SPICY A5 Wagyu Beef HOTPOT With The TRY GUYS! NOODLE DANCE in Los Angeles

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[Music] how long do you cook a brain oh no the brains oh I can taste the peppercorn oh you're gonna hate this oh there we go can't believe it I'm actually in LA when it's raining it happens like what four times a year anyway this is the perfect weather for some hot pot and there's a couple people joining me today that's never had it before so we need to fix that I'm here at Heidi low which literally means scooping things from the bottom of the sea it's one of the most popular hotpot chains probably in the world never been here I always wanted to try and I get to do it with a couple of guys let's go say hi hey guys I was so hungry I'm not even very little because I wanted to eat so I don't experience for me I did look at pictures on the Internet yeah all right you guys okay do it alright guys we finally sat down let me do a formal introduction this is Zack and Keith from the try guys and keep an eye met over a nice meal of noodles yeah well we really connected over food and I've reached out to you several times for advice when I've been in San Francisco New York and you've led me to some amazing dumplings and noodles and very various nooks and crannies of the city so that's like the only thing I'm good for it you know it I like I have text conversations just like where should I go I'm in this neighborhoods like well there's nothing in that neighborhood go to this one okay that's like my entire median life is to help people if I get things to eat and you guys never tread hump up before no this is the first time I'm really excited I've heard good things a lot of a lot of high expectations and I'm ready to dive into that bowl let me tell you about how hot is yeah it's basically just a boiling hot as a hot pot right the dish is over a thousand years old in Mongolia of the Mongolian soldiers were coming down south they would use their helmets to boil water and then put ingredients in there as a silly way to eat a meal and also kind of reach that's amazing this is a very traditional Chinese dish that we love it is great socialize it because you sit there you cook your own meal and just have a good time and now is this something like where I'm getting my hotpot and you get your ha Potter's it's all family-style we're sharing usually the more traditional type is there's a big pot in the middle and it's divided by two or even nine more for the more traditional one is one spicy side one non spicy scent but this place high D low they have individual pots but we're gonna be sharing because we want to try it different wrong but right now we gotta do something really really special we are gonna go make our dipping sauces wait what we're gonna go make something we're making it we gotta make the sauces we're dipping the ingredients in there's two dips when it comes to hop on we dip the ingredients into your pot dip the ingredients again into your dipping sauces can you shove it in your mouth I love sauces this can be low confusing but let's take a field trip all right welcome to the hot pasta sauce bar and this is where we're gonna create our flavor don't think there's a lot of pressure right now and it's just coming up here it's gonna be a little daunting because you guys don't want a sesame sauces yeah yeah okay perfect basically every person who loves how they have their own customized sauce that they love I have two recipes I've one that's customized for me and one very traditional recipe Wow you are getting Mike exclusive sauce recipe right now Wow watch it sautee which is Chinese barbecue sauce a little bit of this garlic for sure oh yeah I like a little bit of vinegar tiny bit to bring the acid yeah makes them yeah a little umami flavor there soy sauce is vital chili oil is a must for me oh wow wow wow and then sesame next one is really simple three part sesame a third of time and that's it all right so all about you guys go nuts right oh I did not all that's delicious but not what I thought it was going to be No [Music] I think this is gonna be perfect are you guys got your sausage sausage taste it see how it is mine's a little too on the salty spectrum the spice level is good for me like mine if it's gonna rock your world it's gonna be a slow rock your world oh that's good that's good this is the Mike 10 custom sauce all right let's move on let's get our pots ordered dancing noodle yeah yeah $4 for dancing or noise for a special dance can we just keep on watering no I'm gonna yeah I got 20 bucks in my pocket bring the dance on okay we're gonna use some tongue great all right I'm in how do you guys feel about spam spam yeah what's the right thing to drink with this meal Tata see ya also I like that our dinner is referred to as a shopping cart one other thing we got to prepare for here's your aprons I'm sorry are we baking curry in the splash zone we are always in this life so oh my god I see Shamu it is it smells amazing it is the mala so mala means no means spicy you can see the little round things there maybe even one before this is Japanese a5 Wagyu wow that's unbelievable first things first this is gonna go bad if we don't get it right now okay it's not really sure there's no but it's yummy so take that dip it in the condensed milk not use a cos okay no milk for me I know no for you oh wow it's so crispy Cheers oh wow such a good crunch on that it would be better with that I get it okay I'm gonna try a little bit we're already on him so we're already going all in here yeah I'm going in for another dip oh yeah let's get started so typically what we like to do in hot but is throw nd ingredients like and that's gonna take a while to boil so potatoes gonna take a bit yeah throw that in there matino trust me you never have potato I'll tell you how to hop on potato so what are those dumpling things you just threw it those are fish balls fish fish roe on the inside fish eggs inside of fish it's like you're eating up dish right now pregnant fish fish don't get pregnant like that how do you know I don't there's a strategy you're either a thumper or you're like a meticulously Dipper so dumper means there's some people just dump everything in they eat it like that when this coil take a piece of me swish it around about ten seconds as soon as the color is good take it out what meat do we start with there's so many to choose from oh yeah what's one incident oh well let's move up the chain is this barbecue sauce that I'm drinking that's the plum sauce it's taste like barbecue sauce I like it so prole in there and then don't release it yeah drop it is don't swish it around [Music] oh I can taste the peppercorn oh you're gonna hate this oh I think that org is not as wealthy as five business oh that's delicious well but it hurts but your sauce you made helps balance it a little bit [Music] oh yeah the best meats on haha is usually the fatty beef I'm having a great time all right I'm having a great time Chinese people cannot stay away from hotpot oh I get it you guys ready for the ultimate yeah actually I don't think I am I'm like I'm still like living in this you got to cook it perfectly don't overcook this no no no so you spy you should uh stakeout take a piece this is gonna be insane we're good so loose that just holding the stick through its own weight is pulling it apart of itself I need your eyes on this I want to make sure I'm doing it right I look check it out that a ribeye like it's basically gonna revive Oh web is nothing on ribeye cause this needs a daddy I mean this is a 50/50 fat I mean even maybe he was 60% fat yeah go for a keep oh looks like no I think yours needs to go in there it couldn't wait Wow I didn't chew it that was public butter I just ate it and I already miss it grab a fish ball like a soup dumpling ventilation system well the flavor is great a lot of flavor and served out by the fish baked potatoes and hop on here you go is the most amazing game Madeline right yeah that melts this is amazing that's chicken feet it's a pickle pickle yeah oh it's a spicy pickle everything's spicy bike I think I think you need to up your spice tolerance that's pretty good together my lips are burning I don't know why I got this have no idea I encouraged you I almost feel it oh my god just touching my chopstick is oh god I love it it's like running over a dead animal it's just the feeling of it you who really gonna detox my chopsticks oh it's changing textures oh it's oh it's right now immediately it's like a dude it's almost like a post egg yeah how long do you cook a brain accident I'm sorry only bad thing about that drop ring is a mind is a terrible thing to waste I tell you what the flavor really blows your mind I've had my mind on this moment for a while oh wow you remember that commercial for trucks back in the day like this is gonna break really should be like something like this if I would have been yeah does your bring a hot pot let's do it mind over matter this matter is miles right do you guys do you guys money stop putting it so soft it is the softest thing I've ever had it's much it's like meat booger now like a bug our booger anymore biscuit see it's like meat mush be much I hate it it's just mind-blowing ly bad this is the greatest thing you ever do with an egg ready we're gonna poach a freaking egg in a hot tub no you're not [Music] hold it there for a couple minutes best poached egg you won't ever have your life it's a perfect thing I need a hot pot just like a cooked breakfast so when the hopup broth boils down to the lower point all that ingredient that we cooked the flavor is now saturated in there yeah now is the best time for some noodles to go in can we bring into dancing noodles oh my god you couldn't even do that with a jump rope [Applause] one time thank you that is the best way ever to get noodles delivered to your table that's gone wrong like it was just smash took my glass hold it [Music] this is sort of what I've been waiting for my whole life I think this is I I know Keith really well I don't think he'll ever top this smell this is really great this is the first of everything he loves it one yeah that's what hot pot is oh yeah oh that's spicy although if you guys can take this it's really good I want to be able to describe what's going on and I can't this is not one flavor what you want it's like the Captain Planet oh that's such a good shoe yeah it tastes even better because they were made and crazy boobs bro all right so what do you guys think first hot pot experience you basically went through everything I mean Mike I'll tell you this is probably one of the best eating experiences of my life I've been doing Korean barbecue for about Thanksgiving dinner for the last couple years this might replace it because I love everything about it but this gives me noodles I really don't know what to say it it's crazy good and I feel like there's so much to explore and I've really only just got started yeah I mean every almost every ingredient is is in play oh by the way was so good everyone grab some mochi ball here this is one of the greatest desserts ever it's fermented rice with mochi balls it's sweet incredibly fragrant yeah oh it's like soju this is my favorite thing that I have ever had put it there oh this is definitely your ally everything going on here this is like Bobo's cooler cousin oh oh there's nothing on this perfect weight it's high off this meal yeah well guys thank you so much for joining me on this meal oh don't don't thank us don't you dare thank guys what are we doing at you hey hey we got more stuff to explore I mean this is a huge huge culture of food there are a lot of stuff out there to eat but I love showing people would never tried pop up before hop up because there's one of my this is my favorite food in the world Wow and you know what we love trying things yeah I figure it's kind of our thing and guys definitely check them out to try guys there link is in the description box below thank you again so much for joining me and thank you guys so much for watching till we all eat again for a while see ya
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,619,229
Rating: 4.9438772 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, try guys hot pot, hot pot try guys, chinese hot pot, hot pot, spicy hot pot, a5 wagyu beef, wagyu beef, beef, noodles, hot pot broth, soup, hot pot soup, hot pot sauce, how to eat hot pot, hot pot mukbang, hand pulled noodles, try guys food, los angeles, la
Id: TsuLV4Tz1V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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