Rob Wall & Graham Cooke - Practicing The Presence of God

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[Music] hey guys rob wall here as you know technology can be a great asset but it can also be a huge adjutant and that was the case as i interviewed graham cook unfortunately there were a few technical difficulties and issues so what you will parachute into now is a segment of the interview i did with graham he's got such wisdom such wit and i hope that you can bear the technological difficulties that have created a bit of an absence of content i'm sorry about that we don't make a habit of that but at this point technology was certainly our master not our servant and so thank you for your patience enjoy what you view and we'll see you very soon god bless so your heart has an experience that your mind stores away and so the brilliant thing is when you learn something probably properly he never leaves you because the role of the mind is to keep that truth yeah we keep that truth and um but i think people who are always approaching god with their mind have a really tough time of it because it's with the heart that man believes yes so your head follows your heart and the role of the head really is to once that truth has been established is to store it in their thinking so that you know that is true always and so then your mind can renew you on a truth that's been established and the role of the mind is to remind you remind hey graham don't forget that you learned this all right i did so i don't have to learn it again because the mind says no we've got this i had my message from the heart worked it through this is how you think so it's a great partnership between mind and heart that is really so valuable you know and so i i'm free to love god with my heart to do everything from my heart to explore to pioneer to do all those things knowing that my mind is my like my storage space for all the truth i've encountered and experience so and the holy spirit brings things back to our remembrance so holy spirit works with our heart he also taps our head occasionally and says don't forget you know this on if we dig into that a little bit deeper i want to talk around um this whole area of speaking in our prayer language and tongues now i know a lot of the church isn't um speaking about it as much as they used to but surely that's got a lot to do with us living from the spirit realm and not simply from the physical like how what's the connection between us speaking in tongues and experiencing the mind and heart of christ in our lives yeah if you if you think of it logically you know when adam was the only person on earth for a while what language did he speak guessing he wasn't english or hebrew or aramaic what language did he speak he spoke a heavenly language he spoke the language that god was using so tongues has been around right from the very beginning so it's not anti-costing i love that and in fact until the tower of babel that was the only language that was spoken i think yes and then because you know evil entered in and things were getting worse the lord confused their languages because he said if we leave them like this they'll be able to reach up and do anything because that was the life he created you can do anything because i'm with you and so we're actually returning to that pentecost was a kind of like well first thing we're going to do is we're going to give you your language back you know so i love that i love that tongs has always been around and it's a language that transcends how you can think or feel it's a language that bypasses the enemy bypasses the world and puts you straight in connection with the kingdom of heaven who doesn't want a language like that i mean you wouldn't find an advantage like that if you were playing monopoly or anything it's a it's a huge advantage so i i love it you know i i speak in tongues every day and and if i'm thinking about something um or you know events happen and you have those little weird moments of anxiety until your peace rises up you know and then but i always speak in tongues when something happens because it totally settles my heart into god's heart how can that be bad have you got um a specific example of when you've faced something prayed in tongues and and god's clearly moved or he steadied your spirit or you've seen him shake shake a situation i remember once when i was in africa and um we're in a really poor region and the water was impure i mean seriously impure for a village and they were having to walk like five to eight miles a day just to get water and so i said to the lord so what do you want to do here they said i wanna i wanna heal their water supply i said oh great so okay over to you he went no over to you i want you to chop a tree down and throw it in and pray get all the elders all the village so i did you know and god tells you things in stages you get freaked out so i chopped you down i threw it in and i prayed this great anointed apostolic prophetic prayer whatever and i said our man and i said so now what happens he said now you have to drink it q for speaking in tongues oh my gosh these are all pagan they're into some kind of pagan cult thing you know and so it's not well grown now you have to drink it and then everyone's gonna wait three days statutory rule you know three days you know if you're still alive in three days we'll drink it too so you like this human petri dish oh my goodness oh yeah the things that god gets me into is so funny something okay well lord um am i either gonna this is either gonna be wildly successful or i'll be shaking your hand in three days yeah but i walked but i walked around and i spoke in tongues and every time i did i just felt the peace the presence of the lord because it's his language yes and so so i i walked around for three days and everyone's looking at me and i kept drinking the water every single day because i was thirsty so um so i kept drinking the water and everyone's looking at me going is he gonna die is he gonna die and at the end of three days you know if he's stepping into the water and drinking wow then people started getting saved by you know the tens and the twenties until until eventually the guys who were the tribal elders actually left the tribe you know because they had this authority only in a cultic sense yeah and other people could come in and so it was really interesting you know so i spoke in tongues for three days not all the time yeah but the water was fine and you're you're here to tell the tale i'm totally here yeah so that's amazing so for me speaking in tongues is my go-to place when i'm uncertain or when i need more revelation around i just want to settle my heart you know into a a new place with the lord because you know we're learning how to abide but our abiding is always getting upgraded you know it's like you get saved once but you get redeemed every day i love that because that's the goodness of god you know so our abiding is always getting increase because god is all about increase so he doesn't want you to say with little jesus that you met on the first day he wants that jesus to get bigger than you you know so your awareness of him has to increase you the lens by which you view him as we increase your language has to increase has to change so everything is about increase increase upon increase you know do you do you think if you're praying say say for example you're praying in your prayer language praying in tongues for an extended period of time have you had experiences where you've had ideas and divine downloads that you would not have got if you were just praying in a human tongue are you have you been downloaded heavenly revelation that you wouldn't have got any other way all the time i mean as a as a prophetic teacher yeah i'm in that place all the time when i i remember when when i first wrote when i wrote um prophetic wisdom uh this book then um the lord had come to me and said so do you like writing great and i said i love riding with you he said well i want to write with you more how would you feel about that thinking you're not going to get any argument from me so i said okay so and i've done all my research for prophetic wisdom you know and two years of research and all that kind of stuff and and uh i had the book laid out i was just gonna start writing the following week and and he said to me so he said okay so monday morning nine o'clock and so anyway he didn't show up to 11. i think he was on african time or something hey yes so the first thing he said to me was so um all that research you know i you know we're not going to use that i'm going to say something you're going to write it down so i said okay and i i threw it all in the in the basket at the bottom you know my trash bin and he said you still haven't thrown that away so i said okay i'll i'll just take it out straight out to the dust spin and throw it in he said but graham you forget i know you you'll go dumpster diving at two o'clock in the morning when you think i'm doing something else so my first day was i had to um i had to cut it all up i had to shred the whole thing and i'm like lord i don't know i don't know whether i should worship you or bind you right now so then he said the whole day my whole research is shredded and you know when you love research it was like oh my gosh and uh queue for more speaking in tonight and the next morning you know nine o'clock he just said to me graeme write this and i took dictation for about four hours had lunch took a dictation for three more hours and he just said i'll see you tomorrow and i read it through and honestly rob i could never have written anything like that under any anointing wow and then and that's what i did for like about 12 weeks i took dictation every day and every day in the evening i would sit and read what i'd written and i would cry it's like lord i could never have written that but i've done two other books since in the same way and so uh it's like getting introduced all the time to who god is exactly what he's about and what he can do and the enjoyment the delight that he has in sharing that with you is massive he once said to me graeme i don't expect you to do anything out of discipline that would disappoint me i want you to do everything out of delight because that's how we work and you know discipline comes after delight you know it's like that if you ever watch that film chariots of fire yes when eric little is saying you know when i run i feel his pleasure you know it's it's that kind of thing it's like the discipline comes after the delight i think it was chris sakabusi in southampton uh great athlete yes he was once asked when he won a medal at the olympics you know people were saying thank you so much for what you did and so on i'm maybe not quoting it right but he said you know getting up in the in the middle of the night running through you know rain windy rain swept streets they're really piling on he just said dude you don't understand i love running i like training it is my pleasure and so all the discipline came because he was delighted so good you know so i think god is delighted with us all the time and wants to train us in how to be delighted so when it comes to a pandemic i'm delighted that i'm shot at jesus but then i've been shouting with jesus the last 46 years nothing's changed except that we're having more interesting conversations because i'm you know i'm not working on this i'm not working on that you know i run three companies so i'm not sure what things to do but just having this time has been gorgeous you know i think god has given us this respect so that we can catch up with who we're supposed to be catch up with what we're not come to god with all the things that we're not and and ask him i think it's a time of accelerated change if we can receive it i don't want to catch up with you i want to i want to have a greater sense of your presence in my life i want to think like you do i want to see people the way you see them you know if christ is in me i want that to be in fullness so i made a list of things that i wanted god to kind of auto correct i wanted i wanted areas of my life where there was nothing wrong per se but i just knew that i was missing something i mean with god there's never anything wrong there's always just something missing you know because he doesn't see us like we see ourselves he knows jesus did an absolutely brilliant job you know as the lamb of god who took away sin so he god is not looking for sin these days you know he's not sin conscious he's not remotely sin conscious he's righteousness focused you know so he's not dealing with a sin he's not dealing with our old nature he's actually dealing with he's establishing our new nature it's like for example god is not dealing with fear because jesus dealt with fear on the cross right so fear is dead so he's not he's not teaching me how not to be fearful he's teaching me how to be loved in a brilliant way so he's not dealing with my fear he's dealing with love because perfect love casts out fear same with peace he's not dealing with our anxiety he's establishing our peace and when you're living in peace there's no place for anxiety i am way too peaceful to be anxious seriously how do we live in peace graeme it's a gift everything with god is a gift i know the traditional thinking is that we're always praying lord give me this so that i can do that and he's he's never going to do that he's going no if i give you something in this state you'll make a mess of it why don't you let me do it why did you think i put jesus in you in the first place so yeah because christ is in you you already have everything that jesus possesses so in that way you already have peace yeah jesus said my peace i give you not as the world in other words he's not saying you know here's a dollar for please do your best with that you know he said peace is already in you i give it's already in you i want to teach you how to use it so peace can rise up in you into your conscious mind so i can't remember the last time i worried but i'm pretty sure more than 20 years ago 20 years ago since you last worry you know you get those little moments of anxiety you know because life jumps out at you on days you know and um but it's a simple matter just to come before the lord because jesus is the prince of peace and he lives in you yeah here's the thing you practice peace from the inside not the outside right so if your body has a thousand pounds of pressure a square inch externally pieces at least one thousand and one pounds of pressure on the inside you know so you let peace rise up inside of you and the best way i can describe that is um everything is in you and it's like from your inner man of the spirit up into your conscious mind it's like an elevator shaft what do you do when you come to an elevator you press the button if you're on the 40th floor and you want to meet some friends in the lobby you press the button the elevator comes in you don't have a debate whether i should get on the elevator it's just normal so you get on the elevator and and that's it so peace rises up the same way you just like inside yourself you connect with the prince and just say lord i just need your peace right now and then you wait just be still and you can feel that peace rising up into your conscious mind and all the tension and everything just disappears it's everything's in you it's a matter of you knowing how to work with the three father son and holy spirit you know um it's always three plus me you know you're never on your own you're always traveling with your own crowd so there's four of you in there and three of them happen to be the most powerful people in the universe really seriously what is the problem i'm not being flippant no i know this is faith what is the problem i have three of the most powerful people and they're all i don't even have to stretch out my hand to touch them because they're all on the inside they're all touching me all the time so i love the fact that we have a designated helper the holy spirit yes who is an absolute genius at everything total genius knows everything will take things from the lord and and will disclose them to us so you have your own internal trainer yeah i don't understand churches that don't believe in the holy spirit i'm thinking how on earth do you live without the holy spirit really i mean this is unprecedented in the bible you you never get god repeating himself in three consecutive verses but when you read john 16 13 to 15 he says the same thing three times it is unprecedented now if god says something once that should be enough because he's got yeah if he says it twice it's like whoa i better pay attention to this if he says it three times that is like god getting right in your face saying come on stop got this i've got this just stand with me all you have to do is be with me because i'm with you it's just really about turning on you know being aware of who god is and what god is like and that's what we're doing on btv we're training people in how god thinks what is god really really like i said please do graham tell us a bit about brilliant tv it's an amazing initiative i want all our viewers to know about the resource to be able to access it so please do share about be tv i think it probably has the most comprehensive teaching and disciplining on the new man anywhere in the world i think honestly i think our stuff would be some bible colleges is that good but the thing is it's all done as relational learning you know relational learning is that you know that god is with you so he's going to teach you through all of your life circumstances so the brilliant thing about that really is sometimes your devotional life in a particular day might be the lord saying let's talk about your place of work right now this is what i want to be for you yeah this is this is what we're praying you know because the holy spirit's praying and jesus is praying and my ques my question is what are those two characters praying because i want to know you know because i want to be a third fold chord in that i want to be the third part and when i started to think about that that's when i started to learn how to pray with god not towards him so good you've got jesus and that you've got it in stereo jesus and the holy spirit what are you guys praying because i want to pray what you pray so that's what i do i write prayers all the time that i feel that i i feel like i hear them praying they come up from my spirit into my mind and i write them down and i write a prayer and that's the only prayer i'm praying find out what god wants to do and ask him to do it you know it's not rocket science an englishman can do it that's encouraging to know so i love that whole dynamic is they're with us all the time so on brilliant tv we're just teaching people this is how to be with god we have the best teaching on what the cross means what it provides how do we um how do we develop the new man because the old one is dead yes you know how do we turn problems into possibilities how do we hear the lord you know how do we change our lens we do all of that stuff and it's all in a relational context and then we teach people how to love the learning i'll be afraid of it and be excited by it you know um one of my favorite comments from the lord is is anything too hard for me uh genesis 18 4 and is anything too hard for me and the real translation is is there any situation where i cannot be magnificent brilliant yes yes so it's really about awareness about the joy of being with lord but it's really understanding the joy that he has in being with you regardless you know so i live between his unchangingness and he's always the same i always know where i am with him and he is the same no matter what i do yeah you know if i'm doing well he's the same if i'm doing badly he's the same if i feel like i'm being followed around by the spirit of stupid he is still the same he doesn't change if i am if i'm unbelieving he stays faithful yes he doesn't change you know according to me my behavior is not what really interests him it's my identity so i'm learning who i am in jesus and he's always talking to me graham this is who you are this is how i see you this is what's coming next this is what i want you to step into this is the increase i want you to have and then i'm going to teach you how to how to receive it how to walk in it how to practice that then i'll teach you what will come because that is now in you so everything is relational learning with god i learn based on my relationship with him you know so he doesn't teach us like the world teaches us it's not you don't get a comprehension test you know it's not that there's no exam you know um in that sense yeah you're gonna get get tested in your encounter and in your experience but the test is one that you are designed to pass i love that because the lord because the bible gives you it's like the biggest cheat sheet in the world the bible because it tells you it tells you what god wants to be in this situation it's a story of how god works with people so he tells you up front this is what i'm going to do and then and then he just says so just step into this place with me and we'll do it together okay so i love the certainty of who god is because he never changes i love the fact that my own certainty has increased enormously um paul talked about being fully persuaded you know i feel like that's where i'm living i'm confident i'm excited but i'm fully persuaded even if i don't know how to do it i know someone who does so i'm pretty confident how do you count earlier you made a comment saying it's all it's all a gift from god the father so my question is can we grow in the anointing there'll be people watching saying oh i've i would love the anointing of graham cook i'd love to have experienced what he's experienced um but you've been through a process yourself so my question is is it can you increase the anointing on your life or is it you being obedient and faithful to god and he goes okay you've stewarded it you can have some more well i think that's how the world would think so i'm not sure how that's how the kingdom thinks yeah i think i think that there's a bigger thing than the anointing and that is the empowering presence of god you know so the presence of god in you is to your seat of power anointing simply becomes the permission to do something you do something once you get a testimony of how it works and so your testimony now comes with the permission that you can do it again so the first time god talks you into it then he talks you through it and then he's with you in the whole process and when he works and you know and you're amazed and astonished he's saying okay so now you got a testimony that means you can do that anytime you like that's the anointing you know so people make big things out of the anointing i'm not saying it's a small thing but the anointing increases because you're doing something it's not like god you know wallops you with you know big dose of the holy spirit or something and that now becomes your anointing um that's kind of weird to me because it's not relational yeah everything god does is relational so he relates you into a place of growth into a place of change into a place where you're excited and then you you practice practice with him and then you partner with him and then you have this permission that you can call that up anytime because it's yours now you know so so your life consists of a whole bunch of encounters experiences that have established something in your life that is now in your spirit and you can draw upon it and sometimes the holy spirit sometimes i'll say i'm not sure if i've done this before and the genius says well in 1983 we were out in east africa oh yeah i remember so he reminds me so that's still in your game so you can do it it's not that i haven't used it since it's just i hadn't used it maybe in a particular setting but the anointing grows and increases it's like you're abiding but empowering presence which is really what grace is yes his grace is the empowering presence of god that enables you to become the person that he sees when he looks at you when god looks at you he knows what he's doing he sees what he's doing he sees who you are in jesus and i love that that god has a vision of me that is always true to him and it's about jesus you know i love the fact that you know god has the father has a covenant with jesus in me yes so father and jesus are responsible for the relationship so i'm always in relationship with god whether i'm being good bad or ugly you know i'm always in relationship because the father and jesus they take responsibility for that father has a covenant with jesus in me that's relationship then he gives me a helper and the holy spirit empowers me in fellowship so the father and jesus take care of relationship me and the holy spirit take care of the fellowship so if i'm disobedient or something my relationship is not in doubt but my fellowship is a little bit wonky so i have to settle my relation i have to settle my fellowship with god because i can't be restored to relationship because i'm already in it now it is possible that you could walk so far away from god and that inevitably must mean some kind of connection with the enemy yeah that you could lose that relationship but for most of us ordinary mortals i don't think it's possible really i think because god is true yes he is true and he is the truth and there's three of them and when they gang up on you you've got no chance graham what would you say to there'll be some viewers that are going through um a refining pro i don't know what language you want to use a refining a shifting uh pruning um how what would you say to encourage someone that that's feeling a little bit weary in the midst of um at this time yeah i think typically well i think jesus hit it on the head in matthew 11 28 to 30 and he said come to me you who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest there's a reason why people are full of anxiety or tired or weary and that is because they're living the life rather than living it with jesus so rest is really important so god lives in permanent rest he's not annoyed about anything he's not anxious about anything you know he knows he knows the plan he's sticking to it you know he enjoys everything he's doing because he's good he enjoys everything he's doing so and he wants to teach it how to be like him so the first thing god ever said about mankind was in genesis 1 26 he said let us the three of us make mankind in our image and our likeness that's what we call primary purpose and it precedes the gospel primary purpose right from the very beginning so for thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years with hundreds and hundreds and thousands of millions of people god has been faithful to that making i'm making wrong like me so that he thinks like me he sees like me he talks like me he acts like me he has the same heart same connection i'm making him in my image and my likeness so everything with god is relational so but one of the biggest things i love about god is he's successful to be with you know he's so calm so peaceful so restful and he brings that into every situation but especially when there's a situation that's difficult you know he brings that rest that calm into everything and of course you know you have to have problems so that you can learn properly about possibilities he said in the world you will have tribulation but we're going to use everything that they're doing to improve who you are so it's like you know it's like it's impossible um it's impossible to be patient with difficult people unless god gives you patience funnily enough is a fruit of the spirit called patience yes and that lives in you too so what we're doing all the time is we're accessing who god is and we're accessing what god is like so we get to a point then when your rest and your peace is so strong it's it's almost impossible it's really difficult ultra difficult you know to get weary you can get tired physically in something but not a weariness of soul because jesus has too much joy yes i mean you look at all of their promises you look like um john 15 11. jesus said these words i've spoken to you so that every time you see so that in the verse you know you're going to get something brilliant coming after these words i've spoken to you so that my joy will be in you and your joy will be full so he pretty much knows what he's doing so every time you have a conversation with jesus he's going to put a smile on your face that's what it means you're going to be happy i'm happiest when i'm talking with him [Music] sometimes he's wriggling like a puppy you know i mean just like because it's so delightful you said you said joy well you want you to talk recently joy is an eternal environment could you could you elaborate on that i i've heard i've heard you teach for over an hour at once on joy so i'm being a bit unfair asking you to unpack it but joy is an internal enviro eternal environment i love that well that you have the three of them inside of you so the kingdom of heaven is within you because you have those three so we have to we have to stop thinking from measure when you take all your thinking from the way that the world thinks then you're guaranteeing that you're thinking with measure um but when you take your thinking from father son and holy spirit who actually are inside you then your thinking can go to a much bigger place so i love the fact that everything you have is in you and we're not looking out there for god to give us something we're acknowledging that we already have it that's philemon verse 6. you know faith comes by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you so it's in you so you have to so god is always telling us to look inside first you know because he is out there but he's mostly in here yeah so all your real life experiences are going to come from the inside up out through your mouth into your conscious mind so and everything is a gift i would say to people get a concordance look up the word gift in the look it up in the new covenant and you see that righteousness is a gift grace is a gift peace is a gift you know um everything is a gift salvation is a gift so jesus said to the woman of the well you know if you knew the gift of god you would ask well the gifts of god are inside you so my question to lord is what is already inside me that maybe i haven't accessed in quite this way what is that what is it that's in me because god is now there he said i'll never leave you never forsake him he doesn't lie so he's righteous he's truthful he's pure he's innocent he will never tell a lie and he will never forsake us so those are all incredible certainties about the nature of god some people are asking the question you know what is god really like i say well he's like me but to the power of like you know 15 trillion but i am something like him because i've been walking with him for 46 years so but i know that i've got his joy that doesn't mean i don't want more but i know i know what i have i know what's mine in him i know who he is for me i know who he is in me so all my certainties those are the things that drive out anything negative i think the difficulty for us is we've been taught so many things by the world and the flesh and occasionally the enemy but we don't know how god thinks about things about that internal kingdom how god thinks about us and that's a part of what we're learning is the ways of god the questions that god will ask you i did a whole series on btv called question life questions because i have 40 questions 20 questions that i can ask the lord and 20 questions that he will ask me you know and uh so the life questions one is just i'm saying to people as you're learning if you get stumped go to the live questions series and pick out a question pick one out from your side and pick one out from god's side so my favorite question is any difficulty crops up is lord what is it you want to be for me now that you couldn't be any other time yeah no why is this situation here it's because you want to be something for me so what does that look like so i'm not really i'm not concerned whether it's a problem or a hardship or anything else because the end result doesn't change what change the biggest thing that changes is when you don't work on a problem you turn it into a possibility so when i was training my i was training my staff on brilliant i said look this is our kingdom approach to everything there are no such things as problems for us because we're in the kingdom so everything is a possibility so i don't want you coming into my office with a problem yeah i want you to come turn it into three possibilities and come and talk to me about them i remember the first time jenny who you were talking to earlier jenny came into my office about two days later and the door crashes open and she jumps into the room and she says we have three exciting possibilities and i'm going that's what i'm talking about i'm talking about and we talked about them and sure enough one of them was the one and she was so excited so now we don't deal with negatives we turn them into something else instead we deal with that so i don't deal with anxiety i turn it into peace and i deal with that so we're always learning about when one thing comes maybe god wants to change it into something else instead so we're used to dealing with problems but god doesn't deal with problems he just tells you this situation has come up because we have three possibilities so let's talk about which one i might like and which one you could like and we'll like you know we'll find our way there because he won't come and say this is what i'm going to do he comes and says well there are three things we can do what's in your hard drive yeah because what he wants is the conversation so then through the conversation suddenly i'm realizing that oh i like that thought okay we'll put that aside then so let's go here and then that thought takes you somewhere else and then suddenly you end up with the three possibilities i started with don't exist anymore because i've got this thing and i like the way god sneaks up on you relationally thank you he's just so kind but he's also interested in you changing the way you think he's interested in you how about you learn a different language you know that language suited you when you were back there but you're up here now so and there's a better language coming so he allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent by his power he's got reasons so he's got reasons for it you know so what we're doing is we are learning how to conform to him because he has no plans to be like me so he's working on me because he has plans to conform me to his image yeah that's always primary purpose it's always what he's thinking about so i love that you know graham as a final thought i'd love you to pray for in a moment for all our viewers but but if this is being watched across so many different continents and and if someone could sit down across a table from you for an hour what would be the one thing you would really want to get across to them once you've heard their story like like what would you really want to drill into them so that they could walk out different to the way they came in yeah honestly um i would start with all the things we've done today yeah start with what is your one place of security that can never be violated and it is the unchanging nature of god if he's making you like him he doesn't change he's making he's bringing you to a point where you're always connected with him and you're learning as you change you're learning as you learn to change in some things they get established so now you're unchanging i'm always going to do that and so what happens is that the territory inside of us increases and expands because of all the things that we're learning i would tell people love the learning love the learning with god be excited because you know he's for you because he said he is he doesn't lie he's always with you and um you know your relationship is undamaged but your fellowship obviously needs an increase so maybe this situation is first of all about you being increased you know what needs to grow up in you you know we're growing up into in christ in all things so everything is about you growing first it's not about the problem being resolved it's about you changing and growing as you change and grow the problem gets a resolution that maybe you didn't even work on because the issue was this is here because i'm changing this in you it's not here as a punishment it's not here as a judgment it's not here because i'm annoyed it's here because this is the scene of your next installment of increase yes so you're always in favor because christ is in you and he's so you're in favor with god and man yeah because you're in favor with god that never changes you know bible says in luke 6 35 god himself is faithful to um unkind and ungenerous men he is kind to evil and ungrateful so that's amazing so we're cool we're in christ we're in christ we're cool we can get a lot cooler you know and that's what life is about every situation in life probably is going to end up as a devotional between you and the lord you know and you're gonna learn how to rejoice in him learn how to be thankful that he's with you i'm thankful we practice three plus me all the time our language in brilliant is always three plus me father son holy spirit and me three plus me i love it there's always four of you in there so you can't it's impossible to be outnumbered because the three like they're as big as the planet and i love that i love the certainties in god's heart that he never changes so i would teach all of those things the entry point into brilliant it's called brilliant impact and it's the foundation for living in the new man brilliant and it is absolutely gorgeous you will you will change like crazy just give yourself one year to building that foundation and you'll have it for the rest of your life and you will grow like crazy because your thinking will be different the lens will be different your language your heart everything you'll travel with such a level of excitement because that's what our travels are fantastic graham it's been amazing to hear the downloads that that you've received over the years of your walk with christ i would love you to pray for our viewers whatever you feel inspired and led to pray for them as we as we end today's conversation father i ask you for the absolute confidence assurance and sense of being fully persuaded in you in your heart towards us in your presence that we will come into a place of such certainty such rest and peace that life will be different and we'll never live it the way we've lived it up until now that something will change dramatically so i asked lord that you would fill everyone yes with the spirit of god yes that you would fill us with the spirit you would lord renew our minds you will establish your presence in our heart and that as we walk with you we will walk in your delight in your joy because you're the happiest person i know and you're the kindest person i've ever met and i thank you for your loving disposition everything's a joy to you everything is a delight to you you love us as dear children but you're teaching us how to grow up into all things so i pray lord that there will be a fresh impartation a fresh move of your holy spirit in our hearts and that as we learn truth it will come up into our conscious mind and we'll have a partnership on the inside that partners with the kingdom father i thank you i thank you that all of heaven is attracted to jesus in us and so i pray that that attraction will empower us to live in that place of abiding with you where we know your presence we are aware of your presence and that our life from this point on will be restful peaceful and delightful because jesus deserves that he deserves our favor he deserves us to be blessed he deserves us to be renewed he deserves us to live in full empowerment he paid a price so that could happen so he deserves it he deserves the very best for us and so i ask it in his name [Music] you
Channel: Rob Wall Official | Leadership & Communication
Views: 7,223
Rating: 4.9087453 out of 5
Id: O3RkJaT7YdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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