SPONGEBOB CONSPIRACY #8: The Time Traveling Ghost Pirate Theory

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Alex is a Higurashi fan? BASED.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kokorolinkrun 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

Apparently there's a lot of Higurashi:

Music: (in order of appearance)

Private Investigator - Audiomachine

For the Moment - Almost Here

Look Behind You - Erik Margolin

Le cerbiatte - Stelvio Cipriani

Vengeance - Cloud Battalion

Malleus Mallificarum - Dave Hewson

Surgery Prep - Get Out

Get Fuzzed Up - Otto Sieben

Hypnosis - Get Out

Jeremy Enough - Get Out

Anten - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Oyashiro Sama - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Tsumi - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Never Meant To Belong - Bleach

Tatari - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Takurami - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Kehai - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

#7 - Aphex Twin

Higyaku - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

The Auction - Get Out

Cold-hearted Isabella - The Promised Neverland

Main Title - The Twilight Zone

Chousa - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Prisonic Fairytale - Silent Hill 2

Sakuryaku - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Respite - OMORI

Giwaku - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Michishirube (Piano Version) - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Fade - OMORI

Crash No Crash - Devs

Pendulum - Shiki

Kaigi - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Isabella's Lullaby (Instrumental) - The Promised Neverland

Oshin - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Shousou - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Track 06 - Another

Hank's Last Stand - Breaking Bad

Quiet Slumber - Yamabiko

Dance till You're Dead (Remix) - Immortal Bass

Libet’s Delay - The Caretaker

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nicbentulan 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2022 🗫︎ replies

You keep saying Oyashiro-Sama theme" and I keep thinking "Do you know Oyashiro-sama? No, Hinamizawa."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SnooPears8751 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
all right so this time instead of ending with the big twist i'm just gonna open with it the flying dutchman is the ghost of patchy the pirate this is a claim that makes absolutely no sense they look different they act different and most importantly patchy the pirate is alive at the same time we see the flying dutchman it would be impossible to prove that they're the same person right well you know i like a challenge this is the time traveling ghost pirate theory [Music] you mean the big tentacle monster in my basement yeah how do you know about that i have one too what [Music] so when you say you have a muse you mean you also have a creepy monster thing in your basement giving you spongebob theories well no it didn't give me spongebob theories it got me my commercial jobs i didn't even know there was more than one i have like a thousand questions right now like what exactly are they where do they come from what do they want oh um i probably don't know that much more than you mine just showed up in my house one day and eventually it left wait yours left as in you don't have a muse no i just kept giving my meat got me a permanent job and then it left listen i know they seem really weird and creepy at first but honestly they're just here to help but didn't you have to feed yours like more than just meat no what have you been feeding yours mine ate a cat hang on you gave your music hat i didn't feed it the cat okay it was in my home and then it took it okay was it my fault okay well obviously don't have a cat in your home when you have a muse listen just keep giving it meat and eventually it'll leave you with enough spongebob theories to last you for years [Music] hey so i've been thinking about things and um i'm willing to continue our relationship but things have to be very different this time no more eating living animals let's just stick to the store-bought meat okay oh okay uh great glad we're on the same page you know i'm sorry about all the shouting and the craziness you know i don't have anything against you personally i think if we just communicated better we could have you know avoided a lot of the issues that we were having but i'm glad we finally have an understanding [Music] all right the time traveling ghost pirate theory that's the uh that's the real title we're going with uh sure fine whatever now before we begin i just want to say how thankful i am for all the support on these spongebob theories these videos have uh definitely changed my life so to give a little bit back to the community today i'd like to support a small independent company out there that you've probably never even heard of that's why today's video was sponsored by a tiny little indie game called shadow legends great shadow legends is the most intense epic game in the entire world look at these games all these games compared to ray shadow legends they're a bunch of stupid baby games that's what they are raid has hundreds of unique characters bosses and clans and it's all completely free to play on mobile and pc what and they are constantly adding new content like the shadowkin faction the tower game mode and of course the new boss battle the hydra now me personally my guy is bareth the blood soaked he's got the cool axes he's covered in blood you know he may not be the flashiest guy but just look at him go he's got heart and to celebrate raid's three year anniversary they've added tons of new events and free gifts all this month by using the promo code three years rage you'll get over 25 dollars worth of free gifts and if you use the link in the description or scan my qr code new players will get a starter pack worth almost 40 dollars full of free championed and experienced brews that is a deal you cannot miss so scan the qr code do it i can wait video doesn't start till you scan it do it i don't get paid until you scan the qr code so we're not starting the video until you scan the qr code did you do it okay i'm trusting you um i guess we can start the video now [Music] before i get into how these characters connect i have to explain the tragic backstory of patchy the pirate i'm patty the pirate president of the spongebob squarepants fan club patch of the pirate is the president of the spongebob fan club and they often cut to him during special episodes to host the show and talk to the audience he fits in perfectly with my television theory and clearly works for the in-universe spongebob squarepants showrunners as some kind of mascot for the show boring well if it isn't my less than amusing sidekick potty the parrot apache is this weird lonely guy whose only friend is a talking parrot who's constantly harassing him and i'm also pretty sure patchy wants to eat him shiver me timbers it's potty i wonder what pear it tastes like but that's not what this theory is about if you rewatch all the episodes with patchy you start to notice a bit of a disturbing development with this character patchy has devoted his entire life to spongebob but that devotion is very one-sided and the more time that goes on the more resentful patchy becomes of spongebob in the season 3 episode party pooper pants patchy throws a house party and tries to invite spongebob but he doesn't show up say you didn't bring spongebob with you did you gee i sure hope he got his invitation i'd sure like to go to this party but i can't read the invitation but patchy doesn't really seem to be that upset about it i will but then things start to take a turn in the episode the sponge who could fly patchy follows a map and goes on a crazy adventure to find the legendary lost spongebob episode and after finally getting it this is what plays that's it that's the last episode that was just a bunch of cheap walk cycles what a rip so patchy got let down by spongebob again but i'm sure he'll get over it just like last time [Music] spongebob betrayed us i'm sorry i ever started this stupid has a full-on mental breakdown now eventually he does find the real lost episode and goes back to normal but this is just the start of patchy's transformation into a much darker character in the season 6 episode truth or square apache throws a massive television extravaganza to celebrate 10 years of spongebob there is a ton of production value in celebrities that patchy managed to get there is no way spongebob wouldn't show up for it spongebob squarepants what do you mean he's not coming 10 years i've been president miss fan club apache has dedicated 10 years of his life to spongebob and he can't even be bothered to show up once and this never even gets resolved in the episode either patchy tries to find spongebob thinks he's about to meet him but then it turns out it was all just a dream mr are you okay spongebob no it's just me the guy in the penny patchy's one-sided obsession with spongebob is making him delusional and this is by no means the last time patchy will hallucinate meeting spongebob in atlanta's square pantis patchy gets lost in the desert and once again hallucinate spongebob uh-oh here come the hallucinations it's me spongebob squarepants but then in spongebob's big birthday blowout it seems like he finally really does meet spongebob from your biggest fan i have a fan ah surprise it's patchy the pirate ha happy birthday spongebob thank you patty but even if they don't explicitly say it this is definitely another hallucination it's right after he crashed into an island and he's just a severed head for some reason and he can breathe underwater yeah i'm gonna say that this is a hallucination they have another alleged meeting in spongebob's road to christmas special but this time patchy's fully animated for some reason so i'm pretty skeptical about this one too in fact i'm gonna come back to this one keep it in mind because it's gonna be very important later on so as much as patchy worships spongebob and wants to meet him he never will and you don't have to take my word for it either in a 2009 wondercon panel with some of the actors and creators of spongebob they talk about the rules they have for writing the show including the fact that patchy can never meet spongebob his character is has evolved into this pirate that's obsessed with spongebob well they can never meet right well yeah they can't ever meet there's a lot of rules in spongebob which are there for a reason it's part of success in a way from the very start of his creation they doomed patchy to be an obsessed fan who would never meet his idol he will spend the rest of his life devoted to spongebob but no matter how hard he tries he will never reach bikini bottom and he will never meet spongebob and unfortunately that is the tragic story of patchy the pirate but if all of that's true then i just have one lingering question how come the dumpster behind the krusty krab has a message that reads patchy was here don't go anywhere because the time travel and ghost pirate theory is about to get crazy uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh so [Music] i'll come back to this message later but first we have to talk about the mysterious origins of the flying dutchman the flying dutchman is the legendary ghost pirate that haunts bikini bottom in a pirate ship the flying dutchman descends on bikini bottom the first time we hear about the flying dutchman is in the episode squibber the unfriendly ghost when spongebob finds a comic book about his origins it's the origin of the flying dutchman it says when he died they used his body as a window display now he haunts the seven seas because he was never put to rest now i've always been a little skeptical about this origin not just because it's claiming they put an actual human corpse up as display in a kid's store but because the flying dutchman himself contradicts it hmm it's a little torn of course it was the shirt i was buried in he was never put to rest if he was buried then this origin can't be true so who is the flying dutchman actually well when i rewatched all the episodes with the flying dutchman i kept noticing that he seems to have some kind of fixation with spongebob in particular in the episode shanghaied he dropped his anchor on spongebob's home which leads to him having to briefly join the dutchman's crew then in born again crabs he's about to take mr crab's soul but then immediately changes his mind when spongebob offers his soul instead and even in the camp coral prequel show he haunts spongebob as a kid but strangest of all in ghost host the dutchman's ship gets destroyed and out of all the places in bikini bottom he could stay he decides to stay with spongebob my location where i'll be staying business or residence residence and look at the way he mischievously smiles when he sees spongebob it feels like this is personal for him but why the episode ghost host is actually the first time we get a bit more depth of the flying dutchman's character at first he spends all of his time torturing spongebob but eventually he just wants to stay and hang out with him maybe stay with a friend for a while just for a little while longer even though his ship's already been repaired for three months actually i have a confession spongebob my ship's been done for three months now it feels like the dutchman has some kind of vendetta against spongebob specifically but also deep down he's just lonely and wants to be spongebob's friend and does that remind you of anyone someone who's desperate to be spongebob's friend but also has a deep resentment towards him okay but there's like a bunch of reasons why the flying dutchman couldn't be the ghost of patchy the pirate i mean for starters they look totally different right different shirt different hat and most importantly the dutchman doesn't have the iconic hook and eye patch that patchy does this is the point where i was about to give up and scrap this theory but then i decided to rewatch the season one episode argh where spongebob plays a board game called the flying dutchman's treasure that's actually based on the flying dutchman's real map the flying dutchman's treasure hunt based on a real treasure map and then i noticed something one of the game cards actually shows a picture of the flying dutchman i mean look he clearly has the same nose and faces him but this looks like a picture of when he was still alive and had a darker black beard but the hat he's wearing is not the usual flying dutchman hat it is the exact same hat patchy the pirate wears okay but he still doesn't have the eye patch in the hook hand right well yeah but here's the thing neither does patchy patchy's hook is always switching hands and he constantly takes off his eye patch because patchy isn't a real pirate he's just pretending to be one the great thing about he lives in encino california but he's a pirate but the only thing that makes him a pirate is that he says he's one and dresses like one okay fine but but the shirt the shirt is still very different you know the the dutchman's is all open and it's got those stripy things apaches is more fancy with the big white puffy collar and cuffs well in the curse of bikini bottom we see the flying dutchman's closet and he pulls out the exact same shirt that patchy wears same fancy puffy collar same cuffs fine okay maybe patchy the pirate and the dutchman look the same but that doesn't mean they're the same person it's time we address the elephant in the room the flying dutchman can't be patchy's ghost because patchy is alive at the same time we see the flying dutchman like in order for this theory to be true patchy would have to die and then the dutchman's ghost would show up but they're simultaneously existing at the same time patchy even shows up during an episode all about the flying dutchman and he even calls it his favorite episode we're gonna see me favorite show shanghai ta-da it is physically impossible for patchy and the dutchman to be the same person or is it things are about to get stranger thank you once again for supporting us at happy meat farms together we're building a better future cut let's move on hey victoria uh i tried to work things out with the muse like you said and then i'm pretty sure it like bit me or something and now i'm like feeling really weird and craving raw meat uh could you just call me back please i'm starting to freak out a little bit um [Music] victoria where have you been i've been trying to call you all day hey sorry i'm at work okay so like the muse like bit me i think and now i'm like craving raw meat and yeah i know i got your messages just calm down this is a good thing oh is this a good thing it means it's almost over okay here's what i need you to do [Music] when i rewatched all the episodes with the flying dutchman i noticed something strange in the season seven episode the curse of bikini bottom the dutchman gets a girlfriend but starts to freak out when she wants to get married she wants to marry me i hate the marion day but the dutchman not being the marian type isn't entirely true back in season three during ghost host we see that the dutchman was once married is that a wedding ring oh this one's nothing all right but so what you know this just seems like a small continuity error between seasons no surprise for spongebob but in the season 6 special spongebob versus the big one there's an even stranger moment like this the flying dutchman bumps into mr krabs and says this to him he's a blind touchman he's some guy i've never seen before he says he's never met mr krabs before but there are two whole episodes from previous seasons dedicated to the dutchman trying to steal mr crab's soul for being too greedy they're even on a first name basis eugene krabs some guy i've never seen before all right so another weird inconsistency with a dutchman but i'm still not convinced that it's not just lazy writing but back in the curse of bikini bottom there's a moment that cannot be written off as another continuity ever spongebob and patrick accidentally shave off the dutchman's beard and the dutchman claims that beard won't grow back for another thousand years your beard will just grow back you know nothing of my facial hair it'll take a thousand years for my beard to grow back but by the end of the episode we cut to several months later and his beard is back the curse will wear off when my beard grows back several months later she wants to marry me it's not like this is just some plot point they forgot about between episodes this several months later is in the same episode where the dutchman says the beard takes a thousand years to grow back it'll take a thousand years for my beard to grow back several months later why the [ __ ] would they include this line if they were just gonna contradict it a few minutes later in the same god damn episode they even blatantly mention that it's several months later twice as if they're trying to make you realize how inconsistent it is several months later well here we are several months later so what does any of this mean why are the writers of spongebob intentionally making the flying dutchman as inconsistent as possible well the only way that this makes sense to me is if we're seeing the flying dutchman non-chronologically and by that i mean the flying dutchman is time traveling just just bear with me for a second for spongebob only several months have passed but for the dutchman it actually was a thousand years later the dutchman didn't recognize mr krabs in season six because for him this is the first time they've met and from his perspective the episodes where he tries to take mr crab's soul haven't happened yet the dutchman's not the marrying type in season seven but he probably actually does end up getting married to the giant monster and that's why we see him with a ring in season four because the past is the future for the flying dutchman okay okay let's uh let's calm down for a second there alex this time travel idea does fix a lot of problems with the dutchman's continuity but claiming a character has time travel powers is a major leap i mean don't get me wrong the flying dutchman is a very powerful ghost he can teleport he can shapeshift he can grant wishes but we've never seen him manipulate time you get three wishes wishes i wish we had known that earlier okay you got two wishes left huh okay so the dutchman's time traveling and you know what this means the flying dutchman could absolutely be the ghost of patchy the pirate and i'm gonna prove it oh hey alex what's up hey wes uh sorry for just barging in on you like this um i was actually wondering maybe if you wanna watch my new spongebob theory maybe give me some feedback dude yeah absolutely i love those videos come on man how's the uh film thing going oh you know uh fun needs a nightmare i'm trying to figure it out um so just uh give it a watch tell me what you think and uh is it cool if i use your bathroom yeah no problem it's just right through there so cool uh i guess enjoy [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] so if patchy the pirate eventually becomes the flying dutchman that means at some point in the future patchy is going to die except here's the thing i think patchy is already dead in present day and we have already seen his death on screen remember that christmas special i told you would be important later on it's the season 13 episode spongebob's road to christmas and as of recording this it's the latest episode in the spongebob timeline spongebob does meet patchy in this episode but for some reason he's fully animated instead of using the usual live action style ahoy spongebob and patrick it's me patty the pirate it honestly feels kind of creepy for some reason especially since the creators themselves said that patchy could never meet spongebob well they can never meet right is it possible that this isn't the real patchy well the last time we saw live-action patchy was in spongebob's big birthday blowout and that episode ended with him being fired out of a cannon and crashing into an island [Music] immediately after that patchy's severed head shows up and meets spongebob but i already explained how this is clearly just another hallucination and he's probably just gonna wake up on the island disappointed that he didn't actually meet spongebob like every other time but what if this is something more than just a simple dream that he can wake up from i mean the last shot we saw of the real patchy was him and potty faced down in the sand struggling to get out what if they didn't and this is what patchy is hallucinating as he dies during this hallucination he begins singing the show's theme song with spongebob to wrap up the episode who's having a birthday under the sea but as they're singing we briefly cut to this horrifying shot of patchy's body with potty's head lying on the island violently convulsing in pain it happened so quick that i didn't even process it the first time but god damn that is some terrifying imagery for a kid's show why the [ __ ] did they show this is this some kind of pg symbolic way to show patchy and potty suffocating to death in the sand holy [ __ ] okay so let's say patchy and potty the host of the spongebob squarepants television show are dead what happens now well the show must go on the spongebob squarepants television show has to continue without him but they need a new host to replace patchy except are they really gonna tell their young audience that their beloved patchy the pirate and potty of the parrot are dead no they're gonna replace them with animated actors and they're using actors [Music] hey that's showbiz for you but what happened to the real patchy after he died well he became a ghost and could finally meet his idol spongebob except when he goes to bikini bottom what would he see spongebob and all of his friends partying without him patchy dedicated his entire life to spongebob he even died for him and spongebob never even knew patchy existed and that resentment that's been building up inside apache for all of these years finally explodes and this is how patchy the pirate becomes the flying dutchman patchy is done pretending to be a pirate and dressing up in his fake costumes he gets a new look a new identity and now we can finally live out the fantasy of being a real pirate remember that board game that they said was based on a real map from the flying dutchman based on a real treasure map we never really did see the map that it was based on or did we remember when patchy was looking for the lost spongebob episode he used this map to find it now at first i thought these two maps didn't look all that similar but the more i looked at it the more my mind was blown same red x in the middle you got the compass the palm trees a turtle a fish but most importantly they both have the forked tree have a leak to the fort tree look for the deacon's goose through the fork in the old tree that is a very specific detail you would not just see that on any random map the flying dutchman based his map off of the one from his past so he's become the flying dutchman now and his main target for haunting is of course the one who ignored him his entire life spongebob squarepants but how did patchy become such a powerful ghost who can even manipulate time itself well there's actually an episode in season 12 called the ghost of plankton that gives us a pretty clear understanding of how ghost powers work it basically just takes time and effort to grow your powers patchy's already given spongebob 20 years of dedication might as well go a little further with it as the dutchman patchy travels back in time to visit all of his favorite most cherished spongebob episodes including his favorite episode shanghaied we're gonna see me favorite show shanghai except now he's not just watching the episode he's the one in control and he's gonna make spongebob pay for everything he's done and he's gonna make him pay over and over and over again but then we get to the episode ghost host apache initially moves in with spongebob to torture him but as much as he tries to deny it deep down he's still that devoted fanboy who just wants spongebob to be his friend as much as he wants to pretend to be the dutchman deep down patchy is still here and that is why if you go to the krusty krab after closing and you go out the back to the dumpster you can still read the words patchy was here yes he certainly was and that ladies and gentlemen is the time traveling ghost pirate theory thank you very much oh [ __ ] what about potty he died with patchy too right what what the hell happened to him uh uh i i can figure this out just give me a second let me just quickly rewatch every single episode of spongebob gotta watch the spin-offs too okay let me see the [ __ ] ate him i wonder what pair it tastes like that is the time traveling ghost pirate theory baby i am done see ya thank you again so much for watching this was an especially tough one to figure out but i think it all came together in the end if you haven't already make sure to like comment and hit hey alex i finished the theory pretty good stuff man you doing okay in there [Music] alex alex oh hi wesley what are you doing down here sorry i must have got lost that's okay i i finished the video what'd you think it was good hey is everything okay is everything okay why would everything be okay i mean come on dude you're you're acting weird you know you're right i have been feeling weird lately wesley i have a confession to make i didn't come here to show you a video why are you here to help you [Music] oh i'm sorry i'm sorry hey um sorry about all of that uh i think i'm coming down with something it's all right man uh i'll clean it up you should probably go though yeah yeah i'll go um sorry again [Music] how you feeling like my stomach just got pumped you'll feel better soon i don't know how to feel about what i did i get it but you did the right thing and soon you won't have to worry about your muse at all i like the uh haircut by the way thanks yeah long hair just didn't really feel like me thanks again for you know talking me through all this um light i don't have to deal with it on my own anymore yeah i mean i get how weird it all is see you you must have given someone else some muse too right did you give me my muse you needed help it worked didn't it goodnight victoria [Music] [Music] hey [Music] you
Channel: Alex Bale
Views: 3,058,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob conspiracy, alex bale, spongebob squarepants, spongebob theory, spongebob conspiracy theory, cartoon theory, the flying dutchman theory, ghost pirate, mrs. puff theory, mrs puff, happy meat farms, muse, don't feed the muse, arg, spongebob conspiracy #8, robot invasion theory, goofy goober alien death cult, neptune theory, squilliam theory, television theory, patchy the pirate, the time traveling ghost pirate theory, patchy is the flying dutchman, patchy theory
Id: kL4kb7Ic-wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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