How To Draw The Entire Alphabet! ABC Drawings!

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hey friends today we're gonna draw alligators yeah we're gonna start by drawing the letter A because alligator starts with a yeah a we hope you're gonna follow along you need your drawing supplies we're going to use crayons you also need some Peppa paper you ready to start yeah yeah let's start with our red crayon and we're gonna draw the letter a first we're gonna draw it towards the bottom of our paper so that we have room for all of our alligator we're going to start by drawing an upside down V and I'm going to draw it kind of tall so that our alligator has a big mouth so we're going to start here we're going to come up to here and then come back down it's upside down V yeah to make it an a we're going to cross it right there in the middle good job Olivia there's our letter A now let's switch to our black crayon and we're also going to turn our paper sideways so let's turn it this way and we're going to turn the letter A into our alligators mouth yeah our mouth so let's start by drawing the teeth inside of the letter A so we're going to draw a zigzag line on the top there you go yes all the way to the back and then let's add zigzag lines on the bottom lots of sharp teeth oh I like your alligator's mouth next let's add the eye we're gonna draw a circle or the letter O I can draw it right here I like that now let's draw a little dot inside to finish the eye you can also add eyelashes if you want to your alligator's eye perfect okay now let's switch to our green crayon let's draw the front of our alligators nose we're gonna draw it right here straight line up oh I kind of Drew on your paper sorry there you go and then we're gonna draw and connect to the eye yeah then let's draw the bottom of our alligator's mouth we're gonna draw the chin looks like a beard it kind of does yes then we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes back yes okay now let's draw the body and we're going to draw a rectangle shape let's start on the eye and draw a straight line down you could start right here and draw it down to there you go and then we're going to draw the top of our alligators back I'm going to draw about two maybe there and then let's draw the belly for alligator and draw another line on the bottom and then we're going to connect those two lines together what shape is that a square a square or a rectangle now let's draw the tail we're going to start here on the top of our rectangle and we're going to draw a big curve that comes around so we could start here draw a big curve that comes down and around to there yes then let's start down here at the bottom and we're going to draw a point at the end of our alligator's tail and connect it into the rectangle shape so start there curve around and then into the rectangle there you go yes that looks awesome what's our alligator missing down here on its belly legs legs yeah let's draw two legs in the front we're going to draw a rectangle shape I'm going to go out down and then back in a small rectangle shape you can start here out down and back in looks like a it's hot this hopping this one like oh it does let's draw another one right next to it down over and up so start right here down over up yeah let's do the same thing right here down over up yeah let's add one word to the back of our alligator you can't have three yeah we gotta have four down over back up over back up we did it Olivia we finished drawing our alligator well we got all the main shapes but we still need to color it in this part we're going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color in your alligator we're just going to color it green you ready to fast forward yeah we did it we finished coloring in our alligator green he looks so much better or she looks so much better colored in okay now let's add we're gonna switch to our black crayon and add a little nostril on the nose [Laughter] [Applause] Circle there you go and then let's also add little claws so I'm going to draw two little claws on each foot I'm gonna draw two here and also on the back feet too toenails toenails yeah oh long toenails I like that big scary claws those are fun I love your toenails they're super scary they're kind of like her eyelashes too okay now you could switch to your mother her eyelashes yeah she has eyelashes for her toenails if you want you could switch to your pink crayon you could add a little pink cheek and also I'm gonna switch to my orange crayon and I'm gonna add little spikes on my alligators back and also maybe down the tail adding little triangle shapes all the way down the tail also I'm gonna add a little eyebrow there we go Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our alligators did you have fun yeah I love how yours turned out I hope our friends will take time to color their drawings and you can change your drawings yeah you could change it any way you want you could also add a background or even draw baby alligators or you could draw water oh water would be really cool oh Embers on their back what letter did we first start with again a the letter A because alligator starts with a if we have fun drawing alligators we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends today yeah and what does a b start with b yeah B I hope you're gonna follow along you need your crayons and some paper what colors do we have yeah black yellow yeah pink and pink are you ready to start yeah let's have our paper this way to draw the letter B first we're going to draw a line straight down first right in the middle of our paper so you can start here and draw it straight down then we're going to draw the top bump first we're going to draw a bump like that it and it starts here at the top it comes around like this and then connects in the middle that's for the first part of our B and then the second part of our b is another bump for b a bigger one a bigger bump yeah there you go around we did it there's the letter B now let's turn our paper sideways the letter B is our wings for or B that looks like an M it does now it looks like an M let's draw two lines down to draw the body of our B do you know body starts with a B too we're going to start here drop down to there and draw another one down here there you go yes and then let's connect the bottom what shape is that a square a square or a rectangle yeah now let's draw the head for our B I'm going to draw another bump that comes out like this around and then connect in what's our B missing a stinger yeah this is the part you don't want to touch and we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes out and then back in if you start right here come out and then back in this looks like a sideways letter V or a triangle nice okay now let's draw the face for our B I'm going to draw a circle two circles for the eyes I'm gonna do one okay you could do one so it's like looking forward it does look like it's looking for it and the eye is on the other side and then I'm going to draw a smile and you could draw the smile lick right here it connects to the front so that it's the sideways there you go you did it now let's also add stripes to our B I'm going to draw a line down and another line down like this draw two lines yes this middle stripe let's color it in Black now this part will fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your B strike two now let's also color in the Stinger we're going to color the little triangle on the back part you ready to fast forward again yes now we're ready to switch to our yellow crayon and we're going to color in the yellow stripes on the body and also the head this part we're going to fast forward again so pause the video and take time to color your bead you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] we did it we finished coloring our b yellow we also added blue to the wings and we use pink for them yeah the cheeks but what is our B missing antennas so let's switch back to our black I'm gonna draw two lines that stick out of my Bee's head like this and then maybe at the top it could add a little circle for the top of the antenna there's one and another one Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our B and it turned out so perfect I especially love yours it's super cute oh thanks oh the crazy eye I know I added an extra Circle to make the eyes look crazy and what letter does B start with b yeah B that makes it pretty easy right and we use the B for the wings PBS I'm drawing beef we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] the letter b b [Music] hey friends here we're gonna draw a cat yeah and what does the word cat start with a c yeah a c what are you trying to make a c yeah we're gonna draw a cat but first we're gonna draw the letter c and then turn it into a drawing of a cat sound like fun no we hope you get a follow along you need your crayons we're gonna use black first you also need some paper you ready to start we have our paper turned this way to First draw the letter c we're gonna drop it's almost like drawing a big circle but we're not drawing the whole circle just part of it so we'll start here we're going to go up like this come around and then we're gonna come back look at that it's the letter c okay now your turn you want to draw start here and draw that big kind of like we're drawing a circle hmm yes you did it there's the letter c now we're going to turn our paper this way now it looks like our c is turned sideways now we're going to turn this into our cat let's draw the head next we're going to draw a circle inside of the letter c we're going to connect you see it connects on both sides you can start right here and then draw a big circle in between oh it's super cute I love that your circle is different than mine it kind of looks like a little oval I like that it's squished I want to squish the cat's cheeks now let's try the ears we're gonna draw upside down V's we're going to come up and then down if you want to draw one ear over here and then draw another ear on the other side oh I like how sharp that ear is it's really cute now let's draw a letter V for the nose let me draw it right here in the middle of the face there you go and then yeah connect the top of the V what shape is that a triangle yeah looks like an upside down triangle we can color in that shape now we're going to draw a bunch of letter U's first let's draw a letter U over here for one eye it looks like it's sleeping it is sleepy and then we're going to draw another letter U for the other eye and then let's draw two letter U's for the mouth we're drawing them out of the bottom of the nose one going to the left and one going to the right what's our little cat missing on its face Whiskers Whiskers let's draw three whiskers one two three and one two three oh I love your little cat whiskers let's draw two more U's for the little pause underneath the chin I'm going to draw one right here and then another one right next to it oh those are really cute little paws I'm gonna draw two lines you could leave this off for the toes since your pause oh you could still yes you've got it in there you can make it a little bit bigger if you want you want to draw the foot a little bigger there you go it looks like you have one toe in there and another one now what's our cat missing a tail a tail let's draw coming out of the back we're gonna draw it like this come down and then back up you can start right here and draw it come in oh it could even come back this way if you want it oh that's really cute I love your Tails so much I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna draw another line right next to it and then I'm going to drop this to connect the bottom of the tail Olivia we did it we finished drawing our cat but we're not completely done what do we still need to do color yeah color it my favorite part we're gonna fast forward this part so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you ready to fast forward oh Olivia give me five which drawing and coloring our cat yours turned out so cute I like yours oh thank you I especially love your little hearts that you added uh your hearts too right now to match yes you could change the colors and you can do it back oh a background would be awesome I love that we added spots to our cat our art Brands could even color their cats blue if they wanted to what does the word cat start with again a c and we use the letter c to First draw the shape or the body of our cat the word cuddle starts with the letter c too our cat is cuddling yeah if you have fun drawing a cat you do and first drawing the letter c and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends here against your dog yeah what does the word dog start with a D yeah the letter d and we're gonna draw the letter D first before we draw our dog we're gonna turn the letter D into a dog what do we need for this art lesson crayons crayons and some Papa you ready to start let's first use our black crayon and we're gonna draw the letter D first let's draw a line down there you go and you could also you could make it a little taller so that the letter D is a little bigger there you go and then we're going to draw the rest of our letter D we're going to start at the top draw a curve that comes around and then connects down at the bottom yes there's our letter D now we get to turn it into a dog let's start by drawing the I we're going to draw a circle inside for the eye and I drew up here in the top yeah there you go and then let's draw the inside of the eye we're going to draw a circle but color it in there you go and then let's also draw a nose I'm going to draw another it looks like a small letter D on the end huh there's our nose oh and then we're gonna color in the nose we sped up that part so if you need extra time remember you can always pause the video yeah all right now let's draw the ears or one ear I'm gonna draw a curve or a line that starts here we're going to come out like this curve around and then back in almost looks like a big raindrop shape oh love your ears let's color in the ears black also what's our dog missing on the face mouth a mouth I'm gonna draw a really happy dog and also a cheek gland there you go and you drew your mouth open I love it you want to color it in too oh is that the tongue there's a tongue inside I want to do that now we're ready to draw the body and we can also draw a small letter D let's first draw a line down for the body we're going to draw it coming down and then we can draw the rest of the d The Little D it comes this way for a small letter d you did it now let's we're gonna draw the letter B for the other side so this is like the leg when it's sitting down let's draw a leg sitting down on the other side so we're going to draw another line down and a b faces the other way so the letter D faces this way and the letter B faces this way and B sounds like for body and it's on this side yeah that's the B sound let's connect the bottom of the body bottom body both start with b now let's draw the feet we're going to start by drawing two U shapes for the front feet there you go and another one and then let's draw the back feet I'm going to draw another U shape here and another U shape over here so you could draw it right here and another foot right here it's also color in the feet now let's draw the tail we're going to draw a little curve coming up or a line coming out of the body yeah and then we're gonna curve back down let's color in the tail too we did it we finished drawing our dog but we're not completely done still mean to color it yes this part we're gonna fast forward again so remember to pause the video and take time to color in your drawings we're going to use brown but you could color your dogs any way you want you ready to fast forward no [Music] foreign we finished coloring in our dog and I love that you chose pink for your puppy let's add one more thing we need to draw a bone let's draw two diagonal lines right next to each other one two then let's draw the top of the bone we're gonna draw a little bump one and another bump two one two and then two bumps on the other end one two one two Olivia we did it give me five we finished drawing and coloring our dogs and they turned out perfect did you have fun yeah what was the letter that we first used to draw our dogs D and that's what the word dog starts with dog you you have fun drawing a dog we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends we're gonna draw Eagle an eagle yeah we hope you're gonna follow along you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use crayons and paper yeah what does the word Eagle start with e e yeah the letter e so first we're going to draw the letter e and then turn it into an eagle you ready to start let's first draw a line down and we're going to draw on the left side of our paper this is for the first part of our letter e so we can start here and draw it down to there yes then we're going to draw three more lines going across this way so one at the very top and then we could do one at the very bottom and then one right in the middle there's our letter e good job give me five you're gonna give me five with the crayon with this hand yes yes single we're gonna connect this side of our letter e all the way down there you go now let's draw the beak we're going to draw a big curve that comes out of the head so the top part is the head and this is the body there you go and down oh I love that you have the hook on it too now we're going to curve back into the head and then we're going to draw the bottom of the beak oh you know what you could do you could draw a curve that starts here and comes up into there go and let's also draw a little circle for the nostril and let's also draw a circle for the eye now let's draw I love that your eye is over there now let's draw the wing let's draw a curve that starts here on the shoulder and we're going to curve down to the corner what do eagles usually sit on a tree we're going to draw the top of the branch let's draw one line that starts here and comes out to there and then let's draw another one on this side for the other side of our Branch we'll start there and out to here there you go now let's draw the bottom of the branch I'm going to draw it like this coming across to the other side there you go let's also draw the feet where the talons we're going to draw a u shape right here for one foot and another u-shape for the other foot then let's draw the toes we're going to draw a line right down the middle of each foot one and two what's our Eagle missing down here a toe yeah the tail let's draw two lines coming out but look they kind of come out this way they're diagonal one two and then let's connect the bottom and then let's add two more lines for feathers inside of the tail what's our Branch missing Leaf yeah leaves let's try a curve that comes out and then back in oh I love that you added on the bottom I'm gonna draw one on the bottom two right here and you could add another one over here you could add it to the top I love that yours is different they both turned out awesome and it's okay that they're different because the most important thing is you have fun in practice and practice remember to practice okay what do we still need to do to our drawings color yeah color it this part we're going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings when we're coloring let's leave the head white so that it looks like a bald eagle yes all right let's fast forward Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our Eagles and they turned out so perfect did you have fun yes I especially love the eyelashes and your cute little pink cheek what was the first letter that we drew e e yeah and then we turned it into an eagle because the word Eagle starts with the letter e you hope we have some drugs we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we hope you take time to color your drawings and we'll see you later friends goodbye [Music] here friends today we're gonna draw a fox yeah and what does the word Fox start with f f yeah we're gonna draw the letter F first and then turn it into a fox and we're gonna draw an arctic fox what color is an arctic fox blue or yeah or white yeah we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your drawings applies we're gonna use crayons what colors do we have blue blue yeah because we don't have a white crayon well we do but uh we're gonna use white paper so we're gonna use a blue crayon and pink pink and and yes we got black too you also need some paper you ready to start yeah okay okay let's first use our blue crayon to draw a line down we're first drawing the letter F so we're going to draw a line down for the first part of the letter f there you go keep going yes and then we're gonna draw the top of our letter F we're gonna draw a straight line across the top and you can make it a little wider too then our Fox will be a little bigger then we're going to draw another line straight across we're going to start in the middle of this line and we're going to draw a line that comes across you could make this shorter but let's make it the same length as the Top Line sometimes when we're drawing the letter F this line could be a little shorter but go ahead and make it longer so that it matches the top we did it we drew the letter F and what does the letter F sound like yeah like Fox now let's turn our letter F into our Fox we're going to start by drawing a line down on this side oh it looks like the letter A now we're going to start here and draw it down to there yes and then we're going to draw the bottom of our Fox this is the body this is the head so you can connect the bottom now let's draw the legs let's start down here and we'll draw a diagonal line inside right to here so you can start here and then drop it there I'm doing rocket Brown and then we're going to draw another line right here on this side down to here and then let's draw the pause we're going to draw two U shapes one two for the two little paws we're going to draw our Fox sitting oh I like how sharp your little paws are that's cute okay now let's draw another foot right here on this side and another foot on this side yes now we could also draw little lines for the Paw toes inside of each foot there you go and then you did it and let's also draw the inside of the legs so we're going to draw one here and one here oh that looks like the letter V you could start right here and draw one up and then another one over here oh and then let's draw a fur on our Fox's chest we're going to draw a zigzag line right here on the top now let's draw the ears for our Fox we're going to draw big ears we're going to draw a curve that comes up like this and then down and I'm going to draw the same ear on this side and a little point at the top we could also draw inside let's draw another shape that matches it's a bit smaller yeah a bit smaller you're right let's also draw the tail foxes have big puffy Tails we're going to draw a curve it looks like the letter c that comes around start there and curve around down here and then we'll draw the end of the tail curving up like that and we could also draw a little zigzag line on the end of the tail oh it's so cute now let's switch to our Black Crown let's first draw the nose with our Black Crown we're going to draw a letter U right here in the middle and then let's draw the top of the nose and we can color in that shape and then color it in then let's draw the mouth we're going to draw a curve that comes down from the nose and back up and another curve going the other way let's draw the eyes I'm going to draw a big circle on the left and a big circle over here on the right to match and let's also draw a smaller Circle in the top of each eye that's for the Highlight to make the eyes look shiny there's one and then one on the other side and then we're going to color in the big circle but leave that little circle white now this part will speed up so remember to pause the video take extra time to color in your eyes now we're ready to switch back to our blue crown and we're going to finish drawing the little nose on our Fox we're going to start here on this nose this side of the nose draw a line and curve over the eyes so we start here and draw a curve upside down U that goes over that eye it looks like it's metal that kind of yeah and then we can do the same shape on the other side now we're ready to switch to our pink crayon let's color in the inside of the ears and we can also color in the cheeks I'm going to add a little pink cheek on the left side and also a pink cheek on the right side like our little fox it's a square Fox yeah I love that you added little eyelashes it makes your fox look super cute now we're going to add one more thing to our drawing we've got our blue crayon again and we're going to add snowflakes so let's draw a little plus right here on the left side you go and then we're going to draw an x on top of it that's a simple way to draw a snowflake let's repeat those same steps and add a lot more snowflakes on our paper this makes it look like it's even more like an arctic fox because they like the snow don't they yeah [Music] Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our cute arctic foxes did you have fun yeah and what was the letter that we first drew it wasn't F yeah an F the letter F is what Fox starts with you hope you have fun drawing a fox we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] Hey Olivia what are we gonna draw in this video a gecko a gecko and what is a gecko a lizard a lizard we hope you're gonna follow along you need your crayons we're gonna use green what's this one pink orange black and black but you could also change the colors and color your gecko any color you want you also need some paper now what letter does the word gecko start with G yeah the letter G and we're gonna draw the letter G first and then we're gonna turn it into a gecko you ready to start yeah we're going to start by using our green crayon and we're going to draw a big it kind of looks like the letter c well the first part is the letter c isn't it look at that letter C but we're drawing the letter G first so we're going to draw C so it looks like an O except it doesn't connect yeah there you go now right here to change it into the letter G we're going to draw a line in [Music] yep a short line there you go we did it there's the letter G and what does the letter G sound like yeah like Gekko yeah good all right let's change the letter g into our lizard a gecko we're going to start right here and we're going to draw turn this into a cheek for our gecko so it's a little curve that comes down just a short one there you go and then we're going to draw the body of our gecko we're going to draw a little bump right here [Music] I have a skinny gecko let's change it make it a little thicker we're going to draw a curve that comes up a little higher maybe to there and that's okay that you already drew a line because we're going to color it in yeah oh and I like that you connected it I'm going to connect mine too now let's draw the tail and we're going to start right here where that point is and we're going to draw it coming up and curving just like the outside but we're going to come to a point now watch me we're going to start here so it's kind of thick and then it gets really thin to the end of the tail there you go curve up and to the point good we did it there's the body and the head and also the tail now let's draw the legs we're going to draw U shapes let's draw one right here so here's a u shape for one leg you could draw it right about here and you could draw it and make your leg a little bit longer too so you could come out a little further and make it a little longer we're going to color it in so that's okay that we have two lines now let's draw another leg right here I kind of get close to the paper so we're going to draw another one for the back leg and then let's draw two legs on the other side too I'm going to draw them right here nice now let's draw the little fingers for our Gecko and they have little round pads on the end of their fingers so let's first draw three fingers on this hand right here you could draw it right here on this one oh yeah you could draw it there too let's yeah it does look like eyelashes let's add those little eyelash lines and you're doing it you're adding the little circle at the end and coloring it in that makes it look more like a gecko finger where it's thick better for it to stick onto things yeah so they can climb like climb a wall yeah climb a wall or a tree I'm gonna draw the two little or the three little fingers over here too for toes color in the toes oh I love your little gecko fingers okay now we're gonna color in the rest of our gecko this part we're gonna fast forward so you guys can pause the video and take time to color in your geckos are you ready to fast forward yes now we're gonna switch to our Black Crown so we can add the eyes I'm gonna draw a circle right here and color it in and then I'm going to draw another Circle right here and color it in so we have two eyes big eye oh that's cute I like that now let's add the mouth I'm gonna draw it right here on the end and kind of have to press hard since we're drawing on top of the Crayons I'm going to draw maybe even a little cheek line too oh and we could add little nostrils oh it looks like a small little happy face yeah do you want to add a smile there you go oh Anna open mouth oh it's really cute on the nostrils now let's switch to our orange crayon and we can add little spots on our gecko maybe this turns it into a leopard gecko except leopard geckos I think they have a lot of spots we can just add a few and oh we could even add little stripes on the tail you could color your geckos any way you want there's all different types of geckos oh and maybe even some spots going down the middle of the forehead like that it's really cool I like yours a lot Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our gecko did you have fun yeah I hope our friends had fun too you can change the colors of your gecko you could also draw a background you can even draw more geckos oh that would be really cool maybe little baby geckos oh yeah and what letter did we first draw before we drew our Gekko do you yeah the letter G and then we added the extra things to turn it into our little lizard yeah we've had fun drawing a Gekko with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] here friends today we're gonna draw a hippo yeah what does the word hippo start with what letter H hippo we hope you're gonna follow along with us we're gonna use a black crayon to draw with you also need some paper paper you ready to start yeah we're first going to write the letter H and then we're going to turn it into a hippo with the mouth open it's gonna be really cool first let's draw two lines down we're gonna draw one here and then we're going to draw another one right next to it there you go and another one yes and we could draw these so that they kind of match too so you could draw oh yeah a little taller you could draw this one down a little lower there you go and then we're going to draw a line straight across the middle to connect them there's the letter H for hippo now we're ready to turn it into our hippo let's first connect the bottom with a curve this is going to be the mouth so we're going to connect down here over to here yes and then we're going to connect the top also when hippos open their mouth it's really big now let's add the teeth we're going to draw a big tooth right here we're going to draw a little line in so we can start here come in and then we're going to connect up yes and then we're going to draw another tooth on the other side they have two big teeth on the top and two big teeth on the bottom they have more teeth than this but we're just going to draw two teeth yes top and bottom now let's draw the back of our hippo's mouth or the throat we're going to draw a little U shape right here you could draw it right here and then on this side we're going to connect down and on this side we're going to connect down two now let's color in this weird shape this is the throat and this part will fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color in your hippo's mouth now we're ready to draw the tongue let's draw the letter U right here or u-shape start here curve around and then back up for the ton yeah there we did it that's the inside of our hippo's mouth now we're going to draw the outside of our hippo's mouth let's start here and we're going to draw the bottom of the mouth curving around this looks like a big letter U too so we're going to start here curve around say right next to it and then come over to there yes oh I love how big your mouth is then we're going to draw the top of the mouth watch this we're going to draw it coming up just like we did for the bottom but we're going to get bigger up at the top and then we're going to come down and connect on the other side so we can start here come up around and then back down love your hippo Mouse so much I especially love that our two drawings don't look exactly the same but they're both turning out awesome and that's because the most important thing is to have fun and practice and practice remember to practice all right should we keep going yes now let's draw the nostrils we're going to draw one two nostrils on the end of the nose they look like eyes let's draw the eyes on the side because the mouth is so open we're going to draw the eyes over here let's draw a little oval on the left and also an oval on the right yes and then one over here and then we're going to draw the outside of the eye we're going to draw a shape that comes around and back in and then around and back in [Laughter] and then let's draw the ears they got pointy little ears or teeny little ears we're going to draw an ear there and an ear there yes now let's draw the legs and we can draw them sticking out to the side we're going to draw a line that comes down over and then back up you could draw it right here if you want you're kind of running out of room but that's okay see if you could squeeze it in there and then back up and then let's draw a leg on the other side and you could draw it coming out here if you want yeah there you go and we can also draw two bumps for the toes or just one if you have room and then you could draw two bumps on the other foot now let's draw our hippo's body and they have big bodies we're going to start right below the eye and we're going to draw a curve that comes out and then a curve that comes out on this side too so you could draw curving out right here and also curving out right here laughs yes now I'm going to add one more leg on each side but you could leave this off if you want to because you're kind of running out of room and I'm going to add the little toes too oh I like that well it looks like a big foot right there you can leave that leg off to keep the lesson a little easier what we did it we finished drawing our hippo it looks really cool except we still need to do what color yeah we need to color it this part will fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yes Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our hippos did you have fun coloring yes you promise yes I hope our friends will pause the video and take time to color their drawings also we used red for the inside of the mouth and what color did we use for the tongue pink pink and then for the outside of our hippo yeah gray you could also take extra time to add a background oh maybe your hippo is floating in the water or eating a watermelon yeah they do what was the letter that we first wrote before we drew our hippo age yeah and the word hippo starts with the letter H you could have fun drawing a hippo hey there we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] Hey Olivia what are we gonna draw today an iguana it's kind of a hard word to say what does the word iguana start with what letter it is I yeah the letter i sounds like iguana we're gonna first write the letter I and then we're gonna turn it into a lizard an iguana does it sound like fun yeah we hope you're gonna follow along you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use uh these aren't markers crayons okay you also need some paper are you ready to start yeah we're gonna start with our black crayon and we're gonna draw a line straight down the middle of our paper to write the letter i we're gonna start there try good job then we're going to draw the top of our eye we're gonna draw a short line on top yes and then we're going to draw another short line below we did it that's it it's pretty simple a simple letter I now let's turn it into a lizard or an iguana we're gonna turn our paper this way sideways this way we can draw our iguana laying down or sitting on the ground what letter does that look like when we turn it sideways H yeah it does it looks like the letter h a squished one yeah let's draw the top of our iguana I'm going to draw the top this line a little bit longer on this side and then I'm going to draw a diagonal line that comes down so you could draw just coming up a little bit higher and then draw it coming down because usually when they're laying down on the ground the front is a little higher then let's draw the belly we're going to connect the bottom of the letter I I like how long your your iguana is going to be the body that's the body now let's draw the head we're going to start over here and we're going to draw a circle right here and it's towards the top yeah and then let's draw another Circle that's small or if yours is too small you could just color in the whole thing I like doing a little light reflection to make it look shiny now we're going to draw the top of the head we're going to start right here on the neck and we're going to draw a curve that comes out so if you start here and you can come up to like there yes and then we're going to draw the front look how yours curves down I'm going to curve mine down too to match yours now let's draw the mouth we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes underneath the eye so you're going to come to like right there yeah and then we're going to come back out right next to it good job and then we're going to come down and connect to the belly yes and iguanas always have a big circle right here it's like one of their skills I think it kind of looks like another eye yeah but that's how you really know that it's an iguana it has that shape right there on its cheek then we could also add a little nostril oh two nostrils I like it and we can also draw a little tongue good job a little tiny tongue right you come there and then to the front yes now that looks like an iguana mouth now let's draw the legs we're gonna draw the front legs first we'll draw two lines that come straight down from the front then we're gonna draw the toes and we could draw zigzag lines I'm going to draw three zigzag lines for the toes one two three and then connect to the other line one two three now let's add another foot and another leg we're gonna draw one right here and this is just part of it because it's behind the other one and then I'm going to draw two zigzag lines for those toes they really have long toes okay now let's try the back leg and we're going to draw a little diagonal line here and they're sitting down so we're going to draw this one bent and we're going to draw another one there I know it kind of looks weird but a little diagonal line there you go then let's draw the foot we're going to draw one coming out like this you could drop right here to come out to there and then we're going to draw zigzag lines one two three and then connect it in one two three and connect good let's add one more toe right here for the other foot I love it okay what is our iguana missing they have really long tails yes let's draw a really long tail we're going to draw a curve it looks like a backwards C comes around like that and we'll come forward so start here the bottom curve around to like there now we're going to start right where we ended and we're going to come back but watch this we're getting thicker and thicker until we get all the way up to the top so start here come around and then we're going to come up and then connect to here the top of the body oh love your lizard your iguana is turning out so cool we're almost done it kind of just looks like a lizard we need to turn it into an iguana and they have another thing that's on their back that makes them look like dragons yeah it is yeah they have really cool spikes we're gonna start here and we're gonna draw oh watch this we're gonna draw lots of spikes and we're gonna draw them really tall and we're going to come all the way down the back and also onto the tail and look when I get down to the tail I get a little smaller too do you want to do that it's really fun you're going to do big tall spikes yes there you go and then when you get on the tail you could get a little smaller and smaller until it's gone you did it we finished drawing our iguana it looks really cool but we still need to do what color it yeah my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you ready to fast forward yay foreign Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our iguanas and they turned out so cool I especially love how it looks all colored in with the orange little spikes you also added eyelashes and a pink cheek I like yours oh thanks we also added stripes down the tail that really makes it look like a green iguana you can also add a background oh that would make your drawing complete and also when was the first letter that we drew that the word iguana starts with i i and it we turned it sideways so now it kind of looks like an H if you have fun drawing iguanas we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey everyone today we're gonna draw a drag wire a Jaguar it's a big cat we hope you're gonna follow along we're gonna first draw or write the letter J because that's what the word Jaguar starts with what does a j sound like yeah we hope you're gonna follow along you need your crayons or something to draw with you also need some paper you're ready to start yeah yeah we're starting with our black crayon and we're going to draw that or write the letter J so first let's draw a line straight down and we're going to draw over here on the right side of our paper so that we have room for the body we're going to draw a line that comes down oh that's a thick line I like it we're going to start over here and come down maybe right about there yeah and then we're going to draw the bottom yeah you're already starting to do it huh we're going to curve around and the curve over here doesn't come all the way back up it stops short and that's what makes it a j if we went all the way up that would turn into the letter U yeah so we want a short side on the left side then we're going to draw the top of our letter J we're going to draw a line that crosses it like that we did it we wrote the letter J and that's what Jaguar the word Jaguar starts with yeah for Jaguar now let's turn this into a Jaguar we're going to start by drawing the other side of the tail and we're going to draw we're going to trace look how close I am we want to stay right next to the first part of the letter J this is going to be for the tail so we can start here Trace around right next to it we don't want the tail to be too thick so we're going to try to draw really close there you go oh yeah I love that you're concentrating keep going you did it and then right here at the end we're gonna curve around and connect for the end of the tail I love your little tail okay now let's draw the body we're going to start by drawing a line that comes down right here yep and then let's connect it in to the J so we could come down maybe a little bit more and then connect it in there you go oh let's come over here and change we're going to draw the head next we're going to draw a big letter U for the head we're gonna draw it and it's connected to the top of the body you could even start right here come down connect come around and then back up over there there you go curve around and then back up yeah that's the shape of our Jaguar's head now let's draw the nose inside we're gonna draw the letter V right in the middle of the head and then let's draw a line on the top connect the nose and let's draw a line right down the middle for the mouth oh we could also add cheeks let's draw a curve on the left and also on the right now let's add the eyes I'm going to draw a circle on the left and a circle on the right yeah and you can color it in I'm going to draw a smaller circle inside so the eyes look shiny but you could color in solid oh I love that you added a little reflection too to make the eyes look shiny the eyes are all finished now let's draw the ears we're going to draw a curve that comes up and down for a pointy ear on each side up up and down and then another one on the other side up and down and then let's connect those together now let's draw the inside of the ear we'll draw a little line down the middle and then connect right down the middle of the ear there you go and then connect and we can do the same thing on the other side okay now let's draw the rest of the body we're going to draw a line straight down from the chin and then we're going to connect to the tail so we can start here come down oh and you could go through the tail if you want and then connect right to here okay now let's draw the legs we're going to draw a curve for the back leg and we're drawing our Jaguar sitting in a tree so we're going to draw the legs kind of tucked up so because it's laying down so we're going to draw a little curve right here this is for the strong back leg and then we're going to draw a foot and then let's draw a foot right here coming out too of the front and let's color in the pause so we'll color in that one black and also this one black that's the tail and you could also color in the top of the tail too so that could be colored in and then this could be colored in Black there you go and then also the foot now we're going to add spots to our Jaguar a little later let's draw the tree that our Jaguar is sitting in and we're going to draw a wiggly line that comes out from the foot we're going to draw coming out over here and then let's draw another wiggly line underneath that comes all the way to the tail so we're going to come oh that even looks like grass I like that and you can come over here too and then let's draw the branch coming out here and we can have it coming out this way so we draw a little line coming up this way and also a line that comes out this way this way and then let's connect it with a sideways V there's the end of the branch well let's draw the leaves I'm going to draw a cloud line around the branch we finished drawing our Jaguar it's not completely done what do we still need to do color yeah color it this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you can pause the video to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] wire except it's missing something really important just looks like a cat yeah yeah but yeah it's missing spots let's add a couple of spots on its forehead we're going to color on top of the orange where the yellow you could use yellow if you wanted to and I'm also going to add spots on the body on the leg back and also let's add stripes going down the tail or these could be spots too they just cover the tail [Music] yeah and the end of the tail could be black [Music] the very last thing we're missing whiskers I'm gonna add one two three whiskers on the left and also on the right I also added more leaves you could even draw a whole background or even more Jaguars oh birds that would be really cool give me five we did it we're completely finished did you have a lot of fun yeah you promise yeah and what was the first letter that we wrote yay J because Jaguar starts with the letter j j four jump Jaguar you'll be have fun drawing a Jaguar we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] koi fish yeah we hope you're gonna follow along we're gonna first draw or write the letter K because the word koi starts with the letter k koi fish you need your crayons or something to draw with we're going to use our Black Crown first you also need some paper you ready to start yeah yeah we have our paper turned this way so that we have room to draw our koi fish and we're going to draw it like we're looking down into the pond and you can see the fish swimming around so you can see the top of the fish we're gonna draw the letter K first let's start by drawing a line straight down we're going to start here and we'll draw it down to there yes and then we're going to draw the rest of the K we're going to start by we could draw a point in the middle this is a little guide point in the middle and we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes up to the right and then also a diagonal line that comes down to the right yes there's our letter K we did it that was pretty simple right you can also do it by just drawing a sideways letter V but sometimes that's easy to start in the middle and then go out from there yeah now we're ready to turn it into our koi fish let's start by drawing the head we're going to draw a curve it looks like the letter c coming out from the top and then down to the bottom so we come out to here around and then down to there yeah then we can also draw the eyes let's draw a circle and a circle two circles one and two I'm gonna color in circles but leave a little white so that the eyes look shiny you could color in the whole circle though to keep it a little easier I love your little eyes that's really cute okay now let's draw the lips we're gonna draw our little fish lips coming out further oh those are big fish lips oh that could even be a tongue now we're ready to draw the body we're going to start at the top and we're going to connect to the top of the K and then watch this I'm going to curve around like this and then back so you can start here come down and then curl yeah and then let's draw the bottom of the body or the other side we're gonna curve down like this curve around and then we're going to come to a point so we start right here at the bottom touch there curve around and then come to a point now let's draw the tail we're going to draw a curve that comes up and a curve that comes down Tail Fins there you go and then let's curve back into the tail on both sides and we could also draw little lines inside of the tail fin to make it look even prettier huh I love koi fish they look so cool yeah yeah especially when there's lots of them you can even add more texture lines on the top now let's draw the back fin we're going to draw a curve right down the middle and on top of this we're going to draw a wiggly line for the rest of the fin yeah keep going all the way to the back and connect let's also draw the side fence we're going to draw a curve that comes out of the top and then we're going to come back in and let's do the same thing on the bottom curve out and then back in for the arms yeah it does look like arms and then let's add little texture lines just like we did for the tail let's add more fins let's draw two more fins little curves on the top and the bottom yes let's also add spots to our koi fish and you could add these spots anywhere you want I'm going to draw little Wiggly lines you don't have to make it look like mine you can change it make it make it look different I love those little spots and there's one last thing we can add to our koi fish they kind of look like they have mustaches so we're going to draw a wiggly line coming out of the bottom and also the top laughs Olivia we've finished drawing our koi fish except we're not completely done we still need to color it yes this part will fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same color or you could color your drawings any way you want you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our koi fish and I love that you colored the water blue it looks like it's swimming around in a pond I like this box yeah I like the spots too you guys can pause the video to match our same coloring or color your fish any way you want there's lots of different kinds of koi fish with different colors and different types of patterns yeah what was the first letter that we wrote okay yeah k for koi fish I hope you have fun drawing a koi fish or something we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] here friends today we're going to draw a lion yeah we're first gonna write the letter L because the word lion starts with the letter L what does it sound like Lion we hope you're gonna follow along you need something to draw with we're gonna use crayons to draw and color with you also need some paper paper you ready to start yeah we're first starting with our black crayon to draw with and we're gonna draw or write that letter L first let's first draw a line down and then we'll draw a shorter line across we're going to start here and then we'll come down to there and then a short one there yes you did it that's our letter L pretty easy right yeah yeah now we're going to turn it into our lion so we're going to start on this side and we're going to draw another line that comes up to match the left side yeah this is going to be the head for a line so let's connect the top with a rainbow line for the very top of the head that's the shape of our Lion now let's draw the nose we're going to draw a letter V right here at the bottom yeah for V and then we're going to connect the top to draw an upside down triangle for the nose then we can draw the eyes we're going to draw two circles I'm going to draw one here and one right here and then we can color in the eyes I'm going to leave a smaller circle white inside like that and then color in the big circle this makes the eyes look shiny and if you want to keep the lesson a little easier you could just color the whole circle in Black if you want there you go and then color it in yeah just color it in solid that works too what should we draw next ears ears okay let's draw ears we're gonna draw a kind of looks like a circle on the left and also on the right a half circle a half circle yeah it's not a whole circle right yeah there you go now let's draw the main and we you could leave the main off if you want to draw a girl lion but let's draw a boy land we're going to draw a cloud line that comes like this all the way around our lion's head until we get all the way to where we started there you go all the way around oh you're doing such a good job I even like the little extra Loops in the middle that's really cool you did it there's our lion's head now let's draw the body we're gonna draw two lines coming straight down from the main so we'll draw one here and then one here and we want them to be equal there you go oh I love how close you did it and you can make your lion body a little bit bigger draw another one over here and then draw another line right here and that could be for the legs Isn't that cool yeah I'm gonna do that too except I'm just gonna draw one in the middle so it's a little different than yours I love that her two drawings don't look exactly the same they're both turning now awesome and that's because the most important thing is to have fun and practice and practice all right you ready to keep going yeah okay now let's draw the pause we're gonna draw two upside down use next to each other and you could draw one for that leg and one for this one I like that yours are small too then we can connect the bottom and we'll draw a line straight across and you could even draw a line right here and then it connects here too yeah all the way across and then I'm going to draw two toe lines and you could draw you could leave the toe lines off on yours because it's really small or like one or just one I like that too then we can draw the back Paws maybe our line is sitting down and you could just see the little paws sticking out on the side so you could draw a little curve on each side those are big paws for the back I like it and then we're gonna connect in on both sides and then we can draw a little toe line on each side too what's our line missing a tail a tail yeah let's draw a tail we can draw a little curve coming out to the side and we could draw the end of the tail let's draw a little U shape at the end yo and then we can connect it with a little let's well let's draw a curve that comes up on one side and then on the other side we could curve the other way kind of looks like a raindrop shape huh yeah we did it we finished drawing our Lions they look really cool except we're not completely done we still need a color Yes this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you could pause the video to match our same color you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our Lions I love how yours turned out all colored in I like yours oh thank you was that fun yeah I love coloring we used yellow for the body and the head we used orange for the main and we use pink for what yeah the cheeks we also added whiskers oh our friends can pause the video right now to match the same coloring you could also add a background or more lions and what was the letter that we first Drew oh yeah we wrote the letter L and then we turn it into oh I am because the word lion starts with the letter L yeah yeah we have fun drawing a lion we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends you're gonna draw a mouse yeah we hope you're gonna follow along with us and what does the word Mouse start with um yeah the letter M and we're first gonna write the letter M and then we're gonna turn it into a mouse it's gonna be a lot of fun so you need your crayons right yeah yeah and what else do you need paper paper you ready to start yeah [Music] first we're gonna start by drawing a line that goes straight up so we're going to write the letter M but first we're going to draw a line that comes up over here so we can start here and we're going to draw a straight line up or you could go down yeah and then we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes down and then back up so we're going to come down like this and then we're going to come back up like that so I'll come down from there down to here and then we're going to come up to there yes and then up and then we're going to draw one more line straight down there's our letter M that's pretty easy right yeah I think letter M's are really fun to draw they have four lines in them up down and then up and down again yeah one two three there you go yeah four lines now we're going to turn this into our Mouse this is gonna be a lot of fun we're first going to draw the top of our Mouse's head we're going to draw a curve for the top to connect there you go and then let's draw the eyes I'm going to draw a circle right here and a circle right here for the two eyes oh I like how big your eyes are and then let's draw little circles inside or you could just color in your eyes solid oh that's awesome you could even color that Circle in if you wanted to or color the outside yeah that's what I'm gonna do color the big circle but leave the little circle white yeah that part we sped up so remember you guys can pause the video for extra time to finish that step all right now let's draw the nose I'm going to draw a little line down here at the bottom there you go and now let's draw the ears we're gonna draw big ears up here I'm going to draw one and another one right here it looks like a circle it does look like a circle yeah and another one for the other ear now let's draw the bottom of our Mouse's body I'm going to draw a curve to connect the bottom and then let's draw the little feet I'm going to draw a little letter U right here for one foot and another letter U for the other foot we could also add little toe lines inside of the feet and then let's draw the hands I'm going to draw a sideways U shape right here and another sideways U shape right here it looks like our Mouse is standing up yeah and then let's draw little finger lines inside of those shapes what's our Mouse missing the toe the tail yeah let's draw a little s line right here we go and then we could also draw another line next to it to make it thicker coming into the body yeah and then a point at the end we're missing one more thing on our Mouse Whiskers Whiskers I'm gonna draw three lines coming out of the cheeks one two three and one two three one two three yeah six one two three and one two three we did it Olivia we finished drawing our mice they look really cute except we're not completely done we still need a color yeah this part we're going to fast forward again so remember to pause the video and take extra time to color in your drawings you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia we did it we finished drawing and coloring our mice and I love yours so much I especially love the big eyes I like carrots too oh thanks you can pause the video right now to match your same coloring or you could color your mice any way you want you could even color them brown or maybe white with brown spots oh yeah even you can add a background oh a background would be really cute and also you could give it food too maybe draw some cheese or maybe [Music] what letter did we first write at the very beginning n m because the word Mouse starts with the letter M and what does the letter M sound like like Mouse erps on Dragon Mouse we do we hope you had a lot of fun and remember it's okay if your drawings look different than ours our two drawings look different but they both turned out awesome that's because the most important thing is yes remember to have fun and practice and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends we're gonna draw a narwhal yeah we're gonna draw a narwhal but first we're gonna draw or write the letter N because the word narwhal starts with the letter n yeah and what does the N letter sound like yeah narwhal you need your drawing supplies we're going to use crowns but you can use whatever you have at home and what else do they need paper yeah paper you ready to start yeah let's use our black crayon and we're going to draw or write that letter N first so we're going to draw and we're going to write the letter N kind of small too not not super big because this is going to turn into the Narwhals little flipper we're gonna we're gonna draw a line up in the middle of our paper so right here draw a line up to there yes and then we're going to draw a diagonal line down and then we're going to draw another line up we did it Olivia we finished writing the letter N now let's turn it into our narrow wall we're going to start by drawing a little curve right here we're going to draw a line coming down from here and then curving to the right so start here and then curve down to there yes this is going to be the tail now let's draw the top of the little flipper we're going to draw we're going to curve it this way so we're going to curve to there yes and then we're going to draw our narwhals head and we're going to draw a kind of a backward C shape so we're going to come here we're going to curve around like this and then to there so we can start here and then we're going to curve around to there yes and then we're going to curve down to the tail and we're going to put a little guide point we can put it right here and we're going to leave some space for the end of the tail so we're going to start here curve around like this and then into the tail down and then right to there good job now let's draw the belly for our narwhal we're going to start here and draw a curve that touches there and we start here and then curve down to there yes now let's draw the tail we're going to draw a curve up and a curve down so start here curve up to there and a curve down so right there until there yes and then one from here down to there and then let's draw the inside of the tail we're going to draw two bumps coming in and then out so start here come in and then out yes there's our little tail and we can also add another little flipper let's draw a little line coming out right here to there and then we're going to draw it coming up and connecting so you can draw it right here and connect up to here if you want go right next to it now let's draw the rest of the belly coming forward so we just draw a short little line right there oh I kind of Drew it for you I was adding a guide point and then we're going to draw the smile and we're going to start here and we're going to curve up for this file so you start here and curve up yes and then let's draw our narwhals I let me draw a circle and then let's color it in I'm going to draw a small circle inside so it looks shiny but you could color the whole thing in if you want or yes you did it and then color in the big circle but leave the little circle white our narwhal doesn't really look like a narwhal it kind of looks like a dolphin what is it missing a horn yeah a big long horn right let's draw a diagonal line that comes out almost all the way to the corner of our paper come all the way out to there and then we're going to start at the end and we're going to draw the other side of our horn coming back we did it we finished drawing our narwhal it looks really cute except we're not completely done we still need a color yes my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you ready to fast forward yeah we did it we finished drawing and coloring our narwhals and they turned out perfect I especially love yours that you change the color to Pink and you also added eyelashes thanks I like yours too oh thank you you can pause the video and color your drawings any way you want you could also add more things to the background little fish oh that would be really cute what was the letter that we first wrote before we drew our narwhal yeah the letter N that's because the word narwhal starts with the letter n and what's the sound again yeah for narwhal I also especially love that our two drawings don't look exactly the same they both turn out awesome and it's okay if your drawings look different too because the most important thing is and practice Yeah we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye hey Francisco octopus yeah what does the word octopus start with what letter oh oh yeah we hope you're gonna follow along with us we're gonna draw an O first or write the letter O and then we're going to turn it into an octopus yeah what do you need for this lesson crayons crayons and also some paper you ready to start yeah yeah we're using our black crayon and we're gonna draw or write the letter O which is pretty easy it's just a big circle you could also draw an oval shape but let's draw a circle and we're going to draw it towards the top of our paper so that we have room for the tentacles or the legs yeah so I'm gonna start up here draw an O for the body yes I love that yours is different yours is kind of a squished oval this way that's okay that we look different right because they're both turning out awesome because the most important thing is definitely practice and practice remember to have fun and practice okay let's keep going now let's draw the mouth I'm gonna draw a little line right here you could draw a different mouth if you want but I'm going to draw a little one like this and then I'm going to color in that shape because mine's a really happy octopus what kind of smile are you gonna do I'm gonna actually do a a little tongue sticking out too yeah oh good okay and what's that the mouth that's open and the tongue let's draw the eyes next we could draw two circles on each side and you could change the eyes too if you want you could draw one closed oh oh yes leave it like that just a little eye inside that's awesome and then you could do the same thing over here with a little I inside I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw a little highlight or the small circle inside I love your eyes they kind of look cross-eyed and then right so cute then I'm going to color in the big circle but leave the little circle white there we go and also I'm going to draw like this make the eyes really big yes now let's draw the legs what else are they called tentacles yeah tentacles you did it okay let's draw a wiggly line right here we're gonna draw a wiggly line like that you can draw coming down to the bottom yes and then we're going to start right here at the end and we need to make sure that we don't draw these too big because we need to draw eight of them what octopuses have eight legs or tentacles and then to a point yes and then let's do another one we're going to draw it right here I'm going to start right here and I'm going to draw it coming up like that so we can start right here and then draw it coming over here so on the left side we're going to draw four that'll help us keep it keep track of how many legs we're drawn we're going to drop four on this side and then four on the other side yeah now let's draw another one we're gonna come like this oh this one's gonna be a little more curved like that tiny yeah it's a little shorter but it's also curved oh I like that you changed yours yours wiggled a different way I love that then I'm going to draw the other side coming back so our tentacles are wide oh yes and then you're gonna connect down here awesome and then I'm gonna draw another one maybe this one can come way up here and then we're gonna come back down you can change yours any way you want you could start here and come up here if you want yes oh it even turned into a swirl and then you can do the same thing start at the point and then get a little wider as you come back into the body good job you did it we drew four legs on the left side now let's draw four legs on the right side and we can change these we could also make them kind of do the same thing but opposite and we can go a little faster since we're just repeating the same step so start here and then draw the other side of it coming back yes and then in now let's draw the next one so there's one this one's two on the right side love how big you got up and then this one we're going to draw another one this is number three and we can do it right here draw another one right there awesome and then come back oh that's so cool and then we're gonna draw the last one I'm gonna draw mine coming up like this and then back down and into the head and yeah you could draw yours right there it could even go this way if you want and then back maybe he's saluting and then back I like that one it looks like he's waving or she's waving yeah we did it Olivia we finished trying our octopuses now they turned out really cool except we're not completely done we still need to color yeah they're gonna look even better colored in now this part we're going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you ready to fast forward yeah we're almost done we finished coloring and I love that you changed your color to Pink we're not completely done though let's switch back to our black crayon and we're going to draw even more O's or circles for the little suction cups on the octopus's legs or tentacles and we don't have to put them on all of them let's just pick a couple and you even started on that one and then we colored over it with pink so you could draw back over with black so you can see it we're going to draw circles little circles or ovals and we can draw them on one side of the leg and we don't have to draw them on all of them we can just pick which ones because maybe you can see some of the maybe some of the legs are turned a certain way so that you can see it I'm going to draw on this part of this leg and maybe this one goes all the way up but look we're practicing O's all the way down the octopus's leg for the little suction cups oh and I love that you're you're changing yours here's the little bumps that's cool too Olivia give me five we did it we completely finished our octopus drawings and they turned out so cool I especially love yours thank you and our friends could do even more things to their drawing what else could they add I like a background oh a background would be really cool maybe some starfish ooh starfish and other fish that would be awesome what was the first letter that we wrote before we drew our octopus oh yeah the letter O and we use that for the body we hope we have fun drawing the octopus with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] yeah what does the word parrot start with yeah I mean p yeah the letter P I hope you're gonna follow along with us we're gonna draw a parrot but we're first gonna write the letter P and we're going to use our crayons we also need some paper paper oh paper also starts with the letter P P yeah it sounds the same huh all right you ready to start yeah we're using our black crayon first and we're gonna draw a line straight down the middle of her paper so I'm not going to go too far down this is the body of our parrot and also the head I'm gonna stop right there so we'll start here and we'll go down to about there then we're going to draw the bump that's only on the top of our letter P there's the letter p and draw it sideways kind of looks like a sideways U we did it there's the letter P now let's turn it into a parrot and first let's draw the I we're going to draw a circle right here in the middle of the p yes and then we can color that in color it in solid and if we ever go too fast what can our art friends do pause it yeah if you need extra time oh I love that you left a little white highlight inside of your eye I'm going to make my eye a little bit bigger by drawing another circle around it you can leave that off if you want okay now part of the parrot's head is red I'm going to draw a line right here to divide the red and the white on our parrots let's draw it up and connect to the eye and then we're going to draw the bottom part connecting down here it looks kind of funny we need to add the beak let's draw a curve that starts up here at the top and curves down that's a big beak I love it then we're going to start here and we're going to curve back up but not as high I'm going to curve to the middle yeah and then let's draw the bottom of the beak curving there yes there's our parrot's beak let's color in the bottom part of the beak that part we sped up so remember to pause the video and take extra time to color in your parrot okay now we're ready to draw oh let's draw the branch next that our pair is sitting on we're going to draw a line that connects to the bottom of our letter P and goes across the paper so we can start here and draw all the way over here yes yes and then you can also connect the P down to the branch I love that my body is short and yours is super tall it's okay that our two drawings look different they're both turning out awesome that's because the most important thing is and practice we hope you're having a lot of fun too it's okay if your drawings look different than ours I'm sure they're turning out awesome yeah you want to tell them they're doing a good job you're doing the best job yes the best job that too all right should we keep going yeah back of our parrot's body we're gonna draw a line down that almost looks like it turned it into the letter R we're going to draw that later aren't we let's draw a line right here down to there nice oh let's draw the other side of our Branch too we're going to start here and draw another line that matches the top of our Branch so we'll start there and draw it over to there oh I like that you connected it yes and then you can connect this over to there too I'm going to connect those just like you okay now let's draw our parrot's feet we're going to draw a curve down yes and then we're going to draw another curve down right here on the other side oh yeah you could draw a straight line too and then let's draw two really close together in the middle one two and then we're going to draw little ones that are halfway down for the toes there's two feet and two toes on each foot okay now let's draw the wing on our parrot we're going to draw a line or a curve that curves right here to the back yes and then let's draw two lines for the different colors on our parrot's wing and then let's draw oh let's draw another Wing over here on this side yes and then we can draw two lines on that Wing too oh let's also draw the feathers coming out of the wing back here so a little diagonal line that comes down and what are we missing the tail the tail let's draw a big it almost looks like a V but it's curved at the bottom for the curved part of the feathers so we can draw a line down and back up and let's divide up the feathers on the tail so we can change the colors I'm going to add another feather right here that is a really big tail and a teeny body parrots have really long tails don't they yes yes now it looks like a parrot kind of but what are we missing the color yeah we need to color our parrot let's fast forward this part and at the end our art friends can pause the video to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yes give it five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our parents that start with the letter P P I love that we first drew the letter P and then turned it into our parrots and they turned out perfect oh the word perfect starts with the letter d p we also added Leaf we did I love the leaves and our friends can pause the video to match our same color and we used art for kids colors or primary colors we use red what's this color yellow yellow and blue and blue but you could color your parrots any way you want you could also add a background you could change your parents any way you want you could add even more details even more baby parrots would be super cute yeah we have fun drawing pair with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] yeah what does the word Quail start with what letter q a q yeah and what does it sound like quick quick yeah we're gonna first draw the letter q and then we're gonna turn it into the bird Quail the quail is a really cute bird that runs on the ground and it has this really fun feather that sticks out of its forehead it's really big you need your drawing supplies we're gonna use crayons and they also need some paper paper yeah you ready to start yeah we're gonna draw the letter Q down here in the bottom right of our paper because the Q is going to turn into our quail's head and we're starting by drawing a circle I'm going to draw it about here so we're going to draw it right about here we're going to draw a circle about that big oh I love your Q or well it's actually just an O we need to add another line to it to turn it into a Q and it's just a little diagonal line like that we did it there's our letter q five nice let's turn our paper over so it's upside down our cue is going to look a little funny it's up here in the corner that's okay because now we're going to draw the body down here first let's draw the feather and we're gonna make it a little bit bigger and come in and then we can color it in yes and then color it it looks like a raindrop shape yeah now we're ready to draw the eye let's draw a circle in the middle of the O so we have two o's we'll draw a little circle right there yes and then we're going to draw a smaller circle inside for the highlight and then let's color in the bigger Circle but leave that little one white and you could color the whole thing in if that's a little easier okay now let's draw the white part of our quell's eye we're drawing a cartoon so I'm going to draw a big cartoon eye do you want to add another circle around it I love it perfect now let's draw the beak we're going to draw a sideways letter v that's the beak oh and you could also make it a little bit bigger by drawing a diagonal line that starts there and comes up to there that's what I'm going to do I'm gonna add another line for the bottom just like yours now we're ready to draw the body let's start here and we're going to draw a big curve that comes around like this around and then we're going to come back up so we can start here come down and back up perfect now let's draw the tail we're going to draw a little curve that comes down from here you could draw it right here coming down yes and then we're going to come back into our bird now let's draw the wing we're going to start here at the head and draw a curve connecting to the back so that you could start right right here on the head and then curve down to here yeah and then let's draw another line for the belly and let's also draw feather texture down here on the very bottom of the belly and we're going to draw a little U shape so we could draw one letter u oh that's really small you could draw them a little bit bigger so it fills up more space there you go and then we're going to add them all the way across the bottom of our quill this part will speed up but you guys at home can pause the video and take time to draw all of the feathers on your quill let's add another texture to the head sometimes on the Quill's head there's a little black spot so we're going to draw a little line that connects from the beak to the bottom of the eye and then we can draw another line that connects down and let's draw another line next to that one then we can color in this shape in front what's our quote missing the legs the legs let's draw them later though when we're coloring our quail and we can color our legs Orange Let's draw since we have our Black Crown let's draw an oval shape for our quails egg and quail eggs are really small Olivia I love your egg and I also love your quill they look perfect and I love that they don't look exactly the same that's okay they're both turning out awesome and it's okay if your tries look different than ours too because I'm sure those are turning out awesome the most important thing is to have fun yeah remember to have fun and practice okay now we need to color our quails this part we're going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings also you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] the last thing we're going to add is the legs and I love that you already added one leg we're gonna draw a line down and then you draw the toes at the bottom right I'm gonna draw two this way and then one this way and then I'm gonna draw another leg going here and there you go and three toes we did it we finished drawing and coloring our quails and they turned out so cute I especially love yours and the pink egg thank you I love yours too oh thanks we added spots to our eggs uh the quail eggs usually have a lot of spots and they can be different colors too what was the letter that we wrote at the very beginning cute a cue and we turned it upside down so our Q was upside down too well we did that so that we could draw that feather coming out of our quail's head I'm trying to Quail with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we hope you time to color your drawings and add more things they could add lots of quail eggs and even more quails oh yeah the background would be really cool we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] here friends they're gonna draw Robin yeah Robin is a bird and what does the word Robin start with the letter i r yeah we're gonna draw or write the letter R first and then we're gonna turn it into the bird robin we hope you're going to follow along with us you need your drawing supplies we're going to use crayons to draw with they also need some paper paper you ready to start yeah let's first use our black crayon to write the letter R we're first going to draw a line down in the middle of our paper you could drop from there to there yes and then it's kind of like the letter P we're going to draw a bump at the top or it also looks like the start of the letter b there you go oh that's a big one I like it and then we're going to draw a diagonal line that comes down there's our letter r we did it and I love your letter r it's okay that they don't look exactly the same they both turn out awesome that's because the most important thing is to have fun and practice and practice remember to have fun and practice all right let's keep going now we need to turn this into our bird a robin first let's draw an eye in the middle of our paper oh I'm drawing it really big nice and then I'm gonna actually I'm gonna make it a little smaller inside with another Circle and I'm going to color in this smaller one but maybe even add another small one for the highlight you could just color in the whole thing if you want oh yeah you did it and then color in that part good job if you want to make the lesson a little easier you could just color in the first Circle solid black okay now let's draw the beak we're first going to draw a line that comes out from the top then we're going to come back in then back out and then back in there's our beak okay now let's draw the body I'm going to draw a line that connects to the back and then let's draw the wings I'm going to draw a curve that comes down like this and then we could also add a tail I'm going to draw a little V shape or letter V right here it'll come down from there to there and then back up what should we draw next the legs yeah let's do it we're going to draw a line that comes down here oh I'm going to add another line for two legs one and two and then let's draw the little toes on it too one two three and one two three there's our Robin oh we need to add robin eggs what color are robin eggs blue yeah they look really cool if you see a real one because they're crazy blue okay and then I'm gonna add another robin egg over here yeah three rather oh do it add one more you got it we've finished drawing our Robin it looks really cool except we're not completely done what do we still need to do still need to go color it yeah we still need to color it this part we're going to fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing a coin our robins and they turned out perfect did you have fun yeah I especially love your eggs blue eggs look really really cool and I love the orange on the belly what else could our friends do to their drawing background and I have some more birds on it that would be really cool and you could also even draw a nest what was the letter that we first wrote at the very beginning ah yeah the letter R because Robin the word Robin starts with the letter R we hope you had fun drawing a robin with us we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends today we're going to draw a snake a snake and what does a snake start with the letter s s yeah like a snake snake we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your crayons or something to draw with and also some paper you ready to start yes you can pick any color to draw with I'm gonna use orange what color are you using pink let's draw the letter s first and we're going to use our whole paper so let's start up here at the top and we're going to draw a big letter s so start right here and then curl around and then back there you go around yes oh that's a really cool S I like it and I love that it doesn't look exactly the same that's okay right yeah yeah all right now let's draw another s right next to it but this one's going to be tricky so watch this I'm going to start here and I'm going to come around I'm going to follow it around just like the first one we did but watch at the end of the tail we're going to get closer and closer until it comes to a point so start right here let's start right here and then we're going to go right next to it and then right at the end we're going to get to the point stay right next to it there you go around and then get closer and closer into a point yes you did it okay now let's draw the head and we're going to draw the snake head right here at the top let's draw you a big it does look like a big letter U like that kindness yes and you could draw it right here you've got to have a little head too if you want because you're kind of running out of room there you go I like that one not this one oh that one's perfect this next part we're going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color in your snake that's why we're going to fast forward it because it may take us a little while so anytime if we go too fast or we fast forward just remember you can always pause the video for extra time okay you ready to fast forward lives yeah we finished coloring in our snake now let's switch to our black crayon and we can add two little eyes on each side of the head so we could add one there and one there oh I like that eye that's a cute eye perfect now let's switch to our red crayon it's sleeping it does look like it's sleeping what should we use this color for the time the tongue let's draw a little line coming out of the mouth and you could also draw it coming down like this maybe it's off to the side yeah there you go and then you could also draw it split at the end snake's tongues are split and it looks like the letter Y upside down y yeah we did it Olivia we finished drawing our snake but we're not completely done I think we should decorate our snake I'm going to use the same red color and I'm going to add stripes on my snake and you're going to use a different color I'm going to use purple purple are you going to add stripes too yeah even though it kind of looks like oh it does kind of look blue I know that's what you're gonna say the outside looks blue but the inside's purple yeah all right we're gonna fast forward this part again but you guys can pause the video and take time to color your snakes or add designs to your snakes you could add spots you could also change the colors or you could do little Stripes you could do big Stripes that looks really cool Olivia maybe you can you could take a lot of it that would take a little bit longer but that would be super cool yes Olivia give me five we did it we finished coloring and drawing our snake yours turned out so cute did you have fun yeah I especially love your purple stripes ah thanks now you guys could even add even more snakes and different decorations to your drawing and what letter did we use to First draw our snake a s yeah the letter s that's what the word snake starts with yes if you have fun drawing a stick we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we hope you have fun changing your drawing and decorating it differently yeah did you have fun yeah should we say goodbye to our friends see you later our friends goodbye [Music] here for the surrogen draw two cans yeah what is it toucan it is a bird a bird and does it have a small beak or a really big beak a big beak yeah and first before we draw a toucan we're gonna learn how to write the letter t t because the word toucan starts with the letter d t we hope you're gonna follow along you need your crayons we're gonna draw with crayons first and also Papa yeah some paper you ready to start yeah let's first use our black crayon and we're going to draw a line straight down our paper we'll start here and I'm gonna draw it coming down like this so we can start right here and then we're going to come down to maybe there yes next we're going to draw the top of our letter T we're going to draw a shorter line across the top oh the word top starts with the letter T2 and oh and two starts with the letter t I'm going to draw the top of our t two two a two two do like you you wrap around here oh yeah it's like a little dress yeah yeah it's called a tutu yeah we did it Olivia we wrote the letter T now let's turn it into a toucan we're gonna draw the big beak over here on the right side so we'll start up here at the top and we're going to draw a curve that comes down almost to the edge of our paper so we start there and maybe curve to about there yes and they have these really long curved beaks then we're going to start here we're going to come kind of a little ways down and we're going to draw a line that curves out too so we're going to start here draw a line that curves out to the end of the beak yes and then we're going to draw the bottom of the beak we're gonna we could start out here at the end and we're going to draw this part a little smaller see how it's not as tall as the top part so I'm going to start here and draw the bottom of the beak to there yes then let's draw the body we're gonna start here oh let's draw this line down just a little further maybe to there just a little bit further down then we're going to curve around and connect to the bottom of the T so we'll start up here and curve around to the bottom of the T we'll start here curve down to there this is the body now let's also draw the eye we're going to draw a little circle right here for the two cans I yes and we can also color in that shape on their belly and their face it's yellow so let's draw the line that separates the yellow from the black we're going to draw a curve that comes down like this around and back into the belly now let's switch to our brown crayon and we're going to draw the branch that our toucan is sitting on I'm going to draw a diagonal line that comes down and look it touches the bottom of the body and comes over to the other side so you can start here and then touch the body and then back over here yes and then let's draw the other side of our Branch I'm going to draw it kind of close so it's not too far away and you could start maybe right there and then all the way down to there yes now we're switching to our blue crayon and we only have one so we'll share it and did you know that toucans have blue toes yeah blue feet so we're gonna draw two oval shapes for one foot and two oval shapes for another foot do you want to draw the two toes on each foot there you go one two three four I love it Olivia we did it we finished drawing our two cans they look really cool wait they're not completely done we still need to color it yeah we still need to color it this part is gonna be a lot of fun because toucans have a lot of color on their beak this part we are fast forwarding so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings you can also pause it at the very end so that you can match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah foreign we did it Olivia except I realized we're missing one thing the toe the tail let's draw tail feathers right here I'm gonna draw a little curve underneath the branch and then I'm gonna color it in that looks like a little u-ship yes there you go and then color it in there you go you did it and then you could also add a little line right to there and then color in that little triangle shape and then that'll look like the feathers are going behind the branch Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our two cans I love yours so much it's my favorite I like yours too oh thanks and I really love the colorful beak you can also add more stuff to the background oh yeah yeah you'd add leaves or what was the letter that we first wrote before we drew the toucan tea yeah the letter T because the word toucan starts with the letter t toucan yeah and it's okay if your drawings look different than ours both of our drawings turned out a little different but they both turned out awesome the most important thing is to have fun in practice yes to have fun and practice and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends we're gonna draw an umbrella yeah what does the word umbrellas start with what letter U yeah the letter U we're gonna write the letter U first and then we're gonna turn it into an umbrella you need your crayons and we're going to use a Black Crown first but what else did they need paper paper yeah you ready to start yeah the letter U is really fun to write we're going to start here and we're going to draw a line that comes down curves at the bottom and then back up there you go around and back up you did it we both wrote the letter U pretty simple right yeah it's just a nice curve like this and it also if you turn it around what else does it look like a rainbow oh yeah this is a rainbow shape huh we turned it upside down so that we can also turn it into an umbrella let's first draw the handle inside of the umbrella we're going to start at the very top we're going to draw a line straight down like this and at the very bottom we're going to curve oh that looks like a big letter J we're going to start here draw the line down and then curve around down here at the bottom yes there's the handle that we hang on to now let's draw the very bottom of the umbrella we're going to draw two bumps one two so start there yeah one two these look like two upside down U's then we're going to draw two more upside down U's to connect to the other side one and two then let's draw a line right here that comes up and then right at the end we're going to curve into the middle so start right here at the bump draw a line up and then curve into the middle there you go and then let's do the same thing on the other side line up and curve in yes we did it we finished drawing our umbrellas except we still need to color it yeah this part will fast forward but at the end you can pause the video to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah oh we also added raindrops to our drawings and you're working on your raindrops and I notice sometimes your hand gets on the color and then smears it that's okay right there's no mistakes you could use a piece of paper like this and we'll protect your drawing and then you can do your raindrops over here do you want to try that yeah yeah look at that there you go and you can put your hand down on the paper and you won't smear it yeah I love your raindrop shapes that's super cool you want to add even more and you also want to make sure that you don't add raindrops underneath your umbrella because you have an umbrella yeah it perksipes you from the rain yeah it does it keeps you dry yeah [Music] Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our umbrellas and I especially love the size of your raindrops they're huge if I got hit by the a raindrop that size I would be really wet you can pause the video right now to match our same coloring and also add raindrops to your drawing you could color any way you want I love that you chose pink you could also color your umbrella lots of different colors like a rainbow color oh that would be cool you could also add a kid underneath the umbrella oh yeah like yeah holding it what was the first letter that we wrote at the very beginning wrote the letter U and we turned it upside down to draw our umbrella because the word umbrella starts with safe letter U yeah we hope you have fun drawing umbrella we do and we hope you take extra time to color your drawings and add more things like huge raindrops yeah and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends here you're gonna draw a vulture yeah what is a vulture it is a yeah with small wings or really big wings big wings yeah super big wings and before we draw a vulture we're gonna actually write the letter V because the word vulture starts with the letter V yeah vulture we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your crayons or something to draw with and you also need some paper you ready to start yes let's first use our black crayon and we're going to write the letter V so we're going to start over here on the top left of our paper and we're going to come down to the middle of our paper if you want to do that you can start up here and then come down to the middle yes and then we're going to come back up on the other side to match you did it there's our letter V that's pretty simple right yeah now we're ready to turn it into a vulture a vulture a big bird we're going to start over here and we're going to draw a circle for the head so I'm going to draw it right here if you draw a circle right here yes and then we're going to draw a little dot in the middle for the eye and then we're going to draw the neck and they have really long necks so we're going to draw a really big long neck we're going to start here and then all the way to the bottom of the V yes and then we're going to start here and draw the other side of the neck coming up my neck is really long oh and I like how thick it is too yeah now let's draw the beak we're going to draw the middle of the beak I'll draw a curve coming out and then we're going to draw a curve coming back to the head and then let's draw the bottom of the beak too there's our little vulture's head and Beak and neck next let's draw the feathers around the neck I'm going to start here and draw a bumpy line going around like this and connecting to the neck so we can start here draw a bumpy line that comes around like that yes and then in and then we're going to imagine it going behind the neck coming up and connecting to the wing so right here you can finish drawing a couple bumps to the wing there we go now let's draw the wings and the wings are huge so we're going to draw one big feather sticking out like this then we're going to draw a lot more feathers coming all the way down the wing and then we're going to connect into the bumpy neckline we could draw lots of feathers there you go into the neck and then let's do the same thing on this side we're going to draw the feather big feather on the top and you're kind of close to the edge of the paper so we could imagine it going off and then coming back there you go and we could do the same thing all the way down until we connect to the neck yes we did it we finished our wings now let's draw the body I'm going to draw a letter U underneath the neck feathers so good job right here come around and back and then we're gonna draw the feet and we're going to draw them tucked under the body since our little our big vulture is flying oh and also if you have room you could add a little line for the toes that's okay you're kind of running out of room Olivia we did it we finished our vulture it's not completely done though what do we still need to do good yes this part will fast forward but at the end you can pause the video if you want to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our vultures and I love your drawing so much thank you you can pause the video right now to match your same coloring we use Brown for the wings black for the body and kind of this red pink color for the head and neck yeah we also use orange for the beak and also the feet what else could our friends do to their drawing I can add a background oh that would be really cool you could draw clouds and a sky and maybe even baby vultures oh yeah I also love that we wrote the letter V before we drew our vultures that's because the word vulture starts with the letter v v we'll be have fun drawing vultures we do and remember it's okay if your drawings look different than ours both of our drawings look different but they both turned out awesome that's because the most important thing is to have fun and practice yes remember to have fun and practice and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey our friends today we're drawing a walrus but first before we draw a walrus we're writing a letter and what letter are we writing w a w because the word walrus kind of hard to say walrus a lot so it starts with what letter w w you need your drawing supplies we're going to use crayons a black crayon you also need some paper paper you ready to start yeah where's your crayon let's write the letter W and it's like two letter V's connected together so we're gonna draw right here we're gonna draw one letter V and I'm kind of drawing that skinnier than when we first drew our letter V so we're going to come down like that and then back up there you go and then we're gonna repeat that same letter V right next to it to make a letter W you did it that is an awesome W now let's turn our W into a walrus we're going to start by drawing the top of the mouth so we're going to connect with a line that goes across so we can connect from there all the way to there yes and then we're going to draw the nose we're going to draw an upside down u a rainbow line and then let's draw the nose I'm going to draw a letter V inside of the bigger part of the nose and then we'll draw the top and let's color in that little upside down triangle now let's draw the bottom of the mouth we sped up that nose so remember in a pause the video if you need extra time okay now let's draw the top of the head and also the body we're going to draw a really big upside down U I'm going to start over here on the side and we're going to come up like this over and back down and we're going to start here come up over and back down yes there's our walrus head now let's draw the body we're going to draw the left side coming down close to the bottom of our paper so we can start here and draw it down to there and then we're going to draw it coming across I'll show you like this and we're going to go past the almost to the edge of the paper so go here to way over where your fingers are right there yes and then we're going to draw the body of our walrus we're going to draw a curve that comes down from there and connects to the bottom line yes okay now let's draw the tail I'm going to draw a little curve like this and we're going to go up so you can start here curve around and then up that's the back tail and we could also split it if we want we could add a little line inside which we draw next the eyes oh let's do it we need to draw a little circle right here I'm going to draw a little circle and a little circle right here yes good job and then let's also add little flippers so we're going to draw two lines down I'm going to draw one like this and one like this right in the middle you could draw it right here oh I like that your teeth are really tall so or long so you could draw one right there down to here yes and then you could draw another one right next to it okay now let's draw the little flippers I'm going to draw a small little triangle on the left it can come out right here and then back in oh and then let's add the other side of the Flipper on this side over here so we draw a little maybe a little closer right from there down to there and then let's draw a triangle over here yes we did it oh let's add little whiskers too we could add three little lines here and they have a lot more whiskers than that but let's just add a few and you can add them over here too we did it Olivia we finished drawing our walrus but we're not completely done we still need to color it yeah we still need to color it this part will fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your drawings too you ready to fast forward yeah [Music] Olivia give me five we did it we finished drawing and coloring our walrus and it turned out perfect I especially love how much Brown we used that's pretty much the only color I used but you also used pink for the cheeks our Earth friends can add a background too yeah you could draw the ocean or you could even add more walruses little ones in the background I also like that we wrote the letter w w first because the word walrus starts with the letter w w we hope you had a lot of fun drawing with us and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] hey friends we're gonna draw X-ray fish yeah we hope you're gonna follow along you need your drawing supplies oh we're using crayons you also need some paper paper yeah now before we draw our X-ray fish we're first gonna learn how to write a letter what letter are we gonna write x x because x-rays starts with the letter X X you ready to start yeah we're using our black crayon and to draw the letter X we're going to draw two lines that cross each other and we're also going to draw them a little to the left not in the middle of our paper that way we have room for the full fish so we're going to start over here and I'm going to draw a diagonal line that comes down so we start or maybe right there and draw it to there and then we're going to draw another line that crosses the other direction you did it we drew or wrote the letter X that's pretty easy yeah and it's also a lot of fun now let's turn it into an X-ray fish and X-ray fish are actually real and why are they called X-ray fish because they can see their bones yeah you could like an x-ray yeah you can see through their body and you could see all of their little bones and they're really cool and they're also called tetrafish oh yeah let's keep going now let's draw our fish we're gonna start here and draw the head we're gonna draw it coming around like this and then back so it looks like the letter c we're gonna start right here and then draw a curve that comes around to the bottom yes I love that you could also even draw it a little bit bigger so it comes out further if you want and this could be a gill yeah I love it okay now let's draw the body we're gonna start here connect to the top like this and then we're going to curve around to the bottom so we can start here touch there and then curve around down to here there you go yes and you could do a little curve a little further down if you want yeah next let's draw the bottom of our fish we're going to connect to the bottom and then a curve into the tail start there around you did it what should we draw next the face the face oh let's draw an eye we're gonna draw a circle right here and then we can draw another little circle inside for the Highlight but let's color in the big circle and if you want to you could just color in the whole circle black to keep it a little easier if you want there you go now let's draw the little smile now let's oh I love that you drew a different mouth that's really cute it's open now let's draw the fins we're going to draw the Top Fin first we could draw a curve that comes out and up and then we're going to draw a curve coming down now let's draw the bottom fins we'll draw another curve coming down and back up let's make it look more 3D let's draw another fin right next to the first one down and up yes and then let's also draw the tail fins real dry curve coming this way oh and yours could be kind of smaller you could draw right here yes and then we're going to curve back into the tail so you start here back in and then we're going to do another shape just like that next to it so you could curve out to here and then back in to there now it just looks like a fish let's turn it into an X-ray fish or let's draw the bones inside the body let's first draw the middle part coming down like this and into the tail the bottom of the tail so curve around like this and down there then let's draw the other bones we're going to draw lines going like this that match the top of the X so I'm going to draw it going down the body like that so you can start here and do one to there and then you could do another one right here to there and keep going down all the way down the tail keep going yes now let's do it on the other side I'm going to draw it right here so you can start here and draw it right to there and then right here to there and then all the way down match all of the other lines yeah yeah just like that I'm going to do the same thing and we went really fast because we're just repeating the same step let's add a few more details right here on the top of the tail or not the top of the fin this is the tail the top of this fin we're going to draw a black stripe on the top of it yes and then let's also draw a black stripe on the bottom pins both of them we did it Olivia we finished drawing well we're not completely done yeah we still need to color it this part will fast forward but at the end you can pause the video to match our same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah Olivia we did it we finished drawing and coloring our X-ray fish our tetras and they turn out super cool I love how it looks all colored in what else could our friends do a background a background would be perfect we colored the body blue so that it looks like you can see through it and you can see the water also what was the first letter that we wrote before we drew the X-ray fish X yeah we drew the letter X and that's because the word x-ray starts with the letter X we hope you have fun enjoying this fish we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] my friends are going to draw Yak yeah but before we draw a yak what does the word Yak start with what a why yeah we're gonna write the letter Y before we draw a yak we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your crayons to draw with and some paper paper you ready to start yeah we're using our black crayon to draw with first and we're gonna draw or write the letter Y but let's draw over here on the left so that we have room for the yak's body on the right so first we're going to draw the letter V for the top of our Y and we could start over here and I'll give you a couple points there you go and then we're going to draw the bottom of the Y coming straight down there's our letter Y we did it that was pretty easy yeah yeah now let's turn it into our Yak first we're gonna draw the letter U for the rest of the head we're going to turn the letter Y into our Yaks head so we'll start here come all the way down and then back up I love how big your yak's head is going to be nice now we're going to draw the horns and first we're going to draw a line straight across the top of our letter Y and look it goes past on each side yes the next time I draw a yak I'm going to draw as big as yours now let's draw the horns curving up so we'll curve up on the left side and then we're going to curve up on the right side then we're going to make the horns thicker we're going to start at the top come down look at this because it's bigger when it comes into the head there you go and then we're going to do the same thing over here yes now let's draw ears we're going to draw an ear that comes out and then back in underneath the horn and then let's do the same thing for the other ear what's our Yak missing the eye yeah the eyes let's draw two circles one on each side kind of makes our Yak look angry and then then we're going to color in the circles and if you want to you could color the whole thing in or you could leave a little white in the eyes to make them look shiny there we go we could also add two little nostrils down here at the bottom now we're ready to draw those are big nostrils bigger the nostrils the better [Laughter] okay now let's draw our yak's body we're gonna draw the back and it's going to come up really high we're going to come up like this and then we're going to come down over here so we can come up over the horn and then down yes and then we're going to draw a line straight across for the bottom of our yak's body and look I'm stopping right below this part so you can start here draw over to here we go and then we're going to draw the legs or the back leg first we're going to draw a straight line and look it's going to come past this line so we're going to start here and come down right about there yes and then we're going to draw over and up for the rest of the leg now let's draw three more of these shapes for the other legs we're going to draw one right here next to the back one shot right there yes oh I like that it connects too these are the two back legs now let's draw two more for the front legs I'm gonna go one and two there we go there's our Yak oh let's add a tail also we're gonna draw another curve coming out from here and down then we're gonna connect it into the body the bottom of their body they have really long fur so let's draw lines short lines at the bottom of the body and we can also add one or two in the tail also yeah yeah Olivia we did it we finished drawing our Yak but we're not completely done we still need colors yes my favorite part we are going to fast forward so remember to pause the video and take time to color your Yaks you ready to fast forward yeah yeah laughs Olivia we did it we finished drawing and coloring our Yaks and they turned out perfect I especially love yours and the little grass that you added for the food thank you you could add even more things to your drawing you could add more Yaks in the background hi oh yeah and you could also add a sun and maybe even some birds oh mountains in the background that would be really cool what was the first letter that we wrote before we drew our Yak why oh why yeah that's because the word Yak starts with the letter Y yeah we hope you have fun joining yakuzas if we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends goodbye [Music] yeah what does the word zebra start with Z yeah Z and what does the z sound like we hope you're gonna follow along with us you need your crayons and some paper paper you ready to start yeah we're using our black crayon to draw with first and we're first gonna write the letter Z before we draw the zebra so let's start up here and we're gonna draw it up in the top left corner of our paper so that we have room for the body I'm gonna draw a line across like this so we can start here and then draw it over to there and then we're going to draw a diagonal line coming down and then oh you could even go a little bit further there you go and then we're gonna draw a line going across again there's the letter Z good job give me five now we get to turn our letter Z into a zebra so first let's draw the head we're going to draw a short line down right here and you could go a little bit further too and then we're going to draw a line connecting in then we're going to draw the neck coming down here so we can drop from there down to there yeah and then let's extend this part out further for the body and then we're going to draw two short lines coming down for the body well I love how big your body is going to be and then we're going to draw a line across what shape is that everything yeah a rectangle and this kind of looks like a rectangle too a weird one and then this shape right here looks like a triangle yeah now let's draw the legs we're going to draw one leg right here down so we draw it down to here and then we're going to draw a diagonal line This Way yes and then we're going to draw a leg coming out to the front there you go and a line down we're going to draw our zebra running because they're really fast yeah now we're going to draw the back leg we're going to draw a diagonal line coming this way and then we're going to draw going forward now we need one more back leg we're going to draw it coming out a little further like this and then down so we draw it right here coming out and then down yeah our zebra looks like it's running I think this looks really cool and we could leave the legs just like this to keep it a little easier but let's make the legs look thicker so we're going to start up here in the front and we're going to draw another line just like the first one right next to it so we're going to come here and then down so start here there you go and then down and then we can connect the bottom there's our first leg okay now the next leg we're going to draw another line that looks just like it will start here down and then out and then we'll connect the bottom then let's draw the back leg we'll do the same thing make it look thicker yeah and then we're going to connect the bottom and then the same thing with the last leg and then connect the bottom okay let's also add a tail and then at the very end of the tail let's draw the hair and we can color in that shape at the end okay we also need to add hair on the back of the neck let's draw a short line out and then let's draw another short line down here and then connect those two short lines together what are we missing on top of our Zebra's Head e yeah ears let's draw an upside down V shape yeah and then we're going to draw another one right next to it let's also draw the eyes or just one eye a big circle and then we can also draw a smile and a nostril oh I like that your mouth is open fun jumping you you color it in and also add a nostril I'm going to color in the zebra's eye you could color it in solid or leave a little white circle inside for the highlight Olivia we did it we finished our zebras wait a minute they just look like horses yes what are we missing we just see the lines the Lions or the stripes right yeah okay let's start up here and let's draw stripes down the hair now I'm gonna make them a little thicker so I'm going back over it a couple times yes and then we're gonna draw Stripes going down the neck yeah I like making the stripes a little thicker now let's draw stripes down the body we're going to draw them going this way so we drew the stripes on the neck going this way now we're drawing them going up and down go back over it and if we're going too fast what can our friends do pause the video pause the video yeah if we're making our Stripes too fast you can pause the video oh I love your stripes okay now we need to add stripes on the legs I'm just going to draw two stripes and then we're gonna draw two stripes on this leg yes and then two stripes on the back legs too what else are we missing on our zebra's legs the hooks the Hooves yeah or the shoes we call them or feet I'm gonna draw a line and then color in the bottom part so it's black and then we're gonna do the same thing on each leg just repeat the same step go on the back ones we did it oh let's switch to our pink crayon next I'm going to color in this ear but this one I'm going to leave white since it's the other side of the ear and we could also add Peak cheeks or you could leave the Pink Cheeks off that's an awesome pink cheek now let's switch to our yellow crayon what are we using the Yellow Crown for the grass the grass yeah let's draw lines like this on the bottom of our paper for the ground and the grass that our zebra is eating and running through Olivia give me five star zeras and they turned out perfect I especially love yours oh thanks and I love that our two drawings don't look exactly the same that's okay because the most important thing is practice yes to have fun and practice I especially love that we drew what letter first a z because the word zebra starts with the letter z and we hope you had a lot of fun following along with us and drawing a zebra wait a minute are there any more letters in the alphabet no that's the last one right Z yes yes yeah tell our art friends they did a good job you did the best job ever yes you did you did the best job ever we love drawing with you and we'll see you later friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 848,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, art lesson, drawing, 2023, Art Hub, step by step, drawing lessons for kids, art tutorials, kids art projects, art education, family-friendly, homeschool art lessons, abc, alphabet
Id: 99cz5wkWA1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 37sec (8797 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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