[EN] 작은 거인은 핑계고 ㅣ EP.14-1

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[30-second preview] Do you know why it feels like a hassle? It feels like a hassle because you are uploading more than one item at a time. Try just one item, one item. Do you work for Karrot Market? Who do you work for? Are you from Ted Talks? Do you work for Craigslist? And because I make more than average... They all want to open up a cafe. I'm not sure why. Sorry for telling this story inside a cafe. I apologize. [We'll catch up today...] [In an elegant cafe with some dessert.] [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] [Mr. Poached Egg and Jae Seok arrived first.] They are mics. There are names of midgets on the mics. What do you mean midgets? I can tell. You mean little giants! [Little giant is a person of great achievement despite his small stature and size.] They're little giants! But the names of the guests... They're my favorite Minions. The mics put together look like us three. [Minions assemble.] [The second little giant arrives.] - Hey midget! - Come in! Do we just start like this? [Quick and natural start.] Come in. [He knows to put on the mic by himself.] Thanks for coming in this early. So glad to see my Minions. [Time to exchange compliments.] They're so adorable. They're so cute. - Can I get a coffee? - Sure. What would you like? Is there anything other than coffee? We have the menu in the kiosk. - Hahaha. - No wonder she was confused. Ah I see. [The youngest picks out his menu first.] It's my first time here. I knew something was off. [Jae Seok's turn] For the number of shots... It's raining today so... [A serious dilemma.] Should I get something hot? Or maybe... I think you should... (Already knows the answer.) Iced coffee is better, right? [Cold drink on a cold day.] I'll have an iced Americano. I usually get 2 shots but I'll get 1 shot instead. You talk so much over choosing a drink. [Not a voice command.] I'll get it in a mug. Most places are changing to kiosks and it's hard to get used to. I'm done. [Chang Hee can't drink caffeine.] I'm going to have a non-coffee. Everything is in kiosks nowadays. This is my favorite drink! - What is it? - Strawberry milk. I like strawberry milk too. [After picking out all the menus...] Fresh strawberry milk sounds good. Sounds great. I'm going to press check out. [Please enter your phone number.] Who's going to pay? [Confused] Let me pay. [Staff hands over a credit card.] Wait, wait. We got this. We can pay ourselves. Yeah, we can afford this! [Fights over such a small amount.] Wait... Wait a minute! [The last little giant arrives.] Hey! [Looks at him in awe.] My first Minion is here. [This is awkward, natural yet cute...] My adorable friends. You should order first. It's been reset! No, it's right... Where did it go? [The menus are reset.] What happened? This kiosk is so high-tech. [Repeats everything again.] I'm going to get an iced Americano. - I don't drink coffee. - Oh, you don't? [Carefully looks at the non-coffee menu.] He takes care of his health. [Their fingers synchronize.] I can't sleep if I drink caffeine. You are just like me. I think I'll drink a strawberry milk. Sounds good. These 40-some-year-old men are enjoying strawberry milk. [Still in dilemma over the menu.] But it's really common! - You guys like green grapes? - Yeah. - Yeah, I really like green grapes. - I knew it. [Prefers sweet and refreshing food.] We like flavored milk. [Refreshing and healthy.] What about red vinegar soda? [Warning sign comes up.] Time is up. - You're taking so long. - Hurry. [Finally picks red vinegar soda.] You're holding up the line. Red vinegar soda. It's a healthy choice. [Asks for a phone number again.] Payment. This is for the notification message. I'll put in my number. Yeah, put in your number. Actually, let me put in my number. It's okay. [Realized they are filming.] It's personal information. [His number is out to the public.] Protect it at all costs. You don't use the app. Wait, to agree to the terms and conditions... Just say that you agree! [Byung Jae is cool about his personal information.] Be careful! Uncheck the marketing service. I'm going to see if the staff calls him or not. Don't save his number. [Finally moves on to the payment.] It's Byung Jae's number, no one's going to call. - But you never know. - No, no. [Fails to recognize the card.] It says that the IC card recognition failed. Why? [Inserted the wrong way.] Oh, I have to insert it in this direction. [So much hassle just over coffee.] He put it the wrong way. - We're done. - The order is now complete. [Such a long process.] The kiosk takes forever. The receipt is messeged to you. We paid with this card. - But why is the receipt sent to you? - I got it. I'll explain it to you. I just got a message saying, "The order is being prepared." They're making the drinks. [Such an awkward moment.] Because we just ordered. - They could've started when they heard us talk. - They're really by the book. They need to look at the kiosk. [In case of last-minute changes.] They must've heard us talk. We could've changed last-minute. But the thing is... They have to follow their manual. - Thank you! - Thanks for being patient. [They finally sit down.] I was told to dress comfortably... But why are you two dressed up? - No. - Actually... [Of course, they point out each other's outfits.] I told you. These aren't your everyday outfits. I told you to dress up comfortably as you'd go to your convenience store. I go to the convenience store in this. I didn't even wear socks today. You really did come in a comfortable outfit. [The perfect outfit for Pinggyego.] You look comfy. He wears this often. [He looks pretty well-dressed.] This isn't right. - We live far from here. - I have lots of nice outfits too you know. Hahaha. What do you got? Well... I got some nice... [Good timing.] Your drinks are ready. So quick. The sleeved one is 1-shot Americano. Where's the sleeve? Here, this one just looks really diluted. [An obvious 2-shot Americano] [An obvious 1-shot Americano] This just says... - It just says that it has fewer shots. - Looks really diluted. Thanks for coming in this early. [They met up at 8:30 a.m.] Good to see everyone. It's so early. It's so early, especially for a talk show. I actually live pretty far from here. It takes an hour and a half. What? [Chang Hee leaves home at dawn.] Really? Because it's rush hour. It takes that long? - You could've just... - Maybe an hour and 20 minutes? 15 minutes? You could've slept at my place last night. You should've given me heads up. - Do you have a guest room? - Of course. Jae Seok's apartment is in a pretty old building so they have many rooms. Yeah, you are right. Because it's an old building. Yeah, so it has more area for exclusive use. You... You sound like an expert. - I'm very interested too. - Yeah. Se Hyung is also an expert. You're dressed like a realtor. [He looks like he'll show lots of properties.] You look like a successful realtor. He always watches real-estate videos in the green room. [Can't deny.] I'm always watching them. Videos on different locations and such. Well because... I don't own a home. Yeah, makes sense. So I just browse different properties. I also watched videos of different properties on YouTube before. You also looked at private houses. I look at so many. Aren't you guys on 'Where Is My Home?' For me... We are on 'Point of Omniscient Interfere' together. [Se Hyung has been on that show for long.] You are on 'Where Is My Home?'. Yeah, I am. You help others find their home but not yours? Yeah, I have trouble finding my own. Chang Hee's home is really nice. Yeah, I saw how great it looks. - I actually have news. - What is it? I talked to my landlord yesterday and decided to renew the contract. Oh, you are not buying the house? No, I just renewed the contract. [Everyone's interested.] 2-year lease? I have a lease with a monthly rent and the landlord deducted my monthly rent [Reasonable contract renewal.] because the house price dropped. Your landlord seems like a reasonable person. Yeah, my landlord is really nice. Give your landlord a shout-out. Oh, okay. [Pinggyego's first-ever personal shout-out.] Hello lord... Who? Lord? I mean landlord. Lord sounds too polite. Thank you for your consideration of the new contract. It's something to be grateful for during this period. Many people are having difficult times. Because you don't know the landlord's situation. [Slurp] I'm sure there are interests in loans. - I'm sure there is a loan. - Everyone is having a hard time. Yeah, I'm sure... You're really gulping down coffee this early. I really enjoy my morning coffee. I might get another one. I'm surprised that you enjoy coffee. - Coffee? - Yeah. But why are you surprised? [What does Jae Seok mean by that?] Because you look like you'd enjoy scorched-rice water. Are you making fun of scorched-rice water? I'm not! [So many misunderstandings.] That'a hilarious. I wasn't making fun of it. How is he making fun of that? Scorched-rice water really makes you full in the morning. [A bit of misunderstanding.] He said I look like I'd drink scorched-rice water. I meant... I was surprised to see you gulp down on coffee. I actually have an expensive coffee machine at home and I make coffee with it every morning. You have a machine? Byung Jae actually likes classy things. He likes classy lifestyle. You like classy things, right? Recently... [His example of a classy hobby.] I really got into bonsai. - A potted tree! - Yeah! - Wow. - Really? They are like miniature trees. I bought a few of them and when I look at them I feel great about myself. He's so classy. Three of you are quite classy gentlemen. [Germaphobe, morning coffee, morning poached egg] Se Hyung is a germaphobe. Yes, I'm the opposite of my brother. He also reads before going to bed. [Another surprise.] That's because sometimes, I can't go to sleep so... I don't have enough time for this. - Just tell us. - This is what the show is about anyway. There is no time to say that you don't have enough time. [Talkative comedians.] Go ahead. [Continues to talk.] I had insomnia before... And this is a bad habit but I always fall asleep when I read. [Bad habit for a student.] So I was trying to study, I would always fall asleep. And my parents weren't happy about it. But I actually overcame my insomnia through this bad habit. So I started to read to fall asleep, and at first, it only took 3 to 4 lines. But now, it takes about 30 minutes to fall asleep. So I read every day. What are you reading now? [Respons immediately.] I'm reading 'Think Hard!'. - I know that book. - That's a good habit. He read '2015 Consumer Trend Insights' until recently. '2023 Consumer Trend Insights' is out now though. He recently read about the selfie phenomenal. I found out about that book in 2015. [30 minutes a day makes it harder to catch up with the trend.] The selfie phenomenal. So I read to sleep. Are you.. Are you nervous without Se Ho? [The nervous feeling showed through his posture.] It's actually a habit. Why are you nervous without him? I'm not nervous! I'm comfortable around these guys. We went out for a drink recently. - Really? - Yeah, after rehearsal. These three Minions and Se Ho often go out together. Seho is a bit awkward with Se Hyung. [About Se Ho and Se Hyung...] Yeah, we all know. Yeah... [Edited part of 'Spring has arrived'.] We'll bring our lady friends here. It should be fun. Yeah, the ladies. Talk with the ladies... I think it's so funny that So Min tries to discipline Mi Joo. Se Ho also tries to discipline his younger colleagues as well. For Se Ho... He disciplines the ones that are easy to deal with. But he can't discipline Se Chan. He has no chance with me. That's why Se Ho is uncomfortable around Se Chan. It's similar to how I'm uncomfortable around Cha Tae Hyun. He has hard time with me. Se Ho feels even more uncomfortable with my brother, Se Hyung. For Se Hyung, it's not a question of discipline. - Se Ho gave up? - Yeah, he gave up. But their relationship has gotten better. [Unverified information at the time.] Se Hyung treats him with more respect now. Se Hyung is more mature now. Yeah, that's why. [Time to hear from Se Hyung.] So I've been reflecting on my past... And I respect Se Ho way more now. - Is that right? - Yeah. What happened in the past? I was too much of a jokester and I realized that. So I've been... Keeping a low profile? You're going a bit too far. There's no need for that. He's right. When Se Ho feels disrespected by his younger colleagues, he expresses that he's upset. But you guys listen to him, right? For me, if I do the same joke, he takes it less seriously. To think of it, I think he went a little far with me. If all of my friends do the same joke... - He's more upset at you. - Yeah, exactly! He'd want to have a talk with me. Many times... It's because Se Hyung's a bit annoying. But his intentions aren't bad. Not at all. - Because when Se Hyung says a joke, - He's not like that at all. everyone laughs, and that's what upsets Se Ho more. So I stopped making him upset because we are all friends and collegues here. So I stopped doing that. Se Hyung and his brother are great at that. They read the room quickly and know exactly how to act in different situations. [To think of it again...] Before when Se Hyung made fun of me, Se Ho got angry with Se Hyung. [We hope to see Se Ho for his side of the story.] [Appearance fee of 20,000 KRW, negotiable] Don't you remember? Se Ho got angry when Se Hyung made fun of me. - At Comedy Big League. - He was like, "I took care of it." Yeah. [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] Anyway... We gathered this early because these guys are all busy. I like to call them gifted storytellers. These kinds of people are really busy. I mentioned this earlier but we're not busy. We just can't adjust the time of the show. [The reality of storytellers.] Because we aren't popular, shows don't adjust their schedule according to our time. For you, the main MC, the staff can adjust according to your schedule. But for us, we have to show up exactly when we are told. If we can't make it, we are out. So we have to show up when we are told. So the reason why they seem busy is that they have their own schedule but they can't adjust... - Yes, yes. - That's correct. They have to fit into another person's schedule. - That's hard. - It's not easy. You all have your own schedule today. [A long commute.] I have one tomorrow but it's so early so I'm going there today. Good plan. I have to film something with the band, UV, after this. So I have to go there. What about you? I have a radio show scheduled. - Mr. Radio, right? - How long have you done that? It's been 5 years. You all helped me get this far. We went as guests to gain some popularity when you first started. - Yeah they all helped out. - Exactly. - We did different content there. - I still thank you for that. [The Minions' tight friendship.] They helped out so much. I heard you went overseas for filming recently. Yeah, I went to L.A. You were so busy. It's a shame that you left one of the show because you were in two shows that broadcasted at the same time. Let's talk about that. For the amount you appear on the TV, they might not overlap. Yeah, it would be fine. How dare you say such a thing. I apologize. Are you disciplining Byung Jae? I'm okay with what he said. Se Hyung was always the youngest in my group but he looks different today trying to discipline you guys. [Finished his coffee.] You are so hard on Byung Jae. [Walks to the kiosk.] Where are you going? I'm getting one more. Why are you drinking so much coffee this early? He's flexing. I found one of the reasons why Pinggyego is doing so great. I realized it today. As you know, I like to analyze. What did you analyze? It's because you are the main MC and because the guests are great. - But I realized today that... - What? It's the staff. This is your staff, right? Yeah. For us comedians, it's very important for people to respond and interact. But even though it's early morning, your staff is showing great interactions and reactions to what we say. [Importance of audience's reaction.] I feel great even in the morning. - You feel great, right? - Yeah. There are many different reasons but they are the only member of the company. [Too much information on the staff.] There aren't supervisors. You two are sisters, right? [Please refer to 'The Morning Call' episode.] Really? Yeah, they are. But you two are cute in different ways. - Excuse me? - He's flirting again. [Hobbies are bonsai and flirting.] Hey! Are you kidding me? He flirts non-stop. They are the sisters, right? Byung Jae! You know you changed the definition of flirting, right? He flirts the wrong way. He flirts with everyone. It feels like he's trying to pick a fight when he flirts. He changed the definition. All jokes aside, I always wondered who the sisters were and I finally saw them today. [Sniffles] So having the best staff... Are you okay? Yeah. I have a runny nose from the cold drink. You should drink something hot instead. There's no such thing as hot strawberry milk. How come? Why isn't there a hot strawberry milk? - I never had any. - Is there such a thing? - You can just make it hot. - I don't think so. - It's because you never tried. - That's possible. But have you seen someone drink hot strawberry milk? You can just make it hot. What about you guys? I don't think there is such a thing. How come? I've seen people drink hot milk but not strawberry milk. It's because people don't try. I've never seen hot strawberry. - I think I saw it on the menu. - No way. - Or we can simply ask. - There is such a thing. Let's ask the owner. Excuse me. People ask for hot strawberry milk, right? Is there hot strawberry milk? [Nods in agreement.] See, it exists. - Should I order one? - It's hard to believe. You should order one. Can I order one hot strawberry milk? Should I try one as well? I never tried one. Jae Seok is paying for everything, right? No, it's part of the production cost. Yeah, they will pay for everything. - You also rented this whole cafe, right? - Did you rent it? Hold on... If it's part of the production cost, it means it's my money. Why is that? Because I'm a Kakao stockholder. [1 share is still a share.] Do you have Kakao stock? [Weird calculation method.] I'm a stockholder and if Kakao is paying for this, it means that I'm paying for it with my own money. That's not how it work. I'm paying myself to be here right now. - It is! - You must be kidding! It doesn't work like that! I understand where you are coming from though. I feel the similar way. We are all avid stockholders. [Little stockholders, not giants.] You too? Yeah, I do. It went up a little yesterday. - Yeah, it was good news. - For sure. What did you buy? Well I... I have different stocks... Do you want me to name them all? If I do... Many people may be deceived. [Good timing.] Thank you. Cute cups. [Controversial hot strawberry milk.] Thank you. Thank you. [Cheers] Thanks. - I've never seen... - Hot strawberry milk is new to me. I've never seen someone drink hot strawberry milk. [Sees in real life.] How is it? Hmm... [Appreciating the flavor.] How does it taste? It's a little... It's only hotter. It tastes... I just imagined how a hot strawberry would taste like. There is a reason why not many people eat certain food. [Warm fruits aren't always popular.] Let me try. [Examples are cooked pineapples or bananas.] It's not bad. [Tries for himself.] It's okay, it's just strawberry milk. Wait! [His front teeth look bigger.] The foam looks like your teeth. [He hates the flavor.] It's that face when he tried basil pesto. You look like Tilda Swinton from the movie, [Foam gave him a makeover.] Snowpiercer. It has fresh strawberries inside. - I didn't know that. - There are pieces of strawberries. It tastes like strawberry jam. I think it'd taste good if I dip this bun inside. Let me try. I don't think so. - Hmm? - It'll taste bad. Why? It's my personal preference. I think Jae Seok was similar to you back then. [Understands immediately.] I think he was called out many times. [Dips the bun.] The older colleagues who knew me well [Yummy.] really liked me. But the ones that haven't seen me many times... But seriously, this combination should be on the menu. [Byung Jae and Chang Hee approves.] It tastes better with the bun. Try it with the salted butter roll. Just try it. I'm not a big fan of salted butter rolls. Right... Nothing pleases him. What kind of bread do you like then? It's a combination of salty and sweet. Do you understand why the older colleagues didn't like me back then? You're so annoying, you know that? If I was older, I would punch him. You punch like Donnie Yen. I know his moves. Who punches like that. Show us Donnie Yen. [Takes 0.1 second for his alter ego.] Show us Lee Chang Dong. The only difference is your hand. [His secret revealed.] You only changed your mouth. Yeah, only my mouth. I saw John Wick 4 and Keanu Reeves really looks like you. I heard the movie is good. It was the best. I haven't seen it yet. People messaged me about how great I look in it. [Finally tries...] Donnie Yen is amazing in the movie. It's tasty. [Eating like cereal.] It's good, right? - It is. - Really? It tastes good with the bread. [Talking about fashion style.] Anyway, I don't like to follow the latest trend. - I agree. - I don't even try. You are always... You always dress with basic items. I like my clothes to be simple. Yeah, simple is the best. I only have black and white clothes at home. I can't dress well, I don't know how to. To put them on? Yeah, and I don't have much interest in fashion. So I hate having to choose what to wear. [Not hard to tell.] But right now... - They were all gifts. - You're dressed mostly in golf apparel. I was given these. There is a mixture of golf apparel and hiking apparel. I don't buy my own clothes. So these... I got these pants from another show. - This one is from a golf show I did. - We have similarities. - This is a golf cap. - I got all of these as gifts. I bought these shoes though! [Everyone is excited.] I spent some money on these. How much do you think they cost? Kind of expensive. The soles look high quality. Hahaha This pair... They look over 50,000 KRW. How can you tell the quality of soles? [He's so proud.] Look at the cushions of the soles. They make me look taller and they're comfortable. They got some heels. These are originally 40,000 KRW but I got them on sale for half the price. They are my favorite items lately because I got them for such a good price. Yeah... I understand that you like them but it doesn't seem like a big deal. I thought it was a limited edition or something hard to get. I just wanted to show them off because I got them recently. There are times we feel proud. I'm so satisfied with these. This is a very old track top. I saw you wear it many times. Yeah, I really like this track top. You even wore it during Happy Together. Yeah. I can tell because the stripes on the sleeves are worn out. This part? They're worn out because it's been washed often. Yeah I can see that. It's worn out. Jae Seok likes to keep his things for long. [His favorite pants are from Hong Chul, a long time ago.] I saw the news article on the pants. They are really comfortable. How long have you worn those? Over 10 years. Everyone has it. - I know, right? - Everyone has their own thing. - What's yours? - For me... I have a Nike padded jacket that I bought with my first paycheck. But because it's old, all the feathers came loose. - And the sleeves were ridiculous. - They shrunk? They didn't feel puffy anymore. But it's hard to throw it out because I had it for almost 10 years. - It's not easy. - So what I did was... I came home drunk one night. Told myself that I must throw it out. And went to the used clothing box. I almost put it in but I put it in my arms and went back home with it. You put it around your arms? It was like a thank you for keeping me warm all these years. But it lost all of its function completely. [He knows that the jacket won't keep him warm anymore.] Because it wasn't a warm jacket anymore, I took it back inside with me and decided to wear it as a workout jacket. So I wore it for running but it got even more worn out. So I finally let it go. What about Byung Jae? I had a padded vest that I wore on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, I remember. It became the signature look for my character, so I wore it often [Searches online.] even for other shows. I wore it 5 to 6 times a week and it became totally useless. I didn't have the kind of dilemma that Se Hyung had. But instead I donated it to an event and was sent to the buyer. This vest! Yeah! - That's your signature vest. - I remember that. When you showed your phone dressed up like that... You really look like... - You look like a realtor. - Like a real estate agent. It looked like you were showing us pictures of the property. That was hilarious. Especially when you opened up the phone. Your outfit makes you look professional. That gesture was funny. What about for Chang Hee? Hmm... I don't buy much. You think we do? It's not because we buy a lot. [Person who wore the same jacket for 10 years.] That's not what we mean. Se Hyung wore the same jacket for 10 years. I try to live a minimalist life. So I've been throwing away instead. - Really? - Yeah, I only throw away. When I went over to your place, the small room was packed with stuff. I threw them out. There is a documentary on Netflix about minimalism. - Yeah, I watched it! - After watching that, I started to live a minimalist life. I'm throwing away everything. Really? Yeah, I give away what I could. I used to enjoy collecting pint glasses from different brands. - You'd collect them? - Yeah. But I sold them all. Once you start collecting something... - There is no end to it. - Right. And it's also very hard to manage them. - Have you ever? - Have I? Or is there anything you want to collect? Let me think. Anything? I collect smartphones. Your old smartphones? No. The limited edition... - From Samsung Galaxy. - The limited edition? Such as the Batman series. The oldest one I have is... [The limited edition from 2015.] The Iron Man series. [Learning details about each other.] And then... You collect them? They are unopened? Yeah, they are completely new. I just keep them. You don't sell them? No, I just keep them. But I recently saw that two of them were opened. - By who? - My son. Did you use them? No. [For reselling online.] The value drops as soon as it's opened. [They aren't new anymore.] My son ripped part of the plastic. Yeah, the seal... Anyhow, I put it back in nicely. And you did you scold your son? He's not a good dad if he gets upset over that. But I actually did get upset a little. You did? I told him that I had these for a long time. And that he should ask me beforehand for something like this. - So I told him that. - Yeah. So what did he say? Not because he values them more. He apologized and said it won't happen again. [He apologized by the book.] Well, then you can't be mad at him anymore. He was straightforward about his apology so that I can no longer scold him. When I'm mad at someone, but that person apologizes politely, it's really annoying. I have nothing to say if they apologize too quickly. That polite apology is actually a way to get that person even angrier. - I'm truly sorry! - Sorry to interrupt... But it's my son. Exactly! I don't think he's trying to annoy me. I used to be that kid. How? That's why Se Ho gets upset at you. You apologized so politely and quickly. Before he can speak... Even before Se Ho can say a word. Yeah, I would apology. [Annoying level at 100%.] That's so annoying! No wonder Se Ho gets mad! - Let's put it behind us. - No wonder Se Ho goes nuts. And Se Hyung would also be giggling. I wouldn't know what to do if he giggled like that. Se Ho would be angry watching this now. - If he was here, he'd chase after you. - I truly apologize. I truly apologize. Like that? [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)] Se Chan told me that he's awkward around you ever since you guys stopped living together. We were awkward at first. But now, we go travel together. Did your relationship fall apart? It was a little bit awkward in the beginning. - Even between brothers? - Yeah. If you lived together for so long... It was a good opportunity for me. I realized that families need to respect and be considerate of each other. It was the opportunity to realize that. Why didn't you realize before? Well... - I thought it was easier with family. - Like you could do this and that? Yeah, because I thought they will be family no matter what I do. We often think too comfortably of our family. How many siblings do you have? I have 2 older sisters. You have sisters? There are my 2 sisters and my parents. You always tell me how annoying your sisters are. Why are you telling a lie? He usually doesn't make up lies. [He lied straight to Byung Jae's face.] Hold on. You made that up. - Let me clarify. - When did I say they are annoying? - To be perfectly clear... - Hey Se Ho, I think you need to come! The truth is that Byung Jae helps his sister out a lot. I didn't exactly call them annoying but I talked about them in a similar sense. When are they most annoying? So my family consists of my mom and dad and my two older sisters. I have two brothers-in-law from both of my sisters. The second oldest sister has four kids. This is our family. There was a time when only two people worked, including me. - Okay. - I see. And because I make more than average... They all want to open up a cafe. [Sounds like a sitcom.] I'm not sure why. Sorry for telling this story inside a cafe. [Such comedians.] I apologize. Yeah, it's just a story of my family. If your sister sees this, she'll tell you to stop telling that story. But they actually can't say a thing to me. [He's the most powerful member of the family.] This is difficult for Byung Jae to tell himself but he really supports his family. He seems like the type. He doesn't support them on everything... - But a lot... Right? - Moderately? - I support them a little too much. - Yeah, he does. He also helps out with his manager too much. It's good that you want to take care of them and support them but you should really take care of yourself the most. Look at your outfit! You need to take care of yourself! It's not a dilemma and it may not deliver properly. But let's say that I started to support my family at this point, there is still so much I can do. I can relate. I don't know how to say it because I can't say it directly. But I started at this point because I was too excited. So now, I can't go back down anymore. That's hard. You can all relate, right? If... If the amount of support you gave to your sister decreases, they might feel disappointed. That's right. It may disappoint them but you should give it a try. - At once? - Because you can't increase it forever. - It's not easy. - You can decrease it at once. Did you watch the show 'Big Bet'? Do we need to bring up an action-crime show? - If you bring up this show... - It's about my family. [Our show has no relation with 'Big Bet'.] How would his sisters feel? - Sorry, what I mean is... - Don't bring it up. I mean that it's hard to decrease the amount. [Byung Jae has a very happy family.] It's nothing serious because I can joke about it. Are you an only child? I have an older brother. I didn't know that. I thought I knew a lot about you but I didn't know you had a brother. I was clueless. Why didn't you tell me! You never asked! I don't need to announce it if no one asks. Why didn't he mention it before? - Is there a big age difference? - He's only 2 years older. It feels like you'd be an only child when I see your lifestyle. He has the only-child vibe. Even though I wasn't an only child, it felt like I was. My brother was an athlete so he was always in a training camp. What kind of sports? He played soccer a long time ago. My brother looks like you. Interesting. He really looks like you. Hey. [LOL] I'm not mad. He really looks like you. I'm surprised you have a brother. Yeah, I did. You did? Not in a past tense. I have a brother and will in the future as well. You have a younger sister, right? I have 2 younger sistatues. Sistatues? So they just stand there? You can already tell how fond I am of them. - Sistatues! - You never talk about them. - Because he never talks about them. - He's not used to it. I never talk about them. But yeah, I have 2 sisters. When was the last time they called you? They call me on my birthday. [Like a typical Korean family.] Or maybe after I win an award. Something like that. Of if a family event occurs. I went to his sister's wedding. Yeah, he was there. He was greeting guests like it was his own wedding. The boy band, g.o.d was the guest singer at her wedding. Hold on! How long ago was that? That was in the early 2000s. Is your brother married? Yeah... - You sound like you don't care much. - Huh? It's been a long since he got married. Over 10 years. I see... So anyway... - The topic of marriage is... - What's wrong? The mood changed. - I forgot you are all single. - It's a milestone we all need to achieve. Everyone else is getting married. I have friends getting married every weekend in May. Really? It's different for me. How is it different for you? I'm turning 39 soon. And out of 10 friends... 2 of them are married and the rest are single. Really? They don't even want to get married. You could see it this way. Maybe because you only stay close with single friends. It's hard to keep in touch with married friends. That's right. But it's not easy to keep in touch. So I'm... I'm married... Right? Did you just burp? Don't point it out! It's natural for people to burp. But they way you looked at us... Jae Seok! No matter how hard you try to hold it in, this area inflates and deflates. That part of the neck like a frog. [Burping frog.] Like this. I think you've gone too far. Don't forget that our topic is marriage. I'm the only married man here. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. How do you feel getting married? So you are starting already? They're already teasing me. [Back to the topic.] So before I got married, I didn't know what it'd be like because I never experienced it. Yong Man was the first to get married from our circle. We used to meet up often but since he got married, I felt bad for asking him to go out. One day, we called Yong Man, "Hey, we are going clubbing now." And we said, "It'd be great if you could come but you probably can't." "Because you're married." And we were teasing him. Then his wife took over the phone. Oh, no. And she said, "What are you doing?" No way. She said, "Stop calling him if you are going to tease him." And she hung up. So we felt bad and disappointed because we used to hang out with her before they got married. We thought she had no generosity because we were only playing around. But I didn't realize until I got married. It's not easy, right? Besides that, I'd get angry as well if someone teased me the same way. Let's all get together and give him a call. [Quick to pick up a bad trait.] We should go clubbing together. "Hey Jae Seok, we're going clubbing." Then I'd say to my wife, "My friends are asking me to go clubbing!" [He'd let her handle it.] "Can you talk to them?" I just imagined how boring it'd be if we went clubbing together. To be honest, I don't want to go clubbing with you guys. - Exactly, it's not fun. - It'd be the worst. We'd have the worst time there. When was the last time you went clubbing? Almost 10 years. - Yeah, you are too old now. - I don't enjoy it anyway. Have you tried your infamous dance there? Of course, many times. [A careful request.] Can you show us the dance? Sure. [He doesn't even need to get ready.] [So much energy from the hot strawberry milk.] [Flaps like a fish.] [Kind of embarrassed.] [Criticizing comment 1] Your moves are so bad. [Criticizing comment 2] You just look like a drunk person after a long hike. [Criticizing comment 3] It looked like your alter ego. You look like those old men who think they dance well. He's so brave to show us his dance this early in the morning. - Like a flying squirrel. - You amaze me every time. You look like a super fast flying squirrel having a drink after a long hike. It's your turn to sing, Byung Jae. My turn? [He's taking down his friend with him.] It's been a while. It's not the right mood. But he's in a good condition. Yeah, go for it. I'll rap instead. - Rap sounds good. - He's good at it. I like his rap. Hey! Hey! Hey! [He doesn't care if the lyrics are heard.] Don't rap in gibberish. Hey! That was ridiculous! [Wrong show, Byung Jae.] This isn't 'Show Me The Money.' Sorry. Actually this rap would be praised among the MZ generation. It's your turn, Chang Hee. I can't sing here. [Staff agrees immediately.] I forgot. You shouldn't sing. Why? - If I start to sing... - 1,000 people would stop watching this. [The legendary absence of 1,000 people.] The viewers just leave. When we first upload this video, viewers can chat live. At first. When we had BTS Jimin and Suga on our show. [Highest record] About 60,000 people watched the first viewing. - Almost 60,000 people. - That episode was funny. I miss Jimin and Suga. [He wants to talk and eat at the same time.] I don't feel offended or anything. But your face looks like you are. [Catches him at the moment.] Everyone has their own position. - Jae Seok. - I'm sorry. [LOL] Because of your overbite, you spit out the food from beneath when you talk. [He's angry because Se Hyung is right.] His teeth are like this. The top and bottom don't align. I want to have a talk with you. [Jae Seok 1 2 and3] These are his teeth. They close like this. It's like an excavator. - He's gotta scoop out his food. - "Hey Se Hyung!" I wanna see you outside. Why? You need to apologize. [Why am I crying?] Stop teasing me! My mouth isn't a beak. We decided to call it that. That's why Se Ho gets annoyed by you. Like this... [Trying to prove his point.] If his teeth aligned... His overbite makes the food come out. - That's enough. - If there is a gap here, food goes out. You guys had enough. [Topic on health is a must.] I start to think more about health these days. When you are in your 20s, it doesn't feel as important. - Not at all. - Right. Because you are healthy in your 20s. I didn't take any supplements. Many people agreed with us when Haha and Se Chan were on the show. There is a particular feeling. - You know I'm in my mid-30s. - Yeah. I had COVID recently. And once I got better, I had a norovirus. And an eye infection after that. Everything came at once. It was obvious that my immune system has gone bad lately. That's right. The resistance against the virus decreases. Yeah, it does. We have to boost our immune system. Anyway we need to... Why are we pretending like we are doctors? [Topic of the day is to boost your immune system.] We sound like a medical show. Yeah, one of many. We sound like a morning medical show with doctors giving consultations. [Finding the right drink for your health type.] We aren't professionals... Like this? You like that drink, right? [He gets muscle cramps from coffee.] Hold something you don't. Let him hold the strawberry milk. [His muscle relaxes with strawberry milk.] Hold it like this. - Strawberry milk is good for your health. - Yeah. - No, it's the opposite. - He's right. [Medical test from a quark doctor.] It is? Okay, I'll avoid this from now. That's it for today's medical talk show [Thank you for watching the Midget Medical!] with our respected doctors. Let's move on to the topic of the economy. That' my favorite topic to talk about. - First of all... - We love this topic. [The most exciting moment for them.] To start this conversation... Yes! Byung Jae is already on it. - We need to check that first. - The market is open now. - First, let me check the KOSPI! - The market is open! [So fired up.] Let's check KOSPI first! - Don't say anything. - Let's observe their faces. Don't say it out loud. Because yesterday, the U.S. market... - It went up. - It went up before closing. - Oh, really? - It went up and... [The mood changed completely.] Why are they drop? Let me briefly check KOSPI. [Checking the situation first.] KOSPI It dropped a lot. It dropped by 3%. [What a pain...] - How is it for you guys? - Not good. - Everything is dropping. - Is it the weather? Is it the rain? Let's talk about economics Feel free to ask me some questions. - This topic is a must. - I'll try to answer them. Because for morning meet-ups, [So eager to speak.] we never forget this topic. - Sounds great. - Let's talk about the recession. [Re...ce...what?] Fear of the R-word. That's the only word I don't know. The only word! Recession! - I actually know a lot! - Not reception? Reception is where you greet guests. Recession! Fear of the R-word? [Fear of the R-word means the fear of recession.] Fear of the R-word, recession. Too bad I don't know much. Infla... - Inflation? - Yes, inflation! The opposite of inflation is deflation. [Ha!] There is a lot of talk about a recession lately. We can feel it at work. When confining it to the broadcasting industry. It can be very misleading to other industries, so let's only talk about the broadcasting industry, which we experience ourselves. First of all, advertising has reduced. Yeah, I agree. One of the first costs companies reduce is advertising costs. When I think about my personal life, there may be individual differences, but we eat at home and buy fewer clothes. Because reducing our needs can be the fastest way to reduce costs. So, with these things... Corporations start to reduce ads resulting in tighter production costs. Then the broadcasters also reduce the number of their programs. So there are a lot of reruns these days. Yeah. - Because it's hard to start a new program. - Right. Because there are so many platforms and so much content to watch. It's competitive. It's the "Red Ocean." As the competition intensifies, broadcasters have to cut costs a bit. As a result, the number of programs is reduced. When a program shuts down, in the past, new programs competed. - Just to get that time slot. - You're right. There's no news about new premieres these days. They do a lot of reruns. Because they have to fill that slot with something. That's the reality now. Jobs are bound to continue to decline. Many experts have different opinions on whether it's a recession or not. We're not saying that we're in a recession, but something feels very unusual. Regardless, we have to work hard. Yeah, we have to work hard. If we do not prepare at this time, we cannot enjoy when the boom period comes. It's the flow. It goes up and down. Let's hear what Dr. Chang Hee has to say about the economy. As we know, everything goes up and down and repeats itself. - We're just going down at the moment. - Like a rollercoaster. We have to believe that it will go up again. Are you talking about the stock market? [Guilty] Is it the stock? [He's still in shock from before.] My stock performance is not good. I hope the viewers don't misunderstand. What do you think, Byung Jae? Since the global economy as a whole is in a downtrend right now, for our Engel's law... Yeah, the Engel's law. What is it? It's... It is the percentage of total expenditure on food. I think there may be changes to that percentage. There are various economic indicators such as Engel's law and such. In the past there was a Big Mac index. [The price of a Big Mac in each country converted to dollars.] The price of the Big Mac is compared around the world. Because many people eat Big Macs. So, I decided to cook more at home to cut down on food expenses in that sense. For me, I keep selling second-hand goods to save a little bit. [New topic of selling second-hand goods.] What have you sold so far? I sold a lot of my shoes. It feels great because I wear size 250. So the buyers that I meet have similar heights as me. I saw a lot of short people. Have you sold shoes? No, not yet. Try it, you'll meet a lot of short people like us. It feels great, I can relate to them. You must feel a strong connection. Yeah, I can feel it. Of course. So it encouraged me to sell more. I've been selling my stuff as well. What have you sold? I sold a lot of T-shirts and such. I never tried selling second-hand goods. Do you meet in them in person? You can meet them or just ship it. Don't they recognize you? Not at all. Not a single person recognized me. Nowadays, you can also place the item in front of your door. Then they just take the item and e-transfer the money. Many people prefer not to meet in person. I thought you'd be into this. I never tried it. I just give my things away. But I heard that it's fun. I'm not sure how to say it but it's not a necessary item anymore. There are lots. And I'd have thrown it away in the past. Not that I sell anything with no value. It feels like... I'm paying to clean out my home. I mean I'm being paid to clean out my home. So I enjoy it a lot. I recently sold a desk. - Really? - A big desk and a chair. What else? What was the biggest thing that you sold? I've sold sofa and table before. Really? I've sold many furniture. He's a professional! [Starts to look at his Karrot Market profile.] You have really good feedback from buyers. That's amazing! I respond quickly. You have good feedback as well. I never received negative feedback before. "On time!" "Quick to respond!" "Kind and friendly!" [His first time seeing the app.] So they can leave comments as well? You just select these. These are the comments they left. [The manner meter.] "Kind and friendly!" "Quick to respond!" "On time!" [Feels proud.] This person thanks you. Those are the comments they left. It feels good to hear that you have good feedback on the Danggeun Market. As they said in Kingsman, "Manners maketh man." It's true. Being well-mannered is very important in our daily lives. He's right. The most important virtues in human relationships is respect, courtesy, and consideration for each other. I gave one negative feedback in my recent transaction. What happened? I always give the other person good feedback. But this one time I was selling my shoes, and the buyer kept asking for my phone number. And that's unusual. He was so persistent and I obviously didn't tell him. At the day of meet-up, I arrived 5 minutes early. He messaged me that he'll be 10 minutes late. So I was generous enough to wait. But he messaged me again and ended up being 30 minutes late. When he arrived, he kept messaging in frustration and said he can't find me. [Everyone's into it.] And it turned out that he was inside a car on the opposite side of where we're supposed to meet. So I waved my hands and he was telling me to come over to him. - To his side? - Yeah, I walked over there. I showed him the shoes and that guy... In his bare feet.. He squeezed his bare feet in my shoes. If they don't fit him, I have to find another buyer. And I have to lower the cost! Calm down! Go easy. - I'd be angry as well. - You have the right to be mad. He should squeeze his bare feet after he buys them. When I buy shoes from the Karrot Market, I purposely put on clean socks. Or I'd ask for a size chart to avoid any hassle. But he had bare feet, pretty dirty actually. He was squeezing his feet causing wrinkles. He asked if they are true to size. And I said, yes. [It's getting more fun.] And he would loosen the shoestrings. I put it on sale for 60,000 KRW. But he said, "50,000 KRW." [What's wrong with this guy...] I thought to myself that I sell these for 50,000 KRW, I'm letting this guy walk all over me. - You shouldn't sell them. - I knew I shouldn't. Se Hyung's face is so serious. I didn't want to sell them anymore. I was all covered up so he didn't recognize me. Can you pretend you're the guy? "50,000 KRW!" "60,000 KRW..." - But he was persistent. - "50,000 KRW!" "60,000 KRW..." "50,000 KRW!" "60,000 KRW..." - "50,000 KRW!" - "60,000 KRW..." And he wouldn't give up. He said they that I put the price too high. Pretend you're the guy again. "You put the price too high. 50,000KRW!" "I put them up for a low price." [LOL] - I mumbled so he doesn't recognize me. - So you don't get recognized. He had to hide the fact that he was a celebrity. He can recognize you by your voice! Because... If he recognizes me... It becomes uncomfortable. It's over. - I have to sell them for 50,000 KRW. - Right. [If that was the case...] "No negotiation in the price." "Hey, aren't you Se Hyung?" "Hi!" Here, I'll sell them for 50,000 KRW. But I sold them for 60,000 KRW. So that's the story. Se Hyung has so many fun stories. That's hilarious. If I sold them for 50,000 KRW, I wouldn't be here today. Why not? Because I'd still be angry. I'd feel so mad [We are thankful that you could join us.] that I let him walk all over me. He makes this face when he's mad. That's not my face! [The second part of "Little Giants are an Excuse"] Now I have this question in mind. [will be uploaded on May 27th at 9 am KST] What kind of snacks should I take with me? Can you raise your hand please? - Me! - Jae Seok. We finished the topics on health and economics. Yeah. Honestly, the information I gave you is worth 300 million KRW. It's worth 300 million KRW. I taught you how to make deals. [Production: Cho Eunjin, Cho Soobin, Lee Eunsol] [Writers: Kim Songhwa, Kim Ijin, Jeong Chaehyu] [Audio Mixing: Cheongchun Sound] [Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 3,410,708
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Id: xForvQCUJB8
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Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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