SPOILED Brother Had A FAKE Funeral! (Full Movie)

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h no one's going to know I'd fake this funeral I'm going to be rich oh no they're coming our precious baby boy he was so innocent he brought so much light into our lives it's unbearable can't believe my little brother's gone but what's with all these presents and the money your brother always loved gifts and money Brody it seemed right to have them okay I guess I'm just still in shock I I didn't even get to say goodbye tell him that I loved him hey so sorry for your loss but it's time to head home and get some rest you've been through enough today I think you're right it's too painful to stay here anymore are they gone yeah they don't suspect a thing good keep it that way no one can ever know I had a fake funeral oh is my phone in here oh man where did I put it Bry oh hey Dad how's Mom doing your mom's an absolute wreck so she's lying down yeah I think we're all a wreck right now yeah no kidding man I think I think I left my phone at the funeral home well you better go back and get it Brody cuz I'm not going to buy you a new one yeah okay I'll be right back man my phone better be around here somewhere this is sweet I'm so rich now what the heck brillan oh my gosh uh-oh he's alive did he fake his own funeral my gosh I got to catch him brillan stop man I look for hours I can't find brilin anywhere in town I know he's hiding such a spoiled brat where on earth have you been Brody you've been gone for hours and you better have a good excuse sorry I was I was looking for brillan what are you talking about I saw brillan leave the funeral home with a lot of cash he's alive how dare you say such crazy things it's true I swear I saw him that funeral was fake he lied to us your brother is dead why on Earth would you say that are you just seeing things do you miss him that much no I saw him leave the funeral home I was chasing him no no no that's enough I can't stand this maybe we should go on that vacation we talked about get away from all of this you know what that's a good idea I'll go P wait you're leaving now I need you to help me find brillin please no we're going away on vacation and getting away from you and this nonsense look what you did you're breaking your mother's heart with these lies I'm not lying brayan is he's dead Brody the sooner you accept it the sooner we can move on can't believe they don't believe me I know he's alive and I'm going to prove it there's no way your brother's still alive man he was hit by that car yeah that's what we all thought but there's something else going on he must have faked it or something well dude if that's true it's pretty messed up look that's the car he was driving no way there's got to be like a million Robo in here that's kind of strange but if this is his car where is he hey you two put your hands up right now officer wait I think you can help me I'm looking for my brother yeah and I'm looking for a stolen car and look at that here it is with you two criminals who took it in a ton of cashh oh yeah that's going to be mine what no seriously we didn't steal this car yeah yeah that's what they all say I'm so sh of hearing it now you Boos are under arrest no come on that's what you get for following me Brody this is too good first you say that your brother is alive and now you're stealing sports cars what's gotten into you son dad I didn't steal the car that's why they let me out of jail then who did huh I saw brillin driving it and must have been him Brody you didn't see your brother you're really starting to lose your mind I'm perfectly fine Dad I know what I saw honey do you have everything packed yes although I can't believe we're leaving right now after our son was arrested yeah I can't believe you're leaving me too I mean you should be staying here and helping me out maybe we should stay clearly Brody is upset or maybe he should come with us no Brody can stay here and think about what he's done I don't want him bringing this nonsense with us come on honey let's go mom please you've got to believe me I wish I could honey but I can't it hurts too much now we're going to be gone for a while and we won't have any cell service so if it's an emergency call the police okay I love you and feel better everything is going to be okay unbelievable oh man I can't sleep just keep thinking about my brother oh no someone's breaking into the house get out of my house stop it's me what the heck brillan sh dude who else would it be I knew you were alive I knew I wasn't crazy oh cut it up dude you faked your own funeral what the heck is wrong with you dude you know what you've done to us I had to do it oh you had to you had to lie to your own family you had to break your mother's heart you don't understand oh yeah try me give me one reason why this is okay I can't tell you it's a secret and if I do tell you you could be in serious trouble fine at least tell me what you're doing here wanted some food I'm starving where's m God they left on a vacation cuz they're super upset because they think that you're dead they've left on vacation without me oh that sucks whatever just keep it that way don't tell them anything do they leave you any money no I have my own money well then give me like 500 bucks no way whatever you're so LM you're a spoiled brat dude and you're a liar so what you know what I'm over this you're giving me a headache mom and dad are gone I'm going to bed first thing in the morning you're going to tell me everything dude whatever just leave me alone I'm telling dud he's upstairs asleep right now what the heck man that's insane yeah you're telling me I want to call and tell my parents but they're in the middle of nowhere with no cell service I have to wait till they come back dude who fakes their own death seriously my spoiled brother that's who now I know why you want to GI him money at his funeral dude that is so messed up yeah dude he scammed everybody but uh hey let me call you back there's someone here hello Broody I'm the mayor and this is police chief Rufus are your parents home no they're not why what's going on on well we wanted to come by and say we're sorry to hear about the loss of your brother yeah that's right y'all and that was so sad I cried like for five minims I'm sorry to break it to you but he's not dead oh no Mr Mayor this poor little guy is all distraught y'all he's losing his moms yes it's true I see it all the time well I just wanted to come by and give you this invitation the city is throwing a big fundraiser for brail's charity wait what brayan's charity I don't know what that is oh yes it's once for all the PO people y'all yes your brother set up a charity for the poor and we're throwing at an event this weekend we'd love to see you and your family there I don't know what to say that's okay you going wild right now okay we going to go now Mr Ms we you owe me some Chipotle y'all unbelievable I I can't believe he's doing this that's right the whole town is mourning the loss of young briland the most popular boy in school he will truly be missed by everyone but there'll be a fundraiser for his charity this weekend we encourage everyone to come and support and donate a ton of money I know I'll be there and I'm super rich so I'll give a bunch of money hey dude I was watching that they were talking about me are you serious dude what is this charity thing another scam well like before I died I made up a charity and said I wanted people to donate to it is that awesome no it's wrong this is like Beyond messed up dude oh my gosh you're being so dramatic wow that's rich coming from you you're the one faking your own death lying to literally everyone I know you're just doing this to scam money and gifts from people well yeah kind of sort of not really but like okay yeah what does that even mean dude can you just tell me the truth and stop being an idiot I told you I can't tell you what's going on you have to or I'm going to tell everyone this is fake whatever loser you're literally being so lame got business to take care of I'll be back later business you don't even have a job where are you going dude shut up I'm out of here yo dude I'm here get out here now oh about time loser sorry things got like really complicated yeah I don't care where's my money here it is but uh I only could get like part of it fine man it's a start but I'm going to need all that money you spent dude hey bro I'm just trying my best it's hard to make money when you're like dead I have to stay hidden plus I told you I was sorry thought that was your money I don't care what you thought dude get me the money or you're going to be sorry don't worry I've got a big charity event happening this weekend and I'll get you the rest of the money after it's over and then some more we can go like hang out or whatever shut up you better have my money get off my property right now and we're not friends anymore we're never hanging out again I don't want to see you after this all right fine okay you got this brilin you're going to do this for just a little longer and then you'll be free of this mess oh this sucks oh man this better be him hi honey we're home oh gosh Mom Dad thank goodness you're back really we were only gone for a week son how are you feeling any better no not at all and brin's definitely alive I know it sounds crazy but he was here he broke in oh no not this again please I can't deal with this I thought you would have let this go by now look at what you did to your mother she just walked in through the door sorry Dad but he was here in this house I swear he's supposed to be coming back and look enough is enough we have your brother's charity event tomorrow night if you don't straighten up you'll have to stay home no none of us should go what don't go are you insane we have to go no it's all scam it's one of brayan's tricks like the funeral you have to believe me that's it you are not allowed to go to the event anymore you're going to embarrass your mother and I with this nonsense and I won't listen to it fine I don't want to go anyway oh my gosh they still don't believe me need some kind of proof to show them that brayan's still alive they have to see it for themselves are you even listening to me or are you just stupid I said I want the new supreme hoodie in my size and I want it now well sir we're sold out of your size okay we have plenty other designs that are no no no I don't care I want what I want and I always get what I want go to another store and get my size the new supreme hoodie oh gosh all right God you're the worst yeah sure thing go now there you are uh um excuse me sure I don't think I know you what's your name shut up brillan you're terrible at doing voices take off your stupid disguise h fine whatever I had you fooled for a second though no you didn't enough is enough man you need to come home and you need to tell Mom and Dad the truth right now no no way you can't tell me what to do I don't care they need to know you should see them dude they're a wreck they miss you a lot I I don't know how you can do this to them yeah okay look I miss them too if I tell you Mom or Dad the truth everyone's going to be in danger why what did you do man I just did something really stupid okay I'll tell you more about it after the charity event dude you've already done a bunch of stupid stuff you're coming home with with me right now sorry dude not going to happen H ow bril what the heck dude God I wish I knew what brain was up to dude I know he's doing something even more messed up than last time man I hate to say it but your brother really sucks yeah I know he's so spoiled and he does like nothing but lie and he won't even tell me why he faked the funeral that's the worst part so like what's going on with this big charity event I mean it's all over the news where's the money even going to go to so my guess is he's just going to take the donations for himself yep sounds like your brother I remember he used to scam kids at school for their lunch money all the time yeah dude I'm going to need your help catching them we can't let him keep doing this I don't know man last time I helped you we got framed for stealing a car I know but this time if we catch him there's no way we can get in trouble uh okay fine so what's your plan on catching your brother I got an idea thank you for throwing this event for our son's charity officer all these people here be giving so much mums this is like the biggest charity events in Herm this is wild y'all oh man I think the whole town is here sweet there should be so much money now now I just need to find a way to get in without getting caught oh yeah I think the money is in here yeah I don't think so man oh come on dude get out of here I'm trying to be in and out okay no I'm taking you to go talk to Mom and Dad right now they can't keep believing your lies no you're going to ruin everything I don't care let's go you suck I'm out of here stupid idiot I wasn't going to let you go that easy thanks for helping me out Connor ouch what the heck dude put me down right now yeah sure you got it a what the look I'm not crazy uh hey Mom hey Dad s dudes oh my gosh brillan you're you're alive um okay you're supposed to be dead y'all this is terrible and wild we need to get away from all this crowds you need to come down to the police station with me right now okay so I don't understand DN many things but what I know is you fak your own funerals so why' you do that y'all that's bad I'm not telling you anything where's my lawyer dude for one you don't need a lawyer and two officer Ru is is trying to help you tell him what's going on so we can get you out of whatever mess you got yourself into no I can't say anything especially not police okay you know what y'all let's take a break cuz I'm hungrs and I need the bitum so I'll be right bake what is wrong with you nothing I'm great you already got caught for being alive and stealing from your own fake char I think it's time to come clean with everybody dude this is getting annoying I just had to do it okay just tell me why my goodness dude fine I spent a lot of money that belonged to Percy's dad your friend Percy why his mom and dad wouldn't give me enough money Percy said I could have some but he like didn't tell me it was his dad's he said it was his but it wasn't and then his dad found out now he wants his money back how much did you spend like $5 million I think $5 million on what dude what the heck what's the big deal I needed some like new clothes a new car like a yacht unbelievable how can you spend all that money so quickly you know what dude I'm done helping you you put yourself in this mess you can get yourself out of it so wait you're just going to leave me here I mean I just told you everything that happened help me yeah and it's worse than I thought man you stole $5 million from someone I think you should stay so you can think about what you've done we're so sorry we didn't believe you honey well I'm glad you guys finally know and now I know why I made all mess well why' he do it huh why did he fake his funeral well he spent $5 million of Percy's dad's money and now he wants it back that's why he's trying to steal the money from the charity event $5 million oh no this is terrible this is brain's mess he lied to everybody and he stole $5 million I mean he needs to learn why this is wrong hey that is your little brother young man we should be helping him after everything he's put us through you let him off the hook and you help him I mean dad every single decision decision he made was the worst decision possible your brother never deals with stress very well so we need to help him maybe we can sell off some of the cars or the house I think that can get us close to the amount maybe oh man unbelievable what is going on with you guys he's so spoiled you guys can't see what you're doing you're turning them into this what is that oh my goodness okay did y'all see your little brothers y'all no okay this ain't good y'all okay cuz your little brother's escaped from the police stations what yes and that's not good cuz he'd be going wild okay I just got to go looking for him y'all now he's escaping from jail you guys proud oh no your poor brother I've had enough of this I'm out of here and the police are still looking for him now he's hiding somewhere I'm just so disappointed he needs to pay for what he's done hey idiot you're late yeah sorry boss I just woke up late that's all well you're here now so go organize the new products in the back I don't even want to look at your ugly face get away from me yeah okay sure dude what the heck are you doing here shh I'm hiding obviously you idiot oh my gosh I'm calling the cops no no no please don't don't do that come on why cuz if I get put in jail Percy's dad's going to know exactly where I am he'll come and find me who cares why are you so scared of Percy's dad I mean you're just going to get in trouble for stealing the money no dude he's like super rich and I think he's dangerous Percy said he's like a criminal of some kind I don't know scared man please I need your help fine dude whatever I didn't see you but you got tode somewhere else a manager could find you easily you got to be smarter if you're going to be doing stuff like this but I don't have anywhere else to go what am I going to do gosh I can't believe I'm doing this here take some money and go get a hotel room or something not a fancy hotel room okay somewhere lowkey I'll try to figure out how to fix this all right thanks dude do you have like any more money dude get out of here before I punch you I swear well I guess if you need to solve a problem best to go straight for the source yeah stop right there this is private property you need to leave yeah I'm here to talk to Percy yeah okay excuse me sir some poor loser is here looking for you tell him it's brayan's brother Brody uh he says he's brayan's brother oh uh yeah okay okay sir you can go on in loser but don't touch anything yeah whatever dude Hey Percy what are you doing here man where's your brother I don't know but I got to talk to you I don't have anything to say to you man I have to talk to your brother Percy look I know brillan spent some money that belonged to your dad some money that l stole $5 million my dad saw it missing from his bank account you know how mad he is dude I know brayan's really sorry but can we work out a deal or something you guys are so rich like 5 million is probably not that much no we can't work out a deal my dad's out there looking for him right now do you even know who my dad is and how he makes his money man he doesn't like when people steal from him so tell me where your brother is I don't know where he is okay then you're both in a lot of trouble security Oh no you're not running away from me get back here oh gosh brilin gave me some stupid fake name for his hotel room better be here hello sir how can I help you uh excuse me which room is Chad McFarland staying in Oh Mr McFarland he rented the pet house site what yeah he said he was super rich and he demanded our best room honestly he was kind of rude you can take the elevator over there thanks man gosh what the heck is wrong with him oh dude there you are did you bring me the pizza like I asked for no I didn't how did you even pay for this room do you have any idea how expensive this is I don't know I mean I figured like you'd just pay for it yeah I'm not paying for it uh whatever did you fix everything yet is like Percy's dad not mad at me anymore no I tried to man turns out when you steal $5 million from somebody they don't get over it very quickly oh dude this sucks so like what did you do I went to Percy's house to talk to him you did what yeah I tried to work out a deal but Percy said no of course he said no oh you are so stupid you know that now he knows that you know the truth you're you're the one that basically stole the money yeah but I wanted to keep you Mom and Dad out of it now this is bad this is really really bad why cuz I found out Percy's dad definitely runs an underground gang he's super dangerous great it's Dad hold on hey Dad Bry you need to come home right now it's an emergency okay I'll be right there it sounds like Mom and Dad are in trouble I got to go I told you so oh no no our house guys what happened we have no idea we came home from having dinner out and the house was on fire this is terrible all of our things are gone wait what's that over there that's a note broy give me my money back or give me your brother if you don't I'm going to ruin your family's lives oh my gosh this is awful we need to call the police immediately hello 911 yes I'm extremely distraught send someone down here now I told you I want a goldplated steak or nothing at all I'll tell the chef right away sir talking to people who work for us with disrespect I taught you well hey Dad did you find brillin or his dumb brother yet no they weren't home so I burned it to the crown good they deserved it your little friend and his brother could cause a lot of problems for this family do you understand that yeah I do dad and I'm sorry I let him spend your money it's too late for apologies now kid if that money gets traced back to me we could be ruined what should I do they're hiding now they know that you're after him I need you and our security team to go out there get those boys and bring them to me God I will Dad I promise oh yes we'll make them pay there's nothing left all of our memories all of our things just gone like that because of brillin and his stupid spoiled attitude hey don't talk about your brother like that he didn't burn our house down he might as well have this is all his fault the police have no evidence who was behind this are you serious man you know who it was it was Percy's dad and this is all because brilin stole from him your brother just uh just got carried away that's all no you guys spoiled him his whole life you think he can just take whatever he wants and lie and scam people the reality is is nobody else cares about him they care about their money now we're all in serious trouble because of him well there's nothing we can do about it now your brother is missing and if I could I would make him face the consequences for his actions but I can't for now we just have to try and find anything worth saving get to looking just sucks he should be here not hiding in some dumb Penthouse hold on do you know where your brother is yeah he's hiding at a fancy hotel downtown well then I'm going to go get him I can't believe I'm about to say this but Brody is right enough's enough brayan's spoiled attitude has gone too far I've lost my home now because of my own son I'm going to get him and bring him straight to the police station what the heck was that hey you idiot you hit my car at a red light shut up you're coming with me excuse me who even are you you'll find out soon enough help help me dude you and your family can stay at my house as long as you want my parents said it was totally okay you guys are the best thanks for having our back in this situation I know it's dangerous ah no problem man your brother can't stay with us though he might steal something and try to sell it I don't know yeah I get it dude don't worry he's still in hiding anyway uh dude what happened to our house well this is what happens when you steal $5 million from somebody that runs a criminal gang is it my fault dude uh yeah it definitely is hold on where's Dad didn't he go to get you what why he literally was like I'm on the way to the hotel to get you uh he never came to the hotel I just got kicked out cuz I couldn't pay for the room oh no come on dad pick up uh he didn't answer uh this isn't good Percy's dad might have taken him great how my dad dad might be kidnapped this is your fault dude I can't believe you no it's not my fault I didn't do anything I was in a pet house room playing video games look enough you need to come with me ew why where are we going the mall no the police let's go yeah no I'm not going to jail loser later so there's nothing that you can do I know you really sads y'all and I'm really sorry ma'ams but I can't find your husbands we found his cardo and but there's no trace of him anywhere like that man gone y'all officer ruus I think at this point it's safe to say that Percy's dad took him he's the one that's behind the fire and now this okay so here's the truths I loves to arrest bad guys y'all okay that's kind of what I do but I need evidence to do it y'all otherwise there's nothing I can do I'm really sorry I got to go back out there though and look for your dad's okay if that man's after you you stay here where it's sa how am I not supposed to worry your dad has been kidnapped and our home is destroyed and where is your brother in all of this I don't know he ran away again well you need to go get him we need his help he's too scared he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions maybe if we give him some money no mom jeez this is how you got into this mess okay okay you're right I just I don't know what to do don't worry I'll get brillan to help us out one way or another why on Earth am I being held captive in a cage it's simple your son stole my money and I want it back then go get it from him I don't know what to tell you I tried he's hiding and won't give me the dough probably because he spent it all oh is that so I'm getting that 5 million back one way or another give me his phone you're going to transfer all your money to me absolutely not there's no way I would ever do such a thing if you ever want to see your family again you'll do as I say I burned your house down imagine what else I can do oh fine I can't believe I'm doing this here I transfer the money but that's all I have H that's a start I need more I told you I don't have anymore fine then I'll get it from your family no no please leave them alone bring me that ugly one bro and bring him to me now dude how are we going to find your stupid spoiled brother anyways the city's huge I don't know man he has no money and no skills so he probably hasn't gone very far are well we haven't checked out the park let's see if he's there yeah good idea I think we should split up might cover more ground that way all right sounds good hey you I've been looking for you oh no oh you're not going to run away from me this time why are all these kids running I hate it no no no nowhere left for you to run you're coming with me no he's not broy now take this leave me alone you kids are crazy H oh man that was close I'm glad I saw that guy chasing after you but I don't think it's safe for us out here anymore I know you should go home I can find Brin on my own but we've looked basically everywhere how are you going to find him just trust me I think I know where he is you better be here yep of course he is a come on you stupid car why won't you open open sesame or something dude what do you think you're doing ew are you like stalking me no I came to get you I need your help my help with what uh I don't know maybe saving our family dude everyone's going to be like fine just like chill no they won't you don't care about your family at all I don't understand of course I care but I lied to them I lied to everyone y'all are better off without me so that's why I'm like getting out of here it's not true we love you dude we just wish that you told us the truth and you stop acting so spoiled well it's too late for the truth now it's never too late just help me now face the consequences of your actions and save your family do the right thing for once fine I will let's be being on the run like sucks anyways and I miss my family I miss you guys I I'll I'll help you thank you you know where I can find Dad no idea but I think I know who does all right let's see if this works what hey it's me I'm out front and I have your dad's money oh good about time you idiot I'll be right there brillan show yourself man give me the money here's your money Percy what the how did you ah yo good job dude let's take this loser to the police all right pams I think it's time you spill them beams where's your dad's keeping their daddy y'all yeah no way I'm telling them my dad why just because he's your dad no I don't care about that man if he gets arrested I lose all my money you already lost parcy just tell officer Rufus the truth yeah cuz you know what the truth means you're the one that stole from us you know what you're right Officer ruus on need to tell you the truth okay what's the truth now y'all I stole money from Percy's dad that's why he's after me and my family okay what's so funny cuz I didn't hear no yolks y'all oh man this guy's just such an idiot he hasn't even figured it out yet he didn't steal the money I did wait what you made brillan think he was the thief cha I told my dad the same thing I took the money and made brillan spend it it's all been a scam I has had it up to here with all this non Sims and by the way you just T to a crims so you going to yil y'all no no please I don't want to go to jail I'll uh I'll get the money back to my dad it's like taking my own money man you can't just arrest me for that okay I don't know as much about mams but all I know is you better do what's WR and you going to tell me right now where broy and bram's dce is are you going to jail for a long long long time fine I'll tell you everything stupid kid enter your stupid phone yeah boys will be boys my my sons never answer the phone when I call either shut up something must be wrong oh my gosh boys you found me Dad I'm so glad you're okay what how did you find me Percy told us everything he told us the truth what truth I didn't do it you're stupid son did and here this is it now'll let my dad go my son's a liar and a thief yeah he is perfect later losers not so fast creeper BS you want to arrest for kidnap thems and steal thems and being the crims no everyone stop it's a ghost he's at his own funeral no I'm not a ghost guys I'm real this is really me Jake is that really you yes it's me I'm not a ghost okay there's so much that's happened so much that you guys don't understand I am so happy to see you what is going on I think it's time that I tell you guys what really happened uh who are you what what are you doing here shut up and don't move we have the place surrounded look man I don't know what you want but you could take anything here all right just just don't hurt me well not after your possession then what are you after we're after you what what are you ah oh man what's what's going on where am I am I in the middle of a desert what anyone please help me what's going on oh finally something it's it's the diner why is it in the middle of nowhere anyone uh a waiter waiter please help me yeah what do you want uh some food would be nice I don't know yeah sure what do you want a burger yeah that'd be amazing all right that cost 6 Robux oh no I think the thugs took my money when they knocked me out uh I don't have any money on me well if you don't have any money then you're not getting any food wait what come on I need to eat yeah and I need to pay the rent on this place get out of my face wasting my time look you don't need to be rude all right I don't even know where I am I got knocked out I'm in the middle of nowhere now I'm nowhere near my house please just help me all right all right want some food follow me okay thank you so much here if you want some food eat it out of the dumpster what are you can't be serious I am serious not going to waste my perfectly cooked food on some homeless guy I'm not homeless look I promise when I get back home I can pay you I can pay you double if anything by the looks at you doesn't look like you have any money at all how should I believe you I got to get back to my customers come on no please I've been kidnapped you don't understand oh man are you serious can't believe this hey man are you you okay uh no I'm not okay I have no idea what's going on I don't even know where I am yeah I heard everything if you need help getting back I was just about to leave I could give you a ride somewhere wait really you do that sure looks like you really could use some help awesome I'd really appreciate it thank you so much yeah there's this no sign of him anywhere ma'am what what do you mean there's no sign of him I don't know but I mean everything is Left Behind he has no phone or anything it was all on the floor and the dining table well that's crazy we got to keep looking for him yeah I mean we've been searching everywhere too uh but I don't know it's not looking too good no we got to keep going I'm not going to give up looking for my husband we've been searching night and day and I mean a lot of these cases kind of happen and I'm going to be honest with you guys about something okay every single time this happens uh the person that's missing doesn't make it back I can't believe that my brother would just be gone like that no no I won't believe it there's not a guarantee he will come back Sarah I hate to say it but I think we need to prepare for the worst no no I'm not going to take that for an answer but maybe we need to start thinking about Jake things and no no I don't want to prepare for the worst oh man I can barely see anything in this rain we're going too fast oh no we're hydroplaning no ah oh man what's going on ow Jake are you okay uh no no what happened I lost control and we crashed oh no look look at the car it's it's completely ruined at least we're okay though yeah yeah you're right oh man you have any idea where we are no no no idea and there's no service out here I've been trying to call for help but there's nothing oh man um I think as long as we know the general direction where to go then we should be fine yeah I think we should keep moving yeah I do too let's go this way look do do you see that Sean yeah it looks like some kind of cabin yeah it also looks a bandit it doesn't look like anyone's living in it well at least we can wait out the storm there yeah but we should probably be careful okay we don't know what's inside there what's that what's that noise what is it sounds like someone's trying to get in the cabin what oh no what should we do uh I don't know we got to think fast though it doesn't look like there's anywhere we can go what are we going to do what are we going to do I I think we should hide all right just just just stay calm who knows who's trying to come in right now no there's no one in here yeah I'm still looking for him promise the boss I would find him I'll take care of him yeah I bet you will what take this what what is going on who are you you got the best of me wait a minute I know who you are yeah now you're piecing it together huh why are you following me what do you want like I'm going to tell you anything Jake who is this guy this is the guy that kidnapped me him and someone else knocked me out and just left me in the middle of nowhere why why did you do this to me I'm not telling you a thing oh you will Jake I think we should probably just get out of here guy must have come here with a truck or something and what just leave him behind he has all the answers to what I'm trying to figure out maybe someone's going to come find him if he's missing too uhuh this guy is a smart one I think we should just take his truck and get out of here all right all right uh uh fine uh we got to go then now wait before we go what's this looks like some kind of walkie-talkie maybe I can use it to try to figure out some answers guess it's worth a shot uh any anyone over anyone Tony there you are where you been you find that guy yet or what uh uh no no I didn't find that guy I have no idea where that guy is nope Tony you sick or something you sound awful yeah yeah I had uh I had too many too too much raspberry iced tea W all right listen meet me at The Hideout okay we got to go over the plan yeah yeah uh I I forgot where The Hideout was again it's you know so many hideouts so hard to keep track put the address in the truck's GPS just make sure you get back here in one piece yeah yeah got it got it for sure all right uh uh uh bye can't believe that guy bought that I have no idea either but now we know where their headquarters are so then what are we going to do once we get there I haven't really thought that far ahead but I need to know the truth I can't can't go on with my life with just being hunted like this listen I'll take you to the base but after that I I think I'm going to go yeah I understand I know you didn't really sign up for this this is my mystery to solve all right here it is well Jake I wish you luck yeah I have no idea what I'm going to do when I go in there I mean I would be scared I wouldn't even step foot in there yeah I don't know why I'm doing this but I'd rather try to figure this out than anything you're going to need something so here take this for good luck is this like a camper knife or something like that yeah I was going to go camping thought I could use it to cut down some trees well thank you uh I'll use it good luck with everything Jake thanks Sean for everything all right I just got to keep my voice down and figure out exactly what's going on what's this is this a map with an address on it wait a minute I recognize that City that's that's in the same town as where I live oh man things are not adding up oh God okay well I got to get out of here now this is my next clue and I got to follow it ah oh man where am I what what happened wakey wakey thought you could just sneak into my base huh oh it's you you're the guy that knocked me out of my house ah Bingo where's my friend I'm not telling you I'm not going to tell you where he is unless you want to tell me who you are let me tell you one thing you messed with the wrong people you guys are the ones that came after me I don't want anything to do with this should have just stayed in that desert where we dropped you I don't want to be there my my life belongs back in that City just want to get home well the boss doesn't want that to happen the boss what are you talking about who are you talking about we got hired to do this job you should be careful of who you trust no come back I have more questions are you serious what's going on the more I learn the more I'm confused how do I get out of this mess wait the knife thank you so much Sean there we go I'm out he said boss man who is he talking about I guess I only have one place to go and that's that address I found I got to go now Jake Jake Sean you're still here you're waiting yeah I had this feeling I just wanted to make sure you were okay we got to go now uh let's go drive hry get in here it is stop right here this is your house huh must feel good to be home yeah I mean it doesn't really feel that way but this is where everything started this is exactly where I got kidnapped doesn't look like anybody's really home yeah they're probably still under investigation they don't want anyone messing with the scene of the crime so why aren't we going inside I don't know it doesn't feel right for me to yet what what do you mean this is your home I don't think I can feel at home just yet I'm still on edge can't really continue my life when there's still people that are after me once you think about it this is the perfect place to look for you yeah exactly I don't even know why they're after me too my life just feels like an entire mystery right now then you have to solve it you've got to solve this mystery and put your life back together yeah I think you're right Sean I mean I have that lead so maybe I should just go follow it I can't ask for your help anymore I don't want to get you any more involved than you already are yeah and all this craziness is kind of stressing me out I'd like to go home and be with my family you deserve that Sean I appreciate everything good luck I hope you solved this mystery thank you now it's time to go to that address and figure out exactly what's going on here it is the address looks like some sort of a what's that I hear something it's it's that guy is that my my my brother though where is he I don't know he got away seriously what did I hire you guys for uh you hired us to kidnap your brother yeah and you did an awful job he got away no I can't watch this happen anymore really it was you the entire time oh look uh boss there he is right there shut up I can see him can't believe that you do this to me your own family I'm actually surprised that you made it back why why did you do this my whole life I've been in your shadow look at you super successful big house a ton of money everything I want and I'm going to take what I want no I'm not going to let you do that it's two against one what are you really going to do I could take this guy no problem you know out of all outcomes I didn't expect this one Harold you betrayed me and you betrayed everyone around you and I'm not going to let you get away with it well from my point of view there isn't really a whole lot you're going to be doing brother everybody thinks you're dead now if you don't mind I actually have to go your funeral is about to happen my funeral lock him up and make sure he doesn't escape this time yeah no problem boss I can't believe it was Harold I can't believe he did this I need to get out of here now wait the knife they didn't check my pockets again I still have it okay I'm out now I just got to sneak out of here a there's the stupid Thug I'm out I'm out okay wait I know exactly where I am and if they're having my funeral then has to be at the closest church stop anyone stop please sir sir yeah what do you want listen uh it's an emergency can you please give me a ride I need to go somewhere I ain't giving you a ride anywhere it's like a 5-minute drive that's about a 20 minute walk get to step in come on please I I'll give you five bucks you know what fine and that's what happened to me I found out exactly who did all of it to me who did this to you it was Harold Harold he did everything he was the person that plan it from the start Harold no I can't believe this wait really it was his own brother wow unbelievable yeah I can't believe it either you have anything to say for yourself I bet you didn't expect me to get out of this one again did you honestly I don't regret a thing can't can't believe you can't believe you turn your back on your family all of this because you were jealous of me seriously why didn't you just talk to me we're brothers we could have talked this out cuz you wouldn't have understood me nobody does you've always been the hero and I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of being a hero again so that means that you turned yourself into the villain yeah yeah I guess I did well you did this to yourself Harold and now you have to pay the consequences for your actions all right is this the guy that's him officer he did everything what you called the police I don't believe this don't be too surprised you literally kidnapped me officer please take him away this isn't the end of me I'll be back Jake I'm sure you will late for dinner with my family again I just hope they can forgive me this time I tried to get out earlier but I couldn't leave work man these roads are slippery oh no I'm losing control quick we need to get him help right now oh my gosh it's an emergency he's flatlining he's flatlining stay with me stay with me how did I end up here I thought I was just in the hospital wait a minute this is a graveyard hello Lincoln do you know who I am but it's not time don't take me right now please I've got so many unfinished things to do your time is up it's time to go oh please I have to make things right with my family why should I give you another chance because I'll do it right this time I promise fine I will give you another chance but you have one week to make things right I can do it one week the clock is ticking oh my body it's back to normal I've got a second chance at life right now and I'm not going to waste this one Michelle Michelle I'm home this can't be real you're supposed to be dead I know I can't explain it but I'm here now I was never dead we went to your funeral you know what you faked your own death that is so selfish I didn't I was trying to get back to dinner no I do not want to hear any more excuses you always put yourself first before this family Michelle I love you I have the second chance I want to make things right with everyone no I I don't want to hear another word shelle please just come back let's talk wait Dad is is is that you yeah it's me Tom I'm back we all thought you were dead I thought I was too but I got a second chance Tom Second Chance what is that even supposed to mean is that just another one of your lies I'm not lying don't you guys understand that I have to work hard to put a roof over everyone's head so that's what it was you were just back at work yeah well don't you understand that I just want my dad to be around more I understand and I promise I'm going to make more time for you yeah well I guess actions are going to speak louder than words it's a ghost Michael hey Michael yeah that's right buddy and if you don't show up tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. I will have you fired uh sorry to interrupt uh Lincoln Where Have You Been huh you've been gone for like a week now yeah it's been a while what are you some kind of lazy idiot you blew up a big project you know wait so you don't really know why I was gone no why you were gone you think I have the time to care the only thing that I didn't notice was you not at that desk like you should be you know what man who cares you better watch how you talking to me pal why what are you going to do about it you're going to fire me your job is the worst job ever this place sucks this place is the reason why you're as successful as you are you understand me a success of what everyone else thought I was dead and you didn't even notice all you noticed was that a project didn't get done actually it was two good I hope you don't get another project again I hope they all fail because you're a horrible person and the fact that I got to stand here and waste my time talking to you makes me so angry I can't even stand it one more word out of you and you're fired I'll do you one better I quit I don't need this stupid job Tom hey you got a minute Dad yeah I do and I know I've been working quite a bit and everything but I really want to make a bigger difference in your life I want our relationship to be good really you really mean that of course I do breaks my heart made you think that I didn't care well how do I know that you're just not lying because I just quit my job I have to prove this through actions and you know what if I want to change my life and do better then I need to listen to the people around me that I care about wait you mean it you quit your job yeah family comes first it's the most important thing all I ever wanted was for us to be a family that's exactly what I wanted too I was so scared that you were gone I know but I'm not going anywhere again I promise wait so let me get this straight the Grim Reaper brought you back to life dude I know it sounds crazy okay I didn't believe in any of this stuff before either until he was standing in front of me this is this is just it's all crazy I I don't know what to think but the great thing is man is I did get a second chance and I have to make sure that it wasn't all for nothing well man I believe you so how's everything going with you what have you been up to it's great actually I just started my own business oh wow I did the opposite man I just quit my job wait what you got a second chance at life and you just up and left well yeah man that job was terrible of course I did I need to spend more time with family I need to make a difference in this world not just work for some guy who wants to scream in my face well well well dude are you always just shouting what is your problem what's my problem what's your problem you think you could just walk away from me in my business uh yeah and I did oh buddy the amount of work that you've set us back on yeah but man like why should I care you don't even know if I exist or not all you care about is how much money you make all you care about is yourself so how could you expect me to care about you listen here pal I don't have any time for your stupid life lessons you're going to regret what you did to me I don't care I need to focus on more important things yeah you seriously have no idea how much this means to me after school every day I've been practicing a lot I mean I have a huge game coming up it'd be awesome if you came you know yeah of course I wouldn't miss it for anything oh hold on a second someone's at the door hey Larry what's up hey pal I got some news for you oh cool uh I hope it's good yeah it's good for me I'm raising the rent why what the heck you can't just do that why because I want to that's why it's kind of sudden kind of in between work right now yeah well listen I don't really care about any of that stuff all I care is I have a little more extra cash in my pocket so you do what you need to do hey get back here Larry come on we got to talk about this seriously man what are you doing here it's kind of creeping me out I told you Lincoln I'd get back at you you're the one that got my rent raised knowing that I didn't have any income yeah me and Jerry we go way back his name is Larry I don't care what his stupid name is all I care is that you drown in your mistakes you know what dude had it I'm sick of you trying to bully me around I don't owe you anything I gave you years of my life that's enough sacrifice now walk away you know what fine I will enjoy being on the streets loser wait so you want to join my business yeah I mean I think this could be great look man I'm going to pinch I had enough money to get us through the year but I don't now yeah but didn't you just quit your job and everything I did and look I'm going into this telling you my family comes first no matter what but I have to work I don't have a choice all right all right well you know what you've been my best friend since I can remember so of course you can join me dude that's so awesome yeah but I got to warn you starting up businesses it's heavy work I know I know I've got to find a balance right I can't not work forever I just got to make sure that it doesn't take over my life like it did before and I know that you're such a better person than Michael was so I don't think it'll be a problem yeah of course one thing for sure though we got to make sure we hit all of our meetings that is top priority okay I'll get it figured out I promise all right great sounds good are you sure this is the smartest Choice Lincoln what other choice do I have we need to have a house just remember don't waste this opportunity I promise I'm not going to okay and I'm going to do the right thing good because your time is almost out oh man I'm so sorry I'm late Lincoln honestly I'm just glad you showed up in general of course I wasn't going to miss it Dad there you are I'm glad you showed up I wanted to talk to you about something obviously I quit my job and you can't can't live for free so I had to go get another job wait what yeah I mean what do you think our house and food is free no don't be upset this is a good thing yeah but I feel like history is going to repeat itself no it's not going to guys just have some faith in me okay just don't forget that Tom's baseball game is tomorrow at 700 don't be late well I got to say on all the business pitches I've heard I like this one a lot I'm going to get back to you too about contracts and money and money stuff that's great yeah I know it is is see you Lincoln we did it I can't believe it man that meeting went awesome and it's great news for you because now this company's going to have a bunch of money running it it's going to make things so much easier for us it kind of sucks though I mean that meeting went way longer than I thought it would wait it did hold on a second no it's 8:30 gosh Tom has his tournament it started at 7 I got to be there for Tom it's going to break his heart no no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't believe it there you are dad you missed my entire game you know that no I lost track of time yeah you did just like I said history was going to repeat itself no this time it was really a mistake I just I'm sorry guys I don't know what else to say I'll make it up to you I promise no it's always that you'll just make it up to us it's not the first time this has happened either I just want you to know like I'm not doing this on purpose well honestly dad sometimes it feels like you do I'm just trying to be better how did I do this to them again I think it's time i' take you somewhere no no no you're not taking me anywhere you promised I had a week you still have time I I have something you want to see what what is this what am I watching that is your son Lincoln I know who it is well do you notice anything else yeah I was just busy with work and he wanted to play catch and looks like I just ignored him exactly and this isn't the first time it's happened either whether it's catch whether it's help with homework so sad never want to see him sad well every time you let him down it's exactly how he feels man I'm such an idiot sometimes it's so hard hard to balance things one thing seems really important and you forget the other things that are really important like friends and family and those moments that you can't get back and Tom will never get those moments back how do you think he feels man I'm so ashamed I know I made mistakes I was just trying to do the best that I could and I obviously failed and that's okay cuz I still have time a very small amount of time you got 12 hours use them wisely I'm going to make things right for everybody I know what my priorities are no guys come on please I promise I'm trying to make things better it is too late it's not too late please just let me explain we are packing our bags and we are moving out I wanted you to make one thing just one I'm being torn in so many different directions okay I'm trying to do what's best for everybody look it's obvious that things are just not going to work out between us just trust me I'm doing the best that I can you're doing your best to care about this business and not your family I'm growing this business so that I can help my family it's too late Lincoln I just got a reason with them oh no no no no no it is time Lincoln I'm not going anywhere I have a family to take care of and I love them and I need them to know that you are all out of time I still have a little bit left no please wait what is this please sir don't take my dad away please they need me you need to learn your lesson and it's obvious that you have it Dad gave me a week to make things better and I tried but you know what sometimes you work really hard and things don't work out it doesn't make you a failure it just makes you learn from things learn from me learn not to make my mistakes I I will Dad I will that is what I wanted you to learn I needed to see that actions speak louder than words dad Lincoln I can't believe it guys and I promise I'm going to be with you forever oh my gosh where am I he to go ghost he he came back from the dead what get out of my graveyard buddy get out wait I'm not a ghost you're lucky I retired being a ghost hunter years ago what happened did I just come back from the dead I've got to get to car's house I've got to tell her what's going on Carrie Josh Carrie waa wait what's going on you fainted you came back from the dead I know how long have I been gone for it's been a few weeks that's why I was so shocked to see you uh Carrie what's this what are you doing with a picture of Zayn that's my new boyfriend what you're dating zann I'm sorry I thought you were gone I work with Zane how could you do this to me I wasn't gone that long Josh I'm sorry I'm just happier now you were always at work and never with me yeah but I was working for the both of us so you're really happier now I'm sorry s i I am no you don't understand I need to see the doctor who treated me you're going to have to wait all right I need you to calm down or I'm going to have to call security nurse John that will not be necessary please sir I need to know what happened to me everybody in my life thought I was dead listen we need to have this conversation somewhere more private follow me your name is Josh isn't it yes a couple weeks ago your heart just completely stopped all of our machines had no life signs and we had to declare you dead but I'm clearly not dead I know which is kind of shocking hello hello all of Roblox that is right our Town's biggest company is now owned by the previous assistant CEO Zing banks no this is impossible that's my company my whole life is coming undone and I have to fix it Clancy what is going on here it's a ghost Clancy no no it's not a ghost I'm real no no you died like like a couple weeks ago man listen a lot of crazy things are going on okay but I'm back I'm not dead I don't trust no zombie dude I got to go whoa Josh Zane look we shouldn't make a scene let's step into my office I thought you were dead Josh well here I am still alive Zane this is a lot to take in I completely understand but I'm back now okay and everything with you and Carrie I can't change that but I'm taking my business back no that's not going to happen all the paperwork it's already been filed I'm the CEO man I've only been gone for a couple weeks and you've already moved in taking my girlfriend and my job there's a reason why I'm running this company now and you aren't yeah because everybody thought I was dead everyone is happy that you are gone including your girlfriend or sorry ex-girlfriend Zane I can't believe you're acting like this I thought we were friends yeah well times changed I got to find somewhere to stay even if it's just for the night what does this say room for rent oh perfect this could be it um excuse me are you the owner yeah name's Daniel how can I help you um my name is Josh and I saw the sign outside you have a room for rent yeah I have an available room above the shop why are you interested yes please I uh I really don't have anywhere else to go I'm just going to need a few hundred bucks for that I um don't have any money I'm sorry I've been looking for an extra employee and I mean if you're interested then I'll give you that room that's like incredible yes I'll take the job all right glad to hear follow me this way all right this is the place I mean it's small nothing fancy but but it's perfect thank you so much for all of this don't mention it all right here here's the keys I'll uh I'll see you tomorrow tomorrow kid all right first day at work this shouldn't be easy right just working at a little corner store what's the Worst That Could Happen wow so so it's actually true isn't it Lawrence dude I haven't seen you in so long how can you do this to everyone in your life we all thought you were dead man listen it was a mistake okay it wasn't my fault yeah yeah I'm sure you just left all of us and you hurt us but now look at you alive and well and what you're just not going to tell us a lot of stuff has been going on I can completely forgot I'm sorry uh what seems to be going on here this is personal okay stay out of it this is Lawrence him and I have been friends for years it's just it's just that you pretended to be dead and we all had to say goodbye to you look I'm going to have to ask you to leave what you can't be serious no I'm not leaving right now I'm just trying to talk to him what I see is a customer yelling at one of my employees so I suggest you walk out I already said goodbye to you once Josh this is the last time lawence I'm sorry so what is it true you used to be dead my heart stopped beating everyone thought I was dead they buried me but I woke up is that why you needed a place to stay and a new job yes everything from my life has been taken from me I didn't have anywhere to go and I didn't have any money look you seem upset and it's obviously need some fresh air come on let's go for a walk so you see I just ended up hurting people everyone thought I was dead they had to say goodbye and and now that I'm back things are just different you know Josh I was in a position like you were once I want to show you [Music] something I just came back from the dead the last place I want to be is in a graveyard well this is my family you lost your family yeah when they were around I used to prioritize the wrong things that's what Carrie said before I prioriti ized work and I was never around yeah that's why I said I see myself in you I spent a lot of time working and took away the time I could have been them I regret it to this very day I want to make sure that you aren't falling in the same traps I did it wasn't until I lost them that I realized I missed every opportunity that I could have had yeah I kind of know what you mean now but you you have a second chance not a lot of people get that maybe it's a blessing I just don't want you to live a life like I did I want you to be happy one day Daniel you're not going to believe it oh uh hey what's going on well remember that girl I ran into at the coffee shop I ran into her again and I got the courage to ask for her number and I got it I got her number wow that's great I'm proud of you look at you you're you're moving on with your life I'm just proud of you and and how much you changed are you doing okay Daniel you don't look so good yeah I'm fine uh just when we open shop today uh do do you think you can handle most of the workload yeah yeah of course um going to go lay down get some rest Daniel are you all right no oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to call [Music] 911 doctor please what happened well Daniel is an extremely old man his time is coming soon no Daniel's still young he still got flight left in him I'm really sorry Josh but doesn't have a whole lot of time left you might want to say your goodbyes oh oh hey Josh jiel you're awake how are you feeling I'm very tired I've been so tired for a long time now well I didn't know you certainly didn't show it at work my time it's coming isn't it that's what the doctor says but I don't believe him I mean everyone thought I died and I came back right you can't die Daniel all of our time comes eventually and if mine now then I guess then so be it no this isn't fair you're like a father to me now what are we going to do about the shop huh what are we going to do everything will be okay I'm leaving the shop to you you'll do great things I just know it I promise I'll I'll try my best I'm so proud of you Josh Daniel Daniel no Daniel no move move out of the way right now please please help him he can't die I'm so sorry he's gone you need to get out of this room right now no no I don't want to just leave him there's nothing that you can do okay he's gone Daniel I'm so sorry and I miss you a lot I promised you I'll take care of the shop and that's what I'm going to do and now you're with your family I hope you're happy and I really hope I make you proud of me hi do you need help finding anything I'm actually looking for a Blue Tomato do you carry them or what a Blue Tomato I don't think so oh hey Josh wow so uh you really work here don't you yes I do Zane is there something I can help you with look man I'm going to be honest the company it's falling apart and I don't know what to do you want me to come back and fix it don't you well I'm sorry zanen but I can't come back I have responsibilities I run this shop now you're seriously going to turn down helping the a huge multi-million dollar company to work at the small Corner Shop what's wrong with you Zane you took my job from and wouldn't give it back running the company to the ground is your fault not mine and you need to fix it now sir I'll go look for that Blue Tomato if I can find it no get out of my way ow hey get over here you can't walk away from me so what since you just came back from the dead you just think you're better than everyone else now you don't think that you can help out a friend help out a friend are you kidding me where were you months and months ago when I asked you for help you denied me and K kick me out of my own business I have obligations here and this shop actually makes me happy you are going to regret this Josh just get out of my store zann I don't want to see you ever again going to deny me no one denies me I'm going to teach that idiot a lesson and I guarantee when he doesn't have this shop anymore you'll have no other option to come back and help me and I'm going to get what I want like I usually do right when I get this company fixed Josh will be right back out on the streets see you soon old friend wait a second what's that smell why is there smoke everywhere no no the shop it's on fire how how did this even happen I got to get out of here I got to call 911 hello 911 yes there's a big fire I need help how could this have happened Daniel I'm so sorry I really failed you this time didn't didn't I uh excuse me are you Josh yeah I am hi I'm uh I'm actually Daniel's lawyer what happened to the shop I don't know there's a big fire and as you can see it's gone now look like I said I'm a lawyer and Daniel is a really good friend of mine too I want to help you find out who did this thank you I could really use all the help I could get Daniel he had a lot of money left over and he wanted to leave it to you what to me you're joking I thought he was just leaving me the shop no we just went over his well and he left everything to you you could really see how much you meant to him this is incredible I mean with that money I could use it to rebuild the shop exactly but hey look I got to go make a phone call to the police all right we got to figure this out thanks I really appreciate the help Daniel you always kept telling me not to doubt myself I'm going to keep my promise to you we're going to rebuild this shop well it took a a couple weeks but I actually did it I rebuilt this thing Daniel if you were to see this now I think you might be proud who's this hello Josh I think we know who set the fire well look at all this huh it's such a good thing that you're able to get your corner store back up and running yeah after that fire it's a really good thing what what's going on Zane you're under arrest what do you mean I'm under ARR arrest what are you guys doing get your hands off me this is some kind of mistake you know I'm a CEO of a company cut the ACT Zane you were the one that set fire to my shop no you're crazy there's no evidence with that actually there is evidence yeah the police were able to find the security camera footage on my phone we saw you do everything no no stop stop well Z I hope you really learned your lesson I know I have no no no no no the volcano it's erupting the town is done for help please someone's in trouble it's going to be okay I have a family to get back to please help you'll be okay head to the Survivor camp on the outside of town go thank you I've got to get back I've got to see my family again no laama oh no more people are in trouble I can't just abandon them wait no no I just miss him so much I mean he was my big brother I know it's a tragedy he's gone too soon I miss him too I wish he was still here I wish he were still alive he was always the strong one the one that just got up and got what he wanted you and your brother were so close and you had so much fun together hold on to those memories Luke I will I just I wish I could make more ever since I was born my brother was always there for me we did everything together he took me to my first scary movie helped me beat my first video game and when he said he was leaving I was so proud of him but he never came back and now I'm left with a hole in my heart hey Luke been a long time dude I recognize you you're one of Daniel's best friends aren't you uh Travis yeah that's me it's funny I was actually just looking for you wait really why I have this it's the last letter Daniel wrote wait what how did you get your hands on this look I can't talk all day man Daniel was a great guy I just figured you should have it you know it's so weird he's one of the smartest guys I ever met doesn't add up that he didn't make it out alive what do you mean by that why would you say that I mean haven't you thought about it Daniel was a tough guy and he was just smart yeah you're right he is a smartest guy I know I guess everything just happens for a reason yeah maybe I'm just being crazy I don't know look man it was nice to see you but I got to get going all right see you man I don't know what I'm going to do with this letter you know you're going to have to open it right yeah I know I'm just I'm just nervous I don't know what's in here I don't know what he said it's going to help with the grief yeah I know you're right all right here goes nothing hey little bro long time no see just wanted to write you a quick note let you know that everything here's going great we're helping tons of people rebuild their homes I mostly just wanted to let you know that I love you little bro and I miss you and I'm very grateful to have you in my life give my love to Mom and Dad Daniel P.S you better keep practicing in that video game I'll kick your butt when I get back this is the worst idea to read this you may feel like that now but I'm sure it'll help you I don't know like the way that Travis was talking to me yesterday just really makes me feel like he still could be alive you shouldn't be thinking that way what if he is what if he's out there somewhere and no one's helping him we need to move on you need to move on let's go to the skatepark or something it'll cheer you up no no it's it's been a rough week I'm going to go home I need to get all this sorted out Daniel what am I going to do with all your stuff this is your first teddy bear I gave it to you in the hospital when you were a baby boy so tiny my son hey Dad what are you doing why are you cleaning out his room it's no good just sitting here and it hurts to look at it so I figured packing it up would be the best choice it hasn't even been a month yet dad but we need to move on Luke no he could still be alive he could still be out there somewhere don't talk like that this is already hard enough you don't think I know that at least I'm holding on to something I'm holding on to Hope Daniel is not coming back you need to stop making this harder than it already is everyone's just giving up on him including you but not me I'm not giving up not until I find out what's actually going on and I find my answers come on where is he there he is Travis uh uh hey Luke what are you doing here you want some pizza or something no no no thank you I was thinking about what he said the other day about my brother yeah what about it you're right I mean he was too clever and and he was Great Outdoors he could totally still be alive like that's possible right I mean maybe but I could also be wrong you know yeah but there's a might in there so there's a possibility that you're right I just feel like I didn't realize what I had with my brother until it's gone feel like I just took it for granted I always thought he would just be there and now he isn't so I'm going to get him back yeah but he really could be gone Luke and that's life you know you got to pick up and move forward well that's not good enough I'm going to keep trying until I'm proven wrong I'm not just going to give up you know it's kind of funny you actually kind of sound like Daniel right now exactly because if I knew this situation was flipped he would do the same same exact thing for me I need answers and I'm going to find out the truth well uh good luck with that man and if you find anything let me know I miss him a lot too yeah sure thing all right this is it this is what I've been waiting for I've withdrawn everything all my life savings got a ticket and I'm going to fly where Daniel was last I'm going to look for him and I'm going to find him Luke you can't be seriously doing this no I am I mean it Dad I'm going you can't I I'll ground you Dad I'm too old for that you just can't go I I can't lose another son just because Daniel isn't here doesn't mean that we have to live our life in fear I don't know why I just I just have this feeling that he's out there somewhere he needs me dad I know it I am your father Luke and I know what's best for you just listen to me refund your ticket and stay here no dad not doing it it's not an option if you get on that plane sorry Dad I already made up my mind I promise I'll be back okay goodbye Luke Luke well here it is this is where everything happened where the volcano hit entire City's destroyed there's lava everywhere why why we lost everything oh man where do I even start looking in all of this everything's just destroyed hey you're a new face you part of the rescue team no not exactly but um you think you can help me find someone I guess I can help who you looking for um he actually kind of looks like me he's my older brother his name's Daniel have you seen him anywhere Daniel oh yeah I know him wait wait seriously you know him what are the odds of that it's a small town your brother was pretty important here too yeah I know Daniel I know him pretty well I'll take you to him wait what so he's alive he's actually alive yeah come with me kid this is insane oh my God thank you so much I don't see anything anywhere where is he at what are you talking about he's right here Daniel wait who are you that's not Daniel oh no all right listen here man you're going to follow our rules and our rules only yeah about time you figured it out of course this isn't Daniel what do you want from me all right I don't want any problems AR entire town was destroyed dude what do you think we want we want your cash you stupid kid yeah so empty out all your pockets and everything you got in that bag guys please I don't have much I only have enough to keep me alive well that's not our problem all right we don't care hand it over all right fine here take it but just please be honest with me have you seen my brother that's what's important to me right now listen to him crying oh I lost my brother he's probably already gone all right just accept it yeah the volcano took out pretty much everyone in town Only the strongest are going to survive here now and it's obvious that your brother just didn't have what it took you guys are wrong man I literally have nothing now I have to figure this out all right this seems like to be the only open restaurant in town I need food starving hey what can I get for you are you giving away anything by chance giving away what what could I be giving away listen I just got robbed a couple hours ago I need food I'm starving yeah buddy everyone's here starving all right you've seen the look of this town we're in chambles I'm just asking politely if there's not anything just let me know yeah there's nothing for you you ain't got no money you ain't got no food and you better leave cuz you're wasting up space in my Dina you don't have to be so mean about it hey Jim don't worry okay I'll cover whatever this guy wants oh fly Barry whatever what kind of game are you playing look I don't have anything left to Rob what I'm not going to rob you dude I don't know man the last person that told me that took everything from me well I'm sorry a lot of the towns folk are under stress they're acting crazy oh man it was a mistake coming here so you're not from town what are you doing here it's a long story basically my my brother's gone I'm just trying to find him I'm really sorry but you're not alone a lot of other people have lost loved ones too we have a Survivor Camp you're more than weling to stay there for the night I mean it's either that or the streets so that'd be awesome yeah right now it's a whole lot safer than the streets once you get your food we can go I'll take you there damn man I mean me and my brother had so much in common when we were kids yeah what was your brother's name it was Daniel hey Daniel yeah why are you saying it like that does it ring a bell yeah I know him I thought he made it out wait what hold on you're not playing a trick on me right I need to know the truth did he make it out yes or no well I think so everything was so crazy but I feel like I saw him running towards the volcano to help people well how does that mean he made it alive then lava started flowing the opposite way towards the town the complete opposite direction where he started that means it's really likely that he's still here I mean maybe he's just lost or something or hurt maybe he's trapped somewhere I mean it's possible everyone else is really focused on the town right now well which way did he run I need to go out and look for him doesn't look like you're going anywhere right now A storm's coming my brother ran towards an active volcano to help innocent people he deserves to be helped too yeah you've got a point I don't think the storm can stop us us you're going to come with me yeah I owe it to Daniel all right good well we better be quick then a dude it's raining pretty hard now yeah but I don't think that's the worst of our problems there's lava everywhere yeah this looks really bad it actually looks worse than it was before this isn't good where did he go come on we need a direction last time I saw your brother he was running that way great the place it looks impossible to get to but we're going to have to try and fast this storm is moving but maybe this rain will cool the lava trust me you don't want cold mixing with hot you're right steam can burn just as much as Fire come on be careful man oh oh my gosh Barry bar you okay that was weird where am I oh no listen I need to know if you're fine what's my name uh uh Luke right yeah okay fine listen you got to get in cover you can't come with me anymore well you can't go on by yourself it's so dangerous ow oh man my arm I'm going to have to okay look there's some cover over there just get under there and stay there all right I'll call one of my friends to come get me good luck Luke thanks Barry I promise I'll be back to check on you oh man it's just getting worse by the second what have I gotten myself into I wish I was just back home no no I have to do this I have to do this for my brother I can't just give up on him he never gave up on anyone and that's exactly how I'm going to be I just got to think smart I can't just be running into random situations I could get really hurt I need a sign anything come on anything at all what is that is that movement hello is someone there help wait what I'll be right there okay it has to be coming from the small cave come on it's so dark hello please anyone Daniel Daniel Luke look I'm over here Daniel you're alive barely what are are you doing here man I'm here to rescue you man I knew it I knew you were alive everyone doubted me my leg is broken living off of eating bugs I'm still alive dude you're a survivor man we're going to get you back home and you're going to be all right I didn't think anybody would find me but here you are of course man we're brothers and we're always going to get through this together out of the way we're losing him we need to stabilize him now hold on Dad you can make it I'm here Dad I'm right here if I don't make it I have one wish what what are you talking about it's not your time to go do this for me son I want our family to be together your brother and sister will need you now more than ever we need help here this isn't looking good no just just just stay with me Dad okay just just please everything's going to be okay I I love Dad Dad no no no please oh no we lost him I'm sorry but you have to leave we need the no I can't I can't just leave him leave now no dad I promise dad I promise maybe they brought him back U may maybe maybe he made it doctors they save people all the time right come on come on then I have some bad news no no please you have to save him you have to just do something I'm s sorry Ben despite our efforts we couldn't bring him back he's gone you had one job to do and you couldn't save him what kind of doctor are you a great one but that's it I'm a doctor not a magician sometimes no matter how hard we try situations are out of our control so what am I supposed to do now just just move on with my life he was my dad how could you tell me just to deal with that I don't know Ben you're an adult figure it out like I said your dad is dead deal with it wow I have to be strong I have to take care of everything now I've never planned a funeral before how do people do this okay I have to figure out what to bury dad in I think he looked best in his blue suit and maybe the gold tie I got him for Christmas what was that where is it Brad what the heck are you doing here here wait are you trying to steal from Dad I just want some things that's all it's not like he needs this stuff anymore wow that's low Brad even for you shut up Ben you're always so perfect you know what it's your fault he's dead what did you say no it isn't I did everything I could to save him you should have done more you should have saved him Brad that is not fair you just don't get it do you your dad's favorite always so perfect that was nothing but a big messed up loser to him is that why you hate me because you felt like Dad loved me more it was dad's dying wish that we stick together as a family you me and Bella yeah good luck with that I want nothing to do with you Mr Perfect and Bella wants nothing to do with either of us so it looks like you're going to fail Dad one last time shut up Brad make me ah found the Rolex you're not burying dad with it it's mine now dad you really had a tough final wish didn't you I had to figure out how to fulfill it okay here goes [Music] nothing hi Bella ew gross did anyone see you out there uh no hello to you too I came by to let you know that Dad he passed away B oh man really wow that's sad yeah I was with him until until the endol I've got things to do now so you can go you don't even care do you of course I do but if any Paparazzi catches me with some random poor loser they might think I'm not famous anymore get over yourself Bella you're my sister I have 30 million subscribers on YouTube what do you have I don't know Compassion maybe whatever you're so judgmental no I'm not you just got famous and started thinking that you're better than everyone else and you even stopped talking to your own family well I'm definitely not talking to Brad he just tries to get me to give him money so trag honestly Bella doesn't have time for a poor family can you stay out of this conversation tragic empathetic dad's Last Wish was for us to just be a family again it's all he's ever wanted look Ben you're my brother and all but I have my own life too and it's really big we all have our own lives Bella just can we at least try okay that's enough I'm sick of this loser crying get out Bella I hope one day you'll realize what truly matters because all of this doesn't can't believe he's gone he was the best dad in the entire world I hate you loser What's your deal Brad this is all so stupid it's such a waste of time I just want to get my part of dad's money and go that's just so messed up how can you look yourself in the mirror saying that stuff just leave me alone then stop confronting me uh wait Bella Bella why can't you even stand with everyone else I'm here isn't that good enough no it's not dad would have wanted us to support each other not just hide in the shadows it's always been what dad wanted for us huh dad always pushed me to be perfect and to be the best at everything it almost feels good to not have that pressure anymore yeah dad wanted that because he wanted the best for you and and look it made you rich but it didn't make me happy I'm sorry Bella we need to talk you Brad and I about Dad after this we're family and even if Brad is being a jerk I'm still here for you thanks and maybe you're right maybe we should talk for now let's honor him don't go yet okay there's something I have to do uh thank you guys all of you for coming it's hard to think about my dad not being here with us anymore he was the strongest person I've ever known even up until the end he taught me so much and I hope to carry his strength with me throughout the rest of my life thanks for coming guys feels weird being back here again yeah I know I feel the exact same way yeah well there's still at Le some cool stuff here don't go claiming it all Ben okay this isn't all yours dude do you really think I care about any of this Brad this is about Dad this is about our family I don't care about this stuff well speaking of stuff if you don't want it then that means I get it all right are you serious is that why we're here to talk about money no Brad it's not all of yours dad wanted us to be a family again so that is why we are here well I want money and that's why I'm here that's not fair why should you get all the money well it's not like you need it just because I'm rich well I should get way more stuff than either of you two enough guys look we'll sell everything and split it equally okay no way Bella has her own fortune I have nothing why should you get all the money when you don't even have a job stop fighting you two brought me here just to tell me you're stealing all my money nice you are the best siblings ever my gosh don't you guys care about each other don't you guys care about any of this we were once all happy together we all grew up with each other look at each other what happened to us I'll tell you what happened Bella got spoiled rich and you became a crybaby you completely forgot about me like everyone else does you two never help me out it's because you're always getting involved in stupid things Brad yeah Brad the last time I saw you you literally stole my credit card like what's going to pay you back with what money stop it with the money and let's just talk whatever I'm out of here you guys suck what yeah I'm too rich for this nonsense who cares about 100 Grand I spend that in a week on Sushi sorry Ben but this was a terrible a party we didn't even talk come on hey thanks for having me over Ricky I really needed someone to talk to my brother and sister are driving me insane right now yeah of course man family can be really overwhelming sometimes I get it I just wish I had a family like yours they all seem to genuinely care about each other I mean your family is actually here getting along yeah I I consider myself lucky but remember every family has its own struggles too we're not perfect that's for sure I know know my dad wasn't always perfect either but he tried his best it's just that my siblings never seemed to understand that they're just really selfish and they blame him for almost everything family's really important then and they're the only ones that you've got since you know mom passed away and now your dad I know and it was my dad's dying wish that we would become a family again I have to make it come true for him I owe it to him for taking care of me for for all of us all of these years it's give it time Ben rebuilding those connections takes time and effort won't be easy but I think you can do it thanks man I appreciate you it's going to be tough but I'll just take it one step at a time yeah now come on just enjoy the party so you're positive you can get this price absolutely Ben I'm the best in the business I'll make sure to Market this house to its fullest potential wow it's a great house I mean I grew up here you know lots of memories yeah that's wonderful to hear this looks like the perfect house for a family of four plenty of room nice backyard and fully renovated yeah my dad put a lot of work into it he was very proud of this place but just make sure you sell it to a good family okay someone who will appreciate well I can't make any promises about who buys it Ben but I'll do my best well here you go Ben this is the payment for the sale of the house thank you goodbye Dad Ben this house can't be your father it's just a property no uh of course not but I mean this was my dad's house where I grew up yeah well now it's going to be someone else's house it's time for you to move on Ben now let me do my job and sell this bad [Music] boy dude I told you to stop coming by like this look I just I wanted to bring this for you money what is this for it's for you um we sold dad's house oh awesome thanks Ben you're welcome and I'm going to give Brad his share tomorrow too thanks for taking care of all of this Ben you've always been the most responsible one among all of us I know I'm the oldest one but like I'm so busy and I don't have time for any of this I may not say it often but I'm proud of you you've built an amazing life for yourself thanks I don't hate you you know life is just complicated yeah no kidding so what are your plans now well I'm thinking about starting a business on my own or something I don't know time to explore New Paths I mean dad started his own business so I figured I would try the same thing that's really cool I I really hope it works out for you yeah and I know you're probably busy but maybe sometime you're free we can go grab some coffee um you know I used to get coffee with Dad around this time once a week and every time it was just a nice bonding moment yeah I guess we could I think I can fit it in my schedule so do you want to go now uh yeah sure thing cool you drive I'll by and remember that one year dad HD all of our Christmas presents and then he said the Grinch stole them oh my goodness Brad absolutely lost it he cried for an hour until Dad said it was just a joke oh man I'm really glad we talked Bella it feels good to reconnect I know I'm always doing something but but we should make an effort to be in each other's lives more often I really missed you I've missed you too Brad what the heck what did you do to my car you two sold dad's house and you're keeping all the money to yourselves I saw Ben leaving with a bag of money so I followed him Brad I have money for you too I was going to give it to you tomorrow she right you two are just liars all of that money should be mine what the heck Ben why did you do this me I didn't do anything this is why I don't want to be around you guys every time we get together something like this happens you were all so toxic I can't do this anymore I have my own life goodbye I can't believe you Brad shut up oh no did you call the cops no I didn't call anyone yeah you did you just trying to get me in trouble again I'm out of here are you serious great job Ben you really fixed that electrical issue thanks Percy uh I appreciate your business come on Bella answer hi it's Bella leave a message after the beep uh hey Bella it's me again I just wanted to see if you had any time to talk I know you've been busy but I've been trying to reach out to you and I guess I'll just try another time all right uh take care wait uh Brad what are you doing here you haven't returned any of my calls Ben yeah because I've been busy with work well good cuz I need money wait you spent all of dad's money that was hundreds of thousands of dollars yeah well whatever tried making some Investments and it didn't work out it's not my fault invest I'm not going to give you any more money that's not how I operate come on man you want us to be family again but you can't even help me out when I'm in need what's wrong with you I want us to be family again that doesn't mean I'm just going to give you handouts that's not the way it works look if you want money then I have an offer for you a job job seriously ly yeah you can learn how to do electrical work it'll give us a chance to spend time together and you can earn money at the same time well I do need money yeah fine whatever great I have a job tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. and I'll text you the address we can start from there okay sounds good just don't be late yeah yeah yeah I told him not to be late come on we have a job to do uh I'm here all right let's just get the it's over with hey uh thanks for coming Ben I've been having some uh trouble with some of the lights uh can't seem to get them working at all uh no problem we'll take care of it just uh give us some time okay cool you know I'm just going to go on my little daily walk here and move my legs I'll see you guys later remember Brad today you're here to observe and assist me this work can be dangerous so don't touch anything without instructions yeah whatever I can figure it out you don't have to babysit me I mean it Safety First you need to learn the skills before you can start working on houses all right fine whatever uh Brad can you find the electrical box in the garage I'll start working in the other room yeah I'll go looking for it got it must be this stupid thing I can fix this so easily then just doesn't believe in me watch this huh uhoh what have I done what did you do oh no where's the exit [Music] uh what happened how did I end up here yeah what happened Ben are you just like a complete idiot or something man I was just out working out my caps and I returned to see that you you burn my house down you lunatic no wait I didn't do anything I hadn't even started working yet glad you're awake I a start in the garage next to the electrical box someone messed up pretty bad some dumb electrician I see see yeah you you're just like a liar dude and and you suck your business sucks your lying sucks you just suck man I'm sorry okay I'm sorry about all of this it wasn't me I'll take responsibility and and I'll make sure to to cover all the damages I thought you were my friend but but no you're just a liar how could you do this I promise quiny it was my stupid brother he's the one responsible for this mess just just get out all right get out I never want to to see your dumb stupid ugly face again all right and I mean it hey let's calm down okay we could just talk about this I said get out of my property now all right or I'm going to like punch you or something so you think Brad intentionally burned down that house and then just ran away I don't know if he did it on purpose or not but he can be a bit of a sometimes you tried calling him at least uh I wanted to but look I'm really mad about this entire situation I gave him one chance and he repay me by burning down a customer's house and then just ran away poor quinby yeah that's a tough spot to be in man I mean it's understandable why you're upset I just wish my family could be a a little bit more normal no family is truly normal Ben I mean my mom is super overprotective my brother loves to play pranks on us what's important is that you guys are there for each other no matter what yeah you're right I just I need to go find Brad and sour this all out then thanks Ricky but luck man I do hope everything works out oh Bella just posted on her Channel what oh no this isn't good that's right guys my agency just ended my contract I worked so hard and now it feels like it was all for nothing maybe I should see Bella first oh what do you want you're not allowed to be here I'm her brother Donovan let me in I'm sorry but Bella's not seeing anyone right now she's in a fragile state I'm not going to tell you again I need to talk to my sister so step aside hey what what are you doing here Ben coming to Revel in my misery no I came here because I care about you and I I want to make sure you're okay does it look like I'm okay I'm done for I'm losing millions of views and dollars as we speak it's a really tough situation but I don't want you to go through it alone I'm here to support you I'm your brother if you really want us to be a family then prove it how what are you talking about help me get my agency back then we can talk all right I don't know how but I'll do my best I promise we'll see don't disappoint me again all right Bella needs her agent back let's hope I don't let her down this is so stressful I feel like I'm feeling dead more and more shouldn't be this hard for just all of us to come together wait what did that come from my kitchen what the heck are you doing Brad this is my house oh sorry I I didn't think you were going to be home so you just break in that's not how this works yeah so what I'm broke and I'm hungry and I haven't even got a paycheck from my stupid boss yet you burned that guy's house down Brad what what do you expect to be paid for that and then you ran and then ignored my phone calls you're never working with me again man just consider yourself f are you serious you're going to fire your little brother I thought dad told you to always take care of me no dad wanted us to be a family again not for me to consistently clean up your messes and bail you out me doing this to you is taking care of you fine you won't give me money that's how it is huh ignoring dad's wishes well I hope it feels good to live with that guilt please get out of my house now fine this house sucks anyways your food does too yeah that's right I want my yacht to be ready by 5 so don't mess this up excuse me uh are you Bella's agent I used to be what do you want I wanted to talk to you about her she's going through a tough time right now and and I think she needs your support you need to take her back look kid I don't have time for this I've got bigger things to worry about Bella was your biggest client and dropping her is probably going to be the worst mistake you're going to make oh you think so you're her brother are aren't you yeah so the story is about to break about you and your business how you burned a house down that's not going to help Bella's career is it that was my little brother's doing not mine you can't blame Bella for that I genuinely don't care I care about making money and if Bella's not making money she's not my priority you're heartless man Bella deserves better than Someone Like You yeah well I'm awfully Rich so get out of here before I have security kick you out out okay thank you bye know fine I'm leaving but mark my words she's going to be more successful without you and you're going to live to regret it I don't care I'm going on my yard bye poor person I got to find a better way to help her out what have you done Ben look at the mess you've made what are you talking about all I did was talk to your agent just like you asked me to well I didn't ask you to do this that's right everybody this is breaking news reports have surfaced about the brother of famous YouTuber Bella running a fraudulent electrical business if her brother is such a terrible person really makes you wonder what she is like am I right we'll be back to wildly speculate and roast Bella in 5 minutes look that wasn't me it was Brad who burned the house down like I'm just trying to fix things it doesn't matter who did it Ben the damage is already already done thanks to you my career is totally over I'm sorry I never meant for any of this to happen I was just trying to bring her family back well congratulations Ben you're doing a fantastic job at destroying everything that's not fair what's not fair is everything I worked so hard for everything dad made me go through to be successful it was all for nothing now just get out Ben hella don't be like this that means you do what I say now go all right we're back with the roast session let's go I don't know what to do anymore I I'm trying I'm trying my best to fulfill your wish but feels like I'm just messing up everything I want her family to be together but it's just it it keeps slipping through my fingers I'm sorry if I'm not living up to your expectations whatever happens what whatever I can get done just know that I love you I love you with all my heart and I'm doing everything everything that I can to make things right I'll continue to honor your memory and strive to to be the person you believed I could always be I won't let you down this is so ridiculous my brother thinks he's better than me he always has dad definitely thought so why aren't you more like Ben blah blah blah I'll show him I need money and he's got plenty of it it's time to level the playing field stupid truck he needs this for his dumb business well I'm going to sell it and make some cash this will teach you you should have never fired me wa truck is actually kind of fast oh no you don't seriously the cops no over now you oh no no no I'm not going back to jail no oh I can't do anything right hey is that my brother in there h I need to see him now sorry buddy don't care if you're the king of Roblox no one's allowed in right now but it's my truck he stole I don't want him to get into more trouble okay I won't press charges so you can let him go look I don't care if it's your truck this guy is a wanted criminal we found stolen items on him and he's wanted for multiple robberies been looking for him for years wait seriously years I had no idea it was this bad didn't even know your own brother was a criminal wow great brother huh hey he just doesn't tell me what's going on well now you know he's going downtown no matter what fine I'll meet you there then how long will it take going to take some time your brother's pretty hurt we'll let you know when he's stable okay just please take care of him we'll do our best as long as he cooperates go home for now there's nothing you can do here where is Brad he's in the emergency room they won't even let me see him oh they're going to let me see him get out of my way Bella no he robbed me and then crashed your car do you have any idea what kind of image this is going to send to the public if that crash didn't kill him I'm going to Bella our brother could have died he's in the hospital right now okay we need to help him not worry about your Public Image Brad deserves whatever he has coming to him this is his own fault he's such a loser and I'm so over this we can't just abandon him he needs our help we need to be there for him I've been doing my best to be there for the both of you but you guys are making it just so difficult sometimes I'm making it difficult whatever I'm not even supposed to talk to you until I get my agent back yeah that's all you care about right your agent we're family our brother is in trouble he could have died today and you're only thinking about yourself did you even know that he's been stealing just to get by I don't care that's his choice not mine just tell me when I can see him I need to give him a piece of my mind stupid idiot how am I going to fix this now what is your problem Brad why would you steal from people I needed the money okay it's not like you care or understand I don't care I'm here right now look stealing is never the solution you can't justify your actions like that it's so easy for you to say you're always the perfect one dad's favorite after mom died dad just ignored me no dad didn't ignore you he was doing his best to take care of all of us at once I was the one that had to step up and take responsibility but that doesn't doesn't mean he loved you any less well it sure felt like it he never put any responsibility on me he didn't trust me with anything good idea too just mess that up as well Dad did the best he could in a tough situation look at yourself now this isn't the way to deal with your feelings you have to grow up man not everything is dad's fault I know I messed up Ben I'm I'm scared and I don't know what to do messed up so much that I don't see a way to fix this look I'll do what I can to help you but you really messed up this time Brad this this is your chance to turn things around all right visiting time's over shut up and get out I'm going to do my best to help you I promise but if you waste this chance I won't be there to bail you out you'll have to live with the fact that you failed our dad and yourself what do you mean you can't get me in do you remember who I am nobody cares anymore rude hey are you okay no I'm not okay I'm becoming less famous and I don't even know who I am anymore is that what you wanted to hear no I just wanted to see how you were doing well I'm not okay I'm basically a nobody again well Fame shouldn't Define who you are Bella well it's a big part of my life and now it's slipping away I don't even want to think about it what do you want anyway this might sound strange but I was wondering if you can help me bail out Brad are you serious that loser robbed us both and now you want me to help him let him brought in prison that might teach him a lesson he's family I think he did it as a cry for help he needs a no one ever helped me when I need it I worked super hard on my own because I had to and now look where I am look that's why we both need to be there for him okay we can make a difference in his life I I believe in that he'll always be a worthless loser that's harsh how can you say that about your family remember how close you guys were as kids what happened to that why are you just so angry because everything in our lives is messed up Ben our relationships our careers it's falling apart and I hate it and that's all the more reason not to throw away the one thing we have left each other fine Ben whatever I have so much money so it doesn't even matter just please stop talking about this and if Brad ever robs me again I'm coming after you for the money fine Bella I don't care but we both have to go to the police station to get him out we have to do this together fine let's go then thanks for getting me out of there that place sucked seriously is that all you have to say do you have any idea how much money that just cost well I'm really sorry for what I did Bella I messed up big time yeah you did and this is the last time Brad I'm never helping you again after today you do not exist to me how is that different from any other day oh my gosh you are so ungrateful guys shut up no I don't care what you want I care about what I want and that is I don't want to be around you losers anymore that's not fair Bella I was just in a bad spot I made a mistake I'm not a loser you're all always in a bad spot Brad because you keep doing bad things you never learn from your mistakes you're so stupid yeah well you're just a spoiled Brad let's calm down this isn't helping anyone I swear Ben I've learned from all of this I really want to change I don't want to hear it just stay away from me gosh what is wrong with her she's going through a lot right now and I don't know you know how stubborn she is yeah well I do want to change you believe me won't you look I I want to believe you I really do but right now actions are going to speak louder than [Music] words yo you see me really down dude what's going on look just no matter what I do nothing seems to work I try to help my siblings but feels like I'm constantly hitting a wall I get it man and your siblings that're tough changing people's lives take time too especially when it comes to your family don't worry you guys will make up and everything will work out I wish it were that simple but I feel like I'm the only one that wants this Bella only cares about herself and Brad he doesn't seem to care about anything I try so hard but sometimes feels like it's not enough well I'm sure they care for you Ben but they definitely need to show it better that doesn't mean they don't appreciate you and what you do I hope you're right Ricky it's just hard when it feels like I'm carrying the weight of our entire family on my shoulders doing your best Ben and that's all you can do thanks man I have appreciate you for all of this it helps have someone who just listens yeah of course remember you're not alone in this and don't give up just takes time hey uh Bella how's everything going oh hey Ben my career is doing better thanks to your constant pestering I finally sorted things out with my manager oh that's great to hear but I was actually asking about how you're doing personally like how's just how's life treating you I guess things are okay just trying to stay focused and make the most of it yeah I understand I mean you're always a hard worker but you know what's coming up right am I getting an award or something no it's going to be the anniversary of Dad's death is it really wow I completely forgot I want to get together the three of us you me and Brad it's important to me then you know I can't forgive Brad that easily every time I've tried to help him he's only managed to ruin it I know it's hard but this is for dad's sake can you guys just put your differences aside just this once fine fine whatever Ben I'll come to dinner but don't expect me to suddenly forget everything that he did thank you it means a lot and I figured we could chill and play some games and by the way I'm totally going to beat you at Jenga again you beat me okay we'll see about that wow nice place yeah it's all right I mean it's a roof over my head so I can't complain I mean I'd never thought I'd see the day where you had your life together like this I'm proud of you man IO I think the accident was a real wakeup call and he realized I needed to straighten things out I'll say it's been quite a journey for both of us huh yeah so what's going on I mean you didn't just drop by to comment on my new found stability did you actually I came for a certain reason look I've invited Bella out for dinner and I want you to be there too me with Bella yeah no dice bro you know how things go between us we're going to end up fighting she's going to get mad call me a loser and run away I know I know Brad but hear me out it's the anniversary of Dad's death and I want us all to be together for him he would have wanted that yeah I don't know it's not easy for us to be in the same room without arguing please just give it a try let's put our differences aside for this one evening for Dad we owe him that much yeah that's true all right I'll try it for Dad if she starts getting annoying I swear Ben she won't I promise thank you man it means a lot to me I'll see you at dinner then yeah well if there's food there I'm there we'll make this work I promise it's time for us to just come together as a family again thank you guys both of you look I know we all miss dad and I understand that things haven't been easy for any of us so this means a lot yeah except for Bella right hard for us but she's always had it easy shut up Brad you're just a loser who can't even get his life together that's it that's it guys one night I can't do this with you anymore just just please Ben Ben stop you're embarrassing me I don't care if I'm embarrassing you no matter what I do you both can't see beyond yourselves you've always been so selfish Bella all you care about is your following and Brad you just seem to always want to get into an argument we've barely been here for 5 minutes and the two of you already hate each other what do you mean dude I'm trying to change to be better Ella is the one with the issue what no I'm not you started you guys are both giving into it I don't care what you guys have to say anymore it's just one night I asked you both for one night and I thought after 9 months the thing would have changed but I guess I'm wrong you don't want to be my family you guys only care about yourselves enjoy your chaotic miserable lives I'm out of here come on Ben wait we're trying to change I promise Ben please don't go I'm sorry Dad I tried my best but Bella and Brad they they don't care there's nothing I could do oh no uh this storm is bad I can't even see I'm losing control Ben Ben come on come on wake up dude come on Ben please oh my gosh he's awake awake oh my gosh Ben dude you scared us half to death man wait you guys Sav me of course we did we're family then
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 255,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: smHcC6dNTt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 9sec (6729 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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