Spray Helicopter Puts On An Airshow At Our Family Farm

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel what do you think of the new look oh wait it's not complete yet hold on oh that's bright oh much better today is lining up to be an interesting and equally expensive day here on our farm for a multitude of reasons right now we have some equipment in the shop that's being worked on i believe it's going to be done this morning and i do need to bring it home so we are going to bolt into town real quick check and see if that's done if it is we need to bring it home bright and early before our nice and friendly sunlight turns all of our oil roads into molten lava there's nothing like the sound of picking up a million rocks and covering your tractor with road oil on the way home so we have to do it in the morning before we get too far along though make sure you hit that like button it helps me in the channel out a ton i am still gathering opinions on whether or not our 460 horsepower 4-wheel drive tractor will have enough under the hood to pull this nine shank inline ripper at least 12 inches deep at first glance it doesn't really appear like much but i think it'll pull harder than any other piece of iron on our farm especially if it's deep in the ground we do need to find a solution to that worst case scenario though i guess we run it as a five shank with both the outside twos folded up i just spotted something at the john deere dealership that i think might work a john deere 9620r about 30 percent more tractor than our 9460 yard yeah eight years newer do you think that would pull that ripper a little bit better it is certainly a nice machine but they sure are proud of their equipment john deere knows how to price them maybe if we're really convincing we can talk the boss into trading for that i think that's just wishful thinking though i'd love to run that for a day or a week or even a season i don't think i could even afford the tracks let alone the whole tractor they got a lot of combines in the shop getting them ready for harvest season just around the corner and there is our ride right there ready to go home it was in here getting new true v openers put on the old ones were about eight seasons old they were starting to warp a little bit get worn down and we figured they'd be a little bit more efficient at doing it than us so 32 new sets of true v openers later it's like a third of a way to a new planner fired right up time to take it home [Music] so that was a fun little drive down the road you get a pretty good view of the crop from up in a tractor cab this time of year sometimes that's good sometimes you'd rather just not see your crop at all we've got a little bit of both out here now we're going to be doing a little bit of an equipment shuffle we're going to be parking the soybean planter and a tractor back in the corner we're going to leave them attached because really that's all that 8285r does is plant no reason to go through the headaches next spring of rehooking it up it's going to go in that far back corner we have to move these tractors out and one of these pieces of equipment is actually scheduled to leave here in some indeterminate date in the future possibly the 9670. things must be pretty crazy in the manufacturing industry they delayed its replacement by three weeks it was supposed to be here last week and now we're looking at the beginning of august hopefully it's here before harvest okay let's get some of this stuff moved out you could do some real good crop scouting from this hopefully it starts screen's lit up that's a good sign fire up no problem at all let's do some shuffling the combine is bar none the worst thing to back out of the barn it's large it's cumbersome your visibility isn't great and you've got a large pipe sticking out the back next the new cornet is probably a good spot to park this u-u-u gun uh-oh someone better call the software engineer i think the program's messed up two more pieces of equipment move than what was intended program performance is above my pay grade just kind of the face guy here looks like it all ended up parked outside in a nice organized manner can't complain time to put this rig inside though once we get it in we will put the stops in on the hydraulic cylinders to keep the row units that are lifted up from leaking down and we also put some stops on the rear cylinders from the same thing happening just on the up and down lift getting the planter and the tractor flush against the wall is extremely difficult i'm on my like 20th try and on the 21st try we finally got it it's a little bit stressful i don't smoke cigarettes but after that i might consider one split row stops are in we're good to go well we can forget about this tractor for another year since we have the planner and now we can start rearranging everything putting it back in the barn i want to put the combine against the north wall but whoever is in charge here didn't have the foresight to not park it in with the rest of the tractor so jeff and i are going to move the 9460r and the 8310r then we're going to pull the combine in the barn you start getting my ladder work in for this fall combines a good place to train it's going to be a lot of green bins we could really cut down on a lot of space if we switch to a gleaner combine you really have a two for one machine harvest your crops plant your new crop they don't call them the silver seeders for nothing we're down to the last two machines to pull into the barn crank they see up in here we're cooking today mmm you can smell the soybean dust that's the smell of money this year the last piece of our jigsaw puzzle i'm pretty sure the only thing i do more in the summer than sweat is drive around and look at fields i probably put a thousand miles on my truck just looking at soybeans over the last couple weeks and probably taken a few years off of my life too it's been kind of hectic we ran into the exact problem that we foresaw we were trying to hit the bullseye of r3 on these soybeans and that was unexpected rain in very large quantities enough rain to keep us out of the field for 10 to 14 days which is not ideal when you're trying to hit r3 because r3 usually only lasts 10 to 14 days in the last video which was shot over two weeks ago we took a look at this field of soybeans right here a three seven extinflex bean and they weren't quite ready to be sprayed they were right on the cusp of our three well we really screwed the pooch on that one because we were waiting to get the rotator across them we're gonna wait a couple days and in that short couple of days we got three to four inches of rain about 75 to 100 millimeters for you crazy european folk it was not expected and not ideal now we thought we had a solution nutrient did have a helicopter service in the area we called them in about 10 days ago we saw the rain come in we said hey we get this on the book and be first on the list to get our field sprayed before anyone else as you could say that didn't quite pan out as expected i've been a little bit disappointed with the helicopter service we scheduled it about nine or ten days ago we were told that they were going to be there within four or five days that time period came they never showed up then it was going to be a couple days later then the helicopter broke down then the helicopter needs service then the helicopter had to go somewhere else and all of a sudden here we are with our beans not only are three but unfortunately are four you can see r4 is three quarters of an inch pod on any of the top four nodes we got one node two node three node on the third note we have well over an inch pod right there so we missed the target on this one of course we did miss the target in the right direction you'd rather be on the r4 side than the r2 side if you're too early you're looking about two bushels off of the top end potential if you're an r4 which is just a little bit too late you're looking at about one bushel now the reason we wanted to pay the premium for the helicopter was to gain that extra bushel out here between the amount the rotator runs over and the timeliness in the benefit of the r3 application we thought it was an easy decision now that we're at r4 though the helicopter is scheduled to be here in a couple days but the ground is also pretty firm the real question is do we wait for the helicopter spend the extra money or do we just send the rotator out here tomorrow because this field right here is actually i think solid enough that it would get across without making a mess not every one of our fields is this dry though we're gonna have to kind of take it on a case-by-case basis if it is wet and we won't be able to get out here for four or five days i think we will still end up using the helicopter it was actually supposed to be here today but nowhere to be found and our poor little bean leaves are subject to all of this disgusting insect mating or breeding or whatever they're doing ah we are still looking at a very good financial return to the fungicide application i just wish we would have gotten it done in more of a timely manner these extenflex beans do look extremely good gonna have a lot of pod sites yield potential is still high some water damage out in the field because we have had multiple events of excess rain although i would rather be in our position compared to the western corn belt where they're hurting for rain and it's extremely hot we aren't hurting for rain by any means and it's relatively mild 85 to 90 degrees that's pretty nice for summer usually it's closer to 100. our yield potential is high i don't think it was up where it was about a month ago just because of those two large rainfall events but we're still within i think 10 percent of what we had we'll see when the combines roll anyone care to guess if this helicopter will show up tomorrow leave a comment down below let me know if you think it will it was supposed to be here today and actually yesterday and the day before that so statistically it's not looking good we've gotta tag along hate to break it to you buddy but you would have been better off in the field it would be a little disingenuous of me not to mention the good news every single acre of our corn has been sprayed with fungicide as a matter of fact i think it's been done for close to a week now now i have heard from different retailers that due to all of this excess rain that the spray planes are 10 to 14 days out if you schedule it today or if you coincidentally happen to have a field next to a field that was scheduled earlier and uses the same product that will get you up in the list a little bit purely on coincidence now i wouldn't count your eggs before they hatch in that regards you never know when it's going to show up when it does though they cover the ground pretty fast it is bright and early on this nice thursday morning headed out to go scout some fields with the guy from nutrient and surprisingly i've seen three rotators running around the countryside just the north of where we farm so that's a pretty good indicator that we may be able to use a ground rig on a lot of our soybeans we're going to check a few acres out though we did an extensive amount of scouting this morning on all of our soybean acres that still need the fungicide applied and the conclusion that we're gathering other than the fact that it's already hot and humid is that all of the low areas out in our fields are still extremely damp to the point where they're almost too muddy to cross that leaves us with an issue where we either wait a couple days and use the ground rig or we just take advantage of the helicopter that we already have booked that is supposedly here today i've yet to see it so i'm not holding my breath on that i think we are just going to go ahead and apply it with the helicopter whenever he gets to it it's a little bit of an added expense but i think there is something to be gained about getting this fungicide and insecticide applied as early as possible speaking of application there's a plane somewhere nearby buzzing on some fungicide really close actually now that is a beautiful sight waterhemp going straight to hell courtesy of some 24d i hear a helicopter chopping around down there in the south somewhere maybe he's on his way i guess we'll see him when we see him that's the unfortunate part about working with these third-party aerial providers nothing against them it's a very hectic time it's probably been a wet dream for him this season we've had so much rainfall that an extraordinary amount of acres have been booked for their application services just because we couldn't get the soybean eggers applied with the ground rig now as it dries up they are going to lose a few acres here and there but their business is going to be on top of what it was last year i can guarantee that the crazy people are out and about bright and early this morning doesn't take long for them to stir up a noise around here [Music] you know a plane makes perfect sense it's aerodynamic it has lift it just needs propelled forward the helicopter though doesn't really seem like that logical of a piece of equipment it's like a refrigerator with two blades strapped to it one to lift it in the air and another one to keep it from spinning uncontrollably a rock collection is a pretty good place to view this at this is our neighbors field not ours they pay the bill we get the entertainment i can definitely smell the insecticide so i'm gonna leave i don't think i should hang around here for too long i don't want to get crop dusted i won't have to worry about lights though shuffling the tractors around again today i parked them in the wrong order this four wheel drive needs to be in the middle and that one needs to be against the north wall the reason being is that it has a full tank of fuel and that combine has a full tank of fuel and let's just say that they're not going to be on the farm much longer and we probably don't want to send 350 gallons of diesel fuel to the dealership because they're not going to give us that much in return just a quick little switcheroo if dad can make up his mind tight fit the naked eye it's not gonna look like anything changed in here fuel tank for those tractors right there fuel tank for the combine is right behind that panel should be easy work for the fuel man at home on my lunch break and i got a new camera lens let's see how it looks this is o'malley on the old lens and this is o'malley on the new lens equally as needed i have yet to see or hear any signs of the helicopter he's still not at our farm anywhere at all they told us down in nutrient that we are loaded onto their trucks to tinder the sprayer truck i guess we'll see him when he shows up if that's today maybe tomorrow hopefully it's today though i'll keep in touch with you guys next time we tune in there should be a helicopter in the sky i just climbed up on top of one of our bins at our white shed bin site because there is a white shed here as the name implies just to kind of see what we're dealing with out here in terms of water damage from all of this rainfall the corn crop actually looks relatively good the beans on the other hand have definitely seen some stress we'll take a look at that right now right behind the farm here we've got a couple hundred acres of beans you can really see where the water's taking a toll on them all those lighter green spots have stuff what is that oh my gosh speaking of the devil he comes i want the record to note that that was purely coincidence i had no idea he was coming here right now i was actually up here to check out our crop a little bit and see all this smog or haze from the wildfires out west or at least that's what they're telling us is causing it it's pretty impressive though to see all this the helicopter is wrapping around the farm right now i think he's gonna get to work trying to decide where he's gonna start landed way over there on top of their truck in someone's corn field so either he's coming to spray our beans or he's still spraying someone else's corn the airplane is relatively easy to predict this helicopter i have no idea what he's going to do next i thought he was about to line up and spray that because he circled the farm twice and then he left and headed back south maybe that was just a weird coincidence not that he was actually trying to look for this farm back onto the topic at hand for the time being our corn has been much less affected by all this rainfall you can see we've got a couple hundred acres of beautiful rolling dark soil here and the corn looks rather phenomenal there's a few low spots out there where the water kind of traverses to get to grade other than that though i think it's in pretty good shape in probably three weeks or so we'll be able to go out there pull some ears and get a very good estimate of what the crop is going to make ultimately though you really have no idea what's out there until you run the combine crops can look great and yield poorly or crops can look poor and yield great pandora's box oh he's coming back i'll be damned the downforce from his propellers actually just shook the bin that is one advantage of the helicopter versus the plane all of that propulsion they're putting downward will drive that product into the canopy the plane has some degree of this off of the back wings it directs it down a little bit but the helicopter is putting a lot of power downwards he's lining up right now to start spraying let's go take a look [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] eh [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] trying to change now that i've witnessed the helicopter in person i'll definitely put it at number one in the list in terms of coolness especially versus the spray plane turning that thing on the end is sharper as quickly as they do has to feel like riding a roller coaster not that i'm terribly experienced with any discipline of aviation but i know next to nothing or very little about helicopters i had the pleasure of going up to the loading truck where they land every time to top off and talk to the crew there and it was fascinating that is one of the major differences between a helicopter and a plane a plane has to go back to the airport to load whereas the helicopter can find the nearest area without power lines to land on top of its tender truck they said that this helicopter was the smallest one on the heli team crew which is the outfit we're using out of orlando florida and jacksonville illinois they run eight or nine helicopters one of which is a huey i was really hoping it was gonna show up they said it was off doing something else supposedly it can spray six thousand acres a day if everything goes right which is very impressive and probably very expensive whoever they're spraying for the helicopter that was spraying for us though was holding 80 to 90 gallons of product he was applying it at 2 gallons per acre so at any given time he could go 40 to 45 acres on one tank he'd fly back to the truck which was usually a mile or two away he'd land and within 120 seconds he'd be back off the ground side note i did not realize how much force those helicopters put down and some of that footage i'm sure you could tell i was a little shaky i was struggling to brace and hold the camera steady to compensate for all of the wind that thing was putting out not only were they carrying a tiny amount of product to the field each time they said that they were running on relatively low fuel when they're putting in product they also topped off the fuel tank just a tiny bit to keep their weight as low as possible it was a really neat experience to watch whether or not it's better than the airplane i mean the helicopter can get into tighter places it cost us a little bit more per acre to use and we'll never really know if there is an agronomic benefit versus if we had done it with a plane it was definitely sweet to watch though we did make one mistake behind me we forgot to turn in a field for the helicopter about 10 days ago i'm sure we could have added to the list but we wanted a little bit of a comparison so we did use the ground rig out here it was relatively dry and you can see behind me exactly what we don't like about the ground rig two rows of snap beams every 120 foot it is very difficult to quantify whether or not this disturbance out in the field will cost us one bushel per acre to kind of make up that gap in financial difference between the helicopter and the ground rig and you really cannot argue that the ground rig will not get better coverage it is both lower to the ground running on full auto guidance and applying 15 gallons per acre of carrier volume so we can guarantee that almost every single leaf out here had plenty of coverage although the amount of downwash coming off of those propellers on the helicopter probably penetrated the canopy pretty well even with just two gallons per acre oh and i completely forgot to mention if you hadn't noticed i'm wearing a different t-shirt the helicopter did not get to our farm until maybe an hour before sunset and then it sprayed maybe half to two-thirds of the day today on us and finished up if you're concerned about my outfit change that's why also check out this sweet decal hat thanks nutrient the helicopter was definitely the peak of our excitement for the day though i do have some good news our semi which we took down to rush truck centers about a week ago is done it was the 9200 that i drive with the automatic transmission that was constantly acting up they said they fixed it i'm not going to hold my breath on that one because it has had problem after problem after problem i think you'd call it a lemon to be frank we took it down to rush truck centers in effingham versus our local mechanic because he was struggling to fix the problem nothing against our local mechanic but he does not see the volume of automatic transmissions that this massive truck store down in effingham does i think they had like 27 service bays so a pretty impressive outfit i do think they span across the united states i'm sure if you're familiar with trucks you know rush truck centers and unless you're there for truck sales it's never good if you're there dad's going to taxi me down real quick i'm going to bring this truck home fingers crossed i'm just on the north side of effingham as we speak so i haven't really driven that many miles so far this 10 speeds running relatively smooth no complaints other than the fact that there's no air conditioning in this truck obviously the boss's priorities were only keeping the truck running down the road not operator comfort and convenience i'm not going to complain much because usually it's not 90 degrees outside in human when i'm driving right now i don't have the windows down purely because i'm filming once this camera's off though i can assure you that i will put it back down it looks like it's ready to be done because it's drifting away on me all right we're back in center the one thing i will say rush truck centers where this was being serviced at is a very big chain of truck dealerships some of you in the midwest may be familiar with them and even in the southern side of the country the big problem that they're running into like most other industries from talking with the service tech is that they cannot get parts in the shortages of supplies and parts from the manufacturers are good for no one service companies cannot get these trucks fixed and back on the road so they can't complete their job efficiently and the customers of those companies cannot keep these trucks rolling long enough to do their job and haul their freight which in turn slows down the manufacturers of other industries we really have a full circle problem here in the us and really across the country a combination of issues with coveted unemployment and some longer-term supply problems across the world here's a tractor and planter we've got to make sure we throw on the wave got to be friendly around here we are seeing this on our own farm from the price and supply of replacement park for our tractors to the delay and production of new equipment we have a combine on order and they've already pushed it back three weeks so we're kind of waiting to see when it's going to show up it was scheduled for early july now it's early august if it gets pushed back into early september we may not have it for harvest the one thing that we will never do though is let a piece of equipment go before we have the replacement of course we'd like to have this brand new combine for harvest but we do not count our eggs before they hatch meaning that we won't let the 9670 go until the new s series combine shows up i can't keep this conversation going on any longer it is blistering hot here in this truck we're gonna put the windows down enjoy our ride that's nice someone's spending some money on some tile it ain't cheap right now they must take fridays off it's not fixed i just had to get right next to home 30 minutes later to figure that out i'm starting to think maybe somewhere like down in louisiana or something someone has a voodoo doll of this truck and just every now and then they mess with the transmission i'm not entirely sure that it just acted up but that was similar to what has been happening over the last year so it's making me lean to the point that i don't think it's fixed not gonna be my problem though i'm a green car driver in the fall ah the joys of owning equipment it's always something isn't it well at least on the bright side we do have some new equipment coming in so we can look forward to that our crop is right around the corner it's slowly maturing we're maybe six to seven weeks out from starting harvest optimistically speaking we are definitely going to have some entertaining and informative content in the pipeline so make sure you hit that subscribe button like the video if you enjoyed it and as always comment down below if you have any questions thank you all for tuning in peace you
Channel: aTrippyFarmer
Views: 50,243
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: spray, spray plane, spray helicopter, farming, farm life, farm vlog, farmer, combine, agriculture, corn, tractor, illinois, deere, seed, drones, a trippy farmer, atrippyfarmer, vlog, farming simulator, millenial, farmingvideos, john deere, tractor video, farm, farming videos, tractor stuck, thisll do farm, cole the cornstar, barn, farming videos for kids, heavy equipment, equipment, tractors, harvest, tillage, farms, how farms work, spring, farming simulator 19, soybean, soybeans, usa farming, fs19
Id: tSLg4p7A_YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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