Product Opener In After Effects | After Effects Tutorial | Effect For You

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hey everyone welcome back to effect for you Channel today we are going to create product opener effect like this so let's get started first create a new comp 1920x1080 this is our main comp now create a new composition I call this BG texture comp here I have some elements so drag white paper texture image into the timer line adjust according to you now press s for scale unlink scale amount and add a keyframe on scale then go to 6 to 7 frame forward and change X scale amount minus 100. again go to 6 to 7 frame forward now change both scale amount minus 100 percent again go to 6 to 7 frame forward and change both scale amount plus 100 percent select all keyframe right click and select toggle hold keyframe now we need to apply a loop out expression so hold Alt key and click on stopwatch icon and apply a loop out expression cool now go to main comp and drag BG texture comp into the timeline now drag glued paper texture image into the timer line change layer mode multiply also apply the posterize expression on position and rotation [Music] perfect now drag plastic wrap texture image into the timer line change layer mode screen then also apply the posterize expression on position and rotation foreign now drag overlay texture image into the timer line change layer mode multiply go to First frame and add a keyframe on scale and unlink the scale amount then go to 6 to 7 frame forward and change X scale amount minus 100. similarly do this three to four time as we have done with our BG texture comp I am skipping this part so that you don't have to wait also change the opacity around 50 percent now create a new composition I call this line now create a new solid layer change fill color white [Music] select the layer and search Venetian blinds effect transition completion 80 percent Direction 45 degree width 12. here you can see now go to main comp and drag line comp into the timer line cool now again create a new comp this is our brush one comp drag brush one image into the timer line then drag brush transition footage into the timer line select player right click go to time and select enable time remapping and increase the layer select brush one layer and change track matte Luma matte here you can see go to main comp and drag brush one comp into the timer line resize according to you and adjust bottom side of the comp Now search fill effect and change fill color as you like also change the layer mode linear burn [Music] now go to Project window and duplicate the brush one comp then open brush to comp select brush one layer now go to Project window hold ALT key and drag brush to image into the timer line so this will be replace our brush one with brush 2. cool now go to main comp and drag brush to comp into the timer line change layer mode linear burn then search fill effect and change your color you can also adjust the rotation and move the lay a few frame forward perfect now we need to add some text here so go to Project window and create a new composition 1080 by 1080 pixels I call this BG text one select text tool and type your text fill color none and add stroke around 3 pixel select text layer press P for position go to around 10 frame forward and add a keyframe then go to First frame and move the text right side of the comp here I have bounce expression so copy the expression hold ALT key and click on stopwatch icon and paste it here now duplicate the layer select both keyframes and move the text below the first text similarly do this four to five time after duplicate the layers offset the layers few frame forward now go to main comp and drag BG text one comp into the timer line and adjust right side of the comp I think we need to change the text color black and change the layer opacity 50 percent and move the lay a few frame forward also turn on transform icon now again create a new composition this is our placeholder one comp drag your image into the timer line and resize according to the comp now go to main comp and drag placeholder one comp into the timer line and adjust right side of the comp you can increase the layer size little bit now we need to animate the scale so go to around 10 frame forward and add a keyframe then go to First frame and change scale amount 0 percent here I have bounce expression copy the expression and paste it here I also want to animate the rotation so add a keyframe on rotation then go to First frame and change rotation amount minus 200 degrees also apply the bounce expression you can adjust the keyframes according to you and move the layer few frame forward now create a null layer parent placeholder layer with null layer now press R for rotation hold ALT key and click on stopwatch icon and apply posterize wiggle expression foreign cool also apply the drop shadow effect on placeholder layer opacity 30 percent Direction 40 degree distance 20. and softness 60. now we need to add our main text here so go to Project window and create a new composition 1920x1080 I call this main text 1. now select text tool and type your text now animate this so open text layer go to animate and add position opacity and character offset change X position 150. opacity 0 percent and character offset 20. we don't need these both items so delete them now open range selector go to First frame and add a keyframe on start then go to 15 frames forward and change start amount 100 percent foreign duplicate the text layer and change your text and move lay a few frame forward now again duplicate the second layer and change your text adjust the font size according to you and move the layer few frame forward now select rectangle tool and create a shape like this also change the color as you like now press s for scale go to around 10 frames forward move Anchor Point left side of the shape unlink scale amount and add a keyframe then go to First frame and change X scale amount 0 percent select both keyframe and easy ease them and make your graph like this also move the layer few frame forward now we need to add some description here so select text tool and create a paragraph box here and type your text now we need to animate this so open text layer go to animate and select position opacity change y position 80. opacity zero percent then select animator 1 and add expression selector open expression selector change based on character to lines here I have delay expression copy the expression and paste it here perfect now go to main comp and drag main text one comp into the timer line and adjust left side of the comp also move the layer few frame forward cool now create order now button here so create a new composition 500 by 150 pixels I call this order now comp select rounded rectangle tool and create a shape like this align the shape center of the comp and change fill color black now press s for scale unlink scale amount foreign go to one second forward and add a keyframe then go to First frame and X scale amount zero percent select both keyframes and easy ease them and make your graph like this [Music] now select text tool and type your text open text layer and add position and opacity change opacity zero percent select anime to 1 and add expression selector open expression selector change based on character to words here I have another delay expression copy the expression and paste it here move the lay a few frame forward now go to main comp and drag order now comp into the timer line and adjust bottom right side of the comp also adjust the scale size according to you and move the layer few frame forward now add some elements so create a new composition 1000 by 300 pixels I call this Arrow select pen tool change fill color white and create a arrow shape like this [Music] move Anchor Point center of the shape open shape layer and add repeater open repeater increase number of copies 50. and move the shape left side of the comp now go to First frame and add a keyframe on offset and change offset amount minus 50. then go to 5 Second forward and change offset amount 0. you can also increase the position around 120. perfect now go to main comp and drag Arrow comp into the timer line here you can see now select pen tool and create a mask like this foreign [Music] and change layer mode overlay now duplicate the layer change rotation 90 degree and adjust them also move the layer few frame forward now drag old film footage into the timer line and change layer mode screen [Music] now create a new solid layer fill color black select ellipse tool and create a perfect ellipse invert the mask open mask and increase the mask feather and also decrease the layer opacity 50 percent perfect our animation has done hit zero for Ender thanks for watching I hope you like the video so please like it share it and subscribe to the channel for more tutorial I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Effect For You
Views: 7,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: effect for you, after effects tutorial, after effect tutorials, product opener, product promo, product intro, product opener in after effects, after effects product opener, after effects product promo, retro product opener, retro product promo, product opener animation, product slideshow, product advertising in after effects, brush product opener, brush product promo, after effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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