Splinter Being the Best DAD Ever to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! πŸ’š | TMNT

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I have told you before of how we all came to be together but I have not told you everything our journey together has not been an easy one but it could not have happened without fate courage and great purpose my duty is to teach you all I know one day you will need to choose your own destiny but tonight I want to tell you the rest of our story it appears meditation is out of the question for now no thank you young [Music] Turtle I suppose you all need proper [Music] names when I was a child I wanted to be an artist so it seems appropriate to name you after the master of my favorite period in art the Renaissance perhaps then you will grow up to be something [Music] great I will name you Donatello Michelangelo rapael and Leonardo [Music] our days were spent sleeping while nights I would hunt for food and take care of you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I would practice ninjitsu I noticed the four of you would try to imitate me at first I was amused but then I [Music] considered a [Music] possibility my turtles no that which is known as rodent mutant is hard to contain then that which is known as rodent mutant will be exterminated exterminate exterminate our fight was not yet over but this time I would make them come to me besides being unable to track US I began to realize what these sewers could offer the ability to move move throughout the city unseen and used to wonder if I have the discipline to be a proper father for any family in the darkest part of our journey I wondered if I would have another chance to be both I wanted to be [Music] both leave them be a [Music] what [Music] you are going up to a strange and hostile world you must maintain awareness at all times hi s stay in the shadows hi Sensei don't talk to strangers hi Sensei everyone needs a stranger hi make sure you go before you leave the restrooms up there are filthy Sensei good luck my sons i surf this is going to be epic look both ways before crossing the [Music] street back so soon you just left to patrol the city s is everything all right definitely Master squinter it's it's just really amazing to see you h whoa dudes this Lair is rocking check out that pinball totally radical what do we tell you guys about waiting outside what is going on here someone explain no wow your Splinter is kind of strict and Tall too donatell yeah um they were transported here from an alternate Dimension Sensei along with this weapon we have to diffuse like [Music] ASAP I called dibs on pinball okay don't we have a little antimatter weapon to deal with here ah the donatellos will take care of it lighten up a little man Leonardo I would like to speak with you in the dojo now my son you have a lot of explaining to Leonardo why are you so sad I'm not sad Sensei it's it's hard to explain there's there's something I need to tell you it's just well this will sound crazy but the present isn't really the present Sensei we're actually living 6 months in the Donell what is it Donnie we checked out the weapon this is bad guys this is really bad the weapon is linked to two other identical bombs and they're rigged to go off in 9 minutes so where are the others We Believe at least one of the bombs is in your dimension they're going to Nuke our world Bros totally bogus that's not going to happen you guys helped us and now we're going to help you Donnie's uh what do we do well we attuned my portal to track down the other dimensionizers and the first one is here wa dude there it is on top of the same skyscraper but in your dimension weird go do what needs to be [Music] done all right team let's do this Turtle Power enough with the turtle power already let's just go goodbye [Music] Sensei Master Splinter I tried to tell Karai that you're her father I thought if she knew she might come over to our side there is a saying he who runs his mouth gets a faceful of nchu they say that in Japan they would if you were there still your heart is in the right place Perhaps it is time she knew the truth maybe you should tell the other guys Sensei this is difficult but it is time you all knew the truth the child I thought I had lost in the fire miwa is Karai my daughter Fury became flame and Flame darkened the world with smoke and in that Darkness Shredder stole NWA away I thought she had perished but she was raised by Shredder as his daughter and trained as a deadly foot assassin wait this can't be some kind of joke right Sensei Karai is our sister Sensei she's still our enemy she was raised by Shredder yeah how could we ever trust her there is good in her I know this the truth must be told beautiful night isn't it it is nights like this that I realize how lucky I am to have you and little miwa Yoshi let's leave this place move away from here I've always wanted to visit America New York City Shen I have many responsibilities you know this with father being ill the dojo the dojo when are you going to leave that life behind this is the last clan of its kind and that is why it must endure must I explain this again ninjas have no more place in this world you must decide this is no life for mua if she ever followed your path Shen let me walk you home I can take care of myself I always have I am sorry Shen you and miwa are my life without you I am a shadow Yoshi I understand your loyalty to the clan father is growing worse the dojo is all we have left you have so much more than that Yoshi my love for you and miwa burns inside my heart brighter than all the stars in the universe athetic I will not abide by this dishonor saki Shen I ask you one last time make the right choice I have already made it take miwa and go Shen but Yoshi saki please you are brothers no we were never blood Shen go [Music] now how can one love and hate someone so fiercely if your desire is to Fall by my hand brother so be it we were raised together saki do not make me fight you how could I not after so many lies after so much dishonor you only dishonor yourself you were always jealous always scheming always filled with hate guys you see that fire please brother do not make me do this Zaki this whole place is coming down and we shall both perish here T sh Shin wait close we have to get in there please stop sh [Music] [Music] you will be mine to care for now little one I will call you Kai splinter [Music] Shan [Music] miwa Splinter come with me [Music] [Music] I retain very little from my old life but this I will never let go my daughter I I can't believe it you're telling the truth all these years the shredder has been lying to me wait you can't believe it I thought you did believe it if you didn't believe it why did you come down here father what have I done I can't believe you called him if anything happens to Splinter what else could I do Raph theat where is he one push and you all go into the first F just wait Tiger Claw Splinter's going to kick that little stub of a tail so deep in your stripe silence I am tired of waiting your lives end now this is it I love you guys rra it was me who ate your last pizza of chocolate pepperoni pizza I'm sorry man I was so hungry release my sons now for I prefer to slice you into bite siiz pieces you'll pay for that rodent now you are defenseless a ninja is never defenseless you got him s slap the stripes off that cat [Music] you will not trick me up so easily and now we shall see if a cat always lands on its feet now you lose rat mu if you won't be silent I'll silence you what Master Shredder desires them alive he wants the pleasure of finishing the tur himself fine let's deal with the rat first leave him alone cry you're going to answer to me my sons go no run Splinter we got to come back for him Leo move don't let them Escape [Music] at least we still have the [Music] rat wake up little rat nice work tigerclaw you finally captured the great Splinter so is the poison going to finish him or what most men would have expired by now but it's only weakened him he may be small but he's tough as iron Bradford Z leave us Amato Yoshi so you have come to this a wretched ratman waiting to be put out of his misery at least I do not wear a mask hiding what little Humanity I have left it is because of you that I wear this mask all these years you continue to deceive yourself and everyone around you you dare now it ends no father you would stop me you'd kill your greatest enemy while he's poisoned and chained what about honor everything you taught me the girl is Right Master Shredder very well gather the foot I will offer hamat ho Yoshi one last fight why did you help me I don't know maybe because you look so pathetic you have your mother's spirit so Fierce and yet so scared never speak of my mother again you ruined my family you ruined all of our lives no it was or Oro s 15 years ago I was a different man I had everything I could want a loving wife and a beautiful daughter let's name her miwa miwa miwa and you my loyal friend jealousy consumed you you sought that which was mine you took everything that I loved everything and still you hunt me down so I fight you now to end this do it sit [Music] what [Music] it's over Hamato soon you will be no more and your own daughter will go through her life cursing your name [Music] muwa father cry that rat is aato Yoshi me my name is Karai father told me what you did to my mother and now I'm going to return the favor why won't you fight [Music] coward April the poison is still inside you I can slow it down but only you can defeat it what was I thinking I'm calling the hospital no this venom has no cure only the mantras can save her [Music] now still feeling the effects you're weak Leo and you're done for to son Kai jinu Zen [Music] foree jinu Z what what are you doing what is this yeah yeah [Music] April you did it Splinter oh thank you oh my sweet baby girl [Music] you're coming with us Karai ohai [Music] oh man snake bite is worse than the worst snake bite's not that bad I've been bit by giant wasps mutant dogs dream beavers squirrels squirrel noids are you still talking it wasn't really snakes that almost took us out it was Karai she's back under Shredder's control he's the one responsible not Karai you should be enjoying your Victory you did a great thing tonight Leonardo you saved everyone not everyone I tried to get Karai out of Shredder's control I failed Sensei I'm sorry we saved her once Leonardo perhaps we can save her again and now you show great gifts as a Healer being at the edge of your life life gave you a power that few martial artists can tap I am proud of you my [Music] son um Leo we just wanted to thank you for saving us yeah you kicked footb butt stopped the poison got us out of there and you did it solo none of us could have done that maybe you're right maybe tonight was a win April it seems you have a rare gift a Sensitivity I have trained my entire life to develop don't worry you'll get it I did it just took me a long time well that's nothing to be ashamed of what I am trying to say is that I would like to train you to be a Kuno a female ninja wow that's quite an honor if I do this does that mean I can kick everybody's butt we don't believe in using our abilities that way oh oh yeah me neither but I could right yes but I warn you it will be the hardest thing you've ever done it will drain you mentally physically and spiritually well can't be worse than High School very good again Sensei not that I don't enjoy running UK's 6,000 times but when do I get a weapon ah but April you already possessed the kunoichi's most powerful weapon the mind when was the last time you saw someone hit a guy over the head with their mind true let's find you a weapon remember April your weapon chooses you as much as you choose [Applause] it I think it chose the [Music] tree I almost got [Music] it w [Music] perhaps we should keep [Music] looking remember keep your movement fluid oh Master Splinter I am so sorry who are they that is me my wife and daughter before Shredder the baby she was beautiful yes miwa would have been about your age now I would like to think she would have turned out as well as you have my child which reminds me wait [Music] here I had intended to one day pass this on to my daughter but I would like you to have it it's beautiful yes and I think we found my weapon you four have defeated much of the Foot Clan with ease why does he make that sound like a bad thing because you have grown complacent each of you has become dependent on your own weapon but there are times when you may not be able to fight with what you know and when that happens you must adapt to your environment oh yeah would if there's only say a comic book anything can be a weapon sensei you can't seriously send us out there armed with nothing but a comic book for a ninja anything can be a weapon so what do you want us to do I want you to embrace the unfamiliar switch weapons look I'm Leo guys shh we have to be quiet ninjas are quiet quiet down I saw nothing like that yes that's why we're laughing because you sound nothing like that face each other [Music] [Music] ow yummy that was messed up you will continue to fight this way it will teach you resourcefulness and versatility not so easy is it I'm getting the hang so you decided not to follow my lesson Sensei we don't get it how does switching weapons help us in a fight we were doing fine on our own then you still do not understand the point of the lesson so you will learn how to adapt by having no weapons hand over your weapons now get them huh a sewer apples [Music] now's my [Music] chance Timothy no what are you doing I'm going to be a mutant like you um doing the mutation thing is notoriously unpredictable and really stupid I'll save you Donatello wait can you hear what I know I'm saving you wo okay now we're getting out of here hopefully oh yeah no weapons spread out guys remember anything can be a weapon [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on Mikey Focus oh dude sorry I didn't oh yeah son never underestimate the water balloon arm [Music] no no no no dude wait ow my arm is this how training always goes y my sons and daughter that is enough for today k you coming in a minute not what you expected I admit it's a little weird being with people I was told were my enemies what really happened between you and Shredder and my mother I'm afraid it goes much deeper than our rivalry over your mother the bitter feud between the Hamato and foot Clans lasted centuries orok usaki was the son of the enemy but he was just a child so my father gave him shelter we were raised as brothers and rivals in all things as brothers are but that rivalry soon turned bitter when we met Tang Shen your mother jealousy became hatred when saki learned of his true Heritage he swore Vengeance and rebuilt the Foot Clan one night oroku saki struck the blow that was meant for me struck your mother instead treder blamed me and in his rage he burned our home to the ground leaving me to my fate he took you away from me after all this time haven't you wanted Revenge after all this time I have learned Revenge only leads to more pain but I've seen you fight father you could take him out we are are safe here and we are finally together again my daughter that is all that matters not Revenge My Sons I owe you my gratitude and an apology an apology fear clouded your minds however it was not the shredder who fueled that fear fear but me you overcame that fear and performed admirably no training today unless Michelangelo throws that balloon you're are so going to get it Leonardo a moment please with the world at stake the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission yes s say no matter what you have to sacrifice or [Music] who Leonardo do not fear me my son splinter is it really you or or am I dreaming this you are not dreaming I have attained a higher spiritual plane of existence passing into death we merge with the whole of life we become one in all of nature in all of the universe even with you I I can't go on without you father you must Leonardo you are the Sensei now your brothers need you Karai needs you Shredder is still alive what you must end this Leonardo I don't know if we're strong enough Sensei sensei [Music] H you're alive where are you Sensei let us help you you cannot yet there is much you must overcome if you cannot find your inner spiritual strength you will not stand a chance against the shredder but Master Splinter my leg injury it it's physical until I heal we choose what holds us back and what moves us forward you will all learn this each of you must Journey out alone to face your spiritual adversary Raphael your temper is like a fire that you must learn to focus for power seriously you got a knock or something Raphael let me tell you a story Sensei I'm not in the mood for a story Spike chew on your Lea if you are in the mood for a story very well when I was a young man I fell in love with a woman oh hey is it that late sit her name was Tang Shen and I was not the only one who loved her there was another man competing for her attention oroku saki Shredder one day insulted me in front of her he called me many [Music] things I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered I lost my temper and over time our rivalry festered into hatred until Shredder sought to finish me and I lost my beloved Tang Shen but but it it wasn't your fault Shredder insulted you you had no choice no choice I could have chosen to ignore him I could have chosen to let his words wash over me like a river over Stone but I let him anger me it was I who made his words into [Music] weapons that's the choice I made what choice will you [Music] make help set him down where is Leonardo I don't know sensei this is a disaster and it's all my fault I don't know what happened I just froze up I mean I have no problem risking my own life but risking my brothers now you see the price of leadership responsibility yeah I hate it so you understand Leonardo's burden we need him back I need him back then go get him but Sensei I don't know where he is he's going to the bely building April texted me I'm fine Master Splinter we need to find the others those buggy freaks have them if you do not allow yourself to heal you will be of no help to anyone this wound runs deep it's just a bug bite I speak not of the wound here but of the wound here I thought I was past my bug phobia but clearly I'm not and the team's suffering because of it it takes time my son damage to the Mind and Spirit are no less grave than injuries to the body but Sensei I was on an entire planet of bugs that should have cured me just by exposure right not necessarily it is clear that you are still shell shock pardon the pun what do I do to get unshell shocked find your s ENT meditation will Enlighten your path no offense Master but I don't think daydreaming will help not daydreaming meditation I will teach you a personal Mantra to chant it will focus you repeat yes continue Master thank you whatever that Mantra was it worked you are quite welcome my son so um what did it mean anyway it is Japanese for this means nothing it it isn't some magical chant no the Mantra meant nothing just as fear means nothing neither of them has any power except the power you give them in your mind wao that's deep I think I get it Sensei good now do not tell your brothers I might use that trick on them one day he's still out there somewhere Raphael do you know what I do when I miss my loved ones from the past no I focus on the friends I am surrounded by in the presence on your thanks Master SPL hey what's a guy got to do to get in your little competition huh next game is all yours dude sorry about Spike Raphael it's okay you guys aren't too bad to hang out with either Michaelangelo your mind is overrun with distractions learn to be strong and calm like the [Music] forest mm mhm you see Mikey does not think thank you you're welcome you must find the space between your thoughts and learn to live there that's what Michelangelo does true but Mikey's got a lot more space between his thoughts than I do pepperoni yes well Michelangelo has his challenges too well none of this would have happened if somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place oh jeez since I didn't mean to no Michelangelo you are right I am he is you were not fully prepared for what was up there I trained you to fight as individuals not as a team and as your teacher your father the responsibility for that is mine perhaps in another year we can try again oh another year has everybody forgotten that people were kidnapped they don't have a year Sensei we have to do something now you weren't there Sensei you didn't see the way that girl looked into my eyes she was scared and she was counting on me us to save her [Music] [Music] yes you must save her I agree Sensei but in that fight we weren't exactly a well-oiled machine like that robot with the brain thingy give it a rest if you are to fight more effectively as a unit you are going to need a leader can I be the leader why should you be the leader I kicked your butt I should be the leader hey I'm smarter than all you guys put together it should be me no way it should be me I don't really have a reason I just think it would be neat where did you learn that Mikey learned it from his new friend the man who taught him that cutter is no friend it comes from the shredder Shredder you mean Bradford is one of his students he must be so Bradford's just pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you oh what a relief everything makes sense again Mikey's in trouble Donatello you rely too much on your mind and not on your body be strong like the mountain looks Spike Donnie got another stick to break with all due respect Sensei I can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6-foot staff I was hoping to upgrade my weapon m a 7 foot staff interesting no I meant using modern technology ah a solar powered staff I'm serious Sensei I know and yes you may upgrade your weapon that's totally unfair you can't just sit wait did you say yes ninjas have improved their Arsenal for centuries we are master of adaptation that is great cuz with this technology I will be Invincible what should I make electric size multi-shot shuriken plasma swords I just gave myself goosebumps you want to feel pass but remember technology is a means not an end it is you who must Prevail in battle not your weapon combat is not a video game that's it I'll turn combat into a video game thanks safe okay I'm afraid again oh come on maybe if I can override donatell the time for games is over you're right my brothers need me wait here [Music] boah Kasha so sounds weird when he says it sounds weird when you say it that which is the Revenge will be had on those who are called themselves the turtles nice job bro way to go Donnie yeah not bad except for that part where you built the thing in the first place and the part where it broke and the part where it tried to kill us and the part okay I get it [Music] oh so close to my high score a too bads what troubles you Donatello this was all my fault Sensei you are responsible yes yeah responsible for destroying the mutagen responsible for saving the people of this city responsible for defeating advanced technology using only Ingenuity bravery and a stick well thanks Sensei maybe you're right I am I guess with proper training there's nothing better than a wooden stick except a laser guided missile launching wooden stick it's not supposed to do that run Leonardo you must be the leader in body and spirit be like the wind let nothing weigh you down I think this plan is going to work no plan ever survives contact with the Enemy it is how you react to the unexpected that would determine if you and your brothers succeed Sensei do you think I'm ready for this Leonardo I made you leader for a reason what is that reason that is for you to discover on your own there's so much writing on this what if something goes wrong failure is a possibility every leader must face Leonardo Leonardo where are your brothers I have no idea what do you mean you have no idea Raph thinks he can lead the team better than me so I let him that is not your decision to make why not Sensei I've had to make every other decision and I'm tired of it those guys have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under and all they do is complain is it too much to ask for a simple thank you of course it is leadership is not a about being appreciated it is about responsibility it doesn't matter that the burden is heavy it matters that you carry it now go find your brothers [Music] [Music] [Music] Leonardo sorry Sensei can't seem to focus I noticed what is it that troubles you my son I keep having the same nightmare Sensei every night I let the team down they're dragged off into darkness and I'm powerless to help this is not uncommon all leaders must face the fear of losing their team I face this every time you and your brothers leave the [Music] lair Leonardo you are not the first young man or Turtle to make a fool of yourself over a girl what about Donnie however when that girl is a Kuno in the employee of your enemy that is an error you cannot afford hi Sensei deception is the Ninja's most powerful weapon and it seems Karai is a master I know we can't trust her I see that now good you must learn from your mistake thank you for understanding I'm glad you're not mad who says I'm not mad ow oh God sleep now my sons for your greatest trial awaits on the spiritual plane for the challenges you face there will be just as deadly as those you face in the real world be warned [Music] when you first went up to the surface I feared you were not ready but I have come to realize that you were not only ready to become Heroes it was your destiny and if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands I am grateful it is yours [Music] Sensei mua [Music] father you see Sensei I told you my plan would work perhaps some things are worth the risk I do not fully understand what transpired here this evening but I thank my sons both present and future
Channel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Views: 44,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the TMNT, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Shredder, Splinter, Master Splinter, April O’Neil, Nickelodeon, Nick, Pizza, New York, Fight Scenes, Funny Moments, Comics, Cartoon, Cartoons, Turtles, TMNNT Scene, TMNT Clip, Krang, Video Game, Games, TMNT Fights, Mutant Mayhem, Shredder’s Revenge, Martial Arts, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, TMNT Movie
Id: xTwz59EGoJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 29sec (3569 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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