The Life Of Naruto Uzumaki: Part 2 (Naruto)

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this video was made in collaboration with narutopedia for more information check out the link in the description the life of naruto uzumaki naruto uzumaki is a shinobi of konohagakuri's uzumaki clan he became the jinchiriki of the nine tails on the day of his birth a fate that caused him to be shunned by most of konoha throughout his childhood after joining team kakashi naruto worked hard to gain the village's acknowledgement all while chasing his dream to become hokage in the following years through many hardships and ordeals he became a capable ninja regarded as a hero both by the villagers and soon after the rest of the world becoming known as the hero of the hidden leaf he soon proved to be one of the main factors in winning the 4th shinobi world war leading him to achieve his dream and become the village's 7th hokage welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of naruto uzumaki part 2. before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all our social medias help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video if you've completed part 1 feel free to skip to the time stamp displayed on the screen if this is your first time watching let's start at the very beginning background naruto was born on the night of october 10th to munito namakazi the fourth hokage and kushina uzumaki the second genchiriki of the ninetales he was named after naruto musasabi the protagonist of jiraya's first book which made the sani and his godfather the third hokage made special arrangements for minato to preserve kushina's seal containing the nine tails when she gave birth to naruto in a remote location escorted by midwives and anbu a masked man toby tracked down their location however and killed the midwives and anbu and captured naruto forcing minato to quickly rescue him and teleport him to a safe house with minato gone toby captured kushina and released the ninetails from her using it to devastate konoha minato saved kushina and left naruto in her care before he went to protect the village eventually defeating toby and freeing the nine tails from toby's control returning to naruto and kushina's location minato realized the only way to stop the ninetails was to seal it within naruto believing that his son would someday need the fox's power to defeat toby when he returned since the nine tails tracker was too immense to be sealed into an infant minotaur sacrificed his soul to split the fox's chakra in half sealing the yin half within himself and the yanghaf within naruto after telling naruto how much they loved him minito and kushina succumbed to their wounds from protecting their son from the nine tails and passed away orphaned not having any parents or anyone else to provide for him naruto received monthly income from the village in order to afford daily necessities he grew up not knowing who his parents were receiving only his mother's surname as hirozin wanted to protect naruto from his father's enemies minato's dying wish that naruto be regarded as a hero was honored by very few who could put aside their pain and losses caused by the disaster while the majority of konoha having no knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his birth openly ostracized and resented naruto for containing the beast that devastated the village and took so many lives some even viewed naruto as the nine tails himself soon the third hokage forbade anyone from mentioning the ninetales hoping that the younger generation would not blindly hate naruto as their parents did however naruto's peers emulated their parents hatred of him despite not knowing why this social isolation caused naruto to crave acknowledgement which he would gain by pulling pranks on the day of his enrollment in the ninja academy naruto first met hinata hyuga who was being picked on by three bullies despite not knowing here naruto immediately came to her defense but was outnumbered and knocked unconscious and the bullies damaged his red scarf when naruto awoke he now thanked him for helping her and returned his scarf to him but he let her keep it he was unaware that the girl's growing affections for him began from that moment onwards in the academy naruto became a student of iruka umino who acted as a surrogate older brother to keep him in line and help him work harder naruto also met his classmate sasuke uchiha and tried to befriend him since he was alone as well jealous of sasuke's skills and popularity however he developed a one-sided rivalry in his pursuit to prove himself just as good as if not better than sasuke wishing that someday sasuke would accept him as an equal naruto also grew close with the owner of ramen ichiraku tauchi and his daughter ayame being welcomed as their favorite customer prologue land of waves failing once again to graduate from the academy a disappointed naruto is advised by one of his instructors mizuki to steal the scroll of seals and learn a technique from it in order to graduate as naruto struggled to learn the shadow clone technique iruku umino tracked him down and realized that naruto was tricked by mizuki into stealing the scroll mizuki attacked them and told naruto about the nine tails sealed within him claiming that irika hated him because of it when erika risked his life to protect naruto however he saw through mizuki's lies and used the multiple shadow clone technique to defeat him prompting irika to happily grant naruto his graduation from the academy naruto would also later befriend konohamaru sarutobi grandson of the third hokage and teach him several perverted or useful techniques naruto was eventually assigned to team seven partnered with sasuke uchiha and sakura harano under the leadership of kakashi haruke during their first meeting naruto shared his love of ramen his hobbies and his dream to become hokage to test their qualifications kakashi gave the team a bell test stating that whichever of the three takes one of the two bells on his person will officially become genin instead of hiding like sakura and sasuke naruto tried to take the bells from kakashi by force only to be easily defeated hung upside down from a tree and tied to a wooden post in an attempt to steal lunch after sakura and sasuke fail as well kakashi explains that the goal of the test was to use teamwork to do together what none of them could do by themselves he is persuaded to allow them to try again after lunch but instructs sasuke and sakura not to feed naruto they feed him anyway needing him in top form if they're to work together kakashi sees this and because they care more about the team than listening to his instructions allows them all to pass after a series of uneventful d-rank missions naruto is able to secure a c-rank mission for team seven escorting to zuna to the land of waves soon after leaving konoha they are attacked by the demon brothers naruto is paralyzed with fear forcing sasuke to step in to disarm them and protect zuna until kakashi can capture them tazuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him but he couldn't afford the bodyguard detail he needs although the mission is now a rank in nature far beyond the skill of ghenin team 7 decides to continue with it angered by sasuke's taunting of him naruto cuts his hand to bleed out the poison he received earlier vowing to never waver again when they arrive in the land of waves and are confronted by zaba zamamochi naruto is overwhelmed by the battle between kakashi and zaboza before he's knocked aside by zabo's water clone remembering his vow naruto regained his confidence and teamed up with sasuke to free kakashi from zaba's water prison in the end zabaza is seemingly killed by haku allowing team seven to escort tazuna back to his house kakashi finds zaba's death suspicious and decides to train the team in case he returns he has them perform the tree climbing practice in order to improve their chakra control which will help them against zabuza naruto becomes frustrated after several failures and asks for advice from sakura who herself mastered it from the start now rapidly improving naruto competes with sasuke to finish the training each determined to outdo the other one day naruto encounters haku albeit unaware of his true identity and they each discuss their dreams and desire to protect those precious to them after haku leaves naruto finishes the training with sasuke but is left exhausted so team 7 leaves him behind the next morning as they resume their escort duties naruto awakens and arrives to assist team 7 in fighting zabaza and haku but unaware of how haku's demonic mirroring ice crystals work he joins sasuke within the prison naruto cannot break free with his shadow clones and sasuke cannot melt the ice with his fire as haku moves in to kill naruto sasuke uses his body as a shield to protect naruto and seemingly dies enraged by sasuke's apparent death naruto unwittingly accesses the nine-tails chakra for the first time allowing him to destroy the ice mirrors and defeat haku breaking his mask realizing his opponent was the boy he met before naruto calms himself he's asked by haku to kill him since he feels of no further use to zabuza before naruto can do so haku immediately stops him and goes off to save zabaza from being killed by kakashi sacrificing his own life when zabaza refuses to appreciate this naruto angrily scolds him stating that haku gave up his life to save someone precious to him touched by his words zabaza using naruto's kunai killed gato and many of his henchmen before he himself dies sasuke soon awakens and when their injuries heal team 7 leaves for home via tazuna's newly constructed great naruto bridge tuning exams team 7 resumes its series of unremarkable missions for their performance in the land of waves however kakashi decides to enter them in the tuning exams taking place in konoha which greatly excites naruto because they've only recently graduated from the academy the three feel they must give strong showings to prove themselves when they enter the exam hall the team is met by rock lee who challenges sasuke to a fight naruto tries to attack lee and jealousy but is easily swept aside the fight is interrupted by might guy after which naruto notes that the bandages around lee's arms signify his arduous taijutsu training during the exam's first stage the participating ghenin are given a written test the goal of which is to cheat without getting caught unaware of this naruto struggles to answer the questions so hinata hyuga who's seated beside him offers to let him copy off her paper despite the temptation naruto declined hinata's offer claiming that he isn't the type to cheat and they might be disqualified if they're caught before the 10th question can be given the ghenin are presented with the opportunity to forfeit naruto refuses to do so declaring his refusal to give up and his goal to still become hokage his determination to face the tenth question despite the potential consequence inspires the rest of the ganin to do the same so they passed the first stage it is later noted that he was the only one to hand in a blank sheet though this did not prevent it from passing for the second phase teams enter the forest of death with the objective of obtaining a set of two scrolls one of which they're given at the start naruto becomes separated from his team and is attacked and swallowed by a giant snake he manages to kill it and regroups with his frightened teammates against orochimaru angered by sasuke's sudden cowardice and resignation naruto engages orochimaru using the ninetails chakra defeats his giant snake and taunt sasuke before rochimaru suppresses the nine tails chakra rendering naruto unconscious after he awakens team 7 continues its search for the second scroll which they eventually gain by defeating team obero allowing them to pass the second stage in the preliminary matches of the exam naruto is pitted against kiba inazuka and his dog akamaru believing the match to be an easy victory kiba and akimaru overwhelmed naruto with many high speed attacks so naruto tricks kiba into knocking akamaru out of the fight by using the transformation technique shocking all spectators naruto then disorients kiba by farting in his face and defeats him with the naruto uzumaki combo which he invented from watching sasuke's lion combo when neji and hinata's match begins naruto is enraged by neji's ruthless tirade against hinata and cheers hinata on to defeat neji although hinata is defeated naruto wipes up her blood and vows to defeat neji in the finals during the month of training naruto first meets jiraya who knocked out ebisu naruto's original teacher and trains under the sanyin to improve his chakra control recognizing naruto as the nine tails jin chotaki jarya removes the seal orochimaru had placed on naruto to ease his control and begins teaching him how to use the nine tails power by summoning toads to accelerate naruto's slow progress jaraya pushes him off a cliff causing naruto to enter his subconscious and meet the ninetails working past his fear he bravely demands chakra from it as rent for living in his body the nine tails complies and naruto summons gamma bunta although he exhausts himself and ends up in the hospital where he's visited by shikamarunara after talking he and naruto stop gara from killing rock lee in the next room and listen to gara's story of his childhood which naruto finds very similar to his own gara prepares to kill them but mike guy intervenes and forces gara to retreat on the day of the finals naruto meets hinata at the third training ground and expresses his doubts about his upcoming match against neji hinata reassures naruto that he never gave up because he always had the strength to overcome his own failures admiring him for it reinvigorated naruto thanks hinata and tells her even though he first thought she was weird he likes her now facing negi in the first match of the finals naruto began by creating shadow clones to overwhelm nejis with sheer numbers deeming naruto a failure who could never defeat a genius like himself negi easily defeats naruto's clones and seals his chakra with eight trigrams 64 palms determined to prove neji's ideals about fate wrong naruto tapped into the ninetails chakra and revitalized clash with neji when the smoke cleared neji emerges and naruto lies defeated this however was only a shadow clone and the real naruto burst from the ground beneath neji defeating him with an uppercut before he's declared the winner naruto tells neji that creating clones was once his shortcoming and that neji needs to stop believing in inescapable fate when sasuke finally arrives for his match with gara naruto is envious of sasuke's improvements but is later put to sleep along with most of the audience commencing the kona hawk rush konoha crush sakura wakes up naruto so they can pursue sasuke who is pursuing gara himself they arrive in time for naruto to kick gara away before he can kill sasuke partially transformed into shukaku gara knocks sakura unconscious and binds her to a tree forcing naruto to battle him with little success naruto relates to gara's painful life as ajin churuki but he's not willing to let anything happen to sakura and sasuke determined to protect his friends naruto creates an army of shadow clones to relentlessly batter gara forcing him to fully transform into shukaku to which naruto responds by summoning gamabunta gara puts himself to sleep to give control of his body to shukaku forcing naruto and gamabunta to figure out a way to end the jutsu they do so by transforming into a giant fox the nine tails in the anime to restrain shukaku allowing naruto to awaken garu with a solid punch to the face shukaku's influence disappears but gara regains control and traps naruto with his sand naruto escapes by tapping into the nine tails chakra and headbutts gara when he's close enough destroying shukaku's form exhausted from the fight the two leap at each other for one final exchange and naruto punches gara claiming victory naruto and gara fall to the ground unable to move slowly crawling towards gara naruto explained that he also suffered a painful and lonely life but was later saved by having friends to that end he will do anything to protect them even if it means killing gara understanding naruto's true strength gara retreated with conqueror and tamari with a new outlook on life while naruto passes out from exhaustion and is returned to konoha with sasuke and a rescued sakura a few days later team 7 attends the third hokage funeral search for tsunade jiraiya is tasked with finding tsunade a candidate for 5th hokage and convinces naruto to accompany him by promising to teach him a technique stronger than sasuke's chidori stopping at an inn in shukuba town naruto was approached by kisame hoshigaki and hitachi uchiha of okotsuki who intend to capture the ninetails when sasuke shows up and furiously attacks hitachi naruto gathers the ninetails chakra to help sasuke but it's absorbed by kisame's samehara jiraya soon arrives and drives off hitachi in kisame but sasuke is left mentally and physically damaged by itachi might guy appears and takes sasuke back to konoha but not before giving naruto a spare green jumpsuit to prepare for the next encounter with akatsuki naruto begins learning the resengon completing two of its three learning steps taking a break from training naruto and jarya eventually found tsunade and her assistant shizune at a restaurant when tsunade refuses the offer to become hokage and insults all who held the title an angry naruto challenged her to a fight and attacked her with an incomplete resengan only to be easily defeated impressed by his progress however tsunare makes a bet with naruto if he can master the resengan in a week he gets the first hokage necklace if not she gets his wallet naruto agreed and spent the week trying to perfect the resengan but has no success and collapses from exhaustion once he recovers naruto heads out with jaraya and shizune to stop tsunade from a meeting with orochimaru they arrive to see tsunare who never intended to aid arochimaru in the midst of battle with kabuto yakushi when tsunade is incapacitated naruto fights kabuto in her place and eventually defeats him with a perfected resengan which he formed by using a shadow clone naruto collapses almost immediately afterwards his heart muscles torn by kabuto but tsunade successfully manages to heal him gives him the necklace he wins and accepts the position of hokage after urochimaru and kabuto are defeated naruto and the others returned to konoha tsunade confidently believing naruto would someday become a great hokage land of t escort mission with konoha having a shortage of jonine due to orochimaru's failed invasion tsunare was forced to use genin for more dangerous missions than normally allowed team seven minus kakashi who was assigned to another mission was given the assignment of escorting a member of the wasabi family through a dangerous annual race along the way they met an arrogant teenager named idate who openly showed his hatred towards ninja upon arriving in the land of tea and meeting the wasabi family's leader jirocho team 7 was shocked to see idate again and learn he was the man they were assigned to escort they encountered aoe rokusho who betrayed konoha to join amegakurei after barely surviving aoe's attack idata explained how after he was failed by ibiki himself for the tuning exams away tricked idate into stealing a special scroll and the sword of the thunder god from the village being able to relate with idate in both being taken advantage of and the need to have others recognize him naruto helped idate regain his self-worth and continue the race while managing to catch up in the race away appeared again and used the thundersword to initially overpower team seven but thanks to sasuke fighting aue and weakening his sword with his chidori naruto was able to break it when they clashed and defeat aoi with his recen gun with the danger overcome idate was free to continue and win the race for the wasabi family while returning to the village team 7 was escorted by ibiki himself sasuke recovery mission naruto visits a recovering sasuke at the hospital but he's immediately challenged to a fight to which naruto eventually agrees the fight escalates quickly culminating with naruto using resengan and sasuke using chidori kakashi arrives and deflects their attacks into opposing water towers before they can clash naruto unknowingly doing more damage than sasuke distressed by sasuke's behavior sakura informs naruto of the cursed seal satsuke received from rochimaru though naruto assures sakura that sasuke would never abandon konoha for power unfortunately sasuke does just that and naruto joins the sasuke recovery team in order to bring him back he promises a tearful sakura to do so before he leaves on route to sasuke the team encounters members of the sound four each of which battles with a member of the recovery team while naruto engages kimimaro overwhelmed by kimimaro's taijutsu skills naruto is saved at the last minute by rock lee who volunteers to fight kimimuro while naruto heads after sasuke naruto finally meets sasuke at the valley of the end his pleas for sasuke to come back to konoha and warnings that rochimaru will take his body fall on deaf ears naruto starts attacking him ready to take him back to konoha by force if necessary undeterred sasuke responds by tapping into his cursed seal and landing a series of heavy blows on naruto it becomes painfully clear to naruto that sasuke is fighting with an intent to kill so naruto utilizes the nine tails chakra to overpower sasuke naruto says that sasuke is like a brother to him and that he'll do anything to protect that bond sasuke vows to sever that bond but acknowledges naruto as an equal by putting on his forehead protector they continued trading blows with naruto eventually manifesting a fox shaped cloak and sasuke entering his cursed seal's second level naruto clashes his resengan with sasuke's chidori and within the dome of resulting energy they trade final blows sasuke punches naruto and naruto scratches sasuke's forehead protector when the energy dissipates naruto lies defeated but sasuke spares him and continues his way to orochimaru leaving his scratched forehead protector behind kakashi and pakun arrive late and failing to retrieve sasuke leave with naruto in the hospital naruto once again promises sakura to bring sasuke back one day soon after jaraya arrived with an offer to train naruto for preparation against orochimaru and akatsuki in three years and to give up on sasuke as he's no different from rochimaru naruto accepts jiraiya's training but refuses to give up on sasuke satisfying jiraiya as in the manga naruto later departs with jaraya to begin his two and a half years of training after making a determined gesture at the fourth hokage statue gutsy master and student the training in the anime shortly after leaving konoha jiraya and naruto discuss the fact that naruto will need to learn how to counter genjitsu if he hopes to be a match against sasuke the next time they meet naruto practiced with gamariki to dispel genjutsu but he struggles with it and his chakra keeps hitting gamariki who doesn't appreciate it naruto follows jiraya to the genjutsu tree village to try a different approach but they discover the village has been taken over by kandachi they free the villagers and then attack kandachi who naruto eventually defeats with his newly created big ball resengan as they leave afterwards jaraya is pleased by how similar naruto is to minaton namakazi and hugs him which naruto is bothered by in naruto's footsteps the friend's paths two years into their training naruto's control of the nine tails chakra has improved significantly jiraya tries to give him more access to the ninetails power and uses gerotora to weaken naruto's eight trigram ceiling style seizing the opportunity the ninetails mocked naruto for his inability to save sasuke using naruto's negative emotions to force him to enter a version 2 form with four tails not in control of his body naruto attacks jiraya and nearly kills him before he manages to suppress the ninetails naruto has no memory of what happened and jiraya doesn't tell him instead shifting naruto's training to other pursuits including keeping his anger in check so that the nine tails won't flare up again kazukage rescue mission naruto and jiraya return to konoha after two and a half years of training where naruto becomes surprised by tsunade's newly formed statue on okage rock he greets his old friends afterwards he gives kakashi a copy of each of each of tactics as a gift he catches up with sakura whom he's become taller than he gets back into a competition of sexy techniques with konohamaru saratobi only to be violently reprimanded by sakura kakashi reforms team 7 with them and gives them another bell test but unlike last time taking the bells from him is the real objective as with last time naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins but this time it nearly succeeds despite their improved abilities naruto and sakura were still unable to get a bell through conventional means and it was only by naruto's threat to spoil the latest icha novel that they distracted kakashi long enough to take the bells while team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that naruto won't complain about ward reaches konoha that akatsuki has kidnapped gara the kazukage team seven is sent to suna gakurei to assist in rescuing gara on their way to suna naruto explains that gara was kidnapped because he's a chinchiroki of the one tale just as naruto is the jinchuriki of the ninetails upon arrival in sunna naruto defends kakashi from chio's assault when she mistakes him for his father team seven gathers what intel they can on gara's kidnappers and leave to go after them chio volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around sunna naruto promises a recovering conqueror to rescue gara before they leave while on route to an akatsuki lair they're confronted by itachi uchiha who traps naruto in a genjutsu sakura and chio release him allowing naruto to team up with kakashi and defeat hitachi with a big ball resengan the itachi is discovered to be an imposter so they continue on to the akatsuki lair meeting up with team guy who takes down the barrier over the entrance that team seven can get in they find gara's body with his kidnappers daera and sasuri daedra flies off with gara's body with naruto and kakashi in pursuit leaving saseri to chio and sakura naruto enraged makes repeated failed attempts to rescue gara before he's calmed by kakashi who uses his new mangekyo sharongan to distract daedara with kamui naruto retrieves gara's body but seeing it drives him over the edge he furiously attacks daedara and beats him mercilessly into the ground discovering that it was a clay clone naruto slips into his two-tailed form in rage but is returned to normal by kakashi via the chakra suppressing seal daedra escapes while naruto and kakashi regroup osaka chio and team guy sakura attempts to revive gara but the removal of shukaku has caused him to die naruto breaks down in tears and angrily lashes out at chio saying she had no right to make gara not only ajin shuriki but also lose his life because of it as atonement and with naruto's aid chio sacrifices her life to revive gara as the jutsu nears completion chio voices her faith in naruto's ability to save gara and to become hokage naruto greets garo when he awakens and a few days later team 7 and guy attend chio's funeral in suna before returning home naruto and gara shake hands gara using his sand as a sign of their close relationship tenshi bridged reconnaissance mission during her fight with saseri sakura learned of an opportunity to meet with a spy in herochimaru's ranks in a few days time hoping it will lead them to sasuke kakashi is left bedridden from his fight with daedra so yamato leads team seven as his replacement replacing sasuke on the team is sai whom naruto already encounters earlier and dislikes declaring him an inferior version of sasuke sai is happy for this distinction and proceeds to degrade sasuke for defecting from konoha forcing yamato to use his wood release to break up their fight naruto is constantly exasperated by psy's lack of empathy and his ridicule of sasuke but resolves to work with sai if it means saving sasuke yamato disguises himself as sasuri and goes to the tenshi bridge to meet the spy while naruto sakura and sai hide nearby the spy kabato yakushi begins telling yamato about orochimaru's organization but they're interrupted by the arrival of orochimaru who teams up with kabuto to fight yamato having intended to kill sasuri team 7 comes to his aid and orochimaru recognizing them taunts naruto about sasuke naruto is enraged and strikes him using his version 1 form to make his attacks more devastating naruto's rage intensifies as he submits to the nine-tail's influence he destroys the tenshi bridge and eventually advances to his version 2 form while fighting orochimaru naruto is soon forced back to the destroyed bridge where unable to tell friend from foe he unknowingly attacks sakura when she approaches him yamato restrains naruto with his wood release and suppresses the ninetails influence but its chakra leaves naruto's body badly damaged after sakura heals him naruto wakes up unable to remember what happened but is surprised by the devastated landscape when they realize that sai is missing yamada reports that he's joined with orochimaru in kabuto on the way yamato secretly takes naruto aside and tells him that he is the one who attacked sakura he encourages naruto to use his own strength instead of the nine tails in order to protect his loved ones the team locates sai whom yamato has placed a trace on at orochimaru's lair and capture him restrained sai asks why naruto is determined to save him naruto replies that his bond with sasuke is too precious to be broken and that he'll do anything to protect it intrigued sai switches sides helping them capture kabuto and then searching the base for sasuke on naruto's behalf while he's gone yamato goes through his belongings and finds evidence that sai has been assigned to assassinate sasuke when they find psy he explains that he truly does want to help retrieve sasuke and in fact has already found him naruto and sakura are speechless to see sasuke again sasuke reacts with indifference to them but naruto remarks that he can't become hokage without saving his friend to demonstrate that they mean nothing to him sasuke quickly neutralizes them all as naruto struggles to avoid the temptation of using the nine tails sasuke suddenly appears in naruto's subconscious using his sharingan and suppresses the ninetails he then prepares to kill them but is persuaded not to by rochimaru and leaves without further comment naruto is upset at having failed once more to bring sasuke home but is reminded by sakura that they need to become stronger and team seven returns to konoha akatsuki's suppression mission once kakashi is done recuperating in the hospital he assembles naruto sakura and sai to discuss their failed mission to retrieve sasuke kakashi believes that the best way to match sasuke is for naruto to create a new jutsu as the training began naruto discovers that his nature is wind and learns to use the wind nature ordinarily such training would take months or years but kakashi advises that naruto by training alongside hundreds of shadow clones can do the same training in a mere fraction of the time after some struggling naruto approaches asuma who is also a wind type for advice kakashi's instructions and the training grounds created by yamato naruto quickly masters how to use the wind nature the next step is more difficult for him combining that nature with the resengan like kakashi and minato namakazi before him naruto fails several times in trying to combine his nature with the resengan his frustration evokes the ninetails chakra at times which yamato suppresses with further advice from kakashi naruto finds his solution using two shadow clones one helps him form the resengan and the other adds his wind nature when they receive news that asuma died in battle with members of the akatsuki they take a break to attend awesome's funeral akashi leaves team yamato in charge of overseeing naruto's training so he could help team 10 avenge asuma having finished his jutsu naruto and team yamato went to provide assistance arriving in time to save kakashi and team 10 from kakazu naruto engages kakuzu alone with his newly created wind release rasa and shuriken though it dissipates on its first use and naruto is rescued by kakashi and yamato the technique succeeds on the second time destroying two of kakuzu's hearts and putting the last one on the brink of failure kakashi finishes off kakuzu and they return to konoha the rasa and shuriken injures naruto's arms after use and he's forbidden to use the technique ever again when they visit ichiraku ramen naruto has a hard time eating while his arm mends so sakura opts to help before the responsibility falls to sai then to kakashi as they leave afterwards they are met by konohamaru who demonstrates his sexy girl on girl technique naruto approves but sakura is disgusted and violently reprimands him in the manga konohamaru responds with sexy boy on boy technique sakura approves but naruto is disgusted and violently reprimands him three tails appearance orochimaru instructed kabuto yakushi along with team guren to take a young boy named yukimaru to a lake tsunare finds the location of hirochimura's hideout and sends kakashi as temporary leader of team 8 to locate it then tsunare sends yamato sai and sakura to help them along with naruto who meets them along the way team kakashi and kuranai follow guren and discover that the thing they were after was the three tails the guardian group is yamato tenten kiba and li while the fighting group is naruto kakashi sai and shino just when the ceiling was almost complete yukimaru angered by the apparent death of guren empowered the beast to break free of its restraints the three tails went on a rampage attacking everyone nearby and crushing nurari kigiri and kiho its attempts to attack yukimaru however had no effect it was only through the use of the wind release toad oil flame bullet that the beast was driven away the ceiling attempt was left to anbu members and the remaining konahan ninja returned home toby and datara confronted the beast it was later sealed in the ceiling statue itachi pursuit mission news reaches konoha that sasuke has killed orochimaru realizing that this is a good opportunity to try again to reunite with sasuke kakashi combines team 7 and 8 into an eight-man squad with the mission to either find sasuke or his assumed target itachi when they split up to search naruto because he's a target of akatsuki is given a protective escort in the form of hinata yamato and bull their group encounters kabuto who offers them intel and akatsuki and its members his thanks to naruto inspiring him to overcome arochimaru after absorbing his remains kabato then escapes tale of jiraiya the gallant after regrouping and kiba inuzuka detects sasuke's trail naruto creates shadow clones to search the area faster one of which encounters hitachi itachi repels naruto's attacks and insists he only wants to talk he asks naruto what sasuke means to him and what he will do if sasuke ever moves against konoha naruto replies that he's sasuke's brother a better brother than hitachi is and that if sasuke ever attacks the village he will defend it without killing sasuke itachi is happy with this answer and gives naruto some assistance for this purpose a special crow that he stores within naruto's body hitachi left and naruto continued his search eventually finding sasuke as they near sasuke's location they're intercepted by toby of okotsuki who prevents them from progressing and who is invulnerable to their attacks fated battle between brothers as the group continually tries to attack toby he dodges the attacks with ease naruto tries several times to attack him with his resengan but without success toby attempts to use a hidden jutsu to attack the teams but fails at it eventually zetsu comes to tell him about sasuke and hitachi's fight toby leaves when he receives the news that sasuke has killed hitachi and teams 7 and 8 try to reach sasuke before he does unable to find where toby has taken sasuke they are forced to return to konoha six tails unleashed team yamato are assigned by tsunade to go and protect hotaru on her way to tsuchigumo village when the team finds the fort they saw tanby who had been viciously attacked by the four man bandits sakura stays and heals tanbi while naruto sai and yamato follow urakata and otaru naruto catches up with urakata and hotaru but urakada attacks naruto with some of his soap bubble ninjutsu after urakada learned they are not attackers he entrusts the protection of otaru to them when they reach the hidden village naruto leaves the village with a suspicious feeling because of the way that the villagers looked at hotaru naruto and his team arrived and managed to loosen one of the water whips holding udokata both parties began to fight but the leader of the kirigakure anbu appeared and discussed the situation with yamato as the group's part ways hotaru begins hurting from an injury sustained during the earlier altercation urakada has naruto collect medicinal herbs when naruto returns he witnesses what was done to hotaru's back where her clan's kinjutsu was put udokata voices his absolute disdain for people who selfishly take advantage of people's loyalty only to treat them as tools when tanby insisted that no true master would do such horrific things without a way to undo them urakata wondered if the same was true for his master udakata resolved to find sorugi again to learn some answers about his late master hotaru initially refused the idea to destroy the kinjutsu feeling that it would make her grandfather's efforts for nothing but urakara made her see that she couldn't restore their clan with such a destructive technique while willing to accept this decision as a final act she offered one other possible solution to search for a man named shiranami it was then decided that naruto would attempt to find the man in two days while preparations for removing the kinjutsu were made when naruto uzumaki sought out shironami the magaki leader who believed the latter was an ally the magaki group ambushed naruto and used the infinite embrace to drain his chakra angered at being deceived naruto unleashed the nine tails chakra and broke out of the infinite embrace afterwards naruto tracked shiranami back to hotaru's village where it's discovered that shironami took control of the villagers this technique the villagers attacked utakata and naruto and they were also confronted by the magaki group just before things got work the rest of team yamato arrived while hunting for hotaru yamato sai and sakura were fighting the villagers and the magaki group while naruto and utakara were trying to save hotaru from shiranami in the end naruto and utakara managed to save hotaru and team yamato parts ways with hotaru and utakara hotaro and urakada decide to leave hotaru's village and travel around will utakata train hotaro to make her stronger before the beginning udakara decides that he wants to confront the kirigakurei ombu unit and tells hotaro to stay behind he attempts to make contact but is unable to do so he soon discovers the mask of one of the onbu units that was left behind after discovering the mask he reaches the conclusion that the kiri anbu were killed and urakada is confronted by akatsuki member pain who appears to be the one behind the attack payne tells him he's here to capture the six tails udokata puts up a fight but in the end is captured by akatsuki payne's assault as naruto contemplated his meeting with hitachi he was called to the hokage residence to hear some somber news his master girayo was killed by payne the leader of akatsuki grief stricken naruto blamed tsunade and spent the day mourning his teacher's death depressed that jiraya could not see him become hokage after being comforted by iruka and shikamaru naruto helped to decipher jiraiya's dying message and eventually they succeed understanding that jurai has bought him time for his own fight with pain naruto went to train with the toads of mount myoboku to learn senjutsu naruto trained to harmonize with nature a process he sped up by using a limited number of shadow clones he rapidly progressed through the training stages and attained a perfect sage mode which jaraya was unable to do news of payne's assault on konoha reached them and they began to mobilize for battle as naruto fukusaku gamaken gamahiro gamabunta and gamakichi were summoned to the center of konoha the group was confronted by the six paths of pain who had just destroyed the village after destroying the asura path before it could attack sunade naruto told her to make sure everyone left the battle to him after a brief skirmish with animal path naruto and the toads defeated the animal preda and human paths before running out of senjutsu chakra naruto revealed that he had two shadow clones waiting back at mount myoboku to revitalize him with natural energy naruto went back on the offensive dispatching the healed preda and the raka path before the diva path regained its full power payne killed fukusaku and used the opportunity to capture naruto pinning him to the ground with naruto restrained payne opened up his reasons for ikatsuki their plan for the tailed beasts and the peaceful world he wanted to create though naruto rejected his notion that using a weapon to force peace he could offer no alternative before payne could depart with naruto he was attacked by hinata hyuga declaring her love for naruto and vowing to protect him she continued to fight against payne before she was subdued and critically wounded believing hinata had been killed and enraged naruto erupted into his six-tailed form resisting the first hokage's necklace's attempts to quell the transformation and destroying it the ninetails attacked payne forcing him out of the village to get close enough to his actual body to use chibaku tensei trapping naruto within the small satellite the technique was not enough to stop the nine tails however as it simply progressed to eight-tailed form to force its way out of the satellite meanwhile within his subconscious naruto was tempted by the ninetails to open its seal to save him from the pain of not having pain's answer for peace however before naruto could minato appeared having left some chakra within the seal in case of an emergency to protect his son overjoyed at meeting his father but angered that he would condemn him to a life as a jinchiriki naruto listened to his father encouraging him confident that he would find a way to break the cycle of hatred after repairing the seal minato disappeared and the newly inspired naruto prepared to resume his battle with pain confidence restored naruto was greatly relieved to learn that not only had hinata survived but nobody was injured during his rampage after clever use of shadow clones naruto destroyed the diva path with a resengan defeating the last of payne's six paths using one of payne's black receivers naruto followed the chakra signal to nagato and conan's position confronting nagato naruto listened nakato's story that turned him into pain and came to understand why he made the actions he did despite not forgiving him he told nagato that he would not kill him and he would instead try to create a better world that their teacher wished for moved by naruto's determination to create a better world nagato decided to put his trust in naruto and sacrificed his own life to revive all the people he had killed in konoha naruto helped conan retrieve nagato and yahiko's body for burial and amagakure and konan left naruto a bouquet of paper flowers symbolizing their new alliance naruto then created a memorial for jiraiya and left the flowers and a copy of the tale of the utterly gutsy shinobi by a rock with the kanji for teacher she while the exhausted naruto walked back to the village he was found by kakashi who carried him the rest of the way upon arrival naruto was greeted as a hero by the villagers his dream of acknowledgment being realized at last 5 kage summit sakura informs naruto that tsunade fell into a coma and there's nothing they can do to bring her out of it while they talk they approach by tazuna and inari who have come to help rebuild konoha they ask about sasuke which naruto avoids going into detail about as so to spare them and sakura a discussion about sasuke's defection after tezuna and inari leave they receive news that donzo shimura has become the next hokage and that he has ordered sasuke to be killed as a traitor naruto and sakura approached sai to ask him how they can convince danzo to change his mind but sai is unable to help omoi and karui of kumo gakurei overhear them talking about sasuke and they ask for information about him wishing to kill him for his role in akatsuki's capture of killer bee naruto leads omoi and kurui away to spare sakura payne but refuses to reveal anything about sasuke instead naruto allows the kumo nin to vent their anger by beating him to which karui obliges until sai stops her and the kumon in retreat recovering later naruto asked yamato and kakashi to take him to the land of irons that he could ask the fourth reikage to pardon sasuke upon arrival the reikage rejected naruto's request even with kakashi and yamato's assistance and berated him for defending a criminal naruto went to a local inn to ponder his next course of action but was soon confronted by toby who wanted to understand nagato's change of heart naruto ignored the question and demanded to know his plans about sasuke toby told him about the sage of the six paths the uchiha clan and the truth about the uchiha clan downfall all of which now drove sasuke along a path of vengeance against konoha and anyone else who would dare cross his path naruto insisted that he could still get through to sasuke but toby laughed and left saying naruto and sasuke were fated to fight again while naruto was practicing his sage mode's sensory abilities to locate sasuke he was interrupted by the arrival of sakura rockley kiba and sai sakura attempted to dissuade naruto in his attempts to bring sasuke back to konoha by falsely telling him that she loved him however naruto knew she was lying and he rejected her confession and her proposal to abandon sasuke stating it had nothing to do with his promise to her after sakura's party left sai's ink clone revealed that the rest of the konoha 11 had decided to kill sasuke themselves to prevent another war while sakura planned to kill sasuke herself at psy's unintended insistence gara who attended the five kage summit that sasuke attacked arrived and revealed toby's declaration of the 4th shinobi world war telling naruto how they would be fighting sasuke to protect naruto but he did advise naruto to consider for himself what was the right thing to do after hearing that most of his friends have turned against sasuke who now wanted to unleash his vengeance on just about everyone naruto hyperventilated and passed out when he awoke he was told by yamato that kakashi went to stop sakura from dealing with sasuke using a shadow clone as a decoy naruto escaped from the inn and followed kokashi arriving just in time to save sakura from being killed by sasuke he tried once more to reason with sasuke sympathizing with his pain and acknowledging hitachi's sacrifice however sasuke was unmoved and declared his resolve to destroy konoha and severed the uchiha's connection to the shinobi world naruto then clashed his resengan with sasuke's chidori realizing that everything in his life he could have easily gone down the same path as sasuke despite his jealousy of him he had come to like sasuke and was glad to have met him undeterred sasuke gave naruto two options kill or be killed naruto chose neither toby and zetsu arrived and prepared to depart with sasuke naruto resolved that if he and sasuke were to battle again they would kill each other but he was willing to accept it as he would shoulder sasuke's hatred alone sasuke vowed to kill naruto first and left with toby and zetsu while naruto and his teammates return to konoha with the captive korean naruto explained the situation to his friends and asked to fight sasuke alone determined to get stronger for their upcoming battle power the reborn team kakashi is sent out on a mission by tsunade to a location known as the hole to investigate an incident where tonika village's people had been killed elsewhere sakura and naruto who are at the hole's water spring encounter kabuto yakushi who uses tiny specially created snakes to create a clone of hedon using his dna and the water in the hole which possesses special properties kabuto then reveals that he has reincarnated several shinobi a fight ensues between the two sides as yamato and sai rejoin their teammates as team kakashi continues to battle kabuto hedon and the reincarnated shinobi naruto gets swallowed by a giant snake created by kabuto but manages to escape using shadow clones accidentally ingesting kabuto's clone snakes in the process when naruto resurfaces kabuto retreats using the reincarnated data as a diversion while revealing a village guard's corpse in the mouth of a snake after the attack naruto and sakura join up with shiseru yamato and sai in going with the rest of the guards while yamato and sai investigate kabuto's motive for destroying the village sakura and naruto follow shiser to doku's house plagued by vivid images all day mina approaches naruto and begins repeatedly saying get out later disonasu visits their home and to everyone's surprise the tonic village head is with him however mina alerts everyone to the fact that there had been something strange about her grandfather and it's revealed that he had been reincarnated as a fight subsequently breaks out when kabuto makes an appearance naruto begins writhing in pain rushing towards him mina once again begins shouting get out eventually forcing the tiny snakes out of his body the snakes then form a clone of naruto in his four-tailed version two state the nine-tailed naruto clone tries to attack doku and the orphans when mike guy and rock lee arrive to repel it the rest of the konoha 11 arrive team asuma helps sakura and kakashi and team kurenai helps naruto the beast grabs naruto to absorb chakra which the ninetails gladly shares hinata tries to defend naruto but is sent flying after the beast absorbs naruto's chakra it grows in size and starts to devastate the hacho village even firing a tailed beast ball in far away missing yamato sai deirdre and hidan who are fighting outside the village doku tries to save naruto who is still unconscious while inside the underground hall in the tonic village naruto unconscious and strangled by snakes meets the ninetails again in his subconscious while the nine tails tries to control naruto doku calls him but gets shouted instead doku asks naruto what burden a powerful person carries and made naruto choose the reason why he desires to be powerful seeing flashbacks of his comrades of konoha and also sasuke leading the seal inside naruto to gain strength again doku gives naruto his forehead protector stating that he believes in him while inside the hall kabato along with two reincarnated puppets approaches with tisanasu revealed to have engineered tonic's destruction dusanasu also praised naruto about defeating payne the one who scarred him and left him powerless before kicking the boy repeatedly the sanasu prepares the summoning of the power by putting the remaining iron bars while naruto enters sage mode naruto faces off with the clone while daedra uses explosive clay to create a diversion and chase naruto while naruto relentlessly attacked the clone he learned that there is more than power as yamato restrained isanasu he activated the caesarea opening the area where naruto faces the clone draining the lake as an obelisk rises and creates a storm naruto tried to stop dusanasu from ascending the tower only to face his clone after he absorbed some of the tower's power and transformed into a hydra tailed fox monster absorbing the power within the amanohoco the nine-tailed naruto clone mutated into a hydra tailed version of the ninetails whilst sending disonasu to his death overpowered naruto almost gave in to the ninetails offer for power when minato's voice urges the boy to control the tailed beast as naruto is engulfed in a six-tailed chakra cloak in the nine-tails image over time as he starts to lose against the clone the nine tails starts to take over naruto's body and assumes a seven-tailed genticky state while yamato tries to restrain it by that time mina is able to get through to naruto regaining control as he assumed a new form to save shisuru after telling doku to go forward and stop the amanohoko as doku realizes mida's melody could stop the cesari he attempts to recall the tune minahummed to change the sounds in the caesarea to deactivate the tower naruto uses his new power to destroy his clone as the amanohoko recedes into the ground the children celebrate with naruto 4th shinobi world war countdown as naruto was about to eat at ichiraku he was suddenly summoned back to mount myoboku by fukusaku he learned from the great toad sage's fortune that he would meet an octopus and would battle a young man with powerful eyes when gerotora was summoned to give naruto the key to the eight trigram seal naruto knew he would need the nine tails power for the battles to come and accepted the key naruto was sent back to ichiraku where some of the villagers asked for his autograph naruto was unaware that the five kage were planning to keep him for participating in the upcoming four shinobi world war for his safety tsunare gave naruto an s-rank mission on a remote island in the land of lightning with yamato might guy aoba yamashiro and other konohan nin as security once on the island naruto met killer bee the jinchuriki of eight tales and requested a train under him after marveling at b's mastery of his tailed beast b refused as he was on vacation despite naruto's best efforts to impress him however when motoi heard naruto bumped fists with b he took naruto to the falls of truth where b trained to control the eight tails following motoi's instructions naruto sat on the platform in front of the waterfall and closed his eyes to see his true self dark naruto who berated naruto on how quickly the konoha villagers changed their opinions of him and exclaimed that the ninetales liked him better inside his mind naruto fought his dark self but found that they were evenly matched breaking out of the meditation naruto questions motoi about bee's history in order to learn about how to conquer his inner darkness naruto reminisced about how b and gara changed everyone's opinions about them and began to doubt if the konoha villagers sincerely trusted him after witnessing bee save motoi from a giant squid and resumed their friendship and inspired naruto returned to the falls of truth and confronted dark naruto again with naruto now having faith in himself dark naruto began to weaken as he asked for his reason for existing naruto answered by hugging him accepted dark naruto as a part of him while thanking him for pushing him to become a better person dark naruto finally relented and faded b led naruto and yamato to a special room in the secret temple behind the waterfall where naruto was prepared to fight the nine tails for its chakra within his subconscious naruto unlocked the seal and engaged the nine tails in battle using sage mode though he appeared to have the upper hand and drained the nine tails chakra the fox instantly planted its own hatred within its absorbed chakra consuming naruto just before naruto was completely consumed the spirit of his mother kushina uzumaki appeared naruto believed that kushina was the nine tails in disguise earning a hit on the head and an immediate apology from her who hoped that he did not inherit her short temper realizing kushina was his mother he tearfully hugged her and the love-filled reunion purged the nine-tails hatred within his drain chakra with renewed confidence from hearing the story of his parents naruto battled the nine-tails once more with his mother's assistance naruto successfully weakens the fox long enough to separate it from its chakra attaining the nine tails chakra mode naruto imprisons the emaciated and infuriated ninetails within a new stronger seal apologizing to it as it faded into darkness afterwards naruto learned from kushina about his heritage the truth behind the nine tails attack on konoha and how his parents gave their lives to protect him naruto told his mother that he could finally understand what a parent's love felt like and that he didn't blame them for what happened instead feeling glad to be their son as she fades away kushina tearfully hugged naruto thanking him for letting her and minato be his parents in the real world naruto demonstrated his nine-tails chakra mode to b and yamato before sensing kiseme hoshigaki of akatsuki hidden inside his samehara via his negative emotions when kiseme attempted to escape naruto used his blinding speed to quickly smash him into the wall though he gets his foot stuck yamato helps naruto out while b pursues kisame and they regroup to see kiseme's defeat by guy kiseme is restrained for interrogation though he breaks free of his confinements through sheer will and summons sharks inside a water prison to eat him alive shocked by kisame's suicide naruto observes that even those in akatsuki fight for their comrades they examine the intel that kisame was trying to send which turns out to be booby-trapped they are each caught in a water prison and are trapped alongside a shark another shark meanwhile is able to escape with kisema's intel after they escape naruto is tasked with evacuating the giant animals onto the island turtle's shell and logging the island's ecology as part of its official s-rank mission he remains unaware that it's a ploy to keep him away from the war fourth shinobi world war confrontation naruto returned the falls of truth with bee to start practicing his nine tails chakra mode specifically learning about how to use tailed beast balls since the tailed beast balls couldn't be made without nine tails cooperation naruto tried to create the tailed beast resangon as a workaround while struggling to balance the jutsu's composition he sensed a distant source of the nine-tails chakra naruto left the falls of truth to investigate and was met by a contingent of konohan nin amongst them irika umino uruka tried to convince him to go back to his training but naruto bypassed them and from entering sage mode sensed the ongoing 4th shinobi world war naruto became angry that they would try to keep the war a secret from him and they wouldn't let him help erica apologized yet still made an effort to restrain him naruto escaped and found a self-repairing barrier preventing him from leaving by himself b at irika's request decided to join him and together they broke through the barrier shortly after the nine tails pulled naruto into his subconscious berating him for squandering its chakra and calling him naive to think he could stop the war by himself when the nine tails failed once again to tempt naruto with power the fox went off to claim that his attempt to put an end to hatred was futile using his history with sasuke as proof naruto responded by pinning the fox down refuting that it was the only one who was being naive and confidently exclaiming that he would find a way to deal with sasuke and end the war before he leaves naruto also promises to resolve the nine tails own a hatred someday unnerving the fox on their way to the battlefield naruto and b were met by the fourth reikage and tsunade both intent on stopping the jinchuriki bee tried to convince the reikage to let them go and when that failed naruto tried to get around them but the reikage's lightning-release chakra mode was too fast for that the reikage became increasingly aggressive in his determination to stop naruto and b from joining the war effort going so far as to threaten to kill naruto if it would keep akatsuki from capturing the nine tails first b and then tsunade joined naruto in arguing to allow them to fight which the reikage relented to once naruto dodges his maximum speed on tsunade's orders shikaku nara contacted naruto and informed him about akatsuki's white zetsu army and the accompanying impure world reincarnations naruto nb soon afterwards encountered a squad of seeming allied forces but with his nine tails chakra modability it allowed him to detect them as disguised zetsu he quickly defeated them and sent shadow clones to various other battlefields to lend assistance naruto and b soon ran into the reincarnated itachi uchiha and nagato they greeted naruto and briefly caught up on what had happened since their deaths but were quickly forced to attack by their summoner kabato yakashi nagato advised naruto and b on how to counter this jutsu while hitachi between his own attacks recalled the crow that he planted in naruto during their last meeting itachi activated the koro amat tsukami of the crow's mangekyo sharingan to release himself from kabato's influence hitachi joined naruto and b in fighting nagato first by neutralizing the rinnegan summoning and then saving them from being killed by nagato nagato his personality now suppressed tried capturing them with chibaku tensei which the three combined efforts to destroy while nagato was distracted by their attack itachi sealed him with susano his personality restored nagato used his last moments to apologize and put his faith in naruto afterwards itachi destroyed the crow it's koroa matsukami too valuable to let fall under the wrong hands he left to find kabuto so he could end the impure world reincarnation but not before telling naruto to let his friends support him and leaving sasuke's reform to him a shadow clone arrived at the site of the fourth division's battle with various reincarnated kage naruto was able to land a sneak attack on mu allowing the third tsuchikage to seal him before he could say anything the tsuchikage went to help gara fight the second musical game leaving naruto and the third reikage along with the other members of the fourth division like the fourth reikage the third was very fast easily dodging most attacks the few attacks that did land had almost no effect his body's natural defense was too high and the reikage offenses allowed him to break through every attempt to contain him when naruto noticed that the reikage had a scar from his fight with the eight tails years earlier he contacted it via b to ask how the reikage received the scar upon hearing the eight tails answer naruto surmises that the scar was self-inflicted confirming it as he manipulates the third into piercing his own body the third is sealed and naruto regroups with the tsuchikage and gara who had already defeated the second mizukage as naruto and b continued onwards naruto's shadow clones started arriving at various locations fourth shinobi world war climax shadow clones arrived at all the remaining battlefields securing impure world reincarnations weeding out the zetsu that had infiltrated the alliance's ranks and defeating any other remaining zetsu victory seemed near when the sensor division detected a new threat near the fourth division mu who split himself before his ceiling and the reincarnated matara uchiha shocked by this revelation they all wondered who the masked man toby really was moderate gave them little time to discuss it and attack them immediately he cut swabs through the fourth division's ranks and used his rinigon to avoid the clones the tsuchikages and gara's counter-attack wishing to eliminate them all at once matara dropped a meteorite on them while the survivors regrouped madura tried to summon the nine tails although it failed the fox sensed the attempt and offered some chakra to help fight matara preferring naruto over the uchiha the shadow clone used the ninetails chakra to counter modera's nativity of a world of trees with big balls spiraling serial zone spheres though the extended fighting left the clone exhausted afterwards moderate moved in to capture it but was parried by the arrival of tsunade the fourth reikage and the fifth mizukage the five kage vowed to deal with matara themselves and asked that naruto should instead focus on defeating toby the clone dispersed just as the real naruto converged on toby naruto and b clashed with toby's reincarnated jinchiriki styled like a six paths of pain during the fighting naruto referenced another matara and asked who toby really was realizing his lie was exposed toby refused to accept any particular identity believing it to be irrelevant naruto was not satisfied with this answer and vowed to break toby's mask b entered tailed beast mode to clear the surrounding forest that was giving him a naruto a disadvantage against the reincarnated jinchiriki he then tried to seal the jinsho to keep but toby had them enter version 2 forms to escape the last second the increased strength of the jinshuriki caused difficulties for naruto and b toby taking advantage of the situation nearly captured naruto but was blocked by the arrival of kakashi and guy their arrival balanced out the two sides so toby had the four tails and six tails enter tailed beast modes as well the four tails captured naruto in his mouth allowing it to communicate with him the four tales introducing itself with the name of son goku was angered to be controlled by toby but it doubted naruto would be any better since humans had always sought to control it and its fellow-tailed beasts naruto insisted he was different and son goku touched by his desire to help it told him how to release it from toby's control naruto managed to break out of its mouth locate the black receiver and remove it son goku thanked naruto for his help but explained that it couldn't actually be saved as it was still bound to the demonic statue of the outer path before it was pulled back into the demonic statue son goku gave some of its chakra to naruto and wished him luck toby having lost the use of one-tailed beast forced the others to enter tailed beast mode so the battle could be brought to an end the nine ninetales remarked that naruto couldn't possibly win without its help naruto stated that he was not up for taking its chakra by force at the moment and that he would figure something out however naruto's earlier determination to help son goku move the nine tails reminding it of the many selfless things naruto had done during his life and the perseverance he always displayed the nine tails no longer wanted to oppose naruto and instead offered to join him as a partner asking only that naruto call it by its name kurama naruto entered his own tailed beast mode and went to save kakashi and guide deflecting the other five beasts tailed beast balls the kurma avatar fought the beasts in close combat forcing them to combine their tailed beast balls into one against it kuroma countered theirs with a single one of its own tailed beast balls and naruto then used the avatar's tails to grab and remove the beast's black receivers from the contact naruto was able to interface with the other beasts who introduced themselves and like son goku gave him portions of their chakra toby recalled the beasts back into the demonic statue and though irritated remained confident in his eventual victory as he faced off with naruto b kakashi and guy by the time knight fell however toby was still unable to defeat them a light eventually descended on the reincarnated jinchiriki that bee had kept restrained allowing them to return to the afterlife and signaling that hitachi had finally defeated kabuto with his options running out toby deposited the benihisago and the kohaku no johay which contained portions of kurama's chakra into the demonic statue which combined with a fragment of the eight tails gyuki's chakra he had acquired previously was enough to start the revival of the ten tales naruto b kakashi and guy started focusing on destroying it but were constantly stopped by toby and his peculiar teleportation and intangibility abilities from the fighting however kakashi noticed that toby's abilities were seemingly linked to his own kamui to take advantage of this kakashi had one of naruto's shadow clones attack toby and just as the clone was about to be destroyed by one of toby's attacks kakashi used kamui on it without toby noticing naruto then attacked the tailed beast ball which toby escaped by retreating to kamu's dimension he found the clone waiting for him there and it destroyed his mask with a resengan when they saw his face guy and kakashi recognized toby as their childhood friend obito uchiha whom they'd long thought dead obito declined to explain his actions to them and instead attacked which attracted matara who escaped the release of the impure world reincarnation to their location seeing madra naruto asked what happened to the kage to which the elder uchiha replied that they were in bad condition when he left them from that and the conversation he overheard between matara and obito particularly their manipulation of nagato naruto attacked in a rage moderate reflected him and then tried to capture him and b so the ten tails could be revived in its complete form naruto split his attention he and b fighting matara's wood dragon with their tailed beast modes and one of his shadow clones trying to help kakashi get over the revelation that obito was alive obito tried to convince naruto of the futility of resistance naruto insisted that protecting his comrades was always worthwhile no matter how hopeless things may seem his words brought kakashi out of his slump enabling him to start fighting obito on his own an energized guy who created an opening for naruto and b to attack the demonic statue with a combined tailed beast ball the attack came too late however and the ten tales was revived naruto b kakashi and guy regrouped and coordinated an attack but the ten tales was too powerful and madara and obito once they linked themselves to it were able to deploy its powers effectively just before they could kill naruto and the others the combined remaining allied shinobi forces arrived to help shikaku nara communicating to all them from the alliance's headquarters staged an offensive to restrain the tentails although it failed it was effective enough that matara and obito had the tentails destroy the distant headquarters killing shikaku and everyone else stationed there the allies made individual attacks against the tentails but none had any effect at the same time the ten tails started raining wooden skewers all over the battlefield killing many when one was about to hit naruto hinata shielded him with her body and neji shielded her with his own dying nedji collapsed on naruto's shoulder asking him to be more careful in the future since many lives hinata's particularly now depend on his with his last breath he thanked naruto for calling him a genius all those years ago naruto was deeply distraught by neji's death which obito tried to use as an example of the needless death that the resistance caused and that could be solved in the new world he wanted to create hinata brought naruto back to his senses by reminding him of all the people who had given their lives to protect him and whose memories he could be insulting if he had given up now as naruto thanked her he took her hand and coated her with some of kodama's chakra naruto shared kurma's chakra throughout the allied forces increasing their strength and protecting them from harm they all maneuvered into a formation that shikaku was able to communicate to them before he died and then taking the form of a bird in memory of neji successfully removed the ten tales from obito and matara's control forced to fend for themselves obito sought out naruto criticizing him for wasting his energy protecting others naruto replied that protecting them actually gave him strength motivating everyone within earshot they then sensed that entails about to attack which kakashi tried to stop with kamui obito intercepted him and they teleported away leaving the others to endure the ten tails tenpenchy korema's chakra protected everyone but it faded in the aftermath naruto was left quite beaten up requiring sakura to heal him when the ten tails attacked with another tailed beast ball the allies mustered what little defense they could before it could reach them however the tailed beast ball was suddenly teleported away and naruto's reincarnated father minato namakazi appeared at naruto's side the first second and third hokage arrived soon afterward and along with minato erected a barrier around the ten tails to confine it sasuke arrived shortly after two at whose request the previous hokage were reincarnated by hirochimaru and who now opposed obito amara their fellow rookie9 had set aside their differences with sasuke for the time being and joined forces in launching an attack against the ten tails on size advice naruto sasuke and sakura all summoned their signature animals naruto calling on gamakichi in order to focus directly on the ten tails itself naruto and sasuke successfully damaged the tentail's arm with a combined scorch release halo hurricane jet black arrow style zero but it merely removed its arm to prevent the flames of sasuke's amaterasu from spreading before they could attack again obito returned landing on top of the ten-tail's head and seemingly about to use the samsara of heavenly life technique to restore moderate to life while everybody focused on stopping obito naruto couldn't help but notice the hand sails he was using were different than what nagato used minato tried to cut obito down but discovered that it was too late as he sealed the ten tails into his body becoming its jinchuriki birth of the ten tails jin churuki obito used his new power to destroy the barrier forcing the hokage to put the energy they were using towards the barrier to the fight instead because they had immortal bodies they launched the first attack so the others could learn what they could about obito's new abilities but they were quickly defeated naruto and sasuke engaged him as well but were nearly killed saved only by naruto using his chakra arms to link to minato so he could teleport them to safety just as before naruto and sasuke combined their attacks having minato and the second hokage coordinate teleport so the attack could connect obito's truth seeking balls dissipated much of the attack and the damage he did incur was quickly regenerated from the development and some of the previous exchanges minato concluded that obito was able to neutralize ninjutsu gamakichi wanting to make some final contribution to the fight before he was forced to return to mount miyoboku attacked with his starch syrup gun minato took this opportunity to try and reason with obito reminding him of his former dream to become hokage obito berated the title and those who had held it as he had surpassed them naruto was insulted not only because this was a slight against his father but also because he hadn't abandoned his dream of being hokage like obito did the second hokage teleported him to obito and he attacked with the resengan which successfully damaged obito naruto noticed that gamakichi's attack wasn't neutralized and realized that he was vulnerable to senjutsu with a weakness discovered obito trapped the alliance in a barrier and began charging multiple tailed beast balls that he would use to wipe away everyone within its confines minato noted that he wouldn't be able to teleport them all away in time so naruto came up with a different approach he linked his chakra with minato and remotely restored the alliance's chakra cloaks networking everyone in with munito's flying thunder god technique allowing him to teleport everyone out of the barrier munito did so and was afterwards very proud of his son saying he wished they had more time to talk naruto replied that it was not necessary since he already met his mother and that she explained everything naruto and minato each entered tailed beast modes with naruto merging his with sage mode in order to imbue their shared resengan with senjutsu the second teleported them to obito and they attacked but he blocked it with his truth-seeking balls to move ahead with his plans obito created a replica of the god tree the first step in performing the infinite tsukiomi the tree started absorbing chakra from those nearby until they die a fate that naruto nearly succumbed to until he was saved by the third hokage obito pointed to the growing number of casualties as further evidence that naruto should stop resisting an argument that naruto was increasingly having trouble ignoring sasuke unmoved by obito's words used susano to hack through the tree and then mocked naruto for giving up naruto was reminded of his desire not to lose sasuke or anyone else for that matter and reinvigorated joined sasuke in the offensive although their senjutsu enhanced tailed beast mode and susano could compete with obito they were individually unable to defeat him obito continued trying to convince naruto to stop but he ignored him sasuke then coated his susano around naruto's tailed beast mode granting the kurima avatar a sword and armor sensing that it was the final exchange obito created a sword and shield out of his own truth-seeking balls naruto created a resengan in each of the kuruma avatar's tales which his friends from konoha guide in a coordinated assault obito's shield destroying it as soon as naruto and sasuke sliced through obito with their sword the tailed beasts then began to emerge from the uchiha's body giving naruto and the combined allied shinobi forces the opportunity to pull them out the tug of war for the tailed beasts linked naruto's consciousness with obitos naruto reminded obito of his earlier claim that he was nobody and set out to prove to him that he was obito uchiha specifically the obito uchiha that kakashi used to know naruto pointed out their similarities how both were orphans and that because of that they wanted to be hokage obito agreed that they were similar but that was the reason that he was trying so hard to convince naruto that he was right and insisted that the world he wanted to create was a better one because his vision of the future was clear whereas the future of the current world was ambiguous naruto argued that was the point and that uncertainty when faced with comrades was worthwhile and offered obito's hand so they might see what happened together the allies successfully removed the tailed beasts from obito and he fell to the ground defeated minato and kakashi insisted that obitobia left to them while naruto and the rest of the alliance should focus on modera they did so joining forces with the first hokage against him but right before he could seal them matara put one final failsafe into effect he had black zetsu force obito to revive him matara quickly neutralized the first fended off naruto sasuke and sai and then went after the free-tailed beasts naruto entered tailed beast mode and assisted them with fighting him off they were initially successful but when matara reacquired one of his rinagan he easily defeated them with limbo border jail sealing them all back into the demonic statue including bis gyuki and naruto's kuruma the removal of kurma from his body caused naruto to pass out and placed his life in immediate danger his uzumaki heritage prevented him from dying instantly but he required constant medical attention from sakura in order to keep him alive on the advice of kuruma right before it was extracted gara took nara totaminato so that minato's portion of korema's chakra could be sealed into him saving him akashi sent naruto and sakura to kamui's dimension so that she could continue performing life support without interruption obito soon arrived to help her having overcome both blakzetsu and matara in order to acquire minato's half of korama and give it to naruto as his form of penance while on the border of life and death naruto was met by the sage of six paths hagaromo otsotsuki he explained his past conflicts with his mother kageyotsutsuki and the conflicts that emerged between his sons asura and indra his son's conflict had continued through these centuries but their chakra reincarnated every generation in new individuals to fight anew naruto was the current reincarnation of asura while sasuke was the reincarnation of indra naruto was not greatly surprised having sensed something like that when he met sasuke during the five kage summit because of matara's aims for the world hagoromo asked if he and sasuke could join forces to stop him a task he was only encouraged by from the tailed beast's positive words concerning naruto he gave naruto the six paths yang power half his chakra and the six path sage mode to help him in his goal when naruto woke up he had obito send him back to the real world there he stopped matara from killing might guy and use hagoromo's power to stabilize gai's life force from using the eight gates released formation surprised by naruto's sudden increase in power matera was hit by naruto's sage art lava released rasen shuriken which was fueled by goku's chakra and instantly cut down the giant tree obito created earlier when sasuke arrived naruto entered six paths sage mode and they started overwhelming moderate realizing his window was closing matara went after kakashi and took his mangakyo sharingan using it to follow obito sasuke appeared shortly afterwards sent by obito so matara wouldn't kill her she could do nothing about kokashi's eye so naruto used hagoromo's power to restore the one he lost years earlier matara soon returned having both his rinnegan and black zetsu in control of obito's body naruto and sasuke immediately resumed their attack but matera had an easier time with them he rose into the sky raining chibaku tensai on them to keep them busy while he projected the infinite tsukiomi on the world while naruto destroyed the remaining satellite-like constructs sasuke shielded him sakura and kakashi with susano from the infinite tsukiomi's gaze he let them out once the illusion was finished casting and they emerged to find themselves alone with the rest of the world being wrapped into matara's god nativity of a world of trees as moderate confronted them and started explaining how he had saved the world he was stabbed in the back by black zetsu blac zetsu then transferred to matara's body from obitos and forced him to absorb the world's chakra converting him into a woman that naruto and sasuke recognized as kaguya otsutsuki kagiya otsotsuki strikes kangiya detected that naruto and sasuke as the reincarnations of asura and indra and also that her son hagoromo had given them the power to defeat her not wanting to further the damage to the world that their fighting would cause she shifted them all to one of her dimensions placing them above a sea of lava sasuke summoned his hawk garuda to save himself and naruto but ignored naruto's pleas to save sakura kakashi and obito too since only he and naruto were vital to the fight kakashi was able to briefly stop their fall but the heat burned up the scroll he used to save them and it was only naruto's sudden discovery that he was able to levitate that saved them from the lava he left a shadow clone to hold onto them and then engaged kagi creating an opening for sasuke to attack sasuke's attack failed and naruto must save him from the lava with their attacks ineffective in the environment such a hazard naruto and sasuke discussed what to do kaguya appeared behind them and paralyzed them binding them with black zetsu while she started absorbing their chakra black zetsu took the opportunity to expand on the history earlier given by hagaromo painting kagaya as the victim of her sons hagaromo and hamura blac zetsu had for centuries been manipulating others towards the outcome of reviving her and only then had it finally succeeded it encouraged them to bask in the embrace of their oblivion but naruto refused breaking himself free with sasuke needing to take drastic action naruto used his ultimate jutsu sexy reverse harem technique kaguya was so distracted that she was nearly sealed but she recomposed herself in time to shift dimensions again freezing naruto and sasuke in place because naruto and sasuke were only a threat to her when together kaguya sent sasuke to a different dimension while she focused on naruto while kagia manipulated the ice dimension against him his shadow clone explained to kakashi's sakura and the now awake obito that his and sasuke's powers were both necessary to defeat her obito offered to use his kamui to try and explore kagi's dimensions to find sasuke to give obito an opening naruto used naruto region combo to overwhelm kagia forcing her to retreat to another dimension to get her bearings when she did so obito infiltrated the dimension kaguya went to his sakura and the shadow clone the shadow clone faced her so she wouldn't notice them while they look for sasuke kagi returned to the ice dimension and resumed her fight with the army of naruto's clones this kept her preoccupied until obito returned with sasuke increasingly frustrated kagi has shifted them to another dimension with powerful gravity to immobilize naruto and sasuke while she attacked with their all-killing ash bones kakashi and obito used themselves to shield the attack with obito then using kamui to protect kakashi leaving obito unable to defend himself naruto tried to heal the damage to his body but even hagoromo's power couldn't save him while sasuke fought kagia obito thanked naruto for reminding him of who he was and made him promise to become hokage for both their sakes naruto agreed and obito's body crumbled black zetsu ridiculed obito for living an insignificant life and dying an insignificant death enraged naruto severed kagi his arm in the sleeve of which black zetsu had been hiding and then pinned it to the ground with his truth seeking balls naruto and his shadow clones attacked kaguya with sage art super tailed beast rasan shuriken on impact the tailed beast's chakra within her began reacting and kagia started losing control of her form she was able to reconfigure herself and prepared an expansive truth-seeking ball to destroy them kakashi interfered using susano a last gift from obito to make an opening for naruto and sasuke she tried to escape but sakura punched her to keep her in place allowing naruto and sasuke to trigger six paths chibaku tensei the tailed beasts were removed from her mater was spat out and she was entombed in her own dimension not wanting black zetsu to scheme for her release again naruto made a point to trap it with her but not before telling it that he spoiled brat like it has no right to compare itself with the men and women who truly shaped shinobi history team 7 wondered how they would return to their world sensing their need hagoromo combined the efforts of the dead kage to summon them the tailed beasts and modera back hagoromo thanked them for saving the world as did the tailed beasts for saving them naruto happily greeted his original kurma asking if it missed him to which the flustered fox denied after matara died from his ordeal naruto met with minato who as day broke wished him a happy 17th birthday as hagoromo returned minatos and the souls of the other dead kagey to the pure land minato voiced his pride in naruto and promised to tell kushina everything about him the other kage also gave words of parting which naruto tearfully accepted with all threats gone hagaromo explained that the infinite tsukiomi would be released if naruto and sasuke combine their chakra sasuke agreed to this but first he wanted to kill the kage and destroy the tailed beasts believing both were inhibitive to world peace when he was unwilling to back down from his threat the tailed beasts moved in to stop sasuke but he captured each in their own chibaku tensei hagaromo recognized that as a continuation of indra's feud with asura but lacked time and power to do anything about it sakura tried to reason with sasuke but he knocked her out and left naruto followed after him promising to hageromo that he would bring him around finally and end the centuries-long feud naruto and sasuke end up at the valley of the end where they fought years ago sasuke stated his willingness to bear the world's burdens by himself and live independently of the past neither of which naruto believed were possible or at least wise he tells sasuke it's impossible to do everything alone like he plans to pointing to the missteps hitachi made and their own successful teamwork against kagia sasuke replies that he only wants to remake a better world one where he can like hitachi before be solely responsible for the difficult decisions that must be made so nobody else needs to this is what he believes a true hokage to be naruto insists he will be hokage not sasuke because sasuke is still going against what itachi wanted from him and they start fighting after a brief exchange of blows reminiscence of their fight years ago naruto and sasuke started trading punches with their tailed beast mode and susanoo respectively sasuke chastised naruto for not attacking him with an intent to kill but naruto like last time was unwilling to do so not wishing for either of them to go without the other naruto then clashed his tailed beast ball with sasuke's susanoo supported chidori producing a large explosion that does noticeable but not debilitating damage to their respective avatars each therefore powered up their avatars sasuke by channeling the captured tailed beasts into a susano and naruto by merging his avatar with the avatars of two shadow clones the two met attacks once again creating a gigantic explosion that stripped away their avatars and left them with too little chakra to use practically they instead resorted to taijutsu kicking and punching each other into the night as the two neared exhaustion kuruma mustered enough chakra for naruto to make one last attack but sasuke absorbed it having expected this naruto delivered a solid punch finally irritating sasuke over the endless repetition of their fight kuroma gave the last of its chakra to naruto who used it to make a resengan to counter sasuke's chidori both woke up later to find that much of the valley of the end had been destroyed and that they had each lost an arm and that neither could move sasuke reflected that naruto had been a constant obstacle to his goals but that he was also the only person who had never given up on him naruto's usual response that they were friends didn't convince sasuke since it obviously went beyond so naruto elaborated that he experienced pain if he didn't have sasuke sasuke was odd knowing full well that naruto had experienced various misfortunes in his life smiled through all of them and yet would suffer without sasuke when they woke up the next day sasuke admitted defeat for the first time in his life as he came to accept that naruto was just as vital to him as he was to naruto kakashi and sakura eventually tracked them down and sakura healed them though she couldn't do anything about their missing arms once they were able to walk they returned to where the allied shinobi forces were all trapped dispelled the infinite tsukiomi according to hagarom's instructions and sasuke released the tailed beasts with the war over naruto returns to the village where he attends a mass funeral for participants of the war in the anime while recovering from his injuries gara and a approach naruto and thank him for his effort during the war shigemaru later brings naruto to the academy and meet with urika and kakashi who are considering on promoting naruto as a jonine however because he never got to retake the tuning exams naruto has to complete two years worth of studies much to his dismay however naruto is cheered up as erica offers to help him blank period months after the war sasuke was pardoned for his crimes on the good word of naruto and kakashi who had been selected to become the sixth hokage just before sasuke left konoha to wander the world he was met by naruto who returned to him his forehead protector kakashi hiden lightning in the icy sky nearly a year after the end of the 4th shinobi world war naruto and sai were sent to the land of waves to capture gario leader of the ryuha armament alliance once they located the alliance's hideout naruto launched an assault with multiple shadow clones although he was still missing an arm he had learned how to perform one-handed hand seals he easily dealt with most of the alliance's members but was briefly stalled by the ice release of gario's bodyguard naruto distracted the bodyguard with a shadow clone for long enough to apprehend gario at some point within the next two months naruto received a prosthetic arm to replace the one he lost during the war while eating at ramen ichiraku one day he saw kakashi walking by and asked him when he would officially take on the responsibilities of hokage he tried to convince kakashi by listing the many shortcomings of tsunade unaware that she was standing right behind him she angrily knocked naruto unconscious kakashi finally accepted the hokage position shortly after the mission involving the ryuha armament alliance and the blood prison shikomaruhiden a cloud drifting in silent darkness naruto ran into shikimaru early one morning and they discussed their heavy workloads for the shinobi union since naruto's assignments were given to him by shikamaru he took the opportunity to complain shikamaru explained that naruto a prime candidate for an eventual hokage position needed to get used to it naruto later discussed what shikamaru had said with sakura having sensed there was something shikamaru was keeping from him sakura reminded naruto of all the work shikimaru did to prepare naruto for becoming hokage and that it likely had something to do with that naruto was aware of all that shikomaru did on his behalf but wondered if it was worth shikimaru's trouble a few days later naruto was approached by tamari who was worried about shikamaru's recent behavior and now asked where he was naruto didn't know and was troubled to find that neither did choji or ino he finally asked kakashi who admitted under pressure that shikamaru was on a secret assignment to the land of silence naruto joined tamari's team of tsuna ninja to go to the land of silence to provide assistance to shikamaru they interrogated the locals upon arrival and learned that shikimaru had been captured by the enlightened ones they attacked the prison where shikamaru was being held and successfully freed him enabling him to complete his mission by taking the country's leader gengo into custody afterwards naruto demanded that shikomaru never keep anything from him again otherwise their future hokage advisor relationship would be very problematic shikamaru agreed and apologized while shikamaru returned to konoha naruto and several under konoha and tsuna shinobi remain in the land of silence to help the country recover from gengo's control the last naruto the movie during the rene festival naruto being the hero of the village was bombarded with gifts from various young konoha residents to distract naruto from all the attention konohamaru invited him over to his grandfather's storage where naruto found a scarf that his mother had knitted for him before she passed he happily began wearing the scarf around the village treating it as a precious memento naruto attempted to discuss his newfound attention to hinata over ramen but it made her uncomfortable and ran away with embarrassment much to his confusion and leading him to chase after her while looking for her naruto stumbled across a horde of puppets trying to abduct hinata after he rescued her they were notified that hinata's sister hanabi was kidnapped by toneriotsotsuki and were assigned on a team to rescue her kakashi informed the team of the imminent crashing of the moon onto the earth and asked they do what they can to stop it in case teneri was connected in some way they follow hanabi's trail which led into a cave while traveling through it they were caught in genjutsu formed from their own memories from seeing events of his own past and some of hinata's naruto was reminded of her feelings for him and realized that he felt the same way sakura released them from the genjutsu and continued with the mission after the team encountered the gatekeeper naruto noticed that hinata was missing and left to go find her only to discover that she was in a conversation with a disguised taneri who he quickly defeated hinata wouldn't share what she had discussed with the puppet so naruto vowed not to let her out of his sight again they continued through the cave and eventually arrived in the moon's interior which the team then split up to investigate the surrounding settlement after the team regrouped naruto watched hinata as she repaired her ruined scarf she expressed her concerns that she wasn't doing enough to save her sister so naruto reassured her and also told her how he felt taneri appeared before she could respond prompting hinata to give naruto the scarf and departed with taneri naruto chased after them believing hinata was taken against her will when hinata did not deny toneri's statement about them getting married naruto became too shocked to react daenery attacked him destroying the scarf and leaving him badly injured after three days of around-the-clock medical attention from sakura he woke up naruto was distraught believing that there was no reason to go on if hinata had chosen to nary sakura reassured him that hinata couldn't really have feelings for taneri as she loved naruto too much and had a reason for doing what she did as his strength returned naruto vowed he would save hinata and for her to wait for him the team soon infiltrated to neri's castle and after locating hinata naruto went after her while the others rescued hanabi he arrived in time to interrupt taneri's and hinata's wedding ceremony toneri who was controlling hinata had her attack naruto only for him to break his control and escape with her hinata led him to the ten saigon that was controlling the moon's descent which they individually tried to destroy to no success but together they succeeded after regrouping with the others hinata gave naruto a piece of the scarf she admitted for him which he graciously accepted the team then attempted to flee the castle but a furious taneri appeared and separated the group which gave him the opportunity to recapture hinata during their intense fight naruto managed to overcome taneri's new power and overwhelm him by concentrating all of his chakra into his fist and defeated him with a single punch freeing hinata in the process taneri tried one final attack but was unable to control his power leading naruto to intervene and save him from drifting out into space afterwards hinata informed to niri of homura's actual decree and he regretful about what he did allowed the team to return home as they were returning to earth naruto reaffirmed his feelings for hinata and stated that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life much to her happiness and the two later shared their first kiss sakurahiden thoughts of love riding upon a spring breeze when naruto and hinata were out on a date in konaha they ran into sakura sensing that sakura was overworking herself they invited her to join them but she declined one day while naruto was teaching a class of academy students how to spar he noticed sakura who was wandering around konoha feeling distressed sensing that she needed a distraction naruto insisted that she help him which took her mind off recent events as thanks sakura informed naruto of something she had avoided telling him there were rumors that sasuke was trying to destroy konoha she didn't believe the rumors were true but nobody had been able to get in touch with sasuke to confirm naruto pointed out that sasuke must not be worried by these rumors otherwise he would respond to the messages he'd been sent sakura thought this was a good point and was put at ease when naruto and hinata later learned that sakura had been captured by kido tsumiki they joined with kakashi in going to rescue her on finding her however they discovered she had already defeated kido they congratulated her on her victory konohahiden the perfect day for a wedding naruto and hinata decided to get married and invited their friends and family because his parents were dead naruto asked irika to attend as his father which erica happily agreed to on the day of the wedding though naruto kept his real father in his thoughts looking upon minato's face on the hokage rock with admiration as he and hinata were about to walk down the aisle new era shortly after their wedding naruto and hinata had a son and two years later they had a daughter during the years naruto was constantly busy leading to him never taking the tuning exams despite being a guinea naruto was selected to succeed kakashi and become the seventh hokage on the day of his inauguration boruto accidentally destroyed himowari's toy leading to naruto stepping in to defend his son from himawari's gentle fist strike but he ended up taking the blow instead rendering him unconscious he ended up missing his own inauguration forcing konohamaru to impersonate him during the ceremony as hokage he hosted a kage summit in konoha in which sasuke and sakura attended alongside the for kage and their bodyguards during the meeting sasuke reported that a threat greater than kagiya might exist somewhere which naruto and the other kage decided to keep the information between themselves to avoid causing any panic academy entrance arc in the anime naruto partakes in the entrance ceremony at the academy which leads him to being mortified after boruto arrives and damages hokage rock after the incident naruto learns from the kaminarimon company president that boruto is having a positive impact on his son leading to naruto smiling later as a mysterious presence continues to cause people in the village to randomly attack the citizens naruto decides to begin an investigation which uncovers that victims are having their chakras severely drained to the point of hospitalization in the anime as the mysterious attacks begin to happen more throughout the village naruto's efforts to uncover the truth begin to exhaust him and being insisted by shikamaru to go home and rest upon arriving he learns that boruto was acting very strange recently once confronting his son about his new attitude boruto insisted that he had finally manifested his biakugan leading them to talk to hiyashi upon arriving at his household hiyashi like naruto had doubts that boruto had awakened the biakugan deciding to test boruto hanabi faces boruto which concluded that boruto hadn't manifested the dojutsu afterwards naruto talked with hiyashi about his grandchildren after assigning sai to investigate the attacks in the village he returned home late and confided in hinata about his ineptitude in interacting with his children believing it to stem from his growing up without parents some time later naruto saved civilians at the konoha purification plant as boruto decided to check on his hospitalized friends realizing that his son was conducting his own investigation on the attacks naruto dragged boruto to the surgery room showing his son what was becoming of the victims of prolonged rampages while hoping to sway boruto into staying out of this matter it only strengthened boruto's resolve shino then appeared encouraging naruto to have faith in his son as the teacher himself was recently saved by boruto's efforts while still weary naruto decided to trust shino's judgement while having dinner with his family in mitsuki naruto abruptly departs to handle a matter involving strange chakras spreading across konoha soon after sai discovered that the culprit behind these attacks was sumirikake naruto learned from kakashi that sumire's intention was to unleash the gozu tenno on the village later when sai found sumire she unleashed the nue naruto soon joined the unit to fend off the creature but kakashi warned naruto not to get too close having realized that the endgame of this creature was to amass enough chakra to produce a powerful enough explosion to destroy the village while the barrier team worked to keep the creature at bay it suddenly teleported away as naruto attempted to find the creature with sage mode kakashi deduced that the creature worked differently than normal summonings existing naturally in its own separate dimension upon sumirai turning herself in sai and shikamaru notify him that it's due to boruto appealing to her genuine love of her friends in the academy making naruto relieved that he decided to admit her in the first place later he informs boruto that while he must look to the welfare of the entire village and does not have absolute say he promises to help sumire ultimately it was decided to pardon her and let her return to the academy later naruto sent a clone to meet up with sasuke giving him the research on the gozu tenno sasuke quickly deduced that this was an attempt from danzo to recreate kageya's technique before sasuke departs he asks naruto to apologize to sakura for his continued absence leading to naruto feeling responsible for it sarah uchiha arc in the anime when himowari became sick due to a fever naruto hurried home worried about her in which boruto pointed out that his hokage cloak is inside out when naruto and boruto began fighting over what himowari should eat hinata became angry and kicked them both out of the house due to them being noisy naruto then invited boruto to eat with him at ramen ichiraku to try to bond with him in which he accepted as they ate naruto told his son all the precious memories he had in the shop such as being acknowledged by irika hanging out with team seven and going on his first date with hinata on the day of the five kage summit in konoha moegi and udon notified naruto that boroto had vandalized the hokage rock before boruto could do any more damage naruto catches and stops him afterwards he gives his son a lecture about how the whole village is his family the ordeal leads naruto to arriving late to one kage meeting which he apologizes for as boruto's graduation exam from the academy was approaching naruto used a shadow clone to help him train meanwhile the real naruto received a report from sasuke about a boy with a sharingan after he consulted with kakashi about it naruto decided to accompany sasuke to a meeting with orochimaru leaving behind a shadow clone to manage konoha in his absence he made a point to leave the village before boruto could come see him off though he asked shikomaru to apologize to boruto on his behalf while on his way to the rendezvous point naruto sensed that he was being followed by sarah uchiha and chocho akamichi he initially tried to ignore them but eventually decided it would be better to confront them than to let them continue coming after him when he arrived to speak with them however he found them being attacked by the same boy from sasuke's report although he was pleased they were able to hold their own against their attacker naruto decided to get personally involved when he saw the boyhead among gekko sharingan the boy could do nothing against naruto's nine-tails chakra mode so he fled with a creature's space-time ninjutsu because the boy was apparently after sarada naruto allowed them to come with him so he could keep them safe while having lunch naruto told sarida about what her father was like growing up and informed both sarita and chocho in what ways they take after their parents sarida was not only interested to hear about sasuke but also found that she got along quite well with naruto as they got close to where they were supposed to meet up with sasuke sarita used the bathroom as an excuse to sneak away from naruto and chocho so that she could see him first naruto followed and on arrival was reprimanded by sasuke for bringing children with him sarita explained that she came without permission as she wanted to know if sakura was her real mother sasuke ignored the question which only upset her and caused her to storm out naruto tried to comfort her but his assurance assurances that sasuke meant well did not improve her mood before he could continue he sensed the boy's return and defended sarita as the boy and his father shin uchiha attack sasuke assisted in fighting off shin and his son but shin was able to manipulate sasuke's sword and used it to stab naruto naruto continued attacking shin despite his injury though he tried to use being impaled by the sword to win sympathy kurama ridiculed naruto for allowing himself to be stabbed at all but assured him that it wouldn't kill him sakura suddenly arrived to lend assistance and landed a fatal blow on shin forcing shin to escape and took sakura with him unable to detect where shin had taken sakura they continued to orochimaru's lair orochimaru informed them that shin was an old experiment of his that he had since lost control of naruto noticed sarita sneaking off with suigetsu during orochimaru's explanation and followed them listening in a sweetgetsu ran a dna test that suggested sarita's real mother was actually korean not knowing what the truth was naruto was upset first with sasuke for the secret he had seemingly been keeping but also with sweetgetsu for being involved he approached sarita to discuss it with her but she lashed out at him believing he had been a knowing participant in the lie that sakura was her mother when she tried to insist that having no blood relation to sakura meant they weren't family naruto took a firm stance he wasn't related to most of konoha's villagers yet he still considered them his family because they were important to him in the same way sakura and sarah were family because they were important to each other sarah realized how much she loved sakura and decided she wanted to help rescue her she reunited with the others and they head out for shin's hideout using sasuke's rinigon they were able to reach where shin took sakura only to find sakura faring fine on her own fighting him with the numbers growing against him shin called his sons actually his clones to assist but they turned against him and killed him because he always mistreated them the clones then turned their attention to naruto and the others which naruto engaged with his own shadow clones because they were only children he frightened them into surrendering by manifesting kurama after learning that sakura indeed was her biological mother sarita reconciled with her parents much to naruto's happiness then they all returned to konaha with shin's clones being delivered to the konoha orphanage school trip arc in the anime to improve relationships with other villages and symbolically show the warring era was over naruto set up an official class trip for the academy to go to kirigakure working out the details with trojuro he also got a tour guide for the class graduation exams arc in the anime as academy classes began preparing for their graduation exams the various students were interviewed about their future goals alongside a parent naruto however was unable to join his son as he was busy discussing matters with orochimaru about his research on danzo's old experiments as orochimaru delivered promising results to aid sasuke in his own investigations while shikamaru voiced his still limited trust in orochimaru naruto was more relaxed about orochimura roaming the village on boruto's first day as a genin naruto managed to get some time to have breakfast with his family and see boruto off to be assigned to his team after boruto left shikamaru went to naruto's house to collect him and inform him of his various duties for the day later on naruto was in a field testing a number of shinobi skills in barrier ninjutsu to better protect the village with mirai sarutobi as his escort for the day when boruto and his teammates came to him he was thinking that they want to change teams but was pleasantly surprised when they instead wanted their team denomination to be changed to team seven genning mission arc in the anime as the recently promoted ghanian began to prepare for their first missions naruto prepared to present them as it was customary while boruto was bragging about how easy it will be naruto sternly warned him not to be so cocky he presented team 7 with a d-rank mission to aid the green bank's village who were being attacked by bandits for their crops naruto stressed that the team should show teamwork to complete the mission biakiya gang arc in the anime when the biakia gang began conducting heist throughout konoha their act of distributing their stolen wealth to the poor began gaining much support from many of the villagers leading to a protest breaking out after the group fooled the villagers into believing the kaminariman company was corrupt after shinobi determined the leaders of the protest were being manipulated by genjutsu and freed them naruto and his clones appeared before the crowds and began quelling them with his speech straight after naruto headed towards the land of fire's border where he apprehended gekko who had used the riots as a distraction to steal the magnum opus from the ninjutsu research center naruto shinden parent and child day after announcing parent and child day shikamaru took care of naruto's paperwork allowing him to spend time with himawari despite being sleep deprived naruto accepted his daughter's wish and began searching for a kurama doll with her after being joined by kiba during their unsuccessful search he bought himowari a shukaku doll to which she enjoyed later with himowari going to bed with hinata naruto approached boruto and apologized for not having spent any time during the holiday with his son he gave boruto a custom shuriken as a present and the two decided to spend the remainder of the evening training together vs momoshiki arc in the anime on the day of boruto's birthday work got in the way making him unable to attend instead only arriving home late at night with a birthday present as an apology later as more investigations to the workings of kagia continued a third otsotsuki clan ruin tied to her was found determined to find out all he could naruto prepared to investigate it personally on the way out naruto was approached by his son demanding that his father promised he would show up for himowari's birthday that was coming up which he did later naruto remained busy with his hokage duties and continued having a strained relationship with his son konoha has grown to be a large city under naruto's leadership although naruto is overwhelmed with the responsibilities of being hokage leading him to create shadow clones to tend to his family and the villagers when boruto and his team report to naruto after a mission naruto asked his son to address him as the seventh instead of dad and reminded him the importance of teamwork which annoyed his son as he believed they could handle anything on his own boroto warned his father to be home for himowari's birthday party or else he will never forgive him kataske tono then entered his office requesting permission from naruto to allow participants of the upcoming tuning exams to use his new invention the kotei however naruto refused on the grounds that it did not show one's true abilities as a shinobi naruto was unable to make it to his daughter's birthday party and sent a shadow clone instead however the clone ended up disappearing and dropping the cake when naruto became fatigued which enraged boruto and caused him to throw naruto's old tattered jacket out the window naruto felt guilty for letting his family down and shikomaru told him to go home and rest the jacket was found by sasuke who returned to konoha to ask for help in deciphering a scroll he found in kagi's abandoned castle they met in naruto's office where sasuke mentioned his meeting with boruto and this leads to them making a bet on whether the nature of a shinobi has changed in regards to boruto to which sasuke says it hasn't and naruto says it has naruto wasn't surprised when boruto won the first test but after being advised by shikamaru to reach out to him naruto congratulated him via email much to boruto's annoyance while the scroll was being deciphered naruto sent a clone to meet up with sasuke and asked him if it was true that he was training boruto naruto said that perhaps sasuke was right concerning the nature of shinobi remaining the same to which sasuke agrees naruto was nervous about the outcome of the second test but after learning boruto past naruto was overjoyed later he met with boruto in his bedroom and personally congratulated him and told him not to lose against shikadai naruto offered a fist bump but boruto only smiled as he didn't want his father to discover the kota he was wearing for the third test naruto chose to sit with hinata and himawari rather than with the other kage as they watched boruto fight in the third round and finally against shiga dinara at the end naruto suspected something was wrong after boruto won in the anime he did not realize anything was amiss until boruto's next match in the finals when he defeated shinki he asked hinata to use her biakugan and she noticed boruto was wearing a kotei in the anime he realized the truth on his own realizing that boruto was using the exam forbidden tool to advance his techniques a disappointed naruto confronted him in the arena ordered that boruto be disqualified from the exam and took boruto's forehead protector from him suspending his ninja status he told boruto they would talk about this at home but boruto lashed out at him that naruto doesn't know how to give him a lecture when he's never been home suddenly momoshiki and kinshiki otsotsuki appear and begin attacking the arena naruto is knocked out of the arena by momoshiki but he rushes back to defend his son when he is in danger and is shortly joined by sasuke and sarida sasuke informed naruto that the two enemies are the new threat written about in the scroll naruto realizes he is their target and demands to know what they want after momoshiki reveals he wants kagi as chakra and eventually kuramas from the 7th hokage naruto and sasuke combine kurama and susano to shield themselves and their children from the enemy's attacks naruto also dispatches shadow clones to protect civilians that hadn't managed to flee from the arena determined to protect his son and his friends naruto ultimately decides to allow himself to be captured in momoshiki's jutsu and asks sasuke to take care of boruto for him just before naruto disappears he looks over his shoulder and offers his son one last smile naruto was teleported to another dimension and bound by momoshiki and kinshiki to a god tree naruto resisted as momoshiki extracted half of koram's chakra from inside naruto the two debated the merits of instant strength and earned strength causing naruto to realize his own lack of effort in trying to understand boruto which is what drove him to cheat with the shinobi gauntlet during the ordeal sasuke boruto and the other kage arrived to rescue him naruto surprised to see boruto wearing his old jacket told his son that it was like looking at one of his shadow clones when he tried to apologize to boruto for not being there for him boruto replied that it was all right and that he wants to hear more about naruto's past after the other kage failed to defeat kinshiki and the latter was absorbed by momoshiki naruto and sasuke joined forces to fight him and initially gain the upper hand until naruto was briefly imprisoned by boulders and sasuke was severely burned by momoshiki's lava release naruto became enraged upon seeing sasuke injured but was relieved to find he was alright and still able to fight after being healed by kurama's chakra once again by combining kurama and susano they managed to defeat momoshiki and cut his lava creature in half but katasuke rushed in and began firing ninjutsu attacks from his kotei at momoshiki which he absorbed and used to attack naruto and the others naruto is restrained by black rods while momoshiki prepares to eliminate the rest of the kage when boruto used his vanishing resengan against momoshiki to free his father and the other kage naruto was greatly surprised to find that his son was able to use the resengon as they prepare their final assault naruto helps boruto create a parent and child resengan which boruto himself unleashes upon momoshiki and ultimately kills him after the battle ends naruto sits with sasuke and agrees that sasuke won their bet naruto proudly looked on at his son and stated that he would always be there to watch boruto grow as his father after returning home naruto posed for a photograph with boruto sasuke and the four other kage one morning as boruto left to meet with his team and naruto left to go to work both wished for the other to do their best and bumped fists with each other while boruto was giving a live interview on konoha tv naruto watches it from his desk chocho arc in the anime when the two lead actors of a popular tv drama received a death threat naruto assigned team 7 and team 10 to protect them mitsuki's disappearance arc in the anime when two guards were attacked by unknown assailants the village was put on lockdown maruto and his advisors then oversaw ino probe uo's mind for answers learning that mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers when naruto revealed to the others mitsuki was in fact orochimaru's son much outraged followed prompting naruto to give his rationale on why he accepted mitsuki into konoha later naruto was informed that boruto and sarah left the village to find mitsuki leading to him dispatching team 10 to retrieve the pair when naruto learned that the attackers were on route to the land of earth he contacted kurotsuchi who promised to investigate the matter herself and return the konoha ghani in pursuing mitsuki while discussing mitsuki's apparent betrayal konohamaru insisted he'd be the one to bring his student back which naruto reluctantly agreed to naruto later attempted to contact kurozuchi but was told she wasn't available leading to him becoming suspicious something was happening in iwagakure later naruto's fears were proven correct when shikadai contacted his father via phone revealing that iwagakurei was taken over as part of a plan by onoki knowing they couldn't act hastily naruto talks with the other officials and decides he would join shikamaru in meeting with the other daimyo to get their support on engaging this personal matter in getting approval naruto and an escort moved out and allowed his son's peers to come with him upon arriving at the village naruto applauded konohamaru's work during iwa's internal struggle naruto stayed in the village and attended onoki's funeral prompting him to say the tsuchikage left behind a grand legacy and lesson about perseverance after returning to the village while personally applauding boruto and sarah for loyally supporting mitsuki whose own efforts were revealed to have saved iwa he was still reluctantly forced to strip the team 7 ghenin of their shinobi status as punishment for deserting the village later kurotsuchi's gratitude and recommendation convinced naruto to reinstate them konohamaru's love arc in the anime due to konohamaru spying on asaki a complaint was filed against him prompting naruto to place him under house arrest one tale escort arc in the anime after sai delivered a sealed shukaku and a tea kettle to naruto as a result of gara being unable to protect it in the land of wind from uroshiki otsutsuki shukaku explained that it only made it to konoha due to boruto acting as a decoy against their pursuer informing shikamaru that he was going to the scene sasuke approached the pair and told them that it wasn't necessary as sasuke had earlier protected boruto and forced uroshiki to retreat three days later naruto and gara discussed the incident in his office afterwards naruto had a shadow clone see the kazukage off at the thunder rail station some time later naruto brought shukaku to his house until an official safe house had been decided on later on that evening naruto had a telepathic meeting with some of the other tailed beasts to discuss how to handle being targeted as a result of guarding shukaku naruto got to spend time with his family before escorting shukaku to its safe house time slip arc in the anime naruto was notified that uroshiki was on the move again being even more indiscriminate in his stealing of chakra while pleased that all of the five great shinobi nations were on alert and willing to share all intel shikamaru voiced his concerns about mirai's sudden disappearance and also wondered what their enemy's true goal was for gathering chakra later naruto decided to have the ghanian test new surveillance equipment designed to follow their location during the test urashiki was spotted in the area this prompted most of the konohan nin in the village to engage while shikimaru stayed in the hokage office to help protect naruto urashiki managed to get hold of a device that allowed him to travel into the past prompting sasuke and boruto to be sent back alongside him to the time period shortly after sasuke's defection a teenage naruto and jiraya encounter the pair who were disguising their identities and their occupations as traveling performers as they were foreigners tsunade has naruto and jiraya look over them spending time with boruto naruto was intrigued by the things he was told and allowed him to sleep at his apartment the day after cleaning up a bath house together urashiki targeted naruto failing at extracting koram's chakra urashiki instead captured him and trapped boroto sasuke and jiraya in a rock prison before retreating using a cave as a hideout urashiki forced naruto's seal to emerge and used his chakra in an attempt to forcibly extract kurama's chakra from within naruto urashiki's actions caused kurama's chakra to leak out forcing naruto to undergo his version 1 transformation arriving to rescue naruto boruto attempted to reason with his father but naruto had since completely lost his common sense and attacked boruto jiraya managed to subdue the nine-tails chakra with a seal and sasuke forced urashiki to retreat afterwards jiraya offered to train naruto and boruto to prepare them for urashiki the following day naruto began working with boruto to synchronize their chakra to create a new cooperation jutsu under jiraya's guidance after boruto left to clear his head sasuke approached naruto with food from jiraiya and told naruto about how a friend struggled for years to help him after he lost his way but he never gave up until finally succeeding which renewed naruto's conviction continuing his training the next day the pair was approached by sakura who had found sasuke's note from the future and questioned why sasuke's name was on it before shortly leaving with an answer naruto and boruto resumed their training which ultimately left them exhausted they were approached again by urashiki who subdued the pair jiraya and sasuke joined the fight deciding the foe's newest technique was too dangerous sasuke tackled himself and urashiki over the ledge and into a river to let his allies escape while tending to jiraiya's wounds the group tried to figure out how to deal with urashiki boruto realized that in the fight the blood splattered on uroshiki was drying much faster than boruto's after engaging the foe again to test a theory they concluded that urashiki's technique lets him warp into the past by several seconds giving him a pseudo-clairvoyance from his experiences urashiki attacked the konohan nin again where jiraya contained everyone in his summoning toad mouthbind during which naruto unleashed a continuous barrage of clones on urashiki while he easily counted the assault with his technique urashiki inadvertently poisoned himself from the acidic vapors of the great toad's belly far sooner than the konohan nin due to his repeated time warp once jiraya released the summoning naruto and boruto then proceeded to knock out urashiki with a rasengan assault enraged uroshiki awoke and consumed all his accumulated chakra and his eyes leading to him undergoing a transformation that strengthened him jirayah and the two genie were quickly overwhelmed by uroshiki's continued assaults even with the aid of the returning sasuke urashiki deliberately held back on naruto hoping to anger him enough to unleash the ninetails chakra his efforts ultimately succeed when jiraya took a hit that was intended for naruto triggering the transformation boruto however managed to reach naruto and together they were able to perfect their new collaboration technique with the combined effort of jiraya and sasuke the two kids were able to plow through uroshiki's final attack and obliterate him after the battle both naruto and boruto lose consciousness due to their exhaustion days after naruto and boruto recovered at the konoha hospital he was upset to hear that boruto and sasuke would be leaving now that their mission was complete before they left naruto gave boruto a gift sasuke used his sharingan to erase everyone's memories of the events to preserve the timeline on seeing the sharingan naruto had what appeared to be a brief moment of recognizing sasuke before losing consciousness upon their return naruto was approached by sasuke who explained the recent situation he and boruto had naruto was amazed at such a tale later while visiting jiraiya's grave to pay his respect he was approached by boruto who decided to share with naruto the gift of a special ramen given to him by his past self some time later sumire was officially transferred to the scientific ninja weapons team naruto reached out to the land of iron and requested an exchange student to take sumere's spot on team 15. shikamaru was concerned about his experimental move of mixing shinobi with samurai but naruto insisted it would help close the gap between the two later naruto attended his father-in-law's birthday impressed by boruto getting past his aversion to mushy feelings to suggest a regular family photo mujina banned its arc in the anime naruto set up a mission for team 7 to infiltrate hozuki castle to verify the information about the mujina bandits offered by kokuri in exchange for protection after losing contact with mujo the prison warden who is working with konohagakure naruto sent sai and a team to investigate ultimately they succeeded in returning kokuri to the village to question him about the mujina bandits before letting the man go free at the hokage building naruto hosted a kage summit during which the kage bickered about topics concerning konoha leading to kurozuchi demanding konoha disclose all of its confidential information as villages proof to peace by the next summit and said iwagakurei would leave the five great shinobi country alliance if they didn't afterwards the summit ended naruto was then told by shikimaru that the reason why kuratsuchi was acting the way she was was because she was being pressured by the earth daimyo to invade the land of flowers for the crops they had to offer and expressed sadness that kurotsuchi didn't tell them as he believed that the shinobi union would have definitely aided her when it came to food scarcity and other issues and the potential of another war remembering the casualties of the last war and not wanting to use and introduce the next generation to the horrors of war naruto found hope however when shikomaru said they could negotiate with her so the invasion wouldn't happen unfortunately in the next kage summit naruto's revelation of kurotsuchi's true intentions only caused darui to angrily threaten to kill kurotsuchi and to make things worse naruto and sasuke's strength were being used as a boon for kurotsuchi's cause as they had the power to take over the continent and the imbalance in strength between konoha and the other villages was thus immense despite naruto's attempts to ensure konoha would not try to take over the world shikamaru responded by paralyzing and threatening to crush kurotsuchi's neck much to naruto's horror and fury quickly naruto used his chakra to break free shikamaru's shadow and angrily put shikamaru in place before attempting to plea for peace but he could not sway kurotsuchi or darui who made it clear they would go to war if the invasion were to occur furious about the outcome naruto angrily confronted shikamaru when they walked home and was rebuffed by his friend who told him to think with his head and start responding harshly enough several months after the hozuki castle mission naruto discussed katasuke being under mind control with sai anibiki and had them continue their investigation while shikamaru hand of kotasuke afterwards mirai saratobi informed naruto and team konohamaru successfully captured the mujina bandits much to his joy as shojoji was discussed naruto told everyone they had to hurry up and handle the missing nin shikamaru then informed naruto of his upcoming meeting with the fire daimyo eq maruka which naruto had forgotten was later during the day during which he discussed financial matters with eq kara actuation arc later in the anime team 25 and sasuke were sent to investigate the information extracted from the captured shojoji about kara's existence in amegakure upon their return they learned that kara had long ago abandoned their facility there and were performing biological experiments they also learned that they were in fact civilians who sympathize with kara and its goals naruto was concerned to learn that amiga kurai was in shambles as it had yet had to make any recovery since the fourth shinobi world war he was determined to help out the village naruto learned that victor the president of the land of valley's premier medical and research company was a member of cara who somehow obtained a sample of the first hokage cells naruto was greatly concerned that team 7 was defeated by two inners upon seeing boruto in treatment he was certain that boruto would be fine afterwards naruto discussed with his advisors on the next move shikomaru offered to use his connections in the land of valleys to get permission to investigate victor's company three days later it was approved for naruto to send mugino and konohamaru to stealthily investigate later naruto sent team 10 on a joint mission with team shinki to retrieve urashiki's puppet he later listened to shikadai's report on the mission which greatly concerned and disturbed him after boruto recovered from his new training naruto gave his son permission to return to the land of valleys to return the wedding ring of their recent client's husband to her following the defeat of victor and his amoral experiments naruto received a report on the events upon konohamaru and mugino's return konoha leadership discussed how to handle kara having learned influential figures like victor were associated with the organization and finding evidence in their investigation that kara had spies all around while many considered closing off the gates to konohagakure to stop the flow of information naruto was torn on this valuing the new peace between the village and the rest of the world after talking to various officials in the village and witnessing boruto and his friends work on an experiment to improve wireless communications naruto decided not to close the gates as it would deter cooperation with the outside world instead deciding to reinforce security sasuke retsuden the uchiha descendants and the heavenly stardust at some point naruto started suffering from an illness as a result of being chinchiraki and was suffering damage to his chakra pathway system that would eventually strip him of his ability to use chakra altogether to prevent this sasuke took on a mission to the land of ridaku to find the polar particles that the sage of six paths once used to cure himself of the very same illness naruto himself doesn't make a direct appearance but it is hinted the condition has impaired naruto's ability to perform his duties as shikamaru was exhausted from having taken on naruto's workload naruto has expressed his wish that the children do not know about his condition au arc in the anime naruto attends the memorial service for the fallen people of the fourth shinobi world war later naruto joins his son in a sparring match at the training hall to test out katasuke's new invention that was fitted on his arm during the match naruto defends himself from boruto and uses the invention to absorb his son's techniques before defeating him with a single kick afterwards at the hokage's office naruto informs boruto of the technology he used against him which angered boruto before naruto could explain himself sasuke arrives and interrupts their conversation calming voroto down by pointing out the need for them with the coming danger of enemies like the otsotsuki clan naruto also admitted to knowing about boruto's mark on his right palm which was another reason naruto approved of the development of this advanced weaponry while boruto still insisted that they should rely solely on ninjutsu like in the tuning exams naruto noted that the tuning exams were to test one's growth as a ninja where now they are in a battle for survival kotasuke then arrived to retrieve his prototype to which naruto assigned team konhamaru a c-rank mission to escort the lead scientists back to the lab in ryuben city while boruto stormed off in a huff naruto asked his ghanian teammates to watch over him should anything happen with his mark as konohamaru failed to report from his mission naruto contacted boruto's team at the scientific ninja weapon team's lab who were nearest to konohamaru's last reported location he instructed them to search the area but be careful and not recklessly engage any foes while shikamaru reminded him that team konohamaru were all very capable for their age naruto insisted that he was more concerned about the possibility of them running into the organization kara as konohamaru's mission was to investigate a mysterious airship kawaki arc when konohamaru and mugino went missing while on a mission to investigate a state-of-the-art crash blimp naruto assigned boruto and his team to find them as they were closest to their last known location when team konohamaru returned to konoha with kawaki naruto decided he was most suitable to monitor kawaki and held a kage summit to discuss the situation following the kage agreeing with naruto he took the boy to his house during which he foiled kawaki's attempts at fleeing there kawaki attempting to escape but naruto intimidated him into submission his escape attempt resulted in himowari's vase being destroyed naruto intervened when boruto and kawaki began fighting and later overheard kawaki speaking of his hardship as a result of his comma afterwards naruto took kawaki to yamanaka flowers to pick a new vase where he hugged kawaki after he had a panic attack some time later naruto and boruto sparred he defeated his son even while boruto used his kama naruto offered for kawaki to try sparring with boruto next time but kawaki declined as he couldn't use chakra prompting naruto to insist that all can learn to do so and that having strong rivals will help when in accomplishing great things later boroto decided to take kawaki's offer of learning what he knows about their comma deciding to do so through sparring the two children quickly activated their respective marks while boruto kept up in hand-to-hand combat kawaki's usage of his method put boruto on the defensive kawaki then launched a blast at naruto with the intent of him absorbing it like previously only for boruto to instead damage his hand naruto called off the match and told the two to perform the seal of reconciliation the event made their marks react and caused boruto's hand to instantly heal before pushing the subject naruto was alerted of an intruder naruto told his son to take himawari away while he stayed with kawaki certain that the intruder was after him his assumption proved correct as they were quickly met by delta she demanded naruto hand over kawaki to her and kawaki confirmed her identity as an inner from kara naruto instructed boruto to protect himowari and kawaki to protect himself fighting her naruto initially outperformed her with taijutsu but she began making use of her shinobi ware to launch sneak attacks and absorb his rescengon naruto entered his six-path sage mode but delta was eventually able to stab him and pin him down he tried to discern her motives for wanting kawaki but she saw through his deception and noticed he was already healing considering naruto to be a monster as well while naruto was continually forced to hold back in fear of the spectator's safety he continued to gradually wear down his foe leading delta to use her eye beams against naruto to combat his regenerative ability eventually delta targets himawari leading naruto to blocking the attack with his body but is uninjured as kawaki sacrificed his right arm to block the attack enraged at her tactics and unable to get information about who jigen was from her the two resume their fight naruto deduces that there was a limit to how much chakra her eyes can absorb prompting him to overpower and defeat delta with his super ultra big balrus sengong defeated delta's body self-destructed forcing naruto to flee the vicinity with the children later when bringing kawaki to kitasuke to repair kawaki's arm the scientist informed him that the technology in kawaki's body was too advanced for him to handle finding an alternative solution naruto gave kawaki one of his prosthetic arms and channeled some of his chakra into kawaki to make it work shocked at how sincere naruto was at being nice kawaki asked to learn ninjutsu which naruto agreed to and began training him quite a while after delta's defeat while naruto and kawaki were at his house he notices kawaki in distress resulting in his comma creating a portal which jigen emerged from wanting to take his son back naruto attempted to attack but was repelled away and impaled by chakra draining rods activating his chakra mode naruto kicks jigen away from kawaki jigen then proceeded to activate his kama fearing for the hokage's safety with jigen's power entirely above deltas and capable of either killing or severely injuring naruto kawaki stepped in and submitted agreeing to go back willingly with jigen if he spared naruto while jigen agreed to the terms naruto refused to comply jigen responded by teleporting himself and naruto to another dimension as jigen attempted to strand naruto there he was attacked and stopped by sasuke being away from konoha and free to fight with all their power the pair engaged in battle with jigen leading sasuke to deducing their opponent's fighting style involved shrinking himself and his rods pressuring jigen the kara member tapped into his kama and grew a horn upon seeing jigen's development sasuke revealed how he resembled an unknown otsotsuki member and that jigen had ties with a juvenile ten-tails as sasuke also revealed that jigen's goal was to drain the entire planet of all its chakra the two shinobi decided to fight with their full power despite their strong avatar forms and teamwork jigen plowed through their defenses as he swiftly wore down and pummeled his foes he restrained the pair with rods and decided to keep naruto alive because of kurama in him while killing sasuke due to his renegade space-time ninjutsu accepting the truth naruto had his clones hold off jigen while he convinced sasuke to escape despite his friends protests jigen revealed he was after boruto uzumaki for his comma and sealed naruto into a giant pot which he shrunk leaving naruto trapped within the foreign dimension afterwards boro stood guard over the pot during which boruto and kawaki used their comma to transport naruto's unconscious body out before killing the kara member returning to konoha they were all taken to the hospital for treatment as naruto made a quick recovery he was impressed to hear of the ghenin's work and joked that rebellious ghanian seemed to still be a thing the group was informed by eno of shikadaya being taken hostage by amado though he wished to speak to shikamaru he was glad to learn of naruto's rescue and revealed he wished to defect to konoha offering intel ankara jigan their ten tales in the otsutsuki after naruto gave his word as hokage not to go back on the deal provided his intel was good amato began explaining all he knew he revealed how the otsotsuki have since before recorded history been traveling from planet to planet harvesting each's chakra for the sake of evolving itself while destroying the planet in the process using the ten tails to do so he revealed that jigen himself was turned into an otsotsuki from being branded by his comma of ishiki a motto also revealed to have sabotaged the blimp to free kawaki and likewise ensured that sasuke would get the intel of ishiki amato's glasses begin beeping his glasses were taken off revealing a holographic projection of jigen talking with his accomplice koji kashin who intended to kill jigen as naruto was intrigued by koji's techniques and battle tactics amato insisted that naruto accept his request to officially join konohagakure with full amnesty and protection in order to hear more of his secrets to which naruto agreed amato carried on his explanation sharing what he knew of jigen the otsotsuki and kama he stressed how a full rebirth of the otsotsuki must be avoided and claimed he'd teach them how to kill an otsotsuki when jigen's death triggered ishiki's resurrection in his body amado explained this also erased kawaki's comma to avoid duplicates leading shikamaru to realize that without any remaining kama ishiki was vulnerable to a permanent death after amada was officially made a citizen of konohagakure made aware of his rights and limitations he warned them of ishiki's immediate focus on rebranding kawaki he advised naruto against taking the fight to ishiki and stressed that he had to protect kawaki against being rebranded naruto took his advice and ordered a civilian evacuation as ishiki would seek kawaki in konoha naruto was against boruto staying to fight him but were interrupted by alert of ishiki's arrival naruto ordered boruto to join the evacuation as he went to confront ishiki ishiki was surprised to see naruto escaped but demanded kawaki when naruto refused ishiki began shrinking various targets in the village to destroy it naruto activated his six-path sage mode but ishiki easily overpowered him sasuke soon joined the fight leveling the battlefield he then launched his sword at ishiki as ishiki attempted to shrink it it was revealed to be boruto transformed as naruto was horrified by his son's arrival boruto activated his comma transporting himself and ishiki to another dimension naruto and sasuke followed through the latter's rinnegan as the konohan nin faced down ishiki he decided the best way to get kawaki was to present sasuke and naruto's corpses to the village the fight quickly resumed with naruto and sasuke's teamwork managing to push ishiki on the defense as he began shrinking all their attacks however ishiki demonstrated a new technique manifesting and manipulating massive black cubes that separated the duo realizing he was running out of options kuroma asked naruto if he was really willing to sacrifice himself to stop ishiki naruto confirmed it and kurama offered a last-ditch strategy that would have a high risk in naruto's death accepting his duties as hokage naruto faced ishiki and took on a new form of baryon mode korama explained to naruto that the form is like nuclear fusion consuming all their respective energy and that he must be careful not to make any unnecessary movements or thoughts the new form baffled everyone with its sheer power naruto quickly began overwhelming ishiki constantly countering and dodging the foe's various assaults soon after the strain of baryon mode began catching up as naruto began to tire kurama noted this form gradually drains away all life forces including naruto's however it would also drain ishikis with each contact meaning they would just have to keep pressuring ishiki until his already diminished lifespan ran out as ishiki began getting desperate he took advantage of naruto's chakra connection to kawaki through the ladder's prosthetic arm from this he teleported kawaki to them with the goal of rebranding kawaki before his time ran out as kawaki tried to escape ishiki he opted to use kawaki's love for naruto against him assaulting the downed hokage despite naruto's insistence that kawaki forget about him kawaki ultimately showed himself an attack using the ninjutsu naruto taught him ishiki easily negated it and branded kawaki again only for it to be revealed as a shadow clone finally ishiki's time ran out and he crumbled to dust sasuke then asked naruto about his new power but before he could answer boruto being controlled by momoshiki suddenly stabs sasuke's left eye naruto attempted to help fighting momoshiki but collapsed feeling heavy as lead and passed out inside his subconscious naruto had a final conversation with kurama he told the kitsune that he had no ill will to korama despite the loss of his parents as naruto was prepared to die and voice his concerns for the village korama revealed that naruto would awake soon and be fine as it was korama's life that was gambled from using baryon mode kurama assured naruto that it never actually lied to naruto but knew the hokage wouldn't risk korama's own life so he hid the truth as kurama's life began to fade it warned naruto that he would lose all access to koram's chakra and abilities meaning he would have to be more careful from now on naruto desperately reached out for korama before waking up to see boruto sasuke and kawaki standing over him with sasuke's rinagon and kawaki's comic gone it was up to boruto to use his mark to bring everyone back with aid from kawaki upon returning to the village naruto was relieved did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 2,470,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Tazuna, Orochimaru, kurama, naruto, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Naruto, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Part 2
Id: ffQLw-3ghoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 57sec (7917 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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