Spray Paint Nail Polish?! WHY just why

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dying of debt I'm dying I'm dead hello hello hello everyone and welcome to story time with Christine I'm just kidding those are [ __ ] boring today we are doing something really really exciting testing out spray nail polish I know I'm like so late to this game because youtubers did this like eight months ago but but I have a valid excuse and that's because I live in Canada and they don't sell these here yet I actually drove all the way from Canada to the United States just for this did you know it's illegal to ship these products to Canada so I decided to put my criminology degree to good use and I smuggled them across the border ajan if I were on the show border security and the guards decided to stop me I'd be like ma'am are you bringing back any nail polish into the country no oh I have no idea what you're talking about these are really cold even though the spray [ __ ] has been reviewed to death already I'm gonna do one too anyways because you guys all asked for it like so many of you not really sure why because as far as I know these do not come in hollow now I've seen these reviewed before and I have learned how messy they can be because it's spray polish which means you go like this and the [ __ ] goes everywhere so therefore I'm going to take the necessary steps to protect myself you're right back gotta get protection alright then we're ready for murder I should probably read the instructions perfect polish application is only a spray away that's why they call me simply spray logical the paint can couldn't be easier to apply a perfect application of color in a few easy steps plus the hour I just spent prepping my room for Dexter apply a base coat I should probably take my gloves off oh yeah I can't really wear gloves when I do this can I and I use a peel off base coat though it doesn't say yes that means I can't not use one all right let's see if I can give you a dual action view well the fun going on today so you can study later and do this at home oh don't get it on the plastic all right that let that draft we recommend two in one top and base coat why would you ever recommend that that's like saying you recommend using two-in-one shampoo and conditioner and everyone knows that's [ __ ] step 2 shake the paint can and from a distance of 10 to 15 centimeters anyone ever ruler we strive for scientific excellence on this channel don't worry if you get it on your skin around your nails don't worry they say don't worry anybody are you ready oh thank god hopefully [ __ ] and we are safe to continue and even here we can't even hear myself that's why I'm yelling I can't wear this anymore I could never work in asbestos removal secondly earrings that's enough that allowed to dry for a few minutes done step 3 apply a topcoat we recommend two-in-one top and base coat you just said that not coat top coat here and buy 2 get your tacos really changes the way it looks though to add a topcoat guess I should do my other hand I'm too lazy to remove this nail polish so I'm just gonna spray on top of it Eddie friggin Diegans that mist okay I forget how bad that was yes the upside of this is that for people who can't paint with the opposite hand it's pretty easy to spray with your opposite hand like literally can't see out of these glasses pretty sure that they have paint on them it's top coat you up trouble is I just can't touch anything without getting paint all over it anyone notice how my middle finger is really crooked on my other hand it's a birth defect okay don't make fun of me Anna seems silly to have a spray polish but not a spray top coat and base coat I know I'm just being a smartass it's what I do best I leave my fingers like this it actually looks pretty cool it's like an avant-garde vogue photo shoot yes yes give me more oh that's the next step step four wash away any excess polish from the skin and cuticles and voila perfectly applied polish in a heartbeat I don't know how slow your heartbeat is but mine is a lot faster than the time it's taken you to just get to this that I was right there is pink [ __ ] all over my glasses that's why I can't see you see this right there and there and everywhere check me out hate washing my hands oh it's so weird [ __ ] my cuticles skip go get out back to the lab it's actually not that bad if you're a virgin oh I'm really liking this color combination that I created don't forget to credit me if you use my genius idea all that [ __ ] is in my cuticles for the next two weeks so I guess we've concluded that these can paint your nails much and you do nail art with them as there would be no point in nail polish if it can't be used for nail art it's now but idle time we're gonna use some Cyclone nail vinyls because you move your body like a cyclone could do it all night long anyone else remember that song okay protection engage again I'm gonna spray my nails the opposite color but since I don't really care to soak my hands in water why don't we just peel off the overspray like this was the obvious answer for this product all along what does that sound like dry simply feel dry ingredients I'm methyl or acetate is why psycho dough all about Europe cautions pressurized container may burst if he don't put this in the microwave if medical advice is needed a product container or label at hand I is there medical advice somewhere on here I don't see it keep out of reach of children and cats you forgot to add cats be careful min Chi you might turn into the Pink Panther us a warning why is there a different warning for the US shouldn't everyone be warned equally avoid spraying in eyes apparently Americans need to be told don't spray this in your eyes but Europeans don't warning this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer that's good that's great we're all gonna die anyway so might as well increase the chance of dying life spray painting our nail see under the bottle but doesn't say anything under there except for a date Oh to 2019 is that like the date of my death clock or something all right simply peel is dry it's time to get high I sound like a dying chipmunk oh [ __ ] I forgot I'm wearing a peel off a skull oh there you go see this is the right stuff just peel all the spray away that was my skin I'll peel off simply peel like no big deal you're off with me ah they said I couldn't save you but I said I could relieve no naked nail behind beautiful you know the real reason why I just put simply peel on because I really really really like peeling things you and there's so little overspray on me so these actually look way better than I thought that they would turn out but I do know what we can add to make them even better am I supposed to get to my nail polish about the hollow see if we just put on a hollow topcoat no one will notice the big chunks of my nail that are missing are fact so just add a quick dry top coat is we're gonna add nail I knows next oh we already did that step 2 hey mom you know what they say about people that can't come I don't know what they can to dip this together dad does break paint in the tub my hands are so dry from washing them so many times I feel so much better okay so here's my highly anticipated meaningful review it did actually apply pretty decently and it washed off as it said it would which I was honestly surprised by that I thought that I would be picking my skin for days good job guys good job but it still made a disaster zone out of my cuticles could have completely been avoided by just painting my nails the old-fashioned way with my hands in fact I find it pretty ironic how the premise of this product is that you only have to spray it on so you don't have to paint your nails with your hands but you do have to paint your nails with your hands twice top and base coat other reasons why I think this product is dumb I could have just simply peeled instead of washing my hands and making them all dry and crusty they don't come in hollow and I forgot to add the price these spray cans cost $12 us from Sephora or 10 pounds from nails ENCOM and if you listen to them and use it with the paint cans best friend who and one base and top coat and that's $20 for $20 you could have gotten two color Club hollows or you could have just gone to the salon and had them paint your nails one boring color and you wouldn't have spray mist everywhere it literally made a massive mess of pink [ __ ] everywhere and thankfully I decided to protect this room because if I didn't think ahead I would be pretty pissed that all my [ __ ] was turned paint all that and I almost died from inhaling the cancer apparently I was just blowing my nose and there's literally pink my boogers are pink I'm not a doctor but I don't think this is good okay okay okay I get it marketing moguls thought that well women can spray their hair with [ __ ] why can't they spray their nails with [ __ ] genius men you're so smart you get us so well you got to be honest okay this product is pretty gimmicky I wouldn't be surprised if it was sold on infomercials oh just to be clear I think the spray paint nail polish thing is pretty silly but I still like nails ink and everything else they do I'm told they were the first nail company to come up with this idea and it's definitely innovative and we got a respect forward thinking personally though I think that the next time I go to pick up some nails ink products I'll be shopping in their actual nail polish bottle section you know those ones with the brushes that go directly on your nail focus on the positive things Christine focus on the positive okay maybe this product is good for people who can't reach their feet to paint their toenails that just ignore the nail polish that I've had on for four years what's called look good pink frostbite yeah so I guess it's kind of smart to spray on your feet [ __ ] how am I gonna wash it off though how am I supposed to walk to the sink without making a pink mess everywhere I didn't think this through did I have a penguin and I got pink feet I don't Lee one pink yeah I need crashes someone taking it to the ER I have a pink foot I called this pink Toa situs the very serious medical condition oh no you can't see my hairy legs go away when you have no hands use your feet oh [ __ ] I I forgot to put the top coat on so it's not even staying on my toenails all that effort is wasted down the drain oh I'm never gonna use these again but I might as well make use of spray paint the way that most people make use of spray paint I just read the lines apologize please subscribe to my channel thanks bye we're not actual criminals guys or two knights whose why we're such good citizens
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 8,123,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, spray nail polish, spray polish, nails inc, spray can, polish spray paint, spray paint, nails inc.
Id: FjF3V_CzikY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2016
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