The BILLIONAIRES Of Roblox! (Full Movie)

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no one can know that I'm secretly a billionaire not even my own family Tom you're a billionaire Jerry you're not supposed to be here Tom listen you are my brother all right how can you hide this from me I don't want this money to change anything money can change families yeah well it's about to change this one look at I got some money Jerry get back here I want this I don't want I want that one it's not your money to spend man it's mine dud you're my brother what's yours is mine right not like this Jerry hey well did I overhear you guys' conversation sounds like you guys are rich CH man he's a billionaire no I'm not stop telling people that a man Jerry come on Mom needs help at the grocery store right now I'll explain to you how I'm a billionaire everything's okay what took you guys so long oh yeah sorry I was just spending a lot of Tom's money at the mall wait what Tom's money yeah Mom Tom's like a B I was just buying Jerry an early birthday present oh how thoughtful of you I'm glad you guys are here I need a couple more items Jerry what are you doing man dude do you know how poor we are and I just found out that my brother's a billionaire fine you want to know how I became a billionaire yeah I want to know right now a few months ago I was on a trip and ended up winning one of Mr Beast Challenge videos unfortunately there was a problem with the camera and the video never got released and then I invested some of the money and now I'm a billionaire dude that's insane you on a Mr Beast video I don't want anyone to know okay I don't want my life to change my life's not all about money I just want to be happy fine I won't say anything hey guys I'm ready let's go check out hey uh you're short on money lady no no no no no that can't be we're just a few dollars short can't you make an exception I have to make an exception for you then I have to make an exception for everyone and then all this stuff is free and then I'm out of a job and I'm broke is that what you want lady hey man don't talk to my mom like that all right don't worry I've got this Mom it it's okay oh where did you get that money Tom uh I got a second job so that I could help out with everything you know thank you Tom you've been so thoughtful recently yeah of course mom anything I can do to help out the family oh man who would have known college is that hard CH seriously hey man I know we're running tied on money especially with college tuition so like now that I have your secret with me is there any way I can get some extra money for it yeah man I'll pay your tuition you got to promise to stop talking about this uh Josh sure I'll stop talking about it what's up with you two poor losers you guys shouldn't even be allowed on campus you guys smell terrible hey man can you just leave us alone for once like we're way too old for you to be bullying us yeah right man you're never too old to be bullied by me I won't leave you alone until they kick you guys off of Campus you're pathetic hey we're not pathetic buddy all right we're richer than you'll ever be Jerry shut up yeah right in your dreams losers even the best you're going to do after this is nothing oh I got to go to my yachting practice now so later losers yting practice oh Tom are you serious how can you not tell him that you're a billionaire he was just making fun of us first of all who cares what that guy thinks he's a jerk man and I don't want anyone knowing okay okay it's no one's business if more people knew then no one would make fun of us like that they couldn't we we're literally Rich it doesn't matter if people think that we're rich or not what matters is that we try to be good people and we do the best that we can to help others you just don't understand Tom all right you have all this money you're not using it right come on let's go home man where the heck is Jerry he never leaves before me in the morning wait what is that that's right people look around look around you should have brought that money straight to the bank poor now look Jer how did you afford all this stuff stuff looks super expensive CH it's mine dude whatever I'm just so rich it doesn't even matter you're lying it isn't your money CH it is just mind your own business all right I'm not going to mind my own business dude you're literally stealing from me you're just jealous of me all right just back off before everyone here finds out your little secret not fooling anyone Jerry you just look dumb why you flashing all this money around anyway you don't even have it child well according to everyone around here I'm the rich one and you're the poor one how could you talk to me like that in front of all these people man whatever man just leave wait a minute so Jerry really did that to you yeah Spike I couldn't believe it either that was such a messed up thing for a brother to do well why is he so upset with you to begin with I mean like he just suddenly found a lot of money right I'm going to tell you this because you're my best friend and we've been friends since we were little kids but you got to promise me you don't say anything okay this is going to sound crazy but I'm secretly a billionaire a billionaire sorry sorry a b millionaire man I knew this I shouldn't have told you you're going to start asking me for money just like Jerry you really think I would do that dude I'm I'm your best friend I don't care about your money that's what I was hoping my brother would say too but that's not what's going on man it's going straight to his head it's a whole mess why don't we go grab some food and I'll explain it to you but thanks for being such a good friend to me I can't believe it man he willingly told his best friend but not his own brother wow man that was such a good dinner I bet it was after you willingly told old Spike about your situation what how did you know that did Spike tell you no I fine I overheard your guy stupid conversation all right you're threatening to tell my secrets so now you're spying on me too I don't care man all right you lied to me for months about this and you were just so eager to tell your best friend about all of it right away he's obviously somebody that I could trust with that type of information this money's gone to your head and it's not even yours you're doing exactly what I thought was going to happen you're treating me different just because I have money who whoa whoo what's with all the nothing nothing's going on yeah something is going on don't even think about it Jerry whatever I'm done with this conversation what's going on Tom is everything all right oh no me and Jerry are just fighting Mom it's okay we'll get over it don't worry yeah Jerry look it's your pathetic broke loser brother Tom oh dude what an idiot right yeah he should learn a thing or two from you man about how to be rich you know what are you doing in that car man it's mine do you like it I bought it with my own money now now check this out Jerry be careful doing going so F yo are you okay of course I'm okay I'll just buy into the lambo or something huh J Man I mean I could just go buy three more of these right now no problem CH me too make it fun Jerry can I talk to you in private without this guy around what do you want dude it's one thing to steal from me you're not going to treat me like garbage in front of all these people too I can treat you how I want all right these people are my friends stop acting this way man nobody cared about you a week ago they always treated you bad just like me why would you want to even be friends with somebody that would be like that did all this money make you forget who you are all this money helped me realize who I really am okay yeah you know what you become a monster what is wrong with you dude oh man I can't believe you you're supposed to be my brother oh great you're here what are you going to do lecture me again yeah we're going to talk right now about what all right you have all this money all of it just at the palm of your hands and you're just doing what nothing with it because you have money doesn't mean that you should spend it you don't remember how hard it is to earn cuz you've never had to I'm the only one that's ever had a job so what you're just going to throw that in my face so what man look man family is the most important thing in the world CH well then just give me all the money then all right doing the opposite you're going to give me all that stuff back wait what no way mine this is mine okay well it's not and if you don't give me all the stuff back then I'm going to call the cops and you're going to get arrested for stealing wait what so much for family take all of it then take every single scent I told you you could have money for your tuition the things that mattered but you abused it so you're not getting anything from me ever again I'm going to get that money back if it's the last thing that I do I'm going to handle this myself you know Tom I was really Brave of you what you did with your brother the other day I just hope he learns from it dude wait what is that Jerry over there what are all those people what's going on yeah that's right I called everyone over here right now to tell you all one important thing no don't do it Jerry my brother Tom has been a billionaire and has been hoarding all the money for himself I knew it no one believed me Jerry stop this right now oh there he is right now why don't you ask him for some money I'm sure he has plenty to share give me some money man I want everything give us your money loser man this isn't good I got to get out of here Spike man I can't believe it why would Jerry do something like this to me hey man uh you remember me don't you I've heard you're a billionaire and and uh dude please just leave me alone get back here I want a new Lambo hey Tom what's up bro you know that I was just so messing with you when I called you poor and stuff right now but please yeah man you want to hang out maybe rip a private jet over to New York eat some sushi I don't want to do any of this I just need to go talk to my mom yeah yeah cool man cool yeah I'll catch you soon Mom oh mom so it's true then yeah Mom I I didn't want you to find out this way I was just waiting for the right time you had months to tell me and you didn't why didn't you say anything cuz I like our life the way that it is I was covering all the bills but you lied to me we're supposed to be family we're not supposed to hide things from each other Jerry's going wild right now and it's all because he found out my secret May Jerry has a point too okay do you see this house that we're in do you really think it's ideal no it's not Mom and I was already buying you a house it was going to be a surprise no I don't want to hear this all of this money could have solved our problems M money doesn't solve problems just because you have money doesn't mean that everything in your life just goes away I've heard enough we are using this money to help our family and that's final oh man what a mess this money's created I know that we were going to buy a house but we don't need to live in something like this you don't know what you're talking about Tomar right this is exactly what we should be living in we should show it off to the world M I'm guessing you let Jerry pick out the house I wanted him to feel included he seemed pretty down so y we're rich I'm going to go ride my Ferrari I just can't believe this mom you let him back into this house after everything he did to me he exposed my secrets and now I'm supposed to just let him live in a mansion I don't know what to tell you Tom I get why you're frustrated with him but I understand why he's frustrated with you as well I know Mom but this this is crazy you can't hate your brother because of all of this yeah well you know what I just don't think I can live with him Mom you guys enjoy your new place but I don't want any part of this wait Tom where are you going I'm going to a regular house I don't feel comfortable in this place doesn't feel like a home and it definitely doesn't with Jerry in there being a jerk yeah this will do this feels a lot better than that Mansion yeah yeah yeah it's all yours uh by the way can I have a 50k get out of here all right whatever man jeez that's right look at my family now we're all disconnected and separated money was supposed to help us not rip us apart hey uh Tom how have you been doing man please don't ask me for any money no I'm not going to calm down sorry dude I've just been going through a lot today with my family seems like everyone in the city knows exactly who you are now yeah and everyone's treating me different it's terrible yeah you can look at it that way but maybe it's not a horrible thing that you have all this money I mean maybe you can use it for good yeah dude you're right that's a great idea and we're going to start right now I I can't believe this you did this for me and my family yeah of course it's the least I can do with my money to help out this is the kindest most amazing thing ever thank you so much yeah of course I mean I don't need all this extra money Tom what are you doing here I just bought this family this home wait wait let me get this right you bought these homeless people at home does he know who I am do either of you know how rich I am dude you're nobody don't you get that you have nothing you have my money that I give you stop acting like you're better than people because you're not look at little old Tom thinking that he has a point to make about everything well listen here all right it's nice to know that you can buy this family things but you can't buy your own family things yeah cuz this family deserves it they work really hard and can't catch a break you're just a spoiled jerk who thinks he deserves everything I wish that you'd go back to how you were whatever man that's not even why I'm here right now what do you want I need more money all right so give me some no I'm not doing that anymore you're on your own wait what you can't be serious no I'm done I'm not providing anything to you go get a real job no you don't need to apologize I bet it's tough being recognized everywhere I know maybe at some point I'll just buy us an arcade so that we can feel like the good old days you know you know that's not a bad idea you're such a good friend I wish my family treated me the same way that you do yeah how's everything been going with that well since I cut Jerry off he's been even worse than he was before that's crazy he needs to be more thankful for everything that you've done for them yeah neither of them are my mom's on his side now too because I lied about the money well I don't know maybe you should go talk to your mom and seems like she'll be a lot more reasonable than your brother yeah maybe I'm just afraid she's going to ask me for more stuff you can't keep going on through your life without a family it's important that you talk things out you're right I've got to make things better this job is so stupid I can't believe people actually do this for a living work pathetic I've only been working for a week and I haven't even made a million dollars yet can't believe Tom made me do this excuse me can I get some service over here or you're just going to stand around doing nothing who do you think you're talking to Buddy uh I'm talking to you you've been sitting there yelling to yourself like a weirdo I am not a weirdo all right do you know how rich I am oh yeah man you look real Rich to me you should be the one that's serving me you poor loser how dare you sir I make a generous 100,000 a year now how dare you all right I use $100,000 to wipe my whoa whoa whoa what's going on here this worker is having some sort of breakdown I don't understand my goodness it's a third breakdown this hour I'm so sorry about that sir you should ban this guy from here he shouldn't eat here anymore if I want to eat unhealthy food and clog my arteries I can do it I'm sorry sir I'll get that food for you right away Jerry get lost you're fired wa what whatever I don't need this job I don't need any of it hey where have you Ben I've been calling you multiple times this week I've just been dealing with Jerry and how much she's changed since I've became a billionaire listen he's been acting a lot different lately and maybe it's time that you talk to him he's changed too much he just expects everything he doesn't want to work he doesn't want to do anything he just wants me to give him stuff for free well you are his brother and you have all of that money if he actually appreciated it Mom I'd give him half but he doesn't and I know that he'll be broken a month if I give him that much M you lied to both of us mom can't you see why I mean do you know how bad if feels you guys abandoned me all you did is look at me as a bank you're right Tom I'm sorry I let the money go to my head and I don't mean to make you sad like this I don't either Mom I just want my family back we were so close before everything's torn apart I don't know what to do honestly I think this conversation was the first step in the right direction thanks Mom you want to go get some dinner yes that sounds lovely and I'll pay for it this time yeah dude you deserve some of that money glad someone finally sees it that way way once I have all that money oh I'm going to do so many great things with it yeah man I'm just so glad that my dad's not like your stupid brother give me a million right now dad and he'll just do it CH cuz your dad's not like a stupid jerk like Tom dude I can't believe that he made you get a job oh I just got Shivers set down my spy he only bought you one Mansion did he even get you a helicopter no he didn't now that you say that and ever since I've stopped walking on Gucci nothing's SP the same wait dude I got an idea well Spill the Beans man yo why don't you just steal the money man we can race our Yachts dude it would be so cool you know what Tom wouldn't even notice it if it were gone that sounds like a great idea man I can't believe how many lives I've been able to change with all this money it's been amazing being able to make lives better for people and I'm so happy that my mom's finally coming around to my side of the story things are starting to look pretty good stuff the bag Butch hurry up yo what are you guys doing Tom something that we should have done a long time ago Jerry come on man you're better than this this what you get brother this is a long time coming I can't believe this Jerry you choose this money over me you're the one that decided to leave to begin with yeah because of you because of the way you've been acting cuz I knew I couldn't trust you around my money and you're just proving that time and time again you've been getting everything you want for free yeah well I try to listen to your advice I try to get a real job it's just not my lifestyle Jerry who even are you man I can't believe that you'd ever stoop this love I don't care Tom I know we're brothers but consider our relationship over you're not getting away with this man the cops are already on their way I already texted good luck trying to prove anything what's that noise Tom all right man give me back the money or this guy's going to arrest you what are you even talking about stole my money dude I want it back officer I have no idea what this man is talking about actually yeah you never really did show me any proof that he stole it from you but I own this house I'm sure the money's in here all right I'm the owner of this place and you're not allowed he's not the owner of this place I own yeah well from the looks of things this guy looks like he's rich and stuff he does look like he owns this Mansion if you want to be able to arrest him you got to have evidence for the crime all right jeez another stupid call look at that dude I can't believe you Jerry you're just making things worse and worse huh how could you rob your own family dude worked out pretty well for me I got a yacht appointment at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning you are the worst person that's ever existed all I think right now is money and you don't have any whatever dude you're not getting away with this they wouldn't even arrest him you can't be serious I don't know what's going on but I don't know if I'm getting that money back what you going to do now I mean you don't even have any money dude honestly it's fine money destroyed my family I don't really care about it think I'm just going to get a normal job and live a regular life and you're just going to let all of this go he he robbed you dude no I'm not going to let that part go but I don't want to start chasing money and fighting over it doesn't make sense all right well if you ever need anything you know you can ask I appreciate it man but I have no problem working a regular job I did it before and I'll do it again hey man uh I saw that you were hiring wait aren't you that billionaire guy uh yeah I mean that's who I was what do you mean by was I don't have any money anymore yeah like we're going to hire a guy like you a guy that loses a billion dollars within a week what a loser Hey look it's not my fault I was robbed okay yeah right buddy that's just probably an excuse you're using the cover up the way you really lost it how are you going to manage my store huh all right well I'm sorry that's how you feel I appreciate the opportunity I guess shut up get out of here gosh I hate you so much hey Jerry it's been a while since I've seen you been busy with big picture things you know buying Yachts buying Lambos investing in another Lambo look it's been a while since we've bonded together and I think it would be good if we spent some quality time together why would I want to hang out with you all right I got like a billion friends that are on my speed dial right now Jer why are you talking to me like this I am your mother what you are right now is a waste of my time all right so just back off geez you already got the Mansion why do you want to talk to me because I love you and you're my son jeez you're acting like a poor loser right now just like Tom is the reason why we have all of this stop treating everyone like this now you're going to take Tom's side you're not even worth my time I am your mother I am always going to be worth your time and so is Tom you want to be just like Tom then be like him you're out of the Mansion what yeah that's right I have full possession over the money I'm rich and I could do whatever I want oh man I'm late to my yacht appointment mom what are you doing here come in Tom it's just awful slow down you okay no you're Gary just kicked me out of the mansion and now I'm living on the street my gosh how could he do something like this I I don't know I just wanted to spend time with him and I want to have a relationship with him but he honestly could care less I know Mom he's a different person the money's destroying him it's like a disease I'm just heartbroken we're supposed to be a family I'm so angry mom I'm sorry I ever brought this money into our house it's not your fault Tom I know we were angry because you were lying to us but this is outrageous this is all Jerry I just wish that Jerry was different I'm not going to let him keep doing this mom something's got to stop with him I'm getting that money back tonight man Jerry's going to pay for the way he treated mom whoa whoa whoa whoa Tom Tom wait up what's up man you told me what you plann on doing are you really going to steal that money back it's not his in the first place it's mine and after what he did to my mom he deserves it if you think that this is the right thing to do then all right Tom just do what you think's best but I'm not going to be a part of it I think it's wrong there they are ch that yacht was so much fun God man it's so sick I love that you got all this money now cuz like now we can really be friends you know what I'm saying sh dude now that my mom's out of the picture this Mansion is all to myself can't believe it he thinks this is funny I'm not doing this there it is there's all my money all of it he's never going to see this money again man I can't wait to get these tests where is it Tom I don't know what you're talking about where's what don't you lie to me I know that you took it oh you mean the money that's mine I took it back yeah maybe you had no right I had every right you robbed me dude and then you kicked our mother out of a mansion that I bought that you live in no it's my money so give it back all right that is my Mansion no dude it's mine okay and you're lucky you even got anything from me you and Mom you guys are just poor losers you'll never understand me and you'll never understand what to do with money that's exactly why I don't ever want to see you again man the money changed you CH will this all began because of you lying I'm not going to apologize not to you not to anyone well you do you then but you're not getting anything from me ever again and I don't want to see your face until you come back and apologize that dude stole all the money back yeah he did man I have nothing well wait a minute you don't have anything anymore you're a broke loser again no I'm still the same guy I just need to get my money back no no no dude you're not the same guy you're broke now what's that supposed to me that means I can't hang out with you dude are you kidding me you can't do that I I thought you were my friend yeah I thought you were my friend too and then you became broke like an idiot maybe I'll go steal the money back from Tom my dad would be so proud if I was even richer than him he'd be like where'd you get the money and I'd be like a job man and he'd be like whoa no no you can't do that dude I can do whatever I want I'm rich wait Tom why are we back at the Mansion I don't think we should live in this place anymore mom I think we should let other families share this place so that they can get up back on their feet wow Tom that's a really good idea we need to use this money to make family's lives better mom because it tore our family apart and if we can't have our whole family together maybe we can make a difference making other people's families whole well I could never be more proud of you I'm so happy that the money didn't get to your head I know I already said it but I'm really sorry about everything it's okay Mom I love you and I understand it was a weird time for everybody but look I'm going to donate a ton of money and we should start another fundraiser and see if other billionaires will donate money and then once we do that we can help so many more people maybe we can hold the fundraiser at the Mansion if we do that then we can probably make a lot of money for all these other families let's do it tonight I'm sure I can get everybody around hey everyone thank you for coming I'm so excited that you're all here we were really poor and sometimes we didn't have money to eat but we always stuck together and that was the important thing and now that things have changed and we've made some money I want to make sure that we're giv back to other people so that they can have the same opportunities that we have so I'm asking everyone here tonight to help support this fundraiser no inspirational yeah Tom used to be the landlord of that guy security we got to get rid of this guy wait wait no no Tom Tom listen man I'm sorry all right I've messed up stop lying Jerry we're trying to help people it's not about you anymore don't you get that I promise I'm not making it about me all right I wish I could just take it all back all right I've had enough dude you've said this a million times I know that you're lying you need to leave or the security is going to escort you out of here you don't understand all right uh Butch he he's planning the alarm's in my house they're going off someone's broken in hey what are you doing in my house a what's it look like man I'm just grabbing some money dude that's my money you can't just come in here and take it uh like yeah I can Dude okay you can't stop me the police are probably on their way the alarm's been going on for a little while now yeah whatever man I'll be fine just let me take the rest of your money no we're not going to the police are here what what are you doing here man you think you're just going to steal like I was going to do do it's for my brother all right that money's rightfully hit is wait really look I'm sorry all right I don't know how many more times I have to say it I made a bunch of mistakes and I hope this makes up for it police officer arrest that mind what no no please leave me alone no I'm so happy we're here together Dad this is amazing son someday all of this will be yours you're a Billionaire's son after all is that an alarm yes and it's not good quick let's get to the helicopter what's happening the yacht is going down move hold on son we're getting out of here wait do you even know how to drive this thing I'm a billionaire I'll figure it out Dad I'm losing control he jacked he Jered watch out got a helicopter crash here it exploded I think everyone is dead oh this is a shame looks brutal oh my gosh someone survived Tad Dad where are you hey man are you okay no no I'm not okay okay you've got to get checked out you might have some serious injuries no wait look my dad he's in there somewhere please we got to help him wo wo W wo wo wo hold up you need to relax and wait for the Emergency Response Team to get here no no I need to find my father I need to oh no we have a cold blue I need to get this kid to the hospital right away uh man where am I you're in the hospital Dad you're a ghost what no I'm not dead you're not Liam I'm a billionaire nothing can kill me what the helicopter yeah I crashed it oh well but you didn't hit the emergency eject button like I told you to I was worried sick about you I didn't even know that was a thing I'm sorry well you need to learn better if you want to survive as a billionaire look I'm just glad that we're okay whoa mvin rich guy you're a billionaire yeah you think I don't know that I want to make sure my son has every single test imaginable I want to make sure he's safe already on it sir Liam is good to go look I feel fine dad I promise good this should cover it then come on Liam we have to go buy ourselves a new helicopter this helicopter crash is probably a major distraction for my employees hopefully everything's going normally no I will take over the company in the meantime if he's dead I don't care about his stupid oh well looks like we're good good to go um I'll talk to you later aome Liam I'm so glad you're both okay I heard about the tragedy about the helicopter yes Charlie we're both fine thanks for staying here and holding down the fort funny huh you were acting like you were going to run the place yes well I was just trying to do what I could for the company good now both of you can get out of my office and get to work we have money to make here people move it let's go yes sir hey don't you ever make me look so stupid like that again in front of your dad got it back off man you were the one that did that to yourself you know what I don't like you you're nothing but a spoiled little brat I don't care what you think of me think whatever you want I don't like you either or trust you not at all I don't care what you think I'm going to go far in this company and you're not going to stand in my way whatever man man I'm hungry I should see if Dad wants to grab some dinner tonight okay Charlie I like it sounds good thanks what was that about Charlie has an awesome idea about saving some money oh did he huh what was his idea he says we should turn everything over in the building to a cleaner energy source brilliant huh wait what Liam why would you be upset about that it's going to save us millions of dollars that was my proposal Charlie stole it from me h who cares either way I'll be rich oh don't take it so personal son it's just business I don't know Dad I really don't trust Charlie at all he's just an employee he's ambitious but he's fine he saves me money and I like that well I'm not sure if that's actually true Liam listen to me I've made a multi-billion dollar Fortune I know a lot of things especially when it comes to business and you're still learning yeah all right you're right of course I am now forget about Charlie you are the heir to my Empire and you'll have nothing to worry about so you keep saying oh and by the way do you want to have dinner tonight I was thinking uh hold on I got to take this Melvin rich guy here Mr President yeah hello hello dude this is so cool thanks for getting me into the movie premiere yeah no worries man tickets to these things are really expensive Bron you're my best friend it's no big deal and I figured this would be fun well thanks anyways you know you've always been a good friend to me too must be pretty cool to be a billionaire son though yeah it's all right but like anything it could be pretty challenging liab Liam rich guy see what I mean it must be so nice to be rich show us what it's like to be rich dude uh no I'm good no thank you shut up do something crazy buy the movie theater buy the town H look Brandon I have to go man yeah no worries I'll catch you later well this kind of sucks I can't even enjoy a night out with my friend without getting followed by a bunch of weirdos I know I'm super lucky to be a billionaire son but man even though things can be weird sometimes I wouldn't trade it for the world hey you're coming with me what the hey knock it off man get in the van no no listen okay just just just take the car okay do you want money I can give you money I want you to shut up ah hey help someone get me out of here no one can hear you you loser but don't worry I'll get you out of here for $500 million 500 million have you lost your mind I don't have that kind of money of course you do you're a rich guy I know you're a billion iire no my dad he's a billionaire not me well then we need to convince your dad you're worth $500 million I don't even know if my dad would spend that on me yeah right oh wait you're serious aren't you uh yeah I am oh my gosh that's pathetic your dad won't even come save you oh boy well we'll find out soon enough and if he doesn't save you you can just rot in here all on your own hey man get me out of here stop I can't believe this how on Earth did this happen I'm not sure sir I think Liam is pretty irresponsible though to be honest I mean he is the one that got kidnapped it's not his fault they just want my money filthy criminals sir $500 million is too much money but it's my son Charlie my only son in air I know but maybe let them think on it think on it are you insane I'm just looking out for your best interest sir maybe they'll come down in their Ransom price I can take over Liam's responsibilities at the company while he's gone everything will be fine H you might be right we still need to run the business thank you for being here for me in this time of need I don't know what I would do without you Charlie of course sir if we can hold off for say a day or two I might have a plan Liam will be fine trust me very well just make sure my son gets home safely I will and thank you sir I think the plan might actually work good it better I want my money you'll get your money just listen to me carefully oh man I think it's been like a week now my dad hasn't saved me yet does he love his money more than me well we got no communication from your father looks like he's not paying the ransom please look this has to be a mistake but it's not he probably doesn't love you shut it I can't believe this well I can you kind of suck confirmed Eyes On Target Engage The Enemy what the oh what's going on we're here to save you sir come with us target has been acquired baby bird is coming home I repeat baby bird is coming home sir we brought your son home nice and safe Liam oh thank goodness you're okay I'm so glad you're home thank you Bravo leader well done no problem sir all in a day's work son you look terrible did they feed you those terrible trash criminals I'll have the chef make something up for you dad I thought you weren't going to save me what of course I was going to save you what on Earth made you think that I don't know I was there for a week I was worried I thought You' choose money over me despite what you may think you are the only thing in this world worth more to me than money you really mean that dad of course I do why do you think I'd hire private security to rescue you you're my son Liam yeah you're right thank you it means a lot there have been a couple changes at work that we need to discuss but you should go and have some time and relax maybe by the beach you've been through a lot changes at work what do you mean what happened don't worry about that now priv jet will be waiting for you and your friend tomorrow I'll see I'll see you back at work in about a week or so all right thank you again it means a lot to know that you care dad of course I care I love you son oh sorry hold on I got to take this go for rich guy what do you mean best offer that's trash no I need more money dude you know this is pretty cool that your dad rented out this whole place for us yeah and I'm glad that security is around honestly getting kidnapped sucked I'm not going to lie I was worried about you dude thanks man I was starting to get worried too I was trying to work with the police a lot to try and find you but they didn't have the resources your dad does since you know he's a billionaire and all yeah don't worry man it's all good and it's going to be so good to have you back at work Charlie doing your job has been absolutely terrible wait what Charlie was doing my job yeah you didn't know that I thought your dad would have told you first thing no he didn't sorry I've got to get back home man Charlie cannot be trusted yeah this is Liam I need a helicopter now dad what the heck is going on when were you going to tell me that Charlie stole my job he didn't steal your job he's just doing it for you right now yeah and I'm doing pretty good at it too well I have a feeling that you've had this plan Charlie that is nonsense Charlie's working overtime to cover for you while you were out well I was kidnapped dad I wasn't just out of office well still the work must continue and I have been working very hard yeah working hard to steal my job you're not tricking anyone all right I've had enough you will always have a job here Liam obviously this company is going to be yours one day but we need something that isn't so public so we can keep you safe we only caught one of the kidnappers and he confessed that he was working with another this is ridiculous dad honestly Liam why do you care you're rich go do something else you don't have to work that isn't the point man this is my family's Legacy here our Empire and I want to help build it and you will this is all just temporary until I can track down the person who kidnapped you for now just hang out and relax stay low be quiet yeah I mean that's basically all you do all day anyway you know nothing about me Charlie and I know you're up to something and when I find out you're done for this is so cool Liam you get to throw out the first pitch of the game yeah it is pretty cool I'm really sorry about what happened at work dude I tried to stop Charlie but he out ranks me there's nothing I could really do it's all right man Charlie he's had my dad wrapped around his finger and he doesn't even see it Charlie sucks but do you really think he would have been the one that kidnapped you well I I don't know it it seems crazy but this guy's weird it's hard to trust anyone when you're a billionaire and I would not put it past them hey you trust me don't you yeah man of course I do you're like a brother to me look we've been friends since I was a little kid all right you really think I would think that you'd do that you were there for me when I lost my mom of course I trust you well thanks man that means a lot maybe I can try and see if I hear anything about Charlie I'm not an executive like you guys are but I might overhear something dude honestly that would be great and maybe you should just talk to your dad you know tell him how you feel everyone cheer for our Game guest of honor billionaire Liam rich guy yeah um anyway uh time to throw the first pitch hey Dad whoa what are you doing I'm trying to get better at sword fighting what does it look like I'm doing right uh can we talk about what can't this wait you know what no it can't I want to know what's really going on why are you getting so close with Charlie Charlie's a good worker and he's doing his job well why are you so upset about this because Dad I don't have a good feeling about him I don't trust him at all well I think Charlie is fine you're probably just jealous that I'm hanging out with him more I'm not jealous okay I'm concerned this business is important to me and you don't think it's important to me that's not what I said I built this Empire from nothing I think I have enough experience to know who I can trust and who I can't and Charlie is someone that I can trust if you have a problem with it you're going to have to get over it Dad okay just listen to me no I will not listen to nonsense end of conversation I'm going back to practice my sword fighting leave me alone well I'm glad at least you were smart enough not to get caught yeah I am too but look the plan still fell apart that's because you don't see the big picture here I'm closer to the old man now than ever I think I can take this whole company from him all right well that's great but what about the money now we can steal some if we need it I mean he has so much money he won't miss a couple hundred thousand missing yeah excellent I'm in this for the money dude I really don't care you need to think of the bigger picture here yeah whatever you really want his whole company don't you I do if I can take that company I can control a lot of things and make Liam broke what do you have against that rich guy's kid anyways I hate him I hate him because he was born rich while I was born into a family that was broke I worked hard for everything I have meanwhile he just gets handed things left and right I'm going to put an end to it Liam sucks all right didn't think I was going to unpack all of that uh yeah Liam sucks I know I just said that I think I have some ideas and you better not mess this [Music] up what on Earth no no this can't be what is happening hey Dad Liam did you withdraw $30 million last night what no why because it's missing from our bank account and it looks like it went to an account that you might own dad come on I wouldn't just take money from from you well somebody did and I need to get to the bottom of this this is ridiculous sir I saw what happened do you really think Liam stole from you no someone else took the money and moved it to cover it up well sir it seems more likely that Liam actually did steal it he was mad about me taking the job he didn't steal it Charlie I'm going down to the bank to figure this out with Liam right now very good sir I'll have your call ready good the plan is in motion well look like you were right sir seems as though someone set up a fake account if you look closely it says Liam Rich idiot for the last name not rich guy see I told you dad I just had to make sure can I get the money back Wilbert or what normally no but since I can tell this is someone stealing from you we'll send it back over to your account thank goodness $30 million is like another yacht well thank you for saving my money yeah man hey thank you for the help no problem sir the money should be refunded now H what a relief you know I was so worried we were going to lose that money that was a huge part of our Fortune yeah and I can't believe that you didn't trust me from the get-go I do trust you Liam I just had to get to the bottom of this it didn't make sense well the answer is right in front of you Dad you just don't see it Liam come on don't be like that all right got to meet Brendan for dinner I can't be late they took back the money idiot we need to move to the next phase of the plan wait that's Charlie and who's that other guy yeah there he is yeah I'm out of here hey who was that he looked pretty sketchy yeah he was just some poor loser asking me for money and I said no so that's what you're going to go with huh shut up Liam you think you're so cool and so smart don't you no I don't think that at all let me tell you one thing I'm going to run this company someday and you'll be out on the streets and broke watching from the sidelines so I was right huh I knew you had it out for me of course I do why man what did I ever do to you because you have everything I want and I don't have it so you're jealous you don't know me at all man I also have a lot more responsibility than you do too shut up bottom line is your dad now likes me more than you and I'm going to take over the company I'd like to see you try then just watch me now if you'll excuse me I have a dinner to get to out of my way 10,000 And1 H 10,000 and2 uh wait hello is someone there Liam is that you huh guess not that's where you're wrong pal ah ah I knew that plan would work you're coming with me [Music] now dad I'm home Dad hey what's going on I don't know something doesn't feel right maybe your dad's just working late or something no my dad is usually doing his exercises from 8 to 10 and it's only 9 oh this isn't good he's not here uh why don't you just check your security cameras yeah good idea wait no no no no the cameras been shut off oh no dude I hate to say it but your dad might have been kidnapped just like you no this is Charlie it has to be I know he has something to do with all of this I just know it yeah this is Liam Liam rich guy look my dad he's missing exactly and that is why I should be running the company in his absence no he shouldn't where were you earlier Liam you should have been here no one told me about the meeting looks like I was the only one left out of the invite see this is exactly what I'm talking about he doesn't have any sense of responsibility whatsoever what if he accident wasn't invited to a closing of a giant sale either Charlie you're the one that did this I know it was you shut up let's take it to a vote those in favor of letting Charlie run the company until Melvin returns say I I I I I huh and there you go looks like this is my company now now no you won't get away with this well according to the board I already have I know you have something to do with my dad disappearing Charlie why don't you just go and pack your things and leave for the day I think you're done here I'm not done yet well I am security escort Mr rich guy out of here immediately this isn't over man just remember that will somebody please get me out of here this place is disgusting shut get rich dude there's no help coming this time Rich dude I'm Melvin rich guy what do you want you fool money is that it yeah dude we want everything pal we want your whole entire company too yeah right that's never going to happen oh trust me it's already happening we have money already coming out of the account so it was you that stole the $30 million wasn't it oh wow you actually do have a couple brain cells in there yeah except this time you won't catch us and there will be a lot more than that got him good dude things have been really different at work now I can only imagine Charlie's basically acting like he owns the whole company dude I know he kidnapped my dad but the police and the detectives are taking way too long to find him I hate to say it but if they don't find your dad soon Charlie might do something really really bad bad like what like steal all of the money bankrupt the company or fire everyone working there that kind of bad yeah I know I want to do something but he kicked me out of the building and I can't go back in even if I wanted to well maybe I could sneak you back in no Brandon no way I don't want to risk you losing your job like that so what are you going to do you know what I'm going to go find my dad myself I'm sorry sir but you can't do that what do you mean I can't do that how hard is it to take all of the money from this account and put it into my own that's not how it works then tell me how it works you need to have everybody on the Board of Trustees sign off on the transfer I am the boss of this company I'm taking ownership of it so forget the board and do what I say again sir this isn't how it works and there's nothing else I have to say to you you suck have a nice day sir what ever I need to move things along faster than I thought that rich jerk Melvin is going to pay and give me everything I want one way or another I'm getting that fortune thanks for letting me in bsby and thanks for keeping this quiet no problem sir Charlie's a total scumbag I hate that guy he's acting like he owns this place we'll get it taken care of once my dad gets back please um get him back soon sir I miss him a lot me too Bigsby me too there has to be something I could do or something that I can use to find out Charlie's plan and expose him I'm really worried about my dad I can't let anything happen to him and then he said there was nothing he could do oh great he's here I've got to hide I know what a loser right so long story short I can't transfer the money I didn't know that's how things worked yeah yeah I know but don't worry this company will be mine I mean I stole it from that idiot rich guy and soon I'll have his fortune too maybe I should come down and pay the old man a visit I have some questions I want to ask him now is my time I'm going to find my dad you better give me your bank account passwords or else or else what what are you going to do huh the answer is no and I'll be out of here soon enough I doubt it sir Charlie thank goodness are you here to say save me man for a billionaire you really are stupid yeah this is my boss you idiot you you betrayed me after everything I've done for you yeah I did I wanted this company and I'm taking it and now I want your money so you're going to tell me where it is now I have no reason to tell you anything you poor loser well if you ever want to see your son again you'll tell me now what did you do to him we have him kidnapped too somewhere deep in the woods and we'll feed him to the Wolves if you don't pay us you are pure evil Charlie so what now let's start with the combination to your Vault tell me now fine I'll tell you the combination what is Charlie hiding in here is it my dad hey I need you guys down here right away here it is the rich guy Vault this is the moment I've been waiting for the moment I deserve time to get this stupid thing open what's going on why won't it open oh uh yes boss he lied to us find out what the real combination is all right yeah uh hey give me the real combination you rich snob that is the real one he's at the decoy Vault you think I'd be so naive if if you want to see your son again then tell us where it is fine it's at my Mansion it's not at the office did you hear that boss it's at the house yes I heard it good work now stand by in case I run into more issues all right can you pick me a pizza on now actually this could work out to my advantage I might as well take everything I can at the Mansion while I'm there I just need to take care of Liam first good work on this Liam than thanks you ready to save my dad yeah I am hey what the heck that's what you get from messing with my family Liam you're free sir we have this place completely surrounded about time do you have any idea what I had to go through I was drinking tap water not even bottled what took so long look it was hard to find you Dad okay are you all right do I look all right to you sorry I'm just stressed out I I am fine Liam I was wrong about Charlie the whole time yeah I know I've been telling you that well now I believe you and I believe it's time we take back what's rightfully ours I'm with you Dad look here I've come into quite some money recently and I want to find a way to take total control of this company how much does it cost sir we can't do that yes you can now give me this company or there's going to be trouble for you and every other member of the board oh my gosh uh sir what are you doing here what a surprise what a relief shut up look um I can explain I was just you were just being a criminal you think you could just take something from us because you think you deserve it well guess what man you don't I worked hard for this company built it from nothing and you want to come in here and think I owe it to you well it's not fair I want to be rich and Powerful too Liam doesn't deserve this I do well I told you that you were never going to take take this company from us and I meant it take this guy away okay you're coming with me what no no do we really have to do this there's no choice leave the baby and we can move on what if our baby isn't a billionaire when he gets older who cares Denise we have to go now sorry folks the fire department's what is that a baby wait are those billionaires hey you billionaires get just a big and a baby great now someone has to take care of this baby oh I got to find a better place for you little one do you have any idea what time it is what do you want please I need your help some billionaires abandoned this baby and he needs a home oh how unfortunate for the baby what does this place look like to you huh an orphanage shut up you think you're so funny don't you why would I take a Billionaire's baby they can raise their own kids ma'am just listen to me they abandoned this baby and they're gone this child needs help four billionaire baby not my problem guys well thanks for all the help lady I can't just leave you I don't know who can help me I guess I'll have to try and take care of you myself I'm really poor I don't have much but I have to do the right thing all units we have a fire at 123 Maple Street please respond oh no a fire I I'll figure something out come on help help no don't worry I'm I'm here to help I have much time come on I got to find you where are you y up to me again please over here I'm stuck don't worry everything's going to be okay hurry please no I can't breathe hold on no no Blake Blake dad Blake you're not a firefighter what on Earth were you thinking just trying to help someone in danger I'm sick of standing by the sidelines I've lived in the firehouse my whole life I want to make a difference you're going to get yourself hurt you need to calm down and stop acting foolish just because you live in a firehouse doesn't mean you're a firefighter this is all I have I don't belong anywhere I just Blake you don't look good oh jeez you really messed up this time Blake how are we supposed to pay for this it's fine it'll all work out that's not how the real world Works son wake up Hospital trips cost a lot of money which we don't have look I'm sorry all right I really appreciate that you've always taken care of me like the closest thing that I have to a family well I had to do the right thing Blake I wasn't just going to abandon you I knew raising a child wasn't going to be easy oh man and I'm sorry we're so broke too someday we'll both make more money huh yeah I don't think so but we do the best we can and that's all that matters yeah well I don't know maybe someday I can find my real family and maybe they're rich or something who knows at least maybe I can find out why they bailed on you'll probably never see your real family again Blake and that's a good okay Blake well it looks like you just have some smoke damage in your lungs there should only uh you know be there for the rest of your life um so looking at your chart here looks like it's going to cost you uh $10,000 $10,000 are you serious not $10,000 okay well this guy can pay that I can't pay that I'm broke too I don't have that money you know what I'm sick of people like you coming in here and stealing from me your poor pathetic losers who do you think you are if you don't have money then maybe you shouldn't get Hur wait I I got an idea hey doctor I know how I can pay oh really look right over there what am I looking at Bill Run come on quick you've got to be kidding me get back here you can't just run away I can't believe we outran that doctor hey what's going on over there look bill it's the kensingtons that billionaire family yeah they suck what do you mean man they're cool it's so motivating I want to be a billionaire someday that'd be sick if you only knew Blake where are you going Hey sir I'm Blake I just wanted to introduce myself oh my gosh a poor person not this again security help about time this poor kid was trying to attack me and my wife come on honey let's go of some people no wait I wasn't doing anything the heck is your problem man yeah yeah listen losy you're not welcome here you're not rich and you're not a celebrity so get lost you know what fine I don't want to be around these stupid jerks anyway bill I can't believe you let Blake run into the fire like this it's all over the news now crazy kids running into a burning building great press for the fire department it's not going to happen again Chief I promise well it doesn't matter now this has gone on for too long you both can't live here anymore come on Chief please I've got nowhere else to go neither do I we've lived here for years look that's not my problem bill you got a job you can pay for your own place you can't really Chief everything's too expensive now plus I have to help raise Blake it's okay Bill I can leave no you're not going anywhere no you've done enough for me man I mean you're like my dad but I'm not going to burden you anymore someday things will get better for me I know it but I'm not going to let you suffer because of it look Blake we'll figure this out together okay look whatever man all right Blake you're a good kid but I don't really care what happens I got a job to do you two can get out of here all right just go now Blake where are you going Blake Blake my life's going to change someday I don't care if no one wants me I'm going to make a difference I'm going to make a lot of money I'm going to help people get your hands off me you minimum wage loser sir you yelled at employees and called them named you can't shop here I can shop wherever I want I want more stuff you can't have any more kid just go home you suck and this store sucks I'm going to Nordstrom you know man you should be grateful you have that stuff in general e are you even speaking to me right now uh yeah there's no one else here shut up you don't know what it's like okay being a billionaire is so hard you don't even know how lucky you are I wish I could be a billionaire and you know what I might be someday fat chance you don't look like a billionaire wait a second it's you again you poor people just don't get the hint do you get out of here I need to find a job I want to be a billionaire I got to start somewhere hey are you the manager obviously what do you want you stupid you need help finding something no not exactly I was wondering if you have any job opening no I don't I don't hire homeless idiots and I I don't care I I really need work and I'm not an idiot I'll prove it to you well you look like an idiot no way now either buy something or get lost just give me a chance dude come on you want fine I'm sick of talking to you you want a job you can clean the toilets great I'll do it thanks I'm really excited you won't be disappointed someone was just in there and pooped it's disgusting all right fine I'll get right to it wonder if I'll ever find my real family they even wonder what happened to me after they abandoned me I don't know why I'm getting in my own head just need to stay focused this is just the beginning I'm going to work my way up I'm going to make money I'm going to save people I'm going to be like Bill hurry up and get started you got more toilets to clean uh yes sir hey Bill Blake where have you been I have been worried sick I've been looking everywhere for you don't need to worry about me Bill I'm fine I can take care of myself I even got a job and it sucks but it's still a job you've done more than enough for me I think you deserve a break a break you're only 16 can't just live on your own it's my fault we got kicked out of the firehouse in the first place I've caused nothing but problems for you since the day you took me in stop blaming yourself Blake we'll figure things out you know I'm here for you son I want to know more about my real parents I've been thinking about this a lot lately not this again yes this again I need to know if I'm anything like them I need to understand who I am don't you get how confusing this is for me your parents were jerks who left you at a fire station and that is it they're terrible people and you're nothing like them that's true then I don't want to be like them I want to help people and be rich and successful well they might have been rich but they certainly didn't help you really they were Rich how do you know let's not talk about them okay let's talk about you coming home home and not running away again we got to fire let's talk about this later okay I've got to go I'm coming with you hurry up we got to put this fire around to much we're losing control been in there too long on Bill where are you what are you doing here Blake Bill's in there someone has to save him no you stay here it's too dangerous why don't you be a hero and go in there and get him he's been in there for way too long shut up kid don't tell me how to do my job now get I Blake my gosh you're giving me a heart attack bill bill bill I see you but I can't reach you get out of here Blake save yourself no I can't leave you Blake you're a good kid at bright future don't ever think no one ever wanted you got it pleas B just hold on run now Bill no no bill bill we got to man down we got to Man Down I could have saved him could have done better Bill I'm so sorry what am I going to do sorry Blake bill was a good man yeah the best I know you tried your best and you wanted to save him oh my best wasn't good enough I let everyone down and worst of all let build down all I want to do is make a difference in this world I did it when I needed to the most being a true hero means doing your best even when it's not good enough you can't save everyone Blake from now on I'll do my best in Bill's memory who's my only family yeah about that kid uh there's some people from the state here who need to talk to you remember when you're old enough there'll always be a spot for you on my Force I know I was a little hard kicking you guys out but I had to do what I had to do the mayor was on my back you know what I'm saying thanks Chief H that means a lot to me look at the agents are over there uh take your time all right yeah I will I'll go over in a minute just need to say goodbye once again Blake I'm very sorry for your loss yeah thanks Chief Trumble said that you needed to talk to me about something something yes this uh isn't going to be easy but since bill is gone we need to find a foster home for you until you're old enough to be on your own I don't need anybody I want to be on my own I can take care of myself that's not possible Blake I can't let you be homeless no I'm not going into a foster home well unless you can find an actual blood relative this is the only option you have well I mean I got real parents out there somewhere I don't know them I just need help finding them well let me check and see if we have any information on your biological parents wait really you can do that I think so let me see oh my gosh this is no no way this can't be right what what is it says here you're the son of Ronald Kensington from the billionaire Kensington Family what that is impossible that's what the record say I can't believe it either so I'm a Kensington it seems so wow talk about a stroke of luck yeah luck well I need to meet them I have to know the truth this isn't going to be easy Blake sometimes children that reunite with their birth parents don't get the reaction they want but uh I'll help you with the process awesome thanks so where do we start I don't know if I want to meet this guy why am I nervous it's okay to be nervous Blake I don't want to meet him well I do can't believe I'm meeting a billionaire do you know how lucky you are lucky basically homeless man shut up here he is a Mr Kensington it's an honor to meet you you're right it is now you must be him wow I can't believe it it's you my son oh now you want to see me don't you remember getting me almost arrested for trying to introduce myself to you not that long ago honestly uh I don't remember people approach me all the time and I get scared it isn't easy being a billionaire I didn't mean to be offensive to You Blake so Mr Kensington after doing some tests it's confirmed Blake is your son officially that's incredible thank you now I think it's time he came home and met his family come home I want to go to your home you abandoned me now you think I'll just come back into your life no legally it doesn't really matter you don't have a choice see Blake look look everything's going to be fine your mother will be happy to see you again now come on let's get in the car I'll show you your new life time is wasting and time is money and I hate wasting money let's go welcome to your new home Blake well one of your new homes at least W this place is pretty cool you're right it is pretty cool there's like 15 rooms so you can have your pick of whichever one you'd like I always wonder what it would be like to be in a mansion well now you don't have to wonder anymore my goodness my baby you're finally home oh uh hello I'm your mother Blake I'm so happy to meet you aren't you happy to see us honestly I thought I would be I dreamed of meeting my family my whole life but now I'm more upset than I thought I'd be I uh don't understand why are you upset why am I upset how can you say you love me when you abandoned me like you did you know how hard my life has been Intruder rad stop that's your brother what the heck man you I remember you you're that that weird homeless kid I saw the other day I remember you too you're that spoiled jerk who looked like a spoiled jerk what do you mean this is my brother I hate this weirdo he isn't my brother all right that's enough yeah this is enough I need some time to myself great job Bradley whatever [Music] dad and I miss you Bill thanks for raising me right you might not had a lot but a real parents suck just wish you were here how are you doing Blake I'm doing all right do you need anything uh I can get one of our Butlers to go get you whatever you want no no no I'm fine I'm good thanks I know this is a lot to take in but I really am happy that you came home dude you don't have to keep saying that all right I know it's a lie you have your life and I have mine no no it's really true your mother and I didn't really want to give you up we just didn't have an option you always have an option at the time we were being attacked by a criminal gang that wanted to steal our money you were unsafe we missed you every single day the guilt your mother and I felt was unbearable why were you so rude to me when I saw you the first time are you always that rude to strangers just the son that you abandoned people have been after our family for years and I don't know who I can trust that's why we left you what about Brad you kept him around things had calmed down when Brad was born and we didn't want to give up another son but regardless the universe brought us back together again maybe now we can finally be the family we should have been all along yeah maybe tomorrow we'll spend the day together and get to know each other more you'll see just glad you're here with us now get some rest and if you need any anything just ask okay yeah sure thing thanks isn't this great yeah this is amazing I've never experienced anything like that thank you of course I grew up on boats you know you know I could teach you how to sail too man you know I grew up on a couch in the back of a fire station I always dreamed of doing something like this I never thought this would be real this boat sucks and I hate it Dad we need a new yacht Bradley that's ridiculous this yacht was $50 million really well I think it's ridiculous we have to take care of some stupid poor orphan he doesn't belong on this yacht shut up Brad I'm not an orphan and maybe you should show some respect for all the things that you have in your life all right stop fighting both of you okay I don't want to hear about your sad lonely life Blake I legit don't care it doesn't matter you know what you live in a fantasy world Brad the real world would Eat You Alive oh my gosh who cares all those people are losers no they aren't most people are good honest and hardworking and I want to dedicate my life to helping those people so sad you can't even help yourself all right enough boys enough fighting you're brothers and you need to learn how to act like it now Blake I'm going to teach you all about the family business I don't want to learn the family business I want to save people don't worry about it okay we'll get you set up and you'll be fine just enjoy the rest of this day without fighting I'm looking at you Bradley yeah whatever Blake what brings you back to the station I've been doing a lot of thinking Chief want to become a firefighter just like Bill that's a noble goal Blake not an easy path are you sure about this yeah I'm sure I want to honor Bill's memory and help you all right you seem pretty serious about this I am chief you know you're still going to need to go through training and school and everything it's a lot of work I understand I'll do whatever it takes you're a good kid Blake I know Bill would be proud of you thanks Chief means a lot just remember it's not going to be easy training can be tough and the job's even harder this isn't some fun time silly goose potty this is serious I know but I'm ready for it I want to make a difference in this world I believe you can we'll get you started with training as soon as possible I appreciate that Chief I won't let you down no you won't you got the heart of a true firefighter learn from the best certainly did Blake it was one of the finest firefighters I ever known miss him every day we all do some we carry on his legacy by continuing to serve our community save lives that's what I intend to do more than anything you're going to make a fine addition to our team now make sure you go and get your schooling done thanks Chief I'll work hard to give it my all it's all we can ask ask for all right well I better get going I I got a lot to prepare for a firefighter no absolutely not why not because I'm your father and I say so that's why oh so now you're my dad all a sudden that is fair it's not fair is you're not letting me go I want to go to firefighter school this is important to me firefighter school come on this is a ridiculous idea you know you won't make any real money doing that right well I learned from being a billionaire that I don't care about money what matters is that I make a difference in people's lives no son of mine is going to be a firefighter and that is final my life and I'll do what I want no you won't you're a billionaire now and there are responsibilities that come with that I don't care I want to be rich on my own terms and I want to help you well you can't you were never there for me before what makes you think you can just be there for me now that's not fair blade was it fair when I had nowhere to go when I had nothing to eat when I was wandering the streets scared and alone dreaming that someday I'd meet my father only to find out he was there the whole time caring about his money and caring about himself I don't need this I know who I am get back we're not done talking yet young [Music] man whoa Blake you done with training already yes sir just finished how'd I do you made great time first one in your class to finish you know you're really doing an amazing job think you'll become a firefighter in no time thanks makes me so happy can't wait to get out of here and start doing this for real you do still need to pay for the rest of your classes though oh right I know I'm sorry it's taking so long I'm working at night to pay for them maybe I can pick up some extra shifts and like work the full overnight too or something don't worry I'll pay you back oh it's okay Blake you don't have to do any of that I know you're good for it thanks I appreciate it you know I'm surprised your mega Rich family isn't paying for this though I don't really talk to them much I can do this on my own you don't well that's funny I've actually got a message for you from them right here they called while you were in class really a message what do they say says they want you to come to some dinner or something maybe one of those big fany see dinner parties rich people through all the time you must know all about them yeah not really that's weird Gad made it sound super important oh maybe I'll go then and see what he wants I thought you invited me to dinner I did we'll uh we'll head over there in a minute like I'm I'm sorry for everything I I really mean it it's fine what what happened happened I know you disapprove of what I'm doing but I don't care I know you don't and uh I understand it's been a year now and we miss you I'm sorry we haven't been able to get together and I haven't been able to apologize until now but things have been really stressful around here lately and I just want you to be careful go and hide now hey Mr Kensington come with us look I'll do whatever you say just just don't hurt me okay shut up we're wasting time let's move come on Mr money bags let's move it can't be happening 911 what's your emergency my father's been taken hostage by armed men please hurry who were those guys why did they take my dad and why didn't I do anything to stop them and this is so frustrating Blake oh Blake I'm so happy you're all right what happened it was awful some guys just came in and took Dad away a gunpoint this is all your fault Blake man you suck grat stop it no I won't stop this is your fault no it's not I met with Dad and he was just telling me that something wasn't right and then these two guys showed up oh really hm H I may have bought my college degree without actually going to college but I can still do math and this doesn't add up what you talking about I think it seems strange that's all all this happens just when you show up I didn't do anything i' never kidnapped dad that's insane want to help people not hurt them yeah Blake the big hero what are you 0 for two now for saving people great job don't ever say that again boys it has been a long night why don't you both go home and get some rest yeah and by home Blake she means anywhere but where we're staying we don't want you anywhere near us or we might get taken too Brad no it's fine I'm going home bye mom so how do I do with my classes and training yeah you passed Blake you did a great job I can't believe it thank you yo don't thank me you the one that did all the hard work toping your class too very impressive but uh there is one thing Blake you can't graduate yet wait what I I can't graduate why not you still owe money for your classes before you can get certified oh right here's the rest I'm been working really hard to make this money awesome well congratulations now you're officially a firefighter so uh what are you going to do now well I'm going to join the Fire Squad that raised me oh that's pretty cool and uh I heard about your billionaire dad's kidnapping it's like all over the news right now how are you holding up it's been like a week right yeah week with no leads not sure where he is morid and I want to help but I don't really know how to do oh that's fair I wish the best for you and your family man thanks I finally accomplished my dream of being a firefighter you worked super hard for it and you deserve it good luck with everything Blake thanks for everything man let's go fight fires little man hope I can talk to Mom and check in on Dad maybe the police found some new information I hope she's all right Mom anyone here yeah no one will know anything we'll put this all on Blake and it will be amazing no one will believe Blake this is perfect you guys had something to do with dad's kidnapping we don't know what you're talking about yeah you're crazy we're just talking about uh I was telling him to tighten security around here apparently anyone can just walk right in you're a terrible liar Brad I just overheard you talking about framing me I didn't say nothing about anything and last time I checked you decided you didn't want to live here anymore so maybe you should get out of here before I arrest you for trespassing yeah you're not family Blake you don't belong here this isn't over oh but I think it is over so go back to your stupid fireman job and get out of here coure idiot I'll find out the truth and I won't let them get away with this hey chief hey Blake good to see you kid what are you doing here well sir I came to tell you some good news I passed the exam that's incredible Blake congratulations I was hoping there was a spot for me here on the team of course there is the spot's yours thanks you have no idea what this really means to me you've grown up a lot Blake this is a big moment for all of us bill would have been so proud that's all I wanted to do do the right thing and make Bill proud proud welcome to the squad truly has a dream come true it's funny you know finding out you were a billionaire most people would have just taken the money and done nothing you really love this huh I really do I realize that it's all I've ever wanted honestly Chief my family's messed up pretty sure my little brother had something to do with my dad's disappearing I'm not sure hold that thought man we got a fire let's move my first fire remember stay focus and follow protocol you got this Blake thanks Chief I won't let you down okay this is different than before you've got training now it's going to be okay help please hold on ma'am I've got you oh my goodness thank you you saved my life I can't believe it I really did I did save your life are you okay oh yes just a little scared but I'm okay now don't worry the EMTs will be here any minute we're going to make sure that you're okay excuse me Mr Hero Are You Blake Kenington yeah why you're under arrest for kidnapping hands behind your back you filthy criminal but I didn't kidnapping any hey stop it he's a hero he just saved my life Ma I ain't got time for you in your old lady brain okay this is a mistake you've got the wrong person stop it please you are terrible let him go so poor orphan boy kidnaps his own dad for ransom money huh is that the situation we're in oh I didn't kidnap him don't play stupid with me I know a liar when I see one and I'm looking right at you buddy I read your file your life sucks huh so you figure you get some quick cash from your old man never took a dime from him I even paid for my own firefighter school yeah right you're just after your family's money case closed now confess no I don't care about the money I just wanted a family you found out your dad was a billionaire and you wanted him to pay you back for the years of sadness you had to endure admit it yeah I did wish he could pay for what he did but not like this I wish he could have just been my friend my father would never hurt my family or anybody well you better confess or else we won't we go easy on you we can put you away for life we got a tip that said it was you yeah from Brad my brother he's the one that you should be looking at he only cares about himself and money he's the real kid now Blake don't say another word you're good to go Chief hey hey hey hey I didn't say you could go you don't run the show I do yeah well your boss does and he said he can go Jae Anderson's an old friend of mine and this is ridiculous Blake's innocent you got nothing let's go Blake I'm sorry I tried my best but I couldn't get him to confess oh my gosh you idiot you had one job to do one job you know what the deal's off I'll burn my million dollars instead please don't I need the money you bad you had your chance thanks chief for standing up for me back there Blake you might be over your head with this situation this is a family issue and it's getting dangerous man I know I know for sure it's Brad He's behind all this you might want to just stay out of this focus on your job as a firefighter can't just stand by and let him get away with it and leave my dad like this I just can't you know you don't owe your dad anything right Blake I know I don't but it's the right thing to do that's what being a firefighter is all about right doing the right thing you're right why do you have to be such a good guy Blake just be careful all right can't just bodge in there and say hey did it you need a plan I've got a plan we need to find evidence that links Brad to the kidnapp if we can prove his involvement we can save my dad and bring Brad to Justice not going to be easy Blake Brad's cunning and well-connected not to mention he has more money at his disposal than we could ever dream of no it won't be easy I'm not backing down can't let my family be torn apart like this all right you have to promise me that you'll be careful safety is my top priority I promise Chief thanks for your support welcome Blake just remember you got a whole team of firefighters here behind you we're in this together have to sneak in here and be quiet I've got to find some evidence there has to be something here that links Brad to the kidnapp oh Brad's laptop perfect knew it gosh Brad's so stupid have records of everything this is going to be so easy wait this is the building that my dad's he's keeping dad in some building he bought with his real name God gosh this guy's not smart oh well I've got you now Brad uh what the heck are you doing in my room getting our dad back Brad I've got proof you're behind me oh my gosh Blake you are so tragic you know that that is fine don't screw this up for me idiot I've got $50 million coming in from this you're a sick person Brad you should appreciate everything you have including a dad and a mom that care about you oh you are so boring Blake always playing the hero hey look over there what is it is it money see you no no you can't do this to me stop that's my laptop security get him he's stealing from me don't let him get away Chief Henderson you need to see this well what is this what am I looking at is this some kind of these Tic Tacs or whatever no sir it's all the evidence you need in my father's kidnapping it was my brother Brad the entire time what in the no I can't believe this looks like he even tried to pay off one of my offices to frame you yeah he did and now we need to arrest him and save my dad I need to make sure he's safe I promise you Blake I'll arrest that crooked cop he'll be thrown in jail for this first things first we got to focus on finding your dad looks like he's being held up in some Warehouse we need to send people there immediately I would do that but it's getting dangerous out there the storms are getting really bad Blake thunder lightning hail even a tornado or two I'm not sure if we can get there and dime we don't have time to worry about the storms Chief we need to get to my dad before Brad moves him Brad's on to me and he could do something stupid please just help all right all right you're right Blake we need more quickly and care y I'll get my best man to come with us men I can trust thanks let save my dad this is it Chief this is the place no oh you these storms are too dangerous we need to wait for the fire department to get in no way I'm not letting this happen again like stop it's too risky BL no Dad where are you Blake you you came from me of course I did are you okay I think so I see why you wanted to do this the world needs brave people like you yeah the fire's getting worse got to get out of here now all right kid leave the way wow thank you Blake for saving me you still can't believe I let this happen did you find out who was behind this was your son Brad who did this Dad what it was Brad no this sucks my plan is totally ruined come on stupid driver come back and pick me up there he is get him you're under arrest Brad no I'm not I'll pay you a million dollars to let me go shut up you spoiled Brad I don't need your money now put your hands behind your back seriously thank you I am so proud to call you my family and my son so guys are you excited to go on our trip or what yeah man I'm super excited this is going to be awesome this is so cool thank you so much for doing this this is absolutely mindboggling oh guys don't even mention it I've always wanted to go on a trip with my best friends oh let me go check on our private plane I got to make sure that it's ready all right yeah yeah hurry back come on let's go I'm excited I can't wait to go dude I cannot believe that Johnny's paying for this entire trip by ourselves he's so dumb it's so nice to actually have a billionaire friend isn't it Trevor I don't think you should be talking that way I mean he's paying for the whole trip and it's really expensive we should be more grateful yeah yeah we should be more grateful blah blah blah listen he's willing to pay for this whole trip on his own dime whatever I'm just glad I don't have to pay for it come on man don't you think you should be a little bit nicer about this he is spending a lot of money on this trip Steven this kid's a billion millionaire okay this trip is like nothing to him it's like pennies I mean look he's taking this on a private jet you have any idea how much money that actually cost yeah exactly a whole lot of money which is why you should be a lot more wholesome about it a Stephen don't be a party pooper all right I'm just excited I can't wait to lie on the beach and do absolutely nothing for a whole week it's going to be awesome yeah yeah Trevor whatever oh my gosh Stephen I can't wait to show you the new car I got it's so fast and it's so shiny I think you'll really like it a dude that's awesome I can't wait to go through the drive-throughs and just freak everybody out with your nice car yeah absolutely and I'll let you totally drive it too just wait till you see how fast it is hey guys what's going on hey Trevor I've been telling stevenh all about the new car I got I can't wait for you to see it either yeah yeah yeah that's cool and everything listen uh Johnny I uh I got something to ask you yeah what's wrong I left my H at home so I can't buy lunch today and I'm like super hungry you think you'd be able to spot me yeah of course of course what would you like for lunch oh awesome well I want like three slices of pizza I'd love a burger with extra cheese and then maybe like three hot dogs some chips and like a large soda are you sure that's a lot of food yeah yeah yeah I told you I'm like really hungry yeah I'll be right back thanks come on Trevor you know you didn't need that much why are you just toying with him at this point Stephen what are you talking about I'm talking about the ridiculous amount of food you just asked him to get yeah sure Johnny has some money but that doesn't mean you have to go ahead and just start asking for anything you want uh I'm confused I think that's exactly what I can do that's what happens when your best friend's a billionaire he's supposed to buy you anything you want that's not how it works okay friendship is not dictated by money dude come on you you can be way better than this you know what Stephen I'm stting to think you're a little different than us I think you need to mind your own business yeah dude but you're asking for a ton of things that you shouldn't even need just give Johnny a break you know what I'm going to do I'm going to give this whole conversation a break okay you're starting to really bore me Steven I'm warning you Trevor stop asking for stuff or it's going to get way worse whatever stevenh whatever listen I'm going to get all the food I want cuz Johnny's a nice guy and he's going to buy it for me you're just mad because you never ask for anything and you don't get stuff from him whatever forget you yeah first he pays for this whole entire trip private plane all the food we want paid for our rooms and everything it was great and then I come back to school and I act like I forgot my Cod and then I made him buy me a big huge lunch too this guy's such an idiot what a loser you should have asked for more maybe a yacht if you're lucky you know I have been thinking I don't think I need a new Cod don't you think a new car dude you need to ask for the best and the most expensive car there is yeah maybe like a Tesla Model X and a model y or a model Z or whatever they have out there yeah yeah I'm liking what we're thinking here Anthony this is pretty smart and and plus we can probably get a giant mansion as well and and it and it would not cost anything for him yeah the kid is so rich he won't even blink twice then we can take these con we can imagine all the cool places we can go to all right dude what you going to do it you should probably ask for more money oh trust me man I'm going to ask for plenty of things and Johnny thinks I'm such a good friend to him he'll do anything for me what a loser oh man whatever this game is stupid I can't believe I lost maybe I'll just ask Johnny to buy me this whole arcade that way I can play all the games I want for free but I got to ask for this car first I need a new car fancy shiny all that stuff and I can't wait to drive it it's going to be awesome Trevor I am warning you stay away from Johnny hi Stephen uh yeah nice to see you too what are you doing coming in here attacking me like that I heard you're going to ask a new car from Johnny what what do you think you're doing well I need a car and I'm going to ask Johnny to buy me one what's so hard to understand about that what's so hard to understand is the fact that you're not even going to pay for it yourself dude you can't keep asking Johnny for stuff this needs to stop uh last time I checked Stephen you want my mom so you can't really tell me what to do or how to live my life gosh yeah but I'm Johnny's friend and you're taking advantage of him I'm just looking out for him you know what Stephen I starting to think you're a little bit jealous of me and Johnny's friendship because we're so close and you're kind of the outsider what are you even talking about Johnny's my friend I wouldn't use him for money I've known him since we were little that's the difference between you and I the difference between you and I is that I'm wicked smart and you're Wicked not you're a loser and I got to tell you one thing if you accuse me one more time of taking advantage of my friend you're going to get it all right well then you know what Trevor if you keep asking Johnny for stuff I'm going to tell him that you keep asking for all these things when you don't really need to oh really you think you're just going to put a pin in my whole plan and pop it like a balloon huh yeah that's exactly what I plan on doing just stop dude this is not funny you know what's going to be really funny the way my fist hits your face watch this Johnny Johnny dude dude I got to tell you something it's awful Trevor what's wrong I was hanging out at the arcade playing video games and Stephen walked in and he was acting real strange and started yelling at me to stop being friends with you what that's weird stevenh doesn't act like that I wonder what was bothering him I think he's just getting jealous of the fact that you you and I are getting real close now and he's just left on the sidelines or something what that doesn't make any sense you two are my best friends right I know I know but I'm starting to think that maybe Steven is just after you for your money what Steven's not that kind of guy well maybe you don't know who the real Steven is maybe you're right I don't know this is also confusing I can't believe that my friend would just act like that yeah I know and then imagine he just comes in and starts punching on me too it was awful what he did that to you yeah he did dude I'm a total mess I can't even think straight all right listen relax relax okay we'll figure this out and we'll talk about it why don't we go down to the hub and just hang out for a bit all right yeah yeah that sounds great but uh the thing is I forgot my wallet you think you'd be able to spot me for some snacks or something yeah sure of course not a problem come on let's go hang out ah Johnny this pizza is so good dude I might go get like three more slices get as many as you want man don't worry about it it'll be on me H yeah thanks man I still can't believe all the stuff about Steven you were talking about I really appreciate you telling me the truth and what's going on you know I think you're just really a good friend I think this Steven guy is just a total jerk like I said I think he's just jealous you know yeah I mean it's hard to find real friends around here especially when you're a billionaire you know people just want you for your money and want you to buy things for them constantly it gets really really tiring yeah yeah yeah yeah I bet hey uh speaking of dude hey I actually have a date coming up tonight and uh I don't have a car to drive oh well I'm sorry about that man I understand not having a car kind of is awful you can't really go anywhere can't go anywhere can't do anything dude it's awful but uh say you think I could uh borrow your car my new car I just SC yeah yeah yeah listen it's so nice and fancy and I really really really want to impress this girl I'm taking out so you think I could maybe just borrow it for the night M I don't know man I mean borrowing a car that's kind of crazy I mean you could just rent a car if you wanted one so bad yeah yeah but your car is so cool dude come on come on please please let me borrow it all right all right fine here just make sure you fill it up before you give it back to me oh awesome yeah thanks dude totally appreciate it what an idiot all right let's see how fast this guy can go [Music] oh man oh man this isn't good what what am I talking about Johnny can totally pay for this no problem whatever hey Johnny I texted you like a billion times last night is something wrong Trevor told me everything about you and I honestly don't think we should be friends anymore wait what what did Trevor say about me I I I didn't do anything wrong he told me all about how you beat him up at the arcade and that you were yelling at him because you were jealous of my friendship with him and honestly Stephen I never thought you'd be that kind of guy and I think you're just after me for my money as well that's not at all how it went come on Johnny you can't believe him I would never do that to you we've been friends for such a long time yes we've been friends for a very very long time Stephen and honestly I think you've changed you never used to be like this before my money never used to meant anything to you before now seems to be the only thing you think about and I want friends that like me for me not my money oh come on Johnny you got to look at the situation here Trevor's tricking you come on please Trevor's been pretty honest with me about everything and he thinks you've been stealing money from me and I can't believe you would do something like that what Johnny I would never steal from you stop listening to Trevor I never want to talk to you again Stephen and I never want to see you again either we're done being friends goodbye yeah man it was totally crazy and this guy came out of nowhere and I had to Swerve out of the way so that's why your car got crashed and stuff I'm really really sorry oh please don't even worry about it accidents happen all the time and that's why I have really good insurance okay awesome that's really good hey so I was thinking you know you and I we should totally just only hang out with the rich kids at school like us that way we don't hang out with any poor losers like that idiot Steven um well yeah I guess that's kind of a good idea idea yeah dude it's a wicked good idea I don't know man I just feel really bad about the whole Steven thing you know him and I were best friends ever since we were little and can't believe he would just turn on me like this ah come on don't even worry about that loser you got me you got Trevor now I'm your best friend yeah that's true I mean you haven't turned your back on me yet oh yet dude I will never turn my back on you okay you are my best friend and we'll be best friends forever okay that does make me feel a little bit better now yeah I was thinking though we should totally start like a rich kids only club or something you know so that way only rich kids can come and hang out with us that way we don't have to worry about people stealing our money and stuff yeah yeah I think that's a good idea listen um I think I'm just going to go to the movies by myself what aren we supposed to hang out come on dude we're supposed to go to the movies and hang out and then go get food and then maybe go do some shopping and get me some new supreme gear yeah yeah let's um let's do that later I don't know I just really need to think about things all right whatever dude suit yourself I can't believe this plan has worked out perfectly with that idiot the movies by himself now is the perfect time for me to break into his house and steal all that money honestly I'll probably just blame it on Stephen too say he got jealous and all that stupid stuff all right let's do this thing is the money bada bing yeah this is awesome uh hey Johnny what are you doing here this is my house Trevor what are you doing here and what's with the bag of cash oh h no no nothing nothing dude I'm surprised you came back early you know I came here to just hang out wait for you so we can like hang out and watch a movie or something Trevor you broke into my house and now you're clearly stealing money from me listen I needed to borrow some money for my uh for my dog you know yeah my little puppy he needs surgery and stuff he's really sick and uh you think I could borrow this money you know I'll like totally give you back like half of it Trevor you don't even have a dog what are you talking about what what do you mean I totally got a dog I just got one uh yesterday I can't believe this have you been lying this whole time about Steven as well listen I'm not going to say nothing about nobody all right right I so sick of this I'm calling the police you to catch me loser thanks for the money hey Johnny you wanted to see me Hey Stephen um listen I realized I was completely wrong about everything Trevor lied to me the whole time and was just making up all this stuff about you I know I kind of knew it the whole time and I was trying to stop him but seems he got to you first and honestly that man is such a good liar he could could lie his way out of a paper bag if he tried I can't believe I fell for everything too I'm such an idiot hey man honestly it's all good you know you live and you learn really but at the end I'm I'm glad you're okay I feel awful that he was using me this whole time you know and he actually straight up stole from me the other night it was kind of crazy and I just wanted to say I'm sorry about everything I said to you before I was acting like a total jerk and I didn't mean it I'm really sorry yeah man I I totally understand honestly no worries and plus we have been friends for a while so we can't let this stop us honestly you are my best friend so I should have believed you from the start and I just didn't I'm really sorry do you think we can put all this stuff behind us what are you talking about I already forgot about everything a minute ago awesome so what do you say you want to hang out I mean the arcade's right here we could play some video games yeah man I'd be totally down but this time I'm paying for everything that's really nice and I appreciate it but I did just buy this arcade the other day so actually it's on me come on Samuel we need to get to the jet now but where are we going dad not now Samuel so now are you going to tell me where we're going pilot lower the aircraft Captain Bridges I'm sending you the location we need the yacht there immediately here you go 100,000 take it Dad I don't even know what's going on here we had family plans look some work stuff came up stop asking questions we're billionaires for a reason now I need you to refuel this plane and get it back in the air yes sir I'm so lonely and so bored all the time help I can't swim someone please help Mom Dad man I almost drowned why was there nobody here to help me in fact there's no no one ever here you know what I'm going to go find my Dad Dad Dad where are you yeah so I told him he could take his $10 million and burn it for all I care dad there you are I was just drowning in the pool did you not hear me hold on a second John Samuel I'm on the phone can't you see I'm busy I was calling for help I need to get back to this phone call why don't you go have someone fly you around on the helicopter or something get lost sorry John back to what I was saying well Mr Samuel you having fun or what yeah I guess guess so Jonesy man if I was a billionaire kid like you I'd be having the time of my life well there's more to life than just being rich that's what I want I want more to life well of course everybody does you seem down though why don't I take you to the park that always cheers you up all right Mr Samuel here you go thanks Jonesy look at poor little Spencer hanging out the park all alone yeah that's because he's got no friends guys stop it hey you two leave him alone get a of this guy looks like a spoiled brat to me running around loing orders of people you better watch your back rich boy yeah this isn't over are you okay yeah I'm fine these guys are just jerks well hey I'm Samuel what's your name I'm Spencer it's nice to meet you and thanks again for standing up for me of course I mean I'm a little hurt about what they said but it's nothing too big were you hanging out the park alone yeah yeah I don't really have a whole lot of friends well hey would you want to hang out sometime yeah that'd be cool I'll give you my number Jones told us what happened at the park today are you you out of your mind you could have been hurt picked on by those bullies why are you guys getting so upset yeah those bullies picked on me but I was able to help out Spencer and now we're friends yeah probably not a good friend especially if other kids were picking on him what you did was dangerous you cannot be doing things like that oh so now you're going to pay attention to what I'm doing it only took me getting bullied excuse me we are still your parents and you will treat us with respect yeah whatever I'm tired I'm going to sleep Mom and Dad are so frustrating they I see the bat in people I'm glad they're finally noticing me but this isn't what I want oh my phone's ringing hello hey Samuel it's Spencer oh hey Spencer what's up oh not much do you want to come by tomorrow and hang out yeah I think that sounds great so yeah this is my house it's not a whole lot but it's home no this place is great it's nice and normal no two or three story floors no Butlers this place actually feels like a home yeah I guess you got a point thanks for hanging out with me again so what do you want to do I have a couple video games but it's not on last year system wao do you hear that wonder who that could be man that would be my parents car what's he doing here Mr Samuel time to go go where are we going your mom and dad set up a family dinner tonight it's on your Google calendar no way I don't want to go to some stupid dinner I want to stay and hang out with Spencer sorry Mr Samuel but your parents said you have got no choice we have to go now so we're not late I'm really sorry Spencer maybe we can hang on another time yeah don't worry about it I'll just text you later yeah that sounds great I'll see you around okay all right Mr Samuel come on let's go all right Samuel we have something we need to tell you I have a very important business trip that I'm taking your mother on we'll be gone for about a week sounds nice I hope you guys have fun and that means you're pretty much going to be home alone so you better not do anything stupid while we're gone like ruin our Mansion yeah we don't want you to throw any crazy parties or anything like that either got it you guys leave me home alone all the time Dad's always gone on business trips and Mom you're always hanging out with your friends we have very expensive things in this household Samuel we don't want any stranger is roaming around it look you guys say this stuff all the time just don't worry about it plus I'm not going to be home alone I all the staff with me the whole time anyway that is true and I did just upgrade the security system you know what I guess it'll be fine we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning hey Spencer thanks for coming and hanging out with me yeah dude no problem your house is insane everything is so sick uh yeah thanks and do you have like two pools is that what I saw well we technically have three but the third one's in the the basement wo that is so crazy I always wondered what it was like to live in a house like this well it's not all great what what are you talking about look around dude this house is beautiful me and my parents don't exactly get along or spend time with each other this house might be big and beautiful but being alone makes it feel really empty yeah I never thought about it like that you know my parents both work really hard so I don't get to see them a whole lot either but when we do we usually have fun they come home from work we have dinner we watch some TV I guess that keeps Us close together right you said your family was on the poorer side maybe I can help out help out what do you mean here why don't you look around you see anything you like it could be yours you've got to be kidding really yeah of course my family's so rich they won't even notice you know what here come with me is that real gold sure is here there's more where this came from Samuel we're home hey guys how was the trip absolutely exhausting and we don't have much time to talk I got to get back to work and I'm going to go unpack I'm so tired oh okay excuse me are you Samuel's father yeah what did he do this time well I'm here to return everything that your son gave us he gave you stuff what we appreciate Samuel being so helpful but this is just too much he literally gave us a gold bar really sorry about my son's stupid decisions here have a couple Grand at least for your troubles uh okay thanks you are really out of your mind young man you had no right to do that that gold block has been passed down through our family for Generations well I didn't know that I was just trying to help I thought putting you through all the private schools in the world would make you smarter than this look Dad I'm sorry you better be sorry I'm just glad that man brought it back here this thing is worth a fortune oh man I didn't know that gold block was a family heirloom how was I supposed to know he's never told me this not like we talked that much to begin with but he shouldn't have been so rude to me but I hope Spencer's doing okay I better go check Che on him hey Samuel what are you doing here I just came to talk man how you doing doing fine just some chores right now I'm really sorry about what happened I got in trouble for giving you all that stuff I just really wanted to help your family out oh you got in trouble too man my mom and dad were not happy when they found out you got in trouble yeah they said I shouldn't accept gifts without getting permission first and when they saw the gold bar I think my dad's head literally exploded I'm really sorry Spencer let me make it up to you though do you want to come to my birthday party your birthday party yeah it's going to be a whole lot of fun I should probably ask my mom and dad first I don't want to get in more trouble than I already am happy birthday Samuel the entire park is yours for the day wow Dad this is awesome you rented out the whole park just for us yeah of course I did Dad are you going to stay too what ride should we going first yeah I'm not going to be able to stay Samuel I'm very sorry why why not well I have to go to a meeting and then your mother and I have a party later to go to look our schedules are just booked all right this is really inconvenient for us I figured this would make you happy well okay bye dad wo yeah come on man this thing is awesome don't you think yeah it's pretty cool wa look how high up we are all right we basically done half the park what should we do next I don't know we can do whatever you want Samuel what's wrong dude doesn't seem like you're having a whole lot of fun remember how I told you how my parents never have time to do anything and this is one of those times isn't it it's my birthday party you're always busy with something your dad did seem kind of cold earlier it's just so unfair don't let it get you down all right I kind of have a surprise for you back at my house you do why don't we go on the roller coaster one more time and then we can get out of here what do you say yeah sure sounds great all right are your eyes closed yeah they're closed okay okay hold on you can open them in three 2 1 open your eyes happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday what are you guys doing well Spencer told us it was your birthday this is the least we could do this is amazing no one's ever done anything like this for me before Samuel are you crying no no I'm not I'm fine everything's okay you totally deserve this we kind of have the whole rest of the day planned [Music] out Spencer this was the best birthday I've ever had well there he is Samuel you're home late oh hey Dad were you at the amusement park all day man you must have had fun it was fine fine what do you mean fine do you have any idea how much money I spent on closing that amusement park it should have been more than just okay look I don't care about how much money it costs I wanted you guys to be there but no all you guys do is work and work and work we have to in order to stay this Rich isn't that obvious maybe I don't want you guys to be rich you've got to be kidding me maybe I just want to be a normal family for once I just want my parents to be parents we are your parents and we're doing the best we can you know what we did after we left the amusement park Spencer and his parents threw me a surprise party and we spent the whole rest of the night together it was nice to be around other people that actually cared about me all right Samuel calm down you guys never spend any time with me it's amazing how someone that I met not that long ago cares more about me than you two I'm so sick of all this Samuel where are you going as far away from you as I can so this is what it's come down to my own birthday and I'm alone at the park Samuel Samuel are you here Samuel there you are what do you want you left before I could give you your birthday present here this is for you what is this some kind of letter let me guess you and Mom are moving away and leaving me here all alone will you just read it already fine it says you're taking a break from work yes I am I sent this letter to my boss saying I'm taking a couple months off because my son needs me and my son is more important than anything to me is this real of course it's real I'm sorry I made you feel that way before I clearly wasn't being the father you needed me to be I hope you can accept this as an apology beat you again Connor Jimmy that's so fun you're always cheating at these games dude it's just because you're not that good at it that's okay whatever I'm the best I'm just going to buy all these upgrades all right you can buy all the upgrades you want but I highly doubt you're going to beat me it's about skills dude oh whatever I'm bored of playing games anyways we should do something more fun well I thought we were having fun it's only fun if you win Jimmy it's not fun if you lose all right all right fine fine so what do you think we should do I don't know we're bored we've got a ton of money we're billionaires dude yeah yeah I know we're billionaires I let's go mess around with people in the town laugh at poor people and play tricks on them or something really that's what you want to do yeah doesn't it sound like fun uh I guess so all right come on dude let's go let's laugh at some poor people all right Connor so what kind of ice cream do you want H well I think I really want the gold INF fused ice cream I think that sounds perfect for us yeah that sounds great can we get two gold infused ice creams please um yeah no we don't we don't sell that here I don't even know what that is uh what what do you even mean you don't know what that is it's ice cream infused with edible gold and it's so expensive only Rich wealthy people can buy it uh okay cool uh yeah no I have like vanilla or you want like mint chocolate chip maybe okay well clearly you can't hear me that well I'm going to repeat myself one more time gold infused ice cream why don't you go mine some gold and bring it back here for me I mean I'm the customer you should be doing what I want um I'm the only one on this shift so I can't like leave the store also I don't know where a mine is um listen lady um I think you should really get him the gold ice cream if he doesn't get it he's going to flip out uh again I guess I could like try to do some magic be like boy Doo uh it's gold you know and then you believe it and you eat it will that work Jimmy I'm sorry I have to do this I've had it up to here with you and your attitude lady do you have any idea who we are my dad basically runs this whole town okay he owns like half of it and you know what you're fired what are you kidding me I need this job I just bought a 1996 for Mustang hey guys wow what's going on um how are you really cool cars hey Tammy hey thanks they're pretty new yeah our dad got them for us last week pretty sweet huh wow yeah super sweet they look like they go pretty fast um so I have like a question for you guys or for Jimmy specifically so Tammy what's up what do you want well I actually came over here because I wanted to ask Jimmy if he would go out on a date with me maybe yeah Jimmy will go on a date with you but you have to prove something to us first prove something to you um okay what you have to tell us which one of us is Jimmy oh wow that's hard you guys are identical twins um okay let me see um you're um you're Jimmy right you're Jimmy nope I'm Connor but you lose wait no fair I want to redo I want to redo yeah no way Tammy get out of our face come on guys please just give me a second chance come on Tammy everyone in school knows you're just a gold digger okay you only date the rich guys um no that's not true well maybe but I can't help it if all the rich guys also happen to be attractive so it's like a coincidence it's not like that's not like a thing well Tammy if you can't tell as a part you've got no business dating either one of us so why don't you just get out of here we don't even want to look at you anymore G fine whatever you guys are both losers and I think you're [Music] stupid I don't know dude I've just been so bored like lately you've been bored of what I don't know there's just not a whole lot of fun things to do in this poor stupid Town wouldn't it be funny if we just landed our helicopter in the middle of a soccer field during a game um no not really dude what if there are people there and what if they get hurt not my problem I think it would be cool we just show up in a helicopter we walk out like oh sorry was this happening today I think that'll be so funny hey I got to talk to you guys well look who it is it's big tough Logan yeah I am Logan and Tammy's my girlfriend apparently you made her cry earlier today which one of you idiots is Connor uh him he's Connor what Connor you're a total jerk I can't believe you'd make my girlfriend cry you totally deserve this ow oh man my head hurts what happened you totally got knocked out dude Connor I can't believe you would do that to me that guy was mad at you yeah yeah listen I understand I'm sorry dude but it had to go down like that oh really it had to go down like that I don't know maybe you think you should have told the truth yeah but the whole point of that was so you know I could have some fun Have Some Fun by watching your brother get knocked out no no no see dude I totally let that happen and afterwards while you were here I went to the principal and I paid him so now that guy Logan's expelled wait I'm so confused so after all of this you did this so that you could get Logan expelled from school yeah he's a total jerk jerk don't you think you're kind of being a total jerk no I think I'm bored and I'm messing with poor people and it's funny it's really funny I don't know man I don't like any of this uh just cuz you got your head knocked around a little bit you'll be fine beat you again Connor oh you're so frustrating dude hey hey guys um hey man what's wrong you look really upset well yeah I'm super hungry I haven't had anything to eat all day I know you guys are like super millionaire billionaire whatevers um I was just wondering if there's any way I could borrow like a couple bucks to get a sandwich oh yeah of course listen we'll pay you about 10 grand if you eat this sandwich right here Connor where did you get that sandwich I found it on the sidewalk ew dude that's gross yeah man I don't know if I want to eat a ground sandwich I mean I'm really really hungry and I haven't been able to eat for a while well man do you want the 10 grand or not yeah I could really use it okay I'll give it a try oh this is gross is there Mushroom on this dude I was just joking with you I can't believe you'd actually eat it what what do you mean you actually think I was going to give you 10 grand for eating a sandwich please you're pathetic well you're the worst I thought you were going to help me nah don't feel like it get out of our face loser Conor dude that was rough whatever dude come on all right man our birthdays are coming up we went big last year but we've got to go even bigger this year yeah but what are we going to do I mean we've kind of already done everything you can you know we rented out the arcade we rented out the movie theater we rented out the club last year there aren't a whole lot of places to hang out in Brook Haven well there is the Hub yeah but we've already been there dude no no no no no dude I think we should buy the entire Hub really well actually that does sound kind of cool we can invite everybody in the school and there'd be plenty of room for people to hang out play games watch a movie eat food do whatever they want yeah see we're on the same wavelength here well we are twins yeah I know whatever but I think it'd be better if we charge people to enter what like charge people to come to our birthday party yeah we can say it's like uh I don't know something small like $1,000 or something and if they don't have the money they can't hang out with them I think that's a little too insensitive dude I mean I don't want people to pay to hang out with me well if that's not what you want to do fine I'm just going to have a birthday party without you dude we're twins we have the same exact birthday yeah and you're not invited to my birthday how about that no dude we have to spend our birthdays together that's like the whole thing well this is what I want to do so you better get on board with it dude all right fine sure whatever all right so we'll buy The Hub and start charging people a grand man this is going to be awesome uh Connor did you send out all the invites for everybody yeah of course dude I sent them all to their student emails there you two are I have a bone to pick with you losers oh not this guy what do you want Logan you totally ruined my life my parents think I'm a total failure because I got expelled from school and I know it was you guys that did it uh no definitely wasn't us I know it was you I'm not that dumb well actually you are pretty dumb so dumb in fact that you didn't even see this coming oh you guys are the worst ew dude that's it I've had enough of this yeah I know that guy Logan's a total nerd no that's not what I've had enough of I've had enough of you and your attitude you always have to ruin everything and now people hate us that's probably why no one's here for our party I don't care I don't care about anybody I'm super rich that's all that matters I don't want to be a part of this anymore dude if you don't stop then I'm done hanging out with you you're joking right right we're twins yeah and I can't believe my twin would be so mean and heartless like you Jimmy wait come back [Music] stop Jimmy Jimmy are you here oh man I can't believe he would just ditch me at the party like that he's such a jerk Jimmy where are you oh darling hi hello how are you hey Mom have you seen Jimmy anywhere oh darling yes Jimmy headed over to the airport he needed to take a vacation he seemed very upset oh man and I can't believe this I feel like this is all my fault and I think Jimmy's mad at me all I wanted to do is have fun with my brother and show him that we could be happy without all those poor losers well darling you know Jimmy he's never been one to care much for money okay I don't understand why it's literally everything yeah but I mean I didn't mean to upset my twin brother and all oh man I got to get to the airport before Jimmy leaves yes darling of course go ahead take the Porsche and make sure you take the express lane you'll get their quicker and in style yeah thanks [Music] [Applause] Mom Jimmy you're here oh I'm glad you didn't take off yet what do you want Connor can't you say I just want to be left alone listen dude I'm sorry for doing all that stuff to those people I just wanted to hang out with you that's all yeah of course I want to hang out with you too man you're my twin brother but those things you were doing weren't right just because we're rich doesn't mean we can act like that you have to treat people with respect no matter how much money they have just because we're billionaires really doesn't mean anything I know I'm sorry I was acting like a total jerk and I wasn't thinking straight you forgive me well yeah of course dude you're my brother it was just weird seeing you act like that that's not who you are yeah you're right that's not me and I promise I'm going to make everything right again I'll go back to school and I'll apologize to the principal and make sure he gets Logan back from being expelled well that's a good place to start that guy was really upset see how that affected him yeah I see that now I'm sorry oh it's all right dude whatever I just appreciate you coming to your senses I mean you were getting a little crazy yeah I guess I was huh yeah totally crazy but I'm just glad you're doing the right thing [Music]
Channel: ShanePlays Roblox Movies
Views: 46,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, ShanePlays, ShanePlays Roblox Movie, FullRobloxMovie, Roblox Story, Roblox Animation
Id: 85of2Uu3gk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 44sec (7304 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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