Spoiled Kid Takes Moms Credit Card

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Hello friends it's me today is dark man Monday and we're gonna be watching a video about a spoiled kid who steals his mom's credit card but before we start I have some awesome g-fuel news that I wanted to share with you guys if you're like me and love G fuel you have your own tub collection never leave home without your shaker cup maybe you have your own mini fridge mine needs a little restocking then why not take it to the next level by signing up to become an official G fuel Ambassador whether I'm at the gym or recording videos G fuel always gives me that energy that I so desperately need while being very tasty so G fuel is looking for a variety of creators both big and small so whether you're a gamer athlete Tick Tock or college student stay-at-home mom mailman lawyer you get the idea if you love drinking G Fuel and want to become a part of an epic Creator Community you should definitely apply to this program and if you're accepted to become a g fuel Ambassador you'll get a personalized g-fuel code you can give to your family friends and followers for 20 off every purchase on gfuel.com and every time someone uses your code you'll make money off of it and all you need is a PayPal account to get started as a g fuel Ambassador you'll unlock cheat codes to get free g-fuel products merch opportunities to test out new flavors VIP access to team events and a lot more to apply just click the link in the description below they'll review your application and automatically generate you an ambassador code if you're accepted simple really you know just make sure to let them know who sent you when applying I'll give you hand it's me Good Luck now let's watch Charlie dinner will be ready in five minutes 90. what in the world 90 degrees even I don't keep my house that warm y'all up the heating bill all right I got your food delivery don't let Dad find out I'm sorry there must be a mistake I didn't order any food I'll take that and for your troubles dude have a good one I hope this kid think he is rolling up with a towel bun doordashing himself some food mother's making dinner can you smell it what is this what are you thinking I have spent two hours in the kitchen making dinner home I'm sorry but craving the chicken marsala with red velvet cheesecake all week what's this outfit self-care Sunday I turned the bathroom into a sauna esthetician said it'd be good for my pores bro what pores you're like 10 years old and another 10 years you can worry about pores if you'll excuse me I gotta go ski no no no no he's so high into a sauna self-care Sunday more like run up the electricity bill Monday do you have any idea how much our gas bill is how do you plan on paying for all of this your credit card duh uh no sir I don't think so that is what your allowance is for but I already spinning you spent a hundred dollars what kind of it gives a hundred dollar allowance I saw him tip the delivery driver twenty dollars y'all are big balling on what video games little off man let's flip that um you're buying me a PS5 for Christmas you can't tell your mom that like you're buying me a PS5 nah saw the order confirmation in your email oh what are you doing going through my email listen Charlie just because I have money doesn't mean it's yours to spend on whatever you want most kids have to work or do chores for their allowance and not every kid gets ubereats or video games or an in-home sauna anybody can have an in-home sauna when they just crank the heat up right that would just be uncomfortable this kid is spoiled you need to slap some sense into him maybe put a passcode on your phone so he ain't going through your emails stop leaving your credit card around some kids think credit cards is like an infinite glitch for money it's not how it works and we're staying at a five-star hotel next week with your aunt and cousins because you wanted to be closer to the ski resort where you staying at a ski resort they rich rich excuse me for not wanting to stay as some cramped crappy place all I'm saying is I want you to be grateful for what you have you know growing up the best hotel we've ever stayed at was the Best Western six of us in one room and then we'd bring a blow up mattress so we had three beds two people on each bed we'd all share it's how you do I'll be grateful when I'm playing with my PS5 and remember to get the headset while you're at it if you're gonna do something might as well do it right imagine your kid talking to you like this some parents really are pushovers these days huh what happened to whipping out the shoe some good old-fashioned discipline that came out all right hey Mom how much longer till we get there I want to make sure we get to the lunch buffet fan time I don't know another hour maybe more if that storm comes and we could have avoided all of this if someone didn't oversleep this morning [Laughter] this is ridiculous this kid a princess passenger for real we'd be going on road trips digital Nexus driving I'd be in the back seat like this passenger princess over here laying down with my pillow playing Wordle on my phone my fancy face mask are you kidding me Charlie Charlie did you did you charge 75 on my credit card when I told you to stop spending money well maybe I wouldn't have to if you got me that PS5 six months ago like I asked that I probably wouldn't need more Robux wait till she finds out about fortnite skins that's it I'm turning this car around ski lessons oh I don't care I am done with this entitled attitude until you start appreciating the things that you have I have to stop spoiling you we're all for halfway there though you know what you're getting cut off right now just take his iPad is that so hard boo hoo what will the child do without an iPad on a road trip the storm is coming you can't turn back now we have to stay at the hotel there's no other option oh I think that there's another option oh no no no no no no no no no no we are not staying at Lily's I hate that place it's either that or the car you choose you choose my favorite nephew Charlie we're so happy to have you get in here what's there to complain about oh lily look rich too the whole family rich man it's freezing in here you decided to go on a ski trip yeah it's gonna be cold there's literally a fire in the background go sit by it you can throw Another Log on the Fire if you wanted you could chop some wood sure very funny at Lily chop some wood me manual labor Devin where's your PlayStation can I have room service might as well make the best of this weekend I wish I had a PlayStation I've been saving up for over a year what about an Xbox you gotta have one of those no switch nope serious right now what do you guys do for fun around here then oh whoa when your aunt Lily and I were kids we would read play board games oh we would spend hours playing Monopoly I would always get boardwalk and park place we'd spend hours playing Monopoly because y'all didn't have a PlayStation and then I bankcrafter with all the other ones super Sentry and I'm not making my way across the Oregon Trail there's got to be something else we can do I'm growing up oh that's good right remember we played that that's a good one maybe after I finished my chores we could spend some of my allowance and do something in town now we're talking we can go to the arcade or the mall laser tag you are not going anywhere after that stunt you pull with my credit card Devin's offering a pay though Devin's not going anywhere either until he finishes breaking the driveway this kid has no problem spending other people's money like oh you want to treat me you grow up to be a sugar baby trapped in the firewood you gotta hang the Christmas tree lights this way it's his turn to make dinner come on please please can we go please all right all right all right listen listen to me if you help Devin with his chores I'll consider letting you go are you serious right now that is not my job well you're not a nurse either but you seem to have no problem spending my paycheck this is what happens when you raised your kids like this like if you don't start them out young and make them do chores then they'll never do chores you can't just tell them one day like oh you gotta help you with this no if that's the case I don't blame the kids I blame the parents can't just wake up one day kids 12 years old never did a chore in his life like oh you're gonna have to start doing chores no you gotta like build them up to it you know ever since I was a little kid my dad would always tell us I only had kids so you guys would help us otherwise what's the point of having kids and I was just like I didn't ask to be here but all right I guess that's what kids are supposed to do help their parents and it kind of just stuck with me now if you want to go to the arcade the mall or somewhere like that you're gonna need to earn it or you could stay home with Aunt Lily and I and just play Scrabble there's no way be in my room on my tablet oh I forgot to mention yeah I took the tablet away good and I canceled the PS5 order yeah sure about that this kid don't deserve nothing he gotta start working for things so what's it gonna be What's it gonna be [Music] since I found your love songs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good day today [Music] right here they have surpassed Nickelodeon wow it smells good in here I can't wait to see what's on the menu tonight that's what ravioli with the spinach and ricotta filling homemade pumpkin that was homemade nice thank you thank you yeah we really gonna make them slave away huh Charlie sorry I think I just fell asleep for a second well I can't wait to dig in what about the hotel reservations I know his mom is so rich she's just gonna not go to hotel just miss out on her hotel reservations at a fancy ski resort just to prove a lesson to her kid that's how you know they're rich rich terrible um we can order something wait what no I spent hours in that kitchen not to mention breaking the driveway splitting firewood and getting the house ready for the holidays the tables have turned now you know how it feels when mother spends hours slaving away in the kitchen for you to doordash something do you have any idea how much work when it's all of that oh that reminds me here's your lease allowance oh yeah picking a witch what do you think you're doing what do you mean I'm gonna give him a hug you already spent your allowance remember chores too yes and I'm sure Devin is very thankful for all of your hard work you know what since you helped you can have half five dollars I did all that for five bucks each I know can't believe we got so much either C not everyone gets free money like you you know what I think I need to lower your allowance until you learn a thing or two about savings this child gets a hundred dollars a week and he's spending money on Mom's credit card like what more do you want I don't even know what a kid can do with all that money no please get it okay if your job is anything like what I had to do today I know how hard you worked for your money I had a good and I messed up I should have stuck to my allowance and never used your credit card I should listen to what you said you know the whole point of him getting an allowance so you don't use mother's credit card goodness gracious when I was a kid you know I thought about that I was like oh I want to buy something online what if I just take my mom's credit card like no I can't do that she's gonna find out and then my brother did it and he got caught your parents will find out they could literally go on their phone I'd be like 75 I overeats who did that you won the corner chowing down on your 25 burrito you should be grateful for what I already have just please don't cut my allowance or make me do anything like that again well if this is a sampling of your cooking it is safe to say that you will never ever be doing any cooking and since you apologized and you learned a lesson oh again you can have a Christmas present that is huge that is just about the size of a PS5 open it please don't tell me it's a PS5 oh no it's not dessert box because because man can't wait till I get mine only nine more months to save enough nine more months well technically nine more months in one week since we're splitting this I'm all time to keep the PS5 you can take it oh he just gave it to him he knows mother will buy him another one swimming in money besides I already have an Xbox you need it more than I do wow lesson learned that was quick all it took was an afternoon of chopping one piece of firewood and making some really awful pasta sauce another spoiled child humbled yet again but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that little like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,170,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: 1a0BV6EwRSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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