Spirit Led Marriage | Tim Ross

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- Submit to the Holy Spirit. Submit to the Holy Spirit. Matthew chapter number 14 verse number 26, but when the father sends the advocate as my representative that is the Holy Spirit, he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. Let me tell you the most vibrant marriages that I've ever seen up close. They are marriages that have people submitted to Christ, submitted to each other, and submitted to the Holy Spirit. You would be amazed how many counseling sessions I've been in over the past 22 years, of couples that hear from the Holy Spirit a lot about their spouse, (laughs) but never hear the Holy Spirit about themselves. It's completely antithetical to what Christ said was going to happen in Matthew chapter number 14. He didn't say I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit, he gonna tell you everything about everybody else except you. (laughs) That's not what the bible says. I'm gonna tell you all the dirt on Tasha, and I'm gonna tell you everything that Robert did. I'm gonna tell you everything that Karen did, I'm gonna tell you everything that Tim did, but I have nothing to say to you, 'cause you're perfect. (laughs) Let me tell you, you are listening to a spirit, but it aint holy, and the s is not capitalized. At that point, you are being counseled by a demon. Yeah, y'all didn't wanna laugh at that, y'all. (laughs) Aint no demons gonna be in this seminar today. (laughs) Any time the only voice you hear in your head is a critical voice about your spouse, that's never going to be God speaking to you. (applause) The Holy Spirit is gonna come and speak to you and remind you of everything Christ said. Scripture goes on to say that the Holy Spirit comes and he convicts us, he speaks to us. Let me tell you something, heres the thing about being submitted. When you really start being submitted to the Holy Spirit and allow him to speak into your marriage, ooh, he talks to you a lot.
Channel: XO Marriage
Views: 11,170
Rating: 4.9880238 out of 5
Keywords: marriage, marriage counseling, marriage help, marriage advice, relationships, relationship help, counseling, Christian counseling, divorce, husband, wife, issues, fixing your marriage, love, marriagetoday, Jimmy Evans, wedding, wedding planning, Holy Spirit, spirit, submission, xo, xo conference, tim ross, embassy church, submission in marriage
Id: KxYC-8WInsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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