Sport And Fitness Opener In After Effects | After Effects Tutorial | Effect For You

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hey everyone welcome back to effect for you channel today we are going to create sport and fitness opener like this so let's get started as usual first we need to create a new composition and this is our main comp now create a new black solid layer this is our background layer now create new composition height around 1400 pixel this is our tron paper comp here i have some elements so drag tron paper image into the timer line here you can see select the layer and search fill effect and change fill color white drag the image bottom side of the comp now duplicate the layer and rotate 180 degree and move top side of the comp [Music] i think we need to increase the scale around 115 percent now select the bottom layer and duplicate them we need to change the fill color i am using little dark red color select the layer and move 5 pixel top side of the comp now duplicate the top layer and change fill color and move 5 pixel bottom side of the comp perfect now our comp look like this now again create a new composition height around 800 pixels this is our paper animation comp now drag draw paper image into the timer line increase the size little bit now we need to animate the position so move the image all the way left side of the comp and add a keyframe on position then go to one and half second forward and move the tron paper center of the comp select both keyframes and easy ease them and make your graph like this now we need to add posterize effect on position hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and type posterize expression [Music] perfect now again select the layer and search roughen edges change border 20 edge sharpness 5 and change scale around 50 complexity 10 but you can adjust these setting according to your choice cool now go to main comp and create a new composition this is our full hd comp and i call this paper one comp drag drawn paper and paper animation comp into the timer line select the bottom tron paper layer and change track matte alpha matte we need to increase the paper animation size perfect now go to main comp and drag paper one comp into the timer line rotate the layer and adjust right side of the comp cool now we need to add our placeholder so create a new composition i call this placeholder one width eighteen hundred height 1920 pixels now drag your image into the timer line now go to main comp and drag placeholder 1 comp into the timer line resize the layer according to you now we need to animate this so go to one second forward and add a keyframe on position then go to first frame and move the placeholder right side of the comp select both keyframe and easy ease them and make your graph like this also move the layer few frame forward i think we need to adjust the graph like this perfect now search hue and saturation effect and move master saturation in minus 100 now search transform effect i want to apply posterize expression in position hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and type posterize expression cool now duplicate the placeholder two time and move your time indicator when placeholder animation end select both placeholder and trim from front side press you to show keyframes and delete the first keyframes now go to few frames forward from second keyframes select first placeholder and move x position little bit right side of the comp then select second placeholder and move x position little bit right side of the comp we also need to arrange the all placeholder layers perfect cool now select the first placeholder and search tint effect and change the white color to red similarly apply the same tint effect to second placeholder cool it's look good to me now we need to add our text here so create a new composition 1200 by 750 pixel this is our text 1 comp now select text tool and type your text now we need to animate this so open text layer go to animate and select position and opacity change y position 150 and opacity zero percent now open range selector one go to first frame and add a keyframe on start then go to round one second forward and change the start amount 100 percent select both keyframes and easy ease them and make your graph like this [Music] cool now again select the text layer and at tracking go to around 20 frame forward and change tracking amount minus 20. then go to view frame forward and change tracking amount 0. select both keyframe and easy ease them and make your graph like this perfect now duplicate the text layer and change your text and move your layer view frame forward [Music] again duplicate the layer and change your text you can add multiple text according to you perfect now go to main comp and drag text 1 comp into the timer line rotate the layer around minus 15 degrees cool now we need to add description bottom side of the text so select text tool create a paragraph box and type your text now animate this so open text layer and add position and opacity y position around 150 and opacity zero percent now select anime to one and add expression selector open expression selector change based on lines now we need to add delay expression on amount so here i have delay expression copy the expression hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and paste it here move the layer view frame forward cool now create one more text here so select the text tool and type your website name and do the same animation as we have done with our paragraph text i am skipping this part so that you don't have to wait perfect cool now we need to create some elements so create a new composition i call this arrow width around 1000 pixel now select pen tool fill color white and create an arrow shape like this now open shape layer and add repeater open repeater increase number of copy around 25 now open transform repeater and change x position 200. now we need to animate this so first move the arrow all the way in left side of the comp and add a keyframe on offset then go to around 10 second forward and increase the offset amount you can move the last keyframe according to your choice you can increase the number of copies and adjust offset key perfect it's look good to me now go to main comp and drag arrow comp into the timeline below to paper one comp now select pen tool and create a mask like this perfect you can decrease the opacity around 40 percent rotate layer minus 90 degree and resize little bit [Music] cool now duplicate the layer and move top side of the comp also adjust the mask perfect now select text tool and create plus sign rotate layer around 45 degree now add wiggle expression on rotation hold alt key and click on stopwatch icon and type wiggle expression now animate the scale so go to around 1 second forward and add a keyframe on scale then go to first frame and change scale amount zero percent select both keyframe and easy ease them and make your graph like this now go to view frame forward and add a keyframe on scale then go to one frame forward and change the scale amount again go to one frame forward and change the scale do the same thing for few frames hold alt key and you can adjust the keyframes now duplicate the layer and move plus sign bottom side of the comp also offset the layers perfect it's look good to me now i want some more elements so again create a new composition this is our small arrow comp select polygon tool and create a triangle shape like this now select shape layer and rotate the shape 90 degrees now open shape layer and add repeater open repeater 1 then open transform repeater change x position 0 and y position 100 now increase the number of copies now we need to animate this so move the shape left side of the comp and add a keyframe on offset then go to around 8 second forward change the offset amount in negative direction here you can see you can also change the fill color according to your choice now go to main comp and drag small arrow comp into the timeline select pen tool and create a mask like this perfect you can resize the layer as you like and adjust below the text now duplicate the layer and adjust above the text rotate the both layer according to the main text also offset the layer viewframe forward cool now create new adjustment layer and search 3d glasses effect select left view our adjustment layer and 3d view balanced colored red blue and change scene convergence around 5. so here you can see trim the layer from both sides now move time indicator when our placeholder start to spread perfect as you can see here little bit transparent area so create a new adjustment layer now search transform effect and increase the scale 103 percent perfect now go to project window and drag dust grunge footage into the timer line and change layer mode screen and also increase the layer size little bit cool now drag glitch footage into the timer line and change layer mode screen and move the layer view frame forward now drag plus footage and change layer mode screen now again create an adjustment layer and search noise effect increase noise amount around 15 percent [Music] now search sharpen effect and change sharpen amount eight we don't need color noise so uncheck color noise and decrease noise amount around 12 percent perfect it's look good to me our animation has done hit zero for ender thanks for watching i hope you like the video so please like it share it and subscribe to the channel for more tutorial i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Effect For You
Views: 61,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: effect for you, after effects tutorial, after effect tutorials, sport opener, sport promo, fitness opener, fitness promo, sport and fitness opener, sport and fitness promo, sport & fitness opener, fitness, fitness and workout promo, Gym & fitness opener, rugby playing opener, gym workout promo, workout intro, real fitness opener, sport intro, urban fitness opener, urban oprner, after effects
Id: JyuDLy8EHZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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