Spirit Soul And Body - Week 1, Day 1 - The Gospel Truth

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[Music] welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses on God's unconditional love and grace God was calling us here and we were like we're coming we're going to be obedient to God's call for us this was our place called that the provision for the healing was in this place and I know our provision for our ministry or what God wants us to do our purpose is here too and now here's Andrew welcome to our Monday's broadcast of the gospel truth today I'm starting a brand new series and I'm teaching on my favorite thing to teach on what I call spirit soul and body you know this is the truth that just transformed my life and it has become like the foundation of everything I teach this is I heard one person described this like a key that you stick in your brain and it just unlocks the Word of God it unlocks truth this is what it did for me it totally transformed my life and so actually everything I teach comes from this revelation of what I call spirit soul and body that's probably not the best title for this but I've titled at this because this is the way God spoke it to me so I'm just sharing it from my own perspective you know a good friend of mine Duane sheriff has a teaching basically the same thing and he calls it identity the theft now it's either identity thief or identity theft but it's all talking about your identity and because people don't know who they are and what God has done that they're confused and therefore Satan is able to come and steal things from them that God has provided but this this just totally totally transformed my life and man this is exciting to me I know that many of you have probably heard me teach on this I think it was two years ago on our television program that I taught an abbreviated teaching on this it's been 5 years since I've taught the entire revelation that God has given me about this and so I felt like it's appropriate to come back and to teach this and we have a lot of material that we're offering you this week our announcer will go into more detail but I've got study guides I've got a book in English and in Spanish we also have this little Illustrated teaching on spirit soul and body and one of my partners in Germany was touched by this so much he wanted to illustrate it primarily for children but actually it's turned out that this is just a great way to get this truth across and he's condensed about 6 hours of teaching into I think it's either 20 or 25 minute Illustrated DVD and it is really awesome it shows the guy here and he's got kind of a little fat body but then when he gets born again his spirit becomes this buff look and it's just it makes some great points so anyway I'm gonna be sharing with you this teaching about who you are in Christ your true identity in Christ and it's what I call spirit soul and body and here's the reason that I've called it that is because let me just give a little bit of background to why this was so important and how much this has helped me and I think that this will help you to understand the benefit that this could be to you but I got born again when I was 8 years old and I mean it was a genuine conversion the very next day in school on a Monday morning my friends could tell that I was changed and I mean I got born again I believe that if I was that would have died I would have gone to heaven I was truly saved at eight years of age but when I was 18 I had this miraculous encounter with the Lord where his love just flooded in the man for four and a half months I was overwhelmed with the love of God I mean it was life-changing I didn't I didn't sleep more than an hour at a time for four months I would just nap here in there but I was so excited I was just so caught up in the love of God I couldn't sleep I never sat down and ate a normal meal because man I was so excited I was studying the word I was praying I was ministering to people I just grabbed things as I went I mean my life was radically radically changed but after four and a half months the emotion the feel of this experience wore off primarily because I had people criticizing me in coming against me and stuff like this and I lost the emotional benefit of it and then panic set in because I didn't know what I did to cause God's love to be manifest in my life I didn't know what I did to cause it to leave and I had no clue about how to get it back and at the time I was thinking I had been taught that God loved me proportional to my performance if I performed well if I studied the word if I prayed if I led people to the Lord if I live the holy life then God would bless me and my whole life had been up to that point a performance-based relationship and yet when God revealed this love to me it was at the worst time in my life worth when for the first time in my life I realized that I was a religious Pharisee that I was a hypocrite and I repented and it was when I was just devastated by my own unworthiness that I experienced this love of God and as long as I was in this emotional thing it was okay but after it was gone I didn't I didn't know how to relate to God I now knew that all of my righteousness was like filthy rags but how could a God how could a perfect pure holy God love me I didn't love me for the first time in my life I'd realized that I'd just been religious that I'd been a hypocrite that everything I was doing it was for my own benefit I hadn't done anything motivated by love out of a pure heart it was all selfish trying to earn God's favor and I had finally come to the end of myself and I knew that I had nothing to offer God how could God love me and yet I had this experience where I knew he did but I was confused I did not understand and I one of the best things that ever happened to me in hindsight I didn't see it this way at the time but in hindsight I got drafted and I was to Vietnam and for 13 months I was in Vietnam and I was a chaplains assistant I wasn't out in the field like what we called the grunts but I was on a fire support base we were taking shellings and there was a number of times that there was some physical danger and things but as a whole I just was on this fire support base and I was without a chaplain the majority of the time I think the first four or five months I was in Vietnam I had a chaplain but then he you know left country and went back home and I was just there by myself and so I did nothing all day except just sit there and read the Bible and in hindsight it was probably the best thing that could have happened to me because I was taken away from the religious situation that I was in I was put on this fire support base in Vietnam and out of desperation there was just so much ungodliness around me it was like a magnet pulling me towards all of this you know there was free dope and just all of the booze that you could have and there's all of these things that were pulling on me and out of desperation I just had to stick my nose in the Bible and study the word and I was reading the word from 10 to 15 hours a day just studying the word and without realizing it the word began to change me I began to change effortless change I got another teaching on that called effortless change but anyway the reason I'm giving all of this background is to say that I began to start seeing things different and one of the things that just transformed my life is this truth I'm gonna teach you about spirit soul and body and I began to recognize according to John 4:24 that God is a spirit and that those who worship God have to worship in spirit and in truth I had to relate to God spirit to spirit and that God wasn't looking at my flesh my outward actions God wasn't dealing with me based on my performance but when I got born again I received a brand-new spirit and I'm gonna be expanding in ant find on this a lot but when I got this revelation this is what totally changed me it totally changed me and I have seen literally hundreds of thousands of people receive this same revelation and it radically changes their relationship if I had time I could give you testimony Eve actually got some videos of people who this teaching has transformed them and they went out on the mission field and started impacting tens of thousands of people because of the very same thing that God showed me right here so I'm just saying all of this to say that that's the background I loved God but I was struggling to understand God's love for me because I looked on the outward appearance it says in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 7 Samuel went to anoint a new king it turned out it was going to be David but David's father Jesse didn't even think enough of David to have him come as one of his sons and stand before Samuel he left David with the Sheep David was the runt of the litter it says in 1st Samuel chapter 16 that he was ruddy and the word ruddy there's some debate about what that means but it refers to red they think he was either red-haired or with a red complexion that he was it beautiful to look at in other words he was a mama's boy and here was Samuel coming to anoint the next king the previous King the current king at that time was Saul and he was a head taller than any other person in the nation he was this huge specimen of a man and here is David this run a ruddy a beautiful boy Jesse didn't even think enough of him to put his name in the Hat he brought all of the other brothers in but Samuel said it's none of them and God spoke to him first samuel 16:7 and says don't look on the height of his stature or any of these things because man looks on the outward appearance that God looks on the heart that's the way that God is God looks at you on the heart level and yet I was trying to relate to God based on my performance based on God am i doing have I prayed enough have I studied enough am i living holy enough and because of that my my performance was failing and some of you think well you just weren't as good as I am no the Bible says in Romans 3:23 all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Romans chapter five verses 14 through the end of the chapter 5 different times it just talks about that we've all come short that all of us are condemned there you cannot relate to God on the basis of your performance and yet this is what I was doing and I believe that this is one of the greatest mistakes made in the body of Christ today is that people are saying God I've done this and this and this I go to church I pay my tithe I study the word I'm living holy now have I done enough will you heal me will you prosper me you need what I'm teaching here on spirit soul and body because God is a spirit and to really connect with God you've got to do it spirit to spirit not body to spirit and see I only understood that there was two parts of me obviously there's I've got a physical body you can feel your physical body whether it's hot whether it's cold whether it's tired you can look at it in the mirror you can see it but there's another part of you that can't be seen or felt in a physical way and that's you're in what we call our personality this inner man the Bible calls that the soul the mental the emotional part of you your personality you know if a person came up and touched you on the shoulder you could physically feel it you could even be looking the other direction and not paying any attention to them but if they touched you on the shoulder you could feel it but did you know a person could not be with you physically and yet there could they could say words to you they could send you a text they could say something in those words you can feel it not in your physical body there's another part to you and that's your soul your mental your emotional part of you every one of us are aware of those two parts but what changed my life is when I realized there was a third part to me and that's my spirit and here's the verse that God is to unlock this to me in second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 it says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away build all things are become new I remember reading that and I said father I know that I am in Christ I know that I'm born again I got born again when I was eight years old and when I was 18 I had this experience where the love of God just overwhelmed me I said I know that I know you I had zero doubt that if I was to die if something would have happened to me in Vietnam I would have gone to be with the Lord I knew it I had zero doubts so I knew that I was in Christ and yet it says that you're a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new it didn't say all things are in the process of becoming new you will hear people interpret it that way because what they're doing is trying to take what the Word of God says and compare it to what they see and what they feel and they try and make these two things mesh and fit together and so they will say well all things aren't new yet but they are becoming there that's not what this says you can go into that Greek on this you can study it any way you want to this is not saying that all things are in the process of becoming new and it didn't just say that some things are the majority of things are a lot of things have become new no it says all things all things it says again if you are in Christ old things are passed away they aren't passing away they have passed away behold all things are become new and I remember reading this verse and I just you know put the Bible down and I was praying and saying Lord I know that I'm born again I know that you love me I have a relationship with you I know that I am in Christ and yet I started looking at my life and old things hadn't passed away all things hadn't become new because see I was looking on the outside I was an introvert it was hard for me to talk to people I felt constantly like there was people that God wanted me to witness to that I was too shamed I was too embarrassed to timid to do it I failed and you know and it's not that I was relative to other people it's not that I was a terrible person but you know what other people aren't my standard compared to the Word of God again Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God God is not comparing you to me or to somebody else God is comparing you to Jesus the glory of God and if you compare yourself to Jesus you have sinned and come short you can never relate to God you can never do enough to be accepted with God if you are just thinking that God is looking at you on your external on your actions and your thought life and if this is all you acknowledge that there is to you well then you're never gonna feel like second Corinthians 5:17 is a reality in your life you're never gonna be perfect in your body in your actions you will never be perfect in your thought and if you are just if you're honest you're going to be confused at the very least and at the at the worst you could literally just say well man I just can't believe the Bible idea it's not true I can't see it in my life and that's kind of where I was I was reading this it says old things are passed away they're already done old things have passed away all things have become new and I couldn't see it and so I was just saying god what's the answer to this how do i how do I understand this I know I'm born again and yet what the word is saying about me I cannot observe it in my life and the thing that changed my life I was reading a book and a man just in passing I was very critical and skeptical about what he was saying so as he as he was making his points I looked up every scripture reference that he had and he made something a statement similar to that it's your spirit that was born in not your body and not your soul and when he said that man I just shocked me I looked up the reference and it was this reference 2nd Corinthians 5:17 and all of a sudden the light began to dawn on me and what really changed me was recognizing I was three parts prior to that time again it's obvious that you've got a physical body it's obvious that there's a part of you that is beyond just your physical body you've got an emotional part but I honestly thought that the spirit and soul were just the same thing they were just different words referring to the same thing if you look up the word spirit in the Greek in the Strong's Concordance the word pneuma is what it is and it will literally define it as the immortal soul so even Strong's Concordance defines the spirit as the immortal soul it doesn't make a distinction between them but let me turn over and show you another verse that the Lord showed me in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and in verse 23 he was praying a prayer and he says the very God of peace sanctify you wholly that's WH o LLY not wholly hol why but completely and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and when I saw this it just rocked me to my core because again I had always referred to the inner part the part that you can't see but you can feel it your personality your feelings your emotions I thought that that was spirit and soul were just two different words for referring to it but this verse makes it very clear that you have a spirit soul and body you are a three-part being not a two part being and God is a spirit John 4:24 says God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth you have to connect with God through your spirit not through your soul and not through your body God is a spirit God is looking at you and me spirit to spirit not spirit to flesh spirit to body God is not dealing with you based on your actions he isn't dealing with you based on just your thought life now he's aware of those areas you are a complete being spirit soul and body but the real you when you got born again it was your spirit that got born again not your body you still have the same body if you were a man before you got born again you're gonna be a man after you get born again I don't care what you feel like on any given day there is a DNA there are chromosomes in every cell of your body and they are either male chromosomes are female chromosomes it doesn't matter how you feel and how you choose to identify on a certain day if you were a male before you got born again you're gonna be a male after you get born again if you were a female you'll be a female if you were fat you're gonna still be fat unless you go on a diet your body doesn't get changed this is important that you understand this we've got promises in the scripture 1st Corinthians chapter 15 talks about this mortal must put on immortality this corruptible must put on incorruption 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 that we shall not all sleep talking about death but we shall all be changed in the moment and the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump I think maybe that's 1st Corinthians chapter 15 but anyway those are scriptures I'm quoting to you and your physical body has been purchased and it's gonna be changed but right now you don't have a glorified body you still have the same body maybe with a few alterations maybe you've gained some weight gotten older your hair colors changed or something but you are still the same physical body that you had before you got saved you can tell that by observation and it's not your mental emotional part that got saved when you got born again you didn't get a brand new mind you still have the same mind you still got the same memory you still got the same deficits if you haven't trained yourself and if you there's something you didn't know you just don't automatically know all things but the Bible promises us in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 that there is coming today when we will know all things even is also we are known that hadn't happened yet your mind isn't changed so your body and your mind haven't changed so what part of you has changed what part of you became brand-new we're old things are passed away all things are become new it's talking about your spirit and I'm going to share a lot of scriptures with you I'm running out of time today but when God showed me this I just begin to delve into this and research it and I found out that in Christ in my born-again spirit I am brand new and I have all of his power all of his ability God sees me differently all of my sin is gone there is no sin in my spirit even when I sin now that may shock some of you but I'm going to explain this and go into more detail on it but because of this I can have boldness to enter into the very presence of God because I'm a brand new person in Christ had a lot more to share on this again I want to encourage you to please get this teaching on spirit soul and body I have it in English Spanish I have study guides in English in Spanish we have CDs they were taken from meeting a live teaching a DVDs DVDs that were made from television and we have this dramatization and illustrated teaching on spirits on the body listen to our announcer and please call or write today I believe Esther is the true original Cinderella story not only did she conquer the heart of the king she saved her people from annihilation Esther secret weapon was not her beauty but her heart Andrews complete teaching titled spirit soul and body is available in a CD as seen on tv DVD or in a live DVD album as well as a book audio book or study guide also available is the spirit soul and body Illustrated DVD this unique DVD illustrates the main points of the entire teaching in a few short minutes this exciting tool makes it easy to introduce Andrews foundational teaching to anyone even a child andrew himself has been amazed at how quickly and clearly this teaching can be brought to life through animation you can get these products in the spirit soul and body package this package includes the CD or DVD album the book audio book study guide as well as the spirit soul and body Illustrated DVD this package has a catalog value of one hundred and ten dollars but you can get it today for only $79 the spirit soul and body book is available for a gift of any amount when you write or call we encourage everyone to give because there's a blessing in giving but if you're simply unable to afford it Andrew and his partners will provide this book free of charge we want to say a special thank you to the grace partners of Andrew Wommack ministries your gifts make it possible to put free ministry materials into the hands of many people in need if you're not already a grace partner we ask you to pray about becoming one today you can become a grace partner or order resources through our website at aw mi dotnet while there you can discover more product details and download additional free resources or call our helpline monday through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven I'd like to invite you to come to our women's arrise conference it's November the 7th through the 9th I'm not gonna be there but some of my best friends Carly Tara des pastor sue sheriff pastor Cher's Johnson and Dorothy Brown that's James Brown's wife I tell you she's become a great friend these are some powerful women you'll be blessed it's going to be a great conference November 7th through the 9th and women arise in Woodland Park Colorado at our Carey's facilities I'd like to encourage you to check out our Inside Story on our website this is where we interview people behind the scenes tell you about things going on with Karis Bible College Andrew Wollin ministries we interview people we talk about outreaches that we have we have years worth of inside stories archived there we put out a new one every month go check it out at a WMI dotnet and then check on the inside story it'll be a blessing to you I'd like to invite you to join with me through world outreach this is what we call all of our ministry outside of Colorado Springs here in our Bible College we are reaching out all around the world and one of the ways we do this is through translations and we now have my discipleship evangelism translated into 31 languages with more coming online and this just cost a lot of money to do we put my animated our Illustrated spirit soul and body teaching and puttin into Chinese and there's just so much more to do but it costs money we would like to ask you to become a part of it help us get the Word of God out through these translations you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 61,288
Rating: 4.9418182 out of 5
Id: VCQrxWgjz68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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