Spending $100,000 For The STRONGEST SOLDIER in Roblox!

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Zoe check this out look at that giant door we are so small compared to this house right here and Zoe do you want to know where we're playing oh what are we playing Nico we're playing a toy soldier Tower Defense so let's look at the bottom of the screen you can build right here right so we would want to play some walls around here just like this and then we want to place some guys right here look these guys will shoot the enemy okay and Zoe I started the Roundup we are ready are you ready I'm beginning it's good luck okay wave one two enemies versus Four soldiers let's see if they could oh four enemies now okay come on come on get em soldiers get em oh we got one and we can collect little bears every single time we got them so let's go oh gosh behind you guys glad you guys watch out oh no oh this guy oh you could hover over them and you can see their HP basically just gotta defeat each wave oh our guys are doing pretty good I think we should go straight for wave three to be honest with you so we can now buy a basic box and using a box we just opened we could get even more stuff in every single wave we did we have to build a new base so let's do this real quick build this up a little bit now we can surround our whole area with these guys and then we can place a bunch over here okay nice so we fill this in do you have an action paper yeah wait what does merge do whoa we can merge guys Zoe and we could create even better guys oh that's really cool and if you merge three papers you can make books which are even better walls but first let's start wave three and see how that is strong enough we got this soldiers a checker Zoe I think our goal is to see how many waves we can do it at the very end I hope we can get a higher number but I think later on the enemy soldiers are also gonna have toy guns too so we got to be very careful but right now we can just collect these Bears okay we're speeding way past Wave three whoa well we already got it now we've unlocked with four now we should use our shop and let's see what we got we could buy more basic boxes I think let's see what we got to build I think so we should do the same layout as before what do you think yeah I like that strategy yeah we can also make it smaller because we could put all of these guys in the center okay so everyone's got their back nice and I think we should maybe Place Corners here as well okay and let's go okay now let's start it okay wave four let's go we got this I think we honestly want to probably Center the arena I think it's not centered very well but we'll do that next round and now that we have a lot of soldiers here it's getting way easier but wait people are getting oh gosh Joey this Wall's kind of broken a little bit oh that is not good Nico I can definitely see how this could be harder you know okay nice no I said oh just one guy left let's count that way yeah okay Zoe now we can go into the shop real quick let's buy another basic box real quick just like that you can see it in the bottom left how many bears we have nope I'm already ahead of you I think we should merge some stuff Zoe let me see maybe I should get the new guy wait I'm gonna I'm gonna try and see what this Uzi guy is like okay now I got one of these guys real quick and now I got one book right here now we could place these guys down I think and now we could go for let's Place one book right here Zoe and then now let's create this base and we can make this one a little bigger than last round all right and look what I got in my box wait what are those uh cardboard cardboard which are probably even stronger than paper and Zoe become any new guys that got I got an Uzi a lugger and I think that's good I got an SMG and then just the newbies let's see what that does we only have four guys but hopefully they're better time to begin okay if we look we have eight enemies oh gosh we're being outnumbered we have 11 animes at 14. oh gosh okay let's see whoa wait these guys do a lot of damage for sure that's for sure whoa look at this you mine you could tell that they're definitely more powerful because these guys have 80 HP and the regular guys only have 26. it's real they're taking out everyone super quick wait everyone's pretty much gone no one even touched us that round we're overpowered now okay you know what I'm gonna get one more basic box again Zoe I just realized what about if we use this store real quick and we could get two types of boxes right two times the blocks right here just like this and you know what so we can unlock some other stuff later but what you have a good idea is that what if we make two bases make one here and then make one over here yeah I'm gonna merge a bunch of these boxes real quick just like this I have a bunch of books right here just like this sodium former box [Music] oh my good guys right here I think I definitely need more Uzi guys let me see if I can make more of them let me merge more if I could get a revolver no probably not yet can I could place one guy right here and then two of these logo guys okay ready Zoe I am let's see how this goes this is honestly so cool okay let's go let's go come watching go go watch yeah go so far looks good okay so far looks good yep yep and we gotta get these guys over here perfect goodbye guys it's yaka okay honestly no one's getting anywhere near our base I think our characters are honestly overpowered yeah wave 6 is easy I think the strategy is to get more of those guys and you know what so we I think I could buy more bears more bears we how with Robux in the shop you know oh I see and then now when I go to the shop I can finally unlock one of these better crates The Fragile crate just like this wool I got an AR and seven blocks what let me also get this basic crate as well okay now I got much more things so now I could go right here and go to build and now I have so much more to build with Like These Bricks okay just like this go like this but we probably want to see materials right so we oh yeah good point okay Zoe look what I got right here will be ready yep I'm starting at wave seven let's go okay our base is pretty spread out but it should be good okay we have four enemies whoa these guys are just getting demolished so fast they're absolutely obliterated I think wait this AR guy has crazy range oh yup they definitely do the most damage whoa and they're barely getting anywhere near us none of our other troops are even doing anything so you realize that's yeah there's only like a few that are going really hard like this one in here yep definitely and those guys are honestly soloing everyone that's pretty crazy I wonder if we just put those two in wait you want to see what happens if we just put those two in let's just put those two in and then let's do wave seven let's see what happens all right let's do it yeah we don't need any of these other guys to be honest with you okay so we now let's just immediately set the next round what if we don't even put any walls that we want to see yeah we're just gonna put them all in a square oh okay I'm also gonna put one guy right there just in case and let's start it wait it's weird defense okay I think these are all assault rifle guys but you have two SMG guys is here I sure do but this should be good and whoa Zoe there's a lot more people than I thought maybe it's gonna be harder for them wait no I think they got it wait wait they got it yep they got it they got it they got it they got it do they got it I don't think they got it oh gosh wait uh Zoe oh they got it what overpowered you know what let's do it again you know what Zoe I'm gonna shop for more guys okay okay good plan I'm gonna buy 160 Bears this time just like this and now we could go shopping okay now we could go shopping like this and this costs 135 Bears what that's a lot well I got eight puzzle cubes and one sniper I kind of want to see what the sniper does I think I'm gonna buy more bears real quick 720 just like this I think I'm gonna open a bunch of those basic crates as well I'm gonna open some basic boxes real quick look at that oh my God Elijah I have so many of those and now I could get some basic crates in here like just like this okay I got a lot of SMG guys right there now trying to open the fragile crate and we can get a bunch more of these assault rifle guys and I think I'm out of money Zoey and if I check my build I have so many more and I have four more of these guys we can also just play the next round are you sure we're ready Zoey do we look ready you know what yeah we do let's see where it's uh I put some new guys right here they're called stens but they don't have that good of a range I think the assault rifle guys are honestly the best guys and these guys don't even need walls to fight look at these guys okay I think it's safe to say that these guys are much better yeah oh that's what I'm saying I'm saying I want to be like them go feel oh and is that the round done are you serious it was that easy geez we don't even need any owners you know what I actually want to try something real quick I see these guys they're called homing rocket guys let me see how many we can get I got two of them so let's place all of our guys now let's place four star rifle guys right here just like that and then now check this out so we got one sniper right here and then where are those guys I was trying to look at oh homing rocket guys and I only place one but I think that's all we need okay ready so we wait ten let's go I am uh Zoe do you see this guy in the middle right here homing Rockets whoa this one yeah look at him look at him go he's going what if we just get a bunch of guys like that and we don't even have anyone else oh I wonder what would happen yeah because to notice how they get them in one shot yeah it's an instant KO uh yeah I think these AR guys are kind of Opie as well but gosh no rounds could honestly stand us we're overpowered I wonder what happens when we get to the highest level yeah and we still have about 10 more ways to go so we got this okay so what do you say I buy some more bears you know what go for it you've said under 20 Bears right here let's go see if there's any other upgrades in here as well let's see your VIP pass explosive soldiers soldiers explode on Deck I mean don't mind if I do that would be kind of overpowered okay so are you ready I'm gonna place a bunch of homing rocket guys okay we got two of those guys you know let's just not have any AR guys I think those guys are too overpowered and I have 12 of these shoddy guys so they have shotguns so then when they get near they can just shoot them um move aside they'll be a little bit oh but I want to be a soldier too maybe one day that week are you ready let's see what this is like on Wave 11. wow okay these guys are super good so we might have an issue not gonna lie oh what's the issue uh I think we need the AR guys to survive but let's just see how the shotgun guys do okay oh gosh are we outnumbered uh yes we are very outnumbered oh gosh yeah um oh everyone's getting attacked oh no wait a bunch of explosions are happening wait what are happening oh we lost a couple guys oh gosh we lost quite a lot of guys I'm not gonna lie sorry I'm giving up oh no but on the bright side uh yeah we're doomed you know what I think we do need these AR Guys these guys are a little piece they are pretty cool too you know I'm gonna shop for a bunch of them more I think those guys are honestly the best so I got six more of those guys so now I can just Place more just place a bunch of them Zoey I'm placing every single soldier I have okay time for wave 11. okay yup these guys are overpowered ready watch us easily get through this oh my gosh they just instantly die where they spawn oh I guess it's safe to say that these guys are probably the most OP troops in the game nope they sure are isn't that right guys oh you're amazing hey Jay why are you talking to them like that huh what they're green oh my gosh who's a good soldier you are okay now we have two more guys over there and we are pretty much wrapped up let's go let's go wave 11 was easy you know what so let's just place a bunch of them and just keep doing this okay yeah let's get to wave 20. Yep this is definitely gonna be easier come on oh wait I see some more difficult guys right here Zoe they're called shovels but they're not as good all right guys got this still you guys just stand no chance yeah look we're breathing through the competition ah yeah honestly I could just yawn right now you know I could take a nap right now me too I'm gonna take a nap in this soldier's arms good night oh my gosh okay there's a few more guys here and we're pretty much wrapped up with it Nico did you wake me up seriously maybe oh I'm just cozy oopsies you know what I think we could get even more overpowered guys don't we think so what if we only get snipers and then we become super powerful what about these motor guys wait I'm gonna buy a bunch of these guys let's see how much we could get okay three motors let's see how good these guys are Zoe oh they look scary our entire squadrant that's what I'm thinking every everybody get out of here oh my gosh this is huge we have a lot of people yeah but guess what this is gonna be an insane Army yeah look at how big this is uh uh I think we're definitely gonna pass wave 13 let's see whoa look at the motors whoa look how quick everyone's dying yeah I think it's because of the amount of soldiers we have uh it's kind of overwhelming for these guys wait until we placed 81 soldiers seriously 81. uh yeah there's no way anyone's gonna beat that okay it's time to do the next round you ready you could honestly just do it like this too yeah they could probably handle it Zoe how about we just gotta wait 15. the main deal let's just do it yup and I want to max out and place all of our walls on that round too so this is gonna be okay now I'm just gonna stand in the shoulder shed and wait till we get there okay okay Zoe are you ready now we're actually gonna take this seriously and oh gosh I have 129 papers how about we place our walls first Zoey let's make a huge wall okay got it let me just grab my papers just like this we stack on top of our walls wait what uh what happens if the guys can't shoot through these um sure they can don't worry I mean I guess they'll find out Zoe yeah I'm sure it'll be fine okay this is quite a massive wall Zoe I'm not gonna lie no one's gonna get through this you play some purple Cubes real quick and then go like this and then we figure out the best way to build real quick look at this look how fast bill gaiga what yeah okay I am professional builder Zoe hey I'm optional Builder um you're maybe not the fastest Builder though maybe I'm faster than you I guess I can't deny that oh okay now I can finish placing these crates real quick so can you delete this guy in the floor sure okay thank you now we can finish placing the insides of this place and that's the way let's just place a little guys all right we got this I'm gonna place the two homing Rock guys right here we'll place all the shotgun guys on the edge and if you look at it they have limited radius as well so I'm gonna play some on all four corners just like this nice and now I'm gonna get the AR guys you know these guys are our best guys I'm gonna place two on each side just like this now I'm gonna place all of these guys right here and then we gotta get our newbie characters and these guys could just go on the edge oh this is gonna be our best round yet now we could just fill all this space up like this and Zoe this is all my guys uh same this is all my guys okay ready we're starting with 15 our very last round let's go oh gosh so we yup this is uh I wonder if an enemy's even gonna get into the fort let's see if one of these guys gets it to the Fort Zoe I think the round's by the end I think they all bite oh my gosh did you see how they attacked that one guy I think this guy's a ninja look this guy has a lot of Health but he just instantly dies at this game well that was so fun so we're here for sure was if you want to watch more to go box Adventures to click on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 354,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: G1IpmEh33_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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