SPICY DIPPING Hotpot, BEER RAMEN & Richmond Night Market in Vancouver Canada

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[Music] Cheers [Music] Hey hello from Seattle sorry kitchen everything's come mess I kind of work here so it's pretty messy right now anyway one of the reasons I wanted to live in Seattle is his proximity to Vancouver it's about time to hit up north and eat what they got so it's Vancouver food trip time breakfast time and Vancouver is really known to have some of the best Cantonese food in all of North America and they're a bunch of these old-school Cantonese places are really really popular we're gonna do one of them for breakfast this one right here Lido restaurant this is an old-school Hong Kong eatery this is the menu I got their famous pineapple cake which they say is gonna take forever which I said okay I'll wait it out I got I got some spam and I think some kind of noodles I'm not exactly sure I was under a lot of pressure I actually had no idea I ordered this this is very typical Hani's breakfast macaroni with with meat and it's topped with basically whatever you want so I got mine with some Josh roux I mean everything looks good and smell good I just did not really know this is why well of course you gotta have some melty with your meal as a traditional Hong Kong no tea no sugar milk strong tea flavor a soup is nice its flavorful I feel like it needs a little bit of something some people like to add a little bit of this this is improve the taste of soup let's spice this thing up I don't know this is something you're supposed to do or not but I'm doing it oh yeah much much better but some of that soy sauce and some of that hot oil that's actually transformative so this is the famous I'm a bull fun now mindful bun doesn't actually have any kind of bone here it's just like a sugar rush did fun it's probably one of the most common bakery items so finding any Chinese bakery that's right the best version this one that I've ever had this is like a cult Wow like fun sugary crust on top take a bite of that super smoky all you want to do after eating one it is to have another this is another result of my hasty watering I got a random ham and eggs I really don't know how to even when you complain about ham and eggs my second pineapple bun and the secret of eating it like a local is a slab of butter in the middle as if you know this thing isn't decadent enough but actually this one is super light and fluffy look how pretty it is yeah do that I mean I'll take about five years off your life but promise you that's worth it just a little bit of salty creamy butter in the middle so now you got sweet lucky bit of saltiness will you come here don't be scared off when they say is you gonna have to wait a long time what they mean by that it's like 10 minutes 15 minutes not that long and trust me guys just like the love of your life this thing is worth the wait and cut that butter I just thought of something take my bun and I put some ham and egg in here I made a little sandwich I mean this bun is so sweet little fluffy already the ham and egg is good why not form a union Oh even better now make a sandwich out of your pineapple bun get a slice of hand get some age get some butter I'm gonna best breakfast sandwiches you ever have in your life that's really a gem of a place I mean it is old school is aggressive so if you really want a pretty authentic experience that's where you go in the food is amazing I mean a simple rustic comfort food and that's the best type of food and the pineapple bun you guys need to go get the pineapple part so if you go in they actually do have English menus if you guys go in there you can't speak any any manager or Cantonese like just ask people for help I mean you ever want super friendly just remember pineapple bun with butter there you go and this is just the beginning of the food day I'm gonna go meet up with some friends we're gonna go get some hot pot in this place I'm pretty unique I remember this place Aberdeen Center this whole area Ashley it's just full of food places I've said many years ago if I ever lived in Vancouver this area that's why we live here it is one choice young which basically means skewer skewers fragrant what is this panda eating why are you seeing eating meat skewers there's a bear comes to the private room you love skewers I do love hotpot yes I do where the right place [Music] last part of the sauce basically apparently in this hot pot sighs you just add everything see how this sauce go and then you add in there a little sesame oil this face is like Elvis girl I got some color in the sauce it looks good I mean it's not like a typical hot pot sauce I would typically put together but that's not bad yeah that's really not bad okay that's our pot so they make the spice himself that made the regular soup so much more beautiful when he came out with a plastic bag on my they he just buy that at girls local H Mart down the hall is just like getting a spice bag but that's actually legit that is wonderful yeah it feels like very calming like my soul is calm this is one of the best hop applause I've had in a while yeah that's actually really good you want to try the spicy sure let's go everyone maybe do whatever you like [Music] ready for this yes got the spicy side yeah - a little dunking there get a little swim you know all right copy scores - Cheers that's great mm-hmm well the beef is so tender mm-hmm and the sauce really helps with the diluting up there the spice is good the garlic is amazing in this the garlic and the chilies adds a little crunch and I see why they are new peanuts are here because the beef is so tender you need a little difference in texture that's not even that specially yeah I want to try these ribs I love their ribs yeah I've never had ribs on a stick let's do it oh that's really good I would say if you just had it like this it's okay but with the sauce and it definitely makes it a lot better oh my god this is great hey what is this oh this is a beach stomach this might be my favorite cut so far this is such a fun way to eat a hot pot that's true there's a lot more I think I feel like when it's through that's hands-on I actually really really enjoy this plane I can't believe I didn't know a place like this exists I thought I was like I ate all the ha pods in the world before mm-hmm never had some like this and this is so so enjoyable all right we gotta finish this because afterwards we're going for some beer ramen beer oh my gosh always coming thank you all right I guess we take a sip right Cheers there's to you yeah yeah we're in a bar drinking rum beer all right yeah that's not definitely not what I expected that is mom and miso soup I'm expecting of the earth for some reason and every life even though we know it's soup there it's not real beer you're still kind of expecting like a little like a little bubbly yeah not at all I don't know how to eat nicely but this was I'm just gonna eat how I want you to be nicely around there can I just tell you this is not half bad yeah right yeah I like it that it's cool it's different brushing it's nice in the summer time the noodles are really nice nice and al dente I actually think this in these little little wasabi doing it I'm proud of you let's see look at the ramen say to the peel the beat the beat what's up beep what's up what's up beat seriously I thought I would absolutely hate this thing but really not that thanks for thanks for having a ramadhir with me more food coming up hey dad jokes live on my channel you guys know the Richland nine market this is one of the few night markets in all of North America and it's one of the most popular ones so so there's a line that's going from the dinosaur all the way to there some getting Express passing like a fast pass like an amusement-park get past all that I was here yesterday kind of scoping the place outside kind of know what I want to go there they are is this like the in Cooper tradition you got to come to Vancouver you got to come to their market yeah pretty much often really no actually I come here like every summer at least like twice every summer all right you didn't come here once a week now I'm so impressed with you usually get the Fast Pass what's your favorite food here I like the potato there you go let's go get some meat and we're gonna together yeah there it is follow the smoke Linda I can just kill mine out it is Mike by the way I've got a chef I'm not a bad day alright now we got some meat with the potatoes here you go game scores for you man scores for me okay bite of this and then we're gonna look at this the potato cyclone oh I'll try to me skewers okay how is that I'm really a good combo huh very nice parent let's try this yeah is that Oh chicken steak yeah you want to see something really sexy yeah I've been out dress the chicken steak this is what makes my shoulder Chili's here okay do you want a purse by cheque fight it [Music] hmm I predict that meats really tender I'm just saying this thing is covered in chilies but it's not spicy all right I think my delicious this crispy juicy this player four is really good there's a little more spicy yeah [Music] all right so we have the full fries you guys don't know I'm Vietnamese so this is the ultimate nets we'll see how this goes all right you want a little I'm on yours yeah sure I see I think the fun aspect of this is the coriander and the bean sprouts and the lime and the onions well there's some beeping here oh and Vita is sure Ric Oh Sarang and hoisin sauce I want try everything as mine I can take you chops to toxic soup fries are making into a chopstick okay and then we can get like tons of stuff on there okay this is chopsticks and another another level yeah if you don't how to use chopsticks you know how to do this all right I didn't grab anything the shot thing is oh it's a little complicated man there's a little hard I love it it tastes is kind of like I see that fall similarities the sriracha and the beans doesn't alive yeah not bad right I think the fries are crispy it's got all the flavors of the right it's beefy it's got the sriracha like you said it's all free meet with the boy chin wonder for me I got something cool for you literally cool turn around Oh be right oh my god it's a Homer Simpson donut the cutest mango pudding alive it looks like it's real like I got a question for you how are you gonna eat this I can't it's too cute it's not it's just inhuman of me they did I'm out coming for you we're gonna have to try really hard let's try the donut first donut ice cream this is donut ice cream what size obstacle very surprising I want to eat this are you gonna look away yeah when I kill it guys if you don't want to see this cute little ducky get masks hurt turn away from the string now I can't yeah we're gonna we're gonna be a little more Jemez about this nose looking at me there's guys let's go man go put it it's too adorable though I can't do this again like I'm not even kidding you guys this is kind of missing a taxi yeah I tried this yesterday yeah it's amazing like pork belly you like pork belly pork belly kimchi homemade kimchi super spicy soft super spicy it was swimming in like pepper like red pepper for days we're going again some people don't like the fat if I could give you a merit badge right now I would good job good job this couple really gender schooi skin smokey flavor sweet spicy I love it yeah one of the best anchor okay okay so we got the infamous rainbow cheese thing so there's two of them hold on I hold one and then ready for this yeah wait you want the rainbow tutela [Music] [Music] okay that's really TV this is not bad there's no Nutella because I'm gonna crispy stuffing as I have deserved grocery sandwich I thought it's gonna be horrible actually there's no reason why things aren't got our soul independently beautiful on its own can be beautiful together I was way better right this one's kind of like confused there's no whether it's sweet or savory this is prettier that is way better yeah alright one last thingy yeah fried mochi fried mochi you like mochi right yeah that's right stuff I do it let's fly your mochi that's why I mochi Mike's really cheesy like this cheese I can't deny that what's wrong oh dude cheesy I'm telling you it ain't easy being cheesy [Music] alright last thing we're gonna have I had these yesterday I don't know why nobody's at this stall they make their own mochi you know I like it try it try let me know we think really hot because it's really hot very like can be like pacing around the top and very gooey so if I give you like some milk tea right now and I give you Saturdays I always I thought this is one of the better sweets at this night market this is a really interesting night market because it is jam packed and it is like more international than most of the night markets I've ever been to what's your favorite tonight shake will you love I personally love the faux fries and guys definitely check Linda out she's super funny awesome skills I've been watching her for years leaned up with lean deli we empty egg productions YouTube check her out awesome funny girl thank you so much for joining I ain't join again thank you so much for joining us guys on the place we went to is listed down below thank you so much for watching so we again
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 967,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vancouver, canada, cantonese breakfast, cantonese food, hotpot, hot pot, chinese hotpot, spicy hotpot broth, spicy hotpot, beer ramen, beer ramen noodles, beer, ramen, noodles, noodle, night market, vancouver night market, richmond night market, night market street food, night market food, street food, food festival, vancouver food tour, leendadproductions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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