Spirit of The Lord | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Morning Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning how are you guys doing today come on how are you guys doing today are you excited to worship jesus oh jesus we come before you today we come with all of our hearts lord we lay our hearts on the altar today and we say come and have your way jesus come and have your way that we choose today to not look away from you we choose to lock our eyes with you and to bring you something costly you are worthy you are worthy of all the praise you are worthy of all the adoration lord be glorified today be lifted high sweet precious jesus we come to be with you and only to be with you no other motive no other plan but just to simply sit and love you and jesus mighty name have your way have your way amen amen [Music] amen [Music] [Music] we have come to bow down we bow down [Music] [Music] me [Music] we are singing [Music] your eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] myself we are singing [Music] we are singing [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] come on [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for his day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] double [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the glory [Music] is [Music] [Applause] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] let us [Music] oh [Music] jesus wait for yourselves [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] just [Music] [Music] your hearts out your hearts before [Music] yes [Music] jesus we want [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] she's [Music] christ [Music] jesus christ jesus [Music] jesus she's is foreign see jesus christ [Music] is you should [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] [Music] come on [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] come on [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] house [Music] [Music] she's [Music] seasons pour your love on jesus [Music] let your voice [Music] because you are [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] do you mean [Music] wouldn't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the hope that i can more than this [Applause] [Music] is [Music] more than this [Music] is you are more than this [Music] is [Applause] are [Music] [Applause] god [Music] is wouldn't change [Music] for silver or gold [Music] is so turn your eyes [Music] in [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and your faith [Music] is your grace [Music] and your faith is [Music] is [Music] please [Music] first [Music] again come on make this a prayer [Music] with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] your eyes [Music] your grace [Music] beautiful jesus love we love you [Music] come on let's just lift our hands and sing to the lord come on this is a very special day i feel it in my bones so come on come on come on lift your voice to the lord let's just lift our hands close our eyes forget about everything around us everyone around us look at jesus just begin to love you come on you've got to pour it out of your own heart i we can't worship the lord for you you've got to just let it out let it out let it out let it [Music] out [Music] oh jesus [Music] you know i have the sense that many of you are in a storm and if it's not around you it's inside of you this inner it is inner turmoil of distraction i shared with the team earlier in our prayer meeting [Music] that when peter stepped out onto the waters those storm tossed waters jesus didn't change the waters so peter could walk on them [Music] but what jesus showed peter is that jesus walks above everything that he is above everything as long as peter turned his eyes towards jesus he'd be just fine just fine so i want you right now just to lift your hands close your eyes quiet your heart to steal your heart this is a crazy speedy distracted world quiet your soul right now the bible says to be still and know and know that i am god let's turn our eyes upon jesus right now come on dawn me sing that again so i'll sing that [Music] jesus [Music] again sing that again turn your eyes upon jesus [Music] is [Music] i'll just pick it up a bit and sing that again come on everyone [Music] [Music] is [Music] is oh lord you're beautiful [Music] come on just look at him sing that again oh lord [Music] everyone singing every eye closed [Music] look at jesus we welcome your presence [Applause] [Music] make this your prayer make this your prayer [Music] yes [Music] say that again let's lift our voice come on guys oh come on [Music] this is our prayer [Music] [Music] now come on come on [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't you just put your hand on your heart right now and in your own words ask the lord to light a fire again i love that verse that once burned bright and clear replace the lamp of my first love that burned with holy fear come on ask the lord ask the wonderful holy spirit the one we've been talking about learning of ask him it's his life it's his touch i believe he's falling upon people right now [Music] jesus said you have not because you ask not holy holy light just bring the music down a minute see what the lord's doing [Music] just softly on the keys just softly on the keys only the keys praise praise your lord come holy spirit i love you lord hey tasia have a seat there alex put your hand on her i feel the lord wants to honor her and then aiming you go back there as well put your hands on her actually bring her up front here thank you lord sit there amy come ryan alex you come you are helping i need the oh i need the every hour i need softly sing softly church [Music] my one defense let me hear your church [Music] you guys keep singing while i'm praying father come upon [Music] jesus the power of the holy spirit rest on her keep singing be her defense and vindicate her in the hearts of those who have spoken against her vindicate her with long-term fruit shield her and protect protector sing that again god's moving guys you should see how the lord's touching her come on keep singing keep singing [Music] sing it father let your glory rest on [Music] touch her today let this be the day she's been praying for jesus [Music] make her an immovable disciple of jesus and raise your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] every hour do you mean it do you mean it you have to mean it [Music] more than yesterday [Music] more than the air i breathe [Music] more than anything [Music] i'll be by your side i need you more just picking up a little instrument [Music] more than words [Music] more than the air i breathed [Music] more than my next heartbeat [Music] oh come [Music] than on [Music] more than ever before [Music] more than anything [Music] [Music] ryan come on keep worshiping the lord thank you lord [Music] jimmy jimmy come over here buddy thanks for her filter power of the holy spirit [Music] a revival in his heart a renewal and revival within awaken awaken mighty wind of heaven blow blow again come o northwind come on blow yourself [Music] awaken us all awaken awake and awaken [Music] just lift your hands to heaven everyone just make yourself available right now [Music] just surrender your heart father we've come [Music] to love you we have come to feast on the bread of life ryan you come jimmy you stay there and uh babe you come over here father do what no man can do [Music] and fill floyd beth with the joy of our salvation and make heaven so real to her pour out your bong on her heart and heal her broken heart today for we sorrow not as those who have no hope make heaven so real i pray she'd leave with a supernatural smile may you catch every tear and store them you are the one who heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds let your anointing go deep today wonderful jesus you're the great healer make her heart whole make her heart whole the mighty name of jesus christ just one more song one more song guys if i were you right now i would literally leave the baggage on the ground and let it burn today i would lift my hands if i were you and get lost in the presence of god just forget about nothing matters when jesus fills a room nothing [Music] come on let's tell him let's tell him let's [Music] my tell [Music] come on let's fill the house with this love song let's fill the house with this love song no one else [Music] oh this moves his heart so deeply sing that again [Music] there's can we sing that again you need this more than the sermon i promise [Music] no one else jesus [Music] one more time can we lift our voices and just build the lord at home come on there is none like [Music] nobody compares to you lord i could [Applause] [Music] come on search let's go let's pick it up come on let's pick it up no one else can't touch my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one else [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] i said hallelujah [Music] oh let him know you love him [Music] [Applause] thank you for coming thank you for trusting us with your presence [Applause] joy unspeakable oh let's pray heavenly father we come this morning to be with you certainly that's enough if you are the all-in-all and you are so i ask you in jesus name to intensify your presence here we have one reason to gather it is your glory one focus it is your glory your precious presence lift your people above this world today lift us all and truly give us joy unspeakable filled with glory in jesus name amen now i want you to give him a praise like he's actually alive [Applause] hallelujah thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] just grab his seat quickly i want to follow the holy spirit i was just going to go in a direction and i felt felt him change things here for the next 10 minutes i'm just going to ask everyone to grab a seat quickly i'm about to share the gospel so please cooperate with the holy spirit and i want the least amount of distraction possible take your bibles to luke 16 please once you get there just just keep your bible open good morning how many of you are happy in jesus that's that's allowed legal and recommended it's actually commanded how many of you have recently or maybe over this season you've been more and more aware of the fleeting nature of this life anyone jesse told me the other day uh i don't know where we were but she told me babe your beard is getting too gray and i'm not ready for that she said i'm not ready for it i said well we'll get you some counseling i'm not sure i'm not sure what to do to help you with that one but really i remember meeting nathan and kathleen's uh twins when they were in their strollers in santa barbara it was the first time we ever met way out in california and now they're in college right without a show of hands how many of you in your 50s remember how quickly 50 came my my dad told me the other day that he said your mom's going to be 76 this year i thought where did the time go it's really amazing to me to see how tightly we hold on to the things of this world the things of this life and the majority of those things will not be a reality in eternity they're going to die here and in luke 16 i want you to before i begin reading this this is what i want you to purpose in your heart that the lord himself brought you here so that you would sit under the gospel right now and heaven itself has given the green light on you just sitting in this room jesus said no man comes to the father but by me and then he said no man can come to me unless the father approves it i want you to think of that for a moment to come to the father jesus has to say okay and for you to come to jesus the father has to say okay you are a blessed people right now you're literally being invited into a relationship with the god of the universe and everything that happened in your life to get you here i promise you if you took a moment you would see the hand of god in it all. in luke chapter 16 the bible says there was this is verse one there was a rich man who had a steward actually i'm sorry verse 19. there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day in other words he was well fed most likely well insulated as well verse 20 but there was a certain beggar named lazarus full of source who was laid at his gate so this lazarus lived at the gate of the rich man desiring to be fed with the crumbs that's all just just the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sores so it was that the beggar died and was carried by the angels and before i go any further i would just like to turn your attention to the opening of this passage it does not call this a parable there's a very good chance it's my personal belief that jesus is talking about an actual experience for two individuals here because he does not say it is like or this is like the kingdom or listen to this parable he goes right in so it was verse 22 that the beggar died and was carried by the angels to abraham's bosom or paradise the rich man also died and was buried and being in torment and hades he lifted up his eyes and saw abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom abraham was the father of faith abraham's bosom was a location of the old testament saints who were people of faith in the coming messiah verse 24 then he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he might dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame man when i hear people say i'll see you in hell my heart breaks my soul cringes because they have no idea what they're talking about how deep does the agony have to be that you would call across the underworld for a drop of water a drop not a glass just a drop and he says i am tormented in this flame but abraham said son listen carefully now church remember that in your lifetime you received your good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and you are tormented and besides all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from there pass to us i wonder why those would want to pass from abraham's bosom to the flames possibly to rescue those they loved who knows who really knows but abraham makes it clear here this is an impassable gulf a great chasm and verse 27 then he said i beg you therefore father he's speaking abraham now the rich man that you would send him to my father's house for i have five brothers that he may testify to them lest they also come to this place of torment abraham said to him they have moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said no father abraham but if one goes to them from the dead they will repent but he abraham said to him if they do not hear moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded even if one rise from the dead i want you to think of that for a moment here the scriptures say that if somebody doesn't believe the gospel they won't believe a resurrection abraham is saying if you don't believe the text you won't believe the miracle that's the way faith works it's also the way doubt works it's interesting to me that even though this man had everything in the world he didn't even have the compassion to tend to a man's sores that lived at his door but the dogs did and they licked him it's wild that dogs knew what to do but the person who didn't repent did not the dogs were more merciful than the sinner in this passage but abraham points the rich man's attention to the gospel he said you have moses and the prophets it's all there it's all there in psalm 22 they pierced my hands and my feet it's all there in isaiah 53 he was wounded for my transgressions bruised for my iniquity the chastisement of your peace rich man was upon him and by his stripes you are healed but you don't believe that so you won't believe a resurrection and now now your due is here your payment is here and you live for yourself your whole life but this poor man is in glory enjoying rest and you're eternally tormented in a flame because in the flames up because you chose what was temporary i also want to turn your attention to this that this is all in red ink this is not an old testament passage this is the loving jesus you know the same jesus that brings children to him he puts them on his knee and blesses them the same jesus here is warning us [Music] of eternity without him and pleading with us to spend eternity with him the same jesus said this that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to possess eternal life and his disciples said then who could be saved and jesus again just like last week i told you jesus again turned the attention of the disciples to the holy spirit he said this with god all things are possible it takes the holy spirit and i want you for a moment to ask yourself this question i mean not in vain religious response no no no but through the proof of your life i want you to ask yourself this question or more importantly ask the holy spirit to help you answer this question what and who are you truly living for are you living for temporal things is the compass of your life pointed toward apprehending temporary goods temporary status temporary promotion are you living for another day i just prayed for floyd beth her precious brother went on to be with the lord how old floyd 36 years old two three weeks ago floyd beth's on our staff 36 years old he went to be with the lord in his kitchen right with his family there 36 he stood before the lord and he knew the lord thank god thank god so i could pray for floyd beth this morning and pray this prayer over her we sorrow not as those who have no hope i prayed that prayer lord make heaven real to floyd beth show her holy spirit that her brother is with you those are promises to believe this i should say those are promises that belong to those who live for another day those listen those are promises for pilgrims those are not promises who belong to sons and daughters of this world of this age and those promises do not belong to those who live a life spent on pursuing what will burn in holy fire we all need to come to this place that's why i didn't i noticed i did not once say to you during this loving holy spirit filled appeal that i feel from the heart of god never once did i say have you prayed this sinner's prayer because that is not proof of our salvation i'm not asking if you speak in tongues i've met many people who speak in tongues who live like demons and are proud of it they don't even speak in real tongues trust me this is what i'm asking is your life being lived and animated by the life of jesus have you given jesus all in all and are you living for another day there are many in this room who are children of revival many of you came up in moves of god many of you were burning at one point and at some point just because of the complication of life your spirit numbed and that lamp went out that we were singing about replacing me the lamp of my first love it went out i'm speaking to two types of people this morning this is a house of mercy because the merciful one is here with every head about an eye closed i want you to do real business with god today and realize that the lord brought you and and just all i'm asking is that you would authentically respond and lose the inhibitions it doesn't matter what people think in the room it doesn't matter what the family members think around you or what they'll think when you get home what matters is this where do you want to spend eternity where the poor beggar spent eternity or where the rich man who chose the things of this world spent eternity with every head about an eye closed if you say michael i really want to come to jesus i mean for real and i want to be free from sin and i want to burn with first love again if you're one of those two people i want you to lift your hand right now thank you father i want everyone to stand in honor of what the lord's doing in the room come on hallelujah listen carefully children i know you can hear me we have been seeing a children's revival in this church it is amazing to see what god is doing if you can understand what i'm saying children if while i'm speaking you feel the lord pulling on your heart i want you in just a moment when i invite everyone to come forward who raised their hand or wish they did i want you to come forward as well if you brought someone here or if you're sitting next to someone if you came with somebody if you know the person nearby or maybe they're not even close to you but you know there's somebody here in this room that is not living for the lord because you know them you see the fruit of their life it's obvious i want you to walk up to them and say hey do you need to get down there this morning the moment i give the invitation i want you in fact you can start doing that now if you raise your hand or wish you did i want you to get down here right now and let the lord cleanse you and receive life eternal come on come on come on down come on give the lord praise many of you raised your hand come on down thank you jesus thank you jesus you jesus this is a vulnerable walk but it is the greatest walk you will ever take [Applause] this is a vulnerable walk but it's the greatest walk you'll ever take young and old young and old come on give the lord praise this is wonderful young and old people receiving jesus we all come to him broken we all come to him wrapped in sin we all come to him hopeless and he becomes our home [Applause] thank you lord come on give the lord praise they're still coming thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus come on come on thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i would like the front rows right here to just surround these precious people in love i want us to support them so gather around them these front rows yep you know what to do you know what to do guys isn't this wonderful isn't this wonderful i said isn't this wonderful aren't you glad you're in a church that people get born again in thank you father now for everybody who came forward just look me in the eye here for a second you're bringing the lord your weakness your failure that we all have and the good news is you don't have to fix it and he never asked you to you made the right choice and by the way it's really the only choice that's really going to matter when you stand before the lord you'll be happy one day on the day that we all face when we close our eyes we've all buried loved ones we all know that day is coming you'll be able to close your eyes in peace you made the right choice and you made the right choice because he chose you first so jesus said you did not choose me i chose you your yes is a response to his yes even in your sin and your brokenness he's still saying yes to you today in just a moment we're going to pray and this is much bigger than a prayer this is a divine transaction where you offer the lord your life and he gives you his life he will come to live inside of you forever [Music] you'll never be alone again and the holy spirit himself will come to live inside of you and jesus will never remind you of your sin again you're going to leave here listen carefully as though you have never sinned one time in your entire life that is the greatest news under the heavens [Applause] [Music] most of the people here are not that you need to be for this to really matter most of the people church are up here weeping and the holy spirit's falling already are you all willing to follow jesus with everything you are now yes just give me a head nod you're all willing to follow jesus okay let's pray and let's just mean it from the depths of our souls heavenly father come on out loud church heavenly father i have sinned against you forgive my sin i repent today i turn from my sin i turn from the ways of this world [Music] i turn from the devil himself and i turn to you jesus i put all my trust in you jesus you are my salvation jesus i believe that you are the perfect son of god [Music] but you came to the earth born of a virgin lived a perfect holy life i believe that you suffered and died [Music] but you were nailed to the cross oh hold on don't repeat this part holy spirit show them show them the price paid reveal the cross to them right now all the suffering of jesus reveal it to them i pray that many of them would even have the most beautiful beautiful revelation of the cross right now all right let's keep praying i believe that you bled and died on the cross for me you took my dad took my sin and nailed it to the tree jesus i believe that you were buried and raised from the dead three days later because you are the son of god the perfect one god almighty jesus i believe that you ascended to the right hand of the father [Music] that you are enthroned forever as king of kings and lord of lords and i believe you're coming back again to judge the living and the dead to rule and reign i am yours i give my life to you fully and i will follow you all the days of my life receive me as i receive you come and live in my heart in jesus name [Music] amen amen amen oh come on thank you lord [Music] now listen carefully listen carefully for everyone who came forward please just look at me you are called to live a life of victory not a life of inconsistency sin is no longer your master i don't care if you have issues or whatever you don't need to be ruled by them we all have issues but you don't need to bow to those issues god designed you and created you to live a life of holiness and no you can't do it but he can do it in you does that make sense to you yeah number one read your bible every day i'm telling you and this is why this is true bread look how whacked out the world's getting just by reading and believing everything okay and that's demonic all right imagine what the words of jesus do to a heart all right how do you think the enemy gets people to hate each other by them listening to their own stuff over and over again how do we grow in love by receiving the word of god this is living bread living bread jesus said that okay number two pray every day look how they're all standing in honor of what's going on here i'm so proud of you church you know what really matters i'm proud of you number two pray every day what is prayer talking to the lord and letting him talk to you now because he's majestic and loves you he doesn't want to do it when you're distracted and around other people so go into the room and close the door and i tell our students this some of them have roommates so they don't have their own room kick the roommate out for a little bit and do go whatever you got to do go in your car if you don't have a car find a tree you know where a tree is find a bush find a beach just get somewhere alone with god go be with the lord number three be baptized in water when you go into the water the holy spirit comes upon you absolutely severs you from this world's way and you burst out of the waters and newness of life it is amazing and glorious it is not a recommendation it is actually a commander that you live in victory it severs the old man in ancient times they would take a dead body to torture a living man and they would tie that dead body to the living man and the disease of the dead body would slowly kill the living man this is one of the reasons why many people who come to the lord right now do not live a life of victory because they don't get baptized do it do it okay number four be part of a local church you need other people you need other people to lift you up and the beauty about about living with other people in god's presence is their strengths become your strengths and you can share your weaknesses there's a real family that you've been born into actually you haven't just been born again you've been born into a new family the body of christ maybe you came from a messed up family now you're part of god's family and you can pray that your family would come to know the jesus that you just met lastly lastly you need power to live this life the age of the christian superhero is gone thank god you are called to walk in power to bring healing to the sick to raise the dead to cleanse the leper to feed the home homeless to bring peace in a troubled world to do that you have been promised the same power that jesus operated in the power of the holy spirit this is a promise from the lord himself and this was the promise you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you unto this that you would be his witness what does a witness do in a trial they just talk about what they experienced and that's what every witness of jesus should be and i want to pray that over you right now it's now you're not going to receive this because of your perfection you've already received his perfection this promise is from the father administrated by jesus and he's praying for you right now you can't miss if you just receive church stretch your hands would you please just pick up those keys for me father i just want everyone who's come forward just to just lift your hands and receive like little children father you promise the holy spirit to those that ask [Music] let the power of the holy ghost come upon these wonderful people holy spirit i invite you to come and fill and touch and empower them to use them in these last days thank you wonderful lord for filling your people with the precious presence of the holy spirit i praise you for what you're doing here i praise you for what you're doing here i praise you for what you're doing here church can we give the lord praise [Music] [Applause] come on give the lord praise [Applause] i want i want us to just give the lord praise one more time because this is a mighty victory thank you lord we we prayed for souls in the back and i thank you jesus for what you're doing oh hallelujah all of you welcome to the family of god welcome to a new brand new amazing life in jesus i want our team that's surrounding them just to help them back in love and i want them as they go back to their seats to feel the the the joy that is in the hearts of this church give the lord praise as i go back to the sea god bless you guys let's help them back help them back to their seats thank you lord awesome awesome amy would you come up let's welcome amy pozinski you know we say this every week but bringing our tithes after you just see people come from death to life there is no better time to give to the lord and are you thankful for this house that the gospel is preached every week and that every week souls are saved what a privilege it is to come in this house and i i feel the fear of the lord because he's here he's right here and he's worthy he's worthy of everything if you want to go to genesis 28 and you're probably familiar with this passage where the lord comes and visits jacob in a dream and i'm going to skip around a little bit but i'm going to start at verse 13 and it says behold the lord stood above and said i am the lord god of abraham your father and the god of the land on which you lie i will give to you and your descendants also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth you shall spread abroad to the west in the east to the north into the south and in you and in your seat all families of the earth shall be blessed behold i am with you and will keep you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land for i will not leave you until i have done what i have spoken to you and i'm going to jump down to verse 20 and it says then jacob made a vow saying if god will be with me and keep me in this way that i am going and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on so that i come back to my father's house in peace then the lord shall be my god and this stone which i have set as a pillar shall be god's house and of all that you give me i will surely give a tenth to you and so jacob's response was to build an altar into offered his tenth and this is pre-law and so our proper response is to give what he's freely given us and i felt just during worship i felt the lord say be vulnerable and so i remember a time when tithe was out it was it was difficult you know there's seasons when we struggle you know paul talks about being content and lacking in plenty and i knew the word of god and one day i heard the lord say but you don't trust me in the most loving way he said it because if i come in worship if i come to the word if i spend time with him but i'm withholding what is his then i don't trust him and i want him to have my whole heart not just my song not just not just my prayers not just my affection my whole heart and that includes my tithe as obedience and not just my tithe my offering and so any time and there's still times i'm gonna be real with you that i feel the lord calling me to give to give over and above and in my flesh wants to it wants to grip it and then i hear the lord and then you see the cross and so in those moments i go and i do something i do something extra because i said no lord i don't want to withhold i don't want to withhold because you didn't withhold and you do have my whole heart and so if you're in the room and i felt this if you have fear of giving over fully to him he is so lovingly inviting you that's why he says test me he's lovingly inviting you today even students if you haven't got in if you haven't given yet i want to invite you i hear the lord lovingly inviting you to test him and see what he'll do he is a good father if you maybe had a father that didn't provide or didn't know how to provide your heavenly father will provide in matthew 6 it talks about he cares for the lilies and the birds how much more will he care for you and so i just want to invite you this morning to trust the lord fully because he can be trusted and to give fully because he is given fully you're not giving to michael and jessica you are not giving to jesus image you're not giving to the church or to events or as beautiful as as self you're giving to the lord and saying here is my whole life if you're asking of it i'm gonna give it all and i promise you he's a good father you don't have to worry he will provide so we're going to bring the buckets up and there's a number on your screen if you're watching online you'll use that number that's online if you're a part of our church you're part of our church family that watches online and jesus image is your church we invite you to also give and so jesus we thank you lord we thank you for your loving call today yes lord thank you i thank you that you're even speaking to hearts now that may have been fearful i pray today that fear breaks in the name of jesus that they would see you rightly as a father who will provide who will take care of their every need it is a joy to give to you we thank you lord that you gave everything so we give back to you yes so jesus i pray and i plead the blood of jesus over every church member over families over every minister over every business every son every daughter everyone that is watching online jesus i thank you lord that you will provide i pray that even this week lord that you will come and you will show yourself in miraculous ways lord meet every need bless and multiply the seed lord we do trust you lord we give into your hands today we bring our tithes today into your hands jesus we love you lord amen jesus name and lord we thank you for your blessing let your blessing rest upon your people and blow their mind with your goodness in jesus name amen amen you can come forward we'll be back in just a moment [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is worthy to be praised [Music] the throne [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] did everyone get an envelope who needed one did anybody not receive an envelope [Music] [Music] you have to work harder [Music] how many of you think it was worth the wait to see people saved i do like to be sensitive to our team who has to tear down and do it again tonight and by the way tonight is going to be insanely special very special do not miss tonight's service i think this morning is a tee up for what i believe in the lord to do tonight i feel like we're entering a season of impartation as a church as a family and uh it's important to to receive the word of god uh it postures you to receive the impartation the lord wants for you all right last week we talked about the holy spirit we are still in our series on the holy spirit and last week we talked about god the holy spirit god the holy spirit i want you to take your bibles to isaiah chapter 6 verse 9. i started with the holy spirit being god because i feel like that is the right place to start that sets the tone and the standard and the stage for our relationship with him isaiah 6 actually let's begin with verse 8. also i heard the voice of the lord i want you to underline the lord saying whom shall i sin and who will go for us us is capitalized there by the way then i said here am i send me and he said who's speaking here say the lord go and tell this people keep on hearing but do not understand keep on seeing but do not perceive make the heart of this people dull their ears heavy and shut their eyes lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and return and be healed i could preach on that verse alone for a month who is speaking there come on come on what do you view is this a what are we doing here come on who is speaking here the lord all right now i want you to go to acts 28 25 which is a repeat a quotation of isaiah 6. so we're going to read this carefully and your brain is going to fry and it's going to be fun to look into your eyes when it starts frying don't you love the word of god acts 28 25 so when they did not agree among themselves they departed after paul had said one word are you ready the holy spirit spoke rightly through isaiah the prophet to our fathers saying go to this people and say hearing you will hear and shall not understand and seeing you will see and not perceive this is a repeat but who does who did paul say was speaking in isaiah 6 the holy spirit what does isaiah chapter 6 call the person speaking the lord there you go the holy spirit is the lord he is much more than the one who gives you goosebumps and helps you get words of knowledge it's that's fine he will give you words of knowledge we see it i don't know all the time but you got to know who you're dealing with you got to know who you're dealing with bob gladstone of the brownsville revival said something really powerful once he said the the manifest presence of the holy spirit is like nuclear power when properly walked with and handled it gives life brings electricity and energy but when it's twisted and not properly dealt with it can kill you and so is the person of the spirit it's vital we understand who we're walking with all right acts 5 3 acts 5 no no no i'm gonna give you another one second corinthians 3 17 we're going to about to laugh and cry and rejoice in this passage second corinthians 3 verse 17 i should say second corinthians 3 17 if you're ready say uh-huh now the lord is the spirit. now the lord is the spirit that's about as simple as it gets and where the spirit this one's i'm about to laugh at you and with you and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty all you weird people love that one but you just didn't read the next verse but we all with an unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory but how's that happen just as by the spirit of the lord i'm joking with you and i call you weird but i'm not you know who you are and you're still deeply loved we've been telling the world that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and we've been telling the world that that liberty is unto just going bonkers whenever you want to it's just not what the bible says it's fun as it is to go bonkers and sometimes you need to i'd much rather have a church that's a little on the bonkers side than this cool another guy got saved really cool cool no i'd much rather have some people who who make you wonder than just a congregation filled with people who look like they've been embalmed that's the worst i will never pastor that kind of church i'd rather deal with the grenade and the bomb as i said before will pastor the mess give me the fire give me everything that comes with it and then we have to be humble enough to receive correction and we're all good and we can have it all you follow me so here the bible says that the lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty to do what to become more like jesus by looking at him not to just scream ho every eight seconds that is not what this verse is talking about now i've had guttural groans i get it i've added i understand that but that verse is not talking about us doing whatever we want that verse is actually saying the holy spirit is god and where he is he brings a liberty to the soul to behold the lord so that you become more like the lord that's what that verse is about does that make sense so we always go we're going from glory to glory not if you don't look more like jesus every time sometimes glory to glory is actually becoming more quick to forgive you know what i mean sometimes going from glory to glory is being faithful with your resources and being a faithful steward a faithful tither and a faithful person who brings offerings that is part of it because jesus actually sat at the offering box and watched everyone give that makes us really uncomfortable he sat there what if what if i had the boxes here and just went like this and they didn't have envelopes to hide the offering to make it more private they didn't have that so he's how do you think he knew she brought two mites he saw them he was really engaged in it he wasn't so much looking at the number he's looking at the heart but he saw the correlation do you see jesus sometimes that is going from glory to glory the word glory by the way actually means the manifest person of the lord jesus so going from glory to glory means this i become more and more like jesus not more and more cosmic more and more like the lord jesus christ that's what it means to go from glory to glory the glory of god is the manifest presence of the holy spirit that reveals jesus i become more like jesus by beholding him as in a mirror in other words if i stare at him he morphs me into his nature we call that adoring worshiping meditating on the person of the lord it works like a mirror and that's why the holy spirit comes here as the lord to bring a liberty what's that look like was anyone interested in being like jesus and going from glory to glory before you got saved i don't know about you i wasn't that was the last thing on my mind i was nothing about how to be more meek how to be more humble like the lord how to forgive my enemy i wasn't thinking like that but all of a sudden i'm born again a liberty comes and i can see the lord with the eyes of my heart and with that vision with that internal vision of constantly beholding he makes me like him you do not become more like jesus by merely trying to become more like jesus you become more like jesus by staring at jesus which is liberty liberty to look aren't you glad we took 15 extra minutes acts 5 3 but peter said ananias why has satan filled your heart to lie to the holy spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land quick question what did peter also say you have not lied to man but to wild that ananias was lying to peter in the flesh but because god was in the house the holy spirit saw it as him lying to god you see revival a house of presence is costly and in some ways dangerous because when the glory comes the stakes go up the standard is lifted in his presence why why was there such a judgment i mean we know a lot of people who die or i'm sorry who have lied i mean how many people lie in church i mean we've all been around it gosh some of the stuff going around today makes me scratch my head the stuff certain christian leaders do makes me scratch my head as much as i love them i'm going what in the lord's name are you thinking you're supposed to be upping the ante and setting a higher standard and your your example is damaging the body of christ well that's not new but why did ananias and sapphira die yet others who lie don't i'll tell you the glory of the holy spirit see when when he comes everything is accentuated why did jesus say it'd be better that judas would never be born judas the first guy to steal money or the last no what was it he walked with jesus he walked with the glory in flesh and because jesus revealed himself to us in to him in that measure his correction or i should say what judas judas's penalty was much more extreme because to whom much is given much is required that's the way it is i'll go on and on moses poor moses poor moses gets his calling at 80 80 years old has to lead a nation out of bondage through a wilderness at 80 years old serves his father-in-law from 40 to 80. becomes a shepherd he goes from prince which is the highest to shepherd which was the lowliest occupation then god could trust him i missed that you want to be a prince in heaven you have to become a shepherd here that's another teaching so moses does his best and he gets frustrated with those people you can't blame them because they want to kill him or him you can't blame him they want to kill him and they want water and the lord says hey strike that rock and he strikes the rock but he strikes it twice and we all say moses did not get to go into the promised land because he hit the rock twice true yes but there's more to it number one the rock spoke of christ and jesus only died once and that's what hebrews teaches us so he struck it twice that was the first thing that went wrong number two the lord told him what he really did wrong see we look at the action god looks at the heart and this was the big issue to god this is what god said to moses you have not hallowed me you have not made me look holy in this circumstance before the people you treated me as common because we meet face to face you forgot who you were talking to didn't that happen all the time worldly earthly relationships we get close to people they may be a pastor or a leader in your life and you start kicking it with them and all of a sudden you kind of forget that they they're still your pastor i've seen fathers check me really quickly hey don't forget one time i i said something my father-in-law he was watching this meeting and the i thought it was awesome but he he picked something up on the worship he goes that won't last long i was so mad at him because i'm watching it there in my office getting blessed by it people are getting saved and healed he goes something's up that won't last long i go i said why do you say that it bothered me he goes the worship the worship i don't hear the lord's name now i was young i was a younger guy back then and and i said this is what i said to him do you think that how great thou art is on repeat in heaven oh man the moment i cross that line he goes i've been doing this for 35 years you know nothing his you know nothing was so true because you know the least when you think you know the most in other words i crossed over and forgot yeah he's my father-in-law he's just his daddy we're closest to friends but god needed to remind me he's an anointed vessel of the lord shut up you see and that's what happened with moses is he didn't hallow the lord in the eyes of the people the greatest thing you can do for your family for your ministry is to live listen a live a life of abandonment and holiness it expresses to the people that god is holy okay now the lord is that spirit so ananias and sapphira don't do that they die why because the spirit of god was manifesting in their midst the standard was higher that's good romans 8 2 for the law i'm going to speed up here because i have four minutes for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death every born-again christian has that promise you have been set free from the law of sin and death sin causes death you no longer are part of that system you belong to another system a kingdom system called the the law of the spirit of life is the holy spirit god he's the spirit of life he doesn't just make you come alive he does that but he keeps your body together he puts the wind in your lungs to actually breathe and be alive he's the very spirit of the light of life first corinthians 2 10. for unto us god revealed them through the spirit listen to this for the spirit searches all things even the depths of god what the holy spirit searches oh my gosh the depths of the trinity are you kidding me and by the way those are limitless depths he searches them and when we build friendship shares many of those things with us that's what jesus said he would do he will take what is of mine and give it to you think about what we're being invited into in a life of fellowship with god the holy spirit let me give you two more first corinthians 2 11 next verse for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him so here paul's saying your spirit really knows you you know how like have you ever been hurt by someone and you're doing all you can to forgive them you're doing all the right stuff but there's something in your heart that you still know needs a little work everyone in you would think you don't need a little work but your spirit's going the little work needed there you still feel that way okay that's what this is saying here let's read the next sentence even so the thoughts of god no one knows except the spirit of god the holy spirit knows the thoughts of the trinity that is why proverbs calls the holy spirit wisdom you can't get any wiser than the thoughts of the trinity you need the thoughts of god right now jesus said the holy spirit would tell us of things to come we need to know that now more than any time possibly in history do we need to know what the future holds for the kingdom of god we know what the scriptures teach but god wants to speak to you in detailed form jesse dreams i don't know three four nights a week and there are usually substantial dreams of the holy spirit that we need as a family and as a ministry to move forward i'm grateful that the lord talks to us are you last one last one i've got so many i want to give you just one that will hurt in the best way oh here we go first thessalonians 4 8 first thessalonians 4 8 so he look at this let me give you a moment just to get there so he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the god who gives his holy spirit to you that is amazing absolutely amazing let me read the prior verse here look at verse 7 in your bibles for god did not call us to uncleanness but in holiness therefore he who rejects this does not reject man but god who has also given us his holy spirit listen very carefully paul is telling the church don't live a dirty life don't live a compromising life don't bring shame to the name of jesus don't no mixture live a life of cleanness he said don't don't live a life of uncleanness look at verse 8 therefore anyone who rejects this is rejecting god himself who gives his holy spirit to us in other words the holy spirit is god who has been given to us and paul is saying here to resist his word is to resist him because his word is come to us by the holy spirit amen do you receive that this morning all right let's pray let's pray i want to pray that the holy spirit would continue to become more real to you that you would continue to walk in fellowship with him next week i'm going i'm going to teach on the love of the holy spirit the love of the spirit and what it really means to fellowship with him let's just why don't we all stand please lord thank you for all you do among us thank you for your beauty thank you for everything you've done here i do pray that tonight would be charged with the glory of the lord come on pray i pray that tonight will be charged with the glory of the lord i pray that as we go home today that we would sense your presence and know your touch i pray for everyone who's come today for a touch for me that you would meet that need that you would heal their bodies heal their minds heal their families heal their marriages that you would touch them deeply in jesus name amen amen can we give the lord praise thank you lord so for those of you who uh who need prayer i want to invite you you can come you'll line up in the center aisle and our team if you guys would come up please our team is honored and ready to serve you to pray for you and i want you listen carefully i don't want you coming up for any other reason that in faith trusting the lord that he will answer your prayer so team you can come forward and we're honored to pray for you god bless you guys see you tonight see you next week bye god demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were still sinners christ died for us jesus shed his blood he died on the cross he was buried he rose again from the dead on the third day to give you life and to prove that he is the son of god who he said he was today he is seated at the right hand of the father and for those who belong to him he is interceding for them eternally and that same jesus will return again he will craft the eastern sky like a whip and with ten thousands upon ten thousand he will return in glory [Music] [Music] oh in 2017 we received a word from lou engle that we really believe is the word of the lord for our school our house and the entire ministry lou said that the greatest musicians in the world and the greatest vocalist in the world the greatest worshipers that they would descend upon orlando florida to jesus image and that word began to burn in us and we began to dream about what it would look like to one day have a school where people would come to worship jesus and be in his presence and receive his word when a church was birthed in that same worshiping atmosphere what a beautiful opportunity that we have as a jesus people to come before him and to be at his feet and to pour ourselves out before him worship has the potential to unlock things that really nothing else in the world can unlock and so we decided about a year ago to launch a an opportunity within the jesus school setting for those worshipers for the musicians for the singers for the dancers for the artists for the poets and this is going to be a place where you can come and you can learn and you can grow and we have highly trained instructors who are going to be coming they're going to be teaching instruments they're going to be teaching vocals anything that you can think of with worship it's going to be there the worship is not about us we worship for him so we want to invite you to come come worship the king of kings with us so come and be a part of what the lord is doing come and give your heart to the lord come and surrender yourself to the lord and let's be ones that are willing to rise and go and we decided to name it after bethany that wonderful house where jesus was ministered to that place where the feelings of jesus were preeminent it was a place where he desired to not only move and work and teach and do wonderful things put a place where he would be adored a place where he would rest a place where he would run to so that he would receive ministry and so now jesus school has this space that's been created for all of you who are desiring to use your vocal gifts your instrumental gifts your gifts of worship the dancing gifts and give them to jesus [Music] jesus would make this a bethany that he make our lives of bethany where [Music] you were created to experience the presence of god in a way that will transform your life family and the world we understand how difficult it can be to find time to attend a school where you study the word of god grow in your faith and build a community of believers that's why we created jesus school online [Music] we believe that the holy spirit is unlimited in his reach no matter where you live or what stage of life you're in we invite you to take part in this amazing online opportunity you'll be led by world renowned speakers and worship leaders you will be taught to seek jesus daily be activated in the power of the holy spirit learn to share the gospel and build community with jesus people from around the world at jesus school online we are passionate about seeing a jesus people raised up to shake the nations for the glory of god you were created for this moment in history the jesus people are emerging and we have one ambition jesus will you himself us you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 66,806
Rating: 4.9427013 out of 5
Id: mjljOIDb6pQ
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Length: 150min 50sec (9050 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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