Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study - Not Possible In-Vivo)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 1,184,664
Rating: 4.9407678 out of 5
Keywords: drbeen, medicine, nursing, med school, microbiology, sars-cov-2, covid-19, coronavirus, usmle, mbbs, nclex, cytokines, Health (Industry), Medicine (Field of Study), Pathology (Medical Specialty), what is, nursing (field of study), Nursing school (organization), b cells, t cells, somatic hypermutation usmlemutation, v(d)j
Id: -SYL-iU0E9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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Software engineers won't be surprised. You try and stupidly hack into a system you don't fully understand and shortcut the normal mechanism of operation, it can often lead to unforeseen and untoward effects. That's what this sounds like. So the spike protein might trigger an immune response to the virus, but it sounds like it can also interfere with DNA repair, thus leading to far worse outcomes should that occur. Since DNA repair is required for antibody formation, I wonder if that's why the jabs wear off so quickly.
It is scary because BRCA1 and 53BP1 are responsible for genome stability and tumors protection. Decreasing production of BRCA1 causes increasing level of estrogen.That mechanism could explain menstrual bleeding problems after vaccination. It's also known fact that low level of BRCA1 accompanies breast and ovarian cancers. In this case the vaccination is more dangerous than natural infection because it passes by the innate immune system which also involves in tumors protection.
Does the spike protein do any more DNA damage than a typical virus? I thought that was what viruses did. I.e. hijack a cell, change it's DNA to produce replicas of itself rather than the cells normal operation.