You Will Love This Vaccine (Novavax Vaccine)

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all this is dr mobine syed from dr welcome to one more show today i have a vaccine that i wanted to discuss with you it is quite an interesting and fascinating vaccine so if you think about it for a second what are the common issues or objections about the vaccine so let us start to think about that in a second one is just generally that somebody is anti-vaxxer and they say we we just do not believe in it or it is harmful or whatever is their reasoning just in general they're not gonna take it fine so that is a group of people that we cannot sit here and try to convince that's one then another objection is vaccines have not been tested for long enough they have not been built for long enough they have not been trialled in animals and so on so that is another objection which i think is going to be applicable for all vaccines so if somebody doesn't want to use a vaccine because of the shorter duration then all vaccines are going to fall in that category for some more time then there is a common objection that the vaccine may have some things in it for example rna or dna that is going to go into our cells and kind of mutate ourselves which is not the case but that is an objection then we have a very common uh objection that once the vaccine is given let's say here in the deltoid and the nanoparticle or the adrenovirus is picked up by the tissue here including the muscle cells and the mast cells and the fibroblasts and other tissue cells those cells are going to be eventually killed by the natural killer cells or cytotoxic t cells so that is the destruction of the cell so that is another objection then there is an objection that vaccine rna when it gets into our cells it would just continue to make more and more spike proteins and we do not know when it would stop although i have done this discussion many times even an individual topic but that objection stays some of these are just myths some of these are just objections but still these objections are there then there are objections that the adenovirus itself we do not want a chimpanzee adrenovirus in us although many of the vaccines other than sarsof2 as well use chimpanzee adrenal virus that adenovirus is actually better for us compared to human adenovirus because human adenovirus so for example if my adrenal virus are taken and then used most of the people have their bodies already conditioned their immune system is already ready to kill those adenoviruses because they live in us and so as soon as you use them in a vaccine and you inject that into somebody their body is just immediately going to kill them and destroy the vaccine it would not be effective but there is a discussion about adenovirus now within adenovirus then there is another objection which i receive very commonly is that the adenovirus has a dna that dna would enter our nucleus which is our dna over there it is going to make messenger rna and spike proteins outside in the cytoplasm but in this process because the dna has gone into our dna that is somehow going to be an issue then there is another objection about the adjuvants that some vaccines have adjuvants in them and those adjuvants can cause reactions then nowadays we know that there are reactions to the vaccine because of polyethylethylene glycols and maybe that is an issue as well excuse me so um how about if we see a new vaccine today which removes majority of these concerns and of course i forgot to mention the fetal tissue usage issue for example astrazeneca or for example other vaccines like johnson and johnson yesterday we talked about these used these are manufactured in the copies or the clones of the cell coming from aborted fetals a fetus and that is a area which some religious groups not only christians but other religions as well have objection too then there is a gray excuse me gray area of the objection where a vaccine may be designed in using a fetal tissue clone cell but is not manufactured in it and that that example is for example moderna so all of these issues imagine a vaccine that can bypass majority of those and that vaccine is nova wax's vaccine so i'm going to talk about that vaccine today so let me very quickly go over the same list once again and just explain that why does it not why these objections are not applicable to it or majority of the objections one objection that the vaccine is developed in a very short time that is applicable to all of these and so nova wax would have that that objection applicable as well other objection that it is not tested on animals or it is not tested for long enough that also is applicable to know of access vaccine as well then the question of messenger rna coming into our our body that is not true for nova wax the question of adenovirus or a dna coming into our body arriving in our body bringing the vaccine in that is not true about the nova wax objection of dna accidentally entering our nucleus and doing something to it that is not applicable for novowax objection about the rna hijacking somehow or making somehow proteins forever spike proteins by hijacking our ribosomes that is not true for novowax at all so the novovex the fetal tissue issue is not true for the nova wax at all so novovax has a vaccine technology that bypasses and sidesteps all of these issues the adjuvant issue may be something that is to be looked at because they also use a nanoparticle like technology in their nanoparticle do they use polyethylene glycol or not i do not know yet i'm researching so i'll do some more discussions but majority of this issue is actually gone then one more issue that the cells that are displaying the spike protein for example muscle cells or fibroblasts and these would be destroyed that is also not true for nova wax because the it is not picked up by the muscle cells so muscle cells are not going to be destroyed by this vaccine or due to the presence of this vaccine so majority of the issues are actually sidestepped by it so it is a fascinating technology let's look into it all right so this is dr if you wanted to buy just to have access to these lectures or to support you can actually go here and check the plans so that is one then here it's a fascinating thing today that we are going to be discussing i i love love this one so for this discussion for the novavex technology to for to understand it better one we need to understand the spike protein genetics and we know them from our previous discussions i have the references here just so that they are available we have seen this reference again and again and this is again about the spike protein of the sars cove 2. this is another reference here which is about the so this whole bar that you are seeing here is the genetic code of the spike uh sarskoff ii and then here this little dark green part is the genetic segment of the sarskoftu genes that are responsible to make spike protein we are talking about these today then this is the novovex phase three trial december 28 news and they are starting their phase three with 30 000 volunteers placebo based this is nova wax's own site with their phase 3 trial information and they they are recruiting at this time so if you are eligible and if you wanted to take part in it you can this is their technology itself and i had touched upon this a few days ago as well today we'll actually look into it in a more deeper way this technology is called recombinant nanoparticle vaccine recombinant is an important word here and then nanoparticle then here this is their phase one and two clinical trial link i have the link in the description these are the cells that they have used and they are not fetal tissue cells they're not even human cells at all they have taken the cell from butterflies or moth and so we we're going to talk about that so with these links in front of us let us now look at the vaccine itself beautiful technology i loved it so the vaccine is called nvx cov2373 so and we are standing for the nova x nova x cove 2 and number 373 it is a recombinant nanoparticle technology so it's not just the messenger rna based nanoparticle it is a recombinant based nano particle so how does it work so here they take the sarcophagus gene then they take the spike protein gene area which starts from the 21 563 kilo base pairs to 25 384 so this is the area this part is the part of the sarskof2 genome that is responsible to make spike protein so they take that part of the genome [Music] then what to do is this so here is a moth and i should have made actually a butterfly missed it i should have made a pretty butterfly over here so a moth or a butterfly their larva here and they take the cells from there so the question of the cell acting as a manufacturing site is still there so if you said i don't want my vaccine to be built in a cell then we have a problem here because there is a cell involved and majority of the drugs have cells involved but if you said i don't want human fetal aborted fetal tissue cell copy used as a manufacturing unit then that is not involved these cells are called sfn bv cells and i'll explain what does that mean sfn are for these cells that are coming out of the moth or butterfly these are fall army worm moth cells so once you take those cells here is the bv part so the the cell culture name or the cell line name is sf9 bv so what does bv stand for here so these are the baculoviruses these viruses actually infect the cell itself the moth cell or the butterfly cells and ignore this thing over here i had made a copy to use it again but i forgot to take it off so here is the baclovirus i think you can actually see this area of the baclo virus it has spikes on it as well most of the viruses have spikes on them to bind with our cells so in this case this bacular virus is not going to bind with our cell it is going to actually bind with the moth larva cells this structure is very simple it has this head area or an epical area where it has the spikes to bind with the cell and then it has little dna area where it has its dna just like adrenal virus has its dna and this red area around that is the capsid protein or the cover of the dna what they do is they take this dna of this virus and they change it to add the spike protein dna to it and so of course you can ask me this question that why the heck we're talking about the spike protein dna why not spike protein rna so yes from the sars code 2 we get the spike protein rna but we convert that rna into a complementary dna and then a dna and then put that into this dna this is the recombinant part we use recombinant technologies recombinant simply means to change a dna now this is not a dna changed in us this is not a dna change in our cell this is a dna changed in a virus and that virus would never end up in us for example when we talk about adenovirus based technologies like pfizer sorry astrazeneca or johnson johnson or canxino these adenovirus based technologies have a virus that has a dna which is altered with the spike protein or contains a spike protein here we have a virus baculovirus that has a dna which is altered to add spike protein genome to it good now they take this infected virus or modified virus are you with me so far so what have they done they they took they took the moth cells first of all from the sarcophagus they extracted the rna part that makes a spike protein that's one then they took cells from butterfly larva and they infected those cells with bacterovirus but these bacterovirus are already prepared by adding in them a that spike protein genome in them so this is a modified baculovirus this baculovirus if you see here is now inserted into the sf9 cells the moth or butterfly cells not us those cells do you know that this is very similar to the adrenal virus vaccine that was being injected in us so instead of the vaccine being given to us imagine the vaccine is now being being given to butterfly cells so what happens when we talk about us as any car johnson and johnson when the vaccine is given to us our cells make spike proteins here the virus or the vaccine in a way is given to the butterfly cells so what are these cells going to make they are going to make spike proteins correct so look at this the the virus binds with the in the butterfly cell then it gets in there it releases its dna that dna enters the nucleus of the butterfly cell i would keep saying butterfly cell so you don't take this that somehow our cells are being uh affected this all is happening outside now this dna piece here is from the virus and this little red piece on it is the spike protein genome from starscoff2 when this spike protein genome becomes transcribed into messenger rna comes out again in the mock cells butterfly cells sf9 cells [Music] these this mrna is going to go to their ribosome and their ribosome is going to make the spike protein correct so this is like our muscle cell was going to do this in case of astrazeneca or in case of johnson johnson or canxino here we have a hired cell the moth larva cell so the spike proteins are made there now what do we do what is our function in this when these spike proteins are formed our now job is to extract the spike proteins from them so in astrazeneca and in johnson and johnson they would give us the the vaccine which will go into our cells and ask ourselves to make spike proteins here we have given the job of making spike proteins to an external cell and that is not a fetal tissue cell and now that cell is making spike proteins guess what is the next step they pick up those spec spike proteins that are made by these cells we steal those spike proteins from them just like when honeys make you know the bees make honey we take their honey correct just like that the the infected cells moth cells are going to make spike proteins and we are going to take them take the spike proteins then we convert those spike proteins this is another beautiful part of their technology we convert those spike protein into a particle that has the same size like sars cof2 so they join these spike proteins on a lipid particle and the size of the particle is very similar to saskov too so now imagine you may have seen sometimes hunters when they go for let's say hunting birds they have decoy ducks and they put those decoy ducks in the in the lakes and then they hide and they're trying to hunt so here we have a decoy sr scope 2 it is not a real source of 2 it is actually just a lipid nanoparticle it has nothing in it but on its surface it has many spiked proteins attached so they call this immunogenic nanoparticle beautiful they just instead of calling it normal nanoparticle which would contain inside it a messenger rna that needs to get into a cell and then cause the production of spike proteins here the nanoparticle itself has spiked proteins on it interesting so now the first question i want to answer here can this nanoparticle bind to our as2 receptors and then get into our cells no it can bind to arrays two receptors but the tmpr ss2 and all other functionality with the spike protein is not available the enzymes are not available so the this thing can do nothing even if it enters the cell so that is the beauty of this so this is a decoy source of two-like particle it has no brain in it it has no rna in it it has no matrix protein in it it has no n proteins in it it has no capsids it's nothing just a particle with the spikes on it now on the right side here in this diagram i have made the actual not the actual it compared sars of two as well which has all of its other proteins in it plus the rna and here is the decoy nanoparticle which they call immunogenic nanoparticle so let me actually show you this much on their site so why these things excite me are that there are researchers there are intelligent people sitting out there who think about these things and then they come up with these technologies and make these things and advance us so here if you see what they're saying is that hey we will take the genetic material of interest spike protein we will then infect a bacterio virus with it so here is a virus their depiction of virus then we will take that virus so i did i say in fact they would change the virus genome baculovirus genome then they would take that virus and infect the moth cells or sf9 cells which are insect cells then those insect cells will now make the genetic protein that we wanted to or the immunogenic protein for example spike protein here then they would generate particles that look like the original pathogen with the spike proteins on its surface or whatever antigen we want on wherever it should be that becomes the technology and this video is beautiful as well last time i had said that i have the video in the description and somebody said where is the description so under the video let's say if you're on youtube if you just expand it under the youtube there is a video there is a description in the description there are links to these areas okay so back here so hopefully this much is clear now what happens is we bottle up these spike proteins spike proteins and now we are ready to inject them into a human being so it doesn't have adrenal virus in it the lipid nanoparticle i still have to see the composition that does it have polyethylene glycol in it or not it seems like from the video it seems like it does not but i have to confirm yet it doesn't have any messenger rn in it it doesn't have any dna in it it does not have any such things it doesn't go into the rna into the cell and give it the rna and make spike proteins that may get continue to be made forever and all so all those myths or objections or concerns are not applicable here so now we have the spike proteins and we know this diagram very well once we inject that spike proteins let's say in a muscle now muscle cell is not going to pick them up it is the immune system that is going to pick them up why what is the difference of this nanoparticle compared to astrazeneca's nanoparticle for example the difference is that astrazeneca's nanoparticle or canxinos nanoparticle or johnson johnson's nanoparticle does not have any immunogenicity on its surface it has the rna in it and it would like the nanoparticle i spoke the wrong names they are all adrenovirus based moderna and phizer their nanoparticle has the messenger rna in them and that nanoparticle has to get into a cell release the messenger rna there to make the spike proteins here we're talking about a particle that already has the spike proteins on it so our immune system will directly interact with it immune system would directly become interactive so we don't need to get it into a muscle cell or a fibroblast or a mast cell or some other cell it just immune system cells dendritic cell macrophages natural killer cells neutrophils they are all going to come around this little particle and they're going to say my god what the heck is this thing what are we talking about what the heck is this and they would start working with it so here let's say we have a dendritic cell the dendritic cell is going to bind with the spike proteins just like if it was a sask of two and it is going to pick it up and phagocytose it and eat it up now it is not a source of two so there is no worry about the infection and now the genetic cell is going to present that on the surface of ny on its surface right these cells are called antigen presenting cells so on the mhc2 complex of the dendritic cell or macrophage or b cell this antigen will be presented when the antigen is presented then we know that the naive t cells the cd4 helper cells naive or zero cells or null cells they would connect here and then in the presence of the correct uh interleukin or absence of interleukin-12 for example they would take one route or the other so we know this that if interleukin-4 is present or interleukin-12 is absent then the naive t cell zero cell will become t helper 2 and t helper 2 cell which is also a cd4 helper cell will then release interleukin 4 and 5 and 10 and others and one big part of that is that it is going to convert a b cell into a plasma cell and plasma cell is nothing but a pregnant b cell that is making antibodies and these antibodies are the ones that are going to be used against the actual infection and many of these b cells would become memory cells they would go to sleep and when the actual virus comes in then they would attack it [Music] similarly if interleukin-12 is present then the naive t cell can become cd4 t helper one cell and then it would release interleukin-12 that would cause cytotoxic t cell which is called cd8 cell to become active which would then actively start killing any cell that would become infected by the virus so this is the technology you can you can tell how excited i am because in this one again there are going to be folks who are going to say regardless we don't want to have a vaccine we don't like a vaccine and all that and totally cool i understand that but all of those extra objections are removed by this and so they are in phase three trials right now i would do some more discussion later on that what was the data from phase one and two but today i wanted to talk about nova wax's technology itself so let's just see some questions and then we would stop so let's see ryan cole says still concerned about antibody dependent enhancement reactions as individuals are exposed to new spike mutations ryan let me tell you something so this is an area where many people are concerned and this concern is not very valid and let me give you an example if this was a correct valid thing that was happening in practice and this is not a theoretical phenomena then people who have become infected with actual sarspov too will continue to develop ade all the time because when the reinfection would occur which occurs all the time right so if i have become infected and have recovered now my immune system is ready and if the virus arrives in my body again immune system is going to start working in that process the antibodies are going to be present and the new clone that comes in it's not going to be 100 the same as before so ade does not occur otherwise we would have seen those millions and millions of people who have become infected and are still in hospitals and are working and going around they would continue to develop ade all the time we would have no choice but to get stuck in the homes and never get out so ade is not a very important mechanism for the vaccine concern it is a theoretical mechanism okay so let's see so td this is a objection which for which i cannot probably respond if we say that testing on 40 000 people is not sufficient to testing on 30 000 people is not sufficient or now administration to 10 million people is not sufficient then there is no answer to that the the way i think about all of this is there used to be a time that i give this example before as well when from here cupertino to san francisco if you're going to go by a horse you might reach there in days and now you can reach there in half an hour and so if we say that why is this this vehicle faster now that is just because we have advanced technologies similarly for the vaccine production nowadays we are just fast because we have so many advanced technologies and the whole world is focused on it all of our time is collectively looking at this so i am not too worried about that part but still some people have made this comment that hey we are just going to wait we are going to see others so that may be a choice as well so jim mattox jim how are you doing so would this may be a better vaccine if you're on cancer treatment that harm your b cells correct so um if your b cells are generally on the reduced side any of the vaccines would work fine but this vaccine would directly work with the immune system instead of using our naive other cells as well so that is the benefit of it it doesn't need to bring in mrna or dna or adrenal virus and do that but the eventual outcome for the b cell is the same those vaccines want the b cell to become active this one also want the b cell to be active seema uh samina says please talk about oxford vaccine i have done that discussion so if you look at my videos and just search for oxford vaccine that was one of the earliest vaccines i discussed john snyder says just feed the new spikes to the bugs and make new ones yes so that is a recombinant part you just keep making copies of the rna so excuse me so you can't give the spikes to the bugs because their immune system is going to kill the cells that would contain the spike but you can continue to give this virus to the bugs and they would keep making more spikes and then you just keep taking the spikes td says can you interview a vaccine genius for us absolutely do you have someone in your mind carolyn rn says question of all the different vaccines that we have discussed since last summer or is it or is being developed which do you like the best this one this one has no messenger rna it is it has no adrenal virus in it it has no inactivated virus in it um it has directly spiked proteins and it is these are made into insect larva and insect have a much more reproductive power they they live for they have a lot of numbers so if we took one larva and use that cell to make the copies hopefully that is okay so from a technology and from the mechanism of action i love this one and then it doesn't need to bring in rna it doesn't need to bring bring in dna it doesn't need to have our cells do the production it just brings in a bunch of spike proteins that's what i love about it joe says hi dr bean i feel uncomfortable getting an mrna vaccine i see about three percent of those who have been vaccinated without done i have had bad reactions should i wait for the jnj vaccine so the uh i think that the problem with the modern advisor has been the polyethylene glycol that is present in the nanoparticle correct for to wait for jnj because even this one uh nova wax may have they say we use nanoparticle what i do not know is exactly what is the usage because so short answer first that yes uh wait for j and j and the longer answer is if you see here in their video their nanoparticles of antibodies targeted toward these keystroke defenses [Music] see their nanoparticle structure is like this so it is not the whole big lump of the nanoparticle with the spike proteins from its surface to me it seems like these are the spike proteins and then there may be small tiny holding part in it because of this little diagram that they have and i'm hoping that a company that develops this would have a better and more accurate depiction compared to mine so if this is a structure then these spike proteins are present and nanoparticle is really negligible here so they may also not have the bad reactions so good question joe simple uh steve says a company is developing nanobodies as opposed to antibodies that will bind to spike proteins and prevent attachment to s2 receptors yeah that is a very uh workable solution as well morris says isn't the spike routine of nova wax and mrna from a specific source of two strain and that may not generate immune response that can react to the new mutant strain now so i have talked about this a number of times so far there are lots of rumors every day there is a new news that this this strain or the variant may not have the right the vaccine may not work correctly or i had done this discussion that monoclonal antibodies may fail some rtpcrs may fail so far out of thousands and thousands of mutations there has been no mutation that would render a polyclonal antibody cocktail like regeneron or a vaccine to fail and now we have started seeing the data from the vaccine companies as well to say yes it will not fail so i will not become too worried about this that this actual spike protein that is in it may be different and what they can do is let's say right now 90 prevalent spike protein is type let's call it a they can use that rna and have that built and then let's say a year later there is a different prevalence of a different type for example uk strain then they can very easily start building with that but even uk strain or we shouldn't call it strain variant even uk variant is very susceptible to previous immuno immune responses that have been generated so far there is no variant that has escaped the previous immune responses so wrong ip addresses do all the non attached spikes on the particle get antibodies attached does this spread through your whole body then not inject it into your muscles so better chance of generating iga antibody no so they are not given in blood so they cannot go to the whole ent body so they would be given in the muscle and in that area they will be immediately picked up by the immune system cells now the first part of your question that will these non-attached spike proteins although they are attached to the lipid nanoparticle get antibodies attached to them so yet we are suspecting that the people don't have the antibodies so because of that it is the macrophages or the dendritic cell or the b cell that are going to pick them up now let's say somebody had been infected previously then yes as soon as their immune system is going to see that oh man the spike proteins are here they would attack with the antibodies and antibodies are just going to go bind with the spike proteins that will make the spike proteins yummy for macrophages who would eat them up and digest them and and clear them which is in a phenomena which people say that hey this would cause antibody dependent enhancement but that is a normal mechanism that happens all the time to clear the antigens in our body our phagocytes or macrophages and genetic cells are eating up things all the time they don't go into ades all the time and gregory says fascinating absolutely i love it so john no and john you are from periscope it is interesting i've never seen my own video on periscope i don't even know how to go see it cool so let's see one more question here um two rama ramona the number of x covered vaccine has a matrix m1 adjuvant the mrna has no adjuvants is this adjuvant a concern no it's actually it is good matrix m1 will be that remember the original sars cove has a tiny protein on it which is called matrix protein m protein it is just a part of the envelope protein that is present there so if they actually make those m1s here as well that makes this little nanopartic particle even better because now it kind of mimics the virus a little more that decoy duck has some paint on it as well against which we can make antibodies too and become even more effective so that is a good thing so um cell games 2006 you you okay just reported a reinfection in 70 80 year old man with the kent strain that had the old so the old man had the old antibodies and they didn't work so yes it can pass the antibodies the question is what was the quality of the antibodies in that person the immune responses in advanced ages are usually lesser number one number two the new variant that the kent variant is it really reinfecting everyone if that was the case we will be in trouble we are seeing cases of reinfection one in a million maybe and that is fine that is happening um it is not happening at a level that let's say i was infected before and now there is a new variant and i got infected again and everybody is getting infected again and pandemic has restarted that is not happening super chat thank you very much kirk what are your thoughts about daily antigen testing to let the individual know if they are transmissible so the i would love it if we can do it that we can have at home remember in the beginning of the pandemic i used to say a lot that there has to be a way that we can test ourselves at home unfortunately there are some that test that have been approved but even then at least in the u.s you cannot use them without a prescription because i think our government just wants to have a very good control over who is trying to figure out if they are sick or not for example if i got a vaccine i'm in a trial and they gave me water instead of the vaccine and now i go and get the test done i can actually know if i got vaccinated or not so i think they're just using us mostly for experiments i'm being facetious here i don't like that they have controlled these things so uh 22 dollars 22 question it takes a few days to get an appointment for a covert test in my area if i start taking ivermectin will it affect the result of the test if i get the test after i have started taking it so the ivormectin's role is to reduce the viral load by not killing the virus but by making the the cells stronger so in the presence of fibrometin one can still have low level of uh viral replication but our immune system would get a chance to control it fast so you can still show up positive on the rtpcr so a 10ae a12 are you concerned that e484 mutation has 10x less affinity for conversant plasma antibody interestingly uh conversant plasma was already not working very well we know that convolution plasma we thought that would become the best thing but many people's antibodies were not really working for others the thing about these these antibodies that are commercially manufactured or vaccines is that they continue to look at these thousands of strains and see what is the area of the least mutation what is the most constant part and they make antibodies against that so that is the benefit so for example if we are the researchers and we want to make an antibody let's say monoclonal antibody and we want our project our startup to succeed and we want to make billions of dollars and we don't want it to fail what is going to happen we're going to put all the strains in front of us and we are going to say okay guys let's look at the genetic material here and maybe feed it into a computer and see what are the areas of least change then make the antibodies against those areas that is how these things are produced convolution plasmas have not been very successful because of all the tiny changes that continue to happen to genome cool so this is the discussion there's one more question here uh melanie goodman question would this be more effective if it was given intranasally instead of im so in my opinion it could give be given intranasally as well because it just needs to be present and there are spike proteins and our immune system are going to respond so it could be um intra nasally as well so 1080 a12 excellent getting vaccine friday very good congratulations um thrill oh for 15 what is the earliest that novo wax will be available in the u.s so if i look at their site this is the part that i had not done much research on yet um there this is the where is their phase three here so nova wax phase three has started um study placebo age 18 and over check your eligibility screening follow-up two years randomly assigned so what i don't know is study vaccine being recent can i get uh you cannot get infected wise diversity get paid does the study vaccine container what is a placebo can i check to see if i'm eligible there's a typical thing for travel so i have to do that research to see when would they actually finish this trial so um thrill give me some time to look into that i was just so enamored by the technology that i wanted to at least discuss that today cool so guys thank you very much for today's time there is one more question question is by marsh question i would like to know what is the point of taking any new vaccine when we have proven drugs like avomatine hydroxychloroquine herbs like black seed that proven protect and cure covet i have discussed this before as well if i am given ivermectin and i'm given a vaccine i would take the vaccine too the reason for that is very simple the vaccine is going to prepare my immune system against sars cof2 ivermectin is going to get my my cells ready to protect against these viruses so that is good it is a good thing and it has been very effective but vaccine is just going to give me such a targeted and specific response to the virus that i know i can handle it i know i can combat with it so the other thing is we should all be allowed at this time as a bridge from now till vaccine to be able to use these prophylaxis ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine and zincs and those things that is just incompetence i believe and it is to me it seems more and more criminal because people are dying so to your question the answer is yes but i am still also a proponent of the vaccine and at the same time i'm so sick of the leadership not to allow common folks to use these things your channel says dr been you made layman understand medicine thank you very much my point when i started this was to actually discuss these things with all of us and not to come here in front of you and tell you how much i know or i know medicine i'm a doctor i know medicine the point was as much information can be related to you so you can make your own decisions and that was the basic belief that was my dream to do i thought that was only way for us to protect ourselves better if we are all educated okay so um barbara says so it may be best to take a vaccine and then use a black seed ibm get mild infection so we can read it fast i agree with dr bean outrage about the politics of it agreed meaning these are not and or they can actually both be done together so this is the discussion for today thank you very much there is a please like subscribe and share there is a link to buy me coffees which are which is in the description there is also another link to support this channel this work if you if you like it so please like subscribe and share and you can support it as well so thank you very much for today i would see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Drbeen Medical Lectures
Views: 314,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drbeen, medicine, nursing, med school, microbiology, sars-cov-2, covid-19, coronavirus, usmle, mbbs, nclex, cytokines, Health (Industry), Medicine (Field of Study), Pathology (Medical Specialty), what is, nursing (field of study), Nursing school (organization), novavax, nvx-cov2373, sf9/bv cells, baculovirus, moth, butterfly, larva cells, vaccine, pfizer, moderna, astrazeneca, cansino, johnson and johnson
Id: Q00lyd3gyy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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