The Way Of The Warrior (Live) by Graham Cooke

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you see warriors the people who confidently make choices about where and how to focus their internal attention we are not living from the outside in we're living from the inside out yeah and I'm making choices about where my internal focus of attention what am I going to focus on next because I know that God is in here he said he'd never leave me never forsake me and the truth of that is I carry him around with me so carry him into every situation so I'm internalizing my circumstances and saying Lord what are you up to what are you doing living from the inside out and we move from the inner man of the Spirit through the outer man of the soul it doesn't matter what external realities are present it doesn't matter whether life is adverse chaotic troublesome annoying it doesn't matter warriors live in a state of untroubled calm and rest by which they are bound to the inner life of the Spirit they know that part of their inheritance in their walk with God is that they enjoy a complete confidence in him and they realize that all the promises of God are to enable us to be inspired in our dependency it's great to be totally reliant on the Lord and one of the things that the Lord is doing is he is deliberately robbing you of your independence because it's not good for you to be independent we're learning to be interdependent we're learning to be dependent on the people around us our friends but also dependent on the Holy Spirit in our lives sea Warriors are people of joy and they joyfully expect God to come through and what we're doing is we know that all we have to do is stand here long enough and he'll come and we know that you know God has a weird watch a sense of timing is a little freaky on Days yeah we know that he's always on time he just misses lots of opportunities to be early yeah and some of that is deliberate some of that is just he likes messing with you what can I say but Warriors have settled that whole question of the love of God for them and so they live in complete assurance about who God is for them Warriors have a real identity in themselves they know who they are and they know who God is for them now and we stand in that place and we deliberately trade on that because your favor comes out of your identity it comes out of your destiny in terms of who you are in Christ and what He has called you to be all of those things give you a place to stand before the Lord and so we stand in our identity in Christ we stand in our destiny we stand in our promises we stand in our calling we stand in our anointing we stand in all the things that God has contributed to us over the years we stand in those places and we ask God for things with a smile on our face and we know there is absolutely no way that he's not going to do it because we know who we are and we know what he is committed to us and what God commits to you in terms of your life and your ministry and calling you get to commit back to him because then when you offer yourself yes I will do that I'll step into that I commit all of that back to you then he keeps it safe so that you can stand in it and you can learn how to receive under extreme pressure those are the best times to receive when everything's against you everyone's saying it's not going to happen it's not going to have not going to happen it's just cool to stand and say yes have a promise for the times in times of warfare and adversity we have a boldness and a courage to stand firm in God but you learn this confidence through your life circumstances so question what are you going through right now and what if that is part of your training for Raynor what if God's training you right now it's like you know in the whole area when God is teaching you perseverance you're not going to get a quick answer on that day if God is teaching you endurance your situation is going to be prolonged so you better be able to stand for a few weeks or a few months and maybe longer God is teaching you faithfulness your circumstances will not be bright and shiny and wonderful and easy so we're difficult on this and you'll have to learn things like stillness and quietness and you'll have to learn how to rejoice and you'll definitely need to learn how to be comforted by the Holy Spirit otherwise you'll eat too much chocolate that's not good all the girls are going for buying that thought hahahahaha and the thing is it's the confidence you learn in life that enables a warrior to hold their nerve and to be fearless in the face of enemy attack it's important for us to live with the growing conviction that the Lord is delighted to pour out with extravagant delight the certainty of his affection towards us it's so important that you absolutely know that you are the beloved of God and that God is incredibly biased towards you he favors you he lifts up the light of his countenance upon you he beams in your direction you have his heart you have his favor and you need to learn to be confident in that hugely confident in that proverbs 326 says the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught God is very confident himself and he's going to build that confidence into you Isaiah put it this way in chapter thirty fifteen he said in quietness and confidence she'll be your strength stillness is so vital to a warrior you can't win if you're whining so at some point you have to give up your right to a pity party don't look for sympathy look to be empowered worries the people who can get up dust themselves down and get on with it they're fighters they're not looking for rescue they're looking for a side of God that they know only really exists on the battlefield and worries of people who want to get on that battlefield it's not like well I'll fight if I have to I'll fight if there's no alternative warriors the people who are looking for a fight they're spoiling for a fight how many of us know that you know the church in America right now is behind the time of her own development she needs to catch up we are living in a society where right now frankly evil is winning we're building more prisons than anything else one in a hundred people in America is either in prison or being in prison I think he's in prison right now what is the problem in this country is not crime it's not terrorism it's not abortion it's not poverty it's not drugs what is the biggest problem in this country is simply the lack of goodness scripture says we overcome evil with good so where's the goodness gone what if when the chief parts of a warriors armory is the goodness in the favor of God that we live in the goodness of God and nobody around us is safe what if a problem right now in America is that there's not enough goodness and there's not enough people realize that the kingdom of heaven is about being good and doing good it's about overcoming evil with good warriors know how to live in the goodness of God and they know how to pass it on but it's stillness is so important to us that we learn how to be quiet before God especially on difficult days you get to still the clamoring in the panic that life can cause in us rest is a weapon and in the embrace of God's peace nothing touches me but the confidence of his great strength knowing how to access who God is in himself it's such a key part of your development all of your life circumstances right now are preparing you to be brilliant you're learning how to be majestic you're learning how to be warriors you're learning how to overcome you're learning how to stand you're learning how to press in you're learning how to receive you're learning how to rejoice you're learning how to pray you're learning about the fruits of the spirit you're learning the importance of patience you're learning how to wait on the Lord you're learning how to see him you're learning how he thinks how he perceives how he loves to speak you're learning how he loves to connect with you you're learning about his heart when it comes to promises and you everything you're passing through right now is a learning opportunity we need to stop treating life's difficulties as though they shouldn't be happening to us they are training they're a really important part of who you are and God allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent by his power and the dark of the situation and the more problematic the circumstances and the more difficult the things we have to go through the reward on those things is substantially greater you know sometimes when God's teaching you Authority you can point at something and say in the name of Jesus and bang its obliterated Yahoo this is great see when God's teaching you Authority that's brilliant when he's teaching you perseverance that ain't going to work for you the thing is we want we want everything to fall to us quickly easily the word of authority bang in the name of Jesus that's it but doesn't work like the way it depends what is God teaching you what is God developing in you right now you can't be your warrior if you're shying away from endurance if you're not learning the lessons of how to persevere how to stand and not just endure like oh well I'm just enjoying you know all I'm going through this situation and it's going to end one day you're not waiting on the Lord you're waiting him out bad Christian bad the thing is if all you if you if you just endure like this that doesn't count I don't count what you ain't learned nothing I don't count I've gone through six months of this no you haven't by the looks of you you probably have another six months to go like sheesh you plank you could have got through this in three months if you'd learn to rejoice thing is when God puts you through extended situations he he wants to teach you long suffering with joy that means you're in an extended situation and you're happy about it because you're a warrior the thing is warriors take one day at a time they're not looking for something to end they're looking to receive something in the moment that they're in they know they can put the end in God's hands that's his responsibility the outcome is God's responsibility the process is mine so how do I walk through this thing step-by-step well the first thing is when you go on a journey you can rejoice in the outcome but you don't live there otherwise what happens is we're just like thinking to ourselves be glad when this is over sheesh I've already happy when this is done and what do you do you're postponing joy now you're putting it off I'll be happy when I'll be glad when this is over well but you can be glad now see the thing right now in all of your circumstances they're not it's not just about them being resolved God is not just into like resolution counseling with you he wants you to pick up on who he is now so he's going to look at you and say excuse me I'm happy and it would be a great blessing if you could be happy as well yeah he's joyful all the time he's peaceful all the time he loves all the time and what he's teaching you is about his essential nature I want to teach you how to be joyful when everything's against you I'm going to teach you how to receive under pressure I'm going to teach you how to be at peace when there's a storm raging all around you I'm going to teach you how to fight and win every time but I want you to live like I live with a smile on your face I want you to think like I do so in every situation you face there is a renewing of your mind there's an enlargement in your heart there's something that God wants to give you of himself and you know you need to make that your prime motivation what aspect of the nature of God do I need to receive in these circumstances you've better become christ-like because only an idiot will go thru 12 months of something and not be changed into something better that doesn't make any sense because you know that if you don't learn those things you're going to have to go through it again once is enough a you
Channel: Brilliant Book House
Views: 311,429
Rating: 4.8491344 out of 5
Keywords: graham cooke, way of the warrior, the way of the warrior, christianity, christ, god, spiritual warfare, spirit
Id: 9fpWecWqQl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon May 26 2014
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