Abandoning The Crop?

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are you wearing my shirt uh  why are you wearing my shirt good morning everybody we're heading out to  the field again storm wasn't too bad we might   have gotten 1500 to two tenths around the farm  up north could have been as much as a third of   an inch up north i don't know about much hail  but i think the crops because there wasn't a   lot are probably about ready to harvest again so  we're gonna head over and start uh pulling those   peas off the ground see how far we get not a lot  left of good peas and then uh and then we're into   the hailed stuff so it'll be a lot of scrape and  then so we'll see how it goes i've been thinking   about it and i understand there's reasons why  they don't but wouldn't that be cool if they   could design a combine where the cab sat over  the header or at least right up in front of it   i mean as right now i've got great visibility  i'm not saying it's bad and i guess sitting back   you don't have to pan as far with your head  because your back and your peripheral vision   is there but if i was up over the header man  i'd be able to spot rocks a lot easier and it'd   be really fun to be able to watch the crop come  in just looking straight down at the cutter bar   but i know in court country that won't work so  good so gotta make one combine fit everything   all right let's do a quick crop check let's see  if we're getting all the peas out of those pods   so this is what i just went through i  can see it's definitely more straw the   rotor is not chopping all this up which means  there's some moisture in it so i'm looking for   is pods that have peas in them still it's hard  to judge because there's peas on the ground   on the stuff that we didn't harvest from the rain  so this stuff is i feel a little bit of moisture   in it still just a little bit of moisture  and when these pods dry i might open up and   drop peas on the ground that's just the trouble  with peas is you got to get them harvested   as soon as they're ready otherwise they'll  start to shell and some of them have already   i don't see any pods in any of the  straw that has peas left in them so   i think we're good to go just keep rolling  hmm oh i'm going back at the shop not good   i swapped leg arms go at lunch he ran it and  out of nowhere all of a sudden large vibration   alarms go off straw chopper alarm says about  running we sat and looked and looked at a turn   everything and turned and looked at looked  out and turned everything and inspected and   finally determined that there must be  bearings going out in the straw chopper   somewhere up on this side so yeah this vibrates  so aggressively that it shakes the belts off   when it's running you can't hear the bearings  click or it's not hard to turn when you try   to turn the straw chopper by hand but something  clearly is not good either the straw choppers vent   from rocks which is weird because you didn't  have a rock go through when it happened or   the bearings are shot but we gotta start  pulling apart to investigate so here we go all right i just got back and get the parts  my arms wasn't here so i just finished the   job for him oh hey there he is oh wow  that was so easy it just slid right off   oh you can see it yeah it's a shot it's shot  you got to see my tool i made you're gonna laugh   it worked really good though  don't judge me what do you think i call it my my rebar chisel thing okay  it was a really good idea though it worked   it works all right let's see if it's right  one of you yeah that is definitely not the   right one what's going on here this  one's a lot bigger opening see that this one's got a keyway or no that's that's the way it's  i think it's just an updated one   hopefully it's updated because they're closed  now so after doing a little bit digging   this is the right bearing it's just the  upgraded bearing i remember i think at   the end of the 230 series into the 240  series that's the 8240s 7240s all that area   they went to a larger bearing on the scratch  hopper this has the original smaller bearing   so we just got to modify because the bolts went  in the top on this one and on this one they go   in the back from behind and we don't have the  right length bolts because it's a different   so we're going to take the old  boats and cut them down to size so i see you putting the nut  back on it before you cut it down   are you wearing my shirt uh why are you wearing my  shirt i climbed on the combine when dad plugged it   i dumped the trucks while you filled it so we're eating right i'm putting the nut  back on because when i cut them down i want   to make sure that i can clean the threads out  because otherwise trying to stud and start a nut   on the bolt that you cut can be challenging  so i will show you real quick hold on okay   there is the difference that i'm trying to cut a  little bit shorter but the nut goes on fairly well   there we go perfect yeah see it's easier to  run a net off because it already has threads   and it'll help mold the mangled threads to  match the existing threads so then they'll   thread it out make sense or you can get a thread  chaser but where's that a die die fred chaser the reason we're doing this is because i  didn't know that the new bearing was different   so i didn't ask for the new bolts  that would bolt the new bearing up   so when we got back the parts store is already  closed can't go back to get the right bolts we   have bolts that'll work they're just too long so  that's what we're cutting them down nick i don't   know if you should be wearing that shirt employee  of the month why not uh you just explained to me   that you basically screwed up so i deserved the  shirt i wasn't driving the column when it broke   you you can wear the shirt  i was eating potato chips all right i think we got it so he's gonna pull  it forward he's gonna hit the go switch and we're   going to see if it turns over like it should it  doesn't shake itself apart variant on the other   side looked good we spun it spotted spun it's  about all the variants that were there they all   seemed fine so i guess we'll just keep an eye on  them if they start to vibrate change them out too he's a little dirty it was raining i was  splashing metal over him but i'm not going   to wash him now it's going right back to  the field a little all right here we go oh it's stopping them all right we'll back it up i  kind of got a feeling the sensor   that counts the revolutions of the chopper shaft  is uh got problems maybe it got hit when the   steering was going out or something and it  looked damaged but it won't let it engage it   says chopper speed too slow or too low and then  it shuts it off immediately well so a little   more investigating but we got the bearing fixed  it was definitely bad so we're making progress sensor did get hit the flight arm just took it out  and the end of it is banged up so it's saying that   the speed's slow cause this sensor is no good so  we gotta get a new one somehow when it shuttered   when the bearing went out it clipped this which  was good because then the combine quit running   because i thought the straw chopper was plugged  and not turning which if it would have said it was   kept turning we would have kept running it that  worn out bearing would have kept getting worse   and would have probably started a fire so we lost  a sensor but possibly saved a combine in a field   but big brute didn't get a fight of  fire so to live another day i guess well we finished up the acres that uh were  salvageable of the peas that didn't get hail   now i'm in the stuff that did get  hail and we're trying to decide   where do we where do we call it quits draw  the line i'm in something right now and i've   got zero bushels coming in so as of right now i'm  losing money right in this column line across this   so we'll probably jump over there's one  more field that might be okay might have   40 to 80 acres of crop on it and then from then on  it's gonna be just basically playing this game of   driving around the heavily hailed p ground  and then just deciding is it good we move   on to the next one all right or should we  just cut it because right now as you can see so i want to show you guys something real quick  see this screen right here looks like a normal map   doesn't it well there's something cool going on  here you zoom in you can see there's a white arrow   that white arrow is me and up here is my dad and  this is everything that he's harvested and that's   what i've harvested because technically right  now our combines are sharing data through this   modem right here so we're accusync enabled it's  a new system from case ih with the af-s connect   portal so all this data between the two commands  being shared between the combines and it's being   uploaded to the cloud where i can access it  through my app or the portal on a web browser   so i can see where he's harvested where i've  harvested i can see the moisture the yield   and then we can share other data like all the  field information so when i go to a field i   start a new job i select the farm the unit the  type of crop i hit go it starts it his combine he   searches and pops up and says hey would you like  to join the job that nick created he joins it now   he has all the same information in his combine and  it's all being logged correctly so in this field   we have a wheat problem i don't know what happened  but i might have missed spraying this field when i   was spraying down the sulfetrazone so it's a mess  but under those weeds is actually some decent peas   but up on the hilltop up here where leg arms is  the bee spine he's only got like three bushels   an acre because that's where the hail storm went  through this feels like a mile long or so almost   and the hailstorm went through the middle of it  so yeah it's kind of hit and miss so they're just   going in circles trying to find whatever  piece i can and then we'll call it move to   the next one we've been challenged through these  p acres and this is the hailed stuff right here   there's literally zero bushels an acre in  that uh we're probably gonna abandon about   300 acres in this area of yellow peas uh it's  just not even worth dragging the header through   uh we've been we've been kind of calling about  three bushels an acre anything below that's just   hardly paying for itself but you're just you're  beating the combines up run a rock's room that   it's one rock worth of damage can take a hundred  acres or three bushel peas and throw it out the   window because the damage is that you gotta pay  to fix the combine so it's a tough call but he's   gotta do what you gotta do we're moving on to the  next one though we'll see what that one's like part of dad's real bro he doesn't run it but it's   one bad it's flipping around it's uh doesn't  have the mechanism to make it go straight   he's just doing some test cuts in this area  to see if this is worth cutting uh b spine   is down on the other end we'll check that out  too i think the hail went right through this   this field's a mile long i don't know good  500 yards wide and i think the whole thing   stripped i was hoping a little more in this  area but it's not looking promising i think it's   the shells are just they're all opened up so  these are gone so what's gonna happen is we'll   we have the adjuster who's way behind because  there's so many claims right now in the area   he's gonna come out in about a week and then we'll  drive them around the whole farm and show them all   these acres and the areas that we did harvest  some peas off we left test strips or check   strips or inspection strips adjustment strips  uh that then he can walk around and do plant   counts pod counts count the peas on the  ground and get an idea what was in that   field strategically and they'll be able to account  for the whole field and will pay out accordingly   like this field that's all worthless out there  for that you know 150 200 acres right there   well he has a whole field to check and they'll  go from end to end and they'll know that the   whole thing got hailed so that's how that works  and then they'll come with an estimate and if it   meets our 50 bucks an acre that we took out on  it which isn't a lot we'll get paid 50 an acre   if it's like 80 of that then we get paid 80 of 50  an acre which is what 40 is an acre so looks like   there's pods though i'm looking at i see pods on  those plants but i think they're just shelled out   there's something in this field right here oh  look at him go look at him go that's a big skunk look at that stinky skunk oh he does not  like me well guys that's it we called it   p harvest 2021 is officially over now we gotta  wait for spring meet to be ready and we're   thinking probably a week and a half so we got some  time to tune things fix things five finger from   maywest on the reel worked really good like that a  lot i'm going to check out the skid plates on the   bottom of the headers we've been dragging headers  for like 2 000 acres so we'll see what that looks   like in a second i left some of the original  mcdonald's in there too so i can compare the two   but we were just trying to cut everything  we could possibly find and we finally just   decided you're not paying for the operation  of the combine to drive over the field   why be in it then leg arms started cutting trees  down where we come to this is just out of control you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 289,673
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: dxBlE3rwVwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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