! If he does this, Jin Kyung... Put your hands down! [Good boy, Seok Jin] Put your hands down! Phew... [Crying even before the talk starts] It doesn't matter because we are the younger ones. I'm older than him. First of all, I'm sorry. Wow, but this is delicious. [Not eating yet] It was too early... [Reacting in advance] Say it after you eat. It's going to be delicious anyway! [It's going to be delicious anyway, so I can say it in advance, right? - Jo Sae Ho] You can say, "It looks delicious." You have to say "It's delicious" after you eat it! [Showing us he's a member of fake life] You said it was delicious even before you ate it... - Can I do it like this today? - Wow, it's delicious! Can I say it's not delicious if it's not delicious? I want to be honest with you today! I know what you'll say after taking a bite! "Oh my, what is it?" [Crying] You don't have to be too serious about fake life today. As I always say, this is! just a word for grouping you guys into one category. They all know how intense and sincere you are in your own lives. [Sae Ho says) People in Fake Life category are usually like this] I thought about what the three of us have in common. We don't listen to others! [One more thing] There's one more. We often forget what we talked about with someone! It's not that. I don't pay attention to what others say. [He sees himself too objectively] I don't forget. - I have a good memory, but I don't pay attention. - I'm going to talk a lot about Seok Jin today. Really? [Jin Kyung doesn't talk] I know why Jin Kyung is not talking now. Because she thinks she's different from these two. [The story behind the casting] She told me even before she was here, Jin Kyung) It's about fake life, right? Sae Ho) Yes. Jin Kyung) But why am I going out there? [Jin Kyung's 1st confession] Honestly, after being casted on today's show, "I'm not living a fake life..." I was a bit embarrassed. What kind of life do you think you're living? [Cutting] So I... Well... I'm living my life as I want. [Can't help but laughing] Why do they call me a fake life? I was embarrassed and my manager said, "There must be a reason for casting you." [Feels like she got hit in the head] He said that seriously next to me. After hearing that, I looked back on myself. [Looking back at herself] This time, I thought, "Oh, yes, I was fake." I thought that because... Like this one. I know this much. But I wanted to be funny when I was on a variety show, So I "pretended" I didn't know. - I pretended to be stupid. - Did you really do that? I pretended to be stupid a lot! Really? - I think this is fake... - No! You'll be surprised! I'm going to show you my true self now. Okay, that's good. (Not finished yet) We don't have to be stupid because we're comedians, right? No, we don't. Because we're comedians... Q. Where is the capital of Brazil? [Answer] Brasília Q. Where is the capital of Indonesia? A. Jakarta Q. Where is the capital of Malaysia? Malaysia? Ku... Ulaanbaatar [= The capital of Mongolia] No, Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. [Crying] I mean, it's fake. Do you know what I'm shocked about? She recently went to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on her YouTube channel. - But that's not important! - Kuala Lumpur! Kuala Lumpur! We need to change this, too! On variety shows, when we show off our knowledge, we only talk about the capital, right? [Then I'll show you my other knowledge] I'm actually in a situation like... Jeong Do Jeon! Jeong Mong Ju! I know so much about Joseon! I mean, it's fake. It's fake that you say all the knowledge you know as soon as we meet! Whenever I meet her, she asks, "Do you know Jeong Do Jeon?" It's the 6th time! [Do you know Jeong Do-Jeon?] It's okay to say other people, too. But whenever she meets me, she says, "Do you know Jeong Do Jeon?" (How about this) In the Three Kingdoms Period! Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, who! Who founded those countries, We basically know that, don't we? Everyone knows that, right? Shall we ask Seok Jin about that? There might be someone who don't know that. There might be. [There will be a lot of these moments today. Prepare tissue to wipe your ears in advance] There might be, but why do you keep... [Finally got the knock chance] Can I knock carefully? I'm all open! You can knock! [Knock-knock, Request] Tell me the order of the kings of the Joseon Dynasty. Tae, Jong, Tae, Se, Mun, Dan, Se! Ye, Seong, Yeon, Jung, In, Myeong... Seon Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit? [Dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig?] Wait. [Pinggyego!] [Jin Kyung's 2nd confession] And actually, I came here to confess. A lot of people say that I followed my husband a lot, and yeah, I did, but! I want to tell you who I really am, too. - Yeah? - I mean it. - We're talking about who we are today. - In my case, really... How should I put it... When boys fell in love with me, they used to be obsessed with me. Well... Why do you say that? [Listen] I always... Can I talk about me? There was a long line of girls who liked me! If you say that, it sounds weird. I really want to know... Did anyone ask them about it? [Suddenly, the talk no one asked for started] Who asked this? [He choked while laughing] Who asked this? (Worried first) He choked. (Then talked) Hey, I... Girls used to cry in front of my house. [Crying] Because they were afraid you'd come out of the house, right? [What if Jee Seok Jin comes out? I hope he doesn't come out] Hahahahaha! [He can't stop crying today] That was nice, Sae Ho. - Okay, guys! - Thank you. Have a meal first... You can talk after one person finishes talking! I'm not done yet! This is a talk battlefield! [Stop fighting to eat] Just for a minute. Okay, let's eat for a sec. [Still choking] Let's eat. So you haven't recovered yet. It was so funny. [It's non-stop, "Jin Kyung's 3rd Confession"] Let me tell you something. A lot of people say, ":Did you cut your hair like that to make me laugh?" "Why did you cut your hair like that?" Is it for fashion? [Revealing the story behind her hair for the first time] I'll tell you the real reason. To be honest, it's my first time. But people will laugh again if they know this. But this is true! [A spokesman appears] Shall I tell them why you cut your hair? - You know that? - I know! (Then) Se-ho! Please tell them the truth seriously. [Their own league] Can I mention the name of the company? Don't, don't mention the brand. From a very famous high-end, luxury brand! To find their ambassador, they came to Korea. And a model called Hong Jin Kyung caught their eyes. So we From the headquarters in Paris, the French people really came to see me. - They wanted to have a meeting with her. - Because she's the best model. They wanted her to cut her hair a little. No, that's not what they asked for. It was my stylish(?) Stylish? It was my stylist. [Let's eat] My staff. Hold on. [Trying not to laugh] Wait. Hey, she... She says the wrong thing as often as I do. [Don't find me...] For such a long time... I felt this after talking for a bit. I don't know what the average is, But if she says ten things, one of them is wrong. [Ready to resume the talk] Okay. My stylist said, "Just shave your head!" [Suggested shaving her hair to make her look edgy] "I think you'll get picked if you look very edgy" But they picked me directly. Hong Jin Kyung from Korea! [Helping her] Model They knew there was an old model called Hong Jin Kyung. [They wanted to meet Jin Kyung] And they said they wanted to meet me. They didn't ask for it, but! I wanted to look edgy, so I have my hair cut [The hair styling considering brand preference] in the style of their favorite magazine. And we met. Did you go to see them after you had your hair cut? I went to see them with shorter hair than now. Yeah, it was shorter. - It was stylish! - But they really liked it! They told me I was the image of Asian beauty they were looking for. No! I got that! - I mean... - That... (Confessing the truth) They didn't say that. Okay, I'm sorry, too. I apologize. They really love models like Jin Kyung. I have something to add. That's right. You can't lie about that. [She's a real genius of variety shows] She's an attractive, talented comedian, [But Hong Jin Kyung shines more as a model] But she looks different on the fashion show stage. She looks a lot different. She has charisma. I know. [Inputting the comment] Why do you keep making him say what you want? It's fake! [Input complete] Tell them the brand... (Output) That brand starts with B. Are you her secretary or what? Are you an AI? Her own AI? [She's here now] Only B... Did they say they got embarrassed if you said that? Why can't you say that? - It's not decided yet? - Because... [Still reviewing] It's not decided yet? When will it be decided? When is the last meeting? (Listen to me first) I'm not the only one they're considering. If I say that in public... Question 1) Why are you saying this so quietly? Question 2) But you already said everything. [Everything is being filmed] It's on the show now. - Oh my... - Hey, Jin Kyung! [The one who kept knocking] I have a question, Jin Kyung. When is the last meeting? Your hair has grown a lot. Your hair has grown a lot now. When is the last meeting? The result... Isn't it already over? (Fake news) I heard she's already gone to Paris. [So obvious that her hair grew a lot] You said you cut your hair short, but it looks long now. It's already over, right? Anyway, I'll be glad if you get picked. That's why I shaved my head! But I can't say that! People think I was doing this for fun! But, actually, as a fashionilbo... As a fashionista! I have my life. Fashion river what? That's who I am. My life... Is a fashioniver something like a golden retriever? [Let's eat] [Laughing] Which river is Fashion River? A fashion leader! But when I look at you... You look like a Buddhist monk at a temple. But recently, really... Om my YouTube channel, ["During Vacation Project" was uploaded] there was a category where we sang, "During Vacation" [During Vacation - Jee Seok Jin] Seok Jin helped me at that time. So he sang a song. He was so different from when he was on a variety show! I found his totally new charm! I need to be serious when I sing. - Yeah! - Umm... (So) Which one is your true self? Q. Is the way you sing is who you are? Or right now? A. Well, I have a variety of... [Pinggyego Interview 1 Singing is NO joke!] hidden charms. So I need to be serious when I sing. It's not easy to sing while playing a joke. Did you two plan to talk about this yesterday? [It was so natural] No, I went to Jin Kyung's channel and... How many views did the video of his song get? It's been about 3 months since we uploaded it.. 38K views? It was originally 3.8K, but it increased a lot. You have more than a million subscribers, right? [(Bowing) The boughs that bear most hang lowest] It was very attractive. [Changing the subject] The way he sang... If you're curious about it, go to Jin Kyung's channel called Study Kin... Study King! Real Genius. See? He doesn't even know what channel he was on. Also, he doesn't know what the car he took earlier was. He just says it's nice. Wow, it's nice! [Another episode related to the filming] The funny thing was, after the song ended, after the song ended, I was giving an interview, but suddenly, Jin Kyung came in with coffee. Jin Kyung) Please try this. Her tone was a bit weird! She seemed to have a lot to tell me. I told her it was so savory and delicious, And "You're like this coffee." [A sudden paid promotion] That's what she said. [Suddenly, Seok Jin's episode came to his mind] You did that, too. I call him privately these days, [The episode on when they didn't call each other] After filming "Running Man," [Seok Jin called him suddenly] I got a call from Seok Jin. He didn't call me personally at that time. Seok Jin) Hello? Sae Ho) Yes, hello! Seok Jin) Wow, it was nice. You did well yesterday! Sae Ho) Thank you! Seok Jin) What are you doing now? Sae Ho) I'm at home. Seok Jin) Then say hello to my viewers, this is my YouTube channel. [He wanted something] - Ahaha! - This is my YouTube channel. Sae Ho) Are you filming now? Seok Jin) It's not that. I'm just filming it roughly. That's the filming! [Quite familiar vibe] He said, "You were good," and hung up. [2 weeks later] I hadn't heard from him for a while, but he called me again. Sae Ho) Hello! Seok Jin) Yes, my brother! Where are you? [Got a spoiler with his voice tone] Yes, I'm doing something. I enjoyed watching what you and Jae Suk were doing. Sae Ho) Yes, what are you doing? Seok Jin) This is my YouTube channel. It's my YouTube channel. I want you to be here. Sae Ho is a very comfortable person to call. As I always say, that's why Sae Ho is so busy! He has plans to eat with people every day. Today is a time to reveal our true selves, right? - No, no! - No - You got it wrong! - Don't think you should reveal it. [The category is just an excuse] We don't think we have to reveal it. [It's a place where we can chat freely] You can talk comfortably here. I said this on VIVO TV recently. [Jae Suk's favorite laughter trigger TOP3] Yoo Jae Suk's favorite friends No.1 is Jin Kyung No. 2 is Seok Jin No. 3 is Sae Ho I'm no. 3? [His favorite members are all here] Anyway, you guys are my favorite now. It's funny just hearing Jin Kyung's name. [What happened in the waiting room] When I was young, I was in the waiting room. There was a top star who was the same age as me, too. But so many reporters came to the top star, - For an interview? - They only interviewed her and no one talked to me. [Jin Kyung had a hard time because she felt isolated] You must have felt bad. It was so... You must have felt eft out. It was so hard and sad. So that day, without realizing it, I think I just wanted to get attention! Without realizing it! "I'm going to study abroad!" [She didn't plan it, but she announced she would study abroad] - All of a sudden? - Yes... [Still funny even though he heard it before] I've heard this before... I remember! That's why she went to study in France! [Jin Kyung went home after announcing studying abroad] I went home and I packed my bag! But my mom asked, "Where are you going?" So I said I was going to study abroad. [It just happened, mom] "I'm going to study abroad" We usually don't say that, right? If a person is too isolated, to get attention! But you don't actually have to go, but you did! Because it'd be a fraud if I didn't go! If I didn't go, it'd be a lie, so to make it true! I say it first, and my whole life is to clean up those words. How long had you been there? About 3 months... [She went there in a hurry, but stayed quite a while] I guess it was a long time. She really had a hard time there. She slept on the bench! It was a trend for models to go to Paris to work at that time. Park Dool Sun! Noh Seon Mi! Song Kyung-a! Those people! But they were invited! They went because they was invited! Their agency gave them an apartment. But I went there even though no one invited me, so... - Where did you live? - With your own money? It was so hard! I spent my own money. - It was really hard to find a house. - Must have been hard. You need a guarantor to find a house! Oh, you can't just get it! At first, I was at the hotel, but it was too expensive! So I slept a lot on the bench! Really! I was already a celebrity at that time, but... But at least you slept in a Mercedes-Benz. It was a good car, right? Bench! [I really had a hard time] Anyway, I... I know the story of Jin Kyung's life now. That's why I think Jin Kyung is amazing. These days, she has a lot of shows again. I only have three. - Three is a lot! - Really? You have a lot! Seok Jin, you also have a lot of shows, right? Yes, thankfully! These days are your golden days again, right? No, it's not again. It's his first time! - What do you mean, it's my first time? - It's your first one? - It's your first time! - No, it's not! What do you mean? I saw it! Don't be ridiculous! As far as I remember, he was the MC for "Star Golden Bell"! No, it wasn't then! Yes! When I was on "Star Golden Bell"! No, no! [Star Golden Bell, Heroine 6] I was on 2 weekend variety shows! You were, but there, for example, You were the MC, but the center... You weren't in the position to get a lot of attention! I didn't get much attention! - Yeah. - That's true! Do you know what kind of style you are? - What kind of style am I? - You're like Mahayana(?) You know, the later... - A late bloomer? - Yes! [Mahayana - the Buddhism aiming to save people and make them reach the level of Buddha] It sounded like a great victory, too, Jin Kyung. I can see why you're doing a study channel. A late bloomer style, I like it! Yes, that's good. The juniors think of him as their role model. Yeah, they didn't say that in the past, but... There's a saying that luck comes late. No one used to call me a "role model"! But there are some these days! Haha calls me that and you call me that, too. No, young people in their 20s! I filmed a show with Seok Jin recently! They said they didn't feel his age! He's not an old man! I can feel his age! By his physical strength and appearance, his age... I can feel! - By his appearance... - I can feel it so much! You and I are the same! You have more wrinkles! I'm sorry... It's because I suddenly lost weight... I apologize... - Hey, we talked about it! - I was kind of... You said the person saying things like that was the worst! [Apologizes for being angry] Sometimes I get angry... You know that wasn't my intention. (Anyway) The juniors said it was so comfortable to be with Seok Jin. He reacts to everything they do. - Oh, that's true! - Yeah. He reacts to everything, I mean it. So his juniors really feel comfortable with him. When they need to choose something on a variety show, they choose Seok Jin a lot Because they can control him as they want. [They have clear intention] - That's a good thing! - Hey, that's not what I'm saying! - That's not what I'm saying! - That is! The juniors can control you as they want. - I feel comfortable when being with him, too. - Yeah! When guests come to "Running Man," we interview them in advance. When asked, "Who do you want to pair up with?" they mention me the most. It's a blessing to make people around you feel comfortable! But not all guests are like that! That happens only sometimes. Not all of them, but! IVE was on the show. But no one from IVE mentioned Seok Jin. [Hasty generalization] I'm not saying that everyone is! This is also an adult's misunderstanding that everyone thinks he's comfortable! It's an misunderstanding that everyone thinks you're comfortable! IVE is my daughter's age, so they can feel uncomfortable with me! So anyway, Seok Jin is really! I told you before, You never know where life will take you. The characters come out when we're on a variety show, right? As Jin Kyung said, "You look like a late sergeant." Then we should laugh at it together. We might think, "Oh, I don't like that nickname," but... I also didn't like it when someone called me "grasshopper" at first. But! [Checking the caller first] It's Hwang Kwang Hee! Pick up the phone! Yes, Kwang Hee! Hello! Where are you? Right now, I'm filming! I should hang up then! Where are you? Me? I'm on my way to getting braces. Why did he call him when he were getting braces? You can call me when you're getting braces? I'm on my way to get braces! I don't know, the weather is nice, and this week, the 2 shows that I did with you will be aired. Yes, "Yoo Quiz on the Block" and "Hangout with Yoo"' will be aired. I'm so happy! Really, I'm so excited! [He just called because he was happy] You mean you're so excited? Why is he calling while getting braces? Maybe because you're getting braces, your pronunciation is really bad now! No, I'm going to get my back straightened, not my teeth! [A plot twist. Everyone thought he was getting his teeth straightened] Kwang Hee is funny! - Hey! You're so funny these days! - Kwang Hee is funny! What's wrong with his pronunciation? You're going to get your back straightened, but what's wrong with your pronunciation? We all thought you were getting your teeth straightened. It's because it's the morning! Oh, because of that? [12:30 PM now] It's not morning. It's 12:30 now. It's not morning! He's so fake! He's fake, too! We were filming a fake life special, but you called me! Seok Jin, Jin Kyung, and Sae Ho are here. I think Jin Kyung and Sae Ho are there too often! Hey! That's none of your business! - Why all of a sudden... - Why is he angry? You don't have to get angry! You know my concept, If something doesn't work out, I get angry! He's good! He pulled off his concept well. [You can tell his concept on the phone] He pulled off his concept well. Seok Jin is here, too! It's glad to meet you! Yeah, you're doing well, right? Hey, what's wrong with your pronunciation? It often gets worse in the morning. And right now, because of Botox, here... Stop getting Botox! "Be careful of Botox shots!" Anyway, good luck with your back! Yes, thank you so much this week! Okay! I'll call you! Have a nice day! Jin Kyung and Sae Ho, too! Okay! And Seok Jin is? Good bye! [He gave us a big laugh until the end] Speaking of Botox, you have to be careful when you get Botox! [Laughing] [A sudden talk topic: Botox] Did you get Botox? The good thing about this place is, when a word comes up, people tell an episode right away. Talkers need to be natural like this. [What he experienced when he went to the dermatologist] I went to the dermatologist, who was my friend. He told me that Botox hurt but it could make me pretty. I don't like that kind of thing! Look at me! I'm not a person who gets plastic surgery. You did! - You reduced your nostrils. - Oh, that was 20 years ago! Why did you say you didn't get plastic surgery at all? There's no difference! You know that! What do you mean? Your nose used to be this big! Am I a hippo or what? - It used to be this big! - It wasn't that big! They'll misunderstand! What are you talking about! Oh, don't me laugh! At least, I'm glad I'm making you laugh. [Fierce battle about the size of his nostrils] Your nose used to be this big! No one has a nose like this! [Continuing on with the Botox episode] Anyway, it was for me, so I got it. But a week later... I looked sad even when I smiled! Oh my, your face? So, you need to be careful when you get Botox! After that, I didn't get it. Hey, recently, we said hello at the hospital. At the dermatologist, I said, "Hello!" And you said, "Did you come to get it, too?" You were lying down like this. "You're here, too? Good luck!" You go to the same dermatologist as Sae Ho! That was about 7 months ago! It hasn't been long! It was 7 months ago! You didn't get it after that? I didn't! [Pinggyego!] I heard that, it's your 30th anniversary this year? [Changed the topic to Seok Jin's 30th anniversary] Wasn't it last year? You debuted in 1993, right? That's right! I debuted in 1993, too! [They both debuted in 1993] It's our 30th anniversary this year! It's this year? It was your 30th anniversary last year, right? It was my 30th anniversary two years ago! I debuted in 1991! Oh, then it's this year! It's our 30th anniversary! We should have a party for this, right? Shall we do it together? - What... - Some kind of dinner show... Hey, who would come to our show? - Yeah, right. - No one would. The 30th anniversary is amazing! It means you've been working in this field for 30 years! What's more amazing about Jin Kyung is! It's not easy to become so popular like her after taking a break. I'm really thankful for Jae Suk, too, but Jin Kyung is my mother in the variety shows. [a.k.a Mother in the variety shows] Yes, Jin Kyung is... When Chang Hee and I had a hard time, we were like, "What should we do?", she told us with real strength, "You have a talent! Stay strong!" [Jin Kyung made Sae Ho endure it] "Don't leave. This is all you can do." "Stay strong." But I think talented people will have a chance if they endure it. That's right! Thanks to them, I can work together. I appreciate them hanging out with me. Don't you think so? If you like someone, you just care about him, right? Because you like him! You don't want anything from him. - I'm not looking after him. - No, it's not that. - I can't even look after myself! - Then you should have said it comfortably! Why did you plan it in advnace? You said, "That's not fun, so don't do it!" or "Find a hip song!" [Jin Kyung is a bit harsh] In front of her... So she's pushing. A long time ago, she was on 'Come to Play' with Chang Hee. She asked him to prepare 3 episodes each, so in front of her! [She strictly checked the episodes] He told them, and if it wasn't funny, she dropped it. "Let's put this in." There was a really boring story. [What happened during the radio show] We can't express clouds on the radio, right? She asked me to express clouds. So on the radio, I said, "Lumpy lumpy lumpy." This was fun on the radio! But she wanted me to say this on "Come to Play"! [Sae Ho wasn't confident and Jin Kyung asked him to try] "But it's not going to be funny..." "It will be funny! Do it!" So I said, In front of the camera, "Lumpy lumpy lumpy," and the atmosphere was... "Hey! I told you not to do this!" She suddenly changed her attitude! [Sorry] I was... You... I was so disappointed in you! "I told you I wouldn't do it!" Jin Kyung, why did you do that? Okay, guys! It can be funny now! I can't do that with "lumpy lumpy"! Let's do it, Sae Ho! Let's go, Sae Ho! You can do it now! Jae Suk can't do that either! But this is really...! [There's a big difference between radio and video] It's very different from radio. Or the viewers can listen to it with their eyes closed! Yeah! - Please close your eyes! - Everyone, close your eyes! But this is! But even if we close our eyes, this is not funny! Don't look at the screen! - I really can't do this! - This is not for him. [Yes(2) : No(2)] If we close our eyes and it'll be like a cloud. He and Jin Kyung are pushing it so much! - Close your eyes now! - Just once! There's no point in closing our eyes! But drivers should not close their eyes! - Do it! Okay! - I can do it with my spirit... [Persuaded by the bulldozers] Do it! First, viewers! But those who look after children, those who respect their elders(?), - If you shouldn't close your eyes, don't close them! - Drivers! - No... - And joggers, don't close your eyes! You're killing me right now! - Try it! I'll listen to it with my eyes closed! - No, this is! I'll tell you in advance. It's not fun at all! [The cloud sounds ASMR will start soon] Please close your eyes from now on. Except for drivers, pregnant women, and the elderly, please close your eyes From now on, the national comedian Jo Sae Ho's [This joke is ruined from the start] cloud! This is already ruined... It won't work! With this set-up, it won't! The clouds are flowing from now on. The lumpy clouds are flowing! [The DJ even gave a spoiler about what cloud it is] Why did you say that? Start! [Gently] [Lumpy lumpy...] Lumpy... You have to be confident! Lumpy lumpy lumpy! - See? It doesn't work! - No, I'll do it! Keep your eyes closed! [Seok Jin tries cloud ASMR] Look how I make a difference in it. Puffy puffy Lumpy puffy! [The listeners got moved] This is... - Wasn't it? - Why did you say "Puffy puffy" for lumpy clouds? I have to change it from "Lumpy." [Trying to change it] If you keep saying, "Lumpy lumpy," it's too obvious. I'm a a veteran now, but I can't do this. Then when I was younger! [It's still hard to make a cloud joke fun] This set-up doesn't work. This is a dead joke. [Talk topic - The purpose of today's meeting] Why are we here today? Explain your purpose. I told you. Did you just miss us, or... [You might say that, but] I can't just call you guys here. Did you want to play with us like this? I have almost no schedule on Saturday this year! [Always waiting for this show] I have my own position, so! "What are you doing next Saturday?" "I'm going on a trip!" "Why are you going on a trip?" So I said, "Why?" "You should be on Pinggyego!" "Okay, I see!" But Oh, you're on this show without going on a trip? I went on a trip! He was okay with my prior appointment, so he said, "Enjoy your trip! I'll see you the next Saturday after you come back!" So here I am now. How many times has Seok Jin been on the show today? I don't know. I don't remember! [Walking, picnic, celebration party] About 4 or 5 times, right? [Seok Jin's 4th appearance today] This is the 4th. He's been here 4 times. So, thanks to you guys! Our show has been loved by many people. You can think of it as a place I express my gratitude. I said it's a fake life episode today, [It's a real excuse...] You don't have to worry too much about it. A lot of people have been rediscovered on this show. Like Nam Chang Hee. This is Chang Hee's major work, right? Now, Chang Hee and Dong Wook's major work is this! Oh, Dong Wook! [The SURAN episode was uploaded on the morning of the filming day] It was uploaded this morning. Dong Wook was there. Why was he on this show? Did he have anything to promote? No, he didn't! He was here just because I told him to be here! - Dong Wook really likes talking, so... - He likes it! The funny thing is! You know what? Top stars are lonely and bored! They like to be invited to places like this! Unlike our thought... You might think, "Will he come here if I invite him?", but he'll be very happy to be here. Really? Who? A top star! I told you, don't you remember? [The subject was very clear] Then... A top star, who? - Who is the top star you know? - No... - There's no top star you know! - I don't know a lot, but! Speaking of which, let's do it! We're just talking without thinking, so... Take it easy. [Talk topic] Are we top stars? You're a top star! That's for sure! - You're a top star! - If you deny it, it's fake! Okay, then I'm a top star! [On Pinggyego, Yoo Jae Suk is a top star!] On this show, I'm a top star! But I think there's going to be an article today! Which one? Yoo Jae Suk's surprise announcement, "I'm a top star!" [I want to click the title of the article right now] But it's okay, right? Top star! The title of the article on the main page! "Yoo Jae Suk says he's a top star!" Reporter, to be exact, I didn't say "I"! [Because the members of the fake life said that] Because they said that, I just admitted it. You're the top star in this business! We're in the same business as you! In a variety show, the top star is you! But! It's not me! - I've never thought about it! - Yes, you're not. Oh, I'm sorry... - I said it wrong, I'm sorry... - You didn't have to do it... [Agreed that he's Gee-star, not a top star] Gee-star, Gee-star. Yes, I'm just... But, in variety shows, you guys are the best! Actually, everyone here is the best. When various programs are planned, the people here are! I'm not saying that because they're my close friends! [The comedians who get casted first] They are the first ones to be cast. You know, we usually say, "go-to." There needs to be at least one or two go-to comedians. The difference between a top star and just a star is! Surviving the final selection and being chosen is the top star! And the next chance goes to just a star, I guess. So if a top star refuses, it goes to the next one. - That's right! - It goes to him! I was mentioned to be casted in about 4 commercials. I was in the final selections in all of them. There were two left! But I couldn't pass. - I couldn't pass more than 10 times! - You know what I mean, right? I think the other one was a top star. [There may be a plus for being a top star] Because he's a top star, there might be a plus for him, but... there's a flow of that time, too. For example, if there's a buzzword that's popular among many people, or if there's someone who leads the flow, - it has nothing to do with a top star! - But the difference between a top star and just a star, Like you in Korea Eundan commercial, top stars can keep shooting it every year. A top star! - If he can - renew his contract! [Pinggyego will clarify it for you] he's a top star? If you can renew your contract, you're a top star. Yes, right. [Pinggyego!] [Talk topic - Jin Kyung's hairstyle] It'll be okay if you get a down perm. Jin Kyung can grow out her hair now! With that hair style, you look fashionable and pretty! But Jin Kyung is really! It's not because of this... but Jin Kyung looks good with this hair, too! - Thank you! - Or how about having your hair cut here? But Jin Kyung... Have you ever seen her on stage? Oh, I've seen it! She's so charismatic! When did you see me? I saw it! I think he's fake, too. When did you see her? I saw it on YouTube. I don't think he saw it. Isn't that 15 years ago? [Avoiding the answer while drinking Americano] I don't think he saw it. He's a natural-born hard worker. - He's a great guy! I can't live like him! - A long time ago, when we were on "Happy Together," A lot of idols were on the show. Then he memorized their names by circling them all with a pencil. - Me? When did I...? - Yes. I'm sorry! I made it up! [Working hard as a member of a fake life special] Why did you tell such a lie? Something that was not true... But it looks cool, right? [if it looks cool, it's the best, right?] - With this fake life episode today! - SEVENTEEN! SEVENTEEN... - Hoshi! Hoshi! Hoshi! - Don't lie! Stop it! - Don't do that! - When did I say "SEVENTEEN, SEVENTEEN"? Don't do that! Now, let's show who we really are today! But Jin Kyung... A lot of people have liked you because of that side. As I said before, it's not "hiding" your true self! But it's like you're sacrificing yourself for the situation! But there's a dilemma! - What is it? - It's like this! [When Jin Kyung was young] To be honest, I was a very introverted. - And I'm shy! - Oh, that's right! - It takes a long time for me to get close to people! - It takes a long time! I'm that kind of person! My blood type is A! And I'm INTJ! [She likes to be alone] INTJ(A meticulous strategist) [It took a long time for her to get attached to a person] I used to! When I was young, and in high school! [On SBS variety show "Our Happy Saturday"] As I became an comedian, [She became famous in the skit called "Young Ja's golden age"] With Young Ja, I was saying "If there's no one else, let's go!" Actually, it was so hard to say, ""If there's no one else, let's go!" [She was in puberty, so she was embarrassed to say her line] I really didn't want to say "If there's no one else, let's go!" - Because you were in puberty. - That's right. - But I had to do it since it's the show! - Yeah, right! So, while forcing myself to do that, I felt that I could change it if I tried it hard. I really don't feel awkward anymore! I'm not shy of people anymore! - You got used to it now. - Now, in front of others... Please say, "If there's no one else, let's go!" If there's no one else, let's go! [Now she can say the buzzword right away] You can do it! You're not embarrassed now, are you? - I'm not! - See? Applause! They are giving her a round of applause. If there's no one else, let's go! [She's changed a lot] I've changed a lot, But Inside, I actually have "my true self," too! I like poetry, literature! I shouldn't forget my true self so that I have my own identity! I'm very happy that I'm here today. Because we can check those things here today. So I think like this! What we expect first from Jin Kyung is laughter, fun. [Even if they don't respond to her other self] So many people might not respond to it yet, As many people expect laughter from you, you can develop the skills of poems and songs, which are your favorite. - So today! I brought my guitar! - Then you'll have a new fandom, too. I'll show you how I sing today! Recently, we talked about it on the video uploaded today, Chang Hee sang a song for a minute! But about 1,000 people left! Wow! Instantly? But you told me to show them who I am! [Feeling betrayed] I'm curious... - Does it have to be today? - You told me to show it... But does it have to be today? Do you usually play the guitar? You're worried that I might bother your channel, right? But do you usually play the guitar? Yes, I am! [Can't believe it] Do you sing while playing the guitar? Have you heard her song? Earlier, when we were outside, "I always carry my guitar," she said. But I've never seen her like that before! It's already fake! [It was my first time seeing her with a guitar] She said she usually carried it around. With her guitar... She's a bit down today, so she looks a bit like a musician now. Today is the day we should wear our own clothes. So this is your clothes? Yes, this is a Belgian brand that I like. Oh, this one? - What brand? - Waffle? Waffle... [It triggered his laughter] If it's a Belgian brand, it might be waffle, I guess... Hey, she's older than you! I can't be fashionable because of guys like you! I like fashion, too... Waffle Inc. Belgium is known for waffles, but... She told me! "In front of the camera, Sae Ho, don't be scared!" "If it's funny, it's okay! You can use me to make them laugh!" So I said, "Waffle!" [So angry] Hey, you... What do you want me to do! Please tell me! I'll do what you tell me to do! [The mother of variety shows lowered her head] So I shouldn't say "Waffle?" Please tell me! So, waffle! Then... Since you brought the guitar, please sing for us. [Special performance] (Shy) It's my first time playing the guitar... It's my first guitar performance on Pinggyego. For those who are watching the live stream, I know you're going to leave, but we'll do it! Good luck! [Checking the guitar sound] [When My Loneliness Calls You - Jang Pill Soon] My feelings for you [Murmuring] Turn it off for a sec. What's that? [Moving] - Is it just a pose? Wait! - Wait! Wait! I think it's really fake. Turn it off for a sec. It's different! [Looking at him] (Off-beat) Ding [Going there himself] What is it? [Turning down the volume] (Looks calm) Why? What is it? - I just played it! - This is AR, right? Why don't you believe me? You said you were going to do it live. I'll only play the highlight part! [Lip-syncing] Her mouth is out of sync! Your hands... The lyrics... She sang the wrong lyrics, too. [This is real me, real Hong Jin Kyung] Sometimes, just like today, when my loneliness calls you, [He's into it] to my heart, [But he's not] quietly, [Sad thoughts.. Sad thoughts..] please come back. [Encouraging the audience] [The real Hong Jin Kyung's performance is over] That's it. I think about 5,000 people left. - It's a relief if it's only 5,000 people. - 5,000 people left... But I love Seok Jin's song, too. Do you want to listen to it? Okay, let's listen to it. - If we do this today! - Just a little bit... If we do this, it'll be hard to recover for a while. Seok Jin, please play it for us! [He's also checking the guitar sound] [So many special performances today, so he's worried] Almost 10,000 people will leave... He sings really well. [I'm a professional] You... See? He's good. [Lie Lie Lie - Lee Juck] I kept waiting for you But it's a piano accompaniment, not the guitar. It would be better if you do this. [A magic guitar with piano sound] He's playing the guitar, but we can only hear the piano. [Stop... Please protect him...] Song Hwa, please turn it off Why did you say that and ruin the mood? I was surprised to hear the piano sound from the guitar! Seok Jin's belt is Gucci today. [Fainted by his fashion sense] Yes. Are you a champion or what? I bought it because I wanted to give it to me as a gift. [Deep bow] But I couldn't wear it because I was shy. I can't buy too luxury items. But I can buy accessories. It's an accessory, but this is too big! [He cries because of the champion belt] The champion belt is so funny. I think it's very pretty. Oh, is it? I wanted to wear it today. The coolest thing is when you take off your jacket, you're wearing jeans, a white shirt, and the champion belt. In the magazine, this is here, and take off your tops. [He can't take off his jacket] As soon as I take this off, here... [I'm wearing jackets for each other] This is too much, so I can't. But really! It was so funny! [It's still funny to think about it again] He was playing the guitar, but there was a piano sound... [Today was like a fake life special] I think it's perfect for a fake life special. Is this the end? What time does the next person come here? Is there another filming? [Except for Jin Kyung who has a schedule, they'll have the 2nd round with new talkers] Today, in a row... [The bell on the front door (Ringing)] Can't take it... [Hints for the next guests will be uploaded on Shorts] [The show will be uploaded on April 11th (Tue) at 18:00] That's how it started. We were doing the 1st one, and now, the 2nd one... [Post-credits scenes) A pick-up is Just an Excuse] Sae Ho! [Jin Kyung arrived] Hello! You never gave me a gift! Yes, I did! [So surprised] It's my first time in 2 years... Hold on. First, the camera... No, the microphone! Why are you doing this in front of the camera? [The camera got puzzled] Sae Ho, there's no camera! It's just between us. But, suddenly... - This is my mind. - Thank you. [For Sae Ho who can't sleep well] I do sleep these days, [A gift to help him sleep well] but I can't sleep well, so... Oh, was there a camera? Hello... I think you should go to the salon. Go on with what you were saying. But she told me she'd send it to my house. But, again in front of the camera, she... - I really didn't know there was a camera - Oh, really? You trust me, right? - Yes, I do. - You trust me? [A sudden trivia) One thing in common] This is personal, but We're both Catholics. I'm Sebastian. I'm Viviana. So usually, I would say, "Sister Viviana!" "Brother Sebastian!" Yes, thank you. I hope you have a day full of grace. I wish you peace. Let's not fight among ourselves. [Another thing in common] When we drink together, usually, we talk about real philosophical things! Ex) Where does life go? We talk about these things. That's right. You think we're going to talk about something funny, right? Never! We talk about economy, current affairs. Death! - What is death? - Afterlife! - What is happiness? - We talk about these things. While talking about that, we cried... Isn't crying a drinking habit? Let's sit down and talk. But in the morning, in Jamwan-dong... It's not Jamwon-dong, not Jam"wan"! [Looking far away] In the past It might be confusing because, in the past, there were people who pronounced "one-two punch" as "Wan-two punch" [He's excited] So you can be confused between Jamwon and Jamwan. Alright. This is a professional joke. That's nice. That's why you might pronounce Wondu beans as Wandu beans. you might pronounce Wondu coffee as Wandu coffee, too. This is the advanced one. That's too much. Reduce it. Okay, I got it. [The episode about Sae Ho's cousin] He was singing while playing the guitar in front of us. [Summary) Couldn't see his funny cousin during the holidays and he came back one day as a priest] He said that he had wanted to be a priest. Recently, do you go to church on Sunday? No. - What's wrong with you? - I can't... So I told the priest (=his cousin), "Father, I'm sorry I can't see the Lord every week." And he said, "the Lord is not waiting for you, either" That's what he said. Whenever you want to see him! you can go to the Lord! Hahahaha! Maybe he didn't want you to feel pressured. Interpretation) You can just visit him whenever you want to see him. [While talking about Jin Kyung's channel] I was really surprised when I saw your channel. Why? Before you teach Rael the square root, [The topic changed to factorization] you have to study it properly! Do you have a pen? [They were like this and Jae Seok arrived] [Pinggyego!] You should multiply it! A square B plus 2A plus AB square plus 2B He's here now! Let's go!
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 7,020,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m4TzpZjabQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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