Kyle's vaccine complication

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Then question must be asked, is it a wonder that even those medical professionals who want to make entries into it give up, and that VAERS figures are 10 - 100 times underreported?

How many medical professionals would have all the requirements at hand to make the entries, let alone sit through a crash prone process and make the entries successfully assuming they had the time on hand?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HectorVonCovid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just like the VAERS system is both:

  • The best sytem we have, meant to collect every adverse reaction, and
  • Anecdotal, and voluntary, so as to be readily dismissed as unreliable whenever it's referenced.

. . .The UK Yellow Card Scheme is named SCHEME for a reason. It's a trick, pretending to be a program meant to protect you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloghornEgghorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Then they offer no better alternative to find adverse event data. And then say it’s safe and effective .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GreatReset4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The NIH commissioned a study a few years back and it concluded less than 1% of adverse events are reported in VAERS.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThisAd7328 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Study: Analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Database

"Clinically trained reviewers have undertaken a detailed analysis of a sample of the early deaths reported in VAERS (250 out of the 1644 deaths recorded up to April 2021). The focus is on the extent to which the reports enable us to understand whether the vaccine genuinely caused or contributed to the deaths. Contrary to claims that most of these reports are made by lay-people and are hence clinically unreliable, we identified health service employees as the reporter in at least 67% ... while pharmaceutical employees were identified as the reporter in a further 5%. Lay people were identifiable as the reporter in only 28% of the reports." "The sample contains only people vaccinated early in the programme, and hence is made up primarily of those who are elderly or with significant health conditions. Despite this, there were only 14% of the cases for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death." In spite of the fact that only 11 (4%) present with a test-confirmed and current COVID-19 infection, all 250 people in this interim collection were reported as COVID-19 deaths. This means that all, even those who received one or more negative test results, are erroneously counted in the officially reported national COVID-19 death tally.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jorlev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here we goπŸ™„. But of course, why would anyone NOT report? Let me guess, 45 minutes? Lol I wonder if every doctor is going to take the time to report a rash, body aches, palpitations, etc when they can easily attribute it to anything else and give someone a pill, a cream or requests more test.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seiladvbx82 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

More importantly just how useful is the data? Apparently not very much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DURIAN8888 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay well today we're talking to to kyle and uh where are you carl at the moment actually um i'm actually in boise idaho idaho okay so so that's kind of getting top left-hand corner is it yeah it is it's like the last kind of pacific northwest state i guess you'd say a little bit yeah yeah yeah okay right now um we have to let people decide whether they want to watch this video or not so what's kind of the bottom line on this video carl why are we here um so i'm a professional mountain bike racer and i was vaccinated at the pfizer vaccine in june of 2021 that was my second dose and i had a pretty bad adverse reaction um and yeah i'm just kind of going through the timeline telling people what my experience was and then also sharing some resources for other vaccine injured people yeah i'm actually going to be heading to washington dc in november november 2nd to go speak in front of you know politicians and try to just make a little difference in the support level for vaccine injured people and then also you know speak about vaccine mandates because i believe where there is risk there needs to be choice yes good excellent and of course we're going to put links to all of all of that so so that's what this video is about so take us back to the to the start of this car you you're a famous mountain biker right you've got no you are you mean you've got mountain bike websites and yeah uh you and april do all sorts of mountain bike stuff so you you you're a really fit guy basically yeah i was actually um a professional racer for many years i'm 29 years old yeah and i've been a professional racer since i was 18. um three-time north american enduro tour champion so like you know at a high level it was my job for the past 10 plus years and then it was really interesting because during covid all of the races got cancelled in 2020 and so my girlfriend april she's like such a trooper she loves learning new things and she used to race motor motorcycles motocross and uh so we started a youtube channel and i just thought it'd be fun to upload some how-to videos to get people through the pandemic and then it just took off and so it grew from nothing to basically 250 000 in the past year um and so yeah now that's kind of our full-time thing is making videos and helping people learn no that's great i ride a bike about two three times a week but not as seriously as you so so it sounds like you're one of the fittest people on the planet before before you had this difficulty you're basically a professional athlete yeah i was yeah anyway so so you had the first vice pfizer vaccine when when was that kyle what's the timeline um so that would have been the middle of may yeah middle of may was my first dose and yeah um everything went pretty normal first dose you know had a sore arm the next couple days no big deal and then our second dose was june 10th um the reason we had got vaccinated was you know to be able to travel with our channel this year we were going to try to travel internationally and just meet up with a different a bunch of different friends and sponsors along the way so it was kind of a must-have to travel at that point june 10th was my second dose um my girlfriend april got vaccinated at the same time and she had you know same reaction as the first time with the sore arm and then for me it was a little bit interesting because as soon as they kind of injected it i had a weird uh metallic or like saline taste in my mouth develop and i kind of asked the guy hey is that normal he's like no i don't really hear that much so it was really interesting like i wonder what that was you know and then um a day or two later i didn't really develop the sore arm either and so i was like huh this one's no big deal i guess the second dose is a lot easier than the first and then about two weeks later i started to have some weird um just kind of reactions with my heart and so what was happening to me is throughout the day i could just be standing there or sitting there and i would just have these weird flushes of like really high heart rate and kind of almost like an anxiety attack how do you know your heart rate was high kyle what happened um i wear a garmin watch so i have like a garmin watch i track all my sleep and everything and so i was pretty on top of it and i noticed my resting heart rate went from you know low 50s up to like 60 ish and i was like oh that's interesting and then my um heart rate throughout the day when i would have those kind of moments it was kind of in the 90s to 100 just sitting there and that's not very normal for me so i was pretty cognizant of it and right away i just cut out all stimulants so no caffeine no you know tried to reduce everything just to cut out stimulants because i thought maybe there's just something weird happening and then we actually i took two weeks off completely of like riding doing anything because i felt kind of crappy and then we went for a bike ride about two weeks after that and um yeah on the bike ride started out normal i was feeling a little bit kind of iffy just lightheaded a little bit and i went on the bike ride and my heart rate kind of went up on the start of a climb we climbed for maybe five minutes my heart rate got up to like 160 and then it wouldn't come down no matter what i did and it just felt like i was going to throw up and i felt just really weak and i was actually with a friend um his name is bill and he's in his 40s and he just looked at me he grabbed my shoulder he's like you're going to the hospital you look like you're gonna die and so i was like okay so we were in sun valley idaho which is two hours away from boise so i drove we drove back to boise um the whole time those two hours my heart rate never went below 135 and it just stayed up for two hours got home i couldn't even really walk out of the car to like get dressed because we had biking clothes on so i got dressed i was at 150 160 heart rate just trying to walk around the house and then i went to the hospital and i told them hey i know this is weird i just read about the you know myocarditis pericarditis with the mrna vaccines i think i might be having this reaction and they basically just said no you're not like he literally said no you're not that's very rare you're having an anxiety attack like i'll admit you but you're not a priority right now so i sat in the waiting room for like three and a half hours just sitting there like holding my heart like oh this was this was a doctor carl was it it was at the emergency room um a hospital in boise called saint alphonsus yeah it was it was a doctor that told you you were having a panic attack yeah exactly and then i told him hey i i'm not you know like i know my body this isn't normal something's happening and all the side effects i'm having are in correlation with the side effects i read about because i think the day prior to this big instance is when the world health organization did an official warning um so i was kind of just paying attention to that you know and then i told him hey this is what's happening he said no you're not i was in the hospital for a few hours they actually gave me a big shot of toradol um which is an anti-inflammatory because i was having like the reactive arthritis as well and so he gave me a huge shot of toradol and it brought everything down and my heart rate went from like 130 to 110 and he pointed out the thing he's like look you're doing better i'm like no i'm not still you're normal isn't it more than yeah i'm like dude my average heart rate is like 55 to 60. so this is double i don't know what you're used to seeing but i'm this isn't normal for me and uh yeah he just told me i'm going to recommend you to a psychiatrist i think you're having a psychotic episode and just sent me on my way yeah she said it was psychotic yeah because he's like he thought that i was imagining things and and basically trying to be like anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists because of the way that i just said hey i think this is vaccine-related um and at that time they hadn't seen any at that hospital yet to my knowledge and so they sent me home um i had a lot of people reach out to me because i kind of shared hey this is what's going on with me i got access to ivermectin and i started to take that right away just because i heard a lot of people say hey this might kind of hold the spike proteins hostage and just arrest the reaction that you're having so i started taking that it helped a lot it like basically stopped my symptoms from getting worse i didn't get a lot better but it just like put it placeholder on it and then i ended up in the hospital four days later for a second time i went to a different hospital this time and uh i had a really really strong squeeze on my heart like it just cramped and then just started burning kind of uncontrollably and uh yeah is this severe quite severe pain you had yeah it was scary because we actually were trying to it was the first time i've been out of the house in a few days from that first er visit and we were at the grocery store and i was just trying to get a little bit of food and i was like walking super slow and i grabbed some fruit and i was putting it in a bag and then my heart cramped and i just like dropped everything and just grabbed it and was like talked to april my girlfriend and said hey this isn't good like we're going to the hospital again um and yeah this time they actually believed me and said hey it could be this you know this is possible and let's investigate it as as if it is this and so they referred me to a cardiologist and i was diagnosed with pericarditis and also um i developed pots which is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome um as well as the reactive arthritis that i've been dealing with so the arthritis came on after the injection as well did it yeah and it was weird because um being a mountain biker you know i've had a lot of injuries and crashes along the week over the years and so it almost felt like all of my old injuries were reactivated so i broke my si joint a long time ago both sides my si joint were like excruciating pain i couldn't even get up out of bed in the morning and then both my ankles both my wrists like my wrists were so bad i couldn't even put my seat belt on so i had that april help me put my seat belt on and then um it's gotten a little bit better over the past few weeks but i'm been supplementing with like some black seed oil and that's what people have been telling me to really use is the black seed oil kind of blocks the h2 receptors so that's been helping a lot and yeah every time we just start throwing supplementation at it and try to really mitigate the spike protein reaction which is what i believe is happening um then it really helps a lot but i can overdo it so easily and just like relapse right away so it's kind of scary so the the this started 10th the 10th of june two weeks after that so this is june july august september october so four months now you've been really quite ill yeah four months i haven't really been able to work um as far as you know even doing videos and whatnot because it's really interesting but even like mental energy if i have too much mental energy so sitting and doing emails and stuff i can actually relapse my physical reaction so i think there's been three or four times where i've felt really great and i kind of told april in the morning like oh i think i'm i think i'm better and you know i get excited and then either i overdo it physically just by like running errands or even if i try to like start editing a video or something then the next day i'll just be kind of in pain for a few days and in bed again now you're kind of wiped out with the effort yeah and it sucks that it's mental effort as well because it's like no matter what i try to do even if i like read and i read too much of a book or something the next day i'll just be like so drained so i feel like very um no i just feel so worthless and i told april like i'm so sorry that this happened so many times because we had all these plans and then you know this happened and i basically just been kind of worthless for four months but we are starting to get a little bit better which i'm really excited about um especially once i started supplementing with the black seed oil a woman from an organization called she reached out to me after my video that i posted on youtube and she said hey thanks for sharing your story these are the things that have been helping people that we know of so far and that was one of the big ones and that's been helping me a lot of course we'll post the links to this if it helps anyone else then that's uh that's great so you're still pretty you're not right now by any means are you i mean i mean what does the cardiologist think does he think you're going to get gradually better or what yeah so in august i actually did a cardiac mri and my my heart was cleared of all the pericarditis so i didn't have any more swelling present in my heart which was really good that was a huge sign but i was still struggling with all of the pots symptoms so like going from laying to standing really high heart rate and also like blacking out um so your heart rate goes up to like 140 or something when you stood up yeah it was bad like i would even try to just cook like scramble two eggs and i'd be at 120 530 heart rate about to pass out so um they told me you know i did a stress test in september where they looked at my heart and said your heart looks great but the pot symptoms are going to last for a while and he told me just to kind of hang in there and it should get better in a year to like 12 to 18 months is what he told me um well so long it's a long time though for your line of work isn't it yeah and then he did tell me that you know there are some things you can do to try to help which is like stay very hydrated you know a lot of electrolytes um compression leggings to try to help basically just your body and then also he told me to start exercising with uh like supine position so leg press or rowing or swimming so that's why i got like a little rowing machine okay over here but so i'm i'm starting like i can do 10 minutes on the easiest setting on that now and then so your exercise is actually lying back just because if you're on a sort of recumbent bicycle yeah a little bit like that because then you're not having to pump the blood so high but if i try to like walk or ride a bike or anything i just am yeah out of it drains me so your exercise tolerance is improving you feel that's that's a good thing yeah very slowly and one thing that's interesting is uh from a lot of the people that have reached out to me i've probably had around 50 to 60 injured people reach out to me over the past four months um like kind of 30 before my big youtube video update and then about 30 after and so it seems like most people at the nine month mark they really start to feel like drastically better for whatever reason so a lot of people just been saying hey this happened to me early in 2021 um you know it's about october now so like people that got the shot january february they're telling me that it seems like i'm better now that it's been eight or nine months and so that was really interesting there's kind of this weird um like artificial time limit on this whole reaction from what i've seen so far let's hope so now we know that you were diagnosed with what you call a pericardial effusion car weren't you now that is the the pericardium is the tough fibrous sac around the heart then there's the heart inside that and you've got fluid in between the two um and that that was uh that was a definite problem did you have to have that aspirated or did that go away on its own no i was very lucky so because i was so in tune with my body and we kind of got this off we caught it very early um our my cardiologist was kind of telling me hey you're really lucky because your troponin level which is the marker of heart damage i guess like you said is on the myocardium versus pericardium but the troponin level i had was like a 0.8 and they told me you know anything above a one is considered damaged and so i was right on the cusp of that and he told me that he's had five or six guys come in with levels of 25 to 30 um really high troponin levels and really severe heart damage and they have all kind of gone through the same process of trying to get better um but he told me i was very lucky that i came in so early and caught it so yeah yeah so so it sounds like your condition is mostly the pericarditis maybe some minimal myocarditis but not significant myocarditis in the actual muscle of the heart compared to some of these other guys who had troponin's 30 times higher than yours weren't troponin yeah comes from damage of the myocardium um so so that indicates that you're ho i'm i'm hoping you're myocardiac pretty good shape yeah i'm hoping so as well and they did uh so they originally did an ekg and a ckg on me yeah to check if i had any weird arrhythmias or anything and they couldn't find anything yeah then they did an echocardiogram and he was reluctant to order the echocardiogram because he's like i don't think you're gonna have anything i don't believe that you're going through this reaction they did the echocardiogram found the pericarditis and then i did a cardiac mri and i did a ct scan on my heart as well with radiation um with the radioactive fluid and yeah it was so i've had it looked at a million a million different ways and they all said it looks really good so i was very lucky in that aspect but now i'm just kind of trying to get back to normal with the pots symptoms and then also the reactive arthritis sure i mean how how let's do those one at a time and it did you feel the pots is getting a bit better yeah gradually and definitely put words in your mouth if it's not tell me no it's really interesting so like i said on the days where i wake up and i feel pretty good you know maybe i'll go for three or four days where i'm bedridden and just kind of in and out of bed for most of the time and then i'll have a breakthrough where i feel really good and i don't really have any of the pot symptoms during those those good days like i'm pretty functional but then like i said if i just overdo it a little bit then i get back into that system and then i do experience the pot symptoms quite a bit so it's this weird reaction where like it comes and goes in waves and that's what's really difficult about it is i'm not sure how to manage it completely and i'm trying so many different things and um you know originally we started with ivermectin which seemed to help temporarily but what's interesting with that is it kind of as soon as you stop taking it then all the symptoms just come back and so i had a doctor explain to me that it seems like the ivermectin is kind of holding those spikes hostage and and stopping them from interacting with your body but it doesn't eliminate them and so once the iron mechanism's gone then it just kind of lets the spikes free flow again and so then the other thing that we started trying was um ace2 receptor blocking so yeah yeah like pine needle tea and star anise and now this black seed oil and those have been the most effective for me um and so yeah i started just drinking like a star in these tea that's like a chinese fruit from a um from a pine tree and i started making tea with that and that helped a ton and then um like fuja occidentalis that's another kind of uh supplement that i would take and that seemed to help quite a bit so i'm trying to manage it but then it's hard because you're taking so many things you know yeah i mean and of course your doctor could prescribe drugs that would do that more specifically as well i mean yeah you did those i've been asking pretty pretty seriously for months and what's hard is like my primary doctor she told me hey my hands are kind of tied because there's not an official treatment for this there's not a treatment protocol so she told me basically i'm i'm not gonna prescribe anything that's not officially you know the right thing to do so it's hard and then it's been interesting to see her um her name's susan but it's really interesting to see her perspective shift over the past three months because when i first came in she was kind of saying hey you know this is really rare i haven't seen anybody with this then month number two when i did my checkup she's like i'm kind of seeing this a little bit more it's really interesting please send me any information that you find i'd love to read about it and learn more and then month three she's like this is a problem and we need to figure this out and yeah it's just the way that my insurance is structured it's with the state so it's really difficult for them to to prescribe things that aren't right yeah yeah yeah so so you your condition has evolved with the state of medical knowledge so it sounds like yeah so so that was the part so secondly the arthritis what what joints are affected most kyle um for me personally it's like the last four vertebrae my kind of lumbar spine and then both of my si joints so both sides of my hip and pelvis both my wrists both my ankles and then sometimes my like right collarbone but i've broken this several times so it's not too surprising on that one so it is kind of old injuries that have re-inflamed yeah and that's what's so weird is like i've broken kind of i've broken my right wrist i've really severely sprained my left wrist i've torn the ligaments in both ankles i've messed up my si joint i've had all these different injuries over the years but it just brought all of them back and it almost feels like when i wake up i'm just re-broken and i haven't it's been years since that happened so um it's not like i'm in constant pain normally before this vaccine i was totally normal functional and kind of a go-getter and then just since this happened i've just been um yeah just i just feel super weak and worthless which is hard to feel because i'm one of those guys that wants to like do things and help and be active and yeah well i cannot i can understand that but of course your worth is not determined by what you can do your worth is determined by by who you are but uh i i know how you feel you want to get stuff done don't you i mean that's yeah and i will say that this whole thing has been like such a great learning experience um for one just understanding more about how the body works and for two just really understanding how much there is a need for support groups and that's been really interesting for me is i've had a lot of people message me um even after my last youtube video and one guy he's like in his 20s and he told me hey i have all the same symptoms i've been dealing with this for six weeks and i'm scared to tell my family because i don't want them to disown me because you know they're very big believers in the vaccine and that's kind of what was hard is like my mom was very pro-vaccine and you know we we got it and when i was telling her at first she almost was kind of like i don't really believe that this is happening to you and then as it's developed she's like oh my god i can't believe this is happening to so many other people so like i said that's why i just kind of took a break and waited um so this happened my big reaction was early july and then i waited a few months to say anything really just because i figured nothing was going to age well and also the understanding of this being an issue has been getting more and more uncovered you know and the other thing i think is if there's any possibility of this inflammatory reaction i think it's quite important not to exercise and that that's kind of one of the messages you want to get out you know you only start exercising when a doctor tells you you can well preferably a cardiologist tells you you can start exercising again because until then there's a greater risk if people are exercising when they have heart inflammation that's we don't want to be doing that now i want to talk about these support groups in a minute but before we do that you mentioned this metallic taste in the mouth now how long after the vaccine was put in your arm did you get a metallic taste in your mouth um so i had a slight metallic taste almost within 30 seconds of administration of the vaccine and then they tell you to hang out around the store we did at the pharmacy and they told me to hang out for 15 minutes and it was kind of present for that whole entire 15 minute period and even later into the day um so about two three hours later i still have just lingering things and i was actually trying to like chase it down with different drinks i was like oh man this is so weird that i'm feeling this but like i said i asked him if this was normal they said no i haven't really heard of that much and then now talking to a few other injured people they've had similar experiences as well um and so like you said in your video about aspiration i don't know if maybe that's a sign that they really did just hit a blood vessel or artery or vein and injected it into my circular system you know i mean the fact that a clinician doesn't realize that a metallic taste in the mouth could be a sign of an inadvertent intravascular administration concerns me yeah because what happens is if the vaccine goes into your muscle then it stays in your muscle and it's going to take oh well from an intramuscular injection it's going to take half an hour to be systemically absorbed at all or much longer than that but if it goes into a vessel you get a metallic taste straight away now this has happened to me many times when i've been giving intravenous injections at work when you when you mean to be giving intravenous injections and people often say particular antibiotics for example or vitamin preparations they could say well i can taste that that happens like as you say about 20 seconds after after the injection so the fact that you could taste that straight away to me is very suspicious of them inadvertently giving that into a blood vessel the only other thing i can think of which will cause a reaction in the mouth straight away is an allergic reaction but did you did you have any other features of an allergic reaction did you go red were you itchy did you go dizzy at the time no i had no other features of it and like i kind of said earlier um on the first dose you know i developed the sore arm a couple days later and i was like yeah man this is pretty this is kind of gnarly actually and then the second time i was like oh i feel great you know i'm totally fine in april my girlfriend she had the sore arm and it's kind of like oh man it's really getting me the second time and i was like i don't feel it at all so i thought i handled it really well but maybe they just injected into my vein well it's it's it's it's certainly uh possible i mean so so basically you're having the inflammatory reaction in your heart and your joints instead of in your arm which of course is where you prefer to have it so i think that really is suspicious that that that part of the reason that you have this problem is that that vaccine could have been given into a blood vessel yeah and i'm sure i don't think we'll ever know but i think it's possible yeah i shared your video on aspiration um on my instagram page and i had about 10 to 12 nurses kind of message me and go oh my god i've been taught this my whole life and i don't know why we're not doing it i didn't even think about that and this is so helpful like thank you so much for sharing this info i'll pass it along and so i had all these people reach out and go yeah i know to do this why am i not doing this you know like why are they saying to not do this so it was really interesting yeah but then well thank you thank you for sharing your suffering with us kyle it's a brave thing to do yeah and it was weird because one nurse told me you know hey i've never seen someone do an aspiration on intramuscular injection he's like it just doesn't really make sense and i was like well have you ever given an mrna injection before you know like this is the first time that these have been really around so maybe it's not that important that's right the these are micro particulates even the uh the the the adenovirus vector vaccines and the messenger rna vaccines by definition the messenger rna vaccines have to be given in like a little droplet um and so it gets into the cells and that is the microparticulate and that gets into the circulation and we know that can cause inflammatory problems so um i really am suspicious that this was at least part of of the reason that you've had this that had this appalling problem um go ahead carl yeah oh no as it's about to listen yeah yeah um so to tell us about this uh this event that's coming up in in washington yeah so it was actually really a cool opportunity came out of sharing my story on youtube which like you said is very scary especially in the time of censorship right now and so i tried to be very neutral with my story and just say my personal facts of what happened to me yes and um a woman who is working with a group called they are working directly with the fda and the nih on vaccine injury and they've been working with them she was actually brienne the lady who runs this she was injured in uh december or november of 2020 she was one of the first clinical trial patients and so she was injured and she was one of the first injured people in america and so she's been working on this for you know almost a full year now and the fda and nih have had studies saying that this is possible reaction since december of 2020 and so there's really this big push to kind of hey please acknowledge that this is an actual thing because for one it's hard when you or someone affected and the doctors don't even know that this is a thing you know like what happened to me they just sent me on my way and for two the only um thing they're actually acknowledging currently is the myo pericarditis so the swelling of the heart and there's a lot of people that have different symptoms so you'll see neuroinflammation so really severe headaches you'll see neuropathy you know the burning and sensation in lives the reactive arthritis you'll have epilepsy sometimes even blindness one of my good friends his daughter got the shot and was blind within one hour in both eyes and she was in icu for a week in arizona after the shot so it's there's this cascade of different effects that are happening to people and no it is not super common you know like the numbers are somewhere in the one to a thousand one to five thousand range it seems like and so if it is something that's not common then at least make it known that it's possible because it really puts us in a bad position where i say to even like my sponsors or to the companies we work with hey i had a vaccine reaction and they're like oh it's so rare it's probably maybe you didn't you know like we don't really know what happened so it just is a weird situation to be in right now but we're gonna go speak in uh washington dc november 2nd and basically try to i don't know just make a little difference and help them see it in a more human light i believe because they're going to have 50 doctors scientists and injured people and movie stars celebrities all these different people speak and just try to really get the message out and they said they're going to have so many people speaking because they want to spread the target out because everyone who stands up and actually tries to say something is basically a target right now and that's what scary is it doesn't need to be that way absolutely not and i mean and your condition has been formally diagnosed but by a cardiologist what what more could you ask for you know when you went to the emergency department and the doctor told you you were having a psychotic episode you know i just can't you had told me that before we started recording the video but i can't describe the the contempt i have for that the most fundamental mistake you can make in psychiatry or medicine really is to say that an organic condition is is a psychological condition that's a fundamental mistake and the idea that any doctor could say that without a thorough physical examination is bizarre and the idea that you're having a psychotic episode is ludicrous because you have no history of psychosis yeah i mean it's just not a psychotic it's just that that was just wrong on so many levels it's unbelievable yeah and it was hard to because like the other symptom that i had when i was in the er at that time was like an extreme pressure headache but it felt like the entire way around my skull i felt like my brain was pressing against my skull and i asked him can you please do like a ct scan and see if what's going on he's like well i'll order if you want to but you know it's up to you you tell me if you're gonna if we need to order it because i don't think you're having an issue and so i told him yes please order the ct scan they did a ct and he's like okay it looks good but you know just even the fact that i had like begged to get a ct scan because he thought i was just being crazy and then it turns out no this is an actual thing and i actually talked to the resource nurse at the hospital and she told me to please you know write a letter basically say this is not right and they've implemented new practices so hopefully it's helped some people down the road but yeah it was it pissed me off i'm not surprised i mean i'm amazed that you're you're able to relate this this level of suffering and uh what can only be called negligence um or best incompetence so so so calmly and rationally which is exactly what we need of course to try and communicate this to to to other people um so anyone who's worried about this at the moment kyle um support groups is this is that is that kind of the one to go is that the first port of call do you think yeah exactly and with they're tracking over 5000 people currently um they're tracking their symptoms and dealing with 5000 injured people and like i said the importance for support group is really is really key because just even in that 5 000 person group six of those people committed suicide in the past month because we don't have the ability to speak about this and if you speak out and you say hey i was injured then you're a bad person and even some of the families that have had children die they're trying to get their message out and just say hey my child passed away from this from myocarditis several days or a week after a vaccine it's it's documented it's well documented this is happening and they're being pushed to the side so yeah if you go to the react 19 website you can put in all your information you'll be part of the case study of what's going on and you'll actually help make a difference towards you know the government actually doing something so i'm not sure how i'm going to address my speech but it's i feel like we're all in a war against this pandemic you know and that's what this is and the vaccine is a great tool to get us through this war for a lot of people but if people are being injured you're not supposed to leave soldiers behind you know we're being told do our part get vaccinated try to do this thing and then all right you're injured all right no liability no funding no nothing and even in singapore then they have a website you can go on for cova 19 vaccine injury you fill it out and they help you with funding for your medical bills but it's like i don't know it's just so sad that there's um such a big push right now to do it or you're a bad person and then if you are injured they're like oh yeah it doesn't matter so i think that i think that war analogy is really helpful carl you do not leave your mates behind you know you you do not leave your comrades behind in no man's land you just don't do that you look at it you don't do that especially when you ask them to do something you know you're asking especially america we're being asked to do this or you can't work you can't go to these restaurants you can't do these things please do your part get vaccinated and if you get injured then you know f off yeah couldn't agree more yeah so yeah hopefully i can do that in a way that doesn't um upset people but actually makes a difference you know well i don't really care about upsetting people i just want to know the truth you know this whole thing is about truth you do not you do not bolster the cause but by not being truthful you have to be completely truthful and of course that's what feeds into informed consent and informed decision making and all these things all the things that go with that is this react 19 just sorry go ahead oh i was just going to say i feel like what's happening now is people are being coerced into making a decision based on lack of information versus being convinced of a decision based on total information and transparency and one thing that bugs me too is like if you see an ad for viagra or something on the telly you know it's like oh side effects may include this this this this yes and imagine how different this conversation would be if it said do your part get vaccinated side effects may include myoperocarditis your inflammation arthritis you know if it said that and then you went to your family members and said hey i had this reaction then you have such a less likelihood of being disowned you know yes but those those things you have a right to know i mean when we admit people for surgery in hospital we'll say okay this is your operational this is the procedure the possible complications are and you actually you actually run through the complications with the patient so that they are making an informed choice um and we can give them the figures we can show them that yes this is rare yes vaccines necessary to bring herd immunity to the entire population without without large death rates but no there are risks associated with it and the other thing is if you were aware of those at an early stage another thing that really struck me kyle is is your doctor said to you when you actually got to a proper doctor a proper cardiologist says well we're glad you caught you early and so so so bad that emergent that emergency room doctor didn't take this seriously but but you actually sounds like you actually got to a proper doctor just in time whereas if you had if you've been ignorant and not so tuned into your body because you're an athlete then that could have been delayed and you could have well i don't want to think about what could have happened yeah and even if you just had like i was lucky to have good insurance this year but even if i just had poor insurance and i was like oh man i need to ride this out because it's so expensive to go to the hospital like well let's just try to write it out and then you're so far gone that you know from my understanding and i don't know you would know more than this but um myocarditis can be irreversible correct if it's bad enough oh oh certainly i mean but viral viral myocarditis it cannot can be caused by a virus like coxsackie virus it can cause the viral myocarditis can cause permanent damage to the heart and is a life a life-threatening injury that's why some people get heart transplant operations because of viral myocarditis i think we i think we know much less about about the uh although we know there's been some deaths but i'm just so pleased that yours does seem to be improving albeit slowly frustratingly slowly um but yeah yeah myocarditis is uh anything to do with that well anything to do with any internal organs by definition is serious isn't it i mean you don't yeah you know you don't you don't mess around with these things you get you get an expert medical opinion and in this case a cardiologist of course was the correct person for you to to you to see and they came up with a diagnosis yeah i'm really hoping that this with what you guys are doing like you know with you putting information out there that's very thoughtful and well groomed through you know i think it's gonna make a huge difference because now we can actually have these conversations that need to be had because there's still a ton of people that are not vaccinated that are probably going to need to get vaccinated either for their job or for work yeah or for travel you know and it's like if even if it's as simple as okay if you aspirate maybe it reduces the injury rate by 10x it's like we need to be doing this and having these conversations and uh absolutely yeah one thing that was interesting is brienne from react 19 she told me that the average age of vaccine injury right now is 33 years old and so it is kind of that younger demographic and if they are going to be pushing this out to 5 to 11 year olds that that number is going to continue to drop you know it's not going to be a higher age it's around 30 years old you're at higher risk for this to happen we have to look after our young people that is for sure and i would certainly include you in that category yeah yeah so this react 19 is it mostly us-based kyle or is it fairly international yeah so from what i understand the react 19 is the group working directly with the us government but there are some other there are some other um groups out there and so if you were to be in a different country and you're going through something you don't have anyone to talk to just go and sign up because they'll help point you in the right direction because they're tuned in with this whole movement but we'll put we'll put links to all of the ones that that we know of and uh yeah of course people can tell us others in the comments and i'll try and collate all these possible points of contact together one other thing that's been kind of frustrating is um you know the vares reporting system yeah so in the us we have the vera's reporting system and it's really interesting because people are discrediting that and saying that the numbers are highly inflated yeah and a lot of times the bear system i had to fill out my own report because no doctor would do it for me and it took me 45 minutes and it's a really difficult process to actually do it correctly okay so i just think it's interesting a lot of people are kind of having this narrative that oh you can't trust the bears numbers because it's so easy people are just making this stuff up it's like no you have to fill out what was your batch number of your vaccine where did you get it what was the date who administered it you know it's like it's a much more thorough program that people realize so this is one thing that's been frustrating because there are numbers out there but a lot of times the numbers are just being discredited so it's like how do you have an honest conversation when people don't actually take numbers into account and you've just given a reason there why it might be underreported so this is the the the vaccine adverse events reporting system or something like that yes in the uk we have something similar i think it's called the it's called the yellow card scheme in the uk but we have something very similar um where anyone can fill it in but it could be a difficult process as you say so there could be actual under reporting then yeah and what we need is just accurate figures accurate data isn't it i mean how can you make good decisions on inaccurate data it's just it's a quest of truth it's a quest for reality and uh well you're a big part in this in this movement of of helping well you aren't you are needed you are not as well as yeah i mean for someone who's suffered like you have to share as you have is is a noble thing to do there's no you know i think it's great so yeah is there anything else you want to tell us carl because that's uh we've been we've been talking for 38 minutes no um i think that the biggest thing is just really this big thing in washington i'm really excited to be a part oh yeah and i think yeah well all over the place yeah yeah yeah you can set any links you any links you send us we'll we'll put them up and okay and uh ask people to share them around and uh um and can people leave comments to you as well on under this video so yeah for sure with uh the speech that we're gonna be giving on that tuesday the second and then on wednesday we're actually gonna go and lobby one-on-one with different senators and representatives and i think what is needing to happen that isn't really happening is just this calm conversation about hey this is a problem we need to fix this we need to address it let's let's make a difference but what's happening is so many of these um you know even stories like my story there's so many people commenting that were just so aggro you know aggressive and it kind of hijacks the actual movement of there are people being injured this is a real thing and yes people can be angry like i am angry that this happened to me but but i'm trying to be civil so that we can actually have a conversation with the people that can make a difference no i i agree i agree completely that's that's brilliant so thank you for that carl so much um let's let's uh we'll post that see what people think and uh would you be happy to come back and report to us after this conference yeah for sure i think they're gonna have a protest later on the second as well and there's already 300 vacs injured people that are going to be on the capital steps so it's it'll hopefully get some um awareness of this being an actual problem because depending on what your news media is and what you watch now it really seems like the the narrative is vaccines are safe and effective period no questions asked and if you are someone who's injured it's it's a hoax and that's not what needs to be happening it needs to be it needs to be a little bit more transparent yeah it always concerns me you hear politicians saying vaccines are safe now relatively speaking that statement's true but you know i would never give someone a couple of ibuprofen tablets there you know briefing tablets you know a couple of anti-inflammatory types i'd never give someone those tablets and say they're safe there's always an element of risk even if you give someone two paracetamol tylenol you know there's always some element of risk any antibiotic there's an element of risk okay it's tiny but you know you would never say that something is safe because to me safe is such a big word yeah and it's always a relative safety it is and when we got vaccinated you know at the time in america when i got vaccinated it was you can't catch covet you can't transmit covet they're safe and effective and you're gonna need it to travel so we said all right we're gonna be around thousands of people with our clinics and whatnot we need to probably get this we can't catch it we can't spread it none of that and all that's been proven untrue so it's like we kind of made this decision based on bad information yeah and i don't know if i could have waited a little bit longer i would definitely be in a different position now where like i said i am very i believe very much that the vaccine is a great tool in the arsenal to fight this war but there are a lot of other great treatments that we could look into as well yeah absolutely yeah so um if you're interested in mountain bikes watch kyle summer kyle's videos he does all sorts of tricks things i couldn't do so keep you entertained for a long time so so yeah thanks for having me on yeah no hopefully we'll talk again kyle after that after that uh meeting that would be brilliant yeah and uh thank you very much for sharing your your what can only be called personal suffering we really appreciate it a yeah let's hope so craft thank you
Channel: Dr. John Campbell
Views: 1,775,667
Rating: 4.8856215 out of 5
Keywords: physiology, nursing, NCLEX, health, disease, biology, medicine, nurse education, medical education, pathophysiology, campbell, human biology, human body
Id: H7inaTiDKaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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