Spoiled Teen Sick Of Quarantine, Stranger Teaches Her A Lesson | Dhar Mann

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there you go turkey and cheese your favorite oh another sandwich what's wrong I'm tired of eating sandwiches well I can make you something else how about pasta no I hate pasta PB&J a salad just let me know what you want and I can make it for you although something disgusting there's nothing good to eat here I'm gonna go to a restaurant well you know the situation honey with the virus spreading it's too dangerous for us to go out neat this isn't fair I'm sick of eating all the boring food that's in our refrigerator a sweetheart there are people out there whose refrigerators are empty don't you think you should at least be grateful that you have food to eat well that sucks for them how is it my problem you know what never mind [Music] hey honey I was thinking what do you think about playing a board game we used to play this all the time when you were little a board game what am i five years old no silly but you're never too old to hang out with your mom besides it'll be fun what do you say no that sounds like a horrible idea okay what do you feel like doing getting out of the house that's what I'd be like doing honey you know what the virus going around hiding hearing about the stupid virus I don't care I just want to do something fun well we could watch a movie or read a book oh I could help you organize your closet I know you've been wanting to do that no mom I've been stuck at home for months I just want to get out honey I don't want you to think of it as being stuck at the house I mean at least you have a home shouldn't you be grateful for that I mean there's a lot of people that don't even have a roof over their head I don't care about other people why do you keep saying that it has nothing to do with me I can't do this anymore I'm sorry that I'm getting out of here honey no wait where are you going [Music] doesn't get should be hanging out my friends right now not hailed her there you go I got a half for you half a sandwich I know I'm sorry I couldn't get us anything more you do mom this is great I didn't think we'd get to eat today thank you so much and I'm sorry I didn't have any chips or anything to drink and that we have to share but these have just really been tight and it's okay we don't have to explain me at least we get to eat some people don't get to eat it all and it looks so good why are you so sad it's nothing honey no tell me what's wrong I just I just feel bad ever since I lost my up to this virus things haven't been easy for you mom please don't cry I'm fine honestly we're stuck sleeping in our car we don't even have a house don't think of it as four stuck in our car at least we have a car some people don't even have a roof over their head right baby you make me so proud I'm so lucky to have you no mom I'm the lucky one I'm grateful for everything that I have oh my god grace I think god you're okay I was so worried about you yeah sorry running out like that wait are you about to throw that sandwich away yeah I I didn't know what else to do with it no it's fine I'll eat it I really appreciate you making it for me thank you okay sweetheart but I'm confused I thought you didn't want to eat sandwiches anymore well I'm sure you'll even have food to eat and actually I would love to play that board game with you Wow okay where is this coming from I thought you didn't want to be stuck at the house well I realized something today I'm not stuck in the house I'm lucky to even have a house and going for it I promise be a lot more grateful of what I have I am so happy to hear that I'm so proud of you I love you so much I love you too hadar man fam thanks so much for watching that video and i hope you love that message please remember that we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too because of the love and support that the Darkman fam shows me we just hit this many views I appreciate you watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 11,485,428
Rating: 4.9000282 out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, motivational, inspirational, inspiration, life tips, life lessons, self improvement, parenting, being happy, finding happiness in life, being grateful, being grateful for what you have, why you should be grateful in life, being happy with your life, happiness
Id: 7wMgi2NrH5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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