DIY Quonset Hut Home- Steelmaster FAIL

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morning everybody it's jimmy from central florida i want to catch up on where i'm at right now and i need to tell you a story about what's going on and i hope you stay with me because there's a lot of good information i'm going to share with you and uh some of it's positive some of it's negative but i think i'm going to give you the whole story and not just a one-sided piss-off opinion anyway uh i dropped videos a couple i had five arches up and then i had 29 arches up that was back late october it took me about a week to get 29 arches up and so uh here's the follow-up video and that's and you'll understand why i didn't post any more videos after i tell you this story uh and if you hold stick with me to the end i'm gonna have some good points especially if you're a diy person like i am and i'm gonna have uh opinions about certain things some positive some negative they're my opinions you can take it or leave it but i'm here to tell you what i can prove what i'm about to share with you and you make your own decision anyway if you don't want to stick through the box to the end of this whole thing i'll tell you bottom line up front i do not recommend steel master for anything i say again i do not recommend steel master or anything you'll understand why if you just keep listening so about a year and a half ago my wife and i wanted to build something i wanted something different so i started looking at shipping containers i'm not a welder they bring their own set of challenges kind of scrap that idea and a neighbor of mine had mentioned on the occasion about quonset huts so i start looking at kwanzaa huts i'm like wow this is kind of cool something i can do so got interested started looking around you know filled out the you know poor steel master pops right up 70 off everybody wants a deal right so i'll fill out the pain get the sheet with a 70 off wood you don't post any prices it's a way to generate leads people come home i did it i wanted a i wanted a kwanzaa hut i was anxious and so i did it got the sheet got the phone call long story short we ended up buying a 40 wide 60 long 16 foot at the peak 22 gauge rated for florida all that good story anyway so get that purchase we get passed off to the after sales specialist whatever it's called and her name is courtney pritchard and you're on this site courtney i hope you enjoy this video share it with your friends too by the way so uh now back to those that are looking for or planning to do things the structure is one purchase the windows and doors openings the back wall the garage door open anything else that you add base plates guilty anchor bolts all those are add-ons that you tack on after you've purchased this i mean if you do it all as one package and you've got that kind of planning great we bought the building and then decided hey we want this we want this we want this you know add add add whatever million different ways to do it that's the way we ended up doing it so now we've got our 40x60 windows where we want on each side a side door out the kitchen everything's good to go get those blueprints we're rocking and rolling well i went up to nebraska for six months to work for fema on a project early earlier this year you know they throw steel master throws out a message about hey you know buy four or five arches and you can add to your current building like you know if we added five more arches that give us 10 foot then we could have an overhang for a porch call courtney up hey we want five more arches no problem jimmy will make it happen good to go courtney i have no problem with anything you've done in this process by the way i just want you to know that so um got to redo the blueprints okay no problem couple weeks we get the blueprints back send them to my structural guys they do all of their final touches i send it over to the county we make a couple of edits get my county uh get my building permit we're ready to get hot i'm out here building now it's october 17 18 19 somewhere in there you know drilling holes putting in base plates sealing all that mess got that done and then to build this thing i recruited five guys from locally and to pay them cash money every day to come out here and help me build this thing i'm not some fancy crew like josh merrill and danny forbes and those guys i'm a do-it-yourself guy that's the way i do business now uh i'm building a home in georgia stick home right now i'm 80 done and now i'm working on this during the winter because it's too cold to work up there so uh i got hired help helping me put this thing up so we got five arches up it took about a day and a half to do that and then after about a week we had 29 arches up so we're 85 or so done with this structure 29 arches out of 35 total for a total of 70 feet and uh i woke up about 4 o'clock on the 28th of october thinking this is not right it's not right and so i got up and how can i figure this out so i got my my 40x60 plans out and my 40x70 plans out and there's the problem steel master engineers put those extra five arches on the back side of the structure the rear elevation if you will if you're reading blueprints correctly instead of the front elevation which is where i wanted it i wanted a front porch 10 extra foot so i text courtney she calls me back get the plans out oh yeah they're wrong okay note to this date and today is the night area 18th of october and to this day or 18th of december sorry and to this day nobody from steel master and i've talked to at least three different people from that company has said jimmy we screwed that up our plans that we gave you are wrong no one has said that to me yet by the way anyway uh so courtney gets it she makes phone calls emails texts whatever now remember my story i got i got dudes out here every day i'm paying cash money every day to help me build this thing so we're 29 arches into this project and guess what we gotta do now you gotta take it apart back to the sixth arch so i could put my windows in where they're supposed to go and all the reinforced panels that go beside them put my door on the kitchen where it's supposed to go bottom line as you can see behind me we've got all that done now and i've started framing the front wall so um what i want to tell you is uh due diligence if you're a diy person every how many versions of blueprints and mess that you get you better check every one of them i'll take that responsibility i didn't check that last set of prints when they came back uh from steel master before i sent them to structural engineers who didn't catch it the county who didn't catch it so who am i to think this thing's all screwed up no i got the county permit i'm hot i'm i'm out here working so again i accept that that i didn't i didn't do my due diligence as an owner uh as a diy person to make sure that those plans were exactly like they're supposed to be i accept that i do not accept the fact that nobody from steel master wants to admit that they're wrong number one and two is they need to make it right and i've told the head of customer service that at least twice maybe three times every time where are you at on this jimmy the same place i've been every time i've talked to you before man this is what i need for y'all to make this right now where i grew up and where i come from in a man's world you make things right if it's screwed up for example the property that i'm standing on right now my neighbor behind me was getting ready to sell his started a brush fire jumped the fence burned 80 percent of my trees on my five acres of land here i called him up and by the way uh the forestry service the county fire service i mean it was a big deal i wasn't even here i was up in nebraska got back home saw it called the guy said hey man this is a problem it's a safety issue all my trees are dead and guess what he made it right and if you're a man in a man's world you know what that means you make things right seal master you have not done that to date i've been going on two months now almost with you and every time you call it just ask me the same thing where yet on this jimmy well i'm right here i'm out here working you know hands cut up everything else burning bolts because i had to take all this thing apart to make it right like it's supposed to be and still no feedback i haven't heard from you like three weeks now so again my bottom line up front and i'll state it again steel master i wouldn't recommend you to build a chicken coop okay now let's let's assume for a second all else being equal all these different companies out here are selling galvanized corrugated steel panels that's all it is so if everything's equal and you just got different companies trying to find ways to get your business how are you going to set yourself apart you're going to do that through customer service i would bet you it's just like a car dealership everybody's selling cars so what makes you different it's through the customer service okay courtney you've done a good job i appreciate your help i understand where you at but obviously i'm not happy and i'm not pleased and i hope everybody watches this video and understands where i'm coming from and i'm going to post the pictures of the two pictures the 40x60 and the 40x70 and you'll see it again i take that on i didn't i didn't check it close enough that's on me but the plans are still wrong i figured it out i fixed it any extra room i had in my budget got blown because i had i had to have help to do this you know we need a house to live in like everybody else does it's it's it's disappointing it really is i mean i could be the biggest advocate and ambassador for steel master steel master that you ever had but unfortunately i'm going to be be the biggest opponent of your company in your reputation that you could ever find it's a disappointment and if i was the owner of this company who i think called me and left the message on a friday evening i returned his call the next day still hadn't heard back from him if i were you sir i would take a good look in the mirror and ask am i doing the right thing with my company and my people and taking care of our customers because if you ask me the answer is no absolutely not thank you all for your time and if y'all in central florida you need some help give me a call and uh we're going to make this thing work we're going to get it right i probably won't post any more videos but i'll keep watching the site and i encourage everybody to get out there and do it yourself if you can and appreciate your time and attention merry christmas and happy new year
Channel: Jimi Pillow
Views: 64,727
Rating: 4.6306252 out of 5
Id: yW9uA0KKB-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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