Spider-Man on Ice | Marvel's Spider-Man | S1 E13

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Is it scientifically feasible for a human being to melt? Whew. This heatwave is killing me. I know when I created this Spider-Man look, I wanted it to be a beacon of hope. But maybe head-to-toe Spandex wasn't the coolest idea. Third rule of super heroics-- always know where the best alleys are for changing clothes. It keeps looky-loos from seeing your Spider Undies. Fourth rule of super heroics-- never use the word looky-loo. Ah. Much better. And I'm even on time to meet Harry. [YELLS] Are you OK? So sorry. Thanks, kid. Now get out of the way. Hey, I said I was sorry. Coming through! Hold it right there, Macklin. Nice job there, kid. You just stopped a member of Hammerhead's gang. Randy Macklin just robbed the jewelry store on Fifth. Wish we got more help from regular people like you. My job would be a lot easier. Thanks. Have a good day. [MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. Guess I can be just as effective out of my Spidey duds. I need to patrol the city as Peter Parker-- oh! Pete, you're a genius. Nah, I just got in his way, really. I'm talking about the cryogenic gauntlet. Take a look at this. I took the revised designs you emailed me, realigned the coils, and look-- [ZAPS] Whoa. We did it! We created a way to freeze food without agents like freon. Our joint science project will finally show everyone that Horizon High and Osborn Academy can work together in a friendly, non-competitive way. Although my dad will be furious when he finds out. Yeah. He'll support that when Horizon freezes over. Hm? I only had a small refractor in my lab, so this is the biggest thing I could freeze. But if I had something larger-- Where did this come from? Oh, that's perfect. PETER PARKER: I don't know. HARRY OSBORN: Let me just raise the level a notch, and your sandwich becomes-- [ZAPS] Whoa. Oh, that might be too much ice. No such thing as too much ice. HARRY OSBORN: Huh? I know you. Macklin. You're that thief I stopped earlier. You what? I stopped him. Pete-- Peter Parker did. I did. I helped the cops by getting in his way. Then you helped me by holding on to my diamond. But now I want it back. Hey-- but we need that to generate more ice. More ice, huh? From what I just saw, maybe I should be taking this too. SPIDER-MAN: Harry, are you OK? Don't worry. I'll take care of him. Don't be a hero twice in one day, kid. Stop! You don't know what that thing's capable of! [ZAPS] [PAGES TURNING] [THEME MUSIC] Not what I had in mind when I said I wanted it to be c-c-cooler. Pete, we've got to get our gauntlet back. Huh? The only thing you've got to do is start shoveling. In a sec, Joe. Let me just see if that cop is still outside. Oh, no, Pete. You are not pulling another one of your disappearing-- acts. He coming back? Wouldn't count on it. Hm? I wish I put a tracer on Macklin, so I knew which way he went-- huh? Well, that's a trail even Peter Parker can follow. Where the heck is Mackerel? It's Macklin. And Frankie here thinks he got pinched by the cops. The cops? How stupid can he be? This was an easy job. You break into the jewelry store and steal a diamond. See this? This right here is why I should only hire supervillains. They cost more, but they're 10 times better than you regular yahoos. I got it, boss. Mack-a-lin. Haha. I was just talking about you. I thought you were picked up by the cops. Nah. I gave them the slip. Used my noggin. Oh, look at the brain on this guy. I like it when you're smart. Now, bring it to papa. Although, the smart thing to do would be to hang on to it. What? What did you just say? Well, you just said supervillains make more dough. And as long as I got the diamond to put in this glove thing here, I got superpowers. What you got is nerve, Mac and Cheese. You're a regular guy who gets his regular cut. What, you think 'cause you can make snow cones now, you deserve the ice? You hand over my diamond. Oh, I don't think so, boss. Now pay me what I'm worth, or else you and everyone who's ever underestimated me is going to get a cold, hard wake up call. You're not going to be worth much dead. Hey, boys. Let's show the snowball here how it's done. I warned you. [ZAPS] [GRUNTS] [LAUGHING] SPIDER-MAN: I got to hand it to you, Macklin. [GRUNTS] Most thugs just say they're going to put people on ice. You actually do it. The name's not Macklin anymore. Oh, let me guess-- Mr. Zero? Fridge-Face? The man who stole some tech that didn't belong to him and now he thinks he's a big shot guy? Joke all you want. The name's Blizzard. Blizzard. I was so close. Well, I got news for you, Blizzard. It takes more than a name and some cool tech to go from being a regular guy to a super one. It takes power and responsibility! Now, just give me the gauntlet before someone else gets hurt. Let me save you the suspense, Spider-Man. Someone is going to get hurt. And that someone is you! Oh, webs froze. That's not all that's going to freeze. First, your webs. Then your whole body. Don't be so dramatic. I thought snowmen were happy, jolly souls. [GRUNTS] I think I'm getting the hang of this. Hammerhead always got my name wrong. But the world won't. They'll know me as Blizzard, the guy who brought New York City to its knees. That's a little too much to put on a business card. You're right. Let's shorten it, to the guy who froze Spider-Man. HARRY OSBORN: Hey! SPIDER-MAN: Harry. That's my gauntlet. And that's my cue to break out of here. Look out! [YELLS] You're w-w--welcome. I did it! I put Spider-Man on ice. Now, let's show the world what I can do. HARRY OSBORN: No! S-s-somehow thought Spider-Man on ice would involve a lot more music and dancing. Wait! Where are you going? To get my gauntlet back. Let me do it. I'm better equipped than you. I'm not the one who got himself frozen in ice. True, but given enough time, the heat of my body should melt the ice. Please, that'd take forever. Well, do you have any ideas? 'Cause Blizzard is getting away. And you're not exactly going for the gold here. No. But we'd be better off if I got the silver. Because silver has the highest thermal conductivity of any element. Genius. [HUMMING] What are you doing? Looking for quarters that were minted before 1964. That's the last time they made them out of silver. Talk about taking forever. 2010, 1998. You're enjoying this, aren't you? Yes. I like showing you that you need us more than we need you, Spider-Man. I can't argue with you at this particular moment, but right now, the Blizzard needs to be stopped. So if you wouldn't mind, I saw some bags of jewelry in the corner. Some of it's got to be silver. HARRY OSBORN: Bags of jewelry, huh? Gotta say, this isn't exactly what I expected in Hammerhead's gangster wardrobe. Although, you do look good in that tiara. Thanks for thawing me out. And for not calling me an ice queen. I know that was probably hard to resist. Would be helpful if we could somehow sustain that fusion process. Hey-- that cryogenic gauntlet you made-- do you think you can make one that generates heat? I don't see why not. I've got the original prototype back at Oz Academy. My friend Pete and I made it together. [PHONE BUZZING] I'll have him meet me there, and we'll work on it. [PHONE BUZZING] Wait. Do you hear that? I hear a buzzing. SPIDER-MAN: Huh? No-- I think ice messes with sound. Shh. There it is again. You don't hear that? Nope. Ah, went to voicemail. Hey, Pete. It's Harry. Meet me at Osborn Academy. Macklin's freezing the city, and we're going to stop him, by turning our cold design into a hot one. SPIDER-MAN: Oh, boy. Looks like Blizzard is definitely trying to make his mark. Won't be so easy to follow him this time. Sure it will. The cryogenic gauntlet has a GPS built in. That's right, it does! How do you know? I figured most things have GPS nowadays, right? Phones, cars, cryogenic gauntlets. You uh-- you want a lift to Osborn Academy? I'm good. Here, take this. It's the GPS tracker. Thanks. And tell the cops to use that silver to free Hammerhead's gang. Pay attention, New York. The Blizzard is everything Randy Macklin never was-- cold, slick, strong-- Not to mention cracked! [YELLS] So is that your thing? Swinging in and kicking people mid-sentence? Because that's the second time you've done that now. I like to think my thing is to bring thugs like you to justice. I'm not a regular thug. I'm the Blizzard! Yeah. I got that. But guess what? My forecast says, there's going to be a blizzard in prison tonight. With 100% chance of conviction. When are you going to realize that you can't stop me? Because you can't get near me without freezing. I have to get away from him if I want my webbing to work. And insulate myself to ground the current. [GRUNTS] Stay indoors until it's safe. Thanks, Spidey! Not going to survive if I don't winterize my costume. But Horizon's buried under snow at this point. Looks like my only chance is-- Oz Academy. Hey. Got your message. How's the new gauntlet coming? Almost done. And how is it Oscorp is the only building not buried in snow? My dad spared no expense in insulating the building's exterior with auto-heating units. It's basically the same technology behind car seat warmers. The man's a genius. He wasn't genius enough to create comfy long-johns, was he? I sure could use a pair. No. But I was. Sort of. Check my locker. [BEEPS] We had an assignment in Toomes's class to create a material that could help firefighters maintain their normal body temperature, despite outside conditions. So I made a few of those thermo-suits. This stuff on the table is what I use to simulate the hot weather conditions. [MUSIC PLAYING] Huh. Impressive. Glad to see the Osborn genius didn't skip a generation. Nope. Like father, like son. [MUSIC PLAYING] Huh? These materials are exactly what I need to winterize my webbing. Have you been able to convert the gauntlets' cold signature to a heat one? And how. Now check this out. Whoa. Harry, what did you do to it? It's our gauntlet tech. I just made it more user friendly. You mean you weaponized it. Yeah. That's what the Blizzard did with our original gauntlet, so why not fight fire with fire? Or ice with fire? Harry, we created the original to help people, not potentially hurt them. They're not going to get hurt. They're going to be saved. Look how awesome this is. Harry, as co-creator of that tech, I can't allow you to use it like that. Wow, what are you, my dad? All anybody wants to do is stop me from using what I make. I'm not trying to be like your dad. I'm just trying to restore the integrity of our project. Please, Harry. Rethink this. [MUSIC PLAYING] Fine. Look, I'm not saying you can't-- [BEEPS] This storm's getting worse. I should go check on Aunt May. Let me know when you've restored the gauntlet. [MUSIC PLAYING] I hated to discourage Harry like that, but if that flaming sword ever got in the wrong hands, it could be trouble. Luckily, no one's getting their hands on these awesome thermals. Toasty. Hands where we can see them. Aw, you didn't say freeze. I was counting on you saying freeze. Now, what were some of my other comebacks? Let's see. Freeze. Eh, going to put you on ice. Ah, yes. The boys in blue. Let's see how you feel when your faces match your uniforms! SPIDER-MAN: Sorry I'm late, boys. There was traffic on the freezeway. Would you look at that. You're right, that is my thing. I do like to kick people mid-sentence. Spider-Man, how are you surviving these temperatures? Oh, I just got way hotter, if I do say so myself. Check out these thermal webs, baby. [GRUNTS] They're red hot. And you should see me write my name in the snow. You fool. You think thermal webs will help? [GRUNTS] It's time for you to chill out. You're outclassed. But not outsized. Time to face the cold, hard facts, Spider-Man. You're going down. Did anyone else feel a chill run down their spine? Look, Blizzard. Everyone loves a snow day, but this is getting way out of hand. HARRY OSBORN: Back off, Blizzard! Huh? Harry, what are you doing? Making a difference. Get out of here. This is no place for you. He's just a regular guy who's making his mark with some tech-- my tech. Now I'm going to do the same. Harry! [GRUNTS] [YELLS] [LAUGHS] Officer, get this guy to safety. What are you going to do? Create some freezer burn. Can't hide in there, Blizzard. Or should I say-- Macklin! No-- no! No! I'm more than this! I'm more than just Macklin! Really? Because it looks like you're back to being a common thug. Funny, how when you put a lot of pressure on carbon, it becomes a diamond. But when you put a lot of pressure on a regular person, some of them just crack. [MUSIC PLAYING] More ice? There's plenty where that came from. How does it feel? It hurts. It'll heal. I meant my ego. Why can't I ever create anything that I get to use? I mean, first, my dad sidelines my projects, and now Blizzard and Spider-Man steal my thunder. Harry, your invention saved the day. No, Spider-Man saved the day. I guess I just wanted a moment like you had when you stopped Macklin this morning. That's what this is about? Harry, that was chance. What you have is intelligence. And I know that if you keep creating things to help people, then chances are, you'll have your moment, too. It was pretty cool, wasn't it? Harry, it was 30 below out there. Everything in this city was cool. [LAUGHTER] You're the worst. [HUMMING] Can I help you, young man? Yeah. I don't know if you heard, but I was the guy who stopped the burglar that robbed this place yesterday. And so I thought I'd return this. Our fake display diamond? Fake what now? Yes. It's cubic zirconia. We wouldn't keep a diamond that valuable in the window. Oh. So I didn't really do anything? Oh, well, I wouldn't say that. You did interrupt my lunch. Would you mind if I keep this then? What do you want with an ordinary piece of glass? Don't underestimate ordinary. Under the right circumstances, it can do extraordinary things. Phew. Never thought I'd be happy to feel this heat wave again. Guess it goes to show you that even life runs hot and cold. Best you can do-- is be prepared. And today, wearing shorts definitely helps. [MUSIC PLAYING] [THEME MUSIC]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 648,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Id: qaY52uUJNc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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