Spending $1 Billion Dollars In 24 Hours

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it's challenge time infographics fans you just won the ultra mega jackpot and after taxes your bank account now reads 1 billion dollars but there's a catch you have to spend it all every single cent in one day or you'll lose it and everything you bought with it think you could do it hello and welcome to a special challenge episode of the infographics show spend 1 billion dollars in one day the rules are simple you have to spend every dollar in 24 hours or you have to return everything you bought or spent along with the leftovers for added incentive if you fail the challenge the money goes to an organization dedicated to kickin kittens and 1 billion will buy a lot of innocent kittens to kick so you better not fail you can't give any of the money away as a donation or gift it has to be spent on something that's just for you or perhaps you and a few friends at the max so know copping out by buying the entire infographic show staff 50 million dollar gift cards - in and out which of course we know you would do because you love us and in and out is pretty much the best so time to get greedy much like the late and great Richard Pryor in Brewster's Millions the clock is ticking and time is running out without further ado here's our purchases think you can do better stay tuned and then give us your list in the comments 1 naturally the first thing most people are gonna think about is buying a home real estate is a solid investment after all and there's quite a few of very hefty cash sinks that can quickly eat up a billion dollars but why start at a home we've got a billion dollars it's time to think bigger like private island big all the open space you could want no neighbors whatsoever to worry about and no pesky homeowners association telling you to take down your Halloween decorations because it's April Halloween is a year-round celebration or at least it should be and with your own private island it will be the United Arab Emirates offers a wide variety of artificially built islands all for sale and with Al Marjan Island up for grabs at 462 million dollars that's an easy get that takes care of nearly half your budget the island features an airstrip several beaches and power provided from the mainland truly a picturesque and perfect man-made paradise with just one slight catch it's located at the very tip of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf and if you thought your current neighbors were a pain just imagine having a ran as your next-door neighbor barely 100 miles away with constant threats against shipping in the Persian Gulf from Iran elmer jean island may not be the safest place to live but for now it's a sunny island paradise and next door to beautiful dubai so much like america in the 2016 election we're just gonna go with it what's the worst that could happen that takes care of 462 million dollars and leaves us with 538 million to go to we just bought a private island in a potential war zone so naturally the next thing we need to do is make sure our little slice of heaven is well protected normal security isn't gonna cut it though after all you have an entire island to defend against one of the region's most formidable militaries it's time to hire the best or at least the most controversial and brutal it's time for Blackwater made notorious after reports of their cowboy attitude and disregard for civilian collateral damage during their involvement in Iraq Blackwater security changed its name to Academy which we guessed sounds less thuggish well at 1200 $22 a day these guys aren't going to be sitting around reading books but to defend an island the size of El Marjan you're gonna need at least let's say two platoons of hired killers or 60 mercenaries total that brings total cost to about 73 thousand dollars per day or 2 million per month worth with potentially two years left in Donald Trump's presidency and a possible reelection after that let's go ahead and secure a six-year contract to make our new home safe which brings the total to 158 million dollars but hey you can't put a price on safety and you'll be keeping Blackwater employees too busy to be shooting innocent civilians which is borderline charity but we'll let this one pass that brings our total expenses to 620 million dollars leaving us with 380 million 3 we've got our own island and we've got our own bloodthirsty crew of hired mercenaries to stop anyone from getting on that island we don't want there now it's time to build a home somewhere modest and cozy where we can lay our head after a long day being grateful war with Iran hasn't broken out yet maybe something like the Playboy Mansion sadly if you're a fan of the late Hefner's his home is already sold for 100 million dollars which was half the original asking price but why not just build your own current construction costs in Dubai range from 6500 to 8000 amarante Durham's per square foot which is about seventeen hundred seventy dollars to 2178 us let's say you wanted to recreate the Playboy Mansion on your new Island we're pretty sure homes aren't copyrighted just how much would that cost the original bunny house is 20,000 square feet and let's say you do like most builders in Dubai and use cheap foreign labor from East Asia whom you pay slave wages to while treating them like actual slaves including stealing their passports and threatening to imprison them if they complain about working 12 plus hours and 120 degree heat so let's go with the low-end estimate of 6500 Durham's per square footage or $1,770 u.s. that's gonna cost you a whopping thirty five million four hundred dollars for your own Hugh Hefner dicks but who can put a price on a home that brings our new total to six hundred fifty five million four hundred thousand leaving us with three hundred forty four million six hundred thousand four we're gonna need a way to get to our fancy new digs all the way in Dubai so we'll be skipping that fancy car remember how our island came with a private landing strip that's right it's time to buy our own jet but not just any jet we want a jet with class style and some history behind it so we're gonna buy Donald Trump's Boeing 757 selling at 100 million dollars while a regular Boeing 757 can fit 200 normals Trump has had his refurbished to accommodate only 23 human beings who fly through the air in the lap of gold encrusted luxury with two bedrooms which will be immediately sanitizing a private guest room also sanitizing a dining room and a video room with a built-in cinema system you'll be getting to your island home in absolute style flying ain't cheap though and Trump's operating costs used to run at ten thousand eight hundred dollars per flight power which includes crew and fuel so to make sure you can keep your jet operational let's go ahead and contract out enough fuel and crew to last at least 300 flight hours for a total cost of three million two hundred forty thousand dollars combined with the 100 million price tag that brings the total cost to 103 million $240,000 making our new total expenses 824 million 180,000 and leaving us with 175 million eight hundred twenty thousand five flying is nice but we feel it call for the open seats and you're not really ultra rich until you own a yacht right unfortunately with only 175 million left we can't afford one of the world's top 10 most expensive yachts but after our purchase of trumps old mile-high club airliner we're pretty much done with buying used it's time to buy new performs building a yacht used to cost about 1000 per meter 100 years ago but that price is now ballooned to a whopping 1 million dollars per meter then of course there's a cost of crew and fuel so let's go with a more conservative approach and buy ourselves a 170 meter yeah which is about 15 meters longer than an American Aegis destroyer that brings us to a 170 million dollar price tag but our fancy new yacht the SS info graphics isn't going to go anywhere without crew insurance and fuel annual fuel costs for a super yacht run about four hundred thousand dollars with 350,000 in dockage fees if you choose to dock your yacht in foreign ports 240,000 for insurance 1 million for maintenance 1.4 million for crew salaries that brings us to three point three nine million bringing our total cost to 173 million three hundred ninety thousand that brings our total expenses so far to nine hundred ninety seven million five hundred seventy thousand that leaves us with just barely three and a half million dollars which lucky for us is enough to top off our shopping spree with the perfect gift for that special someone we'll be sharing our heavily fortified island home with a three and a half million dollar diamond engagement ring from Cartier jewelers or maybe we'll just keep it for ourselves don't judge us we like to feel pretty too we're vac at it again subjecting one of our staff writers to your most pressing questions and this time it's one that's been asked hundreds of times what happens when you don't sleep for a week during our preliminary research we discovered that the effects of complete sleep deprivation can be pretty severe so instead of complete no sleep we're letting our writer in guinea pig get three hours of sleep every day well below the recommended eight hours of sleep at night every person should get ever wonder what lack of sleep does to the body according to the American Psychological Association only 20% of adults get a good quality sleep each night yet to 1942 only 8% of people reported getting only six hours or fewer of sleep at night but in 2017 almost 50% of Americans are getting less than eight hours of sleep clearly we have a serious problem in our society but how badly is it affecting us day one 10:00 a.m. today I start the no sleep one week challenge or if little sleep I suppose since no sleep can be pretty dangerous even outright fatal during my preparation for the challenge I read about American and Soviet sleep deprivation interrogation techniques where CIA and Soviet gulag prisoners would be sleep deprived for days on end in order to break down a tough prisoner's mental defenses and extract critical information apparently the brain can be so badly affected however that information can be unreliable or just completely made-up which kind of begs the question of just how effective these techniques really are I guess I'll find out in order to test the effectiveness of CIA and Soviet sleep deprivation interrogation techniques I've struck a deal with my girlfriend I will hide her laptop somewhere and she has until day 7 to extract the location from me without the laptop she won't be able to watch Netflix or mess with her Pinterest and she hates doing work emails from her phone because the screen is so small so she has a huge incentive to try to get me to break I guess we'll see if she can 10:00 p.m. last night I had a full night's sleep so I'm not feeling too rough it's about 10 p.m. now and I'm tired but I've definitely done longer stints without sleep during my years in the military working on my laptop and girlfriend asked if she could borrow it but I told her that that would violate the terms of our challenge she rolled her eyes and started watching Netflix on her phone I'm not noticing any side effects so far but it's going to be a tough to stay awake when nobody else is up I downloaded a few ps1 games to play through the night in busy day to 10:00 a.m. slept my three hours then I woke up with girlfriend was getting ready for work waking up was pretty tough but again nothing I haven't experienced before I'm not really hungry though and haven't eaten yet and I remember this is a symptom of not sleeping from my time in the military we used to take adderall to power through days and days of little sleep it's basically a nymphet amine and jolt your system awake by giving you ton of energy but the side effects are pretty terrible this time there's no adderall for cheat wit but from what I've read the symptoms of no sleep may be just as bad yes we'll see 10 p.m. I wasn't that tired last night but this time I'm really tired I brought in a patio chair to sit on because I'm afraid that if I sit on the couch or lay in bed for too long a fall asleep in the military it was easier not to sleep if you were active it had something to do but with nothing really to do it's a lot harder I took dog for a million walks today and will probably take him on at least two more tonight just to be back tit girlfriend asked me where the laptop was didn't tell her not writing here either just in case she steals my laptop when I'm not looking I think watching YouTube and Netflix on her phone is getting to her more than my lack of sleep is getting to me research I read up on says that one of the first effects of sleep deprivation is the inability to show positive emotion on the face even happy people can't show it on their face with a smile ask my girlfriend if she felt that I was being this way and she said I laughed less and don't smile as much but I just seemed normal just really tired research also said I'd creep junk food as the body looks for sources of energy to keep itself going that's definitely true I drank one of those huge 16-ounce cokes a little bit ago and will probably drink another later tonight to help me stay up sorry washboard abs you're gonna have to wait at least one more week day 3:10 a.m. I woke up after three hours and it literally felt like I had just gone to sleep a moment ago I can't describe how tired I am not hungry at all going to try to keep busy today working on other scripts to pass the time 10 p.m. definitely an advantage to have something to keep you physically active and alert like in the military as opposed to just doing nothing try to keep occupied with video games but the action is getting harder to track try to work on scripts to pass the time but just too hard to concentrate you've been zoning out a lot missed an entire conversation after girlfriend came home from work research says this is the brain trying to force rest period even with your eyes open you literally just check out mentally it's called micro sleeps and is supposed to happen less than 30 seconds pretty sure I micro slept for a full 5 minute conversation girlfriend grilled me about her laptop didn't tell her she'll never break me day for 10 a.m. I feel like I haven't eaten in a long time but I'm hungry girlfriend brought me a bunch of nutrition bars yesterday because I haven't been eating much regular food she left it all over the house so there's always one in reach sometimes I eat one and then forget I just ate one and then reach for one only to find the empty wrapper and I realize I just ate one I think that last sentence makes sense getting harder to concentrate but trying hard girlfriend had to shake me awake when the alarm rang after three hours she said she's concerned and thinks is stupid and she's not gonna wake me up again so I have to set three alarms just to make sure I wake up 10 p.m. I feel physically ill like nauseous all the time I walked the dog earlier and zoned out for I don't know how long guess I'm micros left in the middle of the sidewalk definitely not smiling or laughing much also making a lot of spelling errors in this document hard to concentrate research says lack of sleep increases stress hormones because the brain can't rest and balance out your hormone levels I definitely feel stressed girlfriend asked if I was ready to tell her where her laptop was didn't tell her she said my job is dumb and I'm dumb and that she doesn't really need her stupid laptop anyways and went to sleep day 5 10 a.m. back in military days when we used to go with little sleep for days there was a point you hit where you weren't really tired anymore even though your body was exhausted like your brain tricking your body I feel like that a lot now research says that your brain comes down when you don't sleep I have to agree to test myself I tried to do a math quiz online and did horrible I don't even feel like trying to write today 10:00 p.m. girlfriend asked for a laptop a bunch didn't tell her she said no sex then joke's on her research says you lose your sex drive without sleep because your hormones are out of balance and lack energy it's a Mexican standoff but she's got no bullets in your gun I went day six 10:00 a.m. today is Saturday but I forgot I only realized because girlfriend didn't go to work today days sometimes blur together because I don't have the regular nine-to-five job but definitely affected by lack of sleep typically go somewhere on Saturdays but no energy to do anything really trying hard not asleep played all the Final Fantasy 7 this week to keep busy great game but guess what six is better you could suck an Internet but seven is inferior to sick 10:00 p.m. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep a few times today but don't remember girlfriend insists I did it so either memory is completely falling apart or I slept with my eyes open research says that severe lack of sleep disrupts the brain's ability to form memories properly coupled with poor nutrition this could cause serious memory problems and definitely have not been eating right too much junk food but I guess like research said just the body trying to energize really hard to type these entries keep making a lot of mistakes and having to rewrite plus sentences that don't make sense I had to start sending alarms every 30 minutes on my phone to make sure I didn't fall asleep accidentally girlfriend also tried to get the location of laptop from me driving her nuts to not have it specifically since it's the weekend she warned me that experiment ends in one day but lack of sex could last much longer if I didn't tell her not even the CIA is as evil as she is they should put her in charge of interrogating terrorists day 7 1:00 p.m. I don't know when I fell asleep last night but I woke up 10 minutes ago definitely overslept the three hour length when I woke up girlfriend was on her laptop and when I asked her how she found it she just kept smiling and saying she got me I honestly don't remember telling her but no way she found it on her own I'm not convinced she didn't borrow a laptop that just looks like hers so I would do my entry in right here where a hit a real laptop after I fall back asleep research says that's paranoia lack of rest rewires the brain and makes the irrational seem rational screwed up with the sleep but going to try to stay up anyway 10:00 p.m. I feel like I could stay at more but I'm not going to all day have been spacing out really hard to concentrate on writing entries but not as a rational or hard as I found it would be at the start keep reading and rereading sentences and hoping they make sense though Vince Ian thinks the last two days like shadows moving in the corner of my eye research says extreme lack of sleep leads to hallucinations and I agree we'll be sitting by myself and suddenly think I saw a figure moving at the edge of my vision these also have been given out on me and almost fell twice today from absolute exhaustion I think I may be accidentally told girl from where the laptop was but forgot that I did that research says that it can happen with prisoners they give up info and have no memory of it or they make up false info because their brains are scrambled but maybe she just borrowed the laptop still trying to make me think I gave up the location so I'll just say or write down where real one is she did show me pictures on it though and her login that's pretty convincing but I thought what if she just downloaded the pics and set it all up that's definitely paranoia so I think I'm going to officially call it here dear Internet a week without sleep makes you grumpy paranoid makes you want junk food but not normal food kills your sex drive makes you fall asleep with your eyes open and annoys your girlfriend so don't do it and final fantasy 6 is still better than 7 hello infographics fans once more we're here to answer the most pressing questions in life and the questions you are most curious about this time we're tackling on the fashion industry or at least one small part of it and asking what exactly happens if you don't wear underwear for a month to help answer this question we're once more turning to our favorite staff writer who so bravely took on this challenge because we told them to I mean because he too is a brave pioneer of science always seeking to answer the unknown for your educational pleasure so stay tuned as we see what happens if you go commando for a month for science day one I stared in my inbox for a full 30 seconds when I got the notification for this next challenge I don't think I quite knew how to respond girlfriend immediately realized something was up she knows about what time I set up to start doing work stuff and when she saw my face she must have realized it was another challenge episode she narrowed her eyes and practically growled what is it this time she's like a freaking bloodhound to that one when I told her though she just laughed and she got really serious for a second and said I wish I'd lied to my parents about what you did for a living honestly sometimes I do too no underwear for a month who comes up with these are these fan suggestions can you guys please suggest what happens if I go on a tropical vacation for a month so the show will send me to Hawaii so this one seems easy enough except I know better I used to go commando a lot in the military especially during my time in the desert because the temperature routinely got up over 100 degrees at those temps you sweat so much down there that it's unbearable so I opted to go underwear free and let me tell you it felt amazing turns out your body is pretty good at regulating the temperature of your testicles so as to keep the sperm safe and healthy that's the primary reason for why testicles evolved to be on the outside of most mammals which admittedly seemed like a huge oversight on mother nature's part until I learned that fact but having them be a few degrees cooler than the rest of your body when you're wearing body armor and all kinds of extra gear is amazing except for when you have to suddenly hit the deck because somebody decided to start shooting that's when not wearing underwear was definitely not a pleasant experience sometimes see desert camo pants are made of pretty thin material and dropping your chicken tenders down onto some very stiff dried-up grass or prickly plants definitely made you wish you stayed standing and risked a bullet not to mention if you ever dropped onto a scorpion which are not as deadly as people think but their stings pack a wallop it never happened to me but I heard stories and they terrified me but that heat I stand by my decision even if strangely my greatest fear about ending up hurt was having one of those medics cut my uniform off in order to treat me and finding out I'm going full Scottish that myth by the way about the Scottish not wearing underwear under their kilts is exactly that a modern myth that enough people started believing that some kilt wearing blokes actually tried to make true historically speaking the Scots always wore underwear under their kilts and some royal courts even had glass floor so that the King er commander could make sure his troops were properly equipped funny I guessed some poor Scottish sap had the same idea I did about the comforts of going all Free Willy well onto the challenge I guess as usual I'll update periodically with any observations this should be interesting day 7 one week without underwear and well laundry is definitely easier the girlfriend keeps being suspicious as if there's some part of this challenge I haven't let her in on yet I guess I don't blame her she's definitely seen me go through hell for these and I guess she suffered a bit too for it at least this one doesn't seem to be directly affecting her this time so she's ok with the quote my stupid job for a change one thing I've noticed is like I said less laundry that's nice I guess although I never end up folding the underwear anyways because it seems pointless and just tossing the drawer this drives the girlfriend absolutely nuts and is the reason we have separate dressers now I do seem sweaty err though which is weird because I'm wearing less clothes I think maybe that it's not that I'm sweaty err but the freedom of curling experiencing is making me more aware of sweating that naturally occurs I get nice laughs of fresh air down there when walking around which by the way it's amazing and it makes me realise I'm sweaty with underwear you don't really get that it's definitely made me rethink any time in the past that I've decided that postpone a shower day 14 so this Friday I had a flashback to high school and have rediscovered why underwear is a secret blessing I would like all the guys in the audience to think back to their awkward teenage years and all the very sudden and very unwelcome excitements that occurred with very little haunting thankfully though underwear fits snugly and it helps reign in your SpongeBob and Squidward and make sure that your condition isn't publicly visible while the girlfriend must have been thinking about this too and decided to be a freakin comedian we went to a friend's house for game night as we usually do and as I was in the kitchen grabbing something she slid up next to me and whispered some things in my ear that I won't repeat here then started giggling a moment later our entire group of friends entered the kitchen and I had to suddenly be very very very interested in the contents of the cabinet directly behind me so I could keep my front wheel out of sight as I fought to reclaim control over my excited Master Chief I stood there awkwardly with my back to my friends as I forced myself to think about every unsexy thought I could my girlfriend is an evil genius and it scares me that I think that fact makes me more attracted to her not less day 21 so I don't know if I have PTSD flashbacks to that Friday a week ago or if being free has sensitized me somehow but definitely having a problem with random stimulus packages girlfriend tried to pull her little stunt again and I had to strike a very very harsh bargain in order to get her to stop this is a very serious situation basically I'm making dinner and doing most chores until this is over for once I think she's actually happy for a challenge episode I've noticed that I've been wearing a lot less jeans lately and have been hanging out in sweatpants most of the time went at home even though I worked from home I still try to dress normal helps make sure you don't get stuck in a slovenly rut but I've been avoiding jeans the harsh material is definitely not pleasant when you're going commando and I've been having panic attacks after using the bathroom remembering the one time as a kid that I accidentally zipped up my Woody Allen let me tell you that's a pain you only need once in life and every time I go to the bathroom I am more careful than I've ever been in my life about zipping up since this challenge began my military uniform had buttons not a zipper so it was never an issue in the past now it's a clear and present danger day 30 it's over or at least it will be in a few hours honestly not wearing underwear for a month reminded me a lot of what it was like to be a teenager and I feel like the lack of protection has definitely sensitized me downstairs I kind of think I'm going to keep doing this when I'm home alone and in sweatpants it's actually quite nice man was born to be free after all but in public I definitely have to warn you wear underwear especially if your girlfriend knows you're not and is as evil and malicious as mine and loves to publicly humiliate you again it scares me that I think I love her more for that than not now that your questions have been answered dear YouTube do me a favor and suggest a new challenge what if you vacation to Hawaii for a month hello infographics fans it's time for another awesome challenge all in the name of science we're concerned with your hygiene because we hate to break it to you but despite all the go natural fads out there you should definitely be taking time to give yourself a good scrub once in a while as usual though we want to find out what happens to your body and mind over the long term so once more we're tasking our favorite or least important anyway staff writer with another awesome challenge all in the name of finding out what happens if you stop showering for a month for science day one okay I have a confession I didn't tell the girlfriend about this challenge because I'm 100% sure that would not go down well at all hygiene is kind of important in a relationship especially when you share a bed in are as physically active as we are but also there's the fact that she's been less than happy with previous challenges that wouldn't be putting it mildly also though there's the fact that she's leaving for a film shoot in four days and she's going to be on location for the next three weeks so she's going to pretty much miss the entire challenge this literally couldn't have played out any better I think she's been getting suspicious though typically I get a few weeks between these challenge assignments to rest and recoup and also because if I didn't I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would single-handedly destroy everyone in the infographic staff she's a trained stunt woman and Ken Fox she's kind of scary anyway she knows that right around now is when I should be getting a new challenge assigned and I think she's suspicious that I haven't brought anything up yet maybe I'll just tell her there's a production delay or something by the way if you're wondering we obviously don't do these challenges all back-to-back in real time by the time you get to watch these episodes the challenges were already completed a while ago to give us or me yes time to do more so I'm just not gonna say anything until she gets back which will be about the time the challenge is over as usual I did my research and it turns out not showering can lead to everything from acne to infections but turns out that showering all the time is actually pretty bad for you as well that's because your body naturally produces a layer of protection on your skin against outside infection and all your vigorous scrubbing destroys this layer and leaves you prone to getting sick or infections that's why some health shops sell probiotic sprays to help you grow your healthy body bacteria while making you smell nice which by the way is complete nonsense and does not work so stick to real science not pseudoscience it'll be cheaper in the long run just limit how long you shower each day and instead of scrubbing your entire body with soap every time just do your stinkiest areas growing armpits and butt and rinse off the rest with water your body will thank you of course I won't be allowed to do even that much and I'm not looking forward to this see I've already done the no shower challenge in my life during my time in the military and it was absolutely not pretty luckily everybody was in on it as well so everyone stank equally in fact we pretty much just smelled like gunpowder dirt and sweat though we did sometimes have the opportunity to take what we call baby wipe showers where we used a case of baby wipes to wipe down our vital areas by the way if you know anyone deployed overseas to a forward location with no facilities forget about sending cookies or books or anything like that just send baby wipes you are very smelly and grateful military will thank you for it so I worked a baby shower claws into this challenge and every three days I'll be allowed to wipe groin butt and armpits with baby wipes because I mean you gotta have some hygiene in life for the rest of me though not a drop of water will touch my skin and since it hardly ever rains in Los Angeles that's a guarantee you can count on see you in seven days YouTube day 7 the girlfriend was definitely suspicious is suspicious I should say she left without asking what if any challenge there was now but she did say that I was smelling a bit ripe when she kissed me goodbye at the airport she's been texting me asking what the challenge is and I didn't want to lie to her so I just told her that she didn't want to know thankfully she's filming 12 plus hours a day so she's typically too exhausted to push the issue it won't surprise anyone for me to say this but I smell it's interesting though because at first you really do smell quite bad but then suddenly it's like your body achieves some sort of smell equilibrium a smelly briam or maybe I've just gotten used to the smell myself I've decided that this month the only days of exercise are the days I'm allowed to take a baby wipe shower and I realize that's kind of cheating but hey I still do have to leave the house and run errands or meet with people you know of course deodorant and Cologne go a long way in those cases and have definitely been doing more handshakes than hugs lately not much else to report to be honest day 14 my girlfriend's best friend came by the house today quite unexpectedly she said that she was here to borrow something from her but was really vague with the details and just said that she'd been told it was in the hallway closet I was immediately suspicious because a my girlfriend is an evil mastermind and it doesn't matter how busy or faraway she is if something is up she has to know what and be my girlfriend really is an evil mastermind I'm not joking I saw through the transparent ploy and it didn't help that the friend kept looking around the house as if expecting to find some freak show that was part of some sadistic internet challenge I'm also lucky that today was a baby wipe shower day so my secret is safe I sent the girl friend a text telling her to stop spying on me and she just sent back at I quote suspicious face emoji I catch whiffs of myself sometimes when the wind turns outside and I smell I mean definitely not good but not awful I am incredibly itchy though especially in the groin that's no surprise given that sweat tends to accumulate there a great deal followed by infection if you're not careful I wonder if my baby wipe showers are going to be enough to keep things under control down there I got to tell you I'm feeling pretty gross and really limiting the amount of time I spend out of a house luckily Skype is a thing and I can reschedule almost all of my meetings to Skype calls Thank You Technology day 21 another of girlfriends friends came by the apartment two days ago I didn't let her in I just peered out of the front blinds like some very smelly criminal as she knocked on the door until she quit and walked away even hundreds of miles away the girlfriend is persistent but not nearly sneaky enough okay this is bad I definitely got a rat in my groin areas spreading down my thighs and I'm starting to seriously question continuing with this challenge I know it's not a big deal just really itchy but it's definitely extremely gross I can't believe that people actually live like this by choice Emmy I miss you my dear wonderful shower I was a fool for years never appreciating what had been available to me at the twist of a knob loss was my cruel teacher and every day since I've been instructed on how good I had it how good you were to me and how little I appreciated it please forgive me shower I promise to appreciate and adore you and to rinse your soap scum every day I think I smell too bad even for the dog because he's definitely not been cuddling up to me the way he does it now that's a pretty damning turn of events coming from an animal who literally can't stop himself from smelling dog butts the first chance he gets of course he doesn't smell like a rose either because he's an absolute maniac around water and will utterly destroy the bathroom unless you physically put him in the shower with you close the doors and bathe him that way so it turns out this one month no shower challenge was for both of us but unlike me I know for a fact he likes to smell stinky given many many times I've had to chase him away from rolling around in god knows what at the park this rash thing though definitely is gonna have to be addressed and luckily I know exactly what to do see my time in the military didn't just teach me about not showering but what to do in these situations and the answer is rubbing alcohol it burns like all the seven hells but wiping down with rubbing alcohol destroys the surface layer infection which causes the rash so tonight I'm gonna set my groin on fire and kill this before it gets any worse I really really hope you appreciate what I do for you YouTube day 30 the girlfriend came home two days ago and I finally had to tell her though to be honest I think she probably knew the moment she took her first whiff of me I've been banned from sleeping in the bedroom and she made me clean all the bed linens before she'd sleep in our bed I also had to Febreze it down completely then she took the Febreze from me and sprayed me with it liberally and told me I wasn't allowed to cuddle her until and I quote this stupid challenge is over and he go back to normal and by the way you're so lucky I wasn't here for any of this nonsense or you'd be living in a hotel she didn't call my job stupid though the way she typically does and that's how I know she missed me she's really a huge softie a terrifying scheming evil mastermind of a softie so the rash I had a week ago disappeared thanks to the rubbing alcohol treatment which I'm pretty sure doesn't count as a shower but let me tell you it feels very much like showering your groin with a flamethrower I did notice red blotches popping up under my armpits which I suspect is another future rash in the making but thankfully today I got to shower so I fully expect those will be going away soon all in all I definitely don't recommend not showering free full month it's going to make you smell terrible and kind of affect your mood too although I think that that was just a side effect of me avoiding leaving the house as much as I could when I was a kid my mom used to tell me that I had enough dirt behind my ears to grow potatoes and well mom this time you might actually be right now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go enjoy the longest shower of my life and scrub from head to toe so I can reclaim my right to sleep in my own bed a man's home is his kingdom after all though in my case it's obvious that I'm just renting it from my girlfriend the Carolina Reaper is the world's hottest pepper clocking in at an astonishing one-and-a-half million Scoville heat units which is a rating use to determine how spicy a food item is well a regular jalapeno clocks in at a mere 100,000 to 350,000 shus the pepper is purely man-made as nature is incapable or evil enough to produce a pepper so fiery hot and is the brainchild of a former pot grower who began to use his knowledge of botany to crossbreed peppers in competitions around the world challenged people to try to eat three of these miniature peppers with an atomic punch to see who can down the fastest and keep them down but what is it like to actually eat one of these red-hot monsters to find out we tasked one of our writers with sitting down and eating one Carolina Reaper and recording his observations t-minus one minute sitting in front of me are two Carolina Reapers the world's hottest peppers allegedly each one of these tiny peppers has a Scoville heat rating of one and a half million but the website these came from claims that some peppers can get as hot as two million that's fantastic and that's sarcasm I don't even like spicy food and I'm not gonna lie I'm seriously rethinking my current employment status these peppers actually smell kind of Pleasant almost fruity from what I've read online and I've done a lot of research they have a slightly fruity taste as well I guess that's right before the lava kicks off the plan is simple I eat the first pepper and write down what it feels like tastes like etc I've done a lot of research on how peppers affect the body so after my initial observations I'll come back and add what was biologically happening to me if anything goes wrong or I feel I didn't get enough from the first pepper I'll try the second one here it goes t-minus zero seconds they're right about the slightly fruity taste I don't know if chewing fast or slow is best to be fair to the experience I'm trying to chew the pepper thoroughly definitely starting to burn though post-commentary chilies and peppers evolve capsaicin as the defense against unwanted foraging by animals such as mice and insects which would destroy the plants seeds the capsaicin is thus released mostly from the membrane of the fruit as an animal's teeth tear it to pieces t plus ten seconds yep it burns it burns really bad post-commentary the capsaicin binds to the trpv1 receptors inside your mouth which are designed to detect heat and are activated by temperatures over 110 degrees Fahrenheit the latched on capsaicin however causes the receptors to be confused triggering their pain warnings with temperatures as low as 93 degrees Fahrenheit which is below the average human body temperature that means your own body heat triggers the burning response which is what makes spicy food so unbearable you literally can't get away from the burn t plus 20 seconds I tried to speak and I could it swallowed the mashed up pepper and my throat is on fire stomachs starting to burn to post-commentary when you swallow a mashed up pepper the capsaicin triggers trpv1 pain receptors along the esophagus and the stomach this might seem an odd place for these pain receptors but it makes perfect sense if you've ever hastily swallowed something far too hot for your own good the pain response is meant to protect you and teach you to be patient and wait for your hot cocoa to cool down or to not eat the world's hottest pepper ever again t plus 30 seconds sweating profusely girlfriend looking at me weird my armpits are soaked and face and neck sweaty post-commentary the human body sweats to helping radiates excess heat it's an evolutionary adaptation that makes us the top predator in the savannas of our ancient past this type of sweating however is known as gustatory sweating and is triggered by a perceived increase in the warmth brought on by the capsaicin finding your trpv1 pain receptors peppers also have the ability to jumpstart your metabolism and eating really spicy food can actually help you burn a few calories the increased metabolism also drives further sweating t plus 45 seconds I'm not sure if I'm sweating or crying maybe bull girlfriend looks concerned I'm drinking soda I heard it helps with the burning which is intense and everywhere seriously I think I might be on fire inside post-commentary capsaicin isn't easily neutralized by stomach acid mean it can continue burning for a long time before fading away naturally this can make the sufferer feel as if a fire was burning inside them and the malfunctioning trpv1 receptors can actually start to convince the brain the body is actually suffering from dramatic overheating even though body temperature hasn't much changed this prompts much more sweating to help regulate body temperature T plus one minute 30 seconds I finally remembered you're supposed to drink milk so I scared the girlfriend by suddenly rushing to the fridge and gulping down enough milk to refill a cow I don't think it's healthy I burped and I swear it felt like fire I might be turning into an actual dragon post-commentary typically milk yogurt or other dairy products is the preferred pain relieving drink of choice that's because milk contains a protein called casein which actually knocks the capsaicinoids off the hijacked pain receptor helping ease the symptoms nonfat milk is recommended because of its higher protein to fat percentage water is always a terrible choice as is soda as all that does it's further spread capsaicin around the affected areas t+ three minutes my nose has been running non-stop but I think I've stopped crying hard to tell through all the sweating girlfriend asked me she should call poison control or hospital I told her to call a morgue instead she didn't think that was funny the paint is incredible and all over my mouth throat and stomach I can't even begin to imagine what it'll be like coming out the other end except I probably can because it's going to be exactly like coming in this end post commentary at this point the pain is at its peak and you might start to feel light-headed from an endorphin rush as the body tries to do its best to block the pain certain sexual fetishes that rely on intense physical pain capitalize on this specific response to extreme pain which is followed by an almost narcotic high like release of endorphins into the blood in this case however no such release followed just more pain T plus 10 minutes I've been laying on the floor for five minutes now my mouth feels like that time I bit into a freshly microwaved hot pocket as a kid and couldn't taste anything for a week afterwards I might not be able to taste anything ever again in my life after this I'm dry heaved a few times which was a terrible idea as some of the mashed up pepper made its way back into the bottom of my throat and almost beep you for real girlfriend won't talk to me she's on the couch and angrily muttering the word stupid under her breath every few seconds nose has stopped running Butthead feels like it might cook my own brain at this point I welcome that and the sweet release of death t plus 30 minutes the worst of the burning is over but my stomach is starting to cramp pretty badly I hardly ever eat spicy foods and I'm not fond of them at all I think the cramping is my stomach trying to tear itself free of my esophagus and rip out of my body and a desperate attempt to escape the hell I just fed it I don't blame you stomach even if it does feel like you're carving me up with a steak knife inside t plus one hour 30 minutes I left the floor about 45 minutes ago and laid down on the bed girlfriend came in and offered me milk and angrily told me that if I got the bed all sweaty I'd have to do laundry I'd like to stick my stomach in the washer right now and clean out all the bits and pieces of pepper left inside still seriously cramping and still definitely not looking forward to what happens on the way out t plus 18 hours 30 minutes I was right to be afraid of what would happen on the way out if the pepper coming in was mount st. helens erupting then it was Mount Vesuvius exploding on the way out how do people enjoy this girlfriend still hardly talking to me told me my job was stupid before leaving for work left a gallon of fresh milk in the fridge though I went back into the dining room and realized that the second pepper is still there sitting on a plate I can't believe I thought I would seriously need two of these looking at it now it's only barely 2 inches long how could something so tiny holds so much people inside it this isn't a pepper it's the fruit equivalent of Hitler this is the Hitler installing of peppers this tiny weird-looking pepper isn't even a fruit at all it's the shriveled up testicle of the Dark Lord Lucifer full of all the fire and fury of Hell itself we here at the infographic show go to great lengths to answer some of your most burning questions pardon the pun and today we're happy to put one of our writers through eating the world's hottest pepper for your sake in the United States there are approximately five hundred fifty-four thousand homeless people or about point one seven percent of the total population by comparison Russia has approximately five million homeless people or 3.4 percent of the population and Germany has eight hundred thousand homeless or 0.5% of the population while Russia tops the charts on homelessness for first world nations the true chart-topper is Egypt with between one and three million homeless children alone but have you ever wondered what it would be like to be homeless well wonder no more as we dive into another special challenge episode of the infographic show and once more put our favorite guinea pig to the test for your scientific curiosity and task him with going homeless for 72 hours day 0 okay I probably should have been more prepared for this by now but this challenge definitely caught me out of the blue I've done I think maybe 20 challenges by now and actually definitely have seen this one coming homeless for three days part of me is kind of excited because at least it's not a disgusting challenge and well it kind of feels like an urban version of man versus nature right there's a reason why there's so many of those wilderness survival shows on TV I think deep down inside we all crave to know if we could really make it out there now the urban landscape isn't exactly the wilderness but I know for a fact it can be pretty rough I used to work security in Las Vegas for a little bit over a decade ago and I had to deal with the homeless population pretty frequently once we even had one homeless woman stab another homeless woman through the eye for apparently infringing on her territory because she was turning tricks at the casino I worked at so yeah I'm pretty well aware of the potential dangers of homelessness when your survival comes down to working a turf of your own well it's no different than in the wild when prides of lions kill each other over the best hunting territory whether you're begging for loose change or turning tricks holding and securing the ideal turf and protecting it at all costs can literally be the difference between life and death still I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm kind of excited to give this geology go I have wilderness survival training from my past in the military but there's a difference between a jungle or forest and the city streets in a way it actually seems more dangerous in city streets than it would ever be in the wild with a bunch of wild animals I definitely trust wild animals more than I trust humans so for this challenge I'm going to do the real deal I'll be leaving home with no money in my pocket and will be dropped off way on the other side of Los Angeles because I feel I should be an unknown territory but also so I won't run into anyone I know I'm taking the clothes on my back to other changes of clothes in the backpack and a bottle of water I didn't want to take my phone with me but the girlfriend begged and pleaded to take it just for emergencies and I agree but I'll keep it turned off unless I run into an emergency I really can't handle on my own I won't be taking a sleeping bag or anything like that I'll have to scrounge for shelter and with no money in my pocket I'll be looking for ways to make some cash or I guess find some food there's got to be about a billion legal liabilities regarding this whole challenge but then again this is the same show that made me not take a shower for a month and forced me to watch youtube videos for 24 hours straight I am pretty sure the Allies sent a ton of Nazis to the gallows for a similar inhumane experiments on concentration camp victims I'll be updating at the end of my experience but keep track of my days for later on pen-and-paper since I won't be taking a laptop just a notebook and a few pencils this challenge officially starts tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. when I'll be getting dropped off near downtown Los Angeles to begin my life as a homeless person wish me luck and I'll see you in 72 hours unless I get stabbed to death with a rusty shank end of day three this is the end of my first and hopefully last bout of homelessness and what an experience it's been I don't want to get ahead of myself because I feel a million thoughts rushing up so I'll just start back at the beginning like I planned I got dropped off at 5 a.m. very near to downtown Los Angeles but I didn't get breakfast and hadn't eaten since the night prior seemed only fair to start this challenge off with my first task being securing food in case you don't remember I didn't bring any money with me and I had to figure out a way to feed myself well I pretty quickly got a chance to do just that when I was walking past a 7-eleven not far from where it got dropped off at they were loading in pastries for the morning breakfast rush but the truck driver and the two employees were inside and had left two racks of treats waiting to get pulled inside by the back door now I consider myself a very honest for I've never so much as shoplift at a candy bar I think stealing is a pretty glaring moral shortcoming to be honest but I reminded myself that I'm temporarily living a new life and had to start looking at things from the perspective of someone who didn't know where his next meal was coming from mostly because you know I didn't know where the hell my next meal was coming from so I pried the plastic aside and swiped two doughnuts took like three seconds and I was well on my way down the block by the time anyone stepped out of the store one thing they teach you during survival training is to exploit literally any advantage or windfall that you can and I realized then after my doughnut heist I started looking at the world in entirely different ways I wasn't just a pedestrian walking along minding my own business anymore I was actively watching my environment and looking for things I needed food water shelter the more time I spent on the streets the more keen this instinct became and eventually I realized that I was behaving the same way I'd had years and years ago in the middle of a Northwest forest during survival training our regular lives are so insulated from the actual necessities of life the things we need to keep ourselves safe and biologically alive that when it's all stripped away it's kind of refreshing but extremely jarring experience so my homeless strategy was to try and gradually make my way over toward the eastern half of Los Angeles from downtown I thought that starting at downtown would be my best initial exposure to the whole homeless lifestyle because I got dropped off literally just a few blocks from LA's infamous Skid Row this is a few blocks of downtown city streets that are completely awash with the homeless and some serious crime and I wanted to experience what life was like there but I wanted to keep on the move because it's probably not safe to hang around too long in Skid Row without knowing all the street rules I spent most of the first day around Skid Row and I could already tell that trying to scrounge or even Panhandle for money would be an absolute no-go here there's just very little local traffic that isn't other homeless people or gang members and anyone driving through is doing so with windows rolled up at car doors locked and with very good reason I wanted to stay on the move and not get wrapped up in any potential trouble especially because I was drawing a lot of attention I stupidly realized that I was drawing all this attention because I didn't look homeless I was too fresh my clothes too clean I was standing out like a sore thumb and believe me that's not something you want to do on Skid Row so I ducked into the nearest alley and rubbed my hands on the ground and then rub dirt on my face hair and clothes I tore my jeans and shirt up a little bit not much but enough that it didn't look any more like I was wearing frequently laundered clothes the trick worked and I quickly stopped getting stares and looks which was good because not long after I ran into a group of three guys shaking down other homeless people they stared me down at first but I guess I was too young and in too good a shape for them to figure I was an easy mark and they ignored me moving along to two other homeless men they kind of dug through there assembled well what would be normally trash to you and me but to them was all their belongings but I guess they didn't find anything valuable and quickly went on their way I had already learned the first rule of being on the streets the strong shake down the weak and the weak man together to fend off the strong I've launched a ton of nature documentaries and it was amazing how similar to wild animals people really are the first day I got really lucky and ran into a mission that was surfing out hot meals at night which was good because I gone totally bust on finding food all day I'm not naive and I knew that getting into what is essentially a survival situation means doing what it takes to survive but the problem is that in this area there's no restaurants supermarkets nothing where you might be able to scrounge for food and with no foot traffic panhandling was not an option I got offered a place to stay the night of the mission but I declined it and figured somebody in poorer health or older could probably use the place more than me there was certainly not a lack of people in really bad shape I struck yeast at night and ended up on the outskirts of downtown I jumped a fence into an office park and managed to sleep for a few hours in an alcove by the loading dock to one of the buildings since the next day was Saturday I knew nobody would be showing up for work I've slept in the wilderness a ton before sometimes without a sleeping bag but knowing how close I was to Skid Row and everything I'd seen during the day it was hard to get any sleep the next day I was practically starving having only eaten one bowl of soup and two donuts the day before also my water was out finding a public restroom to refill my water bottle was easy enough and I made up my mind to find a supermarket to go scrounge for food at when I was a kid one of my jobs was at a supermarket and I know for a fact that they throw away a ton of food still wrapped up and perfectly good for eating I found three different supermarkets but all of the bins were practically empty and then I realized it was just too early in the day typically food gets thrown out around the afternoon I didn't feel like waiting that long to eat so I decided to answer a question that I've always wondered about just how much can you really make from panhandling I found a promising spot with a lot of foot traffic and it set up shop using a can I found in a dumpster I made a grand total of 35 cents before a police car pulled up on the street in front of me and just sort of looked at me disapprovingly I got the message and honestly didn't feel like adding a night in lockup to this challenge so I left and moved on next I found a spot right on a freeway off-ramp because I'd seen homeless people set up at spots like this all the time it worked like a charm and in an hour I had already made three dollars and fifty cents not exactly at king's ransom but I was getting closer to be able to afford food again then two homeless guys started cursing and yelling at me because apparently I had taken their spot remember what I told you about being territorial I left because I didn't want any trouble but I'm going to be really honest with you here if I were actually homeless I know I would have stayed I would have stood my ground and defended that spot with violence if I had to because I had made over ten times as much money there in an hour than I had in my previous spot when you don't know where your next meal is coming from prime real estate is a critical commodity it also made sense why two guys worked that spot with one working while the other rested but also so that the two of them could better defend it against anyone intruding again it's amazing how similar we are to wild animals my good luck continued when I set up shop near that drive through to a fast-food joint and one of the employees actually called me over to the drive-through window when they're not busy and it gave me an entire meal in a bag now I've done my fair share of small kinds of deeds in my life but I guess you never really appreciate just how much impact even something as small as buying someone a sandwich can happen until you're on the receiving end I was absolutely starving by that and I had barely four dollars to my name that meal was a godsend in the late afternoon I made my way to the previous supermarkets but found other scroungers already there I guess they figured out the schedule a long time ago and I didn't feel like getting into another confrontation so I skipped the first two super-marv in hit the third one where there was only one other guy with three dumpsters back there we agreed he could have the one on the far left I take the one on the right and the one in the middle we have split I managed to find a Subway sandwich tray completely sealed in plastic that had been tossed and after seeing that the expiration date hadn't yet come due I honestly couldn't tell why it'd been trashed in the first place with a pretty substantial heel in hand I let the other guy have the middle dumpster and what was left in mine and he thanked me as I sat eating I thought about two things the first being that I couldn't figure out why this perfectly wrapped up subway sub tray had been tossed and it wasn't the only thing there were several other food items in that dumpster that were completely wrapped up and in perfectly fine shape but all had gotten tossed when he picks your homeless people dumpster diving for food you probably think that they're eating gross stuff that slimy and moldy and covered in unmentionable grime but the truth is that the food you bring home from a market is exactly the same stuff that they need yet some of it is expired but expired definitely does not mean that most of the food is even close to starting to rot it's an arbitrary date that I believe the FDA helped come up with most of the food though isn't anywhere close to the expiration date but it might have some kind of unwanted visual blemish for instance it took me a bit but I finally realized why my tray of sub sandwiches had been tossed the top part of the plastic case had a large dent in it and then it all made sense how many times have you been at a supermarket and ignore the plastic tray of food because it had an unsightly dent in it we all do it literally all the time and with so much selection available to us why take something so unsightly when we can get a tray that's perfectly unblemished instead it's kind of insane and from now on I've vowed to not overlook food items just because the packaging isn't perfect the second thought I had was the difference between the homeless people I kept running into the guy behind the supermarket was kind and polite but the ones by the freeway off-ramp had definitely been aggressively protecting their territory I guess it's about survival but we're not all truly like wild animals some of us retain our humanity and cooperate even help others one guy I ran into on my second night for instance showed me where to refill my water bottle after all the places with public restrooms had closed down he showed me where to get safe clean water when I've been planning on drinking the sprinkler water that is clearly labeled not for drinking they do that so most people won't get sick but you know what when it's been a hundred degree day and you don't have many options available to you you have to risk it sometimes I managed to reach a rail yard on the second night so I spent the night under a train car I've read stories before of homeless people being crushed to death by moving train cars while they slept underneath them so I made sure this cart was totally disconnected from anything else and was on a piece of sidetrack that was just out from the main line other than a train whistle middle of the night in scaring the piss out of me almost literally my night was pretty uneventful by my third day I managed to reach East Los Angeles and that meant that the neighborhoods were nicer and so was the general look and demeanor of the people I learned from my first day and got up early enough to find a local 7-eleven sure enough an hour or so before sunrise a truck showed up and started offloading pastries to sell to the morning breakfast crowd again I'm no thief but I was living temporarily in a different world and when you're in a survival situation there's only one rule survive maybe it was because I was a lot hungrier than on the first day or maybe because I finally knew how difficult finding food was and that I wasn't guaranteed a meal that day but instead of snatching two Donuts I snatched as much as I could carry without being caught then just slipped away I was 100 percent breaking the law but I was also in survival mode and to be honest it was a little exhilarating but mostly I was just hungry the nicer neighborhoods meant nicer people and I made over 10 bucks in about five hours of panhandling which gave me almost 15 total dollars or the ability to buy one meal that's kind of discouraging especially if you consider having to do this every day for weeks or months or even years on end it makes sense why homeless people are so protective of the good panhandling spots though and it really becomes hard to judge the two that chased me away a day before once more this is about survival and I totally understand my day was uneventful and mostly just boring I made my waist at least word throughout the day stopping at a fast-food place to get a bite to eat I ran across the library for the first time in decades and I went inside to spend a few hours just to reading their books I got looks from people and honestly it soon got really annoying it wasn't just the library though throughout this experience normal people have been giving me looks like I was untrustworthy or like I was up to no good or even a potential threat it was really dehumanizing at one point and the that in reality I'm a productive member of society that regularly pays his taxes and has a nice apartment only made things worse these people literally knew nothing about me and had no idea that I was secretly one of them but they treated me like I was basically a criminal for the third night I decided that I wanted to sleep a bit easier than I've been because by this point I was getting physically exhausted so since I knew where it was in town and made my way to a very fancy cemetery in the area with the big tall iron fence and security patrols inside the property civilian security is a joke and I know from my experience in the military that even secure facilities have a weakness so I just worked my way around the fence line into the tree line until I found a drainage ditch the fence crossed the ditch but because of flood risks had a small metal gate that swung outward at the bottom so during heavy rains branches and other debris could flow out and not back up at the fence and eventually bring the whole thing down even though Los Angeles hadn't had a major rain in over a year the gates had been of course left open so it was simple enough to just crawl through them several thousands of dollars of cameras along a fence line and two full-time security patrols completely defeated because some guard had been lazy over a year ago never closed the drainage gate like I said civilian security is a joke I kind of kicked the gates closed to keep anyone else from following in and then found a pretty peaceful spot to sleep undisturbed until morning sadly no ghosts or zombies appeared but I did sleep until well into sunrise and realize that I was supposed to call the girlfriend at 5:00 a.m. on the dot to let her know where to pick me up and that it was safe when I turned to my phone it was already well at 7:00 and when she picked up the phone she was furious and also completely distraught I guess I don't blame her last time she saw me was three days ago on the outskirts of Skid Row a place so dangerous they literally make documentaries about how you should never go down there then she hadn't heard from me at all when she finally picked me up an hour later she told me she had nearly called the cops and yelled at me for not calling at exactly 5:00 like I promised in between yelling she'd cry I guess these three days were as nerve-wracking for her as they were for me what did I learn from my experience on the streets a lot too much for this episode and experienced a lot of things that honestly don't quite fit into the more family-friendly aspect of our show the biggest thing I learned though is how far small gestures of kindness really go so when you do one of these gestures for somebody in need don't ever under value just how much that really meant buying someone a meal may set you back ten bucks not a big deal for the vast majority of us but for someone hungry who doesn't know where their next meal is coming from that's hot food in their belly and the stress of finding something to eat relieved for the next 12 hours you can't put a price on that the other thing I learned is that living on the streets is dangerous and some people are predators but a lot of other people aren't I saw homeless guys giving other homeless guys their spare change or parts of their food some kind soul helped me find a drinking source that wouldn't make me sick lots of people on the street are looking to take advantage of others and prey on them but many more are willing to help others out and underneath that dirt and grime there's a real person that isn't plotting how to hurt you or steal from you and that you shouldn't be scared of sometimes simply treating them like a normal human being and giving them a little respect is the biggest charitable act you could do another challenge episode and another cruel test we put one of our staff writers through for your scientific curiosity this time we're concerned with the effect technology has on our lives as various studies have shown children spend less time outdoors now than ever before instead of being outside playing on bicycles or romping through the woods kids today are spending the majority of their free time inside playing video games and instead of getting together to chat with friends they chat over voice chat services or inside their favorite games we're not saying this is all bad but we do wonder what the effect of never going outside has on the average person so to answer that pressing question we once more sacrifice the health and sanity of one of our junior staff writers in order to seek answers hello and welcome to another challenge episode of the infographic show today we're going to see what happens if you don't go outside for a full month the rules are simple our guinea pig I mean employee must stay indoors for a full 30 days with absolutely no stepping out for any reason whatsoever to that effect we hooked them up with in-home grocery delivery so that there's no reason to leave the house with high-speed Internet Netflix and home delivery of groceries what more could a person want let's find out day one another challenge I'm positively thrilled at least this time I don't have to eat any atomic peppers or go without sleep which was a nightmare by comparison this staying indoors thing sounds like a breeze I already worked from home anyway so aside from shifting responsibility for walking the dog over to the girlfriend there's not much of an adjustment to be made it does suck I'll miss a few movies that are coming out because I love seeing them in theaters but I'm sure I can catch them after the 30 days in one of the cheaper places it'll be tricky to navigate some of my social responsibilities like hanging out with me or the girlfriends friends but nothing that should be hard to explain away I'll keep a journal as usual of my experiences and like usual I've done my research first on what I should expect first there's the obvious warnings about vitamin D deficiency apparently there's very little food that has any vitamin D actually in it and we receive most of what we need from the Sun the sun's rays convert fats from the food we eat - activated vitamin D called calcitriol which in turn helps us absorb and use calcium which strengthens and grows our bones if you don't get enough vitamin D you can actually develop the rickets and osteoporosis as your bones weaken and you can be susceptible to them breaking which would really suck lastly apparently your skin can become discolored as you lose pigmentation in your skin until you start looking like one of those cave salamanders they find living deep underground I asked the girlfriend if she'd still love me if I turn into a cave salamander and she told me I was stupid and to get a real job she's clearly less a fan of these challenge episodes than I am vitamin D apparently also helps combat things like prostate cancer which is of great concern to me as I happen to be very happy with the current state of my prostate it also helps combat heart disease and improve circulation by managing the levels of nitric oxide in your blood and skin which lowers blood pressure lastly exposure to sunlight and fresh air helps combat depression and numerous studies all say that being stuck indoors is a great way to get yourself into a pretty deep phone apparently just looking at the color green can help fight depression and lift your mood which I guess makes sense given our evolutionary history growing up in the outdoors also helps explain why just about everyone finds green fields of grass so comforting a sight in light of the health effects I listed I thought I maybe should take a vitamin D supplement and maybe put up some posters of green grass but I decided in order for this experience to be pure I couldn't cheat so once more putting my health on the line for the sake of science or at least YouTube day 7 it feels strange not having been outside for a week straight especially because typically me and the girlfriend make plans every Saturday that go out and do something together this week it was just staying at home and watching some red box which of course she had to go get I can tell the experiment is definitely annoying her more than me so far because it's her that has to wake up every morning and take the dog out or take him out when she comes back home plus it's her that has to run every errand that can't be done over the phone or online I have to admit this whole thing isn't so bad after all though I'm definitely going to owe her afterwards my mood and health seemed fine though I have to admit it does get a little bit boring just sitting inside everyday even with the internet and TV curious how this next week is gonna go day 14 after Pol Pot was to post in Cambodia he got sentenced to house arrest which is kind of a weird punishment for someone who killed millions of people it's almost like nobody could really wrap their minds around all that murder so they just sort of said okay well just stay inside your house until you die yet Ted Bundy got the death sentence for killing like Oh point zero zero zero one percent that amount what a strange world we live in anyways I have no idea how Pol Pot managed to do it especially since he had no internet this week was born with a capital B and I guess I never realized just how much I take for granted even just things like going to the store or quick hangouts to grab a drink and coffee with a friend I guess my mood is definitely shifting a bit and the girlfriend confirmed that I am lacking my usual sunny disposition though I think she was being sarcastic I told her I needed realistic and accurate observations of how my mood may be changing that it was important and she just laughed at me and reminded me that I work for YouTube FairPoint tomorrow starts week three and I'm not looking forward to the boredom day 21 I'm pretty sure I've played through every game in my Steam library and sidenote here but when are they finally going to make an ex-con three the boredom is real and I find that I'm even looking forward to taking the dog out early in the morning to get something I typically hate because I'm warm and snug in bed and I want to keep sleeping my mood is definitely tanking I think and I actually find myself anxiously pacing sometimes when I'm alone I think my body is literally dying for some basic exercise I read up on deep vein thrombosis and now I'm terrified because apparently blood clots can form in your veins if you don't move around enough sitting at my computer chair or on the couch as I so often am I am definitely not moving much if at all wouldn't that be a way to go a blood clot forms in my leg and travels to my heart stopping it in its tracks r.i.p youtube killed him I told the girlfriend and she didn't think it was funny at all and for the umpteenth time told me my job was done my appetite is also being weird I've settled into just eating sandwiches most of the time even though I could technically have any groceries I want delivered I just find that I don't have as much appetite and simple ham cheese and salami sandwiches are perfectly fine girlfriend is worrying about my health because salami is so high in sodium and there's the concerns about blood pressure from a lack of sunlight already so far I feel ok if just kind of generally fatigue then I guess kind of down I mean I wake up and there's just nothing really to do with my day every day is a bit like Groundhog Day which I watched twice this last week by the way next week is technically the final week so I'll wait until day thirty for my final report day thirty tomorrow I get to go back outside and that couldn't be happier I feel like a prisoner kept in isolation except at least they give an hour of exercise a day in the sunlight I honestly never realized how much I take it for granted being outside even if I'm not being a super outdoors person and just popping out to a walk the dog or run errands I also realized that I probably wouldn't cut it in solitary confinement I'd be one of those ones that goes crazy and starts talking to himself my mood has absolutely tanked but it's buiid knowing that this weird experiment would end in 30 days so I guess I didn't get the full effect of being completely isolated from the outside world I imagine that if I went into this not knowing when it would end my mood would definitely be far worse than it is now and I don't doubt that depression is a very real thing for people who don't get to go outside or just choose not to my appetite has totally tanked too though strangely I've been finding myself drawn more and more to fatty or sugar rich things to eat and drink and I typically try to limit myself to two maybe three sodas a week but this last month I've been drinking them almost every single day I've also been eating really sweet snacks and foods like french toast and cookies I think my brain is literally looking for any pick-me-up it can and so it's getting its high from sugary stuffs I definitely noticed that I feel much better after having a soda or eating a few cookies but fortunately that's definitely given me a bit of flab around the midsection which was really surprising or I guess shouldn't have been really I asked the girlfriend if she still found me sexy and she laughed and said still she's a regular comedian but I can't be to man at her because she's been a champ about all of this now though I have to run every errand and take the dog out for a month straight to make it up to her though I'm sure I'm not gonna hear the end of this anytime soon my final conclusion is that it's definitely not healthy to stay locked up inside for a month my diet sucks my appetite is in the trash and I've gotten visibly unhealthier I feel faint even at just the thought of strenuous exercise and I'm sure that my blood pressure is putting up some pretty unhealthy numbers I'm also absolutely stir-crazy and there's no amount of video games or movies or books in the world that could keep me cooped up inside permanently I don't think I would cut it in solitary confinement or in an underground bunker if World War 3 ever kicked off screw it let me outside and I'll happily die in all the radiation or just become a ghoul and start picking off wastelanders if you always tell the truth you'll never have to remember a lie that's very sage advice and a good tip for living your life without fear of being caught in embarrassing social situations yet everyone lies even if it's just small white lies in polite conversation could you go a full week without telling even a single polite lie though today we're finding out as we once more turn to your favorite guinea pig in this special challenge episode don't lie for a week day one but a strange challenge I have to admit this is another one of those that seems really easy right off the bat but with some more thought the sinister truth is revealed I don't make a habit of lie in fact I pride myself in being honest even when it's at a detriment to myself I even go so far as to make sure that I don't make any promises I doubt I can keep which is something we routinely do as people you don't have to be an underhanded liar to make promises you're only half way sure you can keep and often we do this to make other people feel good but I've made it a point to ensure that what I say is what I do no matter what that means that sometimes I can't make certain promises and it's been awkward and difficult in social situations at times and that's when the truly sinister nature of this challenge hit me I can't lie at all for a week even in the meaningless conversation with people that fills our lives see the reality is that we all lie all the time when you go to the store and the cashier or clerk asks you having a good day how many of you have told the truth how many times have you had a really horrible day and just said the truth to a complete stranger of course you don't do that because you want to grease the wheels of polite social interaction so everyone joins in the big fake theater production that we call daily interaction and we tell giant lies to each other oh my day was wonderful thank you for asking the clerk doesn't really care what your day is like and you are definitely not gonna tell her that your day was absolute crap because then you'd be a weirdo and yet somehow it's less weird to be a huge liar and pretend your day is fine yet if you were to lie to this person about something else like the fact that you've swapped price tags on an item she'd be furious it's strange when you think about it the way that you can be a total weirdo for not lining sometimes and yet still be a bastard if you do lie other times so I guess I've realized that this challenge is going to be harder than I thought in a way though I'm kind of excited about I get to drop my mask for a full week and just tell the honest truth I get to be completely blunt well more blunt than I typically am and that's kind of liberating so at the same time that this challenge worries me I'm kind of eager to get it started see you guys midweek in two days day three I feel like I saved this a lot but this challenge is harder than I expected and as I predicted the real challenge comes from the polite little white lies we constantly tell each other I read some articles on lying out of curiosity and it turns out that 60% of people tell at least one lie in a 10 minute conversation men and women both tell the same amount of lies but the difference is in how they lie women are more likely to lie in order to make someone feel better while men lie to make themselves look better this makes sense I've watched my girlfriend interacting with her friends before and definitely caught her telling some minor whoppers for the sake of making a friend that feels bad feel better no I don't think your boyfriend is cheating on you but I do think you guys should talk I've heard her saved this one before to a friend whom we both highly suspected had a boyfriend that was definitely cheating on her but of course you can't just say to someone with a breaking heart yeah your boyfriend is a scum bucket you have to be gentle prod them toward the truth with a tiny little lie give a tiny little bit of hope that will move the person in the right direction toward discovering the truth on their own of course I've done the same thing I clearly remember once in conversation with another couple we had just met where I rounded up on the number of days one of my art shows featuring my photo prints lasted it wasn't a huge rounding hair I simply went from about 13 days to quote about half a month in court for the sake of simplicity but it was in fact a lie and it did make me look better in the eyes of the people I told it to it's probably difficult to ascertain the veracity of a study on lying when people can well lie about the results but this one seems to be right money anyway so the little white lies that I'm not telling have been getting me in trouble while we're at least in two awkward social situations I went to the store and decided that it would be the perfect place for my first stab at this challenge since the cashiers at my local grocery store constantly ask how my day is and if I found everything ok Jorge be told my day was going pretty ok but when I got to the register a little kid belonging to the woman behind me kept acting up and running into me as he threw his little temper tantrum so when the cashier asked me if everything was okay I told him that I wish that they would throw bratty little kids out of the store if their parents refused to discipline them BAM just like that everyone sorta froze then the woman behind me said excuse me and that's when all hell broke loose I slowly turned to her face and knowing I couldn't lie I said I think you're a terrible parent because you can't discipline your child as he repeatedly runs into random strangers as he's throwing a temper tantrum in public I had my girlfriend with me because we were doing our weekly shopping and at this point her jaws slowly dropped open and she got this really blank look on her face then a flash of recognition struck her as she realized that I couldn't tell a lie the woman's mouth fell open too as if she was going to say something but she sort of just stood there sucking in air angrily like a fish out of water it gave me enough time to swipe my debit card and pay for my groceries then calmly walk away my girlfriend still hadn't said anything and when we got into the car she simply put her hand over mine and said please don't get us killed this week next stop was Trader Joe's to pick up a few things we prefer to buy there over a normal grocery store for those of you who don't know tjs is a bit fancier grocery store whose quality seems on average a little better than a normal store but it's also pricier and I have a love-hate relationship with it some things are well worth the price but other things are just marked up nonsense meant to cater to the all-organic crowd who pays extra money for buzzwords on the packaging that nutritionally and scientifically mean nothing so this time our shopping went without incident and we get the cashier who asked did you find everything ok and that's when things went south again as soon as he started asking this question I think my girlfriend had a flash of recognition and remembered my opinions on Trader Joe's prices because she tried to cut him off too late though he asked the question and I was obliged to answer truthfully actually no I found that you guys are marking a prices on a lot of items for no other reason than that they're labeled organic and yet not only is organic food no different nutritionally than non-organic food in a lot of cases it's both more polluting for the environment and more dangerous to human health and non-organic food because of the use of organic pesticides your trendiness is gouging people financially hurting them physically and making the world a worse place I'd like our viewers to imagine going to a Veterans Day Parade and then jumping over the railing and running out into the parade butt-naked while screaming I love al-qaeda that is in effect what saying anything negative about organic food in trendy Los Angeles is like now imagine that it's not a Veterans Day Parade that you're crashing as you scream that you love al-qaeda but that it's the Pentagon itself that's what it's like to trash-talk organic inside of Trader Joe's or a Whole Foods in Los Angeles it's social suicide if not actual suicide as hordes of angry hipsters tar and feather you for fact-checking organic gods someone might as well just died inside that store after my answer given how quiet the checkout lanes got my girlfriend just facepalm herself and I could tell that she was already thinking how she could never return to this particular Trader Joe's again I guess it's a good thing there's one every three miles in this town you know this challenge worried me at first but I'm finding it strangely liberating almost liking it day seven I think nobody is more happy this challenges over than my girlfriend who is probably right now carefully reconsidering what friends she can and can't hang out with anymore and which stores she's allowed to show her face at anymore after our shopping Fiasco's this week went on much is normal and then the weekend got here this weekend we had another social function to go to which is pretty much a must do for every person who works in any capacity within the entertainment industry here in LA basically they're just get-togethers for actors producers writers and directors who all try to find someone with more power and influence or money than them and then they suck up to them all night long trying to get them interested in their project it's a huge waste of time and i 100% hate these things but they are sadly a bit of necessity for working professionals so they can occasionally do some real networking I typically haunt the bar while the girlfriend networks for the both of us because I'm not a people person this event was different because I had a secret superpower up my sleeve to handle the evening with I couldn't lie not even a tiny polite lie to make awkward conversations a tiny bit better I had to 100% tell the truth and I was really really looking forward to it probably as much as the girlfriend was dreading it she warned me at least five times to be nice and I told her that I was going to be so nice that I would be 100% honest with everyone that did little to calm her down at first the evening went okay then inevitably we both got cornered by someone we've met before who constantly tries to talk about his project which always sound terrible and I have absolutely zero interest in he's always been a nice enough guy and I've always found a polite way to excuse myself from the conversation this time I couldn't do that so this time I simply said I'm sorry none of this interests me at all and I don't see us ever collaborating on anything so instead I'm gonna go get a drink then I walked away I don't know how he reacted because I wasn't looking but I did catch him glaring at me later in the night see told you people get mad at you if you tell the truth pretty much as often as if you lied to them and they found out needless to say I will likely not be making a reappearance at any of these networking events anytime soon and you know what I'm totally okay with that truth be told I was afraid of this challenge at first but by the end of this week I feel kind of liberated I've no doubt earned a bunch of social bridges and I can probably never step foot in at least four different grocery stores now but any bridges I burned were with scumbags anyway so I'm feeling pretty okay about this last week the girlfriend on the other hand is a bundle of nerves right about now because she's always been our social diplomat smoothing the rough waters I accidentally created this week she's been the League of Nations trying to prevent World War she deserves a medal for all the social cleanup work she's gonna have to do over the next few weeks I really felt like I owed her one so just before the clock ran out on the week-long challenge I reminded her that I couldn't live for another five minutes then looked at her as she lay in bed reading with no makeup on and her hair a mess and I told her that she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met she got a big smile on her face and I think everything's gonna be okay after all though often love together deaf people and mute people are two separate types of people and just because one is deaf does not mean that they are mute caused by illness injury or medical mistake munis can rob someone of their primary method of communicating with the world but have you ever wondered what it would be like to never use your voice again hello and welcome to another special challenge episode of the infographic show today we're going to be once more using your favorite and our least important guinea pig we mean staff writer to find out what life is like if you don't speak for a week day one Wow when I started doing all these challenge episodes for infographics I thought it'd be kind of fun something that takes you out of your comfort zone and maybe pushes your boundaries a bit all while getting paid for it sounded like a win-win for someone adventurous like me then I started actually doing the challenges no underwear for a month okay that's easy enough don't leave the house for a month um okay not so easy sleep all night and stay up all day for a month alright getting rougher eat all your food through a straw for a week now it's getting painful my point is that when I started these I tried to think of all the zany things I might end up doing and not once did I think about not speaking for an entire week I can only be grateful that the devil's that the infographics show secretly worships and feeds a steady diet of human misery my misery didn't decide to make this a month-long challenge as well so I get to experience what life is like for someone who cannot speak for a whole week which and I hate this about me I'm kind of interested to try already that's despite the fact that I've done this whole schtick long enough to know that it's going to get difficult and then it's going to be painful in some way or another this time at least it's pretty obvious how in the world am I going to get through life without speaking for a whole week luckily we are living in the digital age and as I sat down to plan out the scope of this challenge I realized that I might actually be able to breeze through without uttering a single word instead of calling someone on the phone I can text instead of going to the grocery store I can have groceries or food delivered to meet via an app and never once have to talk to anyone the real problem is going to be dealing with the girlfriend since as most of you know by now we live together that in any unexpected social planets which I'm insisting that we don't change at all because the challenge is only fair if I get a real taste of what this lifestyle is like so if any experts or things pop up I'll be attending as a complete mute and that will take some serious planning I'll update once every two days or so to fill you in on my week of silence right now it's 7:00 a.m. on Monday and my last official words for a week were really bad dad joke that I told the girlfriend as she was leaving for work did you hear about the restaurant on the moon great food but no atmosphere I love dad jokes I just realized though that if something tragic and sudden were to happen to me and dad joke might be the last thing anyone ever heard me say I'm kind of okay with that day three life is certainly interesting when you're not allowed to speak it's weird how quiet the house gets during the day without me speaking I typically work from home if I'm not out on my gig as a photographer and I had the house to myself with the dog until late at night when the girlfriend gets back I never realized how much I talk to myself out loud went home alone though until suddenly I couldn't talk anymore I guess we all talked to ourselves sometimes but it became pretty obvious these last two days that I probably do it more than the average person because the house just feels so eerily silent now it's kind of been creeping me out to be honest so now to compensate that play the TV extra loud you know that irrational feeling that a serial killer is lurking in your quiet house I get that feeling all the time now I tried to do my plan of having groceries delivered to me so I'd avoid the hassle of trying to play mute in public but then I saw what the delivery fees for someone to bring me groceries from literally right across the street and I flat out refused to do it it's not that I'm cheap it's just preposterous I'm paying almost $5 extra for what is literally a three minute walk for me also I realized that I would look like the laziest human being alive to the delivery driver if I seriously had to drive from wherever in town they work just to bring me groceries from across the street that's a problem I did think of a solution for though I could pull out my crutches from when I was injured a long time ago I couldn't walk but ultimately I just couldn't stomach paying five dollars for a three minute walk so my first foray into the real world without speaking was mostly uneventful I typically wear headphones and blast my music anyways when I go out of a house because I'm not really a people person and it's the perfect way to ignore Girl Scouts or anyone with the clipboard who wants your support for a million different causes once I got stopped by a lady who said she was signing a petition for improved mental health care for her kids in public school I told her I hated kids with mental health and she never bothered me again for the rest of the week that she was in front of our grocery store the girlfriend was with me and she was so embarrassed that she punched me hard in the arm and I told her I was joking but while she wasn't looking I gave the petition lady the craziest look I could and it worked bought myself one week of peace once I did the same with Girl Scouts just kneeled down and started explaining how she was being exploited for her labor by the cookie maker and only receiving a tiny fraction of the value of her labor in return and even that was in the form of funds for her troop to go camping or something while the cookie company kept in most of the monetary profits one of the adults quickly pulled the little girl away from me and i didn't get bothered again for the rest of the month that they were there anyways the trip went off without a hitch until i got to the register and the girl tried to make conversation see I go to this grocery store all the time for seven years now so everyone there knows me I couldn't just blow the cashier off so instead I pointed on my throat and pretend to be sick luckily she bought it but it made me realize something see my plan had just been to pretend to be mute but suddenly I feel really uncomfortable just pretending to be mute and having people believe that I have a real disability it feels like a terrible thing to do when there's thousands of real people out there who are unable to speak I guess I'll stick with the sick story for now but I doubt it'll hold in a serious social engagement the other thing to report is that the girlfriend has been texting me a lot she won't admit but I think she's secretly really misses talking to me so she's overcompensating with text it's kind of sweet and thinking about it suddenly made me feel kind of sad day five well this challenge has been a lot easier than I thought it would be mostly because I work from home and my writing work requires very little actual voice communication with clients however last night the heat got turned up to 11 the girlfriend's work had his social mixer type event typically I hate these things but from time to time the girlfriend will drag me to OneNote and I tend to spend the time at the open bar doing my best to really push the generosity of the free drinks especially the gin and tonics we decided that my cover story would be that I was really ill my voice was practically gone and it was painful for me to speak girlfriend made something up about malaria and gitis or something she knows just enough about medicine to make it believable as we were on our way I wasn't happy at first until I realized that now I had the perfect excuse not to speak to anyone at this event and that suddenly made me really happy until the girlfriend told me she wasn't going to let me spend the entire night at the open bar people need to see your face more at these things it's good to network she said if people want to see more of me they can always right click to save my facebook profile pic then they can see me anytime they like to say that the girlfriend took full advantage of the fact that I couldn't refute anything she or anyone else said would be an understatement she committed us to at least a dozen little dinner dates with other couples which I hate with all my heart and she committed us to a game night with a bunch of people I don't know I love board games but I hate playing them with a bunch of strangers once I played cards against humanity' with a group of total strangers and let's just say that night ended with someone crying after I played a dead parent smell like car apparently her parents had just died a week or two earlier and everyone but me the stranger knew I don't know when the girlfriend discovered that she had the power to commit me to all sorts of things I would never ever do but I suspect that she's been planning it from the get-go because she is in fact a sadistic and evil genius to say I was annoyed would be an understatement day 7 I can finally speak again holy crap I have seriously missed the sound of my own voice the first time I talked my vocal cords squeaked from disuse but thankfully I was by myself when it happened this challenge has been difficult to say the least and not just because of not being able to talk but because of fighting the urge to speak in the first place we take talking for granted it becomes really obvious when you stop talking just how much we use our voice for communication yes even in our digitally connected world I know what you're all thinking though what happened at game night well it was predictably terrible for one and I'm not sure if not talking made it worse or not we played risk which doesn't really require any talking so that's great except I get really competitive with board games like really competitive see there's an unspoken social contract you enter into when you do a fun board game night with your girlfriend's friends and co-workers you play to have fun not to win and you are nice to people who are terrible at the game and make sure that they're included and get to play and have fun I don't play to have fun I play to win I was Napoleon slashing my way across Europe and Asia making and breaking alliances as it suited me the game was over in 30 minutes which I feel is some kind of record and all without me saying a word just writing messages out on a notepad the great thing about people believing that you are really ill and can't speak though is that nobody tries to so no awkward forced conversations with a bunch of strangers that was a big plus for me and something I could get used to I've spent the week communicating via post-it notes or text messages and my final report is that it's really really lonely not having a conversation with someone sure a modern life might make it really easy to not use your voice to talk but it also Rob's your conversations of depth and meaning they don't flow the way they would if you could speak and I think the event that sums it up best for me was when me and the girlfriend were driving home last night she got really sad and said that she really missed me this week and I knew what she was saying not being able to have conversations with me really made her miss me then she told me that she's been thinking about the same thing I had thought about on day one after I spoke the last thing I've said to her all week she said what if something really sudden and tragic happened and the last thing I ever heard from you was one of your stupid bad jokes I could tell she was really sad so I grabbed her phone and pulled up her voice memos and showed her that before the week it started I recorded I love you on her phone not speaking may be a great way to get you out of really boring and dreadful social events that you don't want to attend or at least get you out of having to talk to anyone at those events what it really boxes your life in you don't realize how free you are to express yourself with your voice until it's no longer there and conversations without it are slow frustrating and really shallow I have a newfound appreciation for the struggles of mute people or even deaf people who have difficulty speaking with people and making themselves understood hello infographics fans and welcome to another special challenge episode of the infographic show today we're taking on the obesity issue while global stereotypes like to paint Americans as a bunch of fatties in actuality obesity figures from around the world show that weight gain is a problem in most modern nations the reasoning is pretty simple a modern economy brings modern jobs modern conveniences and modern not so healthy food modern jobs means mostly blue-collar work for most people which includes a lot of sitting around in the office not getting much exercise and when coupled with the modern conveniences of video games on-demand video and a billion cable channels coupled with modern fast-food or delivery right to your doorstep this all spells disaster for expanding waste lines around the world but what about soda what role does it have in this modern weight epidemic let's find out today as we challenge your favorite guinea pig and our least important staff writer to drink only soda for a whole month for science day one drink only soda for an entire month this one didn't go over well with the girlfriend at all like most Los Angeles actresses she's a total health and fitness nut and like most Los Angeles actress boyfriends I have to partake in at least 50% of that nuttiness I mean I'm generally active in in decent shape anyways but I'm not a total health freak and I don't even know what kale tastes like but I'm willing to bet it's terrible soda is as far as I'm aware not even allowed in our refrigerator and even though I actually like drinking coke I tend to just order it at restaurants luckily the girlfriend is in the total fourth reich health nazi and she doesn't really mind but when I told her I could only drink soda for an entire month she got this very weird dead look in her eyes then she very slowly narrowed them at me but didn't say a word it was terrifying she just sort of left for work without saying anything and then text me from the car saying your job is stupid so as usual I did my initial research and it turns out drinking soda is pretty god-awful for you so it's hard to blame her response it destroys the enamel of your teeth which makes it easier for your teeth to rot it raises then crashes your blood pressure can lead to diabetes and of course is pretty much guaranteed to make you gain weight apparently every 500 calories extra you consume per week can lead to one pound of weight gain and calories definitely add up fast I did some math and looked up the calories on average I eat per week thanks to California's laws figuring out total calories of everything you eat is actually pretty easy turns out I'm taking in an average about 2,500 a day mostly because of weekend meals during the weekdays I typically cook something pretty healthy for me and the girlfriend but on weekends we cheat by eating out we both exercise though and my weight is pretty stable so I'm guessing that the amount of exercise totals out with the average of 2,500 calories a day but that is of course without drinking much soda at all maybe two a week from eating out now I'm gonna have to drink only soda not even any water so that's for sure going to skyrocket my calories they say you're supposed to drink about 8 12 ounce glasses of water a day to stay healthy but that figure doesn't account for all the water you actually get from your food so a more realistic estimate is more like 5 glasses of water a day assuming I did the soda equivalent to that it would be 140 calories times 5 or an extra 700 calories per day or 4900 per week yikes that's well over the 3,500 needed for a pound of fat of course that's just calories though which isn't the full picture because each soda I plan on drinking cokes by the way includes a whopping 39 grams of sugar or 78 percent of your daily allotment that's going to majorly increase my weight gain potential not to mention pave a pretty strong foundation for diabetes I could just go with say Coke Zero which is supposedly healthier but eh it tastes like donkey sweat and B it seems more fair to go for the real stuff so as usual I'll update once a week and try to keep a total tally of how many sodas I drink per week along with the total amount of calories I'm consuming and any weight gain affects day one weight is 163 pounds it's felt sexy and with just a little bit of love handles zooming I'm not the actor in the house and I don't need to set unrealistic physical expectations in front of the camera all the time love handles is what peak performance looks like people deal with it anyways here we go see you in a week day 7 the refrigerator is stacked with bread cans of coke all gleaming and shiny and frosty cold I gotta admit it's kind of beauty in a way I cannot stress how much the girlfriend really really hates this challenge just for laughs I built a coke fortress around her vegetables but apparently I was the only person who thought that was funny drinking only soda is weird I catch myself going for some water out of thirst and they have to remind myself nope get a coke instead I could cheat but integrity is pretty important to me now I actually really like coke so this challenge didn't seem all that bad but I gotta admit that I'm getting a bit tired of the flavor I bought lemon juice two squirting each can in order to zing the taste up a bit and it worked pretty well but I think I'll try limes next just to keep the flavor from getting boring maybe I'll even switch to Pepsi but if Coke Zero tastes like donkey sweat Pepsi tastes like a donkey drinking the sweat of another donkey and then sweating the sweat out itself this week I've drunk 3,600 40 calories worth of coke which is just a bit more than three cokes a day I find that I'm not drinking as much coke as I would water I think I'm just naturally avoiding drinking as much coke as possible my weights ticked up from 163 pounds to 165 not bad and well within the natural pound or two fluctuation I'll see how this next week pans out day 14 this week I drank 4,000 60 calories worth of coke definitely a bit more than last week the aluminum recycling is really stacking up by the way did you know aluminium is one of the few things worth recycling look it up anyways my weight shot up to 168 which is definitely not an accident it's pretty obvious soda is having a serious effect on my weight gain surprisingly I'm not getting all that sick of the taste though I mean I do have to use lemon or lime occasionally but it's still okay to me then again I did use the e pretty terrible MREs for months at a time in the military so I think my palettes become pretty easy to please on the homefront I cannot stress just how unhappy the girlfriend is with this challenge she pinched a love handle yesterday when I got out of the shower and she just flatly said they're getting bigger gross she's also been sending me emails from work about the terrible health effects of soda and planning a crash diet for as soon as this month is up I think every time she gets a break from filming she's firing off a new email to warn me that I'm basically going to die because of this too bad for her she's not my insurance beneficiary too bad for everyone that I don't have one crap I should get that sorted day 21 so one of the effects of soda is sugar high followed by sugar crash this is because sodas flood your circulatory system with a bunch of sugar that your body isn't ready for in the wild coming across a huge amount of sugar it's basically not an issue our biology ever had to deal with so now when you flood your body with concentrated sugar your body freaks out it immediately over produces hormones to lower your blood sugar because it thinks that you're literally about to die which makes your blood sugar levels drop to below normal levels hence the crash turns out if you drink nothing but soda all the time your body thinks it's under sugar attack all the time and those crashes get really really bad I think I'm taking more naps each day now than I've ever taken before and typically I'm off to nap every four to five hours luckily I have the house to myself during the day so it's not a big deal but it's cutting into my productivity big-time I also kind of feel like my heart might explode or my arteries one or the other I guess this is my blood pressure spiking and I'm realizing now that I should have bought one of those blood pressure monitors if I even had any idea of how to use it my breath is also worse I guess that's the sugar feeding all the hungry little bacteria in your mouth and I'm having to brush my teeth a few times each day although to be honest I already was because I don't even want to think about the plaque Holocaust this soda is putting my teeth through turns out one of the side effects of drinking nothing but soda for a month is a very grumpy girlfriend I know she hates it because she's concerned for my health which is actually kind of sweet she's already meal plan to crash diet to detox me from all this soda I remind her that detoxing not a real thing and only a trendy term that West Hollywood hipsters used to sell you overpriced health nonsense and she took my soda out of my hand put her finger over the hole shook it up and I'm not kidding about this sprayed me with it then cool as a fresh all organic cucumber she just turned around and walked away I think this soda experiment has literally broken my health nut girlfriend anyway this week I drank 4,200 calories in my weight jumped up to 170 which is alarming I realized it's not just the soda though because it makes me so tired I haven't been exercising nearly as much and have been skipping entire days so all the calories from everything else I eat is up thankfully there's only one week left day 30 I am NOT sad at all that this challenge is over drinking soda for a month straight sounds pretty alright at first then it gets kind of met and then very quickly becomes a bit of a nightmare I don't think we appreciate just how much non soda we drink even heavy soda drinkers sure you might down a few sodas a day but imagine drinking nothing and I mean nothing but soda for a month straight wake up in the middle of the night thirsty soda eat something dry and need to wash it down soda and by the way washing food down with soda is pretty terrible thirsty after working out soda or at least try working out because I've definitely noticed that I can't go as long or hard as I could a month ago I don't know if it's the psychological weight of knowing that I'm basically destroying my body with all the sugar or if it's actually making me sluggish but I can't exercise as hard as I used to strength is basically fine but anything that requires endurance forget about it I'm getting winded just thinking about hitting the track tomorrow my first date back to normal my weight is still at 173 pounds which means that in one month I've gained 10 pounds and that's while still mostly exercising I can't imagine what my weight would be if I had drinking nothing but soda and not exercise but I honestly think I could have gained easily twice as many pounds the constant soda makes me feel pretty terrible I literally feel sometimes like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and I swear my blood has become the consistency of serum during the course of this challenge I've drank approximately sixteen thousand eight hundred calories worth of soda or one entire week's worth of normal caloric intake and I know I've been pacing myself typically drinking three to four sodas a day the girlfriend couldn't be happier that this whole thing is over and she's promised me a crash diet of uber healthy pre-made meals that she's created herself until my weight gets back to normal Challenge over summary drinking nothing but soda for a month is pretty terrible for your body kills your energy makes you gain a bunch of weight and really really irritate your girlfriend for the last year we've been torturing we mean exploring the secrets of science using your favorite an hour of most expendable writer in a quest to answer some of the most pressing questions of our age questions such as what would happen if you didn't shower for a month what if you couldn't use your own bathroom for a week what's it like to be homeless for 72 hours well the entire time we've been listening to you the fans and now we're presenting a very special challenge episode as we've convinced your favorite guinea pigs girlfriend to join in on the fun stay tuned as we present our newest challenge chained to my boyfriend for 72 hours hello I am the girlfriend for almost a year now I've been forced to stand by and often be the innocent bystander in one silly unhygenic or outright dangerous challenge after another then out of the blue he tells me that the infographics show would like to know if I would be interested in taking on a challenge myself well here I am and if you told me a year ago I would be doing this I would have called you an idiot right after calling him an idiot first for doing this idiot job in the first place I have had to sit by and watch him try to eat the world's hottest pepper which was really something considering his opinion of spicy it's to add extra salt to a dish I painted his face up as he had to wear makeup for several days straight and okay that one was kind of funny but I also had to sit home alone scared out of my mind as he went homeless for three days straight in downtown Los Angeles while he refused to use his cellphone to let me know he was okay I told him a long time ago that he is an idiot with an idiot job but you know what I saw that he genuinely kind of liked these challenges he's always liked to push himself it is one of the things I love about him and while I often wish that he would take one of the many comfortable easy writing jobs that have come across his path even when he's miserable because he can't use the bathroom at home for a week straight it kind of makes him happy to do these silly idiotic things and when you really genuinely love someone there idiot things kind of become your idiot things and for better or worse I love my idiot more than anything in the world and so here I am I am always really supportive of this career and I try my best to drag him typically under threats of violence to networking events he hates so that he can expand his horizons and rub shoulders with influential people who can see how talented he is but while I love to watch some of the other videos he writes for the infographic show that's right he does regular vids try and guess which ones are his because they're typically funny and sarcastically I never paid any attention to these challenges he undertakes probably because most of the time I'm the unwitting victim who has to spend her day-to-day life with him doing something dumb like not telling a lie for a week and getting into ideological debates with Girl Scouts over-exploitation outside of grocery stores yeah thanks to that episode there are still people we can no longer socialize with and stores I haven't visited in months but then he showed me that people were really getting into these episodes and the crazy things he did and well he got sent to Hawaii for a week all because you guys kept asking for it then not long after that the show asked me to get into it and I guess I thought to myself that if I really love my boyfriend then I kind of vote him this one experiencing what it is like to be him so now I am chained up to my idiot boyfriend for three days as I am writing this he is sitting next to me with the same big stupid grin on his face he always gets when he's about to do one of the more reckless and/or dumb the challenges the premise is simple enough I guess we are handcuffed together at the wrist with a three-foot piece of chain because trying to do this with regular handcuffs would have been impossible the chain should make things a little easier I guess and my real concern was private bathroom time the chain is just long enough that he can sit outside the door when it's closed because while we may have been living together for a long time there are some secrets best kept well secret I'll follow his format and update at the end of each day so I suppose that this is me signing off until tonight end of day one we have lived together for half a decade now so we are well past the fairytale stage and have gotten into the nitty-gritty of living with another person that means farts are a normal part of life for us but I had no idea just how many farts he has throughout the day I thought it best he had maybe four five - i'm around four and two or three more he let off when I'm not around I was very wrong I lost track at around ten and can someone in the audience please explain to me why men find every single fart as funny as the one before it okay before he marinated me in a cloud of farts we started our day as usual luckily my show is on hiatus for a week so I don't have to work but I still have to stay in shape so that means a 6:00 a.m. run most of the time he joins me anyways even if half of my morning workout is physically dragging him out of bed to do it but now chained up to me he has no choice I know he hates running but it is really good for him and despite how big of an idiot he is I want him to live as long as possible so I make him do it he is a lot slower than me though so trying to keep pace with the chain was very annoying and difficult let alone doing stretches or any sort of exercise after I felt really embarrassed in public attached to him with the chain even though there were only a few people around this early in the morning I guess I sort of understand a little bit of what he does and how difficult it can be we did not have much planned for today and honestly I felt really embarrassed about the chain so we did not do much today mostly just hung around the house and watched terrible 80s and 90s movies together anything with Van Damme or Steven Seagal in it he always loved watching these movies and I have to admit it really grew on me too and now I'm a huge fan of anything super cheesy honestly I knew the first time we spent an entire day home alone doing nothing but watching terrible movies together that he was it the one and I have been right ever since for any ladies watching at home you know you found the one when you can spend all day doing your version of nothing together and loving it today was the first bathroom test though and while he was totally fine with it which should surprised nobody I was kind of really embarrassed even with him on the other side of the mostly closed door he told me not to worry and so he put on his earbuds and blasted some Spice Girls and started singing it at the top of his lungs to convince me he couldn't hear any I told you he is an idiot but I have to admit it it was really sweet in his own dumb way well that is all for today I will talk to you guys tomorrow end of day two we needed to go grocery shopping today so staying inside was not an option I suggested we just order food in then he told me that the spirit of the challenge was to let people see what it would be like to live in normal life and not going to the grocery store would be cheating do people see what I mean about him yet he takes on these dumb challenges with so much conviction we got a lot of looks at the grocery store and yet it was definitely embarrassing I wish the weather was cold because then we could have worn long jackets and hitting most of the chain it is currently in the high 90s here in Los Angeles though so no such luck other than the looks and stares for one second my often absent-minded boyfriend completely forgot we were chained together and realized he was missing his favorite cereals so he took off into another aisle luckily I was hanging onto the loaded shopping cart but that means that he got jerked backwards and almost busted his head on the floor if people were staring before now they were outright gawking and I'm about ready to add this store to the growing list of places I can no longer shop when we got to the checkout counter my worst fear came true though one of our mutual acquaintances was there along with his girlfriend immediately they asked about the chain and the last thing I wanted to do was tell them I was part of some internet challenge and suddenly my boyfriend pipes up and starts making up a nonsense story about this being part of some trendy new relationship aid honestly I have always admired his creativity and I know that he is really talented but he wove an incredible masterful tale of BS that those two swallowed hook line & sinker I know he very openly hates the hipster art snobby culture of Los Angeles his words not mine and he would never be caught dead in one of the millions of trendy coffee houses in the city but he is a master at pulling these people's strings he had them completely buying a story about this chained together thing being some new form of relationship enhancing exercise and I have to admit it was the perfect for the more hipsterish new-agey population of LA at the end of the conversation he had convinced them to buy their own chain and try it out for themselves so if being chained together suddenly becomes a national relationship therapy tool you know where it started even the cashier and the other people in the line were buying it and I know that he did it all because even though I am adjusting it is still kind of embarrassing for me to be doing this in public some girls get a knight in shining armor I get a master BS artist convincing people to chain themselves together so I don't feel silly in public I have to admit I prefer the latter back at home we had more bathroom issues which meant he stood in the hallway this time singing Backstreet Boys songs well I did my business privately he forgot we were chained together again in the kitchen though when he got excited and remember he had bought his favorite cereal and wanted to fix himself a bowl I am starting to see a pattern here and somebody should test Smacks to see if they include cocaine and the ingredients end of day three today was the final day of this experiment and I am actually a little conflicted about it ending I am really happy to no longer be chained together but even though it was really extremely incredibly inconvenient and sometimes outright uncomfortable it was also a little bit sweet being forced to be so close to him this whole time we woke up feeling pretty awful yes we left the chain on even at night and that means every time one of us tossed and turned the other got jerked around he has issues from when he was injured in the service though so I know he really tried to be as still as possible but after two nights like this I know he was really sore and messed up I suggested we get massages and I kind of surprised myself I think after yesterday's grocery store incident I'm not as embarrassed about being in public like this anymore I thought the massage parlor would think we were complete freaks and kick us out but we went to a Vietnamese place and turns out they really did not care at all after the massage he reminded me that today was date night but he offered for us to stay in if I wanted to I reminded him that the rules of the challenge were that we still had to live our normal lives to get the full experience and I can tell it really made him kind of happy that I was getting into this as well we went out to her restaurant and even though the place was crowded you know I kind of really started not caring anymore in fact it was kind of fun to be doing this together even if we were getting all sorts of stares and had to sit on the same side of the table we went to the movie theater after and everything was great until I suddenly told him that I had to pee really really bad right before the movie started his eyes went wide with horror and I saw him slowly mouth out the word no and I really hate that I was a total girl about it but yeah I really had to pee really bad impossible to hold in we went to the bathroom hoping that because the movie was about to start it would be relatively empty but it just so happens that another movie had just let out and this happens to be one of the biggest theaters in the city so there were people going in and out constantly I had hoped we could sneak in real quick and shove him into a stall with me but there was no way that was happening I told him that we could just hurry home and I would just hold it then he did something I can only describe as typical him he said know you've been wanting to watch this movie so you are going to see it then he took off his shirt tied it around his head so it blocked his eyes and dragged me into the women's bathroom then he stood there at the entrance and loudly said ladies I am so sorry but I am handcuffed to my girlfriend and we don't have the key and she really has to pee I promise you I can't see anything the entire bathroom went dead silent then several girls started to laugh some even applauded then well I did my business with him shoved up against the door to a dirty stall as he loudly hummed a Spice Girls tune to himself my boyfriend is an idiot but sharing this experience with him has made me realize how much I love him for it like I said in yesterday's entry some people get a knight in shining armor but I got a guy that convinces people to handcuff themselves together so I'm not embarrassed in public and one who marches into a women's bathroom with his shirt tied around his head as a blindfold so that I can pee and enjoy a movie all things considered I will gladly put up with more of these ridiculous challenges and choose my idiot over any knight in shining armor just do not expect me to do many more of these challenges those of you smart enough to subscribe to our channel have probably already seen our episodes on the recent craze sweeping men all over the world six-pack ABS courtesy of cosmetic surgery our deep dive into this new craze amongst men revealed some pretty disturbing things like for instance the fact that men now opt for cosmetic surgery at a greater rate than women selfie culture seems to be taking a pretty big hit on the egos of men around the world but what if you don't have thousands of dollars to spend on a quick surgical upgrade or what if you prefer to do things the more natural way stay tuned as we once more puts your favorite and our least important staff writer through the wringer and challenge him to shape up or ship out as he does sit-ups for 90 days straight day one well as far as insane challenges go I guess I should count my lucky stars that this one is pretty mild doing sit-ups for 90 days is probably the thema sting that infographics has put me through in a long time maybe ever and that guess I could use it I like to stay in shape but I have an unreasonable hatred of doing any kind of ab workout it's exhausting on an emotional level like having to be the shoulder your friend cry zone after the guy you warned her to never date inevitably breaks up with her only it's my abs doing the crime if you followed these challenge episodes you might remember that I also hate running and for exactly the same reason complete and utterly boring exercises I know firsthand the benefits of constant sit-ups though and used to rock a six-pack throughout my military career thanks to all the constant running and ab exercises seriously the military loves making you do sit-ups it's the weirdest thing in the world and almost on a fetish level but you're always doing some variation of ab exercise from situps to burpees there were daily lunges mountain climbers burpees side planks Superman's bicycle crunches Godzilla stomps Russian twists and butterfly kicks so many insane ways to torture your abs that you probably did realize I made one of those up so I guess I'll be hopping in a time machine and going back in time to restart my old daily exercise routine I stopped my normal exercising for a few weeks before this to get a better sense of how effective this would be for the sake of the challenge so I'm looking forward to not feeling flabby and gross again but I am NOT looking forward to the actual exercises there's literally none more tedious than amp workouts except maybe running my routine will consist of the following in sets of 320 butterfly kicks 20 traditional crunches 20 Russian twists 20 elbow to knee crunches 20 burpees 20 mountain climbers don't expect that I'll be able to fully complete 3 sets at first and it'll take a while so if you're following at home and can only do one of the sets or a part of one of the sets don't sweat it just keep at it and note how you gradually get better and better that kind of slow improvement is a great source of inspiration I'll check in every 30 days so I guess I'll see you guys in a month day 30 as predicted I couldn't fulfill all three sets of each exercise at the start in my regular life I stay pretty fit but since I stopped exercising for a few weeks in preparation for this challenge I definitely lost a lot of stamina and strength I could barely crank out the first set on each exercise at first and now at the end of the month I'm hitting the full 3 sets but definitely feel like I'm about to die at the end as far as my actual apps well they're definitely noticeable when I press down on my stomach but they're not super well defined you can see a vague shape but I'm not rocking a noticeable six-pack sadly that's gonna take a lot more work I guess I do feel better about myself overall though it's nice to be exercising again and I kind of miss getting the blood pumping every morning I've never been an exercise junkie I just do it because I like the results and because I need to but I don't get literal pleasure out of it the way my girlfriend does but I think she's insane never fully trust anyone who says they honestly enjoy exercise they're probably not really human probably some weird space alien in disguise waiting for you to drop your guard so it can harvest your brains see you guys in another 30 if my brain hasn't been harvested day 60 so over the last 30 days the workout routines have become a lot easier to the point that doing the entire 3 sets of each exercise it's not a problem I'm still ending a bit winded but I definitely feel that I could push it harder if I really wanted to I know I talked a lot of trash about exercise rightfully so but honestly getting to the point where you're doing things you could barely even start doing weeks ago does feel pretty good there's few things in life with such clearly defined goals or moments of success as with exercise rarely in life do you fizz they see the goal you're striving towards then realize the exact moment you've achieved it and the moment where you're ready to push past it as far as my body well you could definitely see ab muscles and I guess I'm rocking what you call a four pack not gonna lie to you I don't know if I'll be able to get to the six pack my diet is a bit all over the place and honestly all the insane info graphics challenges aren't helping in that regard but more importantly I just don't live the lifestyle I used to last time I had a clearly defined six-pack it was basically my job to workout and keep in fighting shape and my diet was pretty well defined thanks to the chow hall and MREs out in the field now I definitely do a lot less cardio spend a lot less time in 100 plus degree temperatures and eat a lot more terrible snacks I feel like getting to an actual well-defined six-pack is an entire lifestyle choice and I have no interest in that I enjoy overeating occasionally and devouring an entire pan of cheesecake once in a blue moon I have one more month left to go but I'm not confident I'll be seeing a six-pack by the end of this day 90 90 day sit-up challenge complete and the journey was rough then got okay and then I don't know all the exercising just got to be part of my daily routine not gonna pretend that exercise routines are easy and I'll admit that if it wasn't literally my job to have committed every day to this routine I would have taken plenty of cheat days but as anyone following along at home knows starting this journey is pretty damn difficult especially when you're wheezing and gasping through the first few reps in your first set in time though it gets easier and it feels pretty satisfying to see yourself pushing past year old limits eventually if you stick with it long enough it kind of becomes part of your nature surely you'll take your cheat days but I think the longer you stick with the routine the harder becomes to actually quit that routine because it just starts to feel unnatural to not do it after 90 days my 60-day prediction held true I'm definitely not rocking a six-pack but it's not because the muscles aren't there the muscles are definitely there but I just didn't commit to a complete diet change that would trim all the excess fat around my midsection in the belly that's the thing about working at your abs it's not just gonna get rid of every ounce of belly fat unless you're carefully monitoring every bite of food you eat it's called diet and exercise for a reason I am however rocking a pretty nice four pack with some great definition and well if it kind of does a lot for yourself esteem also the girlfriend is practically in love with it so that's a pretty big plus in the end though getting those results is a personal choice and if you can't find a reason to want this for yourself not what other people think about it sticking to a workout routine like this probably isn't going to be realistic I really wish any of you following at home good luck and I encourage you to stick with it getting in shape feels great and it's great for your health and take it from me I know what it's like to want to quit but don't keep with it and you'll see some pretty awesome results in time now if you'll excuse me I have to go buy a bunch of super douchey name-brand workout clothes and take a series of really obnoxious Instagram pictures in front of a gym mirror the public bathroom is there anything more profile than disgusting yet completely frustratingly necessary in our civilization than the communal pot study after study has shown that public restrooms are germ factories and if you've seen some of our own episodes on the subject then you probably haven't used a public restroom since but what if that was your only option what if your sacred porcelain throne was forever out of reach and your only recourse was to use a public bathroom instead every single day every single time we're once more delving into the deepest scientific mysteries known to man and forcing your favorite and our least important writer to use only public bathrooms for a week straight day one thanks YouTube really I mean thank you so much for feeding the Satanists who run the infographics show even more ridiculous ways to make my life as inconvenient disgusting and painful as possible what's next YouTube challenge I ate only live Hornets for a month straight I should probably keep my mouth shut and not give infographics any ideas but I'm pretty sure even they wouldn't go that far not gonna lie though I had second and then third thoughts about that last day so here's the thing my girlfriend used to hate these challenges and sometimes she still does the no lying for a week pretty much torpedoed our social life and she made me sleep on the sofa when I couldn't shower for a month straight but lately she's kind of been enjoying these new challenges I don't know if she sees it as a payback for all my other shenanigans but I swear I see the little devil growing on her head when I tell her things like hey babe guess what I can't use the bathroom in the house for the next week I swear she's in cahoots with the infographic staff okay so no house bathroom for a week I had to sit down and think out the logistics of this one because obviously this means I'll have to be trying to find a public bathroom every single time I have to use one the dog gets to pee and poop outside and nobody bats an eye but I'm pretty sure that if I tried the same thing someone would call the police talk about double standards it's the exact same stuff so in order to make this feasible I plotted out all the local businesses in their hours of operation luckily I happen to live literally right next door to a 7-eleven so popping over next door in the middle of the night for a whiz it's no problem I go in there all the time now four years so I'm pretty familiar with the guys behind the counter and I think it'll be no big deal to use the bathroom even in the middle of the night there's also a Starbucks across the street which is great because their bathroom is open in the seating area as opposed to the 7-eleven bathroom which is in the employees only area that means I don't have to ask permission at Starbucks and I've already decided on a cover story for using the bathroom everywhere else my apartment is undergoing renovations luckily for me I've always been on good terms with the guys who run the 7-eleven next door so I'm pretty sure I'll have a reliable access to that toilet for emergencies there is also a gas station across the street but again that one's the type where you have to ask for a key and to be perfectly honest I think I've been incited like twice in the last seven years and lived here I think my strategy is going to be this spread out the bathrooms that use so that I don't wear out my welcome anywhere or at least so people don't think I'm the biggest weirdo on planet earth I think the gas station would be good for two maybe three visits tops though just because I'm really not familiar with the staff there there is a large grocery store also across the street but their's are also the types of bathrooms you other asked to use I go there pretty regularly but after my wearing women's makeup for a week and the no lying for a week stunts I'm not sure how welcome I am to be frequenting their bathrooms they already probably think I'm the weirdest person in town and I really don't want to add to my reputation there is thankfully a Carl's jr. also across the street though which I can use at any time because they are a 24/7 restaurant the bathrooms there are also public okay so I have my battle plan now plotted out my number two locations for the next week honestly doing all this work to figure out where I'm gonna be droppin deuces for the next seven days kinda made me realize that my life is very weird I can just imagine trying to explain my job to someone oh how was work this week well I had to calculate where I was going to do my bathroom business for the last seven days you know normal nine-to-five stuff see you guys in a few days day four okay well I'm not entirely sure what kind of resources infographics has at its disposal but I'm really trying to not believe that they have the power to shut down an entire restaurant while simultaneously breaking the toilet in a completely separate venue here's the thing remember how earlier this week I said it was going to use Carl's jr. and the 7-eleven for most of my around-the-clock toilet needs well on day two the Carl's jr. which has been happily doing business right across the street for seven years that I've been living here suddenly closed up a sign on the door says that it's closed down for good and won't you please visit the other location that's only three freakin miles away talk about a wrench in the plans but wait because as our good friend Billy Mays may he rest in peace would say there's more on day three the toilet at 7-eleven broke my primary and then my backup locations for round-the-clock toilet access are officially gone and what's worse is that those were the only 24-hour spots that are open around here the gas station across the street only leaves the pump zone at night so no employee inside I've always loved where we live at because even though it's in the middle of the city it's in an area that's not too developed with businesses and it's mostly residential that means no traffic and no giant office buildings and all the noise that goes along with city life instead we have parks trees grass and places to play fetch with your dog it also means that if you're dumb enough to have a job that requires you not to do your business at home for a full week you're kind of Sol when it comes to late night bathrooms it's not like I could just go knock on my neighbor's door at 2:00 a.m. and ask to use the can so I found a solution for my late-night problems and it's not perfect and I'm not particularly happy about it but well it works for me I got the inspiration from my dog and I could bet most of you already know where this is going see he gets to pee and poo basically anywhere he pleases as long as it's outside and like the stupid humans that we are we've come along behind him and pick up his poop with plastic bags which really begs the question of who's the actual master in the relationship no I'm not going in plastic bags but believe you me it's not like the thought didn't cross my mind instead of going on that you're ow there's a large empty lot a short walk across the street from my apartment complex where huge power lines run through it's fenced off with a low fence and ringed on both sides by houses with their own walls or fences there's a keep out sign posted there because of the big power pylons and some waterworks plumbing but I usually ignore it and take the dog in there to throw the ball and let it run around off leash this is my new bathroom and it's perfect because the trees at the front that blocked the line of sight from the field to the road and it's the perfect place for incognito poos but I'm not gonna lie I feel like a criminal sneaking off to drop a deuce in secret and out in public again the dog does it literally every day but I'm pretty sure it's a criminal offence if I get caught as far as my regular public restroom use goes though hum man it's bad what is it with people that when they get into a public restroom they literally lose their damn minds you can take a normal civilized human being who regularly uses the toilet at home and then stick them in a public restroom and they can walk away leaving a catastrophe behind it's like people literally don't understand how to use sinks and turn them on full blast so water goes everywhere or like they've just had a hand transplant surgery and their pee goes literally everywhere and don't get me started on the biggest mystery of all why in the blue blazes do people not flush their turds after dropping them what could possibly compel a normal person to drop a deuce in a public toilet and then literally just walk away like it's the normal thing to do a gift then most public toilets are automatic which by the way I suspect our only maduk because of this exact problem but I'm pretty sure your toilet at home isn't automatic you know how to flush why do you have to be this way but the biggest mystery is when there's no toilet paper in the bowl that's right somebody just did their business and then literally just walked away just drop and go no wipe no flush just flop it turbo on out of the bathroom day seven I have to hand it to the infographic show because they consistently make me grateful for the things I have in my life by denying me their use I never failed to appreciate a shower lately after that month-long Fiasco of no showers and I practically tell my phone I love you every morning after a week of no phone use my home toilet is no different I don't have an excuse though I've been deployed before when I was in the military and I'm no stranger to lacking facilities I guess I've gone soft though because I definitely have not appreciated my toilet as much as I should have and this week of using nothing but public restrooms has taught me the error of my over privileged ways what can I say about my experience how can I possibly sum this up for you viewers at home its equal parts terrible and disgusting someone once said that you can judge how civilized the society is by the way they treat their prisoners but they were dead wrong dead wrong you can judge how civilized the society is by the state of its public restrooms and the state of America's public restrooms are an absolute nightmare if aliens came to earth and wanted to know how enlightened they were they would step into a public restroom and immediately rush out laying waste to our entire planet with their death rays just to keep us from spreading into the galaxy we are Neanderthals who after tens of thousands of years haven't yet figured out what proper bathroom etiquette is here's some simple rules based off my observations of public restrooms over the last week first flush if your toilet is an automatic hit the flush lever if it is automatic and it doesn't flush hit the button there's always one then calmly make your way to the sink and simply turn on the water to a moderate and reasonable pressure don't park her across the stalls and blast the water like you're putting out a seven-story fire then take a single paper towel and dry your hands don't rip up every paper towel out of the holder and start to shred it into confetti like you're throwing a bathroom themed Brazilian Carnival oh and if you need to number two then for the sake of everyone around you wipe before you leave how some people haven't figured this one out yet is beyond me cable subscriptions around the country are in decline as internet streaming services take the place of expensive channel packages in many ways it makes perfect sense after all why should you pay for hundreds of channels when you only like watching a few dozen yet many households in the US have both streaming services and cable but with the explosion of Internet TV we find ourselves asking is the net enough to satisfy our entertainment needs to find out we once again turn to your favorite and our least important staff writer to challenge him to give up an entire day of his life that he'll never get back and watching YouTube for 24 hours straight our zero a 24 hour challenge this is so much nicer than the typical month-long nightmares I have to endure and for once the challenge doesn't involve something ridiculous dangerous or my personal favorites rig dangerous a combination of the two the rules to this one are simple watch YouTube for 24 hours straight what I watch doesn't matter I just have to physically watch it pausing only for bathroom breaks in I guess emergencies such as the house burning down around me although with YouTube streaming on smartphones nowadays even that probably wouldn't qualify short of a zombie apocalypse that also knocks out the Internet I have to watch a YouTube non-stop I admit that I already get most of my watching done online and I haven't had cable for at least a decade and life has been perfectly fine with just streaming subscriptions less ads and you get exactly the content you want without paying for a hundred channels dedicated to rural soccer teams in the Amazon rainforest it's a pretty damn good deal if you ask me to be honest I don't even know why people still pay for cable although I guess maybe there's a few shows on TV you can't get on streaming as fast as you can watch on TV but even most of the best TV shows are available on streaming anyways like Game of Thrones although after that disaster is finale I'm not even sure HBO Go exists anymore do they even make out their shows so I hesitate to say this but this might actually be fun for once I'll check in in a few hours and record my experiences our five five hours down a little over a fifth of my challenge complete this is cakewalk at first I thought it might be difficult to get through because despite there being billions of videos on YouTube I honestly didn't think there would be anything I we wanted the watch I'm not big on internet celebrities or watching streams probably because I'm not 12 years old and me videos are entertaining for about 10 minutes because again I'm not 12 years old I do love animal prank videos though so I watched a few of those and just kind of let it autoplay from one video to another an hour later I was watching Animalia fail videos which somewhere around our to segue to human fail videos which was fine until those led to some very annoying internet celebrity videos at which point I stopped watching we get it you're cool online I decided to rewatch some my favorite movies trailers and found a bunch from way back in the day loaded online watching the original alien trailer gave me the chills as well as the original thing trailer they really don't make horror movies like they used to I just let it auto play again and realized I spent almost three additional hours watching trailers for old movies which got me to thinking who the hell uploads these YouTube is like a huge virtual library for video but who in the world actually takes the time to upload all of these videos whoever you are you're doing a hell of a service for humanity keep it up five hours down 19 to go easy-peasy so far our 9 there's a lot and I mean a lot of movie trailers on YouTube I watched trailers up until an hour ago and I realized that trailers maybe my favorite part of a movie I always hated getting into a movie theater late and having missed the trailers and now if I'm being honest there's sometimes when I'm disappointed that the trailers are over and the actual movie is beginning I feel like I've watched every trailer for every movie ever from Caddyshack to the latest Pacific Rim girlfriend finished work early today so she came home and has joined me for at least part of this journey my ass is sore and my eyes are a little fuzzy from staring at a big screen TV all day but I'm definitely still entertained and I still cannot think why anyone would need a cable subscription with all this media at your fingertips I've decided to let her pick what we watch and I'm curious if she can be as entertained as me by YouTube our 13 girlfriend made it for hours although to be fair she did have to leave for one of her classes at the gym she said she felt kind of worn out from just sitting and watching and when she did I realized that I'm pretty worn out too even though I work from home and spend a lot of time on the computer I still try to make sure I stay somewhat active and have definitely never sat on my ass for thirteen hours straight my eyes are kind of fuzzy and my brain feels just a little bit mushy which is ironic because we just spent the last four hours watching documentaries I didn't realize how many documentaries YouTube has and I love Docs so it was a pleasant surprise I also didn't realize just how wide a variety of Doc's they have we watched one on the moon landings and then another on the hunt for the giant squid for laughs we watched one on Bigfoot and another on the Nazis we went from moon landings to giant squids to Bigfoot to Nazis Wow YouTube is there anything you don't have uploaded I'm feeling pretty tired already though from just sitting here so I think I need to energize myself and I have just the idea with the girlfriend gone for a few hours I'm gonna watch a bunch of old really cheesy music videos on full-blast and I mean super cheesy but energetic stuff like barbie girl by aqua that she'd wake me up our 15 girlfriend came home and caught me singing along to Spice Girls songs at the top of my lungs I don't have anything else to report other than my humiliation when she went to the kitchen and asked me what I wanted for dinner I blasted out the opening to the Spice Girls wannabe belting out yo I'll tell you what I want what I really really want she stuck her head out of the kitchen and just glared at me our 20 okay things are getting a bit rough but I don't think YouTube is to blame to be perfectly honest there is literally no end to the entertaining crap I found on YouTube all these hours but sitting here on the couch and just watching TV is killing me funny because I'm getting paid for it and it's basically eight year old me's dream job my ass hurts from sitting though and I've had to get up and pace around the living room just to wake my legs up honestly the biggest challenge here is not finding things to watch for 24 hours on YouTube that makes the experience bearable it's just physically watching for 24 hours I watched some redubbed old school cartoons like Captain Planet GI Joe and transformers and almost busted a gut laughing then I went back to watch some really obscure music videos like really really obscure stuff and discovered hillbilly metal yes that's a thing and yes you should go watch it immediately after this video because you won't regret it I also found Mongolian throat singers rapping which is also pretty mind-blowing ly awesome if you don't know Mongolian throat singers are men and women who sing directly from the back of their throat and have really deep scratchy melodies at some younger goons have learned to rap while singing in that style and it's the best thing I've ever heard maybe even better than hillbilly metal and then for some reason I started watching a bunch of old Enrique Iglesias music videos don't judge me the girlfriend already has our 24 that's it an entire day of watching YouTube done I've watched everything from movie trailers to redubbed cartoons to the weirdest music videos humanity has ever created and there are some real head scratchers out there so what if I learned from this experience well the most obvious is that humans are weird like really really weird I don't know how strange aliens will be when we finally meet them but I have a very hard time believing that any intelligent life we ever encounter is going to have an online repository with literally millions of videos of people scaring their cats with cucumbers or their space cats I guess I also confirmed that you can in fact watch 24 hours straight of YouTube and never ever run out of content to keep you entertained I stand by my original position on owning cable and if any of you do still own cable subscriptions why cable is expensive and forces you to take packages with a ton of channels you don't like while the internet literally offers you whatever you want right upfront and most of the time the only cost is your internet subscription honestly the hardest part of this challenge was the physical element of it not moving from the couch for 24 hours is incredibly exhausting more so than just staying up I've worked for over 24 hours before on film sets and when hitting writing deadlines or even my time in the military but when you're just not doing anything that's hard even if you're being entertained with people failing in hilarious ways cats being scared with cucumbers or very loudly watching embarrassing music videos you secretly love honestly though as far as challenges go my brain feels fried but at least this one was entertaining I feel like you could watch YouTube straight for a year and never get bored by the way for my sake don't suggest that in the comments because I'm pretty sure the infographics show will totally think it's an amazing challenge idea and immediately make me do it so keep on suggesting they send me to Hawaii for a month because it totally rocks that you guys have my back all my suffering feels like it's not for nothing so if you're in the let's say more mature end of our audience you might remember the ads in the back of comic books for all the wondrous gadgets that were guaranteed to work except that no they didn't work in all from truth rings that would let you know when someone is lying to you to the fabled x-ray specs which would let you see people's underwear there's probably no device that held more promise than hypnosis goggles and there's very few processes more misunderstood than hypnosis itself but does hypnosis really work can you really scramble someone's brains and make them obey your every command that's what we're gonna find out as we try to manipulate the brain of your favorite and our least important staff writer in this new hypnosis challenge day one okay so this time I'm running two challenges simultaneously though I won't mention the other one as that's for a different episode that has no bearing on this challenge bosses over at infographics decided that 12 wasn't enough months in a year so they got the genius idea of cramming two challenges together into the same month as long as the effects of one wouldn't detract from the experiences of the other morally ambiguous but definitely ingenious on their behalf this time I'm gonna be hypnotized to report on the effects of hypnosis which means that four times a week I'll be going to a hypnotherapist who I guess will manipulate my brain I'm not really sure what to expect here because I have absolutely zero experience with hypnosis so as usual I'm doing my research beforehand if gnosis apparently started back in the Hindu temples of ancient India with people taking sick loved ones to temples where they hope to be cured by hypnotic suggestion known as temple sleep the procedure is exactly what you might guess it was the individual slept overnight at the temple while communicating with the gods apparently the gist was that sickness was in the mind and the gods could tap into your brain and sort things out if only you came to their temple first they didn't make house calls and the Wi-Fi outside the temple grounds must have been too bad to chat remotely then in the 1770s knowledge of hypnosis came to the Western world where it became all the rage amongst the Europeans a guy named Frank Mesmer who believed that all living creatures had what he called animal magnetism started promoting the health benefits of hypnosis and the French king was having none of that silly new-agey crap so he put together a medical board of inquiry which proved that annum magnetism had about as much effect as a placebo it was all in the mind they decided from there we have hypnosis and sadly magnetism still prescribed as a cure for literally everything that ails you from weight loss to cancer to quitting smoking if you need a behavior changed or something cure wave a magnet over it or let someone hypnotize it out of you okay so clearly I'm showing my true colors here in that I'm a bit of a skeptic and don't take this too seriously well that's what this challenge is all about can hypnosis really change my life to find out I'm going to challenge the hypnotherapist to try and rid me of my greatest addiction french fries I love french fries see you're hearing that sentence thinking to yourself oh he has a great like for french fries but you're not actually understanding the words I'm saying I love my girlfriend she's the rock of my life but I really love french fries I would do anything for them I'd probably even kill if they asked me to home-cooked french fries fast food french fries bad french fries old french fries it doesn't matter to me I love them I love them with ketchup I love them with mayo I would eat them in a box I would eat them with a fox I would eat them here or there I would eat them anywhere so tomorrow I start my first hypnosis session and the therapist is challenged with trying to get me to stop loving french fries good luck though the girlfriend would love it because she knows how unhealthy they offer me she's got her hopes pinned on this working and I've bet her an entire week's worth of her making dinner that it won't and the catch is that those dinners have to include french fries day 7 into the first weekend I love french fries I don't feel any different if anything I kind of feel like I'm craving them more than ever because of all the constant reminders that french fries are a thing at the therapist she asked me lie down on a couch and slowly relax she talks real soothingly to me and the first time this happened I thought to myself that all the ASMR lovers out there would have a field day with this stuff I gotta admit though the atmosphere is pretty relaxing and the therapist is very soothing there's no music and no watch swinging like a pendulum that I have to stare into nor any spinning black-and-white spirals I have to hold my gigs on it's just a couch dim lighting in her voice she tells me to get into a deeply deeply relaxed state and to clear my mind and then she asked me to think about french fries this part always makes me hungry she asked me to concentrate on french fries too Melvyn to taste them and to linger in the feelings that this brings up then she tells me to imagine that the French fries are rotting away and that I can taste the mushy staleness of them she asked me to think about finding a month-old step-down french fry on the floor of the car and to feel it in my hands to taste what it would taste like to eat it then she lifts me out of that and brings me back to the fresh hot delicious french fries and then back to the stale dirty gross french fries she'll do this two or three times and then she tells me how from now on when I think about french fries I'll think about the stale gross taste of them and not the delicious warm crispy mess then she has me come out of my hypnosis by having me feel my limbs come back to life one by one and at last she tells me to just open my eyes that's it no snap of the fingers no magic word no nothing I just fantasize about french fries then grossed myself out over them over and over again and I leave her office two out of the four times I went to the hypnotherapist this week I went straight to a fast food place and got an order of french fries still delicious looks like I'm winning this bag day fourteen I guess you could consider my version of hypnotherapy pretty aggressive given the fact that it has to fit within a 30-day challenge typically these are supposed to drag out over two or three months sometimes even as long as a year and the therapist tells me that that's the best way to ease someone out of a deep addiction with me though I'm getting emergency hypno surgery I have to admit I cannot think about the things that therapist makes me visualize when I think about french fries now I still love them I'm still eating them and I'm still sure I'm gonna win this bet but images of gross stepped on french fries pop into my mind and I kinda have to take a second I told the girlfriend about this and she just got this little smirk on her face and said it's working Yeah right nobody is gonna mess with my mind that easily I'm winning this and I'll celebrate victory with fistfuls of french fries salted by my girlfriend's crocodile tears day 21 I've realized that on average I eat french fries about three times a week either making my own or just ordering some while driving to random places I don't like much fast food but fries well their fries this week though I didn't even realize I hadn't eaten any until the girlfriend brought me home a fresh large serving of fries from the place right across the street she told me that she had asked for them to be fresh and waited an extra five minutes for a new batch to be made they she looked at me with that same little smirk she gets when she's doing something devious and said I just wanted a little reminder that I love you at this point all kinds of alarm bells and klaxon started going off in my head I don't doubt she loves me in fact she's always on my case about food exactly because she loves me and wants me healthy but this french fry offering something wasn't right here I took it I smelled it suspiciously I have suspected that she had seasoned it with some weird powder that would make me hate french fries or I don't know I just knew that something was wrong here I ate about half no big deal same old french fries no weird tastes no weird smells just same old delicious fries I always get then once I hit that halfway mark I just I didn't want to finish them I felt full even though I hadn't eaten anything but more than that I just felt bad these last two weeks the hypnotherapist has been asking me to imagine eating french fries and then imagine all the grease and oil inside them spreading throughout my body and slowing it down now halfway through this serving of fries I felt full and sluggish also they didn't taste as good anymore I knew I liked the way they tasted but it just wasn't as good as it always had been I can't believe I'm saying this but I had to stop I didn't want them anymore when the world is going on with my brain day 30 I concede defeat sorta a full month of intensive hypnotherapy and I honestly just don't find myself craving or loving french fries as much as I used to now when I Drive by a fast food place and smell them in the air I get a little bit not queasy but uncomfortable I can't stop thinking about the way the hypnotherapist asked me to constantly imagine what it would feel like for the fatten oil inside them to spread across my body and saturate me completely I have to admit I was skeptical suspicious and more than a little flippant about this challenge but I think it got me I mean I can rationally explain away the effects as nothing more than just having gross imagery and feelings reinforced on me over a 30-day period and that my brain isn't actually hacked but then again isn't that exactly what hypnosis is meant to do modify your behavior and how can my behavior not be modified when every time I think about French fries I pictured gross fat in my body or imagine the taste of eating a month-old fry from the floor of my car I'm confident this will fade now that I'm no longer being hypnotized four times a day but I guess I can see now why hypnotherapy programs are meant to last for months or even a year or more and are far more gradual that kind of constant reinforcement really paves the way for some big changes so I have to admit hypnosis may work and I definitely lost the bet between me and the girlfriend so instead of her making me french fries for dinner every day for a week now I have to make her dinner every day for a week which is convenient because unless it's raw fruits and vegetables she can't cook worth a damn keto diet Paleo diet no carb diet the world is full of suggestions on how to get healthier and lose weight but how are you supposed to know what's real and what's buck it's another challenge episode of the infographics show and today we're gonna help you on your quest to live healthier by once more using your favourites in our least important staff writer as a human guinea pig as we challenge him to drink his food through a straw for a whole week Monday well this is definitely a different type of challenge and I can't say that I'm upset about that the 30-day challenges can be kind of brutal and definitely take a toll on my personal life and by comparison doing a single week seems like a cakewalk at least that's until I really started to think about the exact challenge drinking your food through a straw for a whole week I'm not much of a nutritionist so this is going to take some serious research to figure out how to drink my food and not starve to death I've done fastest before for a day or two at a time and typically the health-nut girlfriend will fix all kinds of juices to get us through the fast but I gotta admit that I'm always left feeling absolutely famished even after drinking a nice thick fruit smoothie I guess I'm just hardwired for solid food fast by the way turn out to have some pretty good health benefits it's not just all new agey feel-good mumbo jumbo and evolutionarily they make a lot of sense in the wild you don't get to eat as regularly as we do in civilization so everyone scoffing at the idea of a fast for health benefits is out of touch with reality so I've decided to break this challenge up into days since I typically do weekly reporting this time I'll just report on my day to day meals and how I feel about not eating solid food I have a little bit of a leg up since I've worked closely with a pretty well-known fitness model as her photographer and videographer and have the benefit of her healthy knowledge rubbing off on me she fast for up to 72 hours at a time and would regularly eat liquid meals during her fast so I'll be passing on some of her tips here in this challenge hopefully they'll be of help for anyone interested in recreating this challenge themselves or just starting their own habit of fasting today Monday and tomorrow I'll be following a medical liquid meal diet which includes hot cereal with milk soup more soup and oatmeal this already sounds so boring I want to kill myself Wednesday and Thursday I'll be drinking juices from a juice cleanse diet and a few bottles of Soylent which you can order online as a meal replacement Friday and Saturday I'm gonna be eating a milky rice thing that the girlfriend swears by and learn to make in Spain consomme in yogurt Sunday is the wild-card and I'm going to be trying the one thing that I know everyone watching this video was thinking of eating an actual meal through a straw in other words I'm gonna take real breakfast lunch and dinner options and put them in a blender and try to eat them I expect this is gonna be disgusting and I am in no way looking forward to this but I thought it only fair because to be honest even I'm curious about what that would be like if I clicked on this video I'd expect to see someone actually try this and lucky me I get to be the lab rat I'm already gagging thinking about what it's going to be like to be honest well I'll see you guys in two days Tuesday I'm not as hungry as I thought it would be typically when the girlfriend and I do a monthly two day faster something like that I'm always starving because liquids just don't fill me up either she's the best liar in the world where she really honestly feels completely satisfied drinking just juices she's insane I thought that a liquid meal plan would basically mean I'd be starving all the time but it turns out boat meal hot cereal which I found it is different from oatmeal and soup can be pretty filling then again I made my oatmeal pretty thick and I got clam chowder and tomato soup I was gonna go for chicken noodle but there's no way I can slurp the noodles and the chicken up through a straw and that's the main stipulation of this whole challenge sucking up the oatmeal alone was a task and a half and I swear I almost ruptured a lung trying but then I got the idea to run olive oil through the straw first and it worked like a charm now I'm thinking about just buying a bigger straw pretty sure if I cut up steak small enough I get suck it through a large straw and no that's not cheating the rules specifically say that the food has to be drank through a straw it's not my fault infographics forgot to stipulate how large this straw could be so far I feel fine I guess as far as the challenges go this one's pretty easy and for once the girlfriend is relieved that the challenges in something ridiculous / dangerous and actually kind of healthy Thursday please send help I am starving to death the last two days have been the polar opposite of the first two days juices are terrible for filling you up my body literally craves solid food and I think it's actually eating itself I always get like this during a fast but I always tend to stuff my face immediately after the 48 hours are up so I have something to look forward to typically we end our fasts early in the morning after starting around 5 a.m. 48 hours prior so I'll go for a huge breakfast burrito with bacon and ham on the side or a giant waffle with syrup and lots of butter oh my god I think I'm actually getting sexually excited thinking about solid food anyways the point is having something to look forward to can help you endure fast but this time I don't have anything to look forward to but another three days of liquid crap to drink up I'm so hungry the dog is starting to look delicious I honestly don't understand how people like Yogi's and monks can go for weeks just drinking nothing but juices I need to immediately kill a wild animal and eat it raw now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go take my phone into the bedroom and lock the door while I look at pictures from a Denny's breakfast menu Saturday if anyone offers you milk rice or arroz con leche immediately throw it in their face and run for your life because that person is not your friend and is trying to hurt you knowing how poorly I always do with just juice and fruit smoothies during our fasts a girlfriend made me the milk rice thing that you learned from Spain thinking it would be solid enough to satisfy a for effort but it's one of the most disgusting things I've ever tasted I can't fathom how it was created seriously bear with me here and imagine the following some guy is sitting in his medieval kitchen and staring at a sack of rice then he looks at a pitcher of milk then the rice again in the milk rice milk milk rice and for some godforsaken reason his primitive little brain decides this will be a pretty cool combination to try out and millions of people agree rice does not belong with milk ever it doesn't even remotely ever come in contact or in the proximity of milk in the wild and it is an abomination to combine the two sorry I feel like this all liquid diet is starting to wear on me and I've developed an unreasonable hatred for milky rice I still ate at both days the girlfriend made it though because when you live with someone in a long-term relationship you make those kind of sacrifices when they think they're doing something really nice and sweet for you even if it kills your soul you just grin and suck more milk rice through your straw that's called love folks it's a stupid invention but we're stuck with it also though I gotta admit I crave literally anything semi-solid and the milky rice has the consistency of pudding which makes me feel more full than juice ever did thank God only one day left Sunday today was a disaster beyond measure today was the day d-day the day literally all of you have stayed tuned for what it's like to drink a real meal through a straw you think you know you think you have some vague idea of how disgusting it would be to blend together a cheeseburger and then suck it up through a straw you know nothing you are ignorant to the pain and suffering that is life I decided that this was the most important part of the challenge and it was only fair to give it as good a try as possible to that end I went online and had a menu for breakfast lunch and dinner automatically generated on a meal planning website and then let it randomly select a dish for me my rules were simple whatever it's selected I would make I would stick in a blender and I would drink as much as I could you think you know how disgusting this was you know nothing for breakfast I was automatically assigned pancakes a delicious treat of fluffy bread stacks topped with syrup and melting butter if there's a meal more traditionally American than that I don't know what it is aside from apple pie I guess normally pancakes are an absolute favorite of mine a real treat that I look forward to and enjoy with all my heart today pancakes were held I made them the way I normally do even them with butter which I let melt and then poured syrup liberally all over them next I took the delicious smelling stack of flapjacks and stuck them straight into the blender set to the highest setting and mixed the pancakes turn into a brownish whitish coupe which vaguely smells like syrup a bud a bit like butter and looks 100% like vomit the first problem was immediately obvious it was way too thick to suck through a straw and I nearly had a coronary until the girlfriend suggested I water it down somehow first I tried just pouring more syrup in but that barely did anything to dilute the thick sludge then I resorted to milk and after another thorough blending that did the trick let me tell you it wasn't pleasant but I did manage to mount foals before I had to quit the smell and even the taste remind you you're eating pancakes but the sludge in your mouth makes you think you're eating pancake vomit for lunch I randomly selected bean burrito and I was more relieved than you can know it almost felt like a cheap because let's face it a good bean burrito is already halfway to being drinkable with a straw I've fixed up the beans and rice and it's sour cream wrapped it in a flour tortilla and into the blender it went if the blended pancakes were awful but bean burrito was actually not that bad it was actually easier to drink up because the taste of the beans is so powerful it really just felt like a thick bean paste which I had to water down with salsa to make it easier to drink I managed a few mouthfuls until I made the mistake of looking down at the beanie slushy I was drinking which reminded me of drunk vomit and I nearly lost it next was dinner I don't want to talk about dinner we shouldn't talk about dinner dinner was held I randomly selected a cheeseburger which made me really happy because I kill for a cheeseburger right now but then I remembered how I had to eat my cheeseburger I was already pre gagging before I was even done cooking I decided that fair was fair so I made a cheeseburger and I topped it with lettuce mistake Mayo mistake ketchup mistake and even some bacon strips even bigger mistake then you guessed it into the blender it went I almost Ralph the moment I saw this beautiful amazing delicious cheeseburger turned into a brownish sludgy mix there were streaks of different shades of brown like a poop bow and even before I sucked up some of it I knew that this was the moment I would regret this stupid idiot challenge I pressed on regardless and the girlfriend watched me with her mouth slightly open incredulous then I was actually gonna do it she had bet me I wouldn't dare after I saw what the blended mess looked like well I proved her wrong sort of the moment the meets alleged hit my mouth i lost it i puked up some juice i had my stomach straight into the blender cup and then the smell of the blended cheeseburger and fruity juice both hit my nose at the same time and i ralphed again the girlfriend went bright red on seeing me go a second time and she ran away into the bathroom I heard her dry heaving for a while afterwards I can't even explain to you the mixture of taste and smell of blended meat and I'm already gagging remembering that's it my challenge is over and I can finally go back to eating like a normal human being for anyone curious I did manage to lose a pound and a half but was it worth it no I hate juice now and I hate milk rice and I hate whoever invented the blender I'm starving but way too nauseous to eat and I don't think I'll ever be able to smell a burger again without vomiting Challenge over make up it's a girl's best friend nothing can boost a woman's self-esteem quite like having her make up on point and nothing can ruin it faster than a botched makeup job while we here at the infographic show believe that all women are beautiful with or without makeup we were curious what life is like when you have to wear makeup every day we could have easily assigned this job to one of our female writers but our corporate research team did some focus groups and discover that there would be absolutely 0.0% fun in doing that so once again we're tasking your favorite and our least important staff writer with finding out what life with makeup is like in this challenge episode I wore makeup for a day start of day I think I said in one of these episodes before that I stopped being surprised at the challenges that the infographic CEO tosses out of me but I stand very corrected honestly I'm not even sure what the appropriate response is to this new challenge I opened up my email and saw that there was a new challenge and the attachment simply read find out what wearing makeup is like a million questions ran through my mind like I don't know why don't you just ask literally any random girl infographics can do a 10 minute video on serial killers or how to protect the Earth from an alien invasion but they can't just interview a girl about makeup clearly this would be too easy and not nearly as entertaining as forcing me of all people to wear makeup in public why are you people watching the show it's run by sadists speaking of status I'm starting to suspect that the girlfriend is in cahoots with the infographic show's bosses because when I told her about the challenge she started laughing hysterically and then got really really excited she said she couldn't wait to do my makeup and then ran off a million different ideas she had for how to do it and then finally just said you know I always thought you'd make a pretty girl and that's the story of how in five seconds flat she completely emasculated me so there's literally no research to do here so I'm not going to bother the job is simple I'm gonna let my girlfriend do my makeup because I have literally no idea how to do it or what goes where and then well I'll go about my day as normal the girlfriend's been in a few fashion shows and she used to be a model for the cover art of those really awful cheesy romance novels that are basically porn for older women so she knows what she's doing even though she typically wears little make up in her day-to-day life I thought it would be only fair to do the challenge on a day I'm not gonna spend lounging around the house so I'll run the same errands I would have had to do on a normal day I'm already seriously dreading this but on the plus side Los Angeles is a really open-minded place so in all honesty I suspect that I'm not really going to get too many weird looks out here a guy in full makeup is well not normal but not really all that out of the normal here unfortunately we don't live in West Hollywood though we're men and full makeup are pretty much par for the course I would have completely fit in there and literally nobody would have thought it even remotely out of the ordinary so I guess I'll see you guys at the end of the day with my report end of day well this day was definitely one of the most interesting of my life and before I say anything else let me just say this to the lady fans of the infographics show I'm sorry honestly I had no idea the hassle you go through every day to put on makeup and to keep it fresh and then all the cleaning at night so your face doesn't break out do a hot mess from the left of her makeup I never knew now on to my day as I said earlier I let the girlfriend do my makeup because that only makes sense I warned her though to be subtle and I think she half heard me through the giant grin on her face and the constant very delighted in slightly evil giggling she kept me away from a mirror while she worked and it took her half an hour to get me ready she broke out into hysterical laughter at least a dozen times throughout but then at the end just before she let me look in the mirror she got serious and said Wow you'd be a hot girl and that's when I finally got to look in the mirror I'm very glad that infographics is an animated show because honestly I don't think I could get paid enough for someone to post my photo and full makeup in a video with tens of thousands possibly even hundreds of thousands of views anyways I looked well I mean I guess the only word is stunning I mean it I barely recognize myself and if I had shaved and maybe was in a dimly lit room and had longer hair I don't know maybe I'd be attracted to myself it literally kills me to say this but the girlfriend might have been right I've always had long eyelashes and the makeup makes them absolutely pops they look gigantic now I feel like every time I pull in guys sweep the floor with them the girlfriend has always told me how jealous she was my high lashes and now I see why for my lips she decided that a lighter pink was more my color she said I definitely wouldn't be a femme fatale with ruby red lips and even though I know this is wrong in every possible way I have to admit that it kind of bruised my ego to know that I couldn't be a femme fatale instead she told me that I made a much better girl next door innocent and sweet she told me if I wore long sleeve shirt and hid my tattoos then for sure some creepy old men would hit on me today I don't even know how to process that statement other than to say that my girlfriend was enjoying this way too much she gave me some subtle blush on my cheeks after laying down a foundation of course I've got a pretty normal face but just like anyone I've got my imperfections and the foundation made my face looks smooth as a baby's bottom I gotta admit looking like you have perfectly smooth skin really does give you a tiny little lift to your self-esteem I guess I'm starting to get this whole makeup thing of course then there's blush on your cheeks and the painted lips and you remember that you're a regular bloke who looks like a lady and your self-esteem disappears from my eyes she gave me some lighter eyeshadow so it would compliment my lips and then she told me that I needed to wear light cream colors today so my makeup would match my outfit I reminded her that she's dating a guy whose wardrobe consists primarily of plain black or white t-shirts and she recommended I wear one of her blouses instead I recommended she stick her head in the blender I had warned her that there would be no pictures allowed today but she immediately snapped one as soon as I was done looking in the mirror I ended up chasing her around the house the dog going crazy and barking at us as I tried to wrestle her phone away from her finally I full-blown tackled her to the ground and she was laughing so hard she couldn't hold on to the phone and that's when I saw that she had already posted it to Instagram I tried to delete it but she managed to steal it back and then locked herself in the bathroom laughing her head off as I could hear her phone blowing up with texts from friends commenting on the pic from there my date didn't get much better I had to go to the post office the grocery store and the pet food store today so I got on with my day I immediately started getting looks the moment I stepped out of my apartment and one of the first faces I ran into was that of my landlord I've lived in the same apartment for seven years and this kindly older man knows everything about me in my life he said good morning out of reflex and then just sort of stood there shocked the next thing he asked was are you and your girlfriend still together I assured him that we were and just told them it's a work thing trying to push to rest his fear that we had broken up and that I had gone off the deep end at the grocery store I got plenty of looks but predictably it turns out nobody really cares that much in Los Angeles in fact I had actually felt judged for exactly the wrong reasons I was wearing what I considered to be iconic me blue jeans and a black t-shirt but I couldn't stop getting the girlfriends words out of my head you have to wear cream colors with this makeup I actually started feeling stupid for not matching my outfit with my makeup and instead of being judged for wearing a girl's makeup I felt judged for wearing girls makeup and looking like total crap I don't even want to get into the psychology of what was going on there but the feeling only got worse as the day went on and I swear I almost went back home and changed at the post office I got a really long very severe look from the guy behind the counter this was an older man and definitely not one of the more enlightened residents of Los Angeles I thought for a moment he would kick me out to refuse me service and it got worried about seeing the ugly or more hateful side of people but I think it was just more shock than anything and maybe it's just in my head but I swear he looked down at my outfit and then back up at my makeup disapprovingly back outside on the street I definitely did run into the more ugly side of people as I was walking like dog a car full of younger kids probably in their teens drove past me and two of them leaned out the window killing all kinds of expletives YouTube doesn't let us say then calling me a fairy I really really dislike bullies and even though I'm a really laid-back guy whenever I see someone getting bullied my blood runs red-hot but you know what this time I just laughed my entire day was one long ridiculous affair my beautifully made-up face was gracing my girlfriend's Instagram with a few tens of thousands of followers and I'd been getting stairs all day at this point nothing could touch me anymore I was bulletproof so instead of hating those kids laughs for anyone watching remember that you can't control how people treat you but you can control how you feel about so I don't even know what my recap should be what did I learn from this if you're a regular bloke wearing makeup for a full day is pretty humiliating but in a weird way I feel it's kind of good for you once you get laughed at or stared at a few times you realize that people's opinions don't really matter and that is a message for our lady fans - I realize the pressure we put on you as a society to wear makeup and I realize today what a pain in the ass it can be to apply makeup and keep it from making you look like a clown as the day goes on but you know what you're beautiful already and touching up some blemishes here and there is not a bad thing but I hope none of you feel obligated to wear a painted up face every day for our sake as a guy trust me our opinions aren't worth it we're mostly just happy that you're paying attention to us in the first place you think you could handle wearing makeup for a full day what other challenge do you want to see our favorite guinea pig undertake let us know in the comments and as always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like share and subscribe for more great content
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,389,040
Rating: 4.6990027 out of 5
Keywords: Challenge, challenge compilation, compilation, billionaire, spend $1 billion dollars in 24 hours, sleep, no sleep, social, experiment, social experiment, funny, fun, video, shower, no shower, hot pepper, hottest pepper in the world, homeless, outside, fresh air, trapped, challenges, life hacks, lifehacks, diy, entertainment, soda, boyfriend, girlfriend, relationship goals, sit ups, youtube, tv, hypnotized, makeup, comedy, 2019, how to, pranks, food, epic, life, 2020, money, finance
Id: 3Hm-Ke0oNrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 17sec (10277 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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