SpongeBob vs Timmy Turner 💥 Who's The Best Student? | Nicktoons

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[Music] he [Music] Excuse Me Miss I don't want to have to report you again I was just wondering is it the homework pencil on the left side of the paper next to the quiz pencil or over on the right side all by itself or I think it goes stuck inside your wait I got it the quiz pencil goes right over here next to the essay pencil and the essay pencil gets turned sideways towards the notepad just in case I have to write an essay good morning class sorry I'm late I got caught in traffic on the way in here when that hole I'm going to be doing this for the rest of my life thing reared its ugly head and I anyway we have a new student starting today so let's all put on a happy face for clats The [Music] Flounder tell the class something about yourself Flats well I like to kick people's butts what a card now Flats it's time to pick your seat just go ahead and sit anywhere you like okay class as you remember last week we started I'm SpongeBob SpongeBob I'm going to kick your butt that joke was almost funnier the second time I mean it that time it almost seemed like you did mean it puff yes SpongeBob can I be excused for the rest of my life why no SpongeBob I'm in the middle of a coffee fueled sermon right now you can't afford to miss this information yes Mrs Puff sorry Mrs Puff now can I please have a volunteer to come up to the board how about you Flats please draw for us a diagram of a basic four-way intersection Flats please turn and show the class what you drew honey my how very creative we have an artist in the [Music] [Applause] class well children school is almost over let's see I've destroyed your lives and your dreams [Music] H come on humiliated you all in a specific and unique way except you you have a voice that sounds like a can opener opening cans of cat food it's is what am I missing ah Timmy didn't he forget about the pop quiz no I don't know who said that but you're right pop quiz got to distract him for 2 minutes and there's only one way to do that thanks Mr Crocker I'm going to ace this what the only way you can Ace a pop quiz is with the help of very good par I guarantee I'll get an A what a guarantee also the work of very got parents I'm going to pass that test like magic he's practically rubbing my face in the fact that he has [Music] who dug this well finally Timmy you are my hero Timmy have you met Omar good morning students Mr Crocker broke his failing hand when he fell out of the window and into the new well yesterday so he won't be in today please welcome your substitute teacher Mrs Sunshine oo keep her away from the window hello children I'm Mrs [Music] Sunshine what are these gigantic heavy FS oh not in my classroom no I'm still down here children in my class as long as you try you will never fail H you don't know who you're dealing with if anyone can fail it's timy Turn It come on Elmer you can solve it I can't I can't do it and for admitting that you get a gold star yeeha there's a new sheriff in town howdy howdy she's so bright and so sunny it's just not even funny how bright and sunny she [Music] ister [Music] without well I hope you all had an educal learn rfic T alidocious day you bet well then I bid you a fond farewell I will miss you [Music] all what there there Omar I'm just the substitute if only there was a way someone could just oh I don't know wave a magic wand and magically make me your permanent teacher I [Music] wish Cosmo Wanda make it good morning Mrs Puff I'm Mr Fitz I represent the voting teachers accreditation Bureau as you know your teaching certificate is up for Renewal however we've noticed there have been an unusually large amount of failings from this classroom that's impossible in all my years of teaching only one student has failed my class yes but he's failed 1,258 56 times you don't understand SpongeBob is unteachable we cannot blame the students for the incompetence of the teacher hog hog beep beep I'm ready to drive are you ready for my driving test today Mrs Puff okay Mrs Puff if SpongeBob fails this test you will be replaced okay SpongeBob let's demonstrate for Mr Fitz everything I've taught you in boating school now what's the first thing we do before we start boating oh seat Belta Rooney one [Music] second then what do you do start the engine yes what do I do now Drive the boat [Music] did I pass this time Mrs Puff no SpongeBob you failed I failed it is not you that's failed SpongeBob it's Mrs Puff that's failed you you are relieved of your teaching duties I won't be teaching SpongeBob [Music] anymore no more SpongeBob I thought this day would never come woo goodbye SpongeBob have a nice life free at last free at last finally a reason to come to school it's donut day I brought phuts they're a healthy alternative to donuts made with Nature's leftovers old fruit almond shells and good oldfashioned dirt pass yes Cosmo I told you to stay home you have the fairy flow it's Donut Day woman I'd show up in an iron lung for a bear claw morning Diz and Chloe today's my yearly mental health evaluation and this is Prince and Levin from Happy Acres brain Hospital they're here to take me away if I fail to prove I'm fit to be a teacher you mean when you fail I'd like to tie you to a rocket low tide and watch the crabs eat you you'll make me so crazy net down Levin it's just a figure of speech also for the record dogs with stubby Tails make me nuts get a real tail I can't even tell if you're wagging at me no come on that bothers everyone anyway class dismissed and leave your Donuts [Music] a I'm good now boys you might want to check out nurse quag she thinks she's a [Music] duck oo yum a smiley faed donut with green hair and a vacant look at its eyes Turner R this donut to explode I should have seen it coming I'm losing it fure of speech Cosmo you gave Mr Crocker the fairy flu what do you have to say for yourself bite me Wanda seriously I'm delicious sprinkles oh no what'll happen to Mr cracker please please say it's something horrible please say it's something horrible he could develop short-term magical powers but it'll be okay as long as he doesn't accidentally wish for anything oh sweet Mr mcops every time I pet you I can't help thinking you'd make a Dandy winter hat but also what a peaceful life you have oh sometimes I wish I were a bunny budny what's happening to me Happy Acres brain hospital room for one now if he just had a phone n none of this would have happened Mr crooger please report to principal waxel pla's office for your mental health evaluation no it's game time keep it together Denzel you got this Mr Crocker thanks floating donut Mr Crocker's never going to pass his evaluation as long as he has the fairy flu we got to cure him and I know just how to do it we just wish to make ourselves microscopic then travel through Mr Cracker's body in a tiny submarine and destroy the fairy blue germs easy peasy oh you're crazy but I'm up for shrinking let's do this Wanda and Cosmo I wish we were you know everything I just [Music] did ah how I have dreamed of this day Mr tentacles professor of art what a a marvelous opportunity for the people of Bikini Bottom bring me your huddled masses of bored Housewives and I will shape them in my image I'll go down in history someday there will be a wing with my name on it in all the museums of the world dude you're teaching art at the rec center calm down uncultured trash urgent 9:00 a.m. time to let the class in well don't want to keep them waiting any longer I'm so excited welcome to art class oh isn't this cooking sorry oh Squidward are you taking this art class too SpongeBob in art class wait this is cooking come back you got to be kidding this is great you and me in school together so where's the teacher you're looking at him you are the teacher to my pupil this is an art class it's Heaven yeah grab a little piece of heaven and let's get on with it I'm ready Mr tentacles so you want to be an artist a SpongeBob yes please well art is not all fun and games it's a lot of hard work okay first repeat after me I have no talent I have no Talent Mr tentacles has all the Talent Mr tentacles has all the talent if I'm lucky some of Mr tentacles Talent May rub off on me if I'm lucky Mr Talent will rub his tentacles on my art whatever okay see you're telling me you have no prior training we'll have to start from square one or should I say Circle one am I going too fast for you SpongeBob how's it Squidward what the how the A Perfect Circle do it again show your process well first I draw this head then I erased some of the more detailed features and 1 2 three a circle thingy give me that forget the circles ooh nice one Squidward let me try looky Squidward it's you and me playing Lea frog that's you on the bottom give me that there is nothing artistic about Lea frog what are you doing now I call it Rippy bits you take a bunch of old ripped up paper and you make a new picture out of it see you're on top this time do you want to learn art or not I'm sorry Squidward I'll listen all right SpongeBob pay close attention look at your Marvel visualize the sculpture within then gently how's this goodward it's beautiful uh I mean uh this isn't a sculpture a good sculpture takes more time you can't just sculpt willy-nilly you got to go by the book follow the rules otherwise you'll never get past Amateur hour here besides you got the nose wrong there now it's art oh it's so obvious I would have never thought of that I'm sorry Squidward I came here to learn and I arrogantly shunned your lessons I'll never be a great artist like you I don't deserve your tutoring I don't deserve to be in your presence I don't even deserve to use your door hello there but I did deserve that I deserve that too [Music] and I deserve this take your time finishing your test class except you Turner you get 10 seconds 10 [Music] 9 oh no my pencil broke no problem Timmy we can finish your test for you Cosmo you can't take Timmy's test that's cheating not if you don't know the answers look I made a scary clown with crab head now you're going to make him fail besides clowns have big shoes like this time's up pencil's down well Turner since your gravity defying writing implements insist on disobeying me I'll lock them away in my drawer of open flames and mouse [Music] traps looks like they broke him Wanda you people are monsters a scary clown with crab hands Turner why can't you be more like AJ here he never draws pictures and his pencils don't float he's my bestest student that's best student Mr Crocker see how smart he is don't cross me in public again I clone you an [Music] apple see he's amazing what this AJ it'll be a time machine out of paper clips and [Music] yarn AJ build me a time machine out of paper clips and yarn it worked AJ take the rest of the school year off woohoo I'm you from the future whatever you do don't clone an apple it's too late see you next year AJ stay cool man AJ's so lucky he gets the rest of the year off I wish I were the teacher's [Music] pet waa I'm a guinea pig poof I didn't mean an actual Pig I a cute little guinea pig AJ must have made you out of paper clips and yarn oh I'm going to take you home and pet you and feed you yummy treats maybe this isn't so bad and then subject you to diabolical experiments to the cucker cave whoops wrong lever that's the F [Music] Mallet well welome to the crocker cave my doomed little friend I'm going to use the DNA of these lab animals to genetically transform myself into the perfect Fair hunting creature I'll have the nose of a Blood Hound to sniff out fairies the wings of a bumblebee to swoop down on fairies the armor of an armadillo to Shield me from the magic of fairies the cheek pouches of a chipmunk to hold my captured fairies and the fluffy hair of a Persian cat the hair won't help me catch berries but it'll make me a real chit magnet but before I subject myself to a potentially deadly experiment I'll need to test it out on a kiddy pig that's where you come in now to hook you up to my machine which will suck the DNA from all these animals I named it mother after the person who sucked the life out of me wait you can't do this oh well what do you know a guinea pig that sounds like Timmy Turner now I'm going to enjoy this even more Cosmo the coast is clear not only that but everyone's gone poof where's [Music] Timmy oh no he says Canada is being attacked by space oers Cosmo he said he turned Timmy into a guinea pig and Mr Crocker took him to his lab Canada you're on your own we have to save Timmy right away hey look a time machine what's this button do what's this button do hello class my name is Mrs Puff and the only reason I say that is because I see we have a new student young man why don't you stand up and introduce yourself who's the fat kid talking to you Patrick she's the teacher oh come on now tell the class your name don't be nervous we just want to know your name [Music] [Applause] 24 oh great another [Music] genius why are they laughing I guess it's just in the timing [Music] oh today's first lesson will be on turning 24 hey Patrick what I thought of something funnier than 24 let me hear it 25 that's enough young man this is your first day so I'll let you off with a warning as for you SpongeBob I expect more from a good noodle pay attention yes Mrs Puff now then turning what every driver should know when you are turning it is important to signal at least 4 ft from the f mean Patrick you can't do that she's the teacher what about the teacher what as if I really look like this SpongeBob I believe you know the punishment for two classroom disruptions [Music] I'm sorry SpongeBob but if one wishes to be a good noodle one must behave like a good noodle I'm a good noodle I'm a good noodle you'll get this star back when you earn [Music] it no no no no no no no no no no Mrs Puff is it nap time SpongeBob I've had enough of your nonsense now collect your things and move to the available desk in the back of the room but me but why because the big fat meanie said so now go thanks a lot Patrick sure thing buddy well I guess I could be a good noodle from back here now as I was saying when turning left you must so hard to hear what kind of student sits back here anyway school is for Chumps where am I I can't wait to see the fun things Mrs sunshine has in store for us good morning Mrs [Music] sunshine my ears are bleeding do I get a gold star children as you know I'm your permanent teacher now yay no not yay I would like you all to call me by my professional [Applause] name m doombringer what was the name I didn't catch it [Music] [Laughter] guys what's going on I'm confused me too yeah now she sounds super kill frag of vicious a to death ad docious wow that's pretty good and now it is time for a pop quiz of my own question number one which one of you has a fairy god parent wait a minute what is she some sort of fairy Hunter what was your first clue the severed wings or the detached crowns are the big fairy Hunter mobile out in the parking lot my little fairy detecting stars have registered minuscule tracers of fairy dust fairy detecting Stars so they weren't rewards no they were snare a Trapper CAPIC cage of prison docious okay now you're just showing off [Music] no no no fine then you're all excused what is every teacher in this school obsessed with fairies except for you five Prime suspects Prime suspects you hang around these guys so much some of our fairy dust must have rubbed off your lockdown begins now B on the windows locked doors no problem now we got a problem one of you is harboring a fairy and this net will make sure it doesn't go anywhere even if there were fairies and I'm not saying there are you go girl how can you be sure there is one in this class child let what I do I come to a school as a substitute and if all of a sudden I'm made permanent I know it was wished for by some dimwitted child with a fairy god parent it's the oldest trick in my fairy hunting book I am going to find that fairy and rip its wings off with my bare hands and nothing will stop me oh lunch I can't hunt fairies on an empty stomach [Music] going somewhere uh we have to go to the bathroom curse their tiny bladders okay we got to plan our Escape I've got an idea actually I really have to go to the bathroom me too elmero buddy I need your help uh are you sure this will make me your third best friend and oh sure you're going to zip right past sanj on the Turner tastic friendship [Music] scale get moving I smell magic I have you now it worked but what is she smelling pencil shavings magical pencil shavings is it cold in here to you we've got to get out of here to the crocker cave [Music] all we have to do is get out through Crocker secret exit and then we can undo this wish it's damp in [Music] here yes we're safe so you're the one with a fairy you almost escaped me next time pick a decoy who doesn't get his boil caught in the revolving [Music] door what a green pencil that sneezes and a pink pen that looks really annoyed with him two you have two fairies hey that's exoc credit I really don't know what you're talking about sorry it's really damp down here and my pants have been shaved off they always run [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got you now nothing can stop me oh no I'm trapped we're [Music] do what Turner cross the street if you wish to continue your [Music] existence thought you'd steal my teaching job hey [Music] what I'll be back Turner someday but not someday [Music] soon ready well pal I won't be needing you anymore h I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready oh yeah I'm ready W yes hey I just got my license hey I'm getting mine next hey I doubt it okay see you on the road I'm ready here I come Mrs P I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm not ready hi Mrs Huff today is the day I'm going to pass my boating exam we'll see about that SpongeBob first we must first I must pass the oral exam I am confident in my abilities to successfully succeed I know okay number one what is the front of the boat the bow what is the back Stern number three right is starboard Port Skipper deck cabin Galley ke 1924 you've passed the oral test what a surprise now it's time to once again take the driving portion of the exam okay SpongeBob get in the boat oh in this boat right here is it time already get in the boat SpongeBob oh yeah absolutely all you have to do is get on the track okay SpongeBob what's the first thing you do 1924 no no first thing is to you start the boat SpongeBob SpongeBob relax it's only the boat the boat okay now what do you do next floor it yes no no don't floor it floor it no no no don't floor it okay FL [Music] it oh SpongeBob why my leg boy I sure am glad that's over I'll take the crazy idiot fairy Hunter over the cold ruthless efficient one anytime okay children pup quiz no problem for once I'm ready what's that Timmy Turner ready for a pup quiz that can only be the work of very got par this is a whole new level of pain did Mr cracker hurt himself again bring in the you [Music] substitute hello children I'm hunting monsters what there aren't any you're going to want to get out through the cave
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 188,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Rock Paper Scissors, ytao_sbsp, ytao_fop
Id: Vztbvg16Iy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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