24 Hours with DONATELLO ๐ŸŸฃ | Hour by Hour | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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check it out guys we are about to take our ninjja suit to a whole new level cool last night I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs W now to make them I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it slowly blow out the contents wait for the inside to dry then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax blah blah science blah do it again again what I'm trying to tell you guys is they take a long time to make so use them sparingly I'm making breakfast who wants omelets om let Mikey don't I think that was a rotten egg those aren't eggs Mikey they're ninja smoke bombs shut up this is the best day of my life Mikey stop I love you man [Music] seriously H an anti-gravity calzone maker might not be the most practical invention maybe a new Robo training dummy that Raph can't destroy in 5 minutes oh than be what's your next stealth biker Turtle Mech or Patrol buggy face it without some crazy weekly threat there's just no [Music] [Music] [Applause] point isn't it cool I reverse engineered it from the crang Droid okay why so the Drone can handle the dangerous stuff while we stay out of Harm's Way oh I get it this is for wimps too afraid to fight no it's for wimps too smart to fight I I mean ooh let's call it Metalhead why you ask because it's got a head and it's made of we get it I don't need a toaster to fight my battles for me this is ridiculous Don it takes the whole point out of being a ninja it's exactly the point of being a ninja we adapt now watch this attack the Drone give it all you got you sure I don't want to break your toy I do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's in my guts I can feel it in there munching on that popcorn I ate it's freaking me out man okay okay you got to stop with the this because I can't hear what's going on inside your intestines oh I'll tell you what's going on in there let me see oh yeah right now the mutant squirrel is probably secreting a mucus into your stomach lining so that when it multiplies Mikey not helping though probably 98% accurate get them out get them out get them out just as I thought we need to perform surgery stat let me out of here why you you you R are you Rose race for [Applause] grossness Donnie Donnie some sciency stuff would be a big help right now glowing glowing is bad glowing is real [Music] bad this is it this is the tunnel great now what I'm creating a vibration that'll attract the [Music] worm you really think a stick is going to attract the satchel salt Salt's ionic strength can burn through a worm's neuros setory cells it's like acid yeah but salt Donnie we're out no wait huh anybody have any hand sanitizer wow dude is that is that a girdle looks comfy it's not a girdle it's something I started before we took off for space with these air launched grappling hooks we can travel vertically up a building or at any angle we want like Stockman flying his bugs you know in theory then let's put that theory into practice yo no no no wait wait wait H it worked We Rule booya accept this token of my gratitude Piza awesome thanks mamian you're welcome turt son wait how did you I do have other senses touch smell [Music] you don't think we're weird and scary you saved my life who am I to complain just try one sometimes things that don't seem like they go together actually make a great couple I I mean food fine wa these are amazing huh the scanners located the crank facility transforming the water supply which is right here we got to stop it looks like we got a mission you coming April sounds like a blast but unfortunately it's on the bottom of the East River and equally unfortunately I have an essay do plus I wouldn't mind a little human food pizza's human food not the way you eat it whoa whoa whoa you're going topside oh you got your t- phone right Donnie don't worry I'll be fine so Donnie how are we going to get out there don't worry guys I've been working on something that is pretty [Music] awesome this is not awesome seriously Donnie a submarine powered by bicycles you know what would have been more efficient swimming he piped down guys kinetic energy is the only way to charge the engines which should be done right about [Music] now we're almost there upar Periscope uh Donnie any chance this crank facility looks like a giant sea mutant oh that's not a mutant based on his physiology I'd say the crank brought him here from Dimension X how is that less horrifying it's not I just like to be accurate well whatever it is it looks like it's ing that Wow Let's Go [Music] stealth ah I give you the new and improved Metal Head I've been upgrading his artificial intelligence so he'll be the perfect training tool you sure training with metal head usually ends in him breaking something I've programmed him to simulate dozens of fighting styles including the foot and the crang can't simulate my fighting style let's just go already [Music] [Music] no get off w w wow W yummy can I get off the ride now Donatello Metalhead stop training program I think he put my chin on my nose I'm sorry Sensei but overall I'd say that was a pretty successful test successful Metalhead almost ripped Mikey's face off please je I had it all under control and when you don't Donatello has created a powerful tool it is to our advantage to study in enemy techniques but you must use that tool wisely perfect oh what's taking so long Donnie knows I have a short attent woo gum man this better be worth it [Music] worth [Music] it so you turned leatherheads old subway car into this Donnie have I ever told you how awesome you are no you haven't well I am seriously considering it what do you call this thing well it's a trans axled multi- armored electromagnetic the sh rer what the Shellraiser it's the perfect name that is the perfect name of course it is bro you guys always underestimate me ooh gum wow [Music] huh now I've assigned everyone to a station based on your individual skill sets I can't drive because my station's in the back so driver what Leo drives why he's least likely to hit something just for fun true so how do we get this baby going okay just ease the throttle forward ever so slow w woo what is powering this thing the crank Power Cell we got from Leatherhead I thought you said that was dangerous like the crank could track it that's why I put it under a lead glass shield now I can regulate the output and prevent the crang from detecting its signal I hate to interrupt but dead end uh dny how do I stop this thing don't what trust me Donnie you're awesome yeah take this and this oh and how about three of these and the winner is Casey Jones CH now old school games are stupid I'm more into a modern fully immersive 3D experience I'll give you a fully immersive PD experience p as in pizza and d as in delicious yeah boy what this is all we get Mikey and you keep the rest you're right bro I'm being greedy remind me to smack you later uh rap you're not freaking out h after you've been to a planet full of bugs nothing bothers you anymore look even after Mona Lisa betrayed you and you were almost eaten by a giant scorpion monster can we drop the Mona Lisa thing already seriously well it's awesome you got over your bug phobia wrath that's really hard to do all right ninjas finish fueling up fast cuz we're heading out on patrol Shredder's out there somewhere who knows what he's cooking up robots mutants maybe something even worse you just had to beat tur flal didn't you are you ready buzz buzz ninja harness away they'll never get past us my insect Brothers what after them all right yes pnic times over you pathetic drone what are those harness things why don't I have a harness thing what a fellow bug it worked I'm in your head boo guys guys you want to see what I made this is how bored I am yes Donnie I do okay okay okay remember the other day I was scringy junkyard no well I found an incredibly Advanced AI microchip made from get this self assembled chainlink co- polymers that's my favorite kind of co- polymer mine too and I used it to make this the most advanced music player in the world oh so who wants to try it I do toss me the teapod the teapod turtle pod teapod I am so good at naming stuff you're really going to plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head what if it melts his brain it won't and even if it did who know the difference what what's wrong it's h make it stop make it stop [Music] thanks that's it I got to get out of here [Music] [Music] oh yeah joural Mech power April pull that lever to your left hit the pedal dude this is the coolest thing ever all my super Robo meca fantasies come true run [Music] [Applause] there it is Shredder's Lair let's get him um guys I think we're in trouble we won't stand a chance in this thing we can do this super Robo Mecha Force fought way bigger enemies a lowly insects do you think cran can be stopped it was cran who found your planet millions of years ago it was CR who used mutagen on the monkeys turning them into lowly humans and it is CR who now transforms your world and it will be CR who gets kicked in the shin grappling hooks is everyone okay sort of not really barely [Music] functioning Donnie Donnie get this thing moving Donnie CR has had enough games dude weapons are down we got one last trick left but it might fry the mech I don't think we have a choice readying Electro Haroon first we tap into the City's power grid then we fire goodbye Turtles yeah got to shut down the [Music] system yes that's what I'm talking about we did it
Channel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Views: 14,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT, Ninja Turtles, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rise of the TMNT, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Shredder, Splinter, Master Splinter, April Oโ€™Neil, Nickelodeon, Nick, Pizza, New York, Fight Scenes, Funny Moments, Comics, Cartoon, Cartoons, Turtles, TMNNT Scene, TMNT Clip, Krang, Video Game, Games, TMNT Fights, Mutant Mayhem, Shredderโ€™s Revenge, Martial Arts, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, TMNT Movie
Id: 5oeS4Yhl2ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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