Sonic The Hedgehog Characters: Good to Evil

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throughout the ups towns and all around the appeal of these guys have remained eternal originally intended as the edgy subversion of the kiddie platformer Sega's Golden Boy has become one of the most famous franchises in gaming for better or worse but regardless of which game in the series you pick a few things remain consistent addictive speed amazing music and a whole lot of characters but when you take a break from shattering the sound barrier you come to realize how wide the moral spectrum is stretched across Sonic's world some characters are the perfect example of purity others are nothing short of evil and all sorts of characters fall somewhere in between so who takes the goal ring for most heroic and who deserves to rot with those despicable dark chow kick back with a chili dog and find out after all with the movie right around the corner I think it makes perfect sense that our first video game good to evil features the blue hedgehog himself I'm Kyle with 1up binge and this is Sonic the Hedgehog good to evil now before we get moving it's important to set some ground rules between the countless games there were already more than enough characters to pick from and we've likely left a few fan favorites behind as it is as a result we're ignoring alternate continuities like sonic boom the 5 different TV series the 2 movies and the archie comics believe me there was a lot to unpack as it is starting out with the most good as usual we arrive at a little guy who's cute and cuddly even by sonic standards chip also known as light Gaia chip was born as the polar opposite to Dark Gaia destined to awaken and stop dark eyes destruction of the planet rebirth Mobius anew and return to dormancy within the planet and a never-ending cycle even ignoring his godly status he's kind to everyone he meets and greets every new friend by offering them chocolate which is a touching gesture for someone so obsessed with sweets want some chocolate professor one of the most likable one-off characters in the series chip is also the most pure so let's all raise a candy bar to that from God of Light - little girl we arrived at Maria Robotnik it's strange to say that the cousin of the series on Big Bad ranks so high on our list but it only takes a few scenes before you want to give the poor girl a hug she was victim to an incurable and fatal disease that her grandfather worked feverishly to cure by creating an ultimate life form for the purpose of medical experimentation one gets to know who that was despite the disease and the questionable lineage she comes from Maria is a picture-perfect girl soft-spoken caring and innocent Maria formed an inseparable bond with shadow which makes her death even more tragic as she got a bullet in her back during guns raid on the ark despite all this she uses the last of her energy to let shadow get away and only wishes for him to protect humanity she may have been long dead before Sonic took to the green hills but her impact is way too immense to be overlooked without her you have to wonder just where shadow would be right now finally arriving at one of the more central characters we have creamed the rabbit like Maria cream is the spitting image of the adorable incorruptible child she's super polite and well-mannered going as far as to refer to others as mister or missus and cream carries a strong sense of justice and loyalty that's commonplace amongst the sonic core cast she may be a pacifist by Nature but that doesn't stop her from throwing her Chow companion cheese around to destroy robots special mentions to Sonic Rush where her open-minded nature and happy spirit are what de Frost's blaze the cats called exterior and teach her the value and friendship and sonic battle where her healing ability stems from her pure heart rather than a medical bot or chaos energy and is still the best heal skill in the game she can be a bit childish and oversensitive but she's only six so we're more than willing to give her some leeway next is to call while the rest of the long-lost knuckles clan was a forceful tribe hungry for conquest power and wealth to call kept to her ideals of peace and harmony among all living things she befriended both the Chou species and chaos and went out of her way to plead her father the village chief to not raid the Master Emerald shrine and when all else failed she stood in harm's way to convince them to stop she could have easily surpassed Maria or cream if not for her biggest flaw her lack of hindsight she sacrificed her own body to seal both herself and an enraged chaos in the Master Emerald to prevent any more damage but chaos was never truly quelled until Sonic neutralized it as supersonic nearly four thousand years later technically she's partly responsible for the destruction of Station Square still she only has the best intentions and is easily forgiven the wisps come in next introduced as the central gimmick of Sonic Colors this rainbow of Crayola space squids are as adorable as they are powerful their biology is made entirely of hyper go on energy which have made them another target for Eggman schemes it's explicitly stated that they only help good people which is why they've been helping Sonic ever since their debut by acting as power-ups they're typically playful and peaceful by nature with the exception of the ones drained of their energy although these little guys are a bit more violent even then they don't like Eggman and still flock to Sonic's side so we're dealing with an overall good species here now let's move on to big the cat big doesn't ask for much he loves his peace and quiet he loves his fishing and he loves his best friend froggy that's about it he'd rather not get involved with any adventuring but if his friends need his help or frog he gets taken away he won't hesitate to lend his immense strength to the problem at hand he's optimistic always keeps his cool and the closest thing he can give to a thread is this hold on there really it doesn't seem like big has a bad thing to say about anyone then again considering his low intelligence I don't think he has much to say to begin with we finally arrived at our hero Sonic the Hedgehog the fastest thing alive might seem a little late to claim a better spot on the good side but let's be real sonic isn't the most typical protagonist out there looks like things have gotten pretty ugly Sonic is a champion of freedom above all else he has a love for the world he's run around in countless times along with nature the people and peace this has naturally put him at odds with Eggman for nearly 30 years at this point who has constantly wanted to enslave it with his mastery of machinery and has beat him each and every time and show him the real power of teamwork Sega's game-changing mascot does carry a lot of the traits you would expect from a hero he has a strong sense of justice an unbelievable amount of willpower and is extremely loyal to his friends he's even given some genuine heartfelt advice to troubled individuals like blaze and Marlina that said he's still a departure from the typical good guy in some very clear ways he's blown off his friends from time to time has a pretty massive ego and his habit of acting first and asking questions later has usually hurt the overall situation as much as it's helped like that time he kicked Eggman's means of controlling the deadly six out of the picture before realizing what he did regardless of his flaws Sonic is a character worth looking up to and when the chips are down he'll be the last one to hold out for the cause do I need a reason to want to help out friend right next to Sonic is his best buddy miles Prower but you can call him tails gifted with a genius-level intelligence mechanical skills on par with Eggman and his birth abnormality of twin tails that allow him to fly tails is Sonic's best and most consistent Ally and Eggman second greatest pain in the neck ever since meeting him in Sonic 2 tails has always stuck close to Sonic offering his help whenever possible and being a one-of-a-kind friend and in time he would learn to believe in himself and gain his own independence and recognition as hero in his own right that was just too easy with all that said tails got knocked down a few spots because his appearance is post Sonic oh six have caused his characterization to regress in terms of both sense of action and likability he's gotten very cowardly whiny and barring some bare minimum tech support he's typically sitting in the background while Sonic and Classic Sonic do all the work come on Sega we know you can do better than that moving on we have silver the Hedgehog living in a distant ruined future silver uses his psychokinetic powers to protect those who can't protect themselves and aspires to make the future better by righting wrongs in the past unfortunately he doesn't start out the best as he's easily manipulated by meth listen oh six to kill Sonic saying that he's the trigger for Judgment Day if I eliminate that guy will our world be saved sure joining the good side after two failed assassination attempts is far from moral but there's no question that he was in a desperate situation ever since he befriended Sonic and company he's mellowed out a lot more and the worst thing we can say about him these days is that he can get overly competitive circumstances have changed still his heart's always in the right place next up is Amy Rose Sonic's stalker with a crush yes Amy can be overly aggressive yes amy has come off as bossy and overbearing and yes Amy's obsession and love for Sonic has been portrayed as creepy and even abusive but there's no denying Amy's good qualities she has boundless energy and optimism she's willing to fight to protect herself and others and she has an infectious go-getter attitude that has helped to push her friends past their limits it's also worth mentioning that her innocence in Hope has helped to shift the alignment of two other characters towards the path of good II one oh two gamma and shadow and considering the latter went on to save the world shortly afterwards we've got to give her some major good points next on our list is knuckles as the last of his kind and guardian of the Master Emerald knuckles is a loner by Nature he is a force for good and his help sonic time and time again but only one he isn't busy trying to fix the Master Emerald or tricked into going up against Sonic by dr. Eggman he's surprisingly pretty nice once you get to know him and is usually a good friend barring the occasional angry outburst or snide remark really knuckles is a responsible Guardian and a good guy when his naivety isn't preyed upon we just hope that he can get off Angel Island a bit more frequently in the future now I must return to Angel Island okay let's go ahead and throw team chaotix in consisting of SPO the chameleon Charmy bee and vector the crocodile some of the most underrated and entertaining characters of the cast these three run a detective agency and take all sorts of cases to barely pay rent they've helped to ward off egg man's attempts at global takeover and even beat him up in Heroes when it's revealed he was their mystery clients although that was mainly because he didn't have their promised reward money if we had to put them in some order we'd put SPO as the most good due to his absolute hatred of evildoers and vector as the least good for his greed and short temper still they're all detectives you would want on your side the last of our good characters we have blaze the cat she's a magical princess from another dimension she's the guardian of the soul emeralds and has some incredibly flashy pyrokinesis powers to show off though she used to view it as a curse before sonic rush she was disciplined antisocial and bottled up her emotions after meeting cream and Sonic however she started to break down these walls and become a much more friendly and empathetic person however we can't overlook her actions in Sonic oh six where she already knows and like Sonic and yet never seems to talk silver out of trying to kill him and no Sonic Generations disproves the idea that oh six isn't canon moving into our more neutral characters we have a 102 gamma during Sonic Adventure dr. Eggman started creating a set of elite fighting robots nicknamed the e-series of the group gamma was the best of his kind and carried out a couple missions for him however upon witnessing his creators poor treatment of his brothers and meeting the kind-hearted Amy gamma ultimately decided to rebel against his creator by quote-unquote freeing his fellow eseries units he's new to this whole thing leave him alone even while loyal to Eggman gamma showed traces of sentience and rationality absent for most other robots and the worst thing he did was terrorize in empty Beach and at the end of his story when he's critically wounded he doesn't use his auto repair function and willingly dies to let the flicky within reunite with his family gammas Redemption and death was nothing short of tragic and it's why the fandom still remembers him so fondly the mutated Shao chaos is a little hard to rank on one hand it's a loving creature who cares for its brethren on the other hand it's got an awful temper it wiped out most of the Echidna tribe but that was out of self-defense after they had already trampled numerous chow and to call the only person chaos actually trusted and enjoyed the company of it destroyed all of station square once it had taken all the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds to become perfect chaos but none of that would have had and if Eggman didn't bust them out of the Master Emerald considering supersonic utilizes the emeralds positive energy to neutralize it and to call spirit convinces it to depart peacefully into the afterlife with her will say chaos is overall more good than bad next up is Shadow the Hedgehog probably the most famous antihero in gaming shadow was designed with the purpose of being a darker apathetic and say it with me edgy reflection of our beloved blue blur I shed Shadow the Hedgehog back in Sonic Adventure 2 he manipulated dr. Eggman to help him collect the Chaos Emeralds with the underlying purpose of destroying the world as an act of revenge against humanity for killing Maria I'm going to destroy this damn planet undeniably evil but all it took was one memory for him to realize that she really wanted him to work together with Sonic to save the world from destruction supposedly sacrificing himself in the process he did get amnesia from the fall and spent a couple games getting that sorted out in his typical shady way and ever since shadows been an agent for gun seeking to deliver justice and make the world a better place the honor Maria's wish I was created to bring order and justice to the humans as the ultimate life form shadow is understandably cocky but he's also rather violent dismissive and indifference almost everyone around him he's not without a heart though besides Maria he does treat both Rouge and Omega as genuine companions that he both respects and cares about there's also shown to be some mutual respect between him and the likes of Sonic silver and even Eggman he even saved the world in his own game there's no doubt that he strives for the greater good these days but both his mood and means to the ends are not beyond criticism the latest and greatest of the e-series II 1 2 3 Omega is up next Omega is a hulking walking arsenal with power capable of matching shadow unfortunately Eggman's only real plan for omega was to babysit a comatose shadow at the start of Sonic Heroes enraged by this waste of his potential Omega swore the rest of his life - destroying both Eggman and everything he ever created to prove his worth he's objective stoic and exceptionally violent despite all this he's proven to be a loyal and dependable partner to both shadow and Rouge and while he isn't that emotional he did try to comfort Rouge his sadness over the idea that their shadow wasn't the real one by pointing out that an original needed to exist to create clones possibly controversial but we're placing rouge the bat as the least moral member of team dark omega might be a trigger-happy weapons museum with legs but at least he wears that fact on his sleeve and isn't hostile as long as you're not in the way of his goal rouge might be far more social and outwardly friendly than her comrades but good luck putting any faith in her she loves jewelry and treasure above all else and will use any dirty trick to get what she wants this includes lying stealing beating others up and then stealing and using her charm to manipulate people but in her defense certain faucets of her character such as her career with gun her friendship with shadow and Omega and her existing yet untouched relationship with knuckles do show there's some good in her but it only makes her next attempt at swiping the Master Emerald all the more disheartening stay classy Batgirl oh we're just gonna lump all the Babylon rogues in one spot composed of competitive leader jet the hawk level-headed mechanic wave the swallow and dim-witted enforcer storm the albatross these three are professional extreme gear riders by day and master thieves by night beyond being team Sonic's primary rivals and the sonic riders games they don't serve that much of a purpose and are all fairly one-dimensional jerks that said they usually team up with Sonic and company for the sake of facing a greater evil and will give Jett some props for actively hating the idea of cheating a dirty win is no good to him and that's pretty respectable our last character before our descent into evil is dr. Gerald Robotnik much like chaos Gerald is a bit hard to judge simply because he's a character of extreme opposites before guns raid on the ark Gerald was devoted to using his intellect to better mankind and had a strong ethical code sure he did strike a deal with black doom to help finish project shadow but once you realize what they intended to do with the Chaos Emeralds he went right to work designing the Eclipse cannon with the intention of defending the planet from the black arms after the raid and Maria's death however Gerald slowly went insane from a mix of potent anger and grief he reprogrammed the cannon to cause the entire arc to collide with the world in brainwashed shadow to alter key memories so that he could accomplish his act of revenge dr. Gerald died a broken man and while he didn't deserve to lose everything he held dear we can't say in good faith his attempt to wipe out humanity was justified unto the minor baddies we've got or ba and Cuba introduced in Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors respectively these two were designed as egg man's personal aid robots while they are loyal to Eggman it's very clear that it's only due to how they were programmed they're not above sassing or mocking their creator and don't seem to hold any personal grudges against Sonic still they stick by Eggman no matter what and help out whenever possible or an orbits case whenever it's convenient for him we'll quickly highlight the deadly six a group that works for and later turns on Eggman these guys love destruction and are inherently evil huh something Sonic the biggest issue is that beyond zavok in masters ik it's hard to take any of them seriously even when they're plotting on using Eggman's extractor device to SAP the world of its life energy the less said about Sonic lost world the better so we'll just say that sonic kicks their butts and moves on finally we get to the main antagonist dr. Eggman well Eggman doesn't seem too bad from game to game it's only when you look at the whole picture when you realize how many atrocities he's committed let's make sure you sacrifice for nothing he leads his Eggman Empire with an iron fist and seeks to conquer the whole world enslaving and even rubato sizing all people and he'll do practically anything to make this vision a reality this includes capture and cute woodland critters the power robots releasing dangerous mystical beings like chaos and dark aiya threatening the whole world to surrender with the Eclipse cannon and draining an entire alien species of it's life force to use as energy as a villain Eggman is vicious cunning deceptive and brutal my demands point simple Eggman Empire that said there is a softer side to his hard shell he's teamed up with Sonic and Friends on several occasions to take down a greater threat mobilize the entire egg fleet to take on the black arms and personally saved both Sonic and Tails in sonic lost world Eggman doesn't seem to appreciate global destruction in mindless slaughter under the explanation that he can't rebuild the world in his image if there's no world in the first place he's kind of a massive hypocrite though considering he has no qualms with trying to blow up Station Square with a nuclear missile split up the plan at which realistically speaking would have killed millions of people and at his subordinate infinite create a miniature son to eviscerate all of the resistance at once combined with the sheer persistence and lack of fear Eggman has certainly earned his spot as one of gaming's greatest villains but there are a few baddies who do his job a bit better egg man's greatest creation Metal Sonic rounds out our final five he was designed to be better than Sonic in every conceivable way and was a complete success he's usually egg man's right-hand Hedgehog and has been a cold-hearted malicious killer robot ever since his debut in Sonic CD what pushes metal Sonic's so high up the evil end is his mentality he only wants to defeat Sonic and prove his superiority but has never successfully done so what was once a simple task in his programming has spiraled into a never-ending grudge that borders on unhealthy obsession this led to him overcoming his own programming overtaking the Eggman Empire and turning himself into one of the most powerful threats in the series to date the metal Lord whether he's egg man's silent enforcer or striking out on his own if you see him you better start begging for mercy infinite is next originally a mercenary who joined Eggman's army infinite was given the phantom ruby a gemstone with the power to warp reality and boost the users own power considerably with it he not only defeated Sonic but led the Eggman Empire on to take over almost everything he relishes in the pain suffering and fear of others and is perfectly content with killing other heroes just to instill even more hopelessness on everyone else and all of this because he got bored with the world as it was yeah this guy's in utter Psychopaths the only reason he isn't higher is the fact that he's still immortal under that mask he's still capable of feeling emotion as evidenced by his dry sense of humor and his massive inferiority complex and we can't say the same about what's to come only of being with my strength of will we've officially reached the big leagues the very worse this series has to offer starting with black doom the sadistic no-nonsense tyrannical leader of the black arms aliens who invaded earth and Shadow the Hedgehog his goal is to take over the world and enslave the human race using them as a food supply for his soldiers with the justification being that Humanity is a self-destructive species which is pretty flimsy reasoning he views his own offspring as disposable and shows no sympathy for them and that includes his own biological son Shadow the Hedgehog he constantly manipulates shadow and convinces him he has his best interest at heart while simultaneously shouting demands and giving him no room for error and to top all that off his ultimate form is literally called devil doom no subtlety we're giving this silver medal of evil 2-methyl as the dark 1/2 of the ancient Sun God Solaris he is a living embodiment of evil chaos destruction and malevolence we're other antagonists are driven by desires of conquest power wealth or vengeance methyl asone Lee craves violence despite being able to time travel at will where he could have easily traveled to the future where it less is just hanging out he devises a plan to release a bliss from a princess's body by causing her to cry by killing sonic yes you heard me right he sneaks up from behind the two fires an energy beam and impale Sonic through the heart why because he wanted to cause as much heartbreak and death as possible before his grand reunion despite all this methyl is is well spoken calm and charming which allowed him to manipulate silver with no issues and came close to swaying shadow to his side for as bad as Sonic oh six is we can see why some fans would want this delightfully devilish rogue to appear again and finally at the end of our moral spectrum the gold medal of evil goes to Dark Gaia as the opposing counterpart to our chocolate loving light Gaia Gaia is a being that has existed since the dawn of time whose sole purpose is to destroy the plan it is a pure embodiment of night destruction and darkness and that's all we really need to say but what puts it ahead of both black doom and methyl as' is that while the previous two were sentient beings that had the capacity for restraints and were willing to ally themselves with other characters Dark Gaia shows no such qualities you can't reason with it you can't barter with it you can't even swear allegiance to it it's an unthinking and practically unstoppable force of nature only stopped by a being of equal power and opposite alignment along with our favorite Super Saiyan Hedgehog and that's our ranking disagree with us let us know in the comments section please subscribe as we'll be making more episodes featuring your favorite games and if you want more good to evil be sure to binge watch our full playlist where we've done episodes not just on videogames but also cartoons movies and TV shows but most importantly stay wicked you
Channel: 1upBinge
Views: 912,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog xbox 360, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, sonic movie, shadow the hedgehog xbox 360, sonic 06 xbox one, sonic knuckles, knuckles, sonic tails, sonic 06 xbox 360, sonic the hedgehog 2019, knuckles sonic, shadow the hedgehog, good to evil, sonic amy, amy rose, sonic rogue, dr. eggman, dr. robotnik, sega, tikal, cream the rabbit, big the cat, Silver the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat, sonic chaos, Rouge the Bat, metal sonic, Mephilles the Dark, dark gaia
Id: BGLoC97VD28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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