60 MINUTES of Mikey's Pranks and Battles! 💥 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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I've put up with you guys for a long time, but this is about to get real! You don't want this kind of pain, Mikey. Big talk for someone with such a limited vocabulary, Raph. Are you sure you're ready? Are you kidding me? I was born ready. Okay, Mr. Murakami. One Pizza Gyoza coming up. [grunting] [grunting] [chuckles] I thought I'd play after all. What happened to Mr. "I'm too broody for this game"? Mmm, these things are really good. My restaurant was never that popular until invented these for you. [grunting] He's still brooding. He's thinking about her. About Karai. Master Splinter is her father. How could she still want to be with the Shredder? You have to have faith, Leo. Her entire life was shown to be a lie. This is a challenge to everything she knows. The truth will set her free. Just give her the time she needs to accept who she is. Right. Look, Leo, she'll come around. Yeah, well, personally, I hope she doesn't. I don't trust her, not for one second. You're right, Raph. You shouldn't trust anyone. [grunting] [grunting, clattering] You think he's a vampire? Ya think he'll drink her blood and turn her into the undead? Are you TRYING to freak me out!? Sensei, say we're, um, trying to catch a stray pet. Like a cat. -A cat? -Or maybe a-a parrot? Um, what's the best strategy? [sighing] Food, of course. Any animal can be lured by food. So, what is this truly about? -Uh, trying to- -Um, nothing sensei. Just talking about parrots like we usually do. Food! It's so simple, it's brilliant! What do bats eat? Rodents and other small invertebrates. Oh yeah, and bugs. The bigger the better. So where are we gonna find a huge bug? Dress up some sorry sucker in a giant fly costume? Kinda feel like bait. Oh, don't think of yourself as bait, Mikey. This is your new superhero costume. You could call yourself, um... Tur-Flytle. Tur... fly... tle. Oh, yeah. I love it. Too awesome. What are my powers? Um, you can, uh, hang from a rope. This is sweet. Forget that, Rat King. Oh, yeah! Ice Cream Kitty away! -[screaming] -[screeching] Is that April's cat? Absolutely not. Destroy them! Go, Caligula! Hyah! You run like a coward when not in control! Who said I'm not in control? Attack! Smell the cheese. Hyah! Smell the cheese! Hyah! Come on, smell it! Leo! Yes! Finally free! April! How did you find us? Did you follow the trail of rat droppings? It has a unique aroma of... Not now, Irma! Let's free the others and get out of here. Irma, give me a hand with their cages. Oops. Run! Get out of here! Yes! Yes! [screaming] Got you, D. What? Huh? We're gonna talk about that later. [chuckles] Tur-Flytle is on the patrol, buzz, buzz. His bug eyes spy every crime, buzz, buzz. Will you stop saying "Buzz buzz" after every sentence? I could do that, buzz, buzz. But I probably won't, buzz, buzz. [growling] Whoa, dude! Be kind to insects, buzz, buzz! Donnie, any sign of Kirby? Nothing yet. Raph, shake Mikey around a bit more. He needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern. No problem. -Whoo! -AH! Buzz, buzz! AH! Buzz buzz! Kirby at four o'clock! He's heading straight for Mikey! Pull up! Pull up! [screaming] He's coming around again. [screaming] Time for Turflytle to take out his archnemisis, Wingnut. You are not giving Mr. O'Neil a monster name! Whoo-hoo! [grunting] Mr. O'Neil! Kirby! We don't want to hurt you! We wanna help! [screeching] Guys! Over here! [screeching] Stick to the plan! There's a plan? Warehouse! We trap him in the warehouse! [screaming] Donnie! [screaming] [grunting] Donnie. Up here. I'm over here! April! Hold on! Coming up on the warehouse. [grunting] [grunting] [screeching] [grunting] Leo! Ah! The warehouse! Ah! [grunting, shattering] [screeching] Sorry, Kirby. It's only temporary. Yo, we did it, Don. We caught the Kirby-bat. Ha. Oh! Mikey. Dad! Dad. What are we gonna do with him? I mean, keep him caged forever? Feed him a steady diet of mice and flies? Actually, bats love moss and spiders too, so- [gasping] Sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't lied to Dad- Listen, don't blame yourself, April. It was our fault. We spilled the mutagen. We'll fix it. What? You guys- You guys spilled the mutagen? Yeah. We accidentally unleashed all that mutagen all over the city but don't worry we'll get it back. You... You... [screeching] Mikey, get up! [groaning] [groaning] I feel awful. Maybe I shouldn't have ate that jalapeño cappuccino pizza last night. [groaning] Huh? [screaming] What the?! I'm a mutant! Uh, he's just realizing that now? Guys, look at me. I'm covered in turtle zits! Oh, gross. Talk about shell acne. You look like a green Chimichanga. Don't worry, Mikey. It's just part of being a teenager. Have you ever had 'em? Heck, no. Hold up, guys, I think this might be serious. Okay, Mikey, the good news is these so-called zits aren't going to hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast. That's a relief. But the bad news is, they'll continue to spread all over your body, spreading and spreading and spreading and spreading. And then they disappear in a couple hours, right? No. And then your entire body will mutate into one single huge, giant, gargantuan zit. ["Zit" echoing] No! My sons... you are truly becoming impressive warriors. But to grow as a team, you must know each other's strengths and weaknesses. [grunting, burping] Ah. Right in my face. Really? Garlic and clam pizza. This competition is a free for all. Last turtle standing wins. Hajime! I'm still seeing spots. [grunting] Sorry, Donnie. It's a ninja eat ninja world. [grunting] What are you doing, Leo? I was going for Mikey. What part of last turtle standing don't you understand? [grunting] Ah, man. Distraction, misdirection, powerful weapons in a ninja's arsenal. [chuckles] Looks like you've leveled up to the boss fight. I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face permanently. [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] Well, Leo won it this time. Uh-oh. He's awoken the beast. [grunting] Cool. Mikey brought his own pizza. His face. [laughing] Okay, okay, I'll stop. Now, come on and zit down. [laughing] Zit down. I crack myself up. Raphael. You should know better than to make fun of one's appearance. After all, how would the humans above react to yours? You're right, Master Splinter. Sorry, Mikey. [groaning] Just kick me out, Master Splinter. I can't be a ninja when I look like a moldy pickle. And why not? I do not let my appearance affect me. Well, yeah, cause old people never care how they look or smell. [chuckles] [whistling] My son, I sense there is something you would like to tell us. What? No. Not at all. Really, I didn't do anything. Okay, okay! You got me. I kinda, um, I sprinkled a little mutagen on my skin. [all] What? Are you kidding? Why? To become better. Cooler, you know? You guys treat me like I'm a big goofball all the time. So I found this vial in Donnie's lab. The label says it'll make you super cool. No, it says you're supposed to keep it super cooled. As in temperature! This was a reject batch of retro mutagen, Mikey. It's dangerous! Well, you could have made it a little more clear! Still not that clear. Oh, no. Please tell me that's a good "Oh, no." It's a terrible "Oh, no." According to these blood tests, the mutagen in your system is unstable. You only have three hours until- Until what? What'll happen to him? In scientific terms, go boom. I'm gonna explode?! Like a massive zit. -Ew. -No! But now that I know what caused this, I think I can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample. Yes, yes, yes! I love you, man. Okay, come on. Then you must start right away. I'm just missing one key instrument though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution. No problem. Money is no object! Leo, can I borrow some cash? The only place I've ever seen a molecular centrifuge was at T.C.R.I. But we blew that place up when we took down the Kraang. What could be left? Yo! You ready for 48 hours of mega-thrusting, evil-fighting, galaxy-saving super sentai action? I was, until you spilled greasy popcorn all over me! My bad. Hey, Leo. You got a minute? I was gonna check out Super Robo Mecha Force. Cool! So, here's the deal. See, I... Me, ah... I'm, um... [whispering] Sorry. What was that? I said I was... sorry. Sorry! Okay? Sorry! I thought I had my anger under control. Turns out I didn't. But now I do. Seriously. He means for now. I give him ten more seconds. Nine, eight, seven... -What are you saying, Raph? -Six, -It's not that you are angry, -five, -but we make you angry? -Four, -I never said that. -Three, two, one. Shut up! Bing, bing, bing! We have a winner. Raph, wait. I was just busting your shell. Come on, hang out. Eh, let the big green baby go. [grunting] General Unsura has taken control of mighty super robo mecha. Yes, Captain Dash Coolstar. I have Super Robo Mecha Force five team five in my clutches, and now I shall smash you all into space dust. Yes, I will right now. [laughing evilly] Squeakums, I'm scared. Hold me. Captain Dash, what are we going to do? This is my greatest fear come true. But by the sons of lobnar, I shall save you all. [woman screaming] I'm okay. I heard in the original Japanese version, Coolstar gets squashed for real. That's just a cartoon myth. Nerds. Guys! April! Sewers! Hurry! Casey, what's wrong? Are the Foot bots back? W-we were on our way here, and next thing I know April starts acting freaked out, then runs off! She's gone! Wait, wait... You just LOST April!? Relax. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, like she was eaten by a giant sewer snake -or something. -LET'S GO! Guys, what dimension are we in? The others are trapped over there. Yeah and the smart member of the team is trapped with them. This is your fault, Leo. If you hadn't gotten us- Whoa! We've gotta find the source of these quakes. Karai, you have your instructions. Who the heck is that?! You may call me... Tiger Claw. I knew it! I was totally gonna name him Tiger Claw! I ask only once. Summon your rat master. Sorry pal, I'm not a cat person. Raph! [grunting] You are nothing but cubs. [chuckles] Nice kitty. Uh, let me see if I have some catnip on me. [chuckles] [snarling] [grunting] Come on, bros. We gotta get to high ground. It's okay, dude, it's me, Mikey. Give your bro a hug. It'll make you feel better. Come on now. Where's the love? Ah, it's right here between my arms. I think I'm gonna hurl. [vomiting] Casey! Casey! [shrieking] [grunting] Come on, Raph. Ew. What is that stuff? [shrieking] It's fungal mycelium, where mushrooms come from. You mean like all these right here? Fungus grows like crazy in the dark. If we don't stop these by sundown, the mushrooms will spread all over the city. Millions of people will go crazy with fear. Don't worry, Raph. I'll protect you. [chittering] The bats! No, NOT THE BATS! Don't worry, April. Everything's gonna be alright. [chittering] Or not. Fungus balls! Keep an eye on Raph and April. No matter what, stay together. Booyakasha! [screaming] [grunting] [laughing] Check it out! Super Mikey Brothers! Aah! Get it off! Get it off! Where'd it go? [screaming] Ow! Oops, sorry. My bad. [coughing] [screeching] [screaming] [screaming] -COCKROACH!! -SQUIRRELANOID!! [screaming] [screaming] [yelling] Huh? They just disappeared? That's impossible. There must be a secret door. Or a hidden passage somewhere. Fan out. Hmm. [humming] AH! Oh, yeah? Well, how about now? Well, okay, then. You win this round. Metalhead, use your scanners to check the structure for any hidden rooms or passageways. [giggling] It tickles. Tickle ray? Real useful upgrade, Donnie. It happens to be a three-dimensional volumetric scan. [beeping] But that doesn't make sense. There should be tire marks or a seam in the floor, but the Kraang left no trace at all, just some junk and- A super macho burrito? Whoo, yes. It's the ultimate combination of pizza, and burrito- Pizzarito. It's super and macho. [grunting] [grunting] I'm going in. [grunting] Do you have any idea how long that's been in there? Who cares? Super and macho. Lengua y queso. Your arm's stuck, isn't it? Ugh... Possibly. Maybe. On purpose. [groaning] [grunting] Whoa. It's like a vending machine from the future. A Krang computer? Mikey, you're a genius. That's how I roll. Can that computer tell us where the Kraang went? Metalhead, see if you can access its database. It should tell us where they disappeared to. Uh, are you sure plugging Metalhead into unknown Kraang tech is a good idea? Trust me, Leo, the Kraang processor in Metalhead makes him perfectly compatible with their computers. What could go wrong? [screaming] Ow. Ow ow. Ow! This is your fault, Leo. If you hadn't called Splinter, we wouldn't be in this mess. I didn't have a choice, Raph. It was him or Mikey. I thought-I thought sensei would take care of him. Well, you thought wrong! We know where they took him. Shredder's lair. We do this for Splinter! There comes a time, brothers, when history is forged like melted cheese. It sticks together as one! But is still soft and squishy in the middle. Mm. Are you with me? Lamest speech ever. But I'm with you. Let's do this! [chuckles] No, you can't. No! No! No! My plus one ring of awesome didn't save me. Avenge me. Avenge the beloved elf. [grunting] Relax, Mikey, your elf is fine. For now. [groaning] But suddenly your party is attacked by evil, vicious monkey goblins! Huh? You have to roll a two or higher to avoid being bitten. 20. One? Critical fail, dude. The monkey goblin bites. Raph loses. 11 hit points. 11? Give me that. I'm gonna use my magic sword plus three to strike. [meowing] Hmph. What is all of this? It's called Mazes and Mutants. We found that in the trash up top. A game? Don't you have mutagen to find? But, sensei, we just beat the Krang and Shredder's forces. We could use just one day to relax. [sighing] I can not understand why you play a fantasy game when your lives are already fantastic. Me next. Everyone's favorite elf wants to attack goblins, too. Aw, yeah! Plus one ring of awesome! Something is not right here. I need to rest. Must get the poison out of my system. Just drink some water, sensei. Must meditate. Let him rest. We'll keep a lookout for those goons. Found 'em. Attack! Fancy new weapon, Fishface. Let's see you use it. I'm going to chop you into tiny chunks and feed you to my piranha. Too slow, Rahzar! Uh-huh. [chuckles] [grunting] That's where I want it. That's where I want it. Oh, yeah, 'bout to hit the high score. -Whoo, yeah. -I've got you. Great use of your time. Aw. While somebody else is out there busting the Krang's brains in. And that somebody wasn't us. We got other vigilantes out there going after those alien blobs. Sounds good to me. Less work for us. It's not good. The Krang stole plutonium, and whoever took 'em down stole it from them. Interesting. Maybe Shredder's going after the Krang again. I don't think these were Shredder's guys. Ha. I know exactly who's behind this. You better not say squirrels with lasers again. So what do we do, Leo? Hunt down whoever's hunting the Kraang? I think we better blanket the area, keep an eye out. Raph and Casey, stick to the alleyways. Donnie and Mikey, you take the rooftops. I'll cover the sewers. We'll meet back at the lair at midnight. So the earthquakes were caused by giant worms that lived under the sewers? That sounds worse than giant cockroaches! Well, I'm stoked you guys are back. Come here! We're glad to be back, trust me. You did it, sensei. With the help of my brave sons, yes, we all did it. But what about Karai? I still can't believe that evil witch is your daughter. Um, sorry to be so honest. Perhaps one day she will believe the truth. But that is her decision. For now, we celebrate. Yeah! Time for some Antonio's! So, where do you think that Krang worm went anyway? [screeching] Hey, do you guys see that? Whoa, dudes! A giant freaky worm! Totally Mondo bizarro! I bet that pesky Shredder and Krang are behind this. You know what that means, right, Leonardo? We take down the creepy crawler and then we order pizza! Yes! Turtle power! Cowabunga! Come on, dude, it's slow-mo time. [groaning] [music playing] [music playing] I've set up the game so we can finish in the tunnels. Whoever solves the clues and defeats the dragon wins. [screaming] Ah! It's a deadly tree Troll! Get it! Get it! Get! [grunting] [laughing] [groaning] Well done, adventurers. The Troll is defeated. Oh, yeah! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! That's how I do it, uh! Hey, I found something. "Soon you will find yourself in a haze. Solve the riddles to beat the maze." That's not the clue I wrote down. The haze! Just like the rubber tree troll said. [coughing] It smells. You been eating asparagus again, Mikey? Wow, Leo, you really hooked this game up. This... wasn't me. [howling] A dungeon? Um, what did you mean exactly when you said it wasn't you? Leo's just being humble. This is amazing. Everything feels so realistic. [thudding, screaming] [screaming] What was that? -What was that? -This way! [screaming] [gasping] Whoa, dude. Check it out, Don. You see this carbon scorching? They were taken out by plasma weapons of some sort, tech that's just as advanced as the Kraangs. We got to warn the others. The Kraang is getting their Kraangs handed to them, by those who are not Kraang. [shrieking] If this is a dungeon maze, it's probably loaded with traps so watch your step. Never want to see you get hurt. Plus one ring of awesome. So shiny and beautiful. My magical source of power. My awesome- I'll give you a magical headache. [hissing] Wanderers. My congratulations on solving the first puzzle. And now for thy second riddle. You stupid bird head. Oof! A maze is like a brain. A dungeon is a mind. Make one slip, and you'll be forever left behind. Can this get any weirder? [screaming] Guess so. I think all of those tiles are trapdoors. You heard him, team. Ninja stealth. My dagger of limitless skill! Eh. It wasn't all that. Eat me! Eat me! Come on! Eat me! Taste my delicious blend of four melted cheeses. Taste it. Taste it! Eat me! I never thought I'd say this to any pizza, but I will not eat you! [screaming] [grunting] Look, is that a pepperoni? Where? [grunting] [screaming] Get off of me! [grunting] Guys, help! Don't you see what's happening? We see you rolling on the ground covered in pizza. Pretty much like any other day. Wait, is that the pizza we ordered from Antonio's? Uh, well, yeah, but it's evil, I tell you. Evil. Look. Come on, pizza, say something. You're embarrassing me. Another stupid excuse to eat all our food. Thanks for ruining dinner again, Mikey. You don't have to believe me. I'm going to Antonio's and demanding a new pizza! [coughing] They'll never believe you now. Totally worth it. Ha. [coughing] I'm going into the light. [groaning] This is, like, so messed up. [moaning] Whoa. Pretty busy for a Monday night. Better get a closer look. [moaning] Now, how am I going to get my money back? It's April. April, can you pick up a couple pies for me and the bros? Must go to Antonio's. The master demands it. April? They're acting like a bunch of zombies. I knew something weird was going on. My pictures keep coming out like this. Stupid broken Tphone. [clattering] Who's there? [snarling] [moaning] Join us. [moaning] Stay back! I'm not afraid of you people! [grunting] Ah. Okay, maybe just a little. [grunting] [snarling] [screaming] [grunting] [screaming] Is that a pepperoni? Join us. You know that trick, huh? Guys, guys! At Antonio's, there's all these pizza zombies walking around with cheese faces and- Oh, no, Antonio's! Guys, don't eat that stuff. Four cheese blend. Spit it out, Raph! Get a cheese crust. Donnie. April's one of them. We got to save her. Mm. Anchovies. [gasping] Not you too, Master Splinter. [burping] No, no, no! Snap out of it! Pizza. This can't be happening. But it is. Mikey, join us in the bliss of real meat toppings. -The bliss. -Never! [grunting] Join us! Ha! Eat it, pizza! [screaming] [grunting] [dinging] Special delivery. [grunting, screaming] Booyakasha! Ow. Yeah, boy! Guys, I did it. Oh, no! Guys? Guys! Mm. [burping] Uh. So I wonder what got into Master Splin- Aah! Aah! Brain freeze! Aah! Mikey! You're making a mess! Keep your ice cream away from my experiment. I'm trying to make Retro-Mutagen. [gasping] Always messing up my stuff. Hey, guys. What's up? April! And Casey. Donatello. I came to see if you guys could look after this. Aw! Look at you! Coochiewoochiewoochie! [sighing] Can we keep her? You know, Master Splinter is a rat. Yeah, what if that cat goes nuts and attacks him? She could feed off his body for months. You know, there is something seriously wrong with you. [meowing] [gasping] No, no, no, no, no, no! [shrieking] Oh, what have I done? Huh? [meowing] Everything okay, Mikey? Yeah, yeah, it's cold I mean cool. Everything's cool. Cool like ice cream. Ice cream's cold. [chuckles] Pizza's here. You got one pizza. I'm like a two pizzas all by myself guy. Would you relax? Pizza is mine. Booyakasha! Mikey! I can not believe you'd do that. Where's the pizza? How can you guys fool around like this when Karai needs our help? Ugh, not this again. We have to rescue her. Look, maybe she believes Splinter is her father, but she was still raised by Shredder. You think she's gonna turn on him just like that? Yes, I do. Now am I the leader of this team or not? More or less. More or less? So I'm only the leader until I tell you to do something you don't want to? Ugh, fine. I'm gonna check out Shredder's lair, see if it has any weak points. Wait. We'll come with you. But this doesn't mean we're going in. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza? Pizza? Come on. [groaning] Guys, stop! What is it, Mikey? I feel like we're forgetting something. Something important. Something, something the fate of the world could depend on. It's right on the tip of my tongue. -The Kraang? -No. -The Foot clan? -No. The Rat King? No. Wait! I remember. My doggy bag. The leftover Gyoza are back at Mr. Murakami's. We have to go back. Fate of the world! What happened? Mr. Murakami! Mr. Murakami, it's me, Mikey. Are you okay? They came looking for you. They wanted to know where you lived. But I didn't know. They asked about your friends. To my shame, I told them everything I knew. Who did this? The girl and the growling man. Tiger Claw is back. And he's going after April and Casey. We have to get to April... and Casey, you know, time permitting. The girl has got to be Karai, Leo. -I told you- -Not now, Raph. April's not answering her T-phone. She always answers. We'll split up. Me and Donnie will go to April's place, you and Mikey get to the ice rink and warn Casey. [snarling] Don't let 'em get the helmet. [grunting] [grunting] Come on. Heads up, D, hot potato. Got it. [grunting] I believe you have something we need. Deodorant? Got it. [grunting] [screaming] [screaming] Hey! Watch it, Buzzkill. Ooh, Buzzkill. That's totally what we should've called him. Dude's got a gazillion eyes. You'd think his aim would be better. [screaming, thudding] [chiming] Casey? Casey? Casey, answer me. Something's wrong, Mikey. What are we gonna do? I know exactly what to do. We use our phones to triangulate the possession of Casey's T-phone by bouncing the locator signal off the satellite. That's... actual a good idea. It's like we're in some kinda alternate universe or something. You can also track pizza delivery guys that way. Booyakasha. [laughing evilly] [grunting] Oh, yeah. [groaning] [laughing evilly] Bagel slicer slicing time robot. [groaning] [screeching] [screaming] Destroy the turtles. Wipe out on the lair. But the rat comes with us. Ow, ow, ow, ow! Sorry, D! [grunting] I'll save you, Mr. Peepers! Dude, get a hold of yourself, man. Did you really just say that? [grunting] The Turtles can not win against the Kraang. Tell it to the ground. [screaming] We got reverse brain switch! Raph, we're good to go. I'm busy here! [screaming] Raph's down! Grab the pigeon and the man! Kraaaang. Raph, why didn't you listen? Come on, Mr. Peepers. We're doomed. Doomed. Oh, my poor, sweet April. Don't worry, Mr. O'Neil. This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal. Look. [screaming] Oh. Never mind. [thudding] Oh, boy. [grunting] Ooh! [talking gibberish] Come on, Mikey, focus. [grunting] Ow. Dude? Sorry, I didn't- Oh, yeah, son! Never underestimate the water balloon arm. [humming theme song] [chuckles] [humming theme song] [grunting] No, no, no, no. Dude, wait. Ow, my arm. [thudding, groaning] Ow! Oh! Get off! [thudding] [grunting] Is this how training always goes? Yame! My sons, and daughter, that is enough for today. Just gotta wake him up. Rise and shine, buddy. That's not working, Mikey. Try something else. Let's see. How do I usually wake him up? I got it. Tickle, tickle, tickle. Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. Wake up, dude. Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, boy. Whoo. I'm glad you're back, Raph. Hi three. Turtles here? Where is the location of the Krang where this Krang is located? You're with us, dude, in the Shellraiser. [chuckles] Nice Krang impersonation. You're welcome. [grunting, thudding] Raph, what are you doing? What's going on back there? Turtles Krang must destroy. Oh! Krang will eliminate all. It's Raph. He must've been brain switched with a Krang. [grunting] [grunting] Oh, no! [thudding] Guys, you okay? [groaning] I just had the weirdest dream. Raph was- Yeah, a Kraang. Not a dream, Mikey. I know this is your home. You know we have to leave. Ice Cream Kitty. Now come on, kitty kitty. [screeching] Easy. Easy. [thudding] Just squeeze in there between the frozen pizzas. [groaning] My head. April, what is it? Master Splinter. I can sense him. Aah! He's close. Let's go! This is the only way it can work, Raph. Yeah, look, I'm on board for the whole rescue Karai thing but if we're going through the trouble of invading Shredder's lair, we gotta take him down once and for all. It's too risky. Hold up, dudes. Why do I have to be the bait while Donnie sits in the Shellraiser? Someone's gotta be the getaway driver. Look, everyone is important here. Disagreement about a mission is never a good way to begin. Leonardo, may I speak with you? I know you are anxious to free Karai, but a plan that leads to confrontation with the Shredder is doomed to failure. Even if we have to face Shredder, isn't it worth it to rescue your own daughter? I am not willing to risk your lives or my daughter's. Hai, sensei. So is that a "no go" on operation: Rescue Karai? No, Splinter's wrong. We can't wait. Let's do this! -What did Mikey do? -I didn't do it. What is that? It's Krang atmosphere. Here, filtration units. They'll allow us to breathe it safely. Guys, I think this goes to dimension "X". Where the Krang come from? Yes, it- <i> Turtles!</i> Leatherhead. He's alive! Shh, he's saying something. They're about to- <i> Turtles, The Krang have perfected the mutagen.</i> <i> They're about to-</i> Oh, no! They got him! He needs our help! He must be in dimension "X". As soon as the portal opened, his signal came through and activated the orb. So can the orb tell us where he is? Maybe, if I can- Mikey! [grunting] Where's Leatherhead? Where is he? [Device powers down] Mikey! I can fix this, but it may take awhile. Okay, we need to come up with a plan. Yeah! Part one is, Mikey stays here. Wait, why? You been messing up too much lately. We can't take the chance. [groaning] Leatherhead. Mikey! Booyakasha! You. You monster. [screaming] Enough, Raph. Enough. [screaming] It's okay, bro. Sensei's a master ninja, he's gonna be just fine. It's gonna be alright. Me too. Totally. You have a right to be concerned. The Krang invasion is imminent. What plans have you devised to stop it? I give you my latest invention, the turtle mech. It's fully armed with rockets, flamethrowers and an electro harpoon guaranteed to stop a massive Krang invasion army, or your money back. Giant robots are awesome. I go turtle mech. But that thing's not even ready. It could damage New York more than help it. It's ready... enough. There's got to be another way. We need to establish a second base outside the city. There is no time for that, Leo. The turtle mech is solid. If I were leader- But you're not leader, Donnie, I am. Oh, snap. Enough. Oh, yeah. Turtle mech power! April, pull that lever to your left. Hit the pedal. Dude, this is the coolest thing ever. Oh, my super mecha fantasy's come true. Krang Krang Krang Krang. There it is, Shredder's lair. Let's get him! Um, guys. [screeching] I think we're in trouble. We won't stand a chance in this thing. We can do this. Super Robo Mecha Force fought way bigger enemies. Booyakasha! [screaming] Lowly insects. Do you think Krang can be stopped? It was Krang who found your planet millions of years ago. It was Krang who used mutagen on the monkeys, turning them into lowly humans. And it is Krang who now transforms your world. [laughing] Then it will be Krang who gets kicked in the chin. [clanking] [screaming] -Stay away from my brothers! -Mikey? [making weird noises] Buzz off, Rocktopus! [laughing] You're okay. We were worried about you. Well, what took you so long? I've been here for months. Months? Or maybe a few hours. I don't have a watch. But we went through the portal like 15 seconds behind you. Obviously, time passes faster here than in our own dimension. There's a temporal differential. I love tempura. Ah! [screeching] Wait. How did you- Let's get moving. That thing's gonna keep coming back, and we've got to rescue Leatherhead. Ooh, better stock up on bang rocks. Mikey, be careful. [making weird noises] How did you do that? A lot of stuff here responds to sound. What are we supposed to do with these? Like this. [screaming] Wow. How did you know how these bug things work? It just seems sort of obvious. Mikey, you're like a genius here. Hey, in crazy backwards land, crazy backwards dude is king. They're tasty too. So let's go rescue Leatherhead. Okay, I got some good news and I got some bad news. What's the good news? There's thousands of Krang droids in there. I said, "Good news". I know. That's the bad news. I got this. Donnie, right. Raph, left. Move! Wrong. Hey, Traag, Granitor! Put him down! Now! I told you, I got this. -He's so... -Un-Mikey-ish? Exactly. Take that. [screeching] Let's move.
Channel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Views: 100,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the TMNT, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Shredder, Splinter, Master Splinter, April O’Neil, Nickelodeon, Nick, Pizza, New York, Fight Scenes, Funny Moments, Comics, Cartoon, Cartoons, Turtles, TMNNT Scene, TMNT Clip, Krang, Video Game, Games, TMNT Fights, Mutant Mayhem, Shredder’s Revenge, Martial Arts, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, TMNT Movie
Id: LqKhR85d-II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 31sec (3691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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