After Effects Tutorial - Create an ESPN Inspired Promo - EASY STEP by STEP!!

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[Music] amigos welcome to the school of motion graphics my name is cm de la Vega and we have an awesome tutorial for today it's an ESPN inspired promo so let's check it out [Music] now here's the deal there's a lot of steps involved but I'm gonna break it down step by step and regardless of your level of experience either your beginner intermediate or an advanced user of After Effects you're gonna be able to learn how to do this so we're gonna divide this into two sections part 1 and part 2 and this week I'll be working for the NFL creating an open a Super Bowl open for one of the shows on the NFL Network so follow me on Instagram so you can see behind the scenes as I make this open for the Super Bowl and Amigos if you love this tutorial this channel please give us a like subscribe to our YouTube channel and click on that little bell notification to stay up to date and let's get started the very first step is to cut out all the players and I did that in Photoshop and you can see right here I have two layers the BG which we're not gonna use I just have it so I can see it against a solid background and here's my cutout it's a layer mask and make sure that you name all your layers now I'm hoping that most of you know how to cut out these players in Photoshop if for some reason you don't know just leave me a comment I'll be happy to make a tutorial for you and how to use Photoshop but for now let's move on to the next step let's jump into After Effects with step number two and that's giving the players a color treatment so I hit ctrl I and let's select the first one Alonzo Mourning hit import and we have this box now it says import and we have three different options select the last one composition retain layer sizes and select merge layer styles into footage hit OK let's double click on this comp and you can see that we have these two layers and these are the exact same layers that we have in Photoshop and that's the reason that I love using Photoshop files and After Effects number one it keeps the same layer structure and number two it has the same name okay now the background we don't need it so let's delete it and you can see here it created this folder and these are the layers that we created in Photoshop now I'm gonna create a folder and call it players and to keep things very organized very neat let's select this folder and let's drag it into this players folder okay now let's import the rest of the guys and we're going to repeat the same process so let's forward this video okay now let's rename this compositions in the order that they're going to appear in the promo so the first one is Glen Rice let's rename a hit enter PO zero one Glen Rice Alonzo Mourning is to hit enter zero two and let's put though and Timmy Hardaway is number three zero three Hardaway and d-wade is the last one okay I'm gonna create a folder call it colors and hit ctrl I and we're going to import our color palette that we'll be using throughout this promo and it's Vice colors and it's this bright pink that's bright blue now select footage and go to choose layer and it's only one layer so we can we don't need to import as a comp we can just import the footage the single layer and you can see that what I did is in Photoshop I created this little rectangle and I filled it in with the colors that we'll be using in the promo and it's a lot easier to just sample these colors instead of remembering the hex code or the RGB okay now let me show you how to add the color treatment for the players let's go to Glen Rice and let's delete the background let's bring in our color palette and select the layer of the guy and go to effect color correction and tritone will be using exclusively the tritone effect which remaps the highlights the mid-tones and the shadows to whatever color you choose so for this one the mid-tones let's swap it with a blue and for the shadows let's swap it with the pink and we can bring up the pink a little bit better so let's add a levels let's go to levels and let's bring it before the tritone and for the input black let's bring it in and you can see that it looks a lot better perfect now the levels is up to you it's a personal preference if it helps you out use it if it doesn't really make difference don't worry about it now let's go to Tim Hardaway let me show you one more just to leave the background and let's bring in our color palette and let's add the tritone effect and this free map the mid-tones to the blue and for the ball let's copy this control C let's go to the basketball control V let's just remap it with a pink let's go back to Tim Hardaway now I'm gonna take it a step further I'm gonna add a gradient and I'm gonna mix it in with a tritone it's pretty cool it creates a pretty cool effect so right click go to layer Styles gradient overlay and you can see that already has by default a black and white gradient so let's go down here let's drill down go to colors and let's go to edit gradient so for the white let's swap it with a pink let's bring it in and for the black let's swap it with a blue let's bring it in looks pretty good now the next step is let's mix it in with a tritone using a blending mode so for the blending mode let's select one of these blending modes have some fun experiment and see which one works best for me it works best with hue for this specific example and you can see it creates this amazing blend of colors perfect you can delete the color palette and the last one for Lanza morning we'll be using the tritone and we'll be using this cutout effect so let me show you how to create this easy cutout effect I've got a project let's bring in our color palette and it's very simple migos go to effect generate fill and let's fill it in with this pink color and if you saw the promo the basketball the letters of heat and the numbers were in black so in part 2 of this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create that that's very simple it's a solid layer we'll be using them the pen tool to create this mask for those but that'll be in our tune so for now let's bring back the fill and that is how you create this color effect for all your players now repeat this process for the rest of the guys okay amigos we're ready for step number three and that's animating the camera for this promo so let's create a new composition click on this icon let's call it ESPN promo make a 1920 by 1080 I'm gonna choose 23.976 but feel free to choose the best frame rate for your project and give it a duration of 15 seconds long hit okay now before we do anything go back to the composition of your players and hit ctrl K to open up the composition settings and make sure that you have the correct frame rate the one that we chose for the ESPN promo composition and make sure they're all set to 15 seconds long okay let's go back to the ESPN promo and we're gonna add before we do anything we're gonna add some markers we'll be using those markers as a guide so we know when to move the camera and once you zoom in and to place a marker is very simple it's just the asterisk on the numpad so at the beginning at zero zero zero let's add a marker and let's double click and this put zoom let's go here and let's add a marker let's put stop so we know when to stop the zoom and let's go to to its add a marker and double click and move so we'll move the camera here and we'll move it all the way to 312 and here we're going to stop the camera move and at 412 we're going to move the camera again go all the way to 6 let's stop the camera here and a 712 at a marker we're gonna zoom out and we're gonna finish at 9:06 so here put cut perfect so we have this mapped out to make it easy for us and let's bring in the first player Glen Rice let's bring it in let's make him a 3d layer by activating the 3d switch and let's scale it up to 225 and let's bring him down and let's create a new camera make it 50 millimeter and hit OK let's create a new null object and let's rename it to move camera one make it a 3d layer as well and let's parent the camera using the pick whip let's parent it to the null object and let's select these two layers and this color code them so we know they're together now we'll be animating through the null object because it's a lot easier to animate with a null object okay hey P for position and let's go to one second and let's add our first keyframe so let's click on the stopwatch and we're going to go backwards now let's create that little zoom effect that it zooms in like this Bom Bom Bom and to do that we'll be working with the Z value remember X is left and right the Y is up and down and then the Z is towards the camera or away from the camera so let's go back to 12 it's frame 12 and let's give it a value of 300 and let's go to 0 let's give it a value of 600 so let's see what we have let's jump between keyframes Bom Bom perfect and we can take it a step further we can select this keyframe and just move it a little bit in the X let's make it a thousand and let's jump to the first one and let's make it a thousand forty so let's see what we have Bom Bom perfect now let's go to two and let's add a keyframe so from here to here there's no movement at all and from two to three twelve let's move but before we do that let's add though so let's bring Enzo and for Zone he's going to appear actually let's make him a 3d layer scale him up to 150 I'm gonna move him down in the Y a little bit and move him in the X perfect and at one second we're going to trim this layer so he appears at one second so the shortcut is you can either slide it in or you can use a keyboard shortcut which is all in the left bracket to trim on the left side so let's check it out so it's bang bang he appears and then at two after two we're gonna move the camera so at 312 let's move it in the X so let's just adjust the x value to 2250 perfect and we can reposition so right about here so from here to here we move and let's zoom in so let's zoom in at four let's zoom in 300 and at 412 let's zoom in again let's type in 600 so what we have is this bang bang we zoom in and then from here let's move the camera we're gonna zoom in but before we do that let's add Tim Hardaway and Tim Hardaway is going to show up right here at the last zoom so let's trim this layer all left bracket so you can see it trimmed it right here and let's trim another player so once we get to this point right here we can trim the first one and that's all right bracket to trim on the right side okay so this is what we have Bom Bom it stays here it moves perfect zooms in and then let's make Tim Hardaway a 3d layer and he's over here so let's bring him over let's scale him down s for scale scale it down to 15 let's move them over and let's move it down perfect and let's go back to the null object let's go to 6 and now we're gonna zoom in so let's adjust the value for the Z it'll be 20 to 75 and let's move it up let's move it up to about 650 perfect and let's reposition Tim Hardaway let's move them down let's reposition him perfect so we have this zooming perfect and between 6 & 7 12 7 seconds and 12 frames we're not going to move the camera but instead we're going to do is in part 2 of this tutorial we're gonna add the puppet tool we're going to give the hand a movement and very subtle movement for the hand and we're going to move and rotate the ball so it's gonna look pretty cool let's put a keyframe and at 7:12 let's go forward 6 frames 2 7 18 and let's zoom out so let's subtract 50 value of 50 from here and let's go to 8 and let's subtract 50 minus 50 so we have this Bom Bom perfect okay so let's play it back and see what we have okay you can see that it just didn't look very good there's a couple things that we need to do so let's switch it to custom view one and one thing that I want to point out is this you see this little curve the spatial interpolation is set to Bezier now what we need to do is we need to set all these keyframes interpolation of the path in between these keyframes to linear so select all these keyframes right click go to keyframe interpolation and the spatial interpolation let's set it to linear hit okay and you can see that everything is set to linear and if we go back to active camera and we play it back okay it's getting there it's a little bit better now the next thing is we need to tell After Effects hey some of these keyframes we want to make it like it's stop-motion so let's select those keyframes so for the very beginning let's select these keyframes and right click and go to toggle hold keyframe and what that does is it won't change the value until it reaches the next keyframe so let's playback and there we have that little stop-motion effect okay for here let's select these keyframes toggle whole keyframes perfect and this one what we can do is right click keyframe assistant and put easy ease out let's select these keyframes and toggle hold perfect so this one could be when we move this this could be easy ease in and this could be easy ease out so let's check it out it's looking good it's almost there there's one little thing that we can do and it's between these two keyframes let's select these two keyframes click on this little icon to go to the graph editor let's make this big right click and make sure that you're in the speed graph now we want it to start very slow and at the end before it reaches the end it'll speed up so what we need to do is grab this handle and just drag it so you can see that it'll start very slow and before reaches to stop it'll speed up so let's check it out you can see it starts very slow then it speeds up and all you need to do and let's let's play it back okay it's looking really good now let's add the background let's bring in our color palette and let's create a new solid and this one is blue so let's call it blue BG let's bring it down for the beginning and once it reaches right here at 6:00 let's trim it let's create a new solid and let's call it pink BG and right here at six four so let's trim though we don't need that layer anymore and let's trim the pink so remember all left brackets you trim on the left side all in the right bracket you trim on the right side so for the pink all and left I'll be here perfect and then we can cut it right here let's trim it okay we're almost there the last thing is we need to add the weight and we can add him in a new comp and add that comp into our ESPN promo comm basically it'll be like a pre comp but I'm gonna show you a different method you can add multiple cameras in after-effects that's really cool all you need to do is you need to splice you need to cut between the different cameras so right here at 9:06 where i have this marker called cut let's go to our camera and our null object and let's cut this layer right here alt and right bracket and let's do the same thing for Tim Hardaway - let's bring it in and this this pink background as well okay so let's cut spring in the blue let's make a copy ctrl D and let's just drag it out and we'll be using the blue and let's trim this layer right here so all and left bracket and let's create a new camera camera - fifty millimeter perfect spring it up let's create a new null object let's call it move camera - let's color code these - let's make it peach and let's trim this right here at 9:06 so let's trim it and make this null object a 3d layer and this parent it lets parent the camera using the pick whip - the null object okay the spring and d-wade let's trim him right here make him a 3d layer ask for scale scale him up to 140 I'll bring him down a little bit perfect and for the Move camera hit P for position put a keyframe let's go forward six frames - nine twelve put a value of 400 let's go to 9 18 put a value of 800 and let's select these key frames right click and let's select toggle whole keyframe to give it that stop motion zoom in effect so you can see bom-bom perfect there's one thing that we can do to finish this tutorial for part one is for tim hardaway here at 8 seconds let's add a marker and select him Hardaway make it copy and let's go to the second copy underneath and hit Y to bring up the anchor point and let's move the anchor point and let's Center it so it's kind of in the middle it's right in the middle and at eight seconds let's trim this layer all left bracket hit s for scale and the scale at up to 18% so we're gonna create this effect you're going to see multiple copies of him getting bigger and then getting smaller so let's go forward four more frames to 8:04 let's make a copy let's trim it let's scale it up to 21 let's go forward four more frames to 8:08 just make it copy the bottom layer let's trim scale it to 24 so we have this effect and at 8:16 let's trim this layer let's go forward four frames to eight twenty from this other layer forward four more frames trim this last layer so let's check it out in part two of the tutorial we'll be adding the last detail the finishing details this amazing ESPN inspired promo okay amigos that is it for part one stay tuned for part two I'm gonna try to make it next week after I'm done with the Super Bowl and always remember that life is truly gift so make it count
Channel: C.M. de la VEGA
Views: 79,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, adobe, after effect, tutorial, template, how to, stop motion, animation, motion, graphics, vfx, school, NBA, Miami Heat, promo, commercial, ESPN, basketball
Id: 4qcRWgdOrIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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