Spray Foam Insulation for Metal Buildings & Quonsets

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hello it's Michael Aspray Jones and I'm gonna go over doing retrofit to metal shops metal buildings here recently we finished up a Kwanza building it's all metal construction and I thought I'd just quickly take you through it and give you some of the pointers that we do and what we look out for this isn't going to be an exhaustive how-to usually on metal buildings you're on a retrofit and what I mean by retrofit is that the building was constructed and the owners have used it for a number of years and they never had an intention of having it insulated if the building is being built and they are hiring you to put spray foam insulation on then there's a number of things that you need to consider and the building needs to have termination points for where the spray foam is going to be and mainly that is the doors so your overhead doors and your personnel doors need to have hard fixed terminations around the frames because your spray foam insulation is going to be built on the surface of the of the metal inside and since it's not wood frame construction and there's not a rough opening for the door it's a metal frame construction you're gonna need to have something to stop the foam from going towards the edge and bring the edge oh so we've got a number of ways of doing that and that's something that you need to consider so you have to build stops around your overhead doors you have to build stops around your personnel doors and any other areas such as the overhead door openers the other thing that you're going to need to do on a retrofit is make sure that the electrical items are off the wall so if they have if they've gone and put switches and plugs and those things are just screwed to the wall well they're going to be a real problem if you put spray foam around them there's no spray foam behind it so an electrical outlet for instance will get frosty in very cold climates and it'll be a problem and then you'll have water and you'll have condensation in the electrical outlet so that's a big big no-no so electrical items that are hard fixed to the outside of the building to the outside walls need to be removed off they have to they have to be spaced off now most people are smart this way and they will mount electrical and conduit Inge and cabling on some sort of a track system so that you can get the spray foam behind it but that's not always the case so you have to watch for that you have to make sure that you can get the spray foam behind everything washing down the building the building has been sitting for a while it's got grease it's got dirt it's got sediment of some sort know if it is clean and not not bad you can go over top of it you can take your chances and go over it but if it has been sitting for a very long time especially the suit sit from buses and tractors and machinery equipment and stuff like that it's been in a large building you're gonna have to watch it because that film gets on the inside of the metal and it doesn't look like much but it can dis bond your foam so a lot of times that means a power wash where you're gonna come in you're gonna use some pressure washer and you're gonna use something like a trisodium phosphate in the water get the building washed down completely if it is galvanized or a galvalume type product galvanizing especially with the zinc you have got to prime do not scrimp on doing a primer I had I had a guy one time phoned me up he was getting a three or four different prices and all of the other spray foam companies said that they did not need a primer on a galvanized building and I I said to the guy you're absolutely flat out wrong I don't know what to tell you zinc absolutely needs to be primed and I mean on that job it was like fourteen fifteen hundred bucks and we ended up not getting the job he ended up believing the other guys and frankly I'm in some ways hoping that the foam didn't stick very well for them I know it's not a nice thing to say but you know it's you got to move on sometimes painted steel is good painted steel means the metal has been washed down it's received a primer coat or paint coat and as long as you're don't have any grease or build-up on it or dust then you're good to go when you get into cooler weather springtime fall you have to watch your metal building for condensation nighttime gets cool goes down to three four five degrees above zero and then daytime the Sun comes up starts to warm the building up you're gonna have a little bit of moisture one time I had a metal building that I was doing and you could hardly see the moisture film it was you had to run your fingers across the metal and then your fingertips were wet but to site you actually could not see it and we would start spraying along and everything would be going great and then you'd hit this patch along the roof that had the condensation and just boom the foam would just peel right off the roof just crazy it was easy it was it was just freaking me out it the first time that I saw it but I realized very quickly whoa there is a very thin film of moisture in that situation the building wasn't being heated so what we ended up having to do was just wait until the Sun came out and was a sunny day and warm things up and burned that moisture off so if you're going to be in cold weather climate more than likely you're gonna have to heat the building heat and warm the building up if you do this your yield on your foam is going to be much much better if you are into cold weather climate like April May depending on where you are in the US or Canada it can be warm out but if the building is cool you can take a hit of a minimum of 10% on your on your spray foam usage and sometimes as high as 20% so you just really need to be careful on watching that you're gonna be getting a good yield on the foam and the fastest way is it's better to go through a couple hundred bucks or the diesel-fuel on heating the building up then then a hundred to a thousand dollars extra on foam you've got to watch the tight areas you've got to watch if there's an electrical panel if there's duct work if there's gonna be heaters hanging metal buildings that are 100 percent metal pre-engineered you're gonna have to put some support structures in to the end of the building to allow for them to hang cabinets or do work benches or put a hoist in or something like that so all of that planning has got to be done ahead of time you got to make sure you get the spray foam behind it once the spray foam has been placed in then you're gonna have to be putting some sort of protective coating on now if they're not doing metal framing such as this or a wood framing such as this building then you're gonna need to go with something that allows you to a paint on products so you can do a flame spread coating which would be an acrylic elastomeric which will give the ignition and flame spread protection or you can go with a full-blown intumescent fire proofing check your area for what is going to be legal and necessary if you're just on a farm building or out in the country somewhere in intumescent doesn't need to always be the one you go with you can go with an acrylic elastomeric something that the owner can pressure wash and clean over time but if you're inside certain jurisdictions where the building code and the fire marshals and everything you're going to need to go with something more expensive there's no point in messaging me and ask me what we used on this one because every single jurisdiction is different you're gonna have to check your areas there's a whole host of products out on the internet now do your research do your homework you know check with your local authorities to see what is gonna be approved and what you want to put on and what you'd need to put some sort of a top coat over top of the phone to protect it from ultraviolet and it protect it from fire and protect you from liability and frankly I think it makes the job look a whole lot better so these jobs can be done well get them heated up get them primed and the phone will go on and you can not have issues and it'll stick and turn these buildings into a into a great useful structure one closing thought is that the money that they spend on the foam is a lot of times a lot cheaper and building a whole new building so they can take an existing building that they set up 30 years ago and for ten twenty or thirty thousand dollars get it spray foamed and coated and they've got a fully functional warm shop and they can't even begin to build a building for that much that would be arriving to them pre insulated so it's a really good way to go if you like this content click the subscribe buttons click the like share this with somebody else and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Spray Jones
Views: 30,369
Rating: 4.936255 out of 5
Keywords: Regina, 306, Walltite, Saskatchewan, SprayFoam, Homeinsulation, warmhome, homefoam, commercialfoam, betterinsulation, rightway, BASF, newsolutions, foamyourhome, nomorebatt, foammaster, sask, YQR, reginasprayfoam, sprayjones, bestinsulation, betterway, newway, foamit, newconstruction, commercialconstruction, ventornovent, atticventilation, nonventedroof, spfroof, sprayfoamroofing, hotattic, hotroofing, fiberglasssucks, wetbatts, wetglass, airleakage, badvapourbarrier, wetwalls, frostinwalls, Quonset, Shop, Metalbuilding
Id: DvHYGh7L6R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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