Spongebob Villains: Evil to Most Evil 👿

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He lives in a pineapple under the sea and  everybody loves him… Well, maybe not everyone.   There are plenty of other fish in the sea, or in  this case, villains. But the question is… Which   of the villains in Bikini Bottom is truly the  most dastardly and despicable? We want to know. Today, we’re going down, down, down, down,  to the bottom of the sea… to determine   who truly deserves the lowest  spot in Davy Jone’s locker. Hello, I’m Brad with WickedBinge. And this is  Spongebob Squarepants Villains: Evil to Most Evil. Now, when it comes to choosing Spongebob  villains, we have a couple rules. Firstly,   all these villains have to come from  either the TV show or the movies.   No villains from other forms of media, like  Robo Plankton in Battle For Bikini Bottom.   Secondly, for TV Show Villains, they must  be the main villain of at least one episode. So, with all that said… Let’s start with the least  villainous and work our way down to the most evil. First up on our list, we have the sweetest  of the foes, Madame Hagfish. When we first   meet her in “The Curse Of The Hex”,  she looks like a regular old woman,   who just wants a Krabby Patty. However, due  to not having the money and it is closing,   Mr Krabs just tells her to take a hike. Spongebob,  being the kind hearted individual he is,   decides to give her two Krabby patties on  the house. Of course, Mr Krabs catches on   and stops Spongebob, leading to her being  angry at him and cursing the Krusty Krab. Now, this seems to be an overreaction  at first, but we do learn that she   is much more reasonable than at first glance.  She compromises and asks for a gold coin   in return for lifting the curse. What was  her curse exactly? Just putting a sign out   front saying that the store was closed,  which anyone could have found out and   removed. She didn’t even use a curse on the  place, not wanting to waste a real hex on him.   In comparisons to other villains here, this  is one of the easier villains to overcome.   She really didn’t leave any lasting harm on  the place, and it was resolved rather easily. Really, she just wanted to teach  Mr Krabs a lesson in not being as   cheap as he is, and honestly,  that’s pretty understandable. Next up, our second least evil villain is  Carl. Being the fish that Mr. Krabs sells   the restaurant to in “Selling Out”, he starts  his takeover and rebrands the restaurant to   be the “Krabby O’ Mondays”. He upgrades  the Krusty Krab, adding giant TV screens,   automated cash registers, and an  automated Krabby Patty making machine,   using gray sludge and just spray  painting it to look like a Krabby Patty. Yes, the food is definitely a downgrade, however,  legally, he really isn’t doing anything that   wrong. He is just acting like a boss, and he is  much more friendly than Mr Krabs... and doesn’t   seem to be as money hungry as he is. That said,  he does have a couple flaws. He doesn’t seem   to like the idea of people being independent  thinkers, even calling in help when Mr Krabs   starts to expose his automatic patties. He  also has a giant buff fish as Human Resources   to threaten others into being happy. That said,  given how the original owner of the Krusty Krab   is well… a pretty terrible boss... it’s  hard to argue that he is a downgrade. Heads up, we have a couple Plankton’s on this  list due to just how many different versions   of our favorite microscopic scientist there  are. In third place for our nicest villain, we   have one of those Planktons, but not  in the way you would expect, with   PlanKrab. The antagonist of “The Krusty Bucket”,  he is created after Plankton merged his own DNA   with Mr Krabs to create him, using him in another  scheme to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.   However, something went wrong, and PlanKrab  ended up taking over the Krusty Krab,   and even the Chum Bucket, combining the  two stores to create The Krusty Bucket.   How did he get the legal paperwork in order  to take over the place? With just a simple   shake of Plankton’s hand as well as Mr Krabs’s  hand, and stealing the deeds to the restaurants. He may be evil like Plankton, but he certainly is  much more polite. He seems to be making Spongebob   and Squidward happy, and has even improved  the Krabby Patty by just adding a bit of chum.   He was even willing to offer Mr Krabs and  Plankton a job at the place as well, showing   that he doesn’t hold any grudges. However,  what puts him above the others so far   is the fact that he took over  the restaurants illegally. Still,   it’s funny how the combination of Plankton  and Krabs ends up being nicer than the two. Moving on, we have the musical worm, the Earworm.  Coming from the episode, well, “Earworm”, he   ends up burrowing his way into Spongebob’s head  after he listens to a catchy song one too many   times. This ends up severely  affecting his work life,   causing him to get sent home as he’s just  stuck singing the song over and over again. Thanks to Sandy, she was able to help  restrain Spongebob and identify the problem.   How do you get rid of an earworm? Well, with  another earworm, mainly, Squidward’s clarinet.   Even if Squidward’s playing wasn’t that good, it  still worked, and he just left with an angry look. Up next is Mrs Gristlepuss. A sour  old fish judge, she visits the Krusty   Krab in “Banned In Bikini Bottom”, where  after seeing just how much Spongebob loves   Krabby Patties, she ends up banning them. She is  a member of the The United Organization Of Fish   Against Things That Are Fun And Delicious,  or T.U.O.O.F.A.T.T.A.F.A.D. for short. It’s   a odd organization that has been allowed  to stay open, but it is legally recognized,   and it is also legal for her to arrest Spongebob  and Mr Krabs after they broke the law by selling   Krabby Patties. However, it takes just one taste  of Krabby Patty to sweeten up Mrs Gristlepuss.   She ends up reversing her decision  and legalizing Krabby Patties again. Up next is the rival of the Flying Dutchman,  Lord Poltergeist. Once the first mate for the   Flying Dutchman, he jumped ship after making off  with his gold. Now while that is bad, considering   the kind of person the Flying Dutchman is, we’ll  cut him a bit of a break. When we meet up with   him in “Ghoul Fools”, he ends up tasking Spongebob  and Patrick with fetching him a new head gasket to   help fix his ship. He even claimed to have taken  their souls and will return them once he gets it. However, we do find out that he  really didn’t take their souls,   and what he instead had was old orange  soda left out in the sun for too long.   He even indulges Patrick in singing a song for  him and giving him pizza after he rudely calls   the ghost a pirate. Albeit, this is in order  to get him to believe he is a real ghost,   but given how he could have done a lot  worse, we do have to give him credit.   He even seems disappointed by Patrick’s  willingness to sacrifice Spongebob for his sake. We can’t forget about Doodlebob. And look, we  understand that Doodlebob was crazy… and frankly,   very violent. He attacked Spongebob and  wanted to replace him… But let’s be real…   Doodlebob’s existence is very tragic. Unable  to come to grips with the fact that he is   nothing but a drawing, he lashes out by  trying to preserve himself in the real   world. Like Frankenstein, Doodlebob  may have just been misunderstood… Up next, we have Master Udon of “Karate Island”.  In this episode, Spongebob is tricked into   thinking he is the King Of Karate, being invited  to an island to celebrate his success with Sandy.   However, he ends up getting kidnapped by him and  his henchmen, and it’s up to Sandy to save him.   After beating all of his minions, Sandy ends up  facing off against Master Udon himself, where   she finds out his evil scheme; trying to  pawn off a condo to Spongebob and Sandy. He’s not really a karate master,  and is more of a con man,   as seen with trying to dupe Squidward by  changing Karate Island into Clarinet Island   before he arrives. He isn’t above using people’s  confidence to their own downfall, more than happy   to boost their ego to make them more than happy  to buy into his condo. He’s nothing more than   a sleazy con artist, which is why he’s higher  up than others, but not as high as the rest. Up next... the weather!, with weatherman  Gale Doppler. In “Stormy Weather”, Gale is   a Meteorologist, telling the folks around  Bikini Bottom just what the weather would   be like for the day. He has never gotten a  day wrong, and doesn’t want to start losing   trust anytime soon. When a stray storm cloud by  the name of Drizzle, given to him by Spongebob,   left behind by his parents stays in Bikini Bottom,  he tries to do his best to change the weather. Such attempts include sucking  him up with a reef blower and   planning on killing this storm cloud  by sending him through a shredder.   Thanks to Spongebob and Drizzle’s own parents,  he was able to be spared from being destroyed   as Drizzle’s folks literally blew Gale away.  Sure, it is just a cloud, but it was sentient.   Murder is still murder, and in a world  as fantastical as Bikini Bottom having   so many different species of actual intelligent  beings, Gale really should have known better. Next in line ready to be served is  Bubble Bass. When we first met him,   he started as just a one time rival for  Spongebob in “Pickles”. Tricking Spongebob   into thinking that he didn’t serve pickles, he  sends him into a downward spiral of depression   and doubting his own abilities.  Thanks to Mr. Krabs helping out,   Spongebob not only returns, but also  undercovers Bubble Bass’s secret;   he’s been hiding the pickles underneath his tongue  the whole time, as well as someone’s car keys. That was the last we heard of him; at least until  the later seasons. Here, he acts like a snobby   jerkish nerd, believing he is smarter and superior  than the others. The height of this ego was in   “Moving Bubble Bass”, where he essentially tricks  Spongebob and Patrick into helping him move out,   and letting them do all the work, promising them  lunch afterwards. However, when they do arrive and   bring everything, Bubble Bass revealed to have  just eaten both of their lunches. What a jerk. Our first of Mermaid Man  and Barnacle Boy’s enemies,   up next is The Dirty Bubble. As a  villain, he only has one purpose in life,   and that is making everything dirty.  He delights in being dirty and being   evil, even teaming up with Man Ray to commit  crimes, ranging from robbing banks, to ding dong   ditching. Mostly, he just seems to enjoy being  a criminal nuisance while spreading his filth. However, what would he look like if he cleaned  up his act? Well, in “Dirty Bubble Returns”,   we get an answer; he would be the clean bubble.  After being in jail and getting cleaned,   we discover that he has something of a Doctor  Jekyll and Mr Hyde complex. When he is dirty,   he acts like the villain we all know. When  he is clean however, he’s a bright happy   face willing to do whatever it takes to stay  clean, even if being dirty is something of an   addiction to him. Thanks to Spongebob however,  he does make a genuine attempt to stay clean,   only for a careless Patrick to ruin it. Could we  see this form return someday? Maybe, maybe not. Now we arrive at Mr Krabs. In some  respects, we were both not harsh   enough, but also a bit too harsh with him in  our Spongebob Squarepants Good To Evil list.   As the owner of the Krusty Krab, he has  done plenty of heinous things for a buck. He   transformed his restaurant into a eatery/jail  hybrid in “The Krusty Slammer”, putting many   fish at risk of being attacked by convicts, and  even lets them out after they start affecting   his profits. He is willing to let Spongebob  get arrested in “Patty Caper” if it meant he   didn’t have to pay for the secret ingredient  to his Krabby Patties. He even was willing   to sell Spongebob for 62 cents in “Born Again  Krabs”, even if he ended up regretting it later. That said, he still does have his own good  moments. For one, he was in the Navy, and helped   his crew fend off an attack from pirates in “Pull  Up A Barrel”, and even earned the respect from   his fellow Navy buddies in “Shell Of A Man”,  even being called “Armor Abs Krabs” by them. Despite sometimes putting money ahead of him,  Mr Krabs truly does care for Spongebob. Such   moments include teaching Spongebob how  to drive in “Tutor Sauce”, even if it   ended with his racking up a high fine. He  is seen being reasonable with Spongebob   after seeing him be in three different  places at once in order to follow through   on promises in “Overbooked!”, and after  seeing Spongebob fainting from a lack of   Krabby Patties from “”Welcome to The Bikini  Bottom Triangle”, gets incredibly scared for   his well being and asks for the giant vacuum  cleaner to give him one to save his health.   He even plays along with Spongebob as super  villain “Captain Tightwad” in “Mermaid Pants”. He also tries to be a good parent for Pearl, even  if his greed gets in the way from time to time,   like with celebrating her birthdays. There was  one instance where he was genuinely concerned   for her, that being “Growth Spurt”, where without  the promise of any money, goes around town trying   to get as much food as possible in order to feed  her to help her stop growing. Overall, it's really   hard to get a clear reading of Mr. Krabs morality.  He’s the total embodiment of greed half the time,   or perhaps more than half the time, but  is a good person more than occasionally. Coming up onto another classic pre-movie villain,  we have the bully of the titular episode, “The   Bully”, Flats The Flounder. Being first introduced  into Mrs Puff’s class as another student,   Flats ends up sitting next to Spongebob,  telling him of his desire to beat his butt.   Why does he want to beat up Spongebob? We get  no reason for it. All we do know is that he is   relentless in his chase, and has even been hinted  at that he is abusive towards his own father. His ways of hurting Spongebob involve tracking  him down to his house and trying to run him   over with a garbage truck. Even after Spongebob  saved him from a crash in said garbage truck,   he still didn’t give up his chase and continued  to hunt him down. In the end, Flats is just a   bully who wants to beat up Spongebob for no  reason. Thank Neptune Spongebob is a sponge. Now we’re getting to actual real threats,   starting with The Tattletale Strangler.  The foe of “Spongebob Meets The Strangler”,   he ends up getting arrested after Spongebob  calls the cops on him for littering. Escaping   from police custody, he intends on making good  on his name, and plots to strangle Spongebob for   tattling on him. To get close to him, he decides  to take up the job of being Spongebob’s bodyguard. But in typical comedic fashion, he gets so fed up  with Spongebob, that he actually ends up running   away, with Spongebob being the one chasing after  him, until he ends up in prison. Situation aside,   he is still guilty of many implied attempted  murders, so he is a pretty ruthless character. We have a rather interesting one up next: Mrs  Pop. Now, true, this is Mrs Puff, but given   just how vastly different she is personality wise,  we’re going to give her the benefit of the doubt,   and just rank Mrs Pop by her own actions separate  from Mrs Puff. After losing her ability to puff   up in “Demolition Doofus”, she grows a vast  hatred for Spongebob... and when we mean   hatred. She ends up trying to choke him, and gets  the idea of getting rid of Spongebob forever,   and in her own words, “in the worst way  possible”. Her plan is to get Sponegbob   enrolled into a demolition derby for  the sake of getting him killed off. However, it doesn’t work as she intended, with her  getting more angry with the fact he’s still alive.   Eventually, she gets so fed up that  she decides to hop into a ride herself   and tries to run over him. This failed  as well, and was the last we see of her,   or at least this side of Mrs Puff, as she got  the ability to inflate again. How exactly?   We don’t really know to be honest, but we do  know that we really don’t want to see her again. For the next of our Planktons, we have  Dead Eye Plankton. As Plankton’s ancestor,   he’s just as evil as he is. As the outlaw of  Dead Eye Gulch, he has his own song about how   evil he is. This list of misdeeds  include robbing the town blind,   whipping others, and trying to get the Krusty  Kantina from Mr. Krab’s own ancestor. Without   any sheriff to stop him, despite his small  size, he was able to get away with misdeeds. However, this was eventually stopped thanks  to the arrival and bravery of Spongebuck   Squarepants; try to guess who he is the ancestor  of. That said, all it took for his stronghold he   had over the town was just to be stepped on.  The real Plankton may be small, but even after   being stepped on so many times, he still is  feared and hated by others in Bikini Bottom. While we’re here and talking about  him, we may as well add in the original   Plankton as well. He’s no stranger to these lists,   being the most evil person in Bikini Bottom on  our “Good To Evil: Spongebob Squarepants” list,   and being ranked around the middle in our  Evil To Most Evil Nickelodeon Villains list. As the rival of Mr Krabs, he has tried every  scheme in his files to beat him and steal the   Krabby Patty secret formula. From letting a skunk  run loose in the restaurant, countless disguises,   to even using a giant robot to assault the  restaurant in the second movie, he truly has   done it all and then some; every scheme  in the book, from A to Y...Uh, I mean Z. He has been around for a long time, and  has done plenty of good and evil deeds.   He has helped Squidward with his band in  “Band Geeks”, and he has tricked Squidward   into being his friend to get the formula in  “Sweet And Sour Squid”. He was happy to join   in on Spongebob’s party in “Spongebob Meets  The Tattletale Strangler” and set up for his   party in “Spongebob’s Birthday Blowout”  in his own way, and he has also tried to   raid his brain for the secret formula in “The  Inside Job” and showed literally hijacked his   mind in “Plankton!”. The point being, is that like  Mr Krabs, Plankton has done his fair share of good   and bad deeds. However, he does have plenty more  bad deeds than Mr Krabs does, despite his greed,   thus ranking him as significantly more  evil of the two restaurant owners. Prepare for a clash with Triton, because he’s up  next. Neptune’s son in “The Clash Of Triton”, he   was originally a swell kid, as while his father  wanted to just smite and cause destruction to   the mortals, he was at work creating a vaccine  for diseases. After being caged by his father   for being too nice however, he grew cold and  hostile towards him, as well the world around him.   When Spongebob freed him, he went on a rampage  across town, destroying everything just to show   off his new powers, and even locked up Neptune  and his own friends. Now granted, he does make   up with his dad, but this was after he expressed  approval of Triton using his powers for evil. I heard that this list was lacking a well  known ghost, as in, The Flying Dutchman!   The spectre that haunts Bikini Bottom, he can  be either someone who just loves scaring folks,   or forcing them to serve on his ghostly  crew and eating them if they fail too often,   like we see in “Shanghaied”. He even does deals  with others for their souls, like when he gave Mr   Krabs the ability to talk with money for the price  of his soul in “Money Talks”. He even acts like   the grim reaper, taking the dead to Davy Jones’s  locker, like he did with Mr Krabs and Spongebob   in “Born Again Krabs”. He even turns Spongebob  and Patrick into ghosts after they disturbed his   resting place and accidentally destroyed his beard  with a lawnmower in “The Curse Of Bikini Bottom”. He’s certainly a formidable and scary  foe. However, despite being a ghost,   he still has some human traits. He’s saddened  by the fact that others aren’t scared of   him in “Ghost Host”, and even genuinely  thanks Spongebob for helping him get his   groove back. In “The Ghost Of Plankton”, he is  happy to teach Plankton all of his tricks and   tips of being a ghost. He also is a ghost  of his word, giving Spongebob and Patrick   three wishes in return for his dining sock  in “Shanghaied”. While you could potentially   leave an encounter with him alive,  we really don’t recommend risking it. Up next are our two movie exclusive villains;  the first one being Dennis from the original   Spongebob Squarepants movie. Hired  by Plankton, he only had one goal,   and that is to kill Spongebob and Patrick before  they get Neptune’s crown back to Bikini Bottom.   On his way, he ends up meeting up with the gas  station attendants and the dive bar’s patrons,   with both encounters ending with  him beating up the people there. When he eventually reaches his targets, he  isn’t much better, happily ripping off their   fake mustaches, degrading them, and reveling  in the fear that they have when he’s about to   stomp on them. Sure, he was eventually stopped  by the Cyclops, but that was only temporary,   as he returned as the two rode back to  Bikini Bottom on David Hasslehoff’s back,   continuing to try and kill them. He’s  certainly more than eager to continue   his job of being a bounty hunter, and is  more than ruthless enough for the task,   earning him the rank of being our  fifth most evil being in the sea. Moving onto the second movie, we have the  antagonist of “Sponge Out Of Water”, Burger Beard.   Now, in terms of villains, his motive doesn’t  really seem that hostile and cruel. He just wants   to sell burgers on the beach, and he even has  some friends with the seagulls that surround him,   even if he can be annoyed by their antics at  times. Now sure, the burgers he was selling   were done by stealing Mr Krab’s own formula, but  that doesn’t mean the end of Bikini Bottom, right? Well, no; it means JUST that. Without Krabby  Patties, the place falls into anarchy,   becoming a set piece that you see out of Mad Max.  Society literally depends on these burgers. And   Burger Beard knows it, now caring if it’s an  unhappy ending for Spongebob and his friends.   In fact, when they try to reclaim the formula,  he just sends them to a place where they could   be eaten. He even fights for his right to keep the  formula by using his ship to blast them away with   cannonballs. He may not be as outwardly cruel  as Dennis, but for someone knowing he’s causing   the apocalypse in Bikini Bottom and not caring,  that definitely ranks him very high up our list. With our top three evil beings, let’s add in  Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy’s other enemy,   Manray. Being locked up in their cave in  “Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy III”, Spongebob   and Patrick end up releasing him after  tricking them into believing he’s a good guy.   After successfully duping them, he tries to  instantly go after a bank and tries to rob it.   That said, due to just how the tickle belt he was  stuck to affected his mind, he ends up blowing   his chance, and just opens a bank account  with checks that have kitten faces on them. Despite this stumble, he’s still a very real  threat, being able to take over Bikini Bottom   in an evil future in “Back To The Past”. He  even teamed up with the Dirty Bubble to cause   either mischief or crimes across the town. He  can be very evil when he needs to. That said,   he doesn’t get any higher up on this list thanks  to the fact that he seems to have a life outside   of being evil. In “Super Evil Aquatic Villain  Team Up is Go”, he apparently has a job as a   vending machine restock worker. He also seems to  have gone to college and had friends with someone   from high school, happily chatting up with  her in “Shuffleboarding”. He even has dreams   of just going on vacation, as seen in “Man Ray  Returns” when he rents out Squidward’s house.   Despite how civil he can be at times, he’s  still very much, as Mermaid Man says, EVIL! Our silver medal of pure evil goes  to Plankton’s evilest family member,   Planktonamor. The main antagonist of “Dunces and  Dragons”, he attacks the town over and over again   with his pet Jellyfish Dragon. He plans on taking  over King Krabs’ kingdom, Bikini Bottom Shire,   destroying it with his dragon until he gets  his way. He even ends up kidnapping King Krabs’   daughter, Princess Pearl, and plans on returning  her for the keys to the kingdom. Of course,   if these demands aren’t meant, he would just  kill her, showing just how ruthless he is. In terms of Plankton, he’s much  more ambitious, and crueler   as a result of this. He ends up coming very  close to achieving his goals, and only fails   thanks to Sponge on befriending the dragon with a  Krabby Patty. The only reason he isn’t any higher   is thanks to just how weak he is on his own,  with magic only strong enough to tickle people.   Of course, he’s still no laughing matter. Anyone  that is capable of getting a dragon to obey them   and attack a village on their  behalf shouldn’t be taken as a joke. For the most evil being in Bikini Bottom,  we don’t have just a single being,   but rather, an entire race; The  Jelliens. These fake jellyfish   aliens could have come from Invasion Of The  Body Snatchers with just how creepy they are.   They are able to latch onto hosts and create  alien versions of these familiar friends.   What Spongebob thought was just a pet that he  and Patrick, who is actually his alien self   due to being captured, were going to hand out,  ended up accidentally leading them to their prey. These aliens all serve under a overlord, bringing  her the captured fishes for her to presumably eat.   They are essentially a parasite, literally  hijacking their brains and bodies and turning   them into followers of the Jelliens.  They seemingly have no goal in life   other than to reproduce and expand  their species, even if it means   destroying others. Given just how powerful and  dangerous they can be, getting very close to   destroying all of Bikini Bottom’s residents  save for Spongebob and Sandy, we think it’s   only fitting to give this entire race the spot as  the most evil threat in the world of Spongebob. And with that, that’s our list of all  the foes in Bikini Bottom! Do you agree   with our list? Let us know… and if you want  the full morality ranking of Bikini Bottom…   check out our main Spongebob  Squarepants: Good to Evil episode.   Be sure to hit that notification bell  and most importantly: Stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 491,645
Rating: 4.8918252 out of 5
Keywords: square pants, spongebob movie 2020, spongebob squarepants netflix, patrick star, doodlebob, mr crab, karen and plankton, plankton and karen, karen plankton, triton, tim hill, the voice of spongebob, squidward painting, spongebob drawn to life, spongebob universal studios, patrick starfish, sponge bob square pant, sponge bob square pants show, spongebob mashems, spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom rehydrated, spongebob squarepants show, spongebob squarepants
Id: vqErUNF_EmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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