11 / 17 / 19 - Graham Cooke - Out Of Measure, Into Fullness

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[Applause] all right I had a moment of confusion there when someone was talking about stalking people because in my accent I heard stalking I didn't realize there was a difference between stalking and stalking so you turn this in if you guys stop people okay but but I really am in church and it's everything's okay here's the thing it's not what God is talking you out of that's incredible it's what he's talking you into he's been talking as out of the old man and into the pneuma the years he's talking is out of an Earthbound spirituality into a kingdom anointing where God is limitless towards us as he is so are we in this world he's talking us into that is anything too hard for the Lord the actual translation of that from God's angle is is there any situation where I cannot be magnificent so he's talking you into majesty as a way of thinking as a way of seeing as a way of talking as a way of standing as a way of acting he's talking you into majesty but I also believe from what I'm here to my assignment today is I believe that God is talking us out of getting our needs met into coming into our inheritance he's talking is out of just getting our needs met into our inheritance he's talking us out of measure into fullness into abundance because the only way he can be fully represented on earth is through fulness he's not represented by measure he's not represented by limits he's represented by fullness abundance and that only comes in the form of the inheritance that he is actually set aside for each one of us an inheritance in terms of our relationship with him coming into fullness Jesus said these things I've said to you so that my joy might be in you and your joy forward John 15 11 your joy forth he's talking us into fullness of joy he's talking us into abundance not in just in terms of how we receive but how we spend how we give how we release I'm just the Balaam's assets here this morning saying to you that the Lord is saying enough enough enough enough of just surviving enough of just getting your needs met enough of you just making it through enough I've had enough had enough we're not doing that anymore now I'm talking you into this years ago the Lord said to me so Graham I have a question what's the profit doing with a not-for-profit ministry and I just clearly the wrong thing and you just said gram the time of you getting your needs met it's over I'm done I need to bring you into formless I need I need to bring you into formless I need you to have your inheritance because the direction you and I are going in together demands that you see me in a different way that you interact with me in a different way that you are more focused in a more powerful way and we can't do that all the time you're focused on just getting your needs met and paying your bills and your staff and all of that stuff so son you and I are going into business together so I went out that day and I got a business license and over the next few years I started brilliant perspectives which was my ministry but I turned it into a consultancy and I called it brilliant perspectives cuz I was hoping to get some right you've got to give you if you don't give yourself a name that challenges you you're already stepping back so I called all my businesses are called brilliant because I think Jesus is brilliant and we've been on this journey ever since now I have three businesses and we're merging everything together and I can see my inheritance out there ahead of me and I'm stepping into it ten years ago it was a step of faith now it isn't two step of trust I know God is with me in this I know God is on this journey with me and so I know what God is doing I know the promises I have I quote them back to him often enough which is what he which is what he likes so he's talking us out of Philippians 4:19 my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus and he's talking us into Romans 8:14 274 all who are being led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God and you've not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear but you've received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we upgrade our response from daddy to father different language the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that were children and heirs also heirs of God and fellow heirs with Jesus we are fellow heirs with Jesus because he is the one that's going to train us in our inheritance he's the one that's going to talk to you he's the one that's living in you he's the one that's gonna be giving you a daily weekly reminder don't forget I'm training you to be an heir of God don't forget fullness is always ahead of you fullness always travels with you because you're an heir now and you're entering into a deeper more profound relationship and partnership in Christ with the father there comes a time when God needs to elevate us to a whole different level and a whole different dimension of life so moving from measure to fullness means you have to have a lens change you have to see yourself differently you have to see your circumstances differently you have to start thinking about them the way that God thinks about them your circumstances from this point on your circumstances are not the problem your perception of your circumstances is going to be your problem and that's why you need a lens change I'm hoping that all of us are going to be reminding each other hang on a minute you should have a different prescription for your eyesight your prescription is now about inheritance it's not just about making it ends meet you're a new person traveling in a different way at a higher level with the in with the kind intentions of God right by your elbow right by your sight and so it's time for us to stop praying like a widow and start praying like a bride my wife knows that she can get anything out of this old boy and I encourage her in that why because I want her to be she is beautiful I want her to be bold I want her to be brave I want her to be certain I want her to be sure I want her to be confident that I will do anything in my power to accelerate and elevate who she is because she's my beloved that's how God feels about us and we love our wives like God loves the church there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that girl I fired her 18 months ago she was my event coordinator and I fired her in public she knew it was gonna happen what she didn't know was within 24 hours I would hire her at a higher level of salary just so she could hang out with Jesus but cuz she needs she needs something more and I could feel his heart was like bursting to be something for her so I hired her so she could hang out with big Jesus I have like over a million brownie points in my account we are constantly moving onward and upward in the Lord and as we're learning to be made in His image and his likeness he is pursuing us to move away from our current limitation to a place where we connect with fullness constantly consistently not just as a gift as a benediction but as a rite of sonship in Christ we're learning to accept a place of absolute privilege in the sonship so that we experience what Jesus felt on earth walking with the father that he could do there were ridiculous things on offer like I will need to pay our taxes let's go fishing just put your hook in you official come out open its mouth you can go pay your taxes and mine I like fishing I would love to pay my taxes by fishing who knows here's the thing about fullness it's so extraordinary it has no boundaries it has no limits there are no impossibilities about it there's just a sure and certain thing about the nature of God towards us because the one number one thing I love most about God is he never changes he never changes and his love for you therefore cannot be based on how well or badly you're doing that is irrelevant to him he loves because he's full of love and he loves because he's unchanging and he will love you all the time because he likes being unchanging it's an absolute with God I never changed I'm the same yesterday today and forever that pretty much means that all the mistakes you've made have never moved him away from loving you he don't change ain't changing and so when he gives you a promise that same unchanging self comes with it so you're gonna get educated in your inheritance some of you are going to leave your jobs when it's time and God's going to give you a business when it's time so maybe you might want to start going to night school and learning how to run a business some of you have got promises over your life time to bring those prophecies and promises from the background into the foreground of your circumstances so that you can look at them in the context of inheritance because calm texe determines what God wants to say in the prophetic so now your context going forward is I am moving into fullness into abundance into my inheritance so now I need to learn to walk carefully with God in that so that I don't miss anything so that I don't disavow my potential because my confession hasn't caught up with the intentions of God so you're all going to be going over your confession your declaration your proclamation your confession is saying to God this is who I am now I'm a beloved son your declaration is to your circumstances I declare that I have an inheritance in the Lord and so he's going to connect with me in this situation in that context and your proclamation is always to the enemy don't mess with me because now I'm getting more money than you you can't challenge my resources anymore but my resources are going to challenge you you know for where we're going for where we're going on this campus for where we're going in Bethel Cleveland Steve we need millions of dollars we need millions of dollars and so this is the beginning of that this is that our dreams now instead of cutting back your dream because you're you don't know if you can believe about resources now you have a promise now the Lord is saying you have to accelerate your dream up to this new line you have to put your dream in the same space as your inheritance and then begin to seek the law then begin to ask the Lord what does this mean what must I do how do I partner with you how do I do this how do how what is it you wanting me to become next am i finished in this job in this company is there another one is there another company is there a better job we need to be asking the Lord questions what does this mean these are the two best questions asked on the day of Pentecost what does this mean acts 2:12 what must I do acts 2:37 between those two questions there is a dynamic conversation that you're meant to be having with the Lord this is the time for outrageous conversations this is the time to dream it's also the time to lose all fear this is the time when we're not going to be driven by the economic problems in the earth we're not going to be driven about people saying that we are in this percentile of income and earnings because God has elevated us above that but now we have to learn to step into it and that means you're going to get a different lens your lens will give you a different mindset your mindset will give you a new language so that you can say things the way the things that God is saying to you you can say back to him you can say those things to your circumstances so there's a zeal there's an energy that comes when God is giving you an inheritance Ephesians 1 3 & 6 talks about that God is giving us an adoption as sons we all start out being children of God but there comes a moment in our relationship a singular moment in time when God looks at you and says now I'm adopting you as a son now I'm gonna look at you in the same way that I look at Jesus and I want you to be looking back at me the way he looked at me when he was on earth the way he depended on me the way he believed in me the way he would say I only do what God is doing and I only say what he is saying and that is an unlimited lifestyle yes he was expecting things to come from a source that wasn't really around him he expected things to come it was a level of expectation in Jesus so huge there everybody he connected with came under the umbrella of his favor and his inheritance who else do you know fed 5,000 people with some fish sandwiches just five that's 1 fish sandwich for a thousand people and he still had stuff over because maybe he was expecting to meet some other people on the way back somewhere who knows but this is an extraordinary time for us and as a community we have to come up to a higher level of perception thinking and language in the kingdom of God and so I'm just putting you on gentle warning that the Holy Spirit is going to get in your face and we need to get in each other's faces because the language of measure is not going to cut it anymore now we're learning a language that's taking us towards abundance it's taking us towards fullness and that's taking us out beyond our own requirements into the requirements of a community into the requirements of a city that's why you know God is looking for people to trust with money and so when he says I'm adopting this congregation as sons it's because he has something to give you that he's going to explode things in this region better watch out better watch out so he's now Jesus who knows all about inheritance he's gonna train you in how to become a joint heir you're gonna learn how to be a joint heir with him and once you've learned that he's gonna push you towards the Father so you can be an heir of God as to inheritance is here won the inheritance of your training where you start to learn how to step into it so he's gonna train you how to see how to think how to speak how to proclaim how to declare how to confess how to give how to step into something how to expect he's gonna train you in all those things so that in your training you are overcoming and in the fullness of time he's gonna say okay you got it he's gonna push you towards the Father and he's really gonna mess with you but now you'll be in a place where you'll want to be messed with because now some things got hold of you and you understand that your inheritance gives you a destiny it gives you a testimony it gives you a legacy in the community of which you are a part now it's time to grow up but right now you're gonna grow you're gonna be growing out of something and growing into something not what God is talking you out of that's most important it's what he's talking you into what is talking you into a son is one who is divinely connected to the glory of God who can act in a certain way who enjoys certain privileges and lives above the elements of the world because they have a new placement in Christ this is a it's a large open space that we must learn to explore in the spirit that's why questions are important what does this mean Lord every situation you come into Lord what does this mean for you and me what is this what is what does this mean for the inheritance that I'm moving into and what must I do how do I partner with you how do I walk with you in this what are you expecting from me what can I expect from you what are you expecting from me in terms of a response and so God is talking is out of fear he's talking is out of anxiety he's talking is out of all those negatives into a language that is full of expectancy full of trust moving into faith thank you timing is everything right why weren't you screaming fullness is a territory because God is a territorial spirit when Israel were in bondage in Egypt he wasn't just that he was going to talk them out of that place he wanted to talk them into the promised land it already marked out that Rattray because he's a territorial spirit he's the one true great original territorial spirit everything else is a copy he's a territorial spirit and when he looks at you and he looks at your family and he looks at your household he's got territory in mind a husband and wife for parents and children he's got territory in mind that he wants you to inherit and that territory they came out of hovels but they didn't have enough food to eat and he gave them a turnkey operation in cana houses you didn't build vineyards you didn't plant wells you never had to dig it's like so far above the norm of what they would been used to for 400 years of institutional slavery and God turns all of that on its head that's what we have to look forward to the end of something and the beginning of something new powerful and dynamic but we have to partner with God and so when Israel came out of Egypt there were three things that God had to do with them that he's going to be doing with us first thing is we have to get closure on the past you have to get closure on the way that you've been living on the style of thinking that you have about yourself on the on the way of thinking that you are this economic level and nothing's going to change that it's just about getting through getting over it getting past it you know surviving closure you have to get closure on having a needs orientated mindset and you have to be converted that was the second thing this rabble of slaves had to be converted to a disciplined army that could take territory closure conversion God he's gone give you some means of converting from someone who is limited to someone who is living above a line of privilege and will never drop below it and there are going to be tests here to see if you get it but more than that tests to see if you want it do you want this life then see the tests for what they are there are opportunities to become there are opportunities to receive their opportunities to see something there are opportunities to grow in trust to grow in faith to grow in the power of your new level of relationship with God old tests everything comes with a test and the test is can you convert that promise into a lifestyle can you convert that prophecy into a lifestyle can you convert that encounter into an ongoing life experience the best way to protest is to count it as joy because you know what a test is for because here's the thing about the Lord he will never fail you I'm serious he will never fail you he's not going to give you a D or a C or a B he will not fail you he's gonna give you an A and then a stands for accepted in the beloved an a in inheritance stands for adopted as a son - the test is about you knowing who you are and stepping into it all tests are about lifestyle all tests are about identity all tests are about Who I am now and mean living in it God's never gonna fail you but when you pass that test he'll give you an A+ is now you're into something you're not just onto something you're into it you're in the life and every test will enable you to go higher deeper and further that's what they are designed to do and then the third part of what Israel went through it was closure there was conversion to the people they needed to become and then there was a commissioning to go into the land and take it and there will be a commissioning in this congregation in Bethel Cleveland for us to go into particular territory and take it that territory might be your place of employment it might be your career it might be a new business whatever it is there is a commissioning there is an authority upon you to step into this place and make it yours and then open that place an authority to open up that territory so that other people can come in behind you you could be the spearhead the advance party for something that God is going to do amongst the wider Christian community in this whole place we call Cleveland and Beyond Plaza conversion Commissioner three strands of behavior that follow each other but they take us up into a different level it's so important that you understand that with sonship comes privilege with some ship comes privilege and power comes with it in order to open the door for other people that's what Jesus is gonna be doing as he trains us he's gonna be opening the door for us to be like him that's what you have to look forward to he's making you in his likeness when it comes to being unlimited we become sons of inheritance because of the father's relationship with Jesus in glory from the very beginning of creation inheritance is predestined for us it is for ordained for us and it is for ordained out of the good pleasure of his will so you have no idea how delighted God is at this moment looking at you because a place he's wanting to bring you for a long time and now this is that day this is that day and he's looking at you differently now he's adopting you as sons that's means he will treat you as sons and daughters not children he will treat you as people who will take responsibility he will treat you as people who can take hold of this thing and hold onto this thing and be changed by this thing he will treat you as though you're on that level that's where the tests come in he wants to get you there as fast as he can why because we have things to do the church in this country in this region is seriously behind the time of its own development seriously behind the time of its own identity in Christ and its own development and you know God is wandering to and fro throughout the earth looking for a people on whose behalf he can show himself strong and every time I've come here it's always been that what is the next thing for us this is not the next thing this is the big thing this is the big thing because this will change everything joint-heirs know how to make money work for them how to invest for increase had a dream think plan and act at a higher level to have a mindset on things above not on things on the earth to have a responsive identity to the kingdom and not just the world around us to have the language of privilege as an heir of God and a joint heir in Christ there's a language we have to adopt it's gonna be really important for us inheritance is a higher place of promise and privilege you have to look at your promises even if they're 10 15 years old you're gonna have to look at those promises and maybe even upgrade them as you bring them forward because they were given back there in a time when we had a certain level of language when prophecy was spoken but when God puts you in a different territory those prophecies have to be upgraded to in the context of what God is saying I want to give you so we can take that prophecy and come before the Lord and say so does this reflect what you want to give me or do you want to upgrade the language if you've got scriptures over your life we can be taken in the same Lord how do I see this in the light of the territory you've just put me into everything gets an upgrade when Jesus said you have the prophets the law and the prophets until now which means you're not going to have them any further going forward because now the kingdom is here and everyone's pressing into it what that what he's saying there was is when I go to the cross all the old things go with me the law goes with me all the prophetic goes with me and that means the prophetic old test prophecy has to go into the cross and be rebirthed in a habitation or context not a visitation or one so now all those kings things come to pass because Christ the one who makes everything real is now living in us and so now we have to re-evaluate those prophetic words at a higher level that's a part of the prophetic ministry that we're going to be seeing going forward we're gonna be reformatting old promises because now they have to be made new because Christ is in us that makes sense we're not in a visitation or culture we need to drop that word from our language we're in a habitation or culture and God lives in us so we are the revival that's what inheritance gives you it gives you a revival complex why because everything gets revived everything gets renewed everything gets restored everything comes at us because we're at this different level we're not wondering if things will happen we're living in a sense of wonder because they are and that's who we are going forward so anyway as far as gump would say that's all I have to say about that let me praise for you though let me pray for you father I thank you thank you for the intensity of your purpose in your promise and your privilege coming into this congregation thank you that you are have an intention to upgrade every household every relationship every family every life so that we are seen in the same light as Jesus so that we see ourselves in the same place in the same position as him so I ask in Jesus name the Lord over this next season our mindsets our lens our language would grow up to a whole different level of trust and faith and that we will be found living and walking above the line of our privilege because Jesus deserves that amen thanks for listening I appreciate it [Applause] you
Channel: Bethel Cleveland
Views: 98,006
Rating: 4.8583851 out of 5
Keywords: brillant.tv, Bethel Cleveland, Bethel, Graham Cooke
Id: R4LQWk3oPzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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